Open Letters
The following records are Open Letters which were in the majority posted to my http://www.powereality.org and MOEC Studies systems from 2001 in continuo. After nearly 34 years of Censorship and Sanitization the attempt to gain Legal Recognition, decapitate the system, and bring the prominent Actors to accountability deserves some attention based on it's merit. Open Letters are worth the time and effort and an important facet of our Freedom and Dignity.
The following reflect the emergence from a passivity to a more dynamic posture with prophylaxis.
The Open Letters are a stoic and defiant statement in a study in the classic argument of the confrontation between the Individual versus the State.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
One should note that any reference made to the Baltimore Studio is no more than LAPD officers posing as MSM musicians.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer October 24, 2015
2022 Letters
Open Letter: Gov. Dan Ducey R AZ, Kristen Sinema D AZ, Mark Kelley D AZ, Rep. Raul Ruiz D CA, Sarah Kate Ellis GLADD
Dear Respected Persons,
Once again I am writing sworn officials and other salient world figures requesting Official Recognition of myself and the Crime Against Humanity committed against and civilization. This event's prongs in jurisdictions as Ukraine where standing armies are in conflict would result in a War Crime.
The in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth Program imposed over me has persisted since June 17, 1987 from Dover, Delaware. In 1972 I spent one evening stuffing envelopes for President Joe Biden in his initial Senate run. I lived a few houses from him in Rodney Village in Kent County. This was in the Caesar Rodney School District. This is relevant as Rodney was a slave owner. His historical relevance is being challenged. I met his wife Neila and one year old Naomi whom were killed later on December 18, 1972 while shopping for a Christmas tree in an auto accident.
I am alleging that the University of Cambridge Law School is the Proximate Cause sine qua non of this attack. It is LGBTi biased. I am a proposing that Cambridge is the author of the expansion and contraction of the British Empire. This assessment is also consistent with the Anglo American Paradigm which concretely in the present is represented by NATO.
Currently I am in residence along the Colorado River near Blythe, CA and Ehrenberg, AZ. The river, air, tap water, and products are all chemically contaminated. This is tandem with 24 hour electronic surveillance and stalking.
President Biden frequently makes reference as to who we are. I would respond that we are Informant Traitors whom chose a Yellow Brick Road over a merit based system of social promotion based on our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
In clarification, there is a LGBTi based system of quid pro quos which are inverse to criminal codes against LGBTi behaviors. In contrast, Indonesia has criminalized Sex Outside of Marriage. Vladimir Putin in Russia has also banned LGBTi propaganda this week.
I am stating that there is a hub and node system defection model operating through every police stationhouse worldwide. Hence this weak force can undermine with force using informal and formal punishments as crime and sentencing.
This system is responsible for the rise of Drug Cartels and Mafias. It is the system that smuggles fentanyl and immigrants across the border. It is government supported.
I am stating that LAPD is operating a Gay Militia out of their agency. It has been created with perhaps 500 officers. This Yellow Brick Road is fashioned as Tournament. It is no more than driving the population of a cliff towards a hypothetical Second Coming of God.
There has been no credible intervention since June 17, 1987. I have organized the most systematic material through Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, Wildfires, COVID 19, and Stalking.
The emergence of sophists and sycophants is integral to the development of menticide (brainwashing) and a Stockholm Syndrome.
These acts are concrete. I am appalled at the Collapse of the United States since Plymouth Rock in 1620. The Native Americans have lost 99 percent of their land and what remains is basically in jeopardy.
Legally sworn officials are required to act.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
December 8, 2022
Open Letter: Representative Doug LaMalfa R CA, Governor Kate Brown D OR, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell R KY, Senate Majority Leader Schumer D Ny
Alturas CA
June 13, 2022
Dear Respected Leaders,
Rep. Doug LaMalfa R CA,
Governor Kate Brown D OR,
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell R KY,
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer D WI
On June 17, 2022 the 35th Anniversary of Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC's Manifest Function began in Dover, Delaware on June 17, 1987. I am directing your attention to the Manifest Function of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over my person. I am in Alturas, California. There is no doubt that Southern Oregon as Klamath is affected.
Since this date we have endured the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, Electronic Surveillance, Stalking, wildfires, COVID 19, and the effects of the Ukrainian War. My Journals and Open Letters are an excellent narrative of the Western Wildfires which reads as The Lord of the Flies.
I have argued that the University of Cambridge is the Authorship sine qua non of this attack. Hence it is Crimes Against Humanity since there are no standing armies at face in the United States. In Ukraine it would be a War Crime.
The Electronic Surveillance imposed over me is so intense if Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was on television I could speak directly to him or Vladimir Putin of Russia for that matter.
If I was in Ukraine there would Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. All of the air, surface water, tap water, and any products that would be contaminated.
Hence, I continue the very solid allegation that Homosexual professors of Cambridge Law School circa the 1880s to 1930s are the mechanism that expands and contracts the British Empire. The structure has been handed off to LAPD where Homosexual officers continue the operation as The Wizard of Oz. The actual story was implanted in the culture. My information is superior to George Orwell's 1984 or Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.
I am being attacked because I am a heterosexual. Historically I have at least 26 Federal Lawsuits filed in a formal attempt to shut this down.
On November 3, 1978, Charles Gary Sampson was killed in Camden Wyoming, Delaware along Moose Lodge Road. I went to a Bob Seger Silver Bullet Band concert at the Spectrum in Philadelphia that evening. I was a friend of the person's vehicle where Sampson's body was found. The vehicle had set on fire.
While I talked to Forensic Officer Voshell, a then Senator Biden was present south of where were talking. The victim had ran across the soybean field. His tracks were 6 to 9 feet apart.
I flied an amicus curiae on behalf of the victim and court, Cv.99-5539, Nollmeyer v. Delaware State Police, et al. In Re: Doe Novella, Doe Pied Piper of Hamilton. Third Circuit Court of Appeals. One of the suspects had confided to me as to what had happened. It appears that a drug deal had went bad. There was a shotgun present that was handled by the victim and then at least of the suspects. Then the victim was told to exit the vehicle and run.
The alleged shooter has died of natural causes.
I have been harassed my entire life for remaining silent. I was never subpoenaed by the State of Delaware.
I was friends with both suspects. The one who confessed to me turned state's evidence. The alleged shooter pleaded innocent and his father testified he was at the Caesar Rodney High School game that evening.
He was found innocent so both went free.
In 1998 I wrote a writ of certiorari, Cv.95-0135, Nollmeyer v. U.S. Gov., Delaware State Police, et al. U.S. District for New Mexico in Greenville, California. There was a gun case from Greenville that I believe the Supreme Court did accept.
About 65 percent of Greenville burnt in the Dixie Fire last year. The location where I was in Chester along Lake Almanor also burnt. I was forced to flee to Mountainaire, Arizona.
The environment is highly escalated and a Theater of War. The study of prisoner's dilemma reveals that illegal defection, not cooperation explains the irrationality of Censorship and Sanitization of a Crime Against Humanity.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Alturas, CA
June 13, 2022
Open Letter: Senators Dianne Feinstein, Alex Padilla D CA et al.
Chester CA
May 15, 2022
Senator Dianne Feinstein D CA
Senator Alex Padilla D CA
Rep. Juan Vargas D CA
Attorney General Rob Bonta D CA
We are approaching the One Year Anniversary of the Fly Dixie Fire Complex which burned over 1 million acres. I was displaced from Chester. California, the location I was in was consumed. Behind where I wrote my Supreme Court writ of certiorari CV-98-7015 in 1998, in Greenville burned with two thirds of the town.
I fled to Mountainaire, Arizona, then returned to Desert Shores along the Salton Sea. I am writing to denounce Irrationalism in all it's forms. Irrationalism competed with Idealism as the main ideology of the early 20th century. The Irrationalists were fronted by Nazis, Neo Nazis, and Fascists. The Idealists were lead by the Liberals, Conservatives, and Communists.
I have been held under Chemical Assault Scorched Earth from June 17, 1987, the 200th Anniversary Year of the Constitution by a Gay Militia lead out of LAPD. At present they have artistically recruited FIDE Titled Chess Pros as accomplices.
This lends to a them of the Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack found in the London and French defense among others.
My Bill of Rights protections have been abrogated by Gay Police officers because I am a solid lifelong heterosexual. I lived in Rodney Village, the same neighborhood as a young Joe Biden in 1972. I met his wife whom died later in December of that year while on an outing to purchase a Christmas tree.
A reverse sting operation involving a small amount of LSD between college friends triggered this attack on the United States. The other individual was Richard Miller, whose father James Miller was the editor of the Delaware State News. As seen Biden clearly would know have known Jim and Barbara Miller.
Prisoner Dilemma does not guarantee rights. The Obstruction of Justice has lead to treason, misprision of treason within a RICO Enterprise of crimes against the person.
Saturday, May 14, and 18 year old Payton Gendron travelled to a Tops Supermarket in a Black neighborhood in Buffalo, New York. Wearing metal armor and holding an assault rifle, he shot 13 people, killing 10 of them.
His ideology was Nazi Fascist and anti Semitic. His hatred of Jews and Blacks is hard to fathom. Why do I have to write well paid federal and state officials demanding my rights? Our culture is one of Theater. I am not Meadow Lark Lemon or Hulk Hogan. I would hope that our leadership is beyond a fraternity hazing.
I have written openly against Populism, Nativism, and Fascism since 1997 in Ruidoso, New Mexico. The chief of the Mescalero Apaches and his daughter picked me up and dropped me off at the village. I camped at the entrance of the National Forest. I was stalked heavily there. I was told to look at those (million dollar) houses along the ridge. They are going to burn down. They did just after I left. I was also told that the fires would start near the airfield which is not that far off from they are these days. I had also live in Las Vegas and Trinidad Colorado.
I will identify the Fide Chess Players in letters later and I have this issue in published books.
I would like some legal action in restoring my Bill of Right Protections at the Federal and State level.
Thank you for consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Westwood California
May 15, 2022
Open Letter: Professor Barbara Walters UCSD
Desert Shores CA
January 11, 2022

Dear Professor Walters,
I am writing you today regarding recent media coverage over the issue of Civil War. My name is Bhakta David Nollmeyer. I have been held under constant Chemical Assault Scorched Earth since about June 17, 1987.
I have been told that the University of Cambridge has designed this attack from the 1880s as a response to the German Schiefflin Plan. The original intent is LGBTi Emancipation. The activity is predicated on mobilizing against an empire as it declines. This is exactly what the Bismarck was attempting against Victoria.
My argument is that Prisoner's Dilemma is the driver of Mass Destruction. Social Disorders are weaponized then escalated into formal warfare. In the United States we exist under a Crime Against Humanity. In other locations where standing uniformed armies are fighting such is a War Crime.
This operation is named MOEC. This acronym stand for Mobilization of Empire and Civilization. Since I began using such publicly about 2000 it has been used as Minister of Education and Culture.
MOEC is a pre fascist Irrationalist structure with a hub and node extended from Cambridge, LAPD, and through every police station house world wide.
All the police principals are Same Sex.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
I am one day older than Obama being born August 3, 1961 in Roswell, New Mexico.
I lived in Rodney Village, Kent County, Delaware in 1972 when Joe Biden won his first senate seat. The Strong family lived down the street. The Gambino family lived in the next neighborhood Mayfair Apartments. They ran the King of Pizza restaurant which was burned down.
A cold case murder of a Charles Sampson occurred where Biden and I were both present at the homicide scene.
There is substantial evidence to prove eugenics. My deceased Aunt is Joan Maxwell.
Almost all of my arguments are supported by International Relations, the area of Biden's expertise.
Neither the liberal or conservatives recognize MOEC or the Manifest Chemical Assault Scorched Earth which is a driver towards conflict as a Civil War.
You should peruse my work at www.moec-studies.net
I am forced at present to write to you on my phone. I hope this finds you well.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
January 10, 2022
2021 Letters
Open Letter: Representative Doug LaMalfa R CA, Senator Dianne Feinstein D CA, Governor Kate Brown D CA, Mayor Eric Garcetta D Los Angeles, Fawn Sharp NCAL, Evan Wolfson Freedom to Marry, Rex Sinquefield Chess Patreon, Mike Hoffpaiur USCF, Anne Fisher University of Georgia
Chester CA
July 15, 2021
Dear Respected Persons,
I am writing you today to draw your attention to the lack of response from sworn officials, academics, and other public persons.
I have had a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over my person since June 17, 1987 when I was in Dover, Delaware. When one person is isolated from the whole, the collective will be injured. The reason I am attacked is that a Gay Militia operating out of Los Angeles Police Department has isolated me in a failed attempt at LGBTi social engineering.
I am alleging that University of Cambridge, UK is the origin and authorship.
This attack is both a Crime Against Humanity and a War Crime depending on jurisdiction. This unprecedented collapse of democracy is also the Misprision of Treason.
Hence I had needed to be a LGBTi individual to avoid having my Bill of Right protections alienated. I am being told that I needed to have 3 anal sex encounters. This attack on meritocracy defines a Same Sex Yellow Brick Road which is pandemic.
I am exposing this Prisoner's Dilemma based defection model that replaces study and work with sexual Quid Pro Quos. This Yellow Brick Road extends from Heads of States to Native Persons whom still wish to live outside Western Civilization.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
This operation is named Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC. It has a Graphical User Interface that I wrote down in Chipley, Florida in 1997. I have used this document in multiple Federal Law suits. It is now part of an attempt at a Swindle.
Particular History
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I have been held 24/7 365 days a year under Electronic Surveillance and Stalking.
Chess.com and it's principals are under suspicion. GMs Larry Kaufman and Roman Dzindzichashvili were offered a patent. True chronology would prove the act of creation.
I have had a website under powereality.net since late 2001 and have written 5 texts under the Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm theme . It appears that LAPD will read my texts to various persons telling them they have a deal for a book. All of this material is copyrighted in the United States.
I am in Chester, California. The air is Chemically Contaminated. The Bootleg and Beckworth fires are creating near apocalyptic conditions. COVID 19 is killing over 300 persons per day. I usually write from public property or Native American land.
The United States and the United Kingdom are attacking the human race. All culpable criminal actors should be held accountable and the victims compensated.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Chester, California
July 15, 2021
Open Letter: Governor Doug Ducey AZ, Senator Krysten Synema AZ, Representative Raul Ramirez, Edward Frenkel UC Berkeley, Erick Demaine MIT, Ken Regan University of Buffalo
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Dear Respected Persons,
I am writing you today concerning the in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth Program that has imposed over my natural person Bhakta David Nollmeyer since about June 17, 1987 during then President Ronald Reagan when I was in Dover, Delaware.
The three minor components of this system are:
Electronic Surveillance
Chemical Assault Scorched Earth
These actions are related to a minor psychology theory named Deindividuation.
Gustave Le Bon, 1895 1995 wrote in his book The Crowd of how an individual in a crowd becomes psychological transformed. Le Bon posits a "psychological crowd." Within this dimension the collective mind takes control of the individual. Anonymity, suggestibility, and contagion contribute to this transformation. This individual is irrational, fickle, and suggestible. The submerged person is capable of being a mindless puppet controlled by the leader, and performing any act whether heroic or atrocious. Le Bon's theory has been criticized as being a cross between psychology and politics (Nye 1975).
I have claimed that this event is authored by the Proximate Cause sine qua non University of Cambridge Law School. I also argue that these Actors also expand and contract the British Empire.
They have named this operation Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC.
The Membership of this group whom orchestrated the main planning in this leg of the operation span from about the 1880s to the 1930s. In this consideration it is possible that the original professors may have lived towards the 1960s. These persons comprise an attempt to eugenically design a LGBTi Civilization. The Lawyers were allegedly opposed by Trinity Theologians. A duel emerged which between the two groups which the Theologians won. The Lawyers reneged on ceding control of the operation. This exposure lead to the present War Crime and or Crime Against Humanity depending on where one is observing the event.
I am the only individual with all the Components imposed over their natural person. There is no control group in this quasi experiment. These persons are known as Fractals of Kroni. Kroni is a Vedic Antichrist figure whom now exists in may pieces but will converge himself in a final future which is archetypal.
An interesting emerges which is the Origin GUI.
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One of the main problems associated with this Graphical User Interface is P Versus NP. It appears that this model which is Prisoner's Dilemma based is very accurate in manipulating events which enter into it or have this defection model imposed over them which is probable more precise.
I would argue a main perspective involved is Multi Factor ANOVA.
Totalitarianism seeks to Isolate
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
I am one day older than Barack Obama being born August 3, 1961 in Roswell, New Mexico.
I lived in Rodney Village about five houses from Joe Biden. I met his wife Neila at a letter stuffing during his first senate run. Neila and daughter Naomi would be killed in an auto accident later while purchasing a Christmas Tree.
As such we are cohort rivals that are being measured longitudinally and crossectionally. These parameters should be conducted separately. In any event much useful information can be data mined regardless if such is completely sound.
Cambridge is attempting a Universal Field Theory of both math and science and the liberal arts. This system is organized in a hub and node topology through every police station house world wide. LAPD is the main hub in the United States. They form a Gay Militia which is Irrationalist, anti Semitic and Pre Fascist.
The GUI was presented to me in Chipley, Florida in the late 1990s. I wrote such down from memory and also a brief for my Supreme Court Case which was refused certiorari in 1999: United States Supreme Court: CV-98-7015.
The GUI is now the source of a Swindle. It appears that a Greek Gift of the God's theme has recruited persons associated the server Chess.com. Hence LAPD has offered Roman Dzindzichashvili a patent on the GUI.
LAPD contains Lieutenants whom code name themselves Turing. There are line officers named Dodo.
A Lieutenant claimed that he was equal to GM Larry Kauffman whom works on the Komodo Chess Engine. A Dodo claimed that he was equal to IM William Stewart.
I have on my own studied chess for about 1 hour per day for 7 years. I can maintain about 1725 to 1750 ELO versus the Shredder Mobile app.
I am also paired with CCO IM Daniel Rensch.
As per Fraser's The Golden Bough, a new religion emerges after the slaying of a king (Fraser, J. 1922). World Champion Magnus Carlsen and Levon Aronian, one of the greatest players to never win the World Championship are obvious targets in the Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack.
Of interest is that many gamers have also created programs that describe a nuclear scientist whom travels from New Mexico to the California which I have done repeatedly.
Cambridge has attacked with a first strike. They wish to measure the response.
The Challenge to The Swindle is to be able to develop a Universal Field mapping system using the Origin GUI as an Object in a Riemann Field or Geometry. One should embed the proof in General Systems Theory as to include consistent nomenclature across all domains. Origin is a hybrid of Prisoner's Dilemma. One needs to place the GUI in a University of Cambridge Lawyer's office. One will consider the earth as a sphere as Riemann Geometry deals with curves.
I am not a mathematician. A Systems analysis is desired. Hence the GUI is only 2 dimensional. One could begin by substituting a game like Snakes and Ladders which I am sure is solved regarding P Versus NP.
Hence the 1. software 2. firmware 3. hardware needs to be designed.
As I travelled from June 17, 1987 and before what is my personal level of skill in opposing to defecting to MOEC? The same can be considered of the socialization and asocialization of the culture. How does learning take place?
This will involve very completed graph theory and trees which is well beyond my Algebra 3 and Behavioral Statistics ability. I am a musician.
The so called Turing officers are bogus as mathematicians. There is a baseline of a 12 year old with 1200 ELO for all persons to begin with.
In conclusion I hope that you will be of some assistance. Some are sworn officers all will definitively have their lives work impacted. The Colorado River has been despoiled numerous times as has the Salton Sea.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Chester California
May 23, 2021
Open Letter: Representative Doug LaMalfa R CA, Senator Dianne Feinstein D CA, Governor Kate Brown D CA, Mayor Eric Garcetta D Los Angeles, Fawn Sharp NCAL, Evan Wolfson, Rex Sinquefield Chess Patreon, Mike Hoffpaiur USCF, Anne Fisher University of Georgia
Dear Respected Persons,
I am writing you today to draw your attention to the lack of response from sworn officials, academics, and other public persons.
I have had a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over my person since June 17, 1987 when I was in Dover, Delaware. When one person is isolated from the whole, the collective will be injured. The reason I am attacked is that a Gay Militia operating out of Los Angeles Police Department has isolated me in a failed attempt at LGBTi social engineering.
I am alleging that University of Cambridge, UK is the origin and authorship.
This attack is both a Crime Against Humanity and a War Crime depending on jurisdiction. This unprecedented collapse of democracy is also the Misprision of Treason.
Hence I had needed to be a LGBTi individual to avoid having my Bill of Right protections alienated. I am being told that I needed to have 3 anal sex encounters. This attack on meritocracy defines a Same Sex Yellow Brick Road which is pandemic.
I am exposing this Prisoner's Dilemma based defection model that replaces study and work with sexual Quid Pro Quos. This Yellow Brick Road extends from Heads of States to Native Persons whom still wish to live outside Western Civilization.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
This operation is named Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC. It has a Graphical User Interface that I wrote down in Chipley, Florida in 1997. I have used this document in multiple Federal Law suits. It is now part of an attempt at a Swindle.
Particular History
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Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
I have been held 24/7 365 days a year under Electronic Surveillance and Stalking.
Chess.com and it's principals are under suspicion. GMs Larry Kaufman and Roman Dzindzichashvili were offered a patent. True chronology would prove the act of creation.
I have had a website under powereality.net since late 2001 and have written 5 texts under the Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm theme . It appears that LAPD will read my texts to various persons telling them they have a deal for a book. All of this material is copyrighted in the United States.
I am in Chester, California. The air is Chemically Contaminated. The Bootleg and Beckworth fires are creating near apocalyptic conditions. COVID 19 is killing over 300 persons per day. I usually write from public property or Native American land.
The United States and the United Kingdom are attacking the human race. All culpable criminal actors should be held accountable and the victims compensated.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Chester, California
July 15, 2021
Open Letter: Gov. Dan Ducey R AZ, Kristen Sinema D AZ, Mark Kelley D AZ, Rep. Raul Ruiz D CA, Sarah Kate Ellis GLADD
Dear Respected Persons,
Once again I am writing sworn officials and other salient world figures requesting Official Recognition of myself and the Crime Against Humanity committed against and civilization. This event's prongs in jurisdictions as Ukraine where standing armies are in conflict would result in a War Crime.
The in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth Program imposed over me has persisted since June 17, 1987 from Dover, Delaware. In 1972 I spent one evening stuffing envelopes for President Joe Biden in his initial Senate run. I lived a few houses from him in Rodney Village in Kent County. This was in the Caesar Rodney School District. This is relevant as Rodney was a slave owner. His historical relevance is being challenged. I met his wife Neila and one year old Naomi whom were killed later on December 18, 1972 while shopping for a Christmas tree in an auto accident.
I am alleging that the University of Cambridge Law School is the Proximate Cause sine qua non of this attack. It is LGBTi biased. I am a proposing that Cambridge is the author of the expansion and contraction of the British Empire. This assessment is also consistent with the Anglo American Paradigm which concretely in the present is represented by NATO.
Currently I am in residence along the Colorado River near Blythe, CA and Ehrenberg, AZ. The river, air, tap water, and products are all chemically contaminated. This is tandem with 24 hour electronic surveillance and stalking.
President Biden frequently makes reference as to who we are. I would respond that we are Informant Traitors whom chose a Yellow Brick Road over a merit based system of social promotion based on our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
In clarification, there is a LGBTi based system of quid pro quos which are inverse to criminal codes against LGBTi behaviors. In contrast, Indonesia has criminalized Sex Outside of Marriage. Vladimir Putin in Russia has also banned LGBTi propaganda this week.
I am stating that there is a hub and node system defection model operating through every police stationhouse worldwide. Hence this weak force can undermine with force using informal and formal punishments as crime and sentencing.
This system is responsible for the rise of Drug Cartels and Mafias. It is the system that smuggles fentanyl and immigrants across the border. It is government supported.
I am stating that LAPD is operating a Gay Militia out of their agency. It has been created with perhaps 500 officers. This Yellow Brick Road is fashioned as Tournament. It is no more than driving the population of a cliff towards a hypothetical Second Coming of God.
There has been no credible intervention since June 17, 1987. I have organized the most systematic material through Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, Wildfires, COVID 19, and Stalking.
The emergence of sophists and sycophants is integral to the development of menticide (brainwashing) and a Stockholm Syndrome.
These acts are concrete. I am appalled at the Collapse of the United States since Plymouth Rock in 1620. The Native Americans have lost 99 percent of their land and what remains is basically in jeopardy.
Legally sworn officials are required to act.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
December 8, 2022
Court Docket
England is the Mind, the United States is the Bodyguard
MOEC is the acronym of the System MOBILIZATION OF EMPIRE AND CIVILIZATION. The SYSTEM is allegedly of British design; that of Cambridge Law School. The paradigm is designed as a Suprasystem. This is state that MOEC is a higher structural system that manages lower subsystems and components. This is particularly aimed at Constitutions and computer operating systems which are constructed in a similar manner.
Official Court Appendix
1. Cv.95-0135, Nollmeyer v. U.S. Gov., Delaware State Police, et al. U.S. District for New Mexico
2. Cv.97-2306, Nollmeyer v. U.S. Gov., Delaware State Police, et al. Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals
3. Cv.98-7015, Nollmeyer v. U.S. Gov., Delaware State Police, et al. United States Supreme Court
4. Cv.99-487, Nollmeyer v. U.S Attorney General, et al. U.S. District for Delaware
5. Cv.99-448, Nollmeyer v. Delaware State Police, et al. U.S. District for Delaware
6. Cv.99-500, Nollmeyer v. Janet Reno U.S. Attorney General, et al. U.S. District for Delaware
7. Cv.99-503, Nollmeyer v. Unknown Officer Doe (Delaware State Police), et al. U.S. District for Delaware
8. Cv.99-5631, Nollmeyer v. Delaware State Police, et al. Third Circuit Court of Appeals
9. Cv.99-5632, Nollmeyer v. Unknown Officer Doe (Delaware State Police), et al. Third Circuit Court of Appeals
10. Cv.99-5633, Nollmeyer v. UnitedStates Attorney General, et al. Third Circuit Court of Appeals
11. Cv.99-5634, Nollmeyer v. United States General Janet Reno, et al. Third Circuit Court of Appeals
12. Cv.99-5539, Nollmeyer v. Delaware State Police, et al. In Re: Doe Novella, Doe Pied Piper of Hamilton. Third Circuit Court of Appeals
13. Cv.99-5151, Nollmeyer v. Gray Davis, et al. U.S. District for Ca. Fresno
14. Cv.99-5152, Nollmeyer v. Pete Wilson, et al. U.S. District for Ca. Fresno
15. Cv.99-5153, Nollmeyer v. Inyo Co., et al. U.S. District for Ca. Fresno
16. Cv.99-5600, Nollmeyer v. United States Postal Service, et al. U.S. District for Ca. Fresno
17. Misc. 99-100 Nollmeyer v. William Lockyer, Ca. Att. Gen., Bernard Parks, LAPD, et al. U.S. District for Ca. Fresno
18. Misc. 99-101, Nollmeyer v. William Lockyer, Ca. Att. Gen., Parks, LAPD, et al.U.S. District for Ca. Fresno
19. Cv.99-2342, Nollmeyer v. Holiday Market, et al. U.S. District for Ca. Sacramento
20. Cv.99-17104, Nollmeyer v. Gray Davis, et al. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
21. Cv.99-17106, Nollmeyer v. Pete Wilson, et al. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
22. Cv.99-17228, Nollmeyer v. Inyo Co., et al. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
23. Cv.99-17191, Nollmeyer v. United States Postal Service, et al. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
24. Cv.99-215, Nollmeyer v. New Ramen Reti, et al. U.S. District for Fl. Gainesville
25. Cv. 00-13, Nollmeyer v. Janet Reno, U.S. Attorney General, et al. U.S. District for Fl. Gainesville
26. Cv. 00-10241-D, Nollmeyer v. New Ramen Reti, et al. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals