Open Letters
The following records are Open Letters which were in the majority posted to my http://www.powereality.org and MOEC Studies systems from 2001 in continuo. After nearly 34 years of Censorship and Sanitization the attempt to gain Legal Recognition, decapitate the system, and bring the prominent Actors to accountability deserves some attention based on it's merit. Open Letters are worth the time and effort and an important facet of our Freedom and Dignity.
The following reflect the emergence from a passivity to a more dynamic posture with prophylaxis.
The Open Letters are a stoic and defiant statement in a study in the classic argument of the confrontation between the Individual versus the State.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
One should note that any reference made to the Baltimore Studio is no more than LAPD officers posing as MSM musicians.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer October 24, 2015
2005 Letters
Open Letter to Governor Bush R FL
June 24, 2005
Dear Governor Bush,
My name is David Nollmeyer. I am contacting you due to in continuo Human rights abuse that has a Florida linkage. In 1995 to 1996 I was a resident of Chipley, Florida. I have litigated a Hare Krishna from in Alachua as well as the Federal government over systematic human rights abuses.
I have still have two open law suits against Bernard Parks and Lockyer. (See links below).
Florida may still be liable under RICO statutes for these gross violations. In short I am protesting in the strongest terms the de facto conditions of spraying the air, slamming doors by the informant drones of LAPD, and the use of perpetual electronic surveillance. These conditions were prevalent then and continue to be so in Del Norte CA. There was a strong quake here in the past few days with no damage. The areas in Florida have been damaged extensively since my residency.
I have researched the spraying and Heinrich Himmler began developing the gas chambers of the WWII death camps by hooking hoses to the exhaust pipes of trucks and leading the emissions to enclosed rooms where prisoners were lead to their death.
There is also a red herring issue to be dealt with. I am a lifelong heterosexual and the perpetrators are gay bisexual. What is unique is that there is a strain of gay fascism here.
I continue to be heterosexual.
The dominant strains of fascism are German, Italian, Japanese, and Black Nationalist. I do not want to appear reactionary; this is a very severe hate crime. The concepts of psychopathy also come into play here.
In lieu of any overt activity I am asking you to endorse a 10% Factor targeting violent felons in federal and state legislation. Money is being poured down the drain addressing small time offenders. A unified policy is more likely to lead to equal treatment for severe offenders who in one state get prosecuted and walk free in a few years in others.
There is no leadership in the United States. Your position as Governor and your relation to the President is unique and should be effectively utilized.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
On Sandra Day O'Connor
July 8, 2005
The legacy of Sandra Day O'Connor will not be measured in her positions on swing issues as abortion. She will be greatly remembered, as will all of the Rehnquist court for what they did not do.
What I am referring to is de facto human rights abuse that has occurred over the past twenty years. I am referring to the gassing of localities buy using common cars driving around with substances as sulfur and acid in the tank, pandemic harassment by illiterate drones of the police, and blatant abuse of electronic surveillance in the media space.
I have personally been in Washington, DC numerous times as George Bush's inauguration and Bill Clinton's speech to Vietnam War veterans.
I was in Mission Bay, San Diego when Judge O'Connor gave a commencement speech at USD.
The world, USA, population and media are fatalistically dependent on corrupt and incompetent officials as Sandra Day O'Connor.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Open Letter: Attorney General Gonzales
September 29, 2005
Dear Attorney General Gonzales,
I David Nollmeyer am requesting that you fulfill your oath of office and start criminal prosecutions in the scorched earth codenamed AKBAR.
I am watching wildfires ravage Los Angeles at this second in Bishop, California. One can barely breathe as it stands.
I have been persecuted for over 19 years by agents of LAPD. The past four presidents:
Ronald Reagan
George Bush Sr.
William Clinton
George Bush III
have all been cognizant of the destruction of the state and nation.
The Color of Law prescribes that you act. you have the ABSOLUTE POWER TO PRESS OR DISMISS CHARGES AND TO REQUEST GRAND JURIES.
I have sworn under oath in no less than 26 Federal actions. I do not advocate violence. I have been a member of Amnesty International and find time to write on behalf others conditions that necessitate a remedy of law.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
2006 Letters
Dear Walmart,
Criminal Violation Crescent City CA
David Nollmeyer hereby files complaint with WalMart of United States Code of infractions that occurred on August 25, 2005 and on a ensuing date within the next two weeks.
On these date(s) I was severely intimidated by employees of this store. This occurred by employees in several departments as I went to purchase a pair of Old Glory jeans 8-25-06. I am using this date as visa credit card was used in the purchase.
The harassment consists of slamming objects to intimidate persons. This is not a sundry event. The conduct by your employees is some of the worst in the history in the United States. I seek the exposure and criminal prosecution of this element regardless of how they attempt to embed themselves in the culture or workforce. I am discussing a systematic following of me through the store.
I am a Human Rights activist. I advocate rights of persons universally regardless of religion, race, creed, or sexual orientation. On the occasion leading up to the abuse I wrote two papers on civil rights and advocated Hladini devi dasi who was murdered in a genocide in Liberia. (I will enclose the copy of the complaint I have recently sent against College of the Redwoods).
I am asking that you conduct an internal investigation into the activity here at this store.
I do not use drugs or alcohol and I would argue you have a serious problem with this element which I have no sympathy for whatsoever.
There is a link in this are also to gender abuse. I am not sure what the motives are here. In my case you will see a homini homo lupus, man is a wolf to man. There is an antisocial characteristic throughout the human species localism and groups are not guaranteeing a high level performance.
I am an Interdisciplinary Studies Major with an interest in Systems. I have obtained a GPA of 3.18 with 3.8 over my last 63 credits. I have a 3.98 at College of the Redwoods. I will without hesitation state that I am one of the most important students in the history of the University of California System. This system has been heavily involved in one of the worst abuses in the history of the United States. I will not elaborate further.
While in Dover, Delaware a similar event occurred there. Within a few days a murder occurred in the parking lot. You will have tapes of me in the parking lot and in the store.
I look forward to you attempting to rectify this situation. Your hard work and dedication should not have a POOR CORPORATE history wish is an emergent study, which could aid or damage the sustainability of business.
David Nollmeyer
PO Box 81
Big Pine CA 93513
652A. General Principle
(1) One who invades the right of privacy of another is subject to liability for the resulting harm to the interests of the other.
(2) The right of privacy is invaded by:
(a) unreasonable intrusion upon the seclusion of another, as stated in 652B; or
(b) appropriation of the other's name or likeness, as stated in 652C; or
(c) unreasonable publicity given to the other's private life, as stated in 652D; or
(d) publicity that unreasonably places the other in a false light before the public, as stated in 652E.
652B. Intrusion upon Seclusion
One who intentionally intrudes, physically or otherwise, upon the solitude or seclusion of another or his private affairs or concerns, is subject to liability to the other for invasion of his privacy, if the intrusion would be highly offensive to a reasonable person.
I am also stating that intimidating a witness occurs and will use the 14th amendment to facilitate.
Humboldt County DA
May 4, 2006
Humboldt County District Attorney,
I am writing you today to protest the systematic violation of my protected constitutional state rights.
I have entered Garberville at 3:55 pm 0n the 3rd of April. I was dropped adjacent to the Sherwood Motel. I walked the length Redwood Drive and proceeded west out of town.
The population is antisocial deindividuated mob.
There is a prima facie chemical assault ongoing in Humboldt County.
This level of intensity began on 2-12-12 in Earp CA Parker AZ.
The Colorado River was contaminated up to Laughlin NV.
I am in the process of complaining to the authorities.
Clear Lake is despoiled. A diver has perished of the Mendocino Coast near where I was camping.
The aerial spraying from autos will cause low grade chemical burns on the skin.
I am arguing that LAPD members as "Gay Militia" are acting out of jurisdiction under the guise of mutual aid.
I am a lifelong heterosexual who practices a Gaudiya Vaishnavism.
I do not do drugs, alcohol, or gamble.
This includes ganja or marijuana.
I am being framed as biker read as GANG MEMBER.
The most likely reference for this would past associates from high school who may or may not have joined the Pagan Gang of Kent County Delaware.
Thank your for consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Mendocino DA
April 4, 2006
In Re: Schneider
October 31, 2006
Mr. Ali,
I have received you email. I will continue to document this incident. The state has the color of law. The FBI is the chief investigator of this type of incident.
Barbara Schneider is one of the most cruel and incompetent persons I have ever encountered.
If you or any person in the state employ have deliberately sanitized events at College of the Redwoods than such an employee is under the colour of law.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Mr. Ali Responds
October 31, 2006
Dear Mr. Nollmeyer,
The investigation regarding your complaint is completed. I proceeded with the investigation with the materials you provided me in writing. You received a certified letter regarding my administrative determination of your discrimination complaint. No appeal was filed within the appropriate timeline that is specified in the administrative determination letter. The District has completed its responsibility in addressing this matter. I have no further need to interview you regarding this matter as indicated email below.
Abe Ali
College of the Redwoods
1. I am in receipt of Abe Ali's recommendations and decisions regarding claims that "Furthermore Mr. Nollmeyer alleges that he was retaliated against for filing a complaint against Barbara Schneider."
2. I question the brevity of Ali's discovery and file an appeal.
3. On page two, number IV, Mr. Ali states that Sandy Nightingale did not substantiate my claim.
4. I am not aware of Abe Ali's questioning.
5. I would like to directly confront and statements she made.
6. Vice President Thorgmorton, Professors Frenau, Owens, and others should be consulted as per the appendix of the complaint.
7. I will buy a trac phone. I am in a small town now. This county is so mismanaged. Three of four computers that are here now will remain unlicensed and offline until December.
8. I officially appeal the findings as incredulous. I argue my 14th amendment rights have been violated. Asking only Sandy Nightingale for data is inadequate.
9. I challenge the truthfulness of using Sandy Nightingale to contradict and statement or accusation against Barbara Schneider as being false.
David Nollmeyer
Big Pine CA
David Nollmeyer hereby follows complaint with the College of the Redwoods for unlawful discrimination for events that occurred at the Del Norte Campus at summer of 2005 from May 30, 2005 until August 1, 2005.
This complaint is in response to a written request by Ibrahim Ali Vice President Human Resources and Equal Opportunities dated July 31, 2006.
Barbara Schneider's abusive behavior is the systematic slamming of objects as books in my presence. This has a background of a negative reinforcer used as self defense. I state this as there is no rational explanation that she or anyone else can proffer. The slamming of objects is not subtle. It is similar to slamming a car door in someone's vicinity with malicious to restrain, false imprison, or deter one from entering a social space.
I am clearly stating that this would amount to a minimum of 4 x 6 = 24 severe events. This is realistically closer to 50 than 24 but is BOUNDARY to gauge severity.
I am enclosing a list of witnesses to this abuse in the appendix. Martha Roy and Dr. Frenau should be good as well as Professor Owens.
I am filing the complaint under Government code section 11135 for subject matter jurisdiction as
a. Religion
b. Sexual Orientation
c. Retaliation
d. Mental Disability
I am requesting that the Chancellor or the District undertake discovery to verify if this is not the second complaint against Barbara Schneider of College of the Redwoods at Del Norte. I am alleging that head library technician Barbara Schneider is guilty of violating my rights on grounds elaborated in Number 3.
The religious grounds appear prima facie. This complaint will complement the first complaint in the Chancellor's possession. In the original appendix there is a memo from a German Hare Krishna giving the identity of Hladini devi dasi. Her name was Linda Rinchkin.
I am awaiting a possible award of $500 from ISKCON or the Hare Krishnas, which has a possibility of being executed June 7, 2006. If I receive an award I will have to agree to release Mahananda das of New Raman Reti, Alachua FL from harassment. He is the ex spouse of Hladini devi dasi. I did not know this until the past year. I was aware of such while at College of the Redwoods in Del Norte.
I have on occasion advocated and sent the article in the first appendix on her to the FBI who would have jurisdiction over her assassination. I have done this previously without knowing her relation to Mahananda.
Prince Johnson was her alleged killer. He is an ex associate of Charles Taylor of whom he fought a genocidal civil war in which these missionary Krishnas were killed during food distribution.
I openly stated my interest in seeing Prince Johnson prosecuted. Taylor has been apprehended circa 3-29-06 for war crimes.
The ISKCON suit may total 15 million dollars USD. It is basically a sexual molestation pedophile suit in a class action with over 500 creditors.
The sexual orientation grounds are I am a lifelong heterosexual and have maintained a strong conservative position on the abuse and the lack of criminal prosecution of the abusers. Sexual orientation is a consideration here.
I am alleging that Barbara Schneider was aware of my position. Earlier I had taken Childhood Development with Phil Frenau. During this session the suit was attempted as RICO action, which was dismissed. The backdrop for this pleading is ISKCON'S gurukula or school of the guru which has a classical Childhood development system.
The retaliation grounds are that I believe that this is a continuation of an early complaint from a previous year. Barbara Schneider systematic slamming of objects and the school's negligence of preventing the abuse which is spread over at least six weeks and known to the staff at par minimum places the district as omissive.
The mental disability is that I am lightly bipolar. This was known Barbara Schneider. I cannot obtain a drivers license. I am capable of doing college level work. I am very inquisitive and ask a great deal of questions that may seem irregular to many instructors. This is simply an idiosyncratic manner in which I proceed. Schneider’s abuse and has made me adverse to entering into social settings.
I am requesting that Barbara Schneider be unconditionally be TERMINATED. She demonstrates irrational antisocial behavior. On your computer servers or by my records I can produce a quantity as 10 to 20 dates inclusive of records sent to Senators or postings to websites that are academic papers or blogging of human rights events. If obstructing simple postings of human rights events similar to Sudan or Missing persons from Juarez, Mexico is considered a political freedom than this is blatant discrimination under the statute(s) that are jurisdictional in this instant case.
This district should take this event in the highest consideration. I will press for justice continually. I have been active in the HUMAN RIGHTS MOVEMENT for over ten years.
I do accept or condone extra legal justice or violence. My work in the Del Norte Library in the presence of Barbara Schneider is in my opinion is of historical note.
David Nollmeyer
PO Box 81
Big Pine CA 93513

David Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to his devotees. All glories to Sri Vrndavana Dhama. Unfortunately I do not have any case numbers. The devotees in West Africa, along with Bhakti Tirtha Swami reported the incident to officials at the US Embassy in Africa. Hladlini had the name Linda Rinchkin in her US passport. I heard that shortly after Hladini's 'execution' (which took place in Monrovia) Prince Johnson later went crazy and was placed in an insane asylum. I also heard that he may have died there.
your servant,
Dated 3-28-06
In re: Hladini Prabhu
I have taken a detour for this post.
Dear Sirs,
I am requesting that the FBI investigate the alleged murder of seven Hare Krishna Devotees by Prince Johnson in Liberia.
The FBI has jurisdiction over American nationals. If Johnson murdered these persons and they are American citizens. The United States Should prepare extradition papers for Prince Johnson.
Initiated By: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Devotional Name: Hladini devi dasi
Date of Initiation: Detroit 29 March, 1970
Date of Death: September 13, 1990
Age at Death:
Cause of Death: Homicide
Survived By: Mahananda dasa
Memorial by Satyahita das
We knew Hladini devi dasi in 1969 for a year & 1/2 as a dedicated Lord Jaganath pujari & all around enthusiastic devotee. With no other devotee's to attend on one day we went out on Harinama for a couple hours in down town Miami. I greatly appreciated her absorption in, & her enthusiasm for Harinama Sankirtana. Normally our small temple went out 6 days per week performing Harinama street kirtans & BTG distribution for 4 hours. 2 before & 2 hours after a lunch Prasadam & rest period in a local park.
Years later i again saw Hladini devi dasi as a dedicated Lord Jaganath pujari in a slightly remote old house (the first), on a hill in New Vrindavan & when Lord Jaganath became ill Hladini devi dasi took care of & painted all the Lord Jaganath deity sets from New Vrindavan in Pittsburgh & honored only what They were offered. She was in love with Lord Jaganath.
Satyahit das
Memorial by Vajresvari dasi
Remembrances by Vajresvari dasi, Hladini Devi dasi's friend
I lived in New Vrindaban from August `72 through October `77. And I visited during the months of August and September, 1979. I can only relate to you a few incidents from my limited memory concerning Hladini Devi dasi. Immediately after Janmastami `72, after Srila Prabhupada finished his stay in NV, (he stayed at the old house at Madhubahn), I was living in a little brahmacharini ashram at Bahulabahn. It included the following devotees: Mothers Hladini, Gomata, Gunyarupini, Shalavati, Kutila, Isani, Sudakari and myself. Also the householders Vijaya and Parayana were around. I remember Hladini was cooking at the time at the old Bahulabahn kitchen in the old house. One time Kirtanananda called her to chastise her for cooking malpuras that came out in the shape of a fish! Later she told me about it and was laughing at herself. She was always able to laugh at herself. I lived at Madhubahn during the time she was also there taking care of big Lord Jagannath. She was, a great devotee of Lord Jagannath. By great I mean, sincere, devoted, and totally in love with Lord Jagannath, Lord Balaram and Lady Subhadra, but especially Lord Jagannath. In fact she often looked just like she had a lover, she really appeared to be a woman in love, that was how much she loved to take care of Them, and how much mercy They were bestowing on her due to her love and devotion and surrender.
I used to assist Mothers Hladini and Ruparameswari in the kitchen, rolling chapatis. Mother Hladini was reading the Mahabharata and would tell us more each day as we worked in the kitchen. I never saw her cry or even unhappy except for one time, when Kirtanananda asked her to marry. Then she cried, she was so happy just being pujari for Jagannath. But she married Vahna das and became a happy wife, serving her husband and continuing her service to the Jagannath dieties. She found out I could crochet and asked me to crochet chaddars for them. She was so pleased when they were done. I remember her telling me about her experiences doing sankirtan in Chicago. She said that in Chicago you could hear when the cows were weekly slaughtered. Their cries could be heard for miles.
Mostly what I remember about my dear Godsister is her kindness, her being one of the most non judgmental, compassionate, kind and faithful devotee one might find. Her vision and faith in Krsna consciousness: not to worry, not to get hung up on the things the neophyte usually does, and just follow the process, it will work. Even if you don’t feel like it is working, it will work. That was her faith and she inspired me and often relieved me from my anxieties in those days, my first months in Krsna consciousness.
Just being around her was inspiring, strengthening. I consider Mother Hladini my guardian angel. She came to me in a dream about two years ago. When she appeared to me in this dream, I had not been thinking about her for many years. I suppose you can't write about dreams devotees have had about her after she left her body in a formal memorial honorary. But the dream was such a miracle, because it was as real, hearing her words and seeing her face in my dream, as this computer I am writing at. It was as vivid as being awake. Her face was close to mine and I looked into her beautiful blue eyes. She told me "Your life is wonderful, you have nothing to worry about" at a time when I had been worrying. When I woke up I realized that she had come personally to give me that message. The dream experience is still with me, giving me faith, knowing that not only is Krsna within and without, guiding me, loving me, more than I am able to experience, but undoubtedly the Vaisnavas who are no longer in their bodies, are also remembering us, assisting Srila Prabhupada in this incredible pastime of saving the fallen souls. Krsna, the dearmost friend, is arranging everything as we surrender, so happy that we are trying to go back to Him.
With love and obeisances, Vajresvari dasi
Memorial by Jalakara dasa
The Martyrdom of Hladini © 2000
Hladini devi dasi and her husband Mahananda dasa were initiated in Detroit on 29 March 1970. How she came to be in Monrovia, Liberia at the time of her death is obscure. Because she was aligned with the breakaway Kirtanananda faction at the time of her death she has never been given the recognition she deserved. Now that a general amnesty has long since been granted to the breakaway faction, and indeed as former breakaway members now serve on the GBC, perhaps her story can now be told.
By the time Hladini got to Monrovia, the various factions fighting in Liberia had gotten a reputation for bizarre behavior. They wore strange costumes like wedding gowns, Donald Duck masks, shower caps, or nothing at all. They fought in a drug induced frenzy. Many of these warriors were children who went into battle carrying teddy bears and baby dolls. Why devotees were there at all is an open question with mysterious overtones. The temple was in the capital, Monrovia, in an area nominally controlled by the Economic Community of West African States Monitoring Group (ECOMOG). The Freeport area, which is about five miles outside Monrovia, was controlled by the troops of the Independent National Patriotic Front of Liberia (INPFL), led by Prince Yormei Johnson. Prince Johnson was a notorious killer who had tortured and killed the former President Samuel Doe. The event was filmed on video and the copies sold in the marketplace. Johnson also was known for killing his own men at a faster rate than the enemy.
Now, it so happened that the devotees wanted to do food distribution: there was widespread starvation and two out of every three Liberians had been made homeless. So, they approached Johnson and made a proposal to him which ran something like this: "Since you control the port and all the international food aid that comes to the country passes through your hands, why don't you give us some of the food? We will distribute that food to the hungry and you will get credit for being a great humanitarian." The warlord agreed to this proposal and thereafter he diverted supplies of commodity food to the devotees, who then distributed it as prasadam. He even visited the temple and received a Bhagavad Gita as it is. Apparently he visited more than once and enjoyed prasadam. But, the warlord's reputation for insane murder bothered some of the devotees, so one day a Nigerian devotee wrote a letter to Prince Johnson that said, in effect, "You are a great personality, so you should stop conducting yourself in such a demonic manner and stop killing people. This will benefit you and all humanity." It has been claimed that Hladini was the author of the letter, but that is not true. There were two young brothers who were bhaktas in the temple. It is they who heard Johnson and his troops arrive late in the night of Thursday, 13th September 1990. One of them hid behind the bathtub, the other in a closet. Because they hid, they survived. There was banging on the door, and then a crash. All the devotees were rounded up downstairs. There were seven African men and an African woman, plus Hladini devi dasi, disciple of Srila Prabhupada. Johnson ranted and raged and held up the letter, shaking it. "How dare you send this to me!” he bellowed in his pidgin West African English. Then they pushed the devotees out and shoved them into a waiting vehicle. They were driven over the low bridge that crosses the muddy St Paul River and then the little convoy stopped at a dirty beach by the mouth of the river. At gunpoint, the nine devotees were forced out and herded onto the sand. Johnson announced that only the men would be killed. It may be the women were to be raped and released, or left entirely unmolested. Such things are terribly random in these circumstances, and very hard to predict. But it was then that Hladini had her finest hour and showed bravery greater than any man I have ever known. As Johnson raised his weapon to fire the execution volley, Hladini leapt forward and attacked Johnson with her hands. "How dare you kill devotees of Krishna!" she shouted. But she was a woman, and a beautiful but weak one at that, so her attack had little result but to ensure her own death. All were slain save the African girl, who is no longer an active devotee. They chanted as they were shot down. That was the night of September 13th, or it could have been the early morning hours of September 14th (Indira Ekadasi). The bodies were left on the beach. When the tide came in they were washed out, but as the river is tidal at that point, the bodies were carried back into the town with the tide. The bodies of some of the men could be seen drifting in and out in the St Paul River for days, their dead hands stiff with rigor mortis holding their beads within their beadbags. Hladini's body also drifted in. Her sari became entangled with the structure of the bridge and remained there for several days, rising and falling with the tide. According to Tribhuvanatha prabhu, who helped investigate this and interviewed one of the brothers, "It freaked out the whole town." Not content with his work thus far, Prince Johnson continued on his bloody rampage, murdering a total of 29 people that night. In 1996 the interim government of Charles Taylor attempted to arrest him for murder and Johnson precipitated a wave of violent riots. He later went "insane" and is rumored to be in an asylum in Nigeria. The faction he led disintegrated. The next time you are distributing a book and someone insults you, think twice about calling him a demon. Understand what a demon really is, as opposed to the merely misguided or unfortunate. For a chaste woman, given the choice between rape and death, with your students about to be slain in the cruelest manner before your eyes, what do you do? Hladini faced an impossible choice in a doomed, impossible situation. She reacted with integrity and loyalty and without fear and is a credit to her spiritual master. Oh, such a disciple! But she had such a spiritual master! And, we know how Prabhupada admired courage. In short, she passed her test gloriously. Let no one attempt to minimize her. In Lagos, Nigeria the devotees found out about it from Liberian refugees they encountered on sankirtan several months later. One of my Nigerian friends wrote me in London about it.
Mahananda dasa: "She telephoned me from the airport on her way to Africa. I should have told her to stay right there, I’ll get on the next plane and come and get you. I know she would have listened to me. But I didn’t say it. I wish I had. I think about her every day." In London we wanted to hold a mohotsava feast in honor of the departed devotees, but we didn't know their names, except for Hladini, so we put it off. It was never held.
Radhanatha Swami: "She sent me a letter from Liberia. She said that all the foreigners had been evacuated and there was no way to leave. There was so much violence and starvation. She said she thought she would probably die there." This coming September 13th 2000 (September 22nd by lunar calculation) will be the tenth remembrance of that sad and glorious event. Will anyone have a mohotsava for her?
Please return by mail. I have no problem with doing this in public.
1. David Nollmeyer hereby follows complaint with the College of the Redwoods for unlawful discrimination for events that occurred at the Del Norte Campus at summer of 2005 from May 30, 2005 until August 1, 2005.
2. I have already filed a complaint against the Del Norte campus that was responded to March 17, 2006 by Francesca Reitano, Senior Legal Analyst.
3. I am filing the complaint under Government code section 11135 for subject matter jurisdiction as
a. Religion
b. Sexual Orientation
c. Retaliation
4. I am requesting that the Chancellor or the District undertake discovery to verify if this is not the second complaint against Barbara Schneider of College of the Redwoods at Del Norte.
5. I am alleging that head library technician Barbara Schneider is guilty of violating my rights on these grounds.
6. The religious grounds appear prima facie. This complaint will complement the first complaint in the Chancellor's possession. In the original appendix there is a memo from a German Hare Krishna giving the identity of Hladini devi dasi. Her name was Linda Rinchkin.
7. I am awaiting a possible award of $500 from ISKCON or the Hare Krishnas, which has a possibility of being executed June 7, 2006. If I receive an award I will have to agree to release Mahananda das of New Raman Reti, Alachua FL from harassment. He is the ex spouse of Hladini devi dasi. I did not know this until the past year. I was aware of such while at College of the Redwoods in Del Norte.
8. I have on occasion advocated and sent the article in the first appendix on her to the FBI who would have jurisdiction over her assassination. I have done this previously without knowing her relation to Mahananda.
9. Prince Johnson was her alleged killer. He is an ex-associate of Charles Taylor of whom he fought a genocidal civil war in which these missionary Krishnas were killed during food distribution.
10. I openly stated my interest in seeing Prince Johnson prosecuted. Taylor has been apprehended circa 3-29-06 for war crimes.
11. The ISKCON suit may total 15 million dollars USD. It is basically a sexual molestation pedophile suit in a class action with over 500 creditors. I am a lifelong heterosexual and have maintained a strong conservative position on the abuse and the lack of criminal prosecution of the abusers. Sexual orientation is a consideration here.
12. I am alleging that Barbara Schneider was aware of my position. Earlier I had taken Childhood Development with Phil Frenau. During this session the suit was attempted as RICO action, which was dismissed. The backdrop for this pleading is ISKCON”S gurukula or school of the guru which has a classical Childhood development system.
1. I am requesting that the Chancellor and District consolidate the complaints construing this as a supplemental brief. I am requesting that a discovery be made with input from the staff. Barbara Schneider’s behavior is erratic and threatening. I am requesting that the school inquire into criminal charges. I am requesting that Barbara Schneider be unconditionally be TERMINATED. She demonstrates irrational antisocial behavior. On your computer servers or by my records I can produce a quantity as 10 to 20 dates inclusive of records sent to Senators or postings to websites that are academic papers or blogging of human rights events. If obstructing simple postings of human rights events similar to Sudan or Missing persons from Juarez, Mexico is considered a political freedom than this is blatant discrimination under the statute(s) that are jurisdictional in this instant case.
2. I await your recommendations.
David Nollmeyer
PO Box 81
Big Pine CA 93513
David Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to his devotees. All glories to Sri Vrndavana Dhama.
Unfortunately I do not have any case numbers. The devotees in West Africa,
along with Bhakti Tirtha Swami reported the incident to officials at the US
Embassy in Africa. Hladini had the name Linda Rinchkin in her US passport. I
heard that shortly after Hladini's 'execution' (which took place in
Monrovia) Prince Johnson later went crazy and was placed in an insane
asylum. I also heard that he may have died there.
your servant,
Dated 3-28-06
Gerald Ford Dead
Blythe CA
December 27, 2006
President Ford has died at 94. As president Gerald Ford is famous for pardoning Richard Nixon. I do not believe that this is a particularly strong legacy. His silence until death concerning scorched earth in this country confirms that his prestige is best utilized for sanitizing the mistakes of those higher up in the structure of government. I have spent several winters south of Palm Springs near the Salton Sea.
I do not see playing golf at the the Thunderbird Country Club while the rest of the country is absorbing abuse that makes Watergate pale.
I was thinking only this morning that this event has one prominent feature, IT HAS PRODUCED NO HEROES.
2007 Letters
Dear Mendocino District Attorney,
I am writing you to complain of your de facto or negligent behavior in not acting upon the chemical assault ongoing in Mendocino for the past two days.
I have no choice but to travel through Northern California. Besides the human cost, I would argue that Mendocino's abalone fields and Sonoma's wineries will perish from their world class status.
The Pacific Ocean from FT. Bragg to past Albion is contaminated as well as the air.
All the potable water and food in a majority of restaurants and stores has been comprised by spraying.
Human Rights Watch Assails Gonzales
Big Pine CA
June 12, 2007
Open Letter to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
Alberto Gonzales
Attorney General of the United States
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530-0001
April 5, 2006
Attorney General Gonzales:
The 2006 Defense Authorization Act, passed by Congress in January 2006, contains new provisions clarifying that all individuals acting under the color of U.S. law categorically are prohibited from engaging in or authorizing cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of detainees in U.S. custody. These provisions were passed by Congress to rectify lack of clarity in regard to detention and interrogation techniques, and to prevent conduct that is prohibited by international law and illegal under domestic criminal law.
We are now writing to urge you to issue a clear public statement about specific legal standards applicable to detention and interrogation of detainees overseas, under this legislation and other existing laws. Such a statement is necessary because, notwithstanding the 2006 Defense Authorization Act, you and other administration officials have not yet made clear statements about the specific legal standards applicable to the detention and interrogation of detainees in U.S. custody overseas. We are concerned that this lack of clarity continues to lead to confusion about the legality of specific interrogation techniques.
We are particularly concerned about your continuing failure to issue clear statements about illegal interrogation techniques, and especially your failure to state that "waterboarding" a technique that induces the effects of being killed by drowning constitutes torture, and thus is illegal. We urge you to make such a statement now.
The Convention Against Torture prohibits practices that constitute the intentional infliction of "severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental." The federal torture statute, 18 U.S.C. § 2340A, similarly prohibits acts outside the United States that are specifically intended to cause "severe physical or mental pain or suffering."
Waterboarding is torture. It causes severe physical suffering in the form of reflexive choking, gagging, and the feeling of suffocation. It may cause severe pain in some cases. If uninterrupted, waterboarding will cause death by suffocation. It is also foreseeable that waterboarding, by producing an experience of drowning, will cause severe mental pain and suffering. The technique is a form of mock execution by suffocation with water. The process incapacitates the victim from drawing breath, and causes panic, distress, and terror of imminent death. Many victims of waterboarding suffer prolonged mental harm for years and even decades afterward.
Waterboarding, when used against people captured in the context of war, may also amount to a war crime as defined under the federal war crimes statute 18 U.S.C. § 2441, which criminalizes grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions (in international armed conflicts), and violations of Article 3 common to the four Geneva Conventions (in non international armed conflicts). Waterboarding is also an assault, and thus violates the federal assault statute, 18 U.S.C. § 113, when it occurs in the "special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States," a jurisdictional area which includes government installations overseas. In cases involving the U.S. armed forces, waterboarding also amounts to assault, and cruelty and maltreatment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Under the laws of the land, U.S. personnel who order or take part in waterboarding are committing criminal acts torture, assault, and war crimes which are punishable as felony offenses. The Department of Justice should clarify this to all U.S. personnel, and prosecute violations of the law.
We have no doubt that if a captured American were subjected to waterboarding, the U.S. government would condemn this as torture and demand or seek prosecution.
We also urge you to clarify the legality of other abusive interrogation techniques, such as subjection to extreme temperatures, forced standing, binding in stress positions, and severe sleep deprivation. These techniques, like waterboarding, cause physical and mental suffering and are illegal under domestic and international law. At minimum, these techniques amount to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment, categorically prohibited under the 2006 Defense Authorization Act; and they violate U.S. obligations under international human rights and humanitarian laws, including the Convention Against Torture and the Geneva Conventions. Depending on how they are used, these and other abusive techniques can amount to torture, potentially prosecutable under the U.S. torture and war crimes statutes. The U.S. State Department has condemned numerous other countries for utilizing these techniques, in many cases stating that the techniques amount to torture.
As the Attorney General, you have the responsibility to speak clearly on matters of the legal standards for detention and interrogation of prisoners, and as the executive branch's chief legal officer, you are obliged to enforce U.S. laws.
Moreover, you owe it to U.S. military and security personnel, including those who authorize and conduct interrogations, to specify accurately that the techniques described above are not legal. This is vitally important because personnel who rely on advice to the contrary place themselves in legal peril.
We sincerely hope that you will uphold the legal standards discussed above, and make efforts to articulate them clearly and publicly.
Richard Abel, UCLA School of Law
Bruce Ackerman, Yale University
Catherine Adcock Admay, Duke University
Madelaine Adelman, Arizona State University
Jose E. Alvarez, Columbia Law School (former attorney adviser, Department of State)
Paul Amar, University of California Santa Barbara
Fran Ansley, University of Tennessee College of Law
Michael Avery, Suffolk Law School
Amy Bartholomew, Carleton University
Katherine Beckett, University of Washington
George Bisharat, Hastings College of the Law
Christopher L. Blakesley, William S. Boyd School of Law UNLV
Gary Blasi, Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law
John Charles Boger, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
David Bowker, adjunct, Cardozo Law School (former attorney adviser, Department of State)
Alice C. Briggs, Franklin Pierce Law Center
John Brigham, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Peter Brooks, University of Virginia
Rosa Brooks, University of Virginia
William T. Burke, University of Washington School of Law
William Burke White, University of Pennsylvania School of Law
Kitty Calavita, University of California Irvine
Henry (Chip) Carey, Georgia State University
Anupam Chander, University of California Davis
Oscar G. Chase, New York University Law School
Kathleen Clark, Washington University
Cornell W. Clayton, Washington State University
Marjorie Cohn, Thomas Jefferson School of Law
David Cole, Georgetown University Law Center
John Comaroff, University of Chicago
Michael Comiskey, Pennsylvania State University
Marianne Constable, University of California Berkeley
Don Crowley, University of Idaho
Scott Cummings, UCLA School of Law
Eve Darian Smith, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Benjamin Davis, University of Toledo College of Law
Stephen F. Diamond, Santa Clara University School of Law
Hilal Elver, University of California Santa Barbara
Richard Falk, Princeton University and University of California Santa Barbara
Thomas G. Field, Jr. Franklin Pierce Law Center
Gregory H. Fox, Wayne State University Law School
Lawrence M. Friedman, Stanford University
Michael Froomkin, University of Miami School of Law
David R. Ginsburg, UCLA School of Law
Angelina Snodgrass Godoy, University of Washington
Leslie F. Goldstein, University of Delaware
Kenneth W. Graham, Jr., UCLA Law School
David Greenberg, New York University
Lisa Hajjar, University of California Santa Barbara
Joel F. Handler, UCLA School of Law
Hendrik Hartog, Princeton University
Lynne Henderson, University of Nevada Las Vegas
William O. Hennessey, Franklin Pierce Law Center
Richard A. Hesse, Franklin Pierce Law Center
Elisabeth Hilbink, University of Minnesota
Jennifer L. Hochschild, Harvard University
Scott Horton, Adjunct, Columbia Law School
Derek Jinks, University of Texas School of Law
Jerry Kang, UCLA School of Law
Lisa A. Kelly, University of Washington School of Law
Heinz Klug, University of Wisconsin
Itzchak E. Kornfeld, Drexel University
Ariana R. Levinson, UCLA School of Law
Sanford Levinson, University of Texas Law School
Robert Justin Lipkin, Widener University School of Law
Lynn M. LoPucki, UCLA School of Law
David Luban, Georgetown University Law Center
Deborah Maranville, University of Washington School of Law
Ann Elizabeth Mayer, University of Pennsylvania
Jamie Mayerfeld, University of Washington
Joel Migdal, University of Washington
Martha Minow, Harvard Law School
William W. Monning, Monterrey College of Law
Kathleen M. Moore, University of California Santa Barbara
Forrest S. Mosten, UCLA School of Law
Ken Mott, Gettysburg College
Stephen R. Munzer, UCLA School of Law
Jyoti Nanda, UCLA School of Law
Smita Narula, New York University School of Law
Julie Novkov, University of Oregon
Frances Olsen, UCLA School of Law
John Orcutt, Franklin Pierce Law Center
Arzoo Osanloo, University of Washington
Jordan J. Paust, University of Houston
William P. Quigley, Loyola University, New Orleans
Christopher J. Peters, Wayne State University Law School
Judith Resnik, Yale Law School
Sandra L. Rierson, Thomas Jefferson School of Law
Brad R. Roth, Wayne State University
Gary Rowe, UCLA School of Law
Austin Sarat, Amherst College
Margaret L. Satterthwaite, New York University School of Law
Stuart A. Scheingold, University of Washington
Kim Lane Scheppele, Woodrow Wilson School and Princeton University
Benjamin N. Schiff, Oberlin College
David Schultz, Hamline University
Robert A. Sedler, Wayne State University
Barry Shanks, Franklin Pierce Law Center
Anne Marie Slaughter, Dean, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University
Charles Anthony Smith, University of Miami
Eunice Son, UCLA School of Law
Susan Sterett, University of Denver
Jacqueline Stevens, University of California Santa Barbara
Katherine Stone, UCLA School of Law
Steven Tauber, University of South Florida
Samuel. C. Thompson, Jr, UCLA School of Law
Beth Van Schaack, Santa Clara University School of Law
Andrew Strauss, Widener University School of Law
Stephen I. Vladeck, University of Miami School of Law
Richard Weisberg, Cardozo Law School
Deborah M. Weissman, University of North Carolina School of Law
Burns H. Weston, University of Iowa and Vermont Law School
Adam Winkler, UCLA School of Law
Maryann Zavez, Vermont Law School
Richard O. Zerbe Jr., University of Washington
An Open Letter To Fred Thompson R TN
Big Pine CA
October 10, 2007
The Republican Debate two days previous that was also the official entry for participation by Fred Thompson only demonstrates the corrupt nature of both International and American political culture.
The United States is undergoing catastrophic environmental despoliation. This is most severe in Inyo Mono Counties of CA, along the AZ CA border region of the Colorado River, and the entire coast from Oregon to at least Los Angeles.
I am a foil for this breach of Homeland Security which is being carried out by LAPD. This unit is collapsing with a Gay Militia that wishes to isolate and destroy the environment. I am a social conservative who advocates traditional heterosexual marriage. The original target appears to be Ronald Reagan.
Fred Thompson's appearance contrary to conventional media punditry, reveals that he like the other candidates are consistently abusing power to institutionalize the concrete destruction of natural persons and the environment.
For a sworn official Fred Thompson does not appear in the least to be concerned with upholding the Constitution.
America has been clamoring for tyranny. The human rights community and spiritual missions too, are content to be externalizing economic concerns over substantiative moral and economic concerns which are necessities not luxuries.
Soon perhaps before it is too late someone or a group may emerge to restore order.
2008 Letters
Open Letter to Governor Schwarzenegger R CA
Cambria CA
April 10, 2008
Dear Governor Schwarzenegger,
I am writing you today to complain of the BARBARIC CONDITIONS here is Cambria, San Luis Obispo. The air and the water are contaminated. The water in Santa Rosa Creek is poisoned to the point of burning one's hand.
It is clear that a cell of LAPD officers are a cell of gay militants and are a single issue terror group. They are LGBT oriented and are avenging this groups history.
I do not support:
Gay Marriage
Civil Unions
Gay Monogamy
Gay Adoption
The escalation of the contamination of water resources began about February 12, 2007 on the Colorado River near Earp.
This escalation guarantees that President Bush, Chief William Bratton, and yourself will have the worst human rights record.
This escalation is code named Radhanatha. Radhanatha is the name of a natural person in this sense, an ISKCON diksa guru based in Chowpatty, India. This red herring attack on him only begs the question to review the murder of another devotee Sulochana, in Los Angeles.
In direct action the use of me as an LGBT figure has historically been laid to rest as I seek criminal and civil remedy over these abuses.
Cambria, San Luis Obispo was attempted as a LGBT Showcase.
MC 100 and MC 101 in the Federal Eastern District of California have been dismissed March 20, 2008 by Judge Wanger. The respondents were Bill Lockyer, CA Attorney General and Chief Bernard Parks, LAPD.
You must take action.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
2009 Letters
Open Letter To Senator McConnell R TN
Desert Shores CA
March 30, 2009

Dear Senator McConnell,
The last five presidents of the United States have failed to prioritize the homeland security needs of this country and thus protect the Constitution, citizen's lives, and wellbeing. The country has been under a Chemical Scorched Earth since June 17th 1987, the 200th birthday of the Constitution.
The creation of Homeland Security under George W. Bush itself is a farce. The Salton Sea here in California is chemically destroyed. Lake Almanor and the Owens River have also suffered catastrophic attacks.
This event or terrorist attack is being driven out of LAPD. Such contains a cell(s) of LGBTi militants. I am staunch heterosexual and defender of traditional marriage. I am supporting Proposition 8 here in California.
THERE IS NO LEADERSHIP IN CONGRESS! No individual that I know of, sworn official or homeland security officer has stepped forward to defend the natural lives of persons in this country and place the rule of law back in order.
The Republican Party most focus on reality not just tax cuts. Is AIG capable of paying on the trillions of dollars in damage?
The historical and legal record provides for documentation in the negligence to defend the United States since 1987. Hopefully the will to govern will be found before the damage to health and property necessitates such.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores CA
In Re: Finucane
Desert Shores CA
April 3, 2009
1 April 2009
Dear Mr Nollmeyer,
Thank you for your correspondence of 31 March to the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland in connection with the case of Patrick Finucane. I have been asked to respond on his behalf.
Let me begin by saying that the murder of Mr Finucane in 1989 was an outrageous crime which the Government condemns absolutely.
You ask the Government to "live up" to "promises to instigate a properly independent public inquiry into the killing of Patrick Finucane." Our position remains that if there is to be a statutory inquiry into Mr Finucane's death the only way such an inquiry could take place is under the Inquiries Act 2005. The Inquiries Act is the only statutory basis for all inquiries because all he old legislation has been repealed.
The Government is clear that the Inquiries Act provides for fully independent and effective inquiries.
The Government has already established three of the public inquiries recommended by Judge Peter Cory. Importantly the judges chairing two of those, the Billy Wright and Robert Hamill inquiries themselves asked the Government to apply the Inquiries Act because they felt that it would enable them to carry out their work more effectively. They are continuing to carry our robust and effective investigations under the terms of the Act. The Act has is also being used for a number of other inquiries currently taking place elsewhere in the UK.
A Finucane inquiry under the Inquiries Act would have full statutory powers to compel evidence and witnesses and the hearings, in Judge Cory's words, would be public "to the extent possible". The independent Chairman would have full access to all the evidence and would see every witness and read every document.
The Inquiries Act 2005 also requires inquiry reports to be published. This was not the case under the Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) Act 1921, which has now been repealed.
The Government is currently in correspondence with the Finucane family's legal representatives about the basis on which any inquiry would be established. Once these discussions have included we will need to take a decision on the way forward .
Thank you for raising your concerns I hope this response has helped to address them.
Yours sincerely,
Simon Marsh
Principal Private Secretary
Open Letter to Representative Cardin D MD
Westwood CA
June 25, 2009

Dear Representative Cardin,
I am totally concerned as to how all members of this Congress on both sides of the aisle do not take domestic homeland security seriously. There is a culture of cowardice that must be corrected. All of our concerns seem to be focused on Barack Obama and multilateral or unilateral relations with Korea or Iran.
There are strong allegations that Baltimore PD and a Baltimore Studio are engaged in mutilating evidence.
This pertains to aggrandizing some form of Gay Triumphalism.
I am a lifelong heterosexual and speak out openly against this security threat. Iran has two major rivers. All of the major clear lakes in Northern California are despoiled as Lake Almanor. This barbarism encourages fanaticism as Achminejead. Israel is the country most likely to lose if the payoffs are considered outside of direct attacks on Iran if this charlatanism is escalated.
I have no interest in party partisanship. I write to see the Constitution and the rule of law upheld.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Westwood CA
Murder of Natalia Estemirova
Westwood CA
July 26, 2009
Brief Introduction
Natalia Estemirova, one of the leading human rights defenders who worked in the North Caucasus region, was abducted in Grozny, Chechnya on July 15th on her way to work. She was dragged into a car by several men and driven off in an unknown direction. According to witnesses, Natalia Estemirova managed to shout out that she was being abducted. Her body was found several hours later in the neighboring Republic of Ingushetia with gunshot wounds to the head and chest.
Background Information:
In April this year the Russian authorities announced the end of the Anti Terrorist Operation in Chechnya. However, in the North Caucasus in recent months there have been a number of high profile killings amid signs that tensions in the region are on the rise.
In a report published earlier this month, Rule without law: Human rights violations in the North Caucasus, Amnesty International called for full accountability for the human rights violations that have taken place as the only way to bring about real stability and a return to civil peace in Chechnya and the North Caucasus. Natalia Estemirova's work was crucial in documenting human rights violations in the region, such as torture and other ill treatment, unlawful killings and enforced disappearances, since the start of the second Chechnya war in 2000. Her work has been recognized both at home and internationally by numerous awards, including the Robert Schuman medal of the European Parliament (2005), the Right Livelihood Award of the Swedish Parliament (2004 the so called Alternative Nobel Peace Prize), and she was the first recipient of the Anna Politkovskaya Award (2007).
Letter Sample
Dear _______:
I am writing to express my shock and extreme alarm at the recent murder of human rights defender Natalia Estemirova. I call for your immediate attention to this outrageous crime and for doing everything to guarantee a thorough investigation of this killing. Every effort must be made to bring those responsible to justice. Amnesty International believes that Natalia Estemirova was murdered due to her professional human rights activities. She was a courageous woman who had investigated and reported human rights abuses in Chechnya, such as torture and other ill treatment, unlawful killings and enforced disappearances and had provided assistance to displaced and disadvantaged people. The murder of Natalia Estemirova sheds further light on the precarious circumstances in which human rights defenders work in the Russian Federation. It follows the killings earlier this year of human rights lawyer Stanislav Markelov, journalist Anastasia Baburova, and Anna Politkovskaya in 2006.
President Dmitry Medvedev's expressed outrage at Natalia Estemirova's murder and his concerns that this killing could be related to her human rights activities, and ordered the investigation at the highest level. I urge you to guarantee that this terrible killing is thoroughly investigated in line with internationally recognized standards. I call for an end of impunity for the murder of human rights defenders in Russia and for their full protection under Russian and international law. Human rights violations in Russia should no longer be ignored.
I would appreciate your urgent attention to this matter.
Ambassador Sergey I. KISLYAK
Embassy of the Russian Federation
2650 Wisconsin Ave NW
Washington DC 20007
FAX: 1 202 298 5735
EMAIL: Russianembassy@mindspring.com
Salutation: Your Excellency
Minister of Justice, Russian Federation
Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
ul. Zhitnaia, 14
119991 Moscow GSP-1
Russian Federation
FAX: 011 7 495 955 5779
EMAIL: cos@minjust.ru
Salutation: Dear Minister
Ombudsman for Human Rights, Russian Federation
Vladimir Petrovich LUKIN
ul. Miasnitskaia, 47
107084 Moscow
Russian Federation
FAX: 011 7 495 607 74 70
EMAIL: press-sl@ropnet.ru
Open Letter to Bud McKeon R California
Westwood CA
August 11, 2009
Dear Rep. McKeon,
I am continuing to pursue justice and recognition for the de facto Chemical Assault Scorched Earth ongoing in this country and designed from within California. In light of this process and structure it is evident that UC Berkeley or California is de facto or under the color of law. Under construction from the Merrill Land Grant they are given exclusivity to grant degrees and carry out research. This activity is understood to be preeminent or world class. It includes all the schools in the system.
II. The Master Plan for Higher Education in California
As a campus in the University of California, UCI participates in the mission of the UC system as a whole. Formally articulated as part of A Master Plan for Higher Education in California, 1960 1975, that mission was written into law in 1960 as the Donahoe Higher Education Act:
The distinctive mission of the university is to serve society as a center of higher learning, providing longterm societal benefits through transmitting advanced knowledge, discovering new knowledge, and functioning as an active working repository of organized knowledge. That obligation, more specifically, includes undergraduate education, graduate and professional education, research, and other kinds of public service, which are shaped and bounded by the central pervasive mission of discovering and advancing knowledge.
Prima facie this has not occurred the University is engaged in wholesale censorship and fraud.
What is disturbing is history, presidential studies, evolutionary biology, psychology, and areas of national security.
I am in Westwood California. I am an undergraduate with 149.5 credits with a 3.18 GPA. I am an interdisciplinary social scientist. My memos to you and fellow members of Congress are more accurate than the charade being perpetuated against me. If UC Berkeley fails the consequences in California, United States, and the world will be catastrophic.
How is that Congress and one of the greatest academic institutions the world has created can fulfill it's LEGAL OBLIGATIONS? I EMAILED A COMPLAINT TO THE FBI IN SACRAMENTO AGAINST LAPD ON AUGUST 5, 2009. CHIEF WILLIAM BRATTON ANNOUNCED HIS RETIREMENT ALSO.
It is also interesting that is a LGBTi militancy that has injured the presidency from Ronald Reagan to Barack Obama. Part of the LGBTi platform today decided not promote Marriage Equality on a ballot in 2010.
I consider the Gay Militancy as no more than common criminals and thugs. They have no legal standing and if UC Berkeley ever begins to research this they will discover why are they are degrading.
On Facebook there are now over 850 persons who are aware of Chemical Assault Challenge to Leadership.
Thank you for consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Westwood CA
Barack Obama Wins 2009 Nobel Peace Prize
Support The ICC
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
November 11, 2009
The Hague International Criminal Court member countries should use their annual meeting to strengthen international support for the court's mission and independence, Human Rights Watch said today. The ICC Assembly of States Parties, which oversees court administration, will meet in The Hague for nine days beginning November 18, 2009.
The ICC has made mistakes that need to be tackled," said Elizabeth Evenson, counsel in the International Justice Program at Human Rights Watch. "But the ICC's 110 member countries should step up their efforts to uphold it's critical role as a court of last resort and to respond vigorously to the court's unprincipled opponents."
Many ICC members, including African members, are working to reaffirm their commitment to international justice. For example, at least two African ICC members South Africa and Botswana rejected an African Union decision in July to withhold cooperation to arrest President al Bashir. Human Rights Watch called on ICC members to use the annual meeting to speak out forcefully on the ICC's crucial function and to encourage the court to strengthen it's own public information activities.
ICC members will also gather next May in Kampala, Uganda for a review conference mandated by the Rome Statute, which created the court and entered into force in 2002. At the meeting, member countries will take stock of the state of international criminal justice and consider amendments to the Rome Statute. Extending the reach of international justice and assessing its impact on communities affected by crimes within the ICC's jurisdiction are among the topics states should address at that conference, Human Rights Watch said.
"Taking stock of the achievements and shortcomings of international justice at the review conference will help to identify and meet challenges in the years ahead," Evenson said. "ICC member countries should ensure that careful preparation for the review conference is made now to deliver results in Kampala."
Increased international cooperation is essential to the success of the court, Human Rights Watch said. ICC member countries should bolster these efforts by creating a permanent working group to address such issues as concluding witness relocation and sentence enforcement agreements.
In reviewing the court's annual budget at the meeting, member countries should ensure that the court has the resources it needs in The Hague and through it's presence in countries where it is conducting investigations, as well as in key capitals including New York and Addis Ababa. The ICC prosecutor recently announced he would seek authorization to open a fifth ICC investigation, in Kenya.
"Increasing ICC activities and fulfilling higher expectations of justice mean that governments will need to continue to invest in the court," said Evenson.
In a memorandum sent to governments last week, Human Rights Watch called attention to a number of other issues likely to be under discussion during the meeting. These include the need to set a policy for court paid family visits for indigent ICC detainees, make certain that two judges to be elected during the meeting are the most highly qualified candidates, and prepare to elect the next ICC prosecutor. Human Rights Watch also reiterated the need for court officials to continue to make progress in building an effective, fair, and credible institution.
The International Criminal Court is the world's first permanent court mandated to bring to justice perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide when national courts are unable or unwilling to do so.
The ICC prosecutor has opened investigations in the Democratic Republic of Congo, northern Uganda, the Darfur region of Sudan, and the Central African Republic. Based on those investigations, 13 arrest warrants and one summons to appear have been issued. The ICC prosecutor also is looking at a number of other situations in countries around the world. These include Kenya, Colombia, Georgia, Cote d'Ivoire, Afghanistan, and Guinea. The Palestinian National Authority has also petitioned the ICC prosecutor to accept jurisdiction over crimes committed in Gaza.
To date, four individuals are in ICC custody in The Hague. A fifth individual, Bahr Idriss Abu Garda who is charged with war crimes in connection with an attack on African Union peacekeepers in Darfur has appeared voluntarily during pre trial proceedings. The court began it's first trial, of the Congolese militia leader Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, on January 26, and completed pre trial proceedings in two additional cases. The court's second trial, against the Congolese rebel leaders Germain Katanga and Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui, is expected to start on November 24.
In addition to President al Bashir and two other individuals in the Darfur situation, arrest warrants remain outstanding for leaders of the Lord's Resistance Army in northern Uganda and for Bosco Ntaganda, a former rebel commander now integrated into the Congolese national army.
The Assembly of States Parties was created by the Rome Statute to provide management oversight of the administration of the court. It consists of representatives of each state member and is required to meet at least once a year but can meet more often as required.
The ICC's jurisdiction may be triggered in one of three ways. States parties or the UN Security Council can refer a situation (meaning a specific set of events) to the ICC prosecutor, or the ICC prosecutor can seek on his own motion the authorization of a pre trial chamber of ICC judges to open an investigation.
The Rome Statute mandates that seven years after the treaty enters into force, the UN secretary general is to convene a review conference to consider any amendments to the treaty. At it's seventh Assembly of States Parties, in 2008, ICC members agreed to hold the conference in Kampala. It is scheduled to begin on May 31, 2010.
2010 Letters
Open Letter to GLADD
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
April 3, 2010
This is a very quick memo composed to GLADD a LGBTi advocacy group. The trajectory of torture is disintegrating. It is in my interest to perform in an open, clean, and hard manner within the law.
This means creating authentic records in the face of unprecedented censorship and sanitization.
David Nollmeyer
I am writing you today to express my concerns over the unrecognized Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. By observation your organization is concerned with the defamation and real world treatment of LGBTi persons. This is why my life history, legal records, and communications should be of the greatest concern to you.
I am strict heterosexual and a member of the ritvik Hare Krishna Movement. This states that I am not following a living diksa teacher (guru) as per se a living a pope. The ritvik platform tends to be more conservative but not exclusively.
This Chemical Assault Scorched Earth has been imposed my natural person. At a lower, but legal level, my United States Citizenship is also attacked.
I have accused LGBTi officers in Los Angeles Police Department of implementing what is now a FULL BLOWN SCORCHED EARTH.
I am focusing my personal and civil response on to sworn competent officials in the main. GLADD has lawyers that are members of the bar and their licensing requires that they report crimes.
I am in Ehrenberg AZ Blythe CA area along the Colorado River. The river is chemically despoiled. It is the source of drinking water for large areas of Southern California, Arizona, and Mexico.
Here the isolation of my person is also paired with propaganda that I am supporting same sex behaviors this false and irrational. Here is an example of what is driving this act of torture in LGBTi history.
The core concept is driven by same sex males of white European descent. They are using lesbian and bisexual females as a front. This will also hostage such persons and possibly implicate such if they willing take part of the conspiracy.
If I state that I am opposed to Gay practices. The methodology will state that it Gay only means lesbianism. They will then attempt to Gay Bait one as Male Same Sex Male MSM practitioner. They will state that this is due to ethnic nationalism. They will attempt to recruit a minority lawyer, possibly a Latino or African American to advocate me.
This is a notorious Strawman tactic. Not a logical use of distribution.
What has occurred is a what computer hackers call a Joe Virus. The directionality of the attack is against heterosexuals. It is blowing back against groups as GLADD and the Campaign for Courage.
There are many levels of analysis. Currently the Gay Marriage and the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell will be damaged against your interests.
The Chemical Assault Scorched Earth severely damages those who are HIV positive.
I will close now with this reference by that was made by Marc Faber. This event concerning my cell phone did happen. My Moto Q was destroyed because I wrote a refutation of Geir Lundestad and the Nobel Organizations choice of Barack Obama for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Open Letter to Attorney General Brown D CA
Westwood CA
October 14, 2010
Dear Attorney General Brown,
Tomorrow is the Appearance Day of Srimati Radharini in the Gaudiya Vaishnavism (Hare Krishna Faith). As a prelude to this event I remain isolated in a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth and have lost all drinking materials. I have to purchase all my fluids as the lakes, streams, and tap water in my vicinity here in Westwood, Lassen County are attacked.
In August as Proposition 8 was being overturned I also decided to assert my Right to Marry as a heterosexual. I am increasingly glad I did such. This appears to be aimed at a step ladder sting against President Barack Obama by eventually attempting to strip Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of his naturalized citizenship. Your political career is also under scrutiny as all other sworn California officials and candidates for office this election.
It appears that events are storyboarded and scripted similar to a movie. Persons respond by defecting to LAPD which contains a Gay Militancy.
Persons should know why they are being Chemically Assaulted. Currently there is a severely confrontation of my personal history. I am claiming that I am PURE HETEROSEXUAL MALE. I HAVE HAD ZERO SAME SEX PARTNERS AND ZERO ACTS OVER 100 PERCENT OF MY LIFESPAN.
Any claim to LGBTi practices would be hate speech. This is religious persecution as well as a sexual orientation hate crime. I have and continue to support Proposition 8.
In this instance Gay Male Same Sex Male MSM officers of LAPD use lesbianism bisexuality to front their MSM lifestyles. They are suffering an inferiority complex and are extorting and blackmailing people from a Glass Closet. As stated I would have a perfect score of 0 as a straight male if 100 was a pure gay male.
I do not support outing of LGBTi persons. This is Racketeering Based and violent in this instance.
LAPD officers are racially biased. They are preferring blonde white bisexuals over females.
My first sexual preference would be heterosexual or opposite sex females. There is certain roster of individuals that LAPD sweeps through this especially important when I can not be ousted. If I have a score of 0 the next person will be exposed as LGBTi whether they are or not.
At this point I would state the second preference is bisexual females. I have no sexual preference for males.
What has been learned and is remarkably positive is that a black bisexual female may emerge as my first preference. This act of emergence has totally damaged any credibility LAPD gay militants may have in the LGBTi community in the future as official recognition of torture comes forward.
I am spiritual person of Japanese American ancestry who is being trained to view persons from a spiritual platform not a bodily platform. I am not attempting to develop any salacious material by stating what is occurring here in California while you are the attorney general and running for governor.
Srimati Radharini is the Supreme Female Personality of Godhead for millions of Vedic practitioners around the world. Having her Appearance Day attacked by Gay Militants in LAPD is very poor act of Gay Misogyny.
As California Attorney General you need to legally respond.
Radhe! Radhe!
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Westwood CA 91637
Open Letter to Rick Jacobs Courage Campaign
Desert Shores CA
December 17, 2010

Dear Rick Jacobs,
Currently I can see that Courage Campaign is active in repealing Proposition 8, defeating Don't Ask, Don't Tell DADT and has considerable input in AIDS HIV issues.
This presents a unique challenge for LGBTi leadership individuals as Evan Wolfson, Kevin Cathcart, Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom. I say this because The Right to Marry campaign has not addressed my Right to Marry. I have been a strict heterosexual for every moment of my life. I am trapped in a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth here Along the Salton Sea, Desert Shores, California to be exact. This is in the same area as Palm Springs Cathedral City, one of the premier LGBTi communities in the world. The Salton Sea is a Scorched Earth. Food, clothing, and air are also heavily ruined.
If Courage Campaign is exactly that, the organization that you founded and lead, why have you not stepped forward to address my conditions and the suffering of those with AIDS HIV?
The attack is lead by a Gay Militia from LAPD, their choice of label. This also effects the DADT issue as homeland security officers are paramilitary. LGBTi persons are the only group to have failed as police officers. START talks are about to begin and Presidents Reagan through Obama have all been blackmailed and extorted at my and the human race's expense.
This Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is a linear attack on human civilization. The Gay Militia is a Joe Virus. Literally this group will invert all reason resulting in Gay Irrationalism Pre Fascism. Gay Fascism will emerge when LGBTi apologists emerge to condone the history of this attack which started exactly on June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware. This is the 200th Anniversary of the United States Constitution.
The allegation is the attack was authored in the past by Cambridge lawyers who were also blackmailed and extorted. They wished to end this event without turning themselves in. In lieu of this I have been trained in the basic process and structure of the design. It reduces to prisoner's dilemma.
What is unique is that if this is movement of Anglo American design it should benefit the Chinese, Iranian, Korean tryad.
It will also damage LGBTi studies which is emergent. There is no manner in which my relationship to the Right to Marry Movement as headed by Courage Campaign et. al. can be valid.
One reason I wrote today is that victims are outperforming mercenaries. This positions the AIDS HIV population as a very powerful contingency. Currently the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is clearly against those with compromised immune systems. If the spread of AIDS has any other process and structural relationship with my torture, this would be devastating to the current understanding of AIDS HIV.
You and your colleagues should begin to step up an call LAPD and President Obama out on this attack. It is scripted to occur from what I understand in the future. My realization in the past few days is that AIDS HIV population will definitively be factor in reconciling the damage that a Gay Militia has caused.
I wish to live just as dearly as those infected members of the LGBTi community.
Thank you for your consideration.
Radhe Radhe!!!
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores CA
2012 Letters
Open Letter To The Technological Singularity Movement
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
March 8, 2012
The Technological Singularity Movement has emerged during an open Chemical Assault Scorched Earth Program being operated out of Los Angeles Police Department. The strategic mission is Gay Marriage. The agency which is under Homeland Security is headed by Janet Napolitano contains cells of Gay Militia members which are mostly MSM or men who have sex with men.
Gang Stalking which is a form of police community stalking is embedded within this Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
This would confirm that this Gay Militia is the Ku Klux Klan of the LGBTi Movement and is designed to degrade such under censorship and sanitization.
This event is a Cultural Singularity with a near total censorship of 7 billion persons. It is live human experimentation and is an antagonistic movement movement to Technological Singularity.
Since this attack on the human race is centered over my natural person I find it adequate to respond to the claim of Machine Superintelligence. If computational machines achieve parity with humans and then overtake such it is both rational and logical for the programming in these machines to recognize the attack on my natural person and citizenship under the United States. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights would also recognize my standing although the United States has not ratified the document.
Hence all technology is being patented under a political regime. The intelligence and consciousness of human actors to make timely decisions and orders to protect citizens and natural persons is at question.
My allegation is that the Singularity Movement is condoning this pre genocidal activity. Persons are clearly being isolated by the gender identity and sexual preferences.
Barack Obama's childhood nanny, Evie (Turdi), was a biological male who lived as female when she cared for the Obama household in Indonesia. Turdi is therefore a member of the transgendered persons under the LGBTi or Lesbian, Gay Bisexual, Transgendered, intersex movement. She is now openly living as a male abandoning her female clothing.
Evie (Turdi) found a transgendered friend murdered in Indonesia face down in a contaminated sewage canal two decades ago.
This morning on the way to buy what food I can eat I had to wash my hands in a chemically contaminated irrigation canal.
The Colorado River AZ CA and Salton Sea, CA have been chemically contaminated. I have been told that up to one third of the United States may have products contaminated from factory. Such products are sent near me in stores. The cotton fields and wheat fields are ruined. It would burn your hand to touch a bale of wheat or cotton. There are sheep grazing in a wheat field just west of where I am writing and they too are contaminated.
In short Singularity University and TedTalks, two of the more premier organizations in the Singularity Movement are SANITIZING AND CENSORING HISTORY.
The question of Junk Science and expertise emerge. United States Courts require admission of expert testimony and evidence through in limine motions under either Frye or Daubert Standards.
A corpus delicti hearing can be called to find if the elements of a crime have been made to file charges or seat a trial.
If any real parts per billion tests were made here in Blythe, CA on the Colorado River, fields or stores, Barack Obama would be impeached and face criminal charges. Under a reasonable man based on the average person test, if any witnesses from homeless persons upward testify in support of these allegations Obama would be convicted.
The Gay Militia has used red herring strawman tactics continually as gay baiting.
One of their last tactics is to accuse one of being transgendered. Being accused of being transgendered has baffled me for the last several times it has occurred.
I am one day older than Obama who was born on August 4, 1961.
It is rational to argue that he will live to 2040 or four years before 2045 the date of Technological Singularity.
I do not have legal standing to represent you, your family, children, or assets in court.
Hence a very probable tactic is to swear all persons in a date near 2040 who have survived. The chemicals used in this attack are easily traced to their manufactures now under current and evolving forensic science standards.
If a person lies under oath she may be convicted of treason, obstructing justice, or making false and misleading statements.
I will continue to push the boundary regarding ethnology (study of the survival of species) and expose charlatanism.
I am seeking criminal charges, torts, then civil orders and judgments against all liable actors.
Secondarily I am providing intent of making statements of relevant facts in and attempt to systematize the body and process and structure. This has been aimed primarily at the University of California who has sat by and down nothing. It's students at Davis have had tear gas sprayed in their eyes in a very scripted theatrical farce.
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.
Power Reality.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Blythe CA
March 8, 2012
Works Cited
Evie (Turdie). Obama's transgender ex nanny is an outcast. Retrieved March 8, 2012: Obama's transgender ex nanny is an outcast
Storyboard (2012). Storyboard. Wikipedia. Retrieved 19:27, May 17, 2012 from: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Storyboard&oldid=493069833
Open Letter Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
McCloud CA
August 19, 2012
Dear Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies,
I have recently become aware of your institute through Stanford's YouTube channel. Of particular interest was the recent seminar concerning history and memory. This issue is of a national security interest of Israel concerning the teaching of the Holocaust.
I am the natural person of whose United States citizenship has had a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth program imposed over. This has been allegedly designed by Cambridge Law School in the form of a storyboard entrapment. It is essentially a homosexual blackmail and extortion ring with the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over such.
In degree this specifies a same sex qualification for Bill of Rights or humans rights protection as in the Convention Against Torture CAT (1984).
The strategic mission of this attack is Gay Marriage. Since you are based in California you are likely aware that Proposition 8 is awaiting writ of certiorari in the Supreme Court. As seen I have been a heterosexual male my entire life. I am also a ritvik Hare Krishna which also escalates the degree of hatred used in the attack.
In the political zeitgeist Barack Obama is running for reelection in 2012. He has permitted the entire Salton Sea and Colorado River to be Chemically Assaulted two times each. Since this Scorched Earth tactic was employed by George W. Bush there have 55,000 drug cartel murders in Mexico. The New River is the most polluted river in North America and runs into the Salton Sea. The Colorado River flows into Mexico and the Salton Sea.
As seen Geir Lundestad of the Norwegian Nobel Prize is the symbol of academic corruption having claimed to research Obama before awarding the Nobel Prize in October 2009. I was in Big Pine, California and the Owens Canal was contaminated which like the Colorado River provides drinking water for Los Angeles.
This attack is being operated by a Gay Militia in LAPD.
Currently Assange has been granted asylum by Ecuador. He is being prevented from leaving Great Britain. My material which is developed as MOEC Studies is superior to Wikileaks.
MOEC is an acronym developed by planners of the British Empire. It stands for Mobilization of Empire and Civilization. There is credible evidence to argue that the UK is behind Senedero Luminoso and or the Tupac Amaru which are essentially the same group of rebels in Peru.
As seen Netanyahu of Israel and Achminejead of Iran are engaged in brinkmanship. Iran has much to fear as there are very few sources of water in Iran. The contamination of surface water in California is quite severe and one of a kind in history. There is almost 100 percent censorship of this attack worldwide with a population.
I am in McCloud, California. Historically this town may be condemned it will reveal the scope of treason prevalent in the United States and specifically California.
I would rather fight this Crime Against Humanity and bring Barack Obama and any other surviving presidents, governors, attorney generals, and homeland security officials to justice.
The development of Technological Singularity and Artificial Intelligence are no more than an instrument of historical sanitization.
The attack is a live human experiment.
If the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and Stanford are legitimate why have they not exposed this mythology and fraud?
Stanford and the University of California campuses themselves also are running the risk of being condemned for chemical contamination.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
McCloud CA
August 19, 2012
Open Letter Ana Salamon: Center for Applied Rationality
McCloud CA
September 4, 2012

Dear Anna Salamon,
My name is David Nollmeyer. I am the experimental subject whom has had the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth attack imposed over my natural person and American Citizenship. I am in McCloud, California and this is a serious problem. There are major wildfires burning, and the fires are being fought with contaminated water. There are incident bases here and the streams are wrecked.
In degree a citizen is entitled to the Totality of Circumstances Test when confronting one's government. As seen this attack is a homosexual blackmail and extortion ring with a chemical assault attached to such. This creates a double crime.
Hence if rights are absolute, in which the United States they are not, in the UN they are but there are ways to get around such, hence by imposing the RICO structure over one person you will be able to attack the United States and proceed to other nationstates with impunity.
What has been created is a Cultural Singularity. There is a near total censorship and sanitization worldwide based on the alienation of my positive legal rights. I am a heterosexual male and the LAPD has attacked me through a Gay Militia. They at first targeted Ronald Reagan, but as seen I am not giving up the fight. Interestingly enough Hare Krishna. My faith based principles are more conservative then the liberal hedonistic calculus that such was modelled on and has now been attacked through what is known as Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. Hence in a contest between homosexual and heterosexual professors the losing side are blackmailed and extorted in miscalculation, escalation, failure to discipline members of one's corps, and failure to implement systematic remedies to the problem (Morgenthau Pathology).
As seen the gambit lead to the attack on Reagan and Obama. Hence they form the Irrationalist Presidents. (Freedom to Marry has just emailed that the Democrats now support Marriage Equality.) It is clearly seen here that this attack against my rights undermines everyone's rights.
To return Technological Singularity is embedded in technological determinism. Such is embedded in cultural determinism. This attack has not been recognized by those scientists attempting to develop Artificial Intelligence as a Moral Agent.
In short an intervention is needed. The Eighth Amendment states "there shall be no cruel or unusual treatment." The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees equal protection and due process.
Hence the tension to discover the universal laws and epistemology of thought and morality are contrasted with a brutal Crime Against Humanity. This would lead to treason against the United States.
I am the only openly published opposition known worldwide. Under the Cambridge Test, my work can be read as criminal and will convict Cambridge Law School as the proximate cause or authorship.
A Chemical Assault Scorched Earth program is mens rea.
Mala en se or Evil within itself is Latin. Mens rea is intent. I am pointing out the nexus between the two. DWN October 14, 2016.
Technological Singularity will not occur without official recognition of this attack. Superintelligence will not occur because simple persons as myself who are working on budget computers, solar panels, and mobile wifi hotspots on the edge of internet coverage can still beat the top academics.
Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC, will lead to MOEC Studies which is now the emergent study of the Collapse of the United Kingdom. This lead to the targeting of the United States. Technological Singularity is a sanitization program to cover historical human rights abuses by the United Kingdom.
If AI becomes just a fraction of powerful as Kurzweil & Co. state such can be, these supercomputers as moral agents should have no trouble solving and convicting some of the worst abuses in the history of the world.
I am a simple person. I am acting as the Simon Wiesenthal of the attack of MOEC.
It will be impossible to teach the History of Technological Singularity without addressing the Totality of Circumstances of it's authorship.
I am championing deontology in my work. This does not exclude consequentialism as times they overlap.
What is needed is LEGAL INTERVENTION.
Myth of the Contemporary Man PT. III has a working rough draft. It was written live under severe stalking. Here I have to literally defend my thesis.
In contrast to Nietzsche, "There is no God to save you, But man has a will... And it is a Will to Power," I fight as a devotee of Radha Krishna. If you are not aware Krishna is apuryesa or overhuman. He is the Saktiman or controller of the saktis (creative power). Radharini is his Hladini sakti which is the chief sakti pleasure principle. This also explains why there is diversity of form and emotion. (This is personalism not oneness. All our emotions descend from her. Her emotions are Maha Bhava or Great Love.)
If you were a cultural anthropologist or linguist this would be an archetype and explain some of the morphology of language.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
McCloud CA
September 4, 2012
2013 Letters
Open Letter to IBM Watson
Desert Shores CA
February 10, 2013

Dear IBM Watson,
Currently the development of Watson, the Supercomputer is in continuo with a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. It is apparent that Watson is not aware or conscious of contemporary history especially that of the era of President Ronald Reagan through President Barack Obama.
The attack began on June 17, 1987 while Reagan was president and I was in Dover, Delaware.
As seen I am the Singularity Experiment and Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
I am choosing to oppose the United States and Cambridge Law School of the United Kingdom, the alleged proximate cause or authorship under my Bill of Right protections.
Currently the concept of computer Superintelligence is dubious as there are no software authors that have the volition or perception to stand up to what is a homosexual blackmail and extortion ring.
This states that there is a same sex qualification for rights.
The United States Constitution, Bill of Rights and Federal Law be viewed as the suprasystem organizing all subsystems. Any type of Supercomputer will have to manifestly operate under the jurisdiction of some legal system. Otherwise the system will engage in a Hobbesian State of Nature where Power will define who or what can endure.
I have been briefed on the nature of this prisoner's dilemma defection model which resembles the Yellow Brick Road Story.
Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC is the code name that the professors have given themselves. A allegation made here is that the British have designed the Senedero Luminoso (Shining Path) and Tupac Amaru. These Maoist rebels are mainly the same group of persons but use two nom de guerras to appear larger.
So these actors emerge under an entrapment, grow and become prosecuted similar to the cocaine dealers that operate in Peru.
MOEC is State Planning and Eugenics. Would Watson know how to set up a government as a nationstate as the United States or a supranational regime as the United Nations?
My natural person and citizenship have been pinned to the president and Gay Marriage.
Gay Marriage is the Strategic Mission.
Proposition 8 or Hollingsworth v. Perry is scheduled to be heard on March 28, 2013 at the Supreme Court.
A macro boundary is the collapse of the Anglo American Paradigm Atlantic Group which is currently morphing into NATO.
Any issue of a resurgent United Kingdom under the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, hence Prince William and Katie are now moot.
The United States and United Kingdom should recognize CONCRETE History. They should prosecute all principals, accomplices, and accessories to the Origin. These actors should award criminal and civil damages to the victims.
What is also unique in Corporate History is that a Corporate Entity may be guilty of a Crime Against Humanity, of treason and obstructing justice. The CEO is also a person of unique interest as many have gained considerable wealth while a huge cross section of the population is suffering increasing losses.
What is unique is that a Cultural Singularity has near totality as censorship and sanitization. My work is outside the event horizon www.powereality is the strongest attempt to research and document MOEC on the web. I have been online since about 2000. I actually have an A26 IBM laptop which was used circa 2004. It has a Pentium 3, .5GB Ram, and 20 GB of hard drive and cost $800 refurbished. I use a Toshiba Satellite C655 now with an AMD 1.33 GHZ processor, 3 GB Ram, and 500 GB hard drive and cost $329 in 2011. I run 55 watts of solar power with a Verizon LTE Hotspot.
I am just west of the Salton Sea which has been despoiled for at least 3 times. Twice during the last two presidential elections and when Watson won on Jeopardy. The espionage here in the United States is poor. It appears the Salton Sea was designed so MOEC can demonstrate that they can Chemically Contaminate Such with impunity from the president.
Since Watson is a symbol of Technological Singularity, it is dubious that MOEC, which is the alter ego Cultural Singularity attack on such. Social Singularity is a hoax unless one is pursuing a party other than the United States or the United Kingdom.
Accelerating Intelligence is not going to create Superintelligence without recognizing what has happened to me under the Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Obama. Cognitive Science and Ethics are severely UNDERMINED.
Stoicism is an important theme here.
We are free in our minds.
However any credible natural or corporate person should as a moral and legal duty put up some credible resistance to this attack.
IBM should reassess their positions and confront the President and United States which is in the human race and it's best interest.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores, California
February 10, 2013
The Cambridge Project for Existential Risk
Westwood CA
May 20, 2013
The Cambridge Project for Existential Risk
Huw Price
Bertrand Russell Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge
Martin Rees
Emeritus Professor of Cosmology & Astrophysics, Cambridge
Jaan Tallinn
Co founder of Skype
To date there are no proponents of Technological Singularity that have recognized the de facto Chemical Assault Scorched Earth program manifested by the United States. This action is imposed over my natural person and citizenship Undermining the human race by an attack on the United States, the Bill of Rights, and President.
This action was a manifest function on June 17, 1987 in an effort to Undermine then President Ronald Reagan.
This tactic is a scripted Cultural Singularity that also is antagonistic to Technological Singularity. It is alleged to be the work of Cambridge Law School professors. These actors appear to be the main authorities in developing the expansion and contraction of the British Empire. The Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is one component of Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC that is paired with the strategic mission Gay Marriage. The acronym MOEC is not in dispute as a fact.
This attack is currently centered over Westwood, Lassen County, California. It has totally despoiled prominent bodies of water as Lake Almanor in neighboring Plumas County and the Salton Sea in Riverside County.
The issue of Technological Singularity is that if computers become as smart or superior to humans then many Crimes Against Humanity will be uncovered by forensic logic and other technologies. These acts are totally discernible now by hand but would be unavoidable if a POSITIVE SINGULARITY occurs with Superintelligence.
Hence the allegation that Technological Singularity is a Sanitization Program developed by the Anglo American Paradigm is sustained.
The crux of the action alienates one person (my name Bhakta David Nollmeyer) from my positive Bill of Right protections in the United States and UNDHR rights internationally. This attack is specifically based on a homosexual or same sex qualification. Hence my rights have been alienated strictly on the basis of my being a heterosexual.
There are three main functions of the attack:
1. Electronic Surveillance
2. Gang Stalking
3. Chemical Assault Scorched Earth
The structure and controlling topology of MOEC is (United Kingdom) Cambridge Law School, Scotland Yard, (United States) Los Angeles Police Department, California, Delaware, Delaware State Police, Maryland, Baltimore Police Department, and the Unnamed Baltimore Studio. The latter are alleged to be a commercial jingle studio that uses sampling technology to mutilate evidence. (The Studio are LAPD Officers. DWN November 15, 2015).
LAPD contains cells of a Gay Militia. Their favorite nom de guerra is The Company. There are at least 250 to 500 officers directly involved with a three shifts of 7 in a cell that controls the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
In essence the Singularity Target is Barack Obama and I am the Singularity Experiment.
A main theme is, Would you know how to implement a Government?.
The second is the Right to Live.
After June 17, 1987 I was briefed on MOEC. I have wished for a positive prosecution of this System. It is a RICO Enterprise and Continual Conspiratol Act. There is a Scripted Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing ideology that is emergent with the prisoner's dilemma based Undermining.
Here I have spent since 1995 organizing in writing and court cases both theory and a concrete basis for a possible War Crimes Trial. It appears I was Scripted as the Hare chasing the Tortoise. I have turned this issue around as MOEC has sustained censorship and sanitization over 7 Billion persons to date.
This leaves the creation of MOEC Studies (Cambridge's labelling) in my hands. The Proximate Cause had hoped that I would retaliate Fire with Fire, tit for tat, or crime for crime. I have not. This would create a circular folly of Four picks up a stone, threatens Three. Three on Fours orders picks up a stone and threatens Two. Two claims on Four and Three threats that he is following their orders and picks up a stone to threaten One. One has a Justification and a Positive Self Defense against these threats. At this point Four, Three, and Two are guilty.
The tactic is to criminalize One by permitting him or her to retaliate under the same tactics.
The Right Side of History
The Proximate Cause Test sine qua non would identify that principal whom if were decapitated would result in the termination of the criminal act. Under the principal, accomplice, and accessory test this would identify all parties on the Wrong Side of History.
The Right Side of History is the motto of Freedom to Marry headed by Evan Wolfson Esq.
The Totality of Circumstance permits one to use all the evidence to prove or disprove guilt.
As a professor of Singularity and with a background in philosophy in ethics working with Cambridge, this event is the Single Greatest Threat SGT to Singularity. External and Internal Threat Analysis to date appear to support the contention that Technological Singularity is a sanitization program. Persons as Winston Churchill et al. are parties that may have a possible interest.
Academically the personage of Thrasymachus the Sophist, You argue as an informant of Plato's The Republic emerges as a result of the partial exposure of past Cambridge Lawyers and theologians. The premise is that heterosexual Christian Theologians who knew Greek Philosophy and Tyranny wished to end this Crime Creation trajectory of Eugenics.
Hence my life and others notable Barack Obama have had lifespan based script imposed over them. President Barack Obama appears to follow the Yellow Brick Road. I was born in Roswell, New Mexico on August 3, 1961 one day before Obama in Hawaii. Hence the allegations that the UFO sightings in New Mexico are the work of the British to cover up advanced jet engine technology when P 51 Technology (propeller) was only know is supported.
The expansion of empires is scripted in a theater of war with min max boundaries. Such is organized as reverse sting entrapment similar to the De Lorean Sting. I have organized MOEC Studies in a very simple format in analogy to one who studies openings, middle, and end game theory in Chess. The http://powereality.net/ domain is the beginning of the opening laboratory for MOEC Studies.
I am going to dedicate this activity to Srimati Radharini the consort of Sri Krishna. Since I am Gaudiya Vaishnava practitioner I am aware of the Undermining that appears to be the work of advanced Indologists lead by lawyers. So the opening laboratory may now be called Srimati Radharini's Laboratory.
The middle and end game work needs to be developed.
Under Kuhn and Popper Methodologies this would take Official Recognition, many researchers, and many years.
The end game would be Official Recognition with criminal and civil prosecution of all de facto actors. This would result in a Marshall Plan to repay damages by the United Kingdom and United States.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Westwood CA
May 29, 2013
Open Letter: Dear Professor Kolodny UC Berkeley et al.
Westwood CA
June 21, 2013
It is beyond a doubt that Singularity is being Undermined MOEC. I am highly critical, skeptical, with growing suspicion towards probable cause concerning the censorship and sanitization of a Crime Against Humanity. The letter below is to the Philosophy Department especially the political philosophy section. The philosophy department is heavily involved with the theory of mind and mathematical modelling.
There is serious absence of morality and conscience concerning the will to get the right thing done.
The University of California is Undermined. The UC Berkeley campus is it's home and it's Free Speech Movement reputation which is the signature of the school from the 1960s is wrecked. I would place www.powereality.net against such at will.
The Yellow Brick Road to UC Berkeley is also well under suspicion. I will write Boalt Hall this summer which is a top ten law school in the United States. The staff membership should be sworn licensed members by the state bar. Here the right to not respond to a Crime of this magnitude places the entire certification of the program en prise.
MOEC Studies is easily in the Approach Stage. In contrast UC Berkeley is considered one of the greatest research facilities in the world. A criminal or academic discovery would involve areas as Westwood, California where I am now. The state's public education program is contained within the University of California and has failed.
A thirty year old PhD tenured instructor should do what is legal to secure their person and work. In short John Searle is the most prominent member of the Philosophy staff.
Everything that the philosophy department has performed is subject to serious criticism due to the historical conditions in which said production occurred.
In Boalt Hall a very strict Equal Protection Due Process constitutional analysis of history appears devastating to the University of California.
I am interested in pedagogy. I striving for a 6 grade exit exam based on MOEC and what the moral, rational, legal response should of been. Who is responsible for the damage?
Dear Professor Kolodny UC Berkeley et al.,
Currently I am writing you from Chester, Lassen County California. The United States has conducted a de facto Chemical Assault Scorched Earth program since June 17, 1987. This attack is imposed over my natural person and citizenship. The allegation is that Cambridge Law School is the proximate cause and authorship of this attack. There are many reasons why UC Berkeley should be interested.
In researching this event, I discovered the syllabus for Phil 114: History of Political Philosophy.
The authorship has named their model Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC. This is a fusion of the Jewish Book of Moed and the mobilization of a paradigm shift in war. It appears this mechanism has and is responsible for the expansion of the British Empire.
This information was revealed to me as a leak. It has never been classified and has been developed clandestinely through prisoner's dilemma. This mechanism also is responsible for the two current leak scandals as metadata and wikileaks.
MOEC is essentially am Undermining Campaign. It's Strategic Mission for this time period is Gay Marriage which is currently waiting for judgment in Proposition 8 at the Supreme Court. The attack targeted then President Ronald Reagan by alienating my natural person and citizenship from my Bill of Right and 14th Amendment equal right and due process protections.
This is based on a Same Sex Qualification for rights. Since I am heterosexual and Japanese American I was attacked. The criminal process of this attack is a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth tagged to a RICO Enterprise based homosexual, blackmail, extortion, hostaging and intimidation of a witness ring.
This event has resulted in a successful attack on the United States, the Presidency, the Constitution, and the Social Contract Theory.
The authorship has scripted a Gay Irrationalist Gay Know Nothing driver as a pre Fascist stage. In recent history every time an Irrationalist Fascist state has emerged Germany, Italy, Japan, and Spain the socialists have had an opportunity to rule. This was intended to occur at Reagan's expense but also has implicated what the authorship has called the Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Obama.
The briefing I was given lasted about two months and was framed by the question, Would you know how to form a government?
An Ex Deux Maquina was said to form a driver for the Scripting of MOEC. Theologians in Trinity School philosophy and theology wished to expose the mechanism around the 1930s. The Law School resisted. A Tournament ensued and Trinity won. The Law School did not yield following Machiavelli's The Prince. They retained power. In consequence a tit for tat Scripting between heterosexuals and LGBTi ensued. The theologians were in the main the former and the lawyers the latter.
Trinity won by being able to expound on Classical Greek Tyrannies and Logic which for the main structure of the entrapment.
The State is planned in a theater of war. This is a min max concept. It is fused into a modern Storyboard format as if one were directing a play or movie. The reverse sting operation on John DeLorean is more accurate. This will occur holonistically at the supranational (UN System): international, state, and local levels to an individual as DeLorean.
This would easily extend to UC Berkeley, it's staff, and students. One would have a fractal of the attack imposed over them as artificial citizenship is imposed over one. This undermines the State and Constitution. This prisoner’s dilemma operation gives a very clear picture of the United Kingdom's methodology.
An alleged chain of command is said to exist from Cambridge Law School, Scotland Yard, LAPD to local agencies. Scotland Yard and LAPD are stated to be the main hubs and other police agencies the nodes.
This will create the classical political question of the State versus the Individual. This is the Sovereign Subject relationship. The Authorship prefers Rousseau. The invertebration of such creates the Fuhrer Principle which is strongly supported within a Perfect Dictator model of a democratically elected tyranny.
Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing is driven by a Gay Militia in LAPD. These actors are provocateur scapegoats. This Tournament will script these officers into the worst performer's history versus the highest performing as the president.
The scripting deals a crushing blow to the consequentialism of Mills versus the deontology of Kant.
A Plato to Marx dialectical line is used to develop Gay Fascism. Of interest is two works one by Mussolini and the other by Reich. I will attach pdfs of these authors.
As seen issues as natural slavery, state of nature, the tyranny of the majority are extremely important issues which your course covers.
After almost 26 years I have organized MOEC Studies into an Approach. Systematization could occur under Kuhn Popper Methodologies after 100s academics and the general public has reviewed such.
I am one day older than Barack Obama being born August 3, 1961. I am the Singularity Experiment and he is the Singularity Target.
Any honest advance towards Artificial Intelligence where equivalent human conscience and consciousness is achieved would implicate the Irrationalist Presidents. The Singularity is predicted for 2046.
Boalt Hall and other sworn officials are operating en prise of being implicated.
The entire reputation of UC Berkeley and it's legal position are similarly aligned.
This is a blackmail operation that has totally neutralized five presidents by a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. The correct technique is to expose such
I believe that UC Berkeley and other academics should act to protect your reputations, work, and legal standing by exposing this Crime Against Humanity.
Thank you for your Consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Westwood, California
June 20, 2013
2016 Letters
Open Letter Donald Trump: The Collapse of Democracy
Bishop CA
September 13, 2016

Barack Obama

David Nollmeyer
The United States has been a catalyst to the Collapse of Democracy. This has been an empirical fact since the Ronald Reagan Administration on June 17, 1987 when I was in Dover, Delaware. Ronald Reagan made a historic speech with Mikhail Gorbachev present at the 750th Anniversary of Berlin in front of the Berlin Wall on June 12, 1987. A complementary analysis may be found here:
In continuation on June 17, 1987 an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth began by imposing these three subcomponents over my natural person and citizenship:
Electronic Surveillance Stalking
Chemical and Biological Warfare
Nuclear Warfare
As implied the Chemical Warfare is not contingent on the standing Constitution of the nationstate. Ours is one of Democracy. Democracy is predicated on two concepts, 1. Voting by suffrage 2. Class. Our Democracy is representative. The United States is a middle class nationstate.
Hence there have been five Irrationalist President who have been a witness and principal in a War Crime. The United States has not been involved in a War Crime Tribunal since Nuremberg since the Guantanamo detainees won their right to contest their detention under an American Court. This was resolved in part by releasing the detainees to third countries rather than having the facts before a trier of fact.
Ronald Reagan
George HW Bush
William Clinton
George W Bush
Barack Obama
I have been told that the Cambridge Law School is the Authorship and Proximate cause sine qua non. I am pursuing this allegation as a fact. The name of this enterprise is Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC. Such reduces to a Membership of Cambridge Lawyers. These actors can choose any nom de guerra they wish. This is why it is accurate to locate the natural names and jurisdiction of these persons.
The allegation is that this clique controls the expansion and contraction of the British Empire. MOEC is a response to the Sheifflin Plan by the Bismarck of Germany and the panorama of the Victorian Age around the 1880s. These persons, likely a homosexual lawyer instituted the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. It is alleged that at the 1930s MOEC was named and Ronald Reagan and my person were targeted. This implies eugenic state planning, a Yellow Brick Road defection model.
MOEC is a hub and node state directed prisoner's dilemma that is state directed operational through every police stationhouse worldwide. This mechanism expands and contract the British Empire and it's interest. The United Kingdom is an intelligence hegemon not seeking territorial conquest.
The British are the Mind
The United States is the Bodyguard
The Anglo American Paradigm has fallen under the Manifest Structural Shift of MOEC. Hence MOEC has a Strategic Mission of Gay Marriage. I am alienated from Bill of Rights Protections by a Gay Militia of Authored by Cambridge. The American hub of Los Angeles Police Department LAPD with nodes through out the world.
The polarity of homosexuality versus heterosexuality creates a Master Passion of a totally manufactured ideology of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing imposed over Sexual Emancipation.Many social systems have some form of emancipation for members of the system. There is a homosexual qualification of behavior as three anal sex behaviors that I as a lifelong heterosexual have never met to prevent the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
Hence illicit Chemical Assault Scorched Earth chemicals or it's criminal enterprise can not be maintained in the LAPD stationhouse. The President can not maintain his residency in the White House while committing a crime in this instance a War Crime. Very simply maintaining a dwelling while committing a felony. I could not manufacture speed or a bomb in one of your hotels.
MOEC has maintained a Censorship and Sanitization of 7.5 billion persons. It is objectively empirically that the operation radiates from the United States attacking the community of nations whom will eventually pursue the United States as the reverse sting finalizes. Your opponent Hillary Clinton and her husband are no friends of Democracy. Why did Al Qaeda attack the United States and destroy the World Trade Towers on 9-11 while a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth Program was in continuo in the United States?
MOEC is a Cultural Singularity versus Technological Singularity. Ethnic Nationalism as a Source of War or simply nativism and populism are the basis of the Folk State. Gemeinschaft (country tradition) versus Gessellschaft (town rational systems). I am writing from Inyo County which has lost ten percent of it's population 20,000 to 18,000. The population has lost in a reverse sting entrapment of citizenship versus criminal, patriot versus traitor. Gay Militia concept is based on a Know Nothing Wizard of Oz platform not sound Homeland Security. The Anglo American Paradigm has pronounced that a normal 18 year person can pass Algebra 3. LAPD will stalk as I defeat in a grade system of 1. elementary school grade 6 2. junior high grade 8 3. high school grade 12 4. AA grade 14 5. BA BS grade 16. 6. Masters grade 18 6. Doctors grade 20.
LAPD will fail elementary school concepts as the number line and a string of integers. Since June 17, 1987 I have overtaken the officers even the BA lieutenants in math. Arizona prescribes 4 algebras and two algebra 3 classes to graduate. Since I am was the foil to Ronald Reagan, I am openly accepting the challenge. I am grade 15, an undergraduate senior with 160 credit's at 3.27 and 151 UC California transferable at 3.51. I have a 3.85 over my last 70 credits. Your last 45 upper division are weighted for graduate school acceptance. I am not impressed by nativism and localism, stating that "You are here" and handing a beer to someone in the parking lot while are stalking. The fire department was just out here along the Owens Canal which is poisoned.
If Homeland Security was tested every two years. The officers who run MOEC would have been fired. I just started learning basic electronics on apps. The Quant car has just been announced which can produce over 900 horse power at 217 MPH using a saline cell instead lithium batteries. Engineering pursues concepts as Cognitive Skill Amplifiers and Manual Skill Amplifiers. Engineers are taught to build machines to accomplish work more efficiently as automation. The Yellow Brick Road is not working for California where Algebra 1 will pass high school. The three surrounding states are all Algebra. Normal immigration should be strict 1. Family unification 2. Algebra 3. It is harder to pass high school than it is to be a policeman or sneak into the United States.
I am not standing still. I would not back down to Albert Einstein. Maybe in the next ten years I will learn Lambda Calculus. I am clearly not afraid of grade 20. I can apply to a B graduate or maybe an A graduate school social science.
I wrote you first as your were trailing in the polls.
At the end what will happen?
The answer to Know Nothingness is a War Crime Tribunal.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Bishop CA
September 13, 2016
Open Letter Hillary Clinton: The Collapse of Democracy
Big Pine CA
October 1, 2016

Dear Hillary Clinton,
The Fall of Democracy
War Criminals on the Run
On December 26, Donald Trump and yourself debated for the first of three debates for the 2016 Presidential Election. You nor Trump addressed the most substantive issue concerning the American people. On June 17, 1987 when I was in Dover, Delaware a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth Program was initiated against my person. This is a CONCRETE prima facie event which can not be falsified. It is alleged that Cambridge Law School is proximate cause sine qua non.
It is further argued that these actors are responsible for the expansion and contraction of the British Empire. This is facilitated by a hub and node system of informants through every police stationhouse worldwide. The algorithm is stated to have a hub in Scotland Yard and Los Angeles Police Department.
Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC is the name of this stage of United Kingdom. These actors can choose any name they wish. However such reduces to prisoner's dilemma. It will have a structure, process, and ecology of systems.
The General User Interface GUI of an Artificial Intelligence program is presented below:
Control |
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
MOEC is a Black Swan. I believe that Donald Trump is also. Alter Egos include al Bhagdadhi of Islamic State and the five Irrationalist Presidents:
Ronald Reagan
George HW Bush
William Clinton
George W Bush
Barack Obama
You or Donald Trump will most likely be the sixth Irrationalist President.
The concept of War Criminals on the Run refers to the allegation that the Ex Deux Maquina of the system formed when Trinity Theologians realized the Cambridge Lawyers were Male Same Sex Males MSM representing the LGBTi Movement. They realized that War Crimes were being committed in Fire versus Fire under the banner of Gay Liberation. Some manner of quid pro quo was made where the Cambridge Lawyers would be exposed.
This exposure is being facilitated by alienating one person your author Bhakta David Nollmeyer from my Bill of Rights and ICCPR protections. Hence by having a de facto third party actor, Cambridge Law School impose a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth Program the manifest function has the United States attacking the human race from this nationstate towards the community of nations.
There are certain structural considerations. The identity of the system is LGBTi Gay versus Heterosexuality Straight. Originally it was Female versus Male. This after test is only a subcomponent and yields homosexual misogyny against females most notable in the divorce rate 45% and the atomized family which discriminates against women.
An artificial ideology Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing is imposed over sexual emancipation. Many social systems have an emancipatory component whether it is going to heaven or social equality.
The dumbest person is placed against the smartest person. This would yield the most corrupt police officer versus the president. Since I am the citizen and natural person the president is sworn to protect this yields the method for exposing Cambridge Law School. I am stating that George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, and Anne Frank were prepared in a lesser ontological method than I was concerning the expansion and contraction of empire and totalitarianism. Hence I am the more substantive author but possibly not the best writer. An analogy would be Plato versus Homer.
The Chemical Assault Scorched Earth could be terminated if police officers were tested at Algebra 3 the Common Core High School Standard every two years.
MOEC has two subsystems: 1. Lycurgus 2. Akbar
MOEC has three main components:
1. Electronic Surveillance Stalking
2. Chemical Assault Scorched Earth
3. Nuclear
Lycurgus exists when persons are being stalked. Akbar exists when I am held under Chemical Assault Scorched Earth as I am now. Cv.98-7015, Nollmeyer v. U.S. Gov., Delaware State Police, et al. United States Supreme Court contained this information. It was refused certiorari January 19, 1999 very near when Bill Clinton was being impeached.
Stalking is created when I attempt to free myself. If I intellectually defeat Dodo, the code name of the officer who is the spokesman he will direct the persons in my vicinity to stalk me. The main behavior is slamming car doors to false imprison. Dodo's superiors are alleged to be Lieutenant computer scientist. I have surpassed the actors in what is MOEC Studies, math, and chess. Hence I am perpetually being stalked.
One will notice that in Inyo, Riverside, Lassen, Plumas, and Siskiyou California, blue road areas the educational and technological divide is sharp. A classic portrait is stacks of hay with rusting trucks and farm equipment from a bygone era. Engineering focuses on Cognitive Amplifiers and Motor Skill Amplifiers. Notice that new self driving cars do no have opposable grip steering wheels, stick shifts, or pedals. The Asus netbook I am using, a Cognitive Amplifier, is an obsolete $60 USD refurbished Eeepc. I had only bought a new one for $330 dollars about five years ago.
You and Trump both argue in favor of the working class. The wealth of a nation is in the management of it's labor. There is over $84 Trillion dollars in private wealth in the United States. I argue there is a 95 percent or more defection rate.
MOEC is based on Ethnic Nationalism as a Source of War. This is simple Nativism and Localism. The most recently effected areas as rural Riverside, Inyo, Lassen, Plumas, and Siskiyou, California reflect this entrapment.
The United States should adopt a Algebra 4 standard for a BA BS. Management and Public Administration should require a MA MS with Algebra 5 or Calculus.
A Nuremberg War Crimes styled tribunal should be started. Criminal and civil punishments should compensate the victims and punish the criminals. The attack is based on Know Nothing Attorney General Exemption for the president. The Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Obama are War Criminals on the Run. There are a near 600,000 persons living with HIV AIDS under a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. The Constitution protects Life, Limb, and Property in that order. Democracy collapsed June 17, 1987. MOEC is a Black Swan predicated on Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing imposed over Sexual Emancipation. There is no rational basis or governmental purpose for the United States to impose a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth over my person to attack the human race.
If Cambridge Law School is the proximate cause and Origin these actors should be identified.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Big Pine CA
September 27, 2016
MOEC Studies
Open Letter: Governor Gary Johnson Johnson L NM
Desert Shores CA
November 6, 2016

Dear Governor Gary Johnson,
I am concerned that as the Libertarian Party candidate for president and as a two term governor of New Mexico you have not acknowledged one of the biggest farces in history regarding state sponsored terror. When one individual is isolated from his Bill of Rights protections the whole political body loses. This has empirically occurred as of June 17, 1987 when I was in Dover, Delaware, the home state of now vice president Joe Biden. Ronald Reagan was president and on June 12, 1987 had just made a historic speech at the Berlin Wall with Mikhail Gorbachev.
What has transpired over the last 29 years nearly a generation of Black Swan babies who have never experienced their true Bill of Right protections is Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
I returned to New Mexico during the Clinton Administration. I was born in Roswell, New Mexico August 3, 1961 one day before Barack Obama. I recently linked a copy of our birth certificate to Donald Trump's Twitter account. In days he blamed Hillary Clinton for the birther conspiracy. Ex LAPD Chief William Bratton also retired as NYPD Commissioner.
To refocalize I lived in New Mexico during your first term beginning in 1994. I attempted to endure in rural areas of New Mexico as Glenwood. It is here where I had usually hitchhiked down then Arizona highway 666 into Glenwood where I heard one of the original Black Swan leaks. This involves Artificial Intelligence and Technological Singularity. The attack we are living under is called Mobilization of Empire and Civilization MOEC. It is no more than a hub and node system of informants in every police stationhouse worldwide. This mechanism expands an contracts the British Empire.
This story line follows Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. MOEC is far more sinister where Savage is hiding outside the electronic surveillance of the leader Mustafa.
Notice that we are now witnessing the Fall of the Islamic State.
I have alleged that Cambridge Law School is the proximate cause. MOEC is a Cultural Singularity in opposition to Technological Singularity. I will provide a GUI of Origin of a proposed computer system.
Prisoner's Dilemma
Prisoner B Stays Silent |
Prisoner B Betrays |
Prisoner A Stays Silent |
Each serves six months |
Prisoner A serves ten years Prisoner B goes free |
Prisoner A Betrays |
Prisoner A goes free Prisoner B serves ten years |
Each serves two years |
Control |
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
It is also apparent that the population has been numbered and is held under some manner of ANOVA testing which would involve variance from a central tendency regarding some type of repeated measure. Citizen or Criminal or Cooperate or Betray are two basic propositions.
I am writing from the Salton Sea area. This is the third time such has been contaminated. When I was in New Mexico the surface water was clean and as was tap water.
The attack has as Strategic Mission of Gay Marriage. The defection also has a concocted ideology named Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing.
I will state in brevity if law enforcement would test all officers a Algebra 3 this would end the attack as the officers in LAPD whom run the operation would fail. Those persons in New Mexico whom state, "What will happen in the end?" The answer to this question is a War Crimes Prosecutor will ring your doorbell with a subpoena and warrant.
There have been five Irrationalist Presidents War Criminals on the Run.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores CA
November 6, 2016
Open Letter: Dr. Jill Stein Green
Desert Shores CA
November 7, 2016
Dear Dr. Jill Stein
David Kaye UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression
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The Lesser of Two Evils is Evil
How do I know the Lesser of Two Evils is Evil? It states such on my webpage www.powereality.net.
I have posts from 2001 onward.
Individual Versus the State
Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity
You have formulated a Power to the People Plan which is elaborated on http://www.jill2016.com/plan.
One component is
Justice for All:
Restore our Constitutional rights, terminate unconstitutional surveillance and unwarranted spying, end persecution of government and media whistleblowers, close Guantanamo, abolish secret kill lists, and repeal indefinite detention without charge or trial.
I have been held ex communicado from normal communication with the society and my Bill of Rights Protections have been abrogated under the History's greatest act of Censorship and Sanitization. This is inclusive of 7.5 billion persons about 200 nationstates and the United Nations.
David Kaye the Special Rapporteur has recently published Archiving Justice: Conceptualizing the Archives of the ICTY, Journal of Archival Science (2014), and Stealth Multilateralism: U.S. Foreign Policy Without Treaties or the Senate, Foreign Affairs (2013).
I am alleging that the in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth that is imposed over my person alone, all other parties are Fractals of Kroni. Kroni is an Antichrist figure from an offshoot of Sri Sampradaya or the Laksmi Sampradaya of the Vedas. Hence when all the fractals rejoin Kroni advents to be killed by Kalki an avatar of Krishna.
Organic Solidarity according to Durkheim is when the component members of society work together as in the homeostasis of a healthy organism. Mechanism is an oppressive unjust state of very early stages of social organization that did not have equal protection or egalitarian values.
I am alleging that Cambridge Law School, UK is the proximate cause sine qua non. These actors have authored a Gay Militia that operates out of a hub and node system of informants through every police stationhouse worldwide. In this manner these actors expand and contract the British Empire.
This is a prisoner's dilemma defection model. A layperson can easily discern these forces at play in the Syrian War as the Battles for Aleppo and Mosul unfold.
I am stating that LAPD runs the operation from the United States attacking the international community. The attack has as Strategic Mission of Gay Marriage. The defection also has a concocted ideology named Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing.
I have no rights as I am heterosexual.
These actors have labelled themselves Mobilization of Empire and Civilization MOEC. Regardless of what name these persons choose it is Cambridge Law School where the Authorship was located. It has been argued that some of the same lawyers whom approved the dropping of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and the Bombing of Dusseldorf were involved. Hence we see a signature of Overpower in military tactics and defection under prisoner's dilemma outside of the rule of law as a strategy to maintain power and control.
I will provide a GUI of Origin of a proposed computer system.
Prisoner's Dilemma
Prisoner B Stays Silent |
Prisoner B Betrays |
Prisoner A Stays Silent |
Each serves six months |
Prisoner A serves ten years Prisoner B goes free |
Prisoner A Betrays |
Prisoner A goes free Prisoner B serves ten years |
Each serves two years |
Control |
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
It is also apparent that the population has been numbered and is held under some manner of ANOVA testing which would involve variance from a central tendency regarding some type of repeated measure. Citizen or Criminal or Cooperate or Betray are two basic propositions.
I am writing from the Salton Sea area. This is the third time such has been contaminated for a presidential election.
I will state in brevity if law enforcement would test all officers a Algebra 3 this would end the attack as the officers in LAPD whom run the operation would fail. Those persons in New Mexico whom state, "What will happen in the end?" The answer to this question is a War Crimes Prosecutor will ring your doorbell with a subpoena and warrant.
There have been five Irrationalist Presidents War Criminals on the Run.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores CA
November 7, 2016
2017 Letters
Open Letter to MIT
Big Pine CA
April 18, 2017
Dear MIT et al.,
L.Rafeal Reif
Justin Anderson
Noam Chomsky
Murad Abu Khalaf
Tomasz Mrokaw
Melissa Nobles
Daniela Rus
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The United States has been undergoing an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth since June 17, 1987 when I was in Dover, Delaware. 1987 is the year of the 200th Anniversary of the United States Constitution. The attack is alleged to be designed by Cambridge Law School, United Kingdom.
An interesting component of the System is that the entirety of the attack is imposed over only one natural person, myself, Bhakta David Nollmeyer. The remainder of the population are Fractals of Kroni. Kroni is an Antichrist figure.
In the Ayyavazhi faith, the Nadutheerpu is the Final Judgment from which Kroni, the primordial Manifestation of Evil was sentenced to hell. During this judgment his unlawful activities of all the seven previous Yugas are returned once again to him and he was finally thrown into the hell.
Ayyavazhi Mayon is Vishnu of the Vedas. Kroni was severed into asuras as six fragments: 1. Kuntomasali 2. Thillaimallalan and Mallosivakanan 3. Suraparppan Sinkamukasuran and Iraniyan 4. Ravanan 5. Thuriyothanan and the Ninety Nine Brothers 6. Kaliyan In Vedic Ayyavazhi tradition Kalki is the final avatar that deals with corrupt government at the end of the last Yuga or time period, Kali.
In this consideration, I was presented a briefing defining the event. As seen under then President Ronald Reagan my Sovereign Citizen positive rights were abrogated. This substantively figures on my Bill of Rights safeguards.
Essentially what is occurring is a duel under a Prisoner's Dilemma mutation named Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC by the Authorship. This is claimed to be a Membership of Cambridge Lawyers and Theologians. In it's construction as a System it appears that the Lawyers were placed on the Number Line. This is the same integer based system used from grade to graduate school.
It is argued that Cambridge Law School or MOEC as they wished to style themselves are the mechanism that expands and contracts the British Empire. This is facilitated by a hub and node system of Informants in every police stationhouse worldwide.
The GUI of the system is presented below. As the ontological ends of an implied computer system what is seen is a suprasystem controlling all the systems, subsystems, and components similar to an operating system.
Control |
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
Mobilization of Empire and Civilization MOEC is the name of this operation. It is Cambridge planning that expands and contracts the British Empire. MOEC is imposed over only one person in it's entirety. I am the only person to have these components over my natural person and citizenship:
Electronic Surveillance - Stalking
Biological Warfare
Chemical Warfare
Nuclear Warfare
The remainder of the world's population are fractals.
MOEC has two subsystems:
Lycurgus: Electronic Surveillance Stalking
Akbar: The morphing of Lycurgus into a stage where I am held under an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth Electronic Surveillance State.
Syrinx: According to the briefing must be a component. It defines all nuclear events as the atomic bomb, Chernobyl, and Fukushima. Otherwise three subsystems would exits instead of two.
(Fractal Flower was a creation on a logarithm by a tutorial on freeware)
MOEC has an algorithm allegedly consisting of only Male Same Sex Male persons.
The Membership are lead by Cambridge Lawyers and are the Image of X domain that will script a reverse sting of mens rea and actus rea for members in the range set Y. The Gay Militia officers in Scotland Yard and LAPD are set Y.
It is held that one member is the point man for the Image of X. However I would strongly hold that collective traits are being conditioned in the range or output in the population. LAPD or Scotland Yard are a lower level on a tree implementing the Reverse Sting Operation.
Level A: Cambridge Membership
Level B: LAPD and Scotland Yard
Level C: Local Code Enforcement
Level D: Population
MOEC has a Strategic Mission of Gay Marriage. This attack is based on a Homosexual Qualification of Rights before the court. I am a heterosexual, and a so called Japanese American ritvik Hare Krishna terms I do not like this labelling but such satisfies technical legal codes as the 14th and 8th Amendment and civil right standards.
MOEC is a Cultural Singularity versus Technological Singularity. The current theme is Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity. Homo sapiens is a natural species living in an environment capable of creating artifacts as tools which in turn create ecologies which such adapt to in feedback loops. Cognitive amplifiers and Manual amplifiers are the two main technologies that lead to class stratification.
This theme discusses humanity and their artifacts such as metallurgy and their individual and class stratification effects.
Also under MOEC there is also a sibling cohort rivalry under an unseen father and mother figure.
The following is the Couple (engineering), similar to a steering wheel that will guide the Tryad of MOEC (Salton Sea), Chernobyl, and Fukushima in developing the Chord of Life or social fabric. There are a discreet but very large amount of events that are manmade acts of crime and are destructive as fentanyl, synthetic heroin. The modern word syringe derives from Syrinx.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment
MOEC is the United States Chernobyl and Fukushima. Hence we have a Tryad of events in Akbar. The Salton Sea was created by an engineering blunder in 1905. It may have to be eventually entombed in cement after being drained or have the sand underneath it buried, incinerated, or gradually dropped down to the bottom of the Ocean(?). The Salton Sea is the main evidence in a future War Crimes Tribunal perhaps in United States Federal Court. The wheat in fields will burn your hand but such is being sent to market. I have an extensive federal court docket of which I have told the Court of this dating back to the Salmon Rushdie Satanic Verses era.
Recently a Hare Krishna devotee posted a picture of the Collatz Conjecture:

I researched and found another picture, Apollonian Spheres which is derived from the Collatz Conjecture:

There is a very advanced ecology and cartography at play. Individuals and collectives have to learn to adapt to these manmade catastrophes. Two are recognized. MOEC is not. Hence the name Syrinx, a siren song describing the doom of the world. Akbar occurs when two or more Sphere models collide. This is implied in my opinion I do not believe a system of three or more dimensional sphere models exist. What occurs is simply an old fashioned manual Reverse Sting Operation.
I wrote down the Organic Cell (GUI) and the following in Chipley, Florida in the late 1990s. They are both alleged to be of Cambridge Authorship.
England is the Mind, the United States is the Bodyguard
MOEC is the acronym of the System MOBILIZATION OF EMPIRE AND CIVILIZATION. The SYSTEM is allegedly of British design; that of Cambridge Law School. The paradigm is designed as a Suprasystem. This is state that MOEC is a higher structural system that manages lower subsystems an components. This is particularly aimed at Constitutions and computer operating systems which are constructed in a similar manner.
There are two main subsystems in MOEC: 1. Lycurgus 2. Akbar
There are three main components:
Biological Warfare
Chemical Warfare
Nuclear Warfare
Lycurgus is identifiable by an electronic surveillance state. Under these conditions one constant individual is entrapped with a fullblown Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over his natural person and citizenship. In Lycurgus Undermining occurs where only a marginal attack is occurring. Other human and physical targets have a fractal of the constant or Ultimate Target. Akbar is a stage that has occurred when the Ultimate Target is undergoing the full blown Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. The United States has initiated Akbar since June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware. This was carried out by a Gay Militia operating out of Los Angeles Police Department.
Syrinx is identifiable by nuclear events It has an upper boundary of Limited Nuclear Destruction. The tsunami at Fukushima, Japan would be classified as in Syrinx.
Lycurgus is more likely to occur. It is designed to mutate into Akbar. Other severe human rights events may be considered as Akbar.
We will have witnessed a generation or 30 years of in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, Censorship and Sanitization on June 17, 2017. There are now six Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Trump:
Ronald Reagan |
George HW Bush |
William Clinton |
George W Bush |
Barack Obama |
Donald Trump |
The Proximate Cause Test sine qua non is correct to decapitate MOEC to it's Origin. I wish to expose, name, and bring to trial the principals, accomplices, and accessories to the fact. What is occurring mainly is a duel between Cambridge Lawyers, most likely dead for many years through a Gay Militia operating out of LAPD. I believe about 15,000 to 30,000 persons were directly entrapped in MOEC's Reverse Sting. This is a Greek Gift of the Gods Caveman Attack. It has a polarity of homosexuality versus heterosexuality. Hence under a simple Chai Square Test are LGBTi persons or Opposite Sex persons more likely to be Atomized or create an Ideal State?
The engineering and math implied in MOEC are well beyond my capabilities. Whomever attacked the United States was well beyond a regular California State University computer science BS.
The people are being numbered and entered into Parameters. A very complex system of ANOVA based statistics is implied. This will merge the Schools of Math and Science and Liberal Arts.
This is not a zero sum game. There are winners and losers. An important social science concept is that persons are individually prepared and conditioned under a concept of expansion and contraction of an Empire.
Hence many persons at MIT and other schools are hubs and nodes under MOEC.
On June 17, 2017, an entire generation will have transpired. MOEC is a Scripted Black Swan and Runaway crushing Democracy under the United States.
I believe that the survival of Cambridge and many institutions and individuals that MOEC has entrapped is at stake.
Thank you for you consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Big Pine CA
April 17, 2017
Court Docket
England is the Mind, the United States is the Bodyguard
MOEC is the acronym of the System MOBILIZATION OF EMPIRE AND CIVILIZATION. The SYSTEM is allegedly of British design; that of Cambridge Law School. The paradigm is designed as a Suprasystem. This is state that MOEC is a higher structural system that manages lower subsystems and components. This is particularly aimed at Constitutions and computer operating systems which are constructed in a similar manner.
Official Court Appendix
1. Cv.95-0135, Nollmeyer v. U.S. Gov., Delaware State Police, et al. U.S. District for New Mexico
2. Cv.97-2306, Nollmeyer v. U.S. Gov., Delaware State Police, et al. Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals
3. Cv.98-7015, Nollmeyer v. U.S. Gov., Delaware State Police, et al. United States Supreme Court
4. Cv.99-487, Nollmeyer v. U.S Attorney General, et al. U.S. District for Delaware
5. Cv.99-448, Nollmeyer v. Delaware State Police, et al. U.S. District for Delaware
6. Cv.99-500, Nollmeyer v. Janet Reno U.S. Attorney General, et al. U.S. District for Delaware
7. Cv.99-503, Nollmeyer v. Unknown Officer Doe (Delaware State Police), et al. U.S. District for Delaware
8. Cv.99-5631, Nollmeyer v. Delaware State Police, et al. Third Circuit Court of Appeals
9. Cv.99-5632, Nollmeyer v. Unknown Officer Doe (Delaware State Police), et al. Third Circuit Court of Appeals
10. Cv.99-5633, Nollmeyer v. UnitedStates Attorney General, et al. Third Circuit Court of Appeals
11. Cv.99-5634, Nollmeyer v. United States General Janet Reno, et al. Third Circuit Court of Appeals
12. Cv.99-5539, Nollmeyer v. Delaware State Police, et al. In Re: Doe Novella, Doe Pied Piper of Hamilton. Third Circuit Court of Appeals
13. Cv.99-5151, Nollmeyer v. Gray Davis, et al. U.S. District for Ca. Fresno
14. Cv.99-5152, Nollmeyer v. Pete Wilson, et al. U.S. District for Ca. Fresno
15. Cv.99-5153, Nollmeyer v. Inyo Co., et al. U.S. District for Ca. Fresno
16. Cv.99-5600, Nollmeyer v. United States Postal Service, et al. U.S. District for Ca. Fresno
17. Misc. 99-100 Nollmeyer v. William Lockyer, Ca. Att. Gen., Bernard Parks, LAPD, et al. U.S. District for Ca. Fresno
18. Misc. 99-101, Nollmeyer v. William Lockyer, Ca. Att. Gen., Parks, LAPD, et al.U.S. District for Ca. Fresno
19. Cv.99-2342, Nollmeyer v. Holiday Market, et al. U.S. District for Ca. Sacramento
20. Cv.99-17104, Nollmeyer v. Gray Davis, et al. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
21. Cv.99-17106, Nollmeyer v. Pete Wilson, et al. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
22. Cv.99-17228, Nollmeyer v. Inyo Co., et al. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
23. Cv.99-17191, Nollmeyer v. United States Postal Service, et al. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
24. Cv.99-215, Nollmeyer v. New Ramen Reti, et al. U.S. District for Fl. Gainesville
25. Cv. 00-13, Nollmeyer v. Janet Reno, U.S. Attorney General, et al. U.S. District for Fl. Gainesville
26. Cv. 00-10241-D, Nollmeyer v. New Ramen Reti, et al. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals