Open Letters
The following records are Open Letters which were in the majority posted to my http://www.powereality.org and MOEC Studies systems from 2001 in continuo. After nearly 34 years of Censorship and Sanitization the attempt to gain Legal Recognition, decapitate the system, and bring the prominent Actors to accountability deserves some attention based on it's merit. Open Letters are worth the time and effort and an important facet of our Freedom and Dignity.
The following reflect the emergence from a passivity to a more dynamic posture with prophylaxis.
The Open Letters are a stoic and defiant statement in a study in the classic argument of the confrontation between the Individual versus the State.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
One should note that any reference made to the Baltimore Studio is no more than LAPD officers posing as MSM musicians.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer October 24, 2015
Amnesty International, Human Rights, and Social Media
April 27, 2005
I have been working hard attempting to promote human rights as well as my own cause. DENOUNCE TORTURE DAY USA is April 28, 2005 and I will lead into that cause later.
I have been working in fumes 10 to 12 per day when I do have access. You may not realize such but you have participated in one of the most unique events as state planning and totalitarianism by simply visiting this site. I have added several blogs and small sites. Bear in mind one has to concentrate in coverage of over 6 billion persons worldwide. Not all persons have the Internet but this is the audience I am aiming at. Material has to be duplicated due to access and filtering.
One does not realize such but I posted a one page site in the mid 1990s for about thirty dollars for four months; quite expensive by today's standards.
This powereality site, which is my main site, will hopefully be a registered domain in the near future. Over 2000 persons visit each month.
powereality: Over 2000 hits per month
socialtheory1: Over 1000 hits per month
nollmeyer: Over 1000 hits per month
legaltheory: Over 500 hits
The Angelfire site gets well over fifty hits per day but I do not have the monthly details.
There is a tremendous amount of work to be done to STOP THE IMPUNITY.
Here is a link to a new paper:
TOMORROW IS DENOUNCE TORTURE DAY USA. Here are some legal resources one may find interesting.
Denounce Torture
US and International Standards against Torture
United States Bill of Rights (1789), Amendment 8... "nor (shall) cruel or unusual punishment be inflicted." Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), Article 5 "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment."
Geneva Conventions (1949) Article 99, Third Convention "no moral or physical coercion may be exerted on a prisoner of war in order to admit himself guilty of the act of which he is accused."
UN Minimum Standards for the Treatment of Prisoners (1957), Rule 31
"Corporal punishment, punishment by placing in a dark cell, and all cruel, inhumane or degrading punishments shall be completely prohibited..."
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
... to guarantee the right of everyone, without distinction to race, color or national or ethnic origin, to equality before the law, notably in the enjoyment of the following rights:
"(b) The right to security of person and protection by the State against violence or bodily harm, whether inflicted by government officials or by any individual group or institution..."
America Convention on Human Rights (1969)
"... All persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person."
UN Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1975)
"No State may permit or tolerate torture... Exceptional circumstances such as a state of war... or any other public emergency may not be invoked as a justification of torture or other cruel inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment."
UN Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials (1979),
Article 5 "No law enforcement official may inflict, instigate or tolerate any act of torture... nor may any law enforcement official invoke superior order or exceptional circumstances... as a justification of torture...In this code of conduct, the term "law enforcement officials is said to include all officer of the law who exercise police powers, especially the powers of arrest or detention."
2004 Letters
Open Letter: Howard Dean D Vermont
Lompoc CA
January 18, 2004
Herein I will reprint a letter just emailed to Howard Dean and Anderson Cooper of CNN. This explains the modus operandi.
Dear Mr. Dean,
My name is David Nollmeyer. I am contacting you to inform you of a situation that abuses me and slanders you simultaneously. I am the victim of the worst systematic humanrights event in the history of the USA against one individual. This abuse pits a citizen and one's constitutional rights against a de facto system of law enforcement and agents et al.
The model is bounded by a sovereign citizen or social contract theory. Hence the law enforcement attempts to create a conflict between the citizen and one's head of state and or governor. The lack of response allows the fallacy of a multiplication to involve the population writ large to deem prosecution untenable.
The model is essentially a blackmail and extortion ring. The law enforcement begins to blackmail one another. To prevent the revelation of the ad hominem one must attack or alienate another to prevent the blackmail. One is delivering blackmail and extortion. The new person to be attacked is blamed for the existence of the ring.
David Nollmeyer is the constant as the focal target of the crime all other citizens are arranged between the sovereign and myself. The police attempt to act as transparent agents, either myself their agents or the sovereign are guilty.
LAPD are the origin in this country. The Delaware State Police, and Baltimore PD are de facto and as are the unnamed Baltimore Studio who run the electronic surveillance.
As the electronic surveillance and harassment (escalates), this is usually the slamming of car doors the air becomes sprayed with chemicals and envelopes one.. I have lived for 17 years in this state.
In degree the LAPD and Baltimore Studio are homosexual or bisexual. I am a lifelong heterosexual. What is occurring is the Democratic Party and Howard Dean are being used to hostage or false imprison one.
I am a California resident and I sued Gray Davis within thirty days of his tenure due to his not using emergency powers to prevent an unknown chemical spill which is pervasive. David Nollmeyer or one of my religious figures are supposedly sanctioning such.
I am in Lompoc CA, the police are advertising themselves as my advocates as I argue them as guilty as systematic tortures. They are advocating the huge amount of human rights abusers as Howard Dean supporters. Arianna Huffington followers are also entrapped.
I do not support Howard Dean or any Democrat or Republican for President.
One should criticize Chief Bratton, Gov. Schwarzenegger, USAG Ashcroft, and President Bush to stop this absurdity.
If one uses a search with David Nollmeyer or http://powereality.tripod.com or http://nollmeyer.tripod.com one will find accurate sites. There are over 25 civil suits regarding this issue.
David Nollmeyer
Bush Defeats Kerry
Paso Robles CA
November 5, 2004
Now that Bush has won the election I am so grateful that I did not follow the election on television. As seen I am not for any candidate. Superintendent Aaron Chaffinch of the Delaware State Police has been placed on administrative leave due to a new lawsuit against his person.
I am in Paso Robles, CA. The County of San Luis Obispo is in the same predicament. A lawsuit against Cuesta College will happen next year if all goes well. The climate here is low grade and antisocial. The police dealers are exploiting class boundaries based on double bind drug dealing entrapments. Hence choose the lower crime. This county could of been a showcase and like Delaware is a disaster area with a negative reputation.
This letter was posted on the Delaware State News blog.
Open Letter to Gov. Minner D DE, US District Judge Farnan, D. Mitchell and all Public Officials
Since June of 1987 I have alleged corrupt practices against the Delaware State Police for being fatalistically dependent in relation to LAPD, CA. I have alleged that mutual aid violations with this department have resulted in SCORCHED EARTH. One cannot deny that air is being sprayed it is yellow to the sight, there is abuse of electronic surveillance, and if you oppose these mechanism one will be placed in de facto house arrest by persons slamming car doors.
I attempted to retrieve my lawsuit against the Delaware State Police and such is missing from the archives in Philadelphia. From Delaware this is CV-448. It is probably sent back to Delaware or in a different box location.
This letter is a compliment to what is sworn legally at the International, federal, and state levels. I have addressed these actions personally before the DA. Sheriff, and county officials in an Inyo County, CA meeting that was filmed where I referred everyone to then DSP official Gerald Pepper.
I will close to remind all SWORN officials that violating an oath is a felony.
The culture creates the conditions of it's own elimination.
The Lesser of Two Evils is Evil.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
2006 Letters
Dover DE
May 3, 2006
The condescending nature of LAPD to Delaware here is disgusting at best. I have no attachment to any geographic location. If you have been following along you will easily see how being renounced and equal will be advantageous in the long run and history. A common drug dealer is the model person to be followed. This person would be lucky to earn $20,000 and $5,000 illegally. This is the local hero. There is a comparison to San Luis Obispo County. This is one of the premier counties in the United States. I have lived in San Diego, Santa Barbara, and Monterey Counties all with similar demographics. Kent County Delaware has a median income of $29,000 and home price of $179,000. This is incredibly affordable. San Diego has a median income of $60,000 and a median home price of $480,000. The situation in the other three counties would be superior to San Diego.
LAPD is stilling attempting to aggrandize the prostitute, and she was a real hooker as equal to the females. Very poor. The entire population regardless of location is antisocial or has no conscious. There have been two homicides in the area and two gun events with state troopers. I have been here ten days.
I had predicted that LAPD would attempt to defend San Luis Obispo County do to demographics and prestige. In effect that Grand Old Tradition. I wonder if this has anything to do with any storied reputation of the quintessential California girl?
The Ends is the Measure
Open letter to Governor Minner D DE, David Mitchell, Robert O'Neil, MacLeish, Seifert
There still persist a culture of de facto leadership in the State of Delaware that had been in continuo for the past twenty years.
The conditions of scorched earth and illegal electronic surveillance still persists. I have alleged in over 26 United States Federal Court pleadings that LAPD of Los Angeles is running this operation which places them clearly in violation of mutual aid violations from the Delaware Code.
What is unique is that in other jurisdictions Los Angeles PD will blame the Delaware State Police. As I have testified Federal Court:
Los Angeles Police Department CA
Baltimore Police Department MD
Delaware State Police
Co Principals
Baltimore Studio
There are seven members with various code names that mutilate evidence.
Slander has been very active. I have attended college from 2000 until then end of 2004. I have achieved a GPA of 3.8 over the past 60 credits. I have maintained a GPA of 3.18 with 149.5 transferable credits. I have a GPA of 3.32 with 130 credits in the University of California system which has their own criteria for accepting units.
I have successfully transferred and am a senior in good standing at Columbia College of MO.
Slander at public places as Green Tree Shopping Center, UPS, Staples, and Acme only damage the credibility of this state.
Another facet of this de facto culture is the creation of a red herring straw man.
LAPD and The Baltimore Studio are Gay Bisexual.
Totalitarian systems tend to isolate individuals and collectives from the whole.
In degree I have been a lifelong heterosexual including the years I have lived here. I have complained to the Delaware State Police Internal Affairs of the Gay Baiting of the Delaware State Police during Gerald Pepper which would also slander other one time or current residents of this area.
Journalism Under Attack
Blythe CA
December 1, 2006
The recent killing of ex KGB spy Alexander Litvenko has intriguing parallels. The substance used in his poisoning in London, UK was polonium 210 which is by far not a sundry item. The deceased has claimed retaliation from Vladimir Putin & Co. The substance is produced in specialized nuclear facilities.
Litvenko was receiving documentation about murdered journalists in the CIS.
2007 Letters
Open Letter to Senator McCain R AZ
Flagstaff AZ
May 10, 2007
Dear Senator McCain
The ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION IN THE UNITED STATES AND ARIZONA SHOULD CONCERN YOU. Since before May 1, 2007 there has been no clean water running in taps when I approach a building. All flowing surface bodies of water are also contaminated.
I find that your Bus campaign as the Straight Talk Express should return to Flagstaff. This is a case of realism versus sanitization and hypocrisy.
A major fallacy that is also inclusive is that I AM GAY OR BISEXUAL.
You should take the leadership position and defend your Home State. How can you be an effective president when there are so many degradations at the state level?
Your legacy will not live in a campaign bubble. There is an ample store of sworn testimony on my part that negates the sanitization that is ongoing now in Arizona and the United States.
In criminology this would fall under the theory differential association. This specialization states that crime is radiated through speech.
The conditions are prima facie. You are also placing yourself under severe legal jeopardy but not acting.
As a United States Senator for Arizona you are duty bound and must act.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Open Letter to Senator Barack Obama D IL
Mojave CA
May 23, 2007
Dear Senator Obama,
My name is David Nollmeyer. I have been held in de facto house arrest in the United States for nearly 20 years come June 17, 2007.
This time period also includes massive electronic surveillance and chemical assault. I am currently travelling through Mojave CA to Mammoth Lakes.
There is no clean surface water or water from plumbing sources. LAPD has a Gay Militia within it's membership. I believe you and the other 2008 Presidential candidates have had multiple contacts with this clandestine activity.
In conjunction with this attack on the United States Constitution, territoriality, and citizens, I consider you a de facto and negligent public official as a US Senator.
I was born on August 3, 1961 in Roswell, NM.
I also worked on Senator Biden's first state campaign. I believe that on the night that I helped stuff envelopes chemicals similar to which this country is now being exposed to where delivered in the room where the activists were working in Dover, DE.
I have also filed Habeas Corpus pleadings in the US District for Delaware. An officer that was present at this time I would later accuse of supplying use of a firearm in what I believe is a cold case there. Joseph Biden Jr. is now the Attorney General.
Another disturbing trend is that the V Tech shooter killed 32 persons on my father's birthday, April 16.
If you and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales are both sincere in denying constitutional rights to myself and the public you should both be removed.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Open Letter To Hillary Clinton D NY
Big Pine CA
June 1, 2007
Senator Clinton, I am writing you to request in the simplest of terms that you resign from your Senate seat and the 2008 Presidential Campaign. Since June 17, 2007, exactly the 200th anniversary of the United States Constitution de facto law enforcement have engaged in an open Systematic Human Rights Event.
There is a subcomponent of this operation ongoing named Radhanatha. There is no clean surface water in the Owens Valley in California. The watershed from Lake Mono downward is chemically contaminated and all products in stores have been sprayed by caustic chemicals.
Your overture of Universal Health Care are as fraudulent as the real history of your husband President Bill Clinton’s eight years of presidency were.
The situation is so bogus that LAPD, the leader's will state that my uncle write my work. This is the culture of a de facto informant system purging other informants.
You call for immediate prosecution and then resign.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Big Pine CA June 8, 2007
Born August 3, 1961
Roswell NM
Direct Action Against Authorities
Bishop CA
June 17, 2007
Dear John Edwards
Dateline June 16, 2007
My name is David Nollmeyer. Tomorrow is the 220th anniversary of the United States Constitution. It is also the 20 Anniversary of an electronic and chemical assault on my self.
I am in Bishop, CA. All The surface water in the area is chemically contaminated. This would be Lake Mono, June Lake, Lake Crowley, and the Owens River to name a few.
The 2008 Presidential Campaign is a testimony to psychopathy. The white collar criminal believes that he can prosper through the injury of the many.
I will also state here that our culture is an INFORMANT CULTURE BEING PURGED.
One cannot expect a high survival rate by taking de facto orders off the shoulder pack of code enforcement.
You are a member of the Bar and also campaigning to be uphold the Constitution even though the rule of law, the territory of the Homeland, and most importantly the citizens as natural persons are being attacked.
As such your legal and historical position are DUBIOUS.
I request that you expose this TYRANNY than remove yourself from this disgraceful presidential charade.
Pseudologia fantastica was therefore described as a fantasy lie, a daydream communicated as reality, in which the lie can be a gratification in itself, for pleasure only and not for any other obvious gain. It was described as an intermediary phase between psychic health and neurosis. The notion of double consciousness, in which two forms of life run side by side, the actual and the desired, and the desired becomes preponderant and decisive, has been proposed as the mechanism underlying pathological lying. It has also been suggested that the mental processes similar to those forming the basis of the impulse to literary creation in normal people is the foundation of the morbid romances and fantasies of those with pseudologia fantastica. The impulse that forces the fabrication of stories is supposedly bound up with the desire to play the role of the person depicted; fiction and real life are not separated. Further support for intact reality testing in pseudologia fantastica is the proposition that pseudologues usually have sound judgment in other matters, an observation that makes it difficult to prove that the pseudologue does not know that what he or she is doing is wrong.
Thank you for your consideration.
2008 Letters
David Nollmeyer
Engaging the FBI
Westwood CA
July 11, 2008
The whole posture of the culture, eternal, natural, and positive law is on it's head. There is no recognition as to the systematic torture that has been ongoing for over 20 years. In this regard I am engaging the FBI with criminal complaints as to why parties have not been charged and bound over to the courts. Homeland Security has jurisdiction over all code enforcement officials in the United States. It is clear that these parties are under the color of law.
The content of the website is at issue. This region is in the top 10 jurisdictions for prosecution. Historically there is no manner to explain what has happened without this area. For private persons these individuals would have to be criminally prosecuted otherwise there is scapegoating and duplicity.
I am legally and historically challenging the authorities and the general population regarding the materials disclosed.
Dear FBI,
My name is David Nollmeyer I am writing to file a CRIMINAL COMPLAINT against College of the Redwoods, Eureka, California, The Humboldt Sheriff, and the California Highway Patrol.
I am writing under duress. There are local wildfires as well as regional chemical contamination which is a Homeland Security issue.
I am including the entire text of a already self published website:
(new address added from original)The information should be read as a criminal complaint. The following codes are being invoked.
U.S. Code as of: 01/19/04
Title 18 Section 242. Deprivation of rights under color of law
Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights,privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title,or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
652A. General Principle
1) One who invades the right of privacy of another is subject to liability for the resulting harm to the interests of the other.
(2) The right of privacy is invaded by:
(a) unreasonable intrusion upon the seclusion of another, as stated in 652B; or
(b) appropriation of the other's name or likeness, as stated in 652C; or
(c) unreasonable publicity given to the other's private life, as stated in 652D; or
(d) publicity that unreasonably places the other in a false light before the public, as stated in 652E.
652B. Intrusion upon Seclusion
One who intentionally intrudes, physically or otherwise, upon the solitude or seclusion of another or his private affairs or concerns, is subject to liability to the other for invasion of his privacy, if the intrusion would be highly offensive to a reasonable person.
I am also stating that intimidating a witness occurs and will use the 14th amendment to facilitate.
David Nollmeyer
Westwood CA
Criminal Complaint Against Attorney General John Ashcroft Soon
Westwood CA
July 25, 2008
A criminal complaint against former United States Attorney General John Ashcroft will occur hopefully in the next week with the FBI. The statute of limitations is close although this depends on the degree of the charges. Due process and Chemical assault, electronic surveillance and obstruction of justice will form the legal points here. Here are a few examples.
Bill of Rights
Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 11B > § 229
§ 229. Prohibited activities
(a) Unlawful Conduct. Except as provided in subsection (b), it shall be unlawful for any person knowingly
(1) to develop, produce, otherwise acquire, transfer directly or indirectly, receive, stockpile, retain, own, possess, or use, or threaten to use, any chemical weapon; or
(2) to assist or induce, in any way, any person to violate paragraph (1), or to attempt or conspire to violate paragraph (1).
(b) Exempted Agencies and Persons.
(1) In general. Subsection (a) does not apply to the retention, ownership, possession, transfer, or receipt of a chemical weapon by a department, agency, or other entity of the United States, or by a person described in paragraph (2), pending destruction of the weapon.
(2) Exempted persons. A person referred to in paragraph (1) is
(A) any person, including a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, who is authorized by law or by an appropriate officer of the United States to retain, own, possess, transfer, or receive the chemical weapon; or
(B) in an emergency situation, any otherwise nonculpable person if the person is attempting to destroy or seize the weapon.
(c) Jurisdiction. Conduct prohibited by subsection (a) is within the jurisdiction of the United States if the prohibited conduct
(1) takes place in the United States;
(2) takes place outside of the United States and is committed by a national of the United States;
(3) is committed against a national of the United States while the national is outside the United States; or
(4) is committed against any property that is owned, leased, or used by the United States or by any department or agency of the United States, whether the property is within or outside the United States.
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 73 > § 1509
§ 1509. Obstruction of court orders
Whoever, by threats or force, willfully prevents, obstructs, impedes, or interferes with, or willfully attempts to prevent, obstruct, impede, or interfere with, the due exercise of rights or the performance of duties under any order, judgment, or decree of a court of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
No injunctive or other civil relief against the conduct made criminal by this section shall be denied on the ground that such conduct is a crime.
I, David Nollmeyer bring a criminal complaint against former United States Attorney General John Ashcroft for violating the due process rights by engaging in de facto and negligent activities that are a chemical assault against the United States citizens and territories. The attack is orchestrated by a Gay Militancy run by a cell of LAPD California officers. During his tenure between the dates of 2001 and 2004 John Ashcroft as the chief code enforcement officer of the United States obstructed justice as CHAPTER 73 OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE1513. Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant, CHAPTER 11B CHEMICAL WEAPONS 229. Prohibited activities in that he is a willing accomplice to this in continuo attack which is ongoing as of July 26, 2008.
Archives 2001 will covers events in Delaware after 9-11. Here my IV, V, and VIII Amendment rights are being violated. Intense electronic surveillance run by the Delaware State Police was unauthorized and including broadcasting data across public and private media as tv and radio. As I started to move an escalation began which would eventually attempt to poison all that I can, touch, taste, smell, hear, and see. This again is a CHEMICAL ASSAULT AGAINST THE UNITED STATES WHEN THE ANTHRAX SCARE WAS ONGOING.
Archives 2003 covers the same manner of incidents in California in mostly San Luis Obispo County, California. John Ashcroft is de facto or negligent in not prosecuting a CHEMICAL ASSAULT AGAINST THE UNITED STATES AND WHICH HAS LEAD TO A FRAUD IN AGRICULTURE STANDARDS IN THIS REGION.
These event are the worst in the history of California. It is shocking how law enforcement i.e.. Homeland Security officers are engaging in an CHEMICAL ATTACK on the United States.
In degree this is a HATE CRIME. I am an orthodox practicing Gaudiya Vaishnava of Japanese American. I am supporting pro heterosexual legislation as Proposition 8 in California now and in the time periods of John Ashcroft's tenure supported traditional heterosexual marriage.
David Nollmeyer
General Delivery
Westwood CA 96137
Bill of Rights
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
229. Prohibited activities
(a) Unlawful Conduct. Except as provided in subsection (b), it shall be unlawful for any person knowingly,
(1) to develop, produce, otherwise acquire, transfer directly or indirectly, receive, stockpile, retain, own, possess, or use, or threaten to use, any chemical weapon; or
(2) to assist or induce, in any way, any person to violate paragraph (1), or to attempt or conspire to violate paragraph (1).
(b) Exempted Agencies and Persons.
(1) In general. Subsection (a) does not apply to the retention, ownership, possession, transfer, or receipt of a chemical weapon by a department, agency, or other entity of the United States, or by a person described in paragraph (2), pending destruction of the weapon.
(2) Exempted persons. A person referred to in paragraph (1) is
(A) any person, including a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, who is authorized by law or by an appropriate officer of the United States to retain, own, possess, transfer, or receive the chemical weapon; or
(B) in an emergency situation, any otherwise nonculpable person if the person is attempting to destroy or seize the weapon.
(c) Jurisdiction. Conduct prohibited by subsection (a) is within the jurisdiction of the United States if the prohibited conduct.
(1) takes place in the United States;
(2) takes place outside of the United States and is committed by a national of the United States;
(3) is committed against a national of the United States while the national is outside the United States; or
(4) is committed against any property that is owned, leased, or used by the United States or by any department or agency of the United States, whether the property is within or outside the United States.
1513. Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant
(1) Whoever kills or attempts to kill another person with intent to retaliate against any person for
(A) the attendance of a witness or party at an official proceeding, or any testimony given or any record, document, or other object produced by a witness in an official proceeding; or
(B) providing to a law enforcement officer any information relating to the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of probation [1] supervised release,,[1] parole, or release pending judicial proceedings, shall be punished as provided in paragraph (2).
(2) The punishment for an offense under this subsection is
(A) in the case of a killing, the punishment provided in sections 1111 and 1112; and
(B) in the case of an attempt, imprisonment for not more than 20 years.
(b) Whoever knowingly engages in any conduct and thereby causes bodily injury to another person or damages the tangible property of another person, or threatens to do so, with intent to retaliate against any person for
(1) the attendance of a witness or party at an official proceeding, or any testimony given or any record, document, or other object produced by a witness in an official proceeding; or
(2) any information relating to the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of probation [1] supervised release,[1] parole, or release pending judicial proceedings given by a person to a law enforcement officer;or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
(c) If the retaliation occurred because of attendance at or testimony in a criminal case, the maximum term of imprisonment which may be imposed for the offense under this section shall be the higher of that otherwise provided by law or the maximum term that could have been imposed for any offense charged in such case.
(d) There is extraterritorial Federal jurisdiction over an offense under this section.
(e) [2] Whoever knowingly, with the intent to retaliate, takes any action harmful to any person, including interference with the lawful employment or livelihood of any person, for providing to a law enforcement officer any truthful information relating to the commission or possible commission of any Federal offense, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.
(e) [2] Whoever conspires to commit any offense under this section shall be subject to the same penalties as those prescribed for the offense the commission of which was the object of the conspiracy.
The Staging of Scorched Earth
Desert Shores CA
November 19, 2008
Dear Senator Feinstein,
I am writing you to help present important information regarding the ongoing chemical attack against the United States. The event involves a huge staging. I have publicly stated in federal courts suits that Cambridge University, probably Oxbridge (Oxford) is behind the planning. The allegation appears that the planners are the designers of the British Empire. This has collapsed into the Atlantic Group which is now NATO.
Regardless a short term goal is LGBT rights. If this means torturing and killing me this is acceptable to this group. LAPD contains a a cell(s) of Gay Militants.
The Salton Sea is chemically contaminated.
In the following memo Captain Marvel flew into Berkeley with officers John Sandusky, maybe cadets or officers John Sandusky, David and Scott Valeski et al. A series of no knock strikes occurred. The only person I know who would was definitely arrested was Hamsaduta for gun possession in Berkeley. When this entourage and pranksters, they are under the color of law, most likely would sweep places like Transamerica Building, Ten Circuit Court of Appeals, San Francisco Police Department, O'Farrell Theatre, the best restaurants and so forth.
I do not know if they approached the your mayor's office hall.
Regardless in the early part of the decade I asked assistance from you office regarding two murder cases which I argue are linked to LAPD.
Captain Marvel and this kangaroo court sweep along with Gov. Russell Peterson, Senator Biden can be seen in the alleged drug dealer's home who was the source of the contraband in one of the cases. My father was also seen there at the same time.
I am one day older than Barack Obama born August 3, 1961.
To return to Berkeley there was a role call of all the individuals where Captain Marvel lines up all the participants on in files. This would be on Berkeley Way. Captain Marvel usually wears very high quality latex masks. This is no joke. I am talking about Star Wars quality. These should be seized. So in the degree there are twenty or thirty informants outside the duplex. My landlord had to go up to the apartment and to walk me outside I was near hypnotized at what was going on.
I was walked down to the front street which would be east. Marvel myself and one of the first AID cases in Berkeley where present. (This issue will be one that you know better than any other person). It appears Captain has been bisexual I would score a zero as LGBT. There were 30,000 AIDS case at the time.
I have been a strong advocate of traditional marriage as our correspondence will demonstrate. Over thirteen years of court cases. You and Senator Biden have a broad record of memos from me.
These kangaroo no knock sweeps I have assumed have been filmed.
I wish for all evidence to be seized and made available to discovery.
This catalyst occurred February March 1985.
The Orwellian Electronic Surveillance began en mass June 17, 1987.
I fight for my Gaudiya Vaishnava faith. By simply chanting Hare Krishna and attempting to execute basic sadhana and practice to the mode of goodness:
No meat eating
No drug, marijuana, alcohol use
No gambling
No illicit sex
I have survived over twenty years. I also have stepped for in my duties as a citizen past Captain Marvel, Delaware State Police, Barack Obama and Joe Biden.
You must recognize this event. I do not see how the above can legally or historically survive this scorched earth.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores
2009 Letters
Open Letter to President George W. Bush
Desert Shores CA
January 14, 2009
Dear President Bush,
As the end of your 8 year term as president nears I believe it is necessary for both historians and Homeland Security to confront was has transpired during your capacity as president.
From the day of your inauguration in January of 2000 the United States was in it's 13th year of a chemical assault scorched earth attack. This event appears to be authored by the United Kingdom. It is a Gay Militancy. The chemical assault is imposed over one's person from genealogy, a crime of blood. It is also superimposed over certain crimes a drugs and steroid use to name a few. LAPD is running the attack.
What occurs is that the full blown scorched earth, what is occurring now is code named AKBAR will be fallaciously attributed by LAPD that attack originates from me. In degree it is a product of their volition. I do not pay or order Homeland Security Officers to spray any chemicals on food, clothing, or the air in general.
I am the only person who exists in this condition however the natural species and environment also are attacked.
The country is in an informant antisocial mode. Persons defect to LAPD instead of cooperating with the Constitution. Hence it is easy to get the population to attack myself and others in mob rule. No federal or public employee will step forward. In degree they also get chemically assaulted.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores, California
Open Letter to Senator Joe Biden D DE
Desert Shores CA
January 15, 2009

Dear Senator Biden,
I am writing to you for the final time during your last days as senator from Delaware. You were chosen by Barack Obama to be vice president due to his perception of your skill in international relations and dedication to public service.
Since June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware, the United States has undergone a chemical assault scorched earth. This has been imposed over my natural person and citizenship which you have sworn several times to uphold.
LAPD is running this operation which is alleged to have a United Kingdom authorship. This event code named Akbar, I have testified in this regard in federal court several time pre 9-11, runs through the Baltimore and Delaware State Police Departments.
I am the main opposition, the only public one to my knowledge to a GAY MILITANCY. This has spawned one of the worst blackmail and extortion rings in human history. No one at any level worldwide has stepped forward other than myself with open transparent public records.
I am in Desert Shores, California. The Salton Sea is chemically despoiled.
In review I was in Delaware during 9-11 and the Anthrax scare. I was also present during the return of the USS Cole crewmen through Dover AFB. This was a disgrace under chemical assault.
You, Barack Obama, and his administration are knowingly subjecting United States citizens to HARM.
I have a credible legal confrontation with Gov. Janet Napolitano. I have complaints against here and Arizona from her days as attorney general.
I am being severely derived and marginalized from STATE SPONSORED activities and corruption.
This level of incompetence will damage the United States and human race for centuries to come.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores, CA
Open Letter to Governor Janet Napolitano D AZ
Desert Shores CA
January 16, 2009
Dear Governor Napolitano,
In consideration of your career as attorney general and governor of Arizona in context to your nomination as homeland security, it is necessary to point out that there is huge Chemical Assault ongoing in the United States.
The Salton Sea is chemically contaminated. All my clothing and almost anything I can touch or eat is likewise contaminated at the hands of homeland security officers of which you will most likely order.
In panorama, Barack Obama has demonstrated no leadership in this area nor has Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton. Indeed these selections inclusive of your self posit a classic confrontation abstract rights, constitutional rights and a conflict between the individual and state.
I have a reasonable body of sworn legal history that contradicts the resume of all persons named supra.
It is my position that the restoration of legal person before the government per the Bill of Rights negating this chemical assault, electronic surveillance, and harassment will be the measure of presidents for centuries to come.
I am enclosing a photo file of myself outside Flagstaff May of 2007. I was considering a direct confrontation with you realizing it would most only be a hand wave or tacit recognition that I was even standing there so opted not for this event.
I am using this photo as my current official photograph.

Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores CA
Open Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton D NY
Desert Shores CA
January 17, 2009
Dear Senator Clinton,
I am writing you for the last time during your term as senator. During this time you have not stepped forward to confront the Chemical Assault that has endured from June 17, 1987 through your husband's term as president into the Barack Obama era.
Barack Obama in nominating you, Joe Biden of Delaware, and Janet Napolitano of Arizona creates one of the most polarizing cabinets in attempting to restore the constitutional equilibrium of the nation.
The people themselves have responded poorly to A CHEMICAL ATTACK.
President Bush fallaciously claims to have prevented a terrorist attack on this country in the last seven years.
I am at the Salton Sea, California and it is chemically contaminated.
As secretary of state you will have to prove to other nations that you and the United States can not be blackmailed or extorted when it comes to nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons.
Barack Obama will most likely meet with Medvedev and other CIS officials regarding nuclear deterrence soon.
What type of assurance can you or Obama provide?
My health will not last. All my clothes and even my food are contaminated. The bag of tortillas I ate this morning were caustic but I ate about half anyway. This type of stupidity is what this entire 22 year event represents.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores
An Open Letter to Senator Harry Reid D NV
Desert Shores CA
February 19, 2009
Dear Senator Reid,
I am writing to discuss Attorney General Holder's recent comments concerning RACISM. He argues that Americans "lack the courage" to address this issue.
My argument is that Eric Holder is the PERFECT EXAMPLE OF A COWARD.
This country has already entered into over 21 years of manifest Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
This is also a Hate Crime. Such is being organized under Gay Irrationalism Gay Fascism. The Salton Sea in California is ruined.
My case is that I have consistently supported Heterosexual Marriage as Proposition 8 here in California.
My religious Hare Krishna beliefs are orthodox reflecting heterosexual marriage. However the Krishna Movement is splitting. Hridayananda Maharaj (Howard Resnick PhD) recently attempted to bless a Gay Union and was immediately rebuffed.
He is a diksa or living guru and I am ritvik follower of a deceased teacher Srila Prabhupada.
It is potentially dangerous for a ritvik disciple to enter a diksa temple.
In degree my religious background and my staunch advocacy of Traditional Marriage have destroyed my life at the hands of Gay Militants from LAPD and have also destroyed your legacy in upholding constitutional rights.
The discussion that needs to be addressed here is the COWARDICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL HOLDER.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores CA
Open Letter to Senator Mikulski D Maryland
Big Pine CA
May 23, 2009
Dear Senator Mikulski,
It is time to put the affairs of the United States and Maryland in order. The United States is in a State of Treason. There is a fullblown Chemical Assault Scorched Earth in continuo.
Surface water in the Owens Valley as the Owens River Canal is completely contaminated. I have to wash my clothes in the canal, I am totally caustic. Maryland has a role in this events as I have lived in Oxford.
The Unnamed Baltimore Studio, a commercial jingle operation are alleged to be mutilating evidence. Much of this pertains to gender orientation and sexual behavior.
As seen it appears that the California Supreme Court is most likely going to sustain Proposition 8 upholding the peoples rights to direct democracy to define that Gay Marriage is not an absolute right and is clearly a state issue.
I argue that my right to have clean air, fresh food, and to be free from cruel and unusual treatment, and suffrage before the court is an absolute and approaches such within the continuum of judicial review in Anglo Saxon and American Jurisprudence.
I am a Proposition 8 supporter, cradle to grave heterosexual as most of my correspondence to you will bear out.
If LAPD which contains a Gay Militancy can target me with Chemical Assault to promote a Gay Agenda then they will simultaneously attack this country and Maryland as the poisoning of the Chesapeake Bay.
I will state that it is incomprehensible for state police and other homeland security agencies to take the tax payers money and purchase caustic chemicals, transport, store, and apply these agents to our air, land, and water.
This is a designed treason. Big Pine, California is a town of 1500 persons and Big Pine High School has about 200 students max. I first appeared here around 17 years ago. The police used to send ladies with their babies in strollers to say hello right in front of the school. These students are about to graduate now somewhere. I went to Oxford Elementary school, two grades to a room, 1 to 6 for the second grade.
This country has been subverted into an informant state. Oxford is one of the oldest incorporated towns in the United States. My relatives are buried in the graveyard which dates to 1812. What I am pointing out is that there is no education or tradition to uphold my rights and confront a manifest ACT OF WAR against this country.
What is poor is that the population is and are willing conspirators in a Bacchanal that is destroying this country.
In degree the trajectory of Gay History, Gay Law Enforcement, and Gay Rights are simultaneous perspectives of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. This a pre fascist provocateur stage. Gay Fascism will occur when the intellects appear in attempt sanitize their history.
I am Japanese American also with German ancestors. I know the experience of having to listen to the history of German, Japanese, and Italian Fascism and WWII. In degree I am spiritual practitioner in the Hare Krishna faith which also contains some extreme fascist perversions of it's scripture. I mention the bodily designations to keep things simple.
Sheila Kuehl D Santa Monica attempted to pass legislation that would prohibit the teaching of history where LGBTi persons did anything wrong. Amazingly Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed this law. His father was in the SS.
Manzanar, a Japanese internment camp is 15 miles south of here in Big Pine.
Your personal duty as a senator is a stake as the discussion correctly turns to treason and an act of war against the United States.
There is a strong allegation that Cambridge Law School of the UK designed this event.
I argue that Barack Obama is an Informant to this country and has committed treason. This would also include the past four presidents. His debate with Dick Cheney is poor theater during a chemical assault.
Thank You for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Big Pine CA
Senator Feinstein D CA: Let's Discuss Treason
Big Pine CA
May 25, 2009
Dear Senator Feinstein,
My writings and complaints to you and your associates in Congress fall on deaf ears and cold hearts.
Lets Discuss Treason and Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
In my last memo I mentioned a Captain Marvel of the Delaware State Police who may have traveled to your mayor's office from Berkeley. This would be in 1986 spring. This was the staging of the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
In review there was also heard a discussion that you would be the Queen's Gambit in this operation. There was a discussion regarding individuals who record video messages accusing persons of their homicides before they occur.
Ernesto Rosenberg of Guatemala has recently down this and I have posted his video on my blog: http://kronin.blogspot.com/
As soon as I can find the software I will record youtube videos giving authorized statements regarding this traitorous event against the human race and the United States. This is is where your role as the Queen's Gambit occurs. You should take this very seriously as this is what LAPD, who is attacking with chemicals has referred to you as.
Under prisoner's dilemma cooperation would be adhering to the United States Constitution. Defection would mean following the orders of LAPD who are de facto.
I am claiming that Cambridge University of the United Kingdom is the authorship. As seen I allege that LAPD is implementing the chemical assault.
I am in the same position that Ernesto Rosenberg was in. I do not see myself living 10 more years.
I am running a fever from the chemicals that are on my clothes, food, and in the air here in Big Pine, California. I had to jump into the Owens River Canal to cool down. It is completely contaminated and is used to supply drinking water for the City of Los Angeles. This becomes even more complicated with H1N1. I probably have the flu but fever has occurred before.
LAPD is LGBTi and I am a cradle to grave heterosexual. LAPD has an irrational defense mechanism that is delusional. They operate on the premise that if they damaged the legal standing of Ronald Reagan than they will be heroes in LGBTi locations as San Francisco. I agree that this IS ACCURATE in part only.
I will simply state that I view your performance as a sworn official in California as illegal and punishable by law. You have substantial contributions to the Gay Community that you undertook with peril to your own career.
What has a Gay Militancy run out of Homeland Security done for you? You should ask this of Janet Napolitano and William Bratton.
They have destroyed your legacy and family history as they have destroyed my life and who knows how many more.
I, like any other competent general simply wish to open a file through the defection model. I consider that the 100th Congress in continuo is no more than a Pontius Pilate Club, a group of corrupt politicians who have thrown human life, their constituents under their bus for a profit.
I believe that the history of the world, country, and nation have been altered.
I am the leader of a the idea and practice of civilly opposing Gay Irrationality Gay Know Nothing.
Gay Fascism emerges when persons as Sheila Kuehl, State Senator from Santa Monica attempt to pass legislation sanitizing Gay History. Manzanar, a Japanese internment camp is about 20 miles south of here.
LAPD's Gay Militia is racist against Latinos, Blacks, Jews, and Asians.
The officers that directly corrupted your life have code names. This may also include a complex of more than one officer.
Periander: Is most likely dead. He operated in the staging until the early 1980s.
Sri Krishna: Declare it boldly my devotee never perishes...
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Big Pine CA
Nancy Pelosi D CA: Let's Discuss Treason
Big Pine CA
May 26, 2009
Dear Speaker Pelosi,
My writings and complaints to you and your associates in Congress fall on deaf ears and cold hearts.
Lets Discuss Treason and Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
In my last memo I mentioned a Captain Marvel of the Delaware State Police who may have traveled to your mayor's office from Berkeley. This would be in 1986 spring. This was the staging of the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
In review there was also heard a discussion that you would be the Queen's Gambit in this operation. There was a discussion regarding individuals who record video messages accusing persons of their homicides before they occur.
Ernesto Rosenberg of Guatemala has recently down this and I have posted his video on my blog: http://kronin.blogspot.com/
As soon as I can find the software I will record youtube videos giving authorized statements regarding this traitorous event against the human race and the United States. This is is where your role as the Queen's Gambit occurs. You should take this very seriously as this is what LAPD, who is attacking with chemicals has referred to you as.
Under prisoner's dilemma cooperation would be adhering to the United States Constitution. Defection would mean following the orders of LAPD who are de facto.
I am claiming that Cambridge University of the United Kingdom is the authorship. As seen I allege that LAPD is implementing the chemical assault.
I am in the same position that Ernesto Rosenberg was in. I do not see myself living 10 more years.
I am running a fever from the chemicals that are on my clothes, food, and in the air here in Big Pine, California. I had to jump into the Owens River Canal to cool down. It is completely contaminated and is used to supply drinking water for the City of Los Angeles. This becomes even more complicated with H1N1. I probably have the flu but fever has occurred before.
LAPD is LGBTi and I am a cradle to grave heterosexual. LAPD has an irrational defense mechanism that is delusional. They operate on the premise that if they damaged the legal standing of Ronald Reagan than they will be heroes in LGBTi locations as San Francisco. I agree that this IS ACCURATE in part only.
I will simply state that I view your performance as a sworn official in California as illegal and punishable by law. You have substantial contributions to the Gay Community that you undertook with peril to your own career.
What has a Gay Militancy run out of Homeland Security done for you? You should ask this of Janet Napolitano and William Bratton.
They have destroyed your legacy and family history as they have destroyed my life and who knows how many more.
I, like any other competent general simply wish to open a file through the defection model. I consider that the 100th Congress in continuo is no more than a Pontius Pilate Club, a group of corrupt politicians who have thrown human life, their constituents under their bus for a profit.
I believe that the history of the world, country, and nation have been altered.
I am the leader of a the idea and practice of civilly opposing Gay Irrationality Gay Know Nothing.
Gay Fascism emerges when persons as Sheila Kuehl, State Senator from Santa Monica attempt to pass legislation sanitizing Gay History. Manzanar, a Japanese internment camp is about 20 miles south of here.
LAPD's Gay Militia is racist against Latinos, Blacks, Jews, and Asians.
The officers that directly corrupted your life have code names. This may also include a complex of more than one officer.
Periander: Is most likely dead. He operated in the staging until the earl 1980s.
Sri Krishna: Declare it boldly my devotee never perishes...
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Big Pine CA
Open Letter to University of California President Mark Yudof
Westwood CA
September 11, 2009

Dear President Yudof,
My name is David Nollmeyer. I am writing you today to critique the role of the University of California over the time period of June 17, 1987 in continuo. This period of history has witnessed the unfolding of a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth that has been imposed over my natural person and citizenship. Prima facie California is enduring the brunt of the environmental, cultural, and legal damage. Since February 12, 2007 the surface water in my vicinity has been chemically destroyed. This began with the Colorado River north of Blythe, California. Currently Lake Almanor and Clear Creek in Plumas County is destroyed.
Manifest Function: A LGBTi militancy is being conducted out of Los Angeles Police Department. They are attempting to avenge Gay History. They are a Joe Virus. They are irrationalist or pre fascist. Their lack of skill and dedication to being a homeland security officer will and has damaged the United States and the history of five presidents: Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, William Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. I am lifetime cradle to grave heterosexual. I do not support opposite sex marriage and have a legal and credible record over the time period in question to support this statement as fact.
Latent Function: The event appears to be authored by Cambridge Law School, United Kingdom. In doing so they have attacked the United States and the University of California.
The University of California has the legal responsibility of recording the history of this state. The History, Philosophy, Social Sciences (Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, Anthropology, and Economics) and Law appear to have the greatest damage.
LGBTi studies if they are undertaken at all here would be a sanitized and corrupt sham. This important as these persons are desiring to have LGBTi taught as African American or Native American History.
The aperture of Gay Irrationalism through LAPD is a SEVERE ANOMALY. Every minority group that has attempted to be code officers has done so with valor and with normative skill with the majority culture in the United States. If one were to examine the degradation of my external environment and my STATELESS CONDITION, I have over 26 federal lawsuits it is evident that the worldwide censorship not only needs the defection of the United States president and Homeland Security Department, but the corruption of the media and academics as well.
It is clearly evident that a diseconomy of legal duty and academic commitment at the University of California is damaging the school and is a THREAT TO WORLD PEACE.I am openly requesting that you resign immediately for de facto and negligent conduct in your role as president of the University of California.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Westwood CA
Open Letter to Friends of Human Rights
Westwood CA
September 15, 2009
Dear Friends,
It is clearly time for me in this trajectory of de facto human rights abuse here in the United States to continue to advocate my legal rights against sworn competent authorities. In continuation of an unrecognized Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is the corruption of academia and learning. Everything that exists in space and time is a phenomena, event, or permutation that has it's own unique history.
Manifest Function: There is a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth being developed out of Los Angeles Police Department, California. It is a Gay Militancy. The legal jurisdiction with the greatest damage is the State of California and the United States Federal District of California. This is implying guilt under the Bill of Rights, Amendments, Title 18 USC, and sworn treaties which the United States has ratified.
Latent Function: The event is designed as an act of war. This appears to be the work of Cambridge Law School. They appear to be LGBTi orientated. The 1930s era appears to have done most of the work. Such is designed as scientific determinism or nativism. In degree it is no more than socialization with external rewards and punishments. Most of these rewards are economic, career paths, and impunity from prosecution.
In light of the abuses states supra, I have challenged the University of California. They are legally responsible for developing a public curricula based on scientific determinism and secular humanism. They are also obligated to record the history of California. It is prima facie that the University of California is de facto and or negligent. A full professor at this school is paid $180,000 per anum.
I have already confronted UC Mark Yudof over this degradation of the school's legal mission.
What is manifest is that the scripting that LAPD is following is a Joe Virus. This is similar to the using of a botnet of computers to stage a denial of service to a domain server. This recently happened to a Georgian economic professor's Twitter and YouTube accounts. Here we have a manifest Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing apparatus. Before deciding to undertake this legal confrontation with UC, a quantification of LAPD abilities was made verbally. They would test into pre algebra in the California Junior College System.
They are not able to identify integers and irrational numbers on a basic number line. They cannot understand what a constant and variable are. They are confused about basic elements on a Cartesian graph. A very intense argument over what is X2, hence a parabola that is a reflective symmetrical graph occurred which results in criminal harassment. A simple algebraic expression as 4x + 2y = 10 cannot be solved. If solved for y, x = 2, y = 1. This is basic algebra. This plus basic formulas are now on the high school exit exam. This state is attempting to mandate algebra 1 for completion of 8th grade.
It is impossible for a policeman who earns $50,000 a year or more to argue themselves a investors, businessmen, computer scientists and so forth.
The University of California is only one of a degree of systems that is being degraded by a pattern of systematic defection.
I have 149.5 units of college. I have a 3.19 GPA with a 3.8 over my last 60 credits. I should be applying for admission to a graduate school.
The History, Philosophy, and Law departments appear to be the most severely damaged in the short run. The Biology and Social Sciences appear to be damaged severely but is still to soon to know the degree.
In California, Governors George Deukmejian, Pete Wilson, Gray Davis, and Arnold Schwarzenegger have false and corrupt histories. Senator Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are also maintaining fictitious qualifications.
It is therefore obvious that President Barack Obama, his administration, and his four predecessors are also corrupt.
I am writing from Westwood, California. This would place me in the Sacramento District of the FBI. Drew S. Parenti is the special agent who was just promoted this month. On the very same day I emailed a complaint against Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. All the surface water in major waterways in Northern California is contaminated. In particular concern is Lake Almanor and Clear Creek.
LAPD is attempting to aggrandize a Gay Militia. On degree legal warfare is conducted military against military. I am a civilian. These Gay Militants are criminals who are aiding and abetting this attack against humanity and the United States. I am specifying parties here in Lassen and Plumas counties now. How competent can LGBTi History and Studies be? Totalitarianism seeks to isolate the individual and collective from full social life. I have stated that this Gay Militancy is pre fascist. It will become fascist if intellects come to defend it. This appears to be the University of California, Stanford, and the Ivy League.
Chemical Assault: Challenge to Leadership
It is an Interfaith Human Rights site. I research Chemical Warfare and Targeted Chemical Assaults.
Most of my friends are Black Evangelicals, Hare Krishnas, and Amnesty International Facebook Friends. The culture is not sustainable. One may question abuse openly but NOT IN THE UNITED STATES.
There was an attack in Gorja, Pakistan recently where 7 Christians were burned alive. At least one online newspaper stated there was also a Chemical Assault in combination. One of Facebook preachers is based near or in Gorja.
There is rioting now in Uganda and there are persons attempting to make sense of this event in continuo.
I will defend what intelligence and contributions I have made legally and historically. This will be primarily with the FBI who are capacitated to investigate Homeland Security.
Thank your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Westwood CA
2010 Letters
Open Letter to Governor Schwarzenegger R CA
Desert Shores CA
December 2, 2010

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger et al.,
It is now December 2010, you are at the end of your two terms as Governor of California. You defeated then Governor Davis will full cognition of the alienation of rights here in California in 2003. On about February 12, 2007 when I was in Earp, California this alienation escalated to attack the surface water, food products, clothing, and other tangible assets with a more heightened Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
The defection model is highly scripted with a challenge to Dodo, the code name for the alleged leader of the Gay Militia to present a capstone of your career from August 2010 to January of 2011 when Governor elect Brown should be already inaugurated.
Present a criminal case to the LA District Attorney
Present a University of California History Class (this is supposed to strengthen the identity of Gay Majors (students)
Sketch a movie called Storyboard Half life
I have created a website on these three points. Normally I do no follow the defection model or Yellow Brick Road. Oz never gave nothing to the tin man that he didn't already have.
I will state that the alienation of my rights is due to my being a lifelong heterosexual and a Hare Krishna follower. Since I do not or have not practiced same sex, I do not have any legal rights before the court. I would have to marry a bisexual female and or have children. This is totally arbitrary and not all females have defection to this criminal pattern.
LAPD has collapsed from Joe Friday to Joe Virus.
Since August Proposition 8 and Don't Ask Don't Tell have been repealed. I have also noted in several documents that my Right to Marry have been violated as a heterosexual. There is a symbiotic pairing of the para military Homeland Security officers of LAPD to the discussion of Proposition 8 and DADT.
In counterpoint:
Evan Wolfson of Marriage Equality
Rick Jacobs of Courage Campaign
Kevin Cathcart of LAMBDA
Are three of the main LGBTi leaders in that are being damaged historically as my Right to Marry will be a future legal and historical issue.
There are three figures in the history of the Gay Militia of LAPD that are most responsible for this attack on the human race.
The Fly
The question emerges is how were these persons and other officers recruited into cells of a Gay Militia? It appears the cell lead by at least The Fly and Dodo were born into same sex families in Los Angeles County. As they drive the constitutional equilibrium lower, The Salton Sea is chemically despoiled here in Desert Shores, sworn officials as the governor and attorney general become more liable.
Consider a 80 year old grandfather who died with a $500,000 date farm estate in 2010 with a 50 year old son who in turn has a 20 year old son. The $500,000 date farm is seriously over valued in these conditions. None of these parties has done anything to conserve or protect their rights and are fatalistically dependent on a totalitarian police system. If one argues that I have lost $30,000 per year over 20 years this is $600,000.
What is unique is the scripting of environs in a social setting to facilitate Gay Marriage.
In the Vedic Paradigm there are four regulative principles:
No meat eating
No illicit sex (no same sex)
No drug, alcohol, or marijuana
No gambling
I am being harassed do to the narcissistic preference of Same Sex officers. Hence I do not go to nightclubs, drink alcohol, or go out dancing. I have only been to a nightclub 4 times since 1980 in California, I have never consumed alcohol at a club.
This pattern is within an ontology discussed as Gay Culture and the Gay Style. This is subjective and appears to be a bait and switch to set up ad hominem.
As seen this Gay Culture or Gay Style could never be presented as Gaudiya Vaishnavism within the Hare Krishna Movement.
This Capstone is a diagnostic for performance to meet attractive bisexual females. It is a placement examination. It is blatant Racketeering and is tagged with a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
I already have the strongest opposition presence in world of 6.8 billion persons that is nearly fully censored. I also keep my Body Mass Index low, about 23 for survival purposes.
This event is live human experimentation designed along the Greek decathlon. You are a 7 time Mr. Olympia. You would fail the intellectual part of the examination due to White Lies to further political and personal interests. Jay Cutler Mr. Olympia 2010 and I are born on the same day. He was born on August 3, 1973. I was born August 3, 1961. Obama was born August 4, 1961. Cutler and I are both 5”9. He walks around at 310 lbs and competes at 275 lbs.
There are credible allegations that Barack Obama may face legal prosecution. This places Kamala Harris Attorney General and Gavin Newsom Lt. Governor in peril also.
You should recognize my rights before you leave office.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores CA
2012 Letters
Open Letter to Senator Feinstein D CA
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
January 14, 2012
Dear Senator Feinstein,
The Totality of Circumstances
The correct legal test when a citizen confronts one's state is the Totality of Circumstances. Here since I have been the focal target of a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth program in the United States that is still not recognized I have to call into recognition the abuse of Barack Obama, Janet Napolitano, and Eric Holder. As seen prima facie the president, homeland secretary, and attorney general are de facto and negligent as the abuse in Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ along the Colorado River escalates as the United States undergoes severe tensions with Iran and Cartel activity in Mexico. The Colorado River was openly contaminated in 2007. Forty seven thousand persons have been killed since this date.
The activity continues to be run from LAPD by a Male Gay Militia. As seen I have no primary right protection under the Bill of Rights.
My religious protections as a Gaudiya Vaishnava (Hare Krishna Movement) are being alienated by a double bind circular folly run by MSM male same sex male police officers.
I have openly supported Proposition 8 in California. I have been straightforward and polite with both Senator Boxer and you on this issue.
Here these officers are proposing that if I do not wish to Gay Marriage with Lesbians, (really bisexuals) than I am either transgendered, bisexual, or a gay male. I have reversed the order as most people do not understand what transgendered is. Here in it's simplest form it describes one whose gender identity is the opposite of one's biological body.
In continuation the absurd speech patterns that are presented by these officers is abusive. Remember that there is an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, it is stated that I support Hridayananda Das Goswami (Howard Resnick Jr.). This is ISKCON diksa guru supports Gay Monogamy which is prohibited by ISKCON. The other issue is that I support David Bruce Hughes or Gaurahari Dasanudas Babaji an independent guru. David Bruce Hughes has been exposed again for having formed a bondage sex club with his disciples. He claims such is benefiting their spiritual life.
In Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, or the Vedic tradition this is total nonsense.
These Gay Militia officers believe that I will be too ashamed to expose this ruse and it's redundant circular folly.
The American citizens and the world deserve to know why the United States is operating a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth while confronting Iran on a nuclear program.
Anything this operation gives to one is despoiled in a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
Obama recently held a lavish party in California while the Colorado River Valley was under attack.
Mitt Romney and the Republican do not seem interested in protecting America either.
As the senior senator from this state nearing the end of your career you should act and save more persons from health and prosperity injuries.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
January 12, 2012
Open Letter to Nick Bostrom
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
March 20, 2012
Dear Professor Bostrom,
My name is David Nollmeyer. I am writing in response to your work at Future of Humanity Institute.
I have been the subject of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth in the United States since June 17, 1987. This manifest event is existential and in continuo. The proximate cause sine qua non is alleged to be Cambridge Law School with an authorship near the 1930s.
This event is live human experimentation of which my positive legal standing before the United States courts under the Bill of Rights is almost non existent. This attack is an antagonistic movement to Technological Singularity. Hence this is a Cultural Singularity. One of it's main salient features is a near total censorship and sanitization of what is occurring here in Blythe, CA Ehrenberg, AZ along the Colorado River. The Colorado River is Chemically Despoiled as it flows towards Mexico. The air is being poisoned by persons driving with what appears to precursor chemicals to methamphetamine as hydrochloric acid and other toxic substances. I cannot even walk into a building. The police are waiting and running tap is poisoned when I am near a faucet. All surface water ponds, streams, and lakes are similarly contaminated.
The classical philosophical confrontation between the State and Individual begins. The Origin has named themselves Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC. They have also created Gay Irrational Gay Know Nothing. MOEC appears to derive from what appears to be Cambridge Oxford's role in state planning of the United Kingdom now in decline. The latter Irrationalist posture is pre New Fascism or post WWII. The Know Nothing part is modelled from a similar movement in the United States which was xenophobic.
One of the most important legal and ethical issues is that this structure has developed a Same Sex qualification for legal positive rights. Allegedly LAPD is running the operation which was handed off through Scotland Yard after Cambridge developed the gambit line which LAPD took. There is a Gay Militia within the agency which is synonymous with Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing; hence from Joe Friday (famous Dragnet tv show) to Joe Virus. The latter is similar to forming a bot army of local computers and attacking a server.
I am a lifelong heterosexual male. As such none of my legal protections in the Bill of Rights will be honored.
I am also the main target of Gang Stalking. I would argue that one in my position should perceive that 90 percent of the persons he or she would meet are antisocial towards psychopathic.
I am writing with on a Toshiba C655D notebook with a AMD 1.33 GHZ processor with 45 watts of solar panels. Exposing this Crime Against Humanity has had a positive deterrent effect.
Social Singularity in the United States is colossal hoax. In comprehension of this event's trajectory I am being more assertive as I have miscalculated the severity of the Chemical Assault.
The Prosecution of Barack Obama now 50 years of age in 2040 is a target that is convergent with Technological Singularity. I am using a prosecution of sworn officials and accomplices until 2100 on a subjective level.
I am openly supporting the Criminal Prosecution of Obama and any sworn officials since Ronald Reagan onward if the chain of discovery leads this way.
The event has reached a position where LAPD is irrational to the level using polymorphous perverse speech and defamatory lying, especially concerning to my identity. I have never been same sex.
In short a concise external environmental analysis would lead me to rationally address every criminal and theoretical concept that was threatening my life.
As seen I am also challenging the University of California for academic fraud as they are legally required to document this state's history.
What is also unique is that the Origin has done considerable damage to the LGBTi Movement, United Kingdom, United States, University of Cambridge, and Oxford University.
This is my first direct communication with either University of Cambridge or Oxford University. I have stated I would like to complain to the ICCPR over the alleged authorship of Cambridge and the United Kingdom. The United States has only ratified the Convention Against Torture CAT.
I am likely beneficiary of transhumanism. As I have not even drank water except when it snows for over 5 years. Also unique is that since the contamination of the Colorado River in 2007 over 50,000 persons have been killed in drug wars in Mexico which I would argue as related.
In degree, Mr. Bostrom, as a prominent Singularity thinker MOEC is a counter to Singularity it is a very Cruel Live Experiment on human and life itself.
I have a system of court cases and websites that I am attempting to abstract but more importantly prosecute those criminal actors and their accomplices.
Under these contingencies simply creating legal complaints against those sworn persons especially those that may be living is a very powerful strategy for the Future.
The entire Singularity Movement has sanitized a prima facie crime against humanity. Kuhn and Popper standards will be used to augment the Frye and Daubert Standards used in courts here to establish expert witnesses and testimony.
Please consider exposing the conditions of Reality to your colleagues.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
March 20, 2012
(Edit DWN August 2015. The grammatical and syntactical hacking that is occurring is based on the Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing model. In particularity a cohort rivalry that is scripted pairs my work with Kamahra Ewing a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Michigan. She is an African Latina with a Miss Universe resume.)
History of Singularity
Blythe CA Ehrenberg CA
April 4, 2012
Is Singularity Sanitization for New Fascism?
Open Letter to www.ted.com
As seen the concrete history of Singularity and the MOEC are convergent and simultaneous. The line of thinking that I am taking is that Cambridge University was aware of machine computational power at an early time. Much of this data most likely reflects the security interests of the United Kingdom. With this under consideration this mechanism would seek to defect computer development to it's interest.
The strategic issue of Gay Marriage has always been paired with a marginal chemical assault or Targeted Chemical Assaults.
The exponential theory proposed in Moore's Law and Kurzweil is coming to an end as semiconductors are have been test developed to one phosphorous atom. Hence subatomic computing is the next paradigm.
Regardless of the speed and size of CPUs the traditional 250 disciplinary areas of the University System still have to be programmed onto software that at least compliments what is delivered by humans. Here there is still no Official Recognition of the in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth by any nationstate or prominent Singularity thinker or organization.
It is TOTALLY EVIDENT that there is significant damage to sworn officials to uphold human rights. There is tremendous damage to all persons claiming to have moral agency in not confronting the United States President on openly allowing it's citizens to be attacked by a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
The branding of Singularity as a for profit also limits it's chances for achieving it's goals of iconoclastic transformation of human consciousness and behavior sweeping past totally human systems behind.
There is a planned decadence ongoing in the trajectory of history being lead by the Gay Militia in LAPD. If a moral agent does not oppose such it will clearly lose legitimacy. As MOEC escalates it's activities towards and past the 2012 Presidential Elections more persons will become sworn officials who take office to protect life, limb, and property; not box a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth over the human race.
The LGBTi movement and female populations emerging through the professions have also seen there trajectories and natural persons damaged.
Using IBM's Watson as a baseline, when is a computational machine going to operate on the factual history of the United States from June 17, 1987?
On a personal level, I will openly use negation on an actor be it a single natural person, group, nationstate, or supranational regime that I believe is a credible threat to my life and history.
Cambridge University has just recently announced the termination of the hard copy of it's Encyclopedia Britannica. If one were to peruse my website, www.powereality/origin.htm one can see my miniature encyclopedia which I wrote by hand. I was requested to do this. The authorship knew that there would be a Radhanatha event or escalation of the Scorched Earth. Almost 100 percent of written texts in my vicinity are contaminated. What is unique in Origin is my reduction of the Outline of Psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud is missing. The construction of the Eros is major template in entrapment conditioning in the Storyboard scripting of persons lives. The use of a tension release model should replace any consideration of hydraulic model of the psyche. The pathological lying and deception of the Gay Militia will state that I am using the hydraulic model which states that criminals increase repression then break suddenly rather than a gradual increase of tension and releasing.
Hence criminals repress and victims deny. The Singularity Movement is dependent on the fatalistic failure of the proximate cause Cambridge through LAPD and it's accomplices.
Herein also these actors may be repressive as they are the criminals victimizing other persons.
The University of California, Ivy League and upper echelon schools as MIT are all suspect as they condone the attack on my person and the human race.
The blatant selling off of rights for economic prosperity and sex is a cornerstone of an antisocial, sociopathic, and psychopathic culture that has resulted in a purge. This would create a new class order or a more accurately a refinement of the previous order.
If academics and intellectuals become apologists for this crimes against humanity New Fascism has emerged.
The damage to LGBTi law enforcement is catastrophic and will discussed in a chapter dealing with Gay Irrationalism. This will develop the use of the Chemical Assault and it's distribution over society writ large. The recruitment of natural persons into law enforcement positions in LAPD to form a gay Militia in itself is a negation to a concept of moral agency.
The teaching of LGBTi History which is now mandated in California is a fraud. The trajectory of MOEC as a defection model has clear boundaries that are still morphogenetic and expanding. Sworn officials as President Obama, Mary Bono Mack R 45 CA, Gavin Newsom Lt. Governor CA, and Kamala Harris AG CA are clear targets for criminal prosecution. Obama is the oldest being born on August 4, 1961.
Cambridge University appears to have been instrumental in developing computational machines. I am proposing that Singularity and or it's concept were developed as an artificial archetype in which to develop a culture of defection to computers and AI topologies. Verner Vinge is credited with the first use of the term Singularity.
To elaborate the power of nuclear bombs was manifest to the world after August 1945. It was clear that the proliferation of nuclear technology could disrupt the equilibrium of world power and international security. This is evident as Iran, the United States and Israel are in a state of brinkmanship over Iran's development of nuclear technology.
If a nationstate or alignment could develop a supercomputer or AI topology this too could shift the balance of power. There is already discussion that it may be possible to penetrate Iran's computer networks and shut these systems down. Hence one has a computer system versus computer system confrontation.
It is my position that Cambridge is leading the Singularity Movement by defection. I will link the Alan Turning Centennial to this claim.
MOEC is reverse engineering to Technological Singularity. A Social or Cultural Singularity has been achieved. I am working on budget level equipment that is quite proficient for word processing and web surfing for pdf file research that I prefer. I also have to continually re edit these papers as LAPD will hack them.
This alone gives insight to how hacking is a job occupation that is state sponsored and not moral, ethical, or legal. The fact that there is no official recognition to my persecution is a WATERSHED EVENT in human history demonstrates the collusion of so called moral authority. In Florida as I write Travor Martin has been killed my a man named Zimmerman who was a neighborhood watch person who was legally armed. Martin is African American and Zimmerman is of Latino extraction. Obama, Reverends Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have immediately responded to this event although it is only a fraction of the size. I approve of the tactics that the Martin family has used to publicize the confrontation which reflects selfdefense, Castle Doctrine, and Stand Your Grand concepts of affirmative defenses and the duty to retreat.
At this point the publicity has brought the FBI into the investigation but the event is turning into a circus or kangaroo court which will constrain me from adding direct comment.
Here too, we see that advocating of my civil rights is not in the interest of the past civil rights leadership. Sharpton and Jackson have strong ties to President Bill Clinton and Barack Obama both who I will staunchly argue are guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.
When will the officers in LAPD BE NAMED? I am not a public person. I do not act for a profit or publicity to further any other for profit enterprise. I continually make public records which do not support any private economic motive.
The area of the Colorado River Valley and Salton Sea appears to be very strong target of Gay Irrational Gay Nothing. If the electronic surveillance of LAPD is collected and examined one will document the use of ad hominem and contrarian homosexuality. That latter is a stereotype that same sex persons especially males are acting the opposite of reason and rationality as a form of harassment.
If I debate Dodo the day shift leader and the single person of who it is claimed could STOP THE CHEMICAL ASSAULT, he will deliberate state the opposite of what I state. I have a real GPA of 3.27 and a UC GPA of 3.42 and have no trouble keeping him under 50 percent accuracy. If I argue ten points on any subject as self defense, the Vedas, Singularity, he will most likely loose all ten points. This is easily done by only stating provable empirical facts.
If I state that Zimmerman must mount a legal affirmative defense under the State of Florida this is true. If Dodo does not even know what an affirmative defense is this more ludicrous. In a justification defense one does not deny that the act has occurred. In this case Zimmerman does not deny shooting Martin. He is stating that under Florida law he has an affirmative self defense under the rules regarding Castle Doctrine and Hold Your Ground models.
If I state facts Dodo will claim that I am harassing him and he is defending some other third party. This is absurd on it's face because he is Stalking me with a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth and using a front of homosexuality LGBTi to recruit persons under treason, obstruction of justice, and mutilating evidence. Hence this is a RICO structure.
An interesting component that also negates moral agency and the color of right is that my grandfather is placed into a false set with the previous leader The Fly. So in equivocation The Fly will mean either a criminal policeman who initiated the Chemical Assault or my grandfather.
I am still intellectually adept to argue that none of this activity stems from a legal law, rule or case. Therefore there is no legal basis for LAPD to continue the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth and their Gay Militia as a Gay Revolution. Under Jus Belle or legal warfare uniformed security forces as the military and police do not attack civilians or non military installations or property.
The stalkers they recruit are common criminals at best and are prosecuted for Part I and Part II crimes that they commit with as quid pro quos.
Cambridge University or the criminal knows it's own crime. It is creating a Yellow Brick Road for Obama to attempt to live out his life without being criminally exposed and put on trial. This is also true for the Gay Militia.
As seen the moral and legal agency for my natural person is to put up the strongest legal resistance and publish legal records as to the nature of the system none as MOEC. This alone would negate the History of the Irrational Presidents. I cannot even open the site: http://powereality.net/irrationalistpresidents.htm any longer.
The attack is driven by MSM males who will attempt to Gay bait persons who confront them. This alone is a devastating defeat for the integrity of same sex LGBTi persons.
I have been exclusively heterosexual all my life. Mary Bono Mack's R 45 CA district contains one of the most prominent LGBTi communities in the world. The Coachella Valley is host to the White Party and The Dinah. Both of these events cater to 15,000 persons each per year. The former is for gay males and the latter is for lesbians.I am in Desert Shores on the Salton Sea every other year. There is no way the worldwide LGBTi community cannot say they unaware of MOEC.
(EditDWN August 2015. It was at this time that the attacks on publishing escalated. I was just becoming aware of Technological Singularity. The urgency at hand was and is justified. The attacks reflect a scripted Inferiority Complex.This facet of determinism may proven by advances in gene sequencing. This issues is vis a vis between homosexuality and heterosexuality.)
Complaint to the Convention Against Torture CAT
McCloud CA
September 1, 2012
This complaint is Chapter 6 of MOCM PT. III http://powereality.net/mocm-pt.III.htm which has a readable rough draft online. This clearly provides a legal complaint against Barack Obama. It clearly identifies the United Kingdom.
In re: Nollmeyer
1. David Nollmeyer brings a complaint against the United Kingdom in nexus with an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth in the United States. Principal to this attack is the despoliation of surface water as the Colorado River along the Arizona California border and the Salton Sea in California. In continuation, intense stalking through electronic surveillance is observable. The use of instructing stalkers over radio stations to targets is similar to what occurred in Rwanda is also manifest.
2. Articles 4, 5, and 6 of the Convention Against Torture form the basis for the action.
3. The issue involves the alleged authorship and proximate cause of actors in the United Kingdom specifically Cambridge Law School.
4. These activities are manifest in the United States by Los Angeles Police Department whom contain a Gay Militia. These actors are abusing mutual aid violations with other states to facilitate the coordination of attacks on targets.
5. This attack is code named Operation Radhanatha in a poison in the well fallacy format. Radhanatha swami is a natural person who is an ISKCON diksa guru whom many believe is involved in a murder of Sulochana in 1986 in Los Angeles.
6. The allegation is that Cambridge Law School is tacitly and overtly guiding the rise and fall of the British Empire. In doing so these actors have systematically authored Crimes Against Humanity which in time many persons wished to expose. This intent lead to a confrontation between homosexual and heterosexual members which alienated my human rights under the ICCPR and the CAT. To facilitate this action an attack against the United States and then President Ronald Reagan began on June 17, 1987.
7. Operation Radhanatha contaminated the Colorado River from Earp CA Parker AZ through Blythe, California towards Mexico on February 12, 2007. This would implicate then President George W. Bush. This has occurred two more times in this location. The dates are approximately from October 2009 - May 2010 and October 2011 - May 2012.
8. Under these conditions all surface water is despoiled.
9. The other major event is the contamination of the Salton Sea. This occurred first in October 2008 just prior to the first election of President Barack Obama. This event persisted until I left the area around May 2009. The Salton Sea was then also contaminated from October 2009 to about May 2010.
10. The Salton Sea is an inland lake which must evaporate and does not empty into any ocean. The entire area above is amongst the hottest temperatures easily reach 115 degrees. It is also the poorest in the United States with unemployment between 20 to 25 percent.
11. I have been under 24 hour electronic surveillance. I am easily the most stalked person in the History of the United States, and am enduring a systematic attack that is open live human experimentation based on the epistemology of knowledge and the processing and ordering of sense datum by the mind.
12. A unique facet of this hate crime is that the perpetrators appear to be homosexual males who wish to gay bait victims as Male Same Sex Males - MSM. I have been heterosexual my whole life.
Statement of Facts
1. The in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth that is imposed over my natural person is a hate crime based on a homosexual or same sex qualification. I am a lifelong heterosexual male.
2. The foundational theory is Social Engineering or more properly Social Wrecking. The pairing of a crime against a constitutional right undermines the standing positive law. Since the United States has ratified the CAT as well as the United Kingdom the resultant complex jurisdictional problems should have a remedy.
3. The strategic mission of the attack is Gay Marriage. Currently Proposition 8 is awaiting writ of certiorari in the United States Supreme Court. I am a ritvik Hare Krishna and Same Sex Marriage violates both my Vedic and personal beliefs.
4. It is clear that this attack is based on my lifelong heterosexuality and Japanese American ancestry. THE ATTACK WOULD NOT HAVE OCCURRED AS A FULL BLOWN CHEMICAL ASSAULT SCORCHED EARTH IF I WAS ENGAGED IN SAME SEX ACTIVITIES.
5. The allegation is that the same sex qualification for legal rights is three anal sex intercourses. I am not sure what the exact time frame or frequency is. However one same sex behavior every six months would qualify one as LGBTi regardless of identity.
6. In this nexus this activity is a Homosexual Blackmail and Extortion Ring. Any type of criminal or illicit activity that is recorded electronically may result in blackmail the revealing of private history and extortion and the performance or non performance of activities.
7. The latter is the source of extremely depraved stalking that is guided over the radio, television, and internet similar to genocides in Africa.
8. The Convention Against Torture also appears to be a direct target of what is MOEC Mobilization of Empire and Civilization. The acronym is derived from the Book of MOED and the fact that Cambridge and Oxford are involved in the expansion of the United Kingdom.
9. As per the Colorado River, since February 12, 2007 over 55,000 persons have been killed in drug cartel warfare. This is an example of the pairing of one event to another.
10. Hence the Chemical Assault is less for LGBTi persons and a fractal of what is imposed over my natural person.
11. The strategy is to create a Crime Against Humanity originating in the United Kingdom by Cambridge Law School, through Scotland Yard, Los Angeles Police Department, the United States, California, Los Angeles and the LGBTi Movement. This would also result in treason in the United Kingdom and the United States for any culpable citizens.
12. Hence all sworn officials that are duty bound and legally required are targeted.
13. The attack works corruption of blood and is genealogically based.
14. Stalking is facilitated by creating a hierarchy of officials and law officers that hand off or entrap crime through mutual aid violations.
15. There is a continual pattern of what has emerged as Gang Stalking where impunity is created through the blackmail and extortion ring where stalkers are recruited to harass persons and hear their quid pro quos or deals. This structure reflects that these informants are working to promote their livelihoods outside of legal norms, attacking the rule of law. Two simultaneous eternities cannot exist. The social contract between the head of state and his citizens is broken.
16. If this activity is authored in the United Kingdom and handed off through Scotland Yard to Los Angeles Police Department; it is espionage and treason.
17. The main stalking behavior is lying in wait in a car at a public place as a gas station, post office or store. Hence when the target passes by the stalkers emerge and slam their car doors at the person. This is at least false imprisonment.
18. The main structure here reflects a polarity switch reflecting dehumanization. The Gay Militia and it's recruits are the main drivers. Hence the current mythology being spread through LGBTi History and Studies claim that LGBTi persons are victims. At June 17, 1987 this polarity would have completely have been reversed with the manifest attack on Ronald Reagan. This was done on pirated public radio and television and I was stalked very seriously in Dover, Delaware at this time. I continue to write under duress here in McCloud, California. (There are major wildfires burning within 50 miles of here. There is a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth and very high smoke. Many of these fires may be attacked with contaminated water).
19. Along the Colorado River at the Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ Interstate 10 crossing there is a Flying J Truck Stop. This is a location of some of the most severe Gang Stalking and intimidation. Operation Radhanatha contaminated the Colorado River from Earp CA Parker AZ through Blythe, California towards Mexico on February 12, 2007. This would implicate then President George W. Bush. This has occurred two more times in this location. The dates are approximately from October 2009 May 2010 and October 2011 May 2012.
20. The dirt road that runs south adjacent to the Flying J at tines is sprayed with water to keep the dust levels low. This water at times has been contaminated so that you are chemically attacked while walking on the road.
21. Here the Stalkers would harass my person in the lot knowing that there was a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
22. There is a cotton field just south of the truck stop. The field is totally despoiled from contaminated water. The bales of cotton would burn you hand to the touch. This field is being constructed as physical evidence and the workers as witnesses.
23. The same issue is true of plastic containers as oil jugs and bottles. Items that have been sitting in the desert are still contaminated after 5 plus years. This is an area that receives 115 degree heat regularly.
24. The cotton and vegetable fields in Blythe and Ehrenberg are contaminated.
25. Many houses draw water from the Colorado River.
26. The food in all the fast food restaurants in Blythe and the truckstop are contaminated if I am in proximity. This would include McDonalds, Del Taco, and Jack in the Box.
27. The United States Post Office in Blythe is among one of the worst locations for stalking. Persons continually lay in wait to harass persons as they receive their mail.
28. In regards to the Salton Sea, both Barack Obama and Senator McCain were totally cognizant of the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth and continued to campaign in 2008 while this atrocity was evident. Then President George W. Bush made no effort to remedy the disaster and financial disaster ensued due to the movement of counter-cyclical interest rates and lending of mortgages to unqualified borrowers.
29. This action has caused a multiplier which has the EU in recession. Such actions reflect the undermining of the lowest 40 percent of the United States or those earning $20,000 per anum or less.
30. The area in Desert Shores where I winter is more open spatially. The stalking and lying in wait to harass persons is pandemic. It is a signature event in LGBTi History.
31. The Palm Springs Coachella Valley is home to a very prominent LGBTi community. This leverages the actions of the Gay Militia.
32. Of interest is that when the Bird Flu moved from Mexico into California and the United States. This area was one of the first to be infected. I was told at the grocery store with my grocer in Desert Shores that we were infected. This was by electronic surveillance. When I left I remained in Inyo County because I had the flu. This flu is very mild compared to the spring flu that can attack the area.
33. Without making a conclusionary statement, I intend to move to Desert Shores along the Salton Sea by October 15, 2012. There are several large lakes in Mammoth County as well as the Owens Canal in Inyo County that will be despoiled.
Statement of Progress and Intent
1. This entire event demonstrates corruption and collusion at the highest level of the NATO alignment. It appears that de facto elements within the collapse of the British Empire have created a homosexual blackmail and extortion ring. There is a pairing of this Chemical Assault Scorched Earth with Gay Marriage in the United States.
2. Perry v. Brown or Proposition 8 is awaiting writ of certiorari in the Supreme Court. A resolution of this case may affect the outcome. What is of great concern is prosecution of guilty actors and reparations to victims. A type of Marshall Plan has been discussed. This would indebt the United Kingdom and the United States a to a considerable amount.
3. Consider recent statements by President Barack Obama concerning Syrian chemical weapons: "We cannot have a situation in which chemical or biological weapons are falling into the hands of the wrong people," Mr. Obama said in response to questions at an impromptu news conference at the White House. "We have been very clear to the Assad regime but also to other players on the ground that a red line for us is, we start seeing a whole bunch of weapons moving around or being utilized." "That would change my calculus," he added.
4. Since potable surface water is very scarce in the Middle East, Obama's statements borderline psychopathy. There are ongoing wildfires here throughout the Lassen, Siskiyou, Tehama, and Humboldt County areas that would be directly attacked by contaminate air, water, and products in stores.
5. When I walk into a building the police have to be ahead of me to contaminate the water in taps. The air in ventilation is also contaminated.
6. This is unprecedented in the history of the world.
7. Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and Vice President Biden are leading fictitious, de facto and omissive lives as sworn competent officials.
8. I am similar to Simon Wiesenthal and will work to the end of my life to see that Barack Obama and any other officials are held accountable for these War Crimes.
9. This is a live experiment on human regarding Technological Singularity. I am the leading opposition figure against MOEC with a boundary being 1 out 7 billion. I have maintained the strongest World Wide Web presentation of any supranational regime, nationstate, institution, or individual. The Gay Militia in LAPD who took the gambit to attack the United States, the Constitution, Ronald Reagan and myself have degraded.
10. These actors are severely implicated in a homosexual blackmail ring which is driving the RICO styled criminal enterprise.
11. Please refer this complaint to any Rapporteur, OAS (concerning Mexico) or other protocol that may have a strong jurisdictional interest in this case.
David Nollmeyer
McCloud CA
August 30, 2012
2013 Letters
International Relations and Implications
Desert Shores CA
March 25, 2013

Dear Professor Kolodny,
I am writing you to express my concern over the impact that the Unrecognized Scorched Earth Chemical Assault program, currently in continuo since June 17, 1987 will have over the Condition of Humanity and the study of International Relations. As I am writing you, the Salton Sea, California is a Scorched Earth site. This inland sea is totally a Toxic Waste Land.
At hand is Crime Against Humanity universally and Treason, Obstruction of Justice, and Intimidating a Witness here in the United States. This prima facie argument has the same implications for those persons who are citizens of the United Kingdom under the ICCPR.
My name is David Nollmeyer. I am stating that Cambridge Law School is the proximate cause, sine qua non. This maneuver alienates one individual's natural person and citizenship from legal person before the court.
This attack is named Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC; allegedly by the authorship of Cambridge Law School, United Kingdom.
Hence MOEC is Undermining Civilization through this line: United Kingdom - Cambridge Law School, Scotland Yard, United States – Los Angeles Police Department, California and LGBTi Movement.
The overall principle that is being employed is State Creation. Undermining and Prisoner's Dilemma are the main drivers of the process and structure.
This event is an emergent structure that appears to be consolidating the mechanism(s) that expands and contracts the British Empire. Currently the Anglo American Paradigm is in decline by this intentional activity. Who will benefit in the short and long run?
A key perspective in International Relations are Systems Transformations at three levels: 1. International 2. International 3. Local.
There are two main subsystems of MOEC: 1. Lycurgus Akbar – non nuclear 2. Syrinx – nuclear.
There are three components to this MOEC:
Nuclear Warfare
Chemical Warfare
Biological Warfare
Currently I am in the condition equating to Akbar.
The Strategic Mission at this stage of MOEC is Gay or Same Sex Marriage. As I write Hollingsworth v. Perry or Proposition 8 is awaiting to be heard before the Supreme Court on March 26, 2013.
The attack on the American President and Constitution is based on alienating one person from his Bill of Rights protections. This is based on a Same Sex qualification for rights. The result is the creation of a RICO Criminal Enterprise that is a circular folly. Hence homosexual, blackmail and extortion are the primary defense mechanism for perpetuating the attack.
It is prima facie at this point in History that the Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Obama have been de facto and corrupt in executing the Office of the Presidency.
A system of eugenic engineering is paired with quid pro quos, a Yellow Brick Road instead of merit based promotion and Targeted Chemical Assaults is developed in nodes throughout the world.
I am the main and only target that has the fullblown Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over their person and citizenship. This attack could occur if I was heterosexual.
Since LAPD has carried out the attack, I have been disclosed the model and particular concrete events.
At issue is the allegation that Technological Singularity is being developed to sanitize the history of War Crimes especially by the United Kingdom.
President Barack Obama is the Singularity Target and I am the Singularity Experiment.
My response has exceeded the Authorships expectations. Not only have I survived the attack, I am slowly mounting a Second Strike against such. The Process and Structure of MOEC are reasonably certain. Novelty and some very deception decoy and traps are the only issues that could negate by line, not the Totality of MOEC's alleged existence.
According to law the United Kingdom and United States are engaged in guerra bellicose. As the belligerents these actors would be obligated to punish those guilty parties and recompensate the victims. It appears a type of Marshall Plan will be created.
It is prima facie that President Barack Obama is aware of the attack on the Salton Sea. He has won two Presidential Elections and has been inaugurated twice while such was despoiled. Water in taps is contaminated. Food and other durable items in stores is contaminated for hundreds of miles radiating from my person.
Currently it is alleged that Syria has been using small Chemical Attacks. Obama’s calculus on such is one of hypocrisy.
If the International Community, legal and academic systems are serious about the rule of law than concrete actions must be taken to recognize and punish the perpetrators.
The Undermining will create a new class structure a form of Neo Fascism if the current trajectory is maintained.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores, California
March 25, 2013
Open Letter: George W Bush
Desert Shores CA
April 25, 2013

The Legacy of George W Bush
If History is the last Court then Reality is the instructing teacher. George Bush willingly became President of the United States in full cognition that a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth program was in continuo since June 17, 1987 under then President Reagan. His father George HW Bush also willfully condoned the defective performance of Reagan. This miscalculation, escalation, failure to discipline faulty performers, and implement corrective remedies has resulted in a damaged United States, Constitution, and Citizenship.
What is known now is that an Undermining Campaign that drives the expansion of the British Empire is the controlling hierarchy. Cambridge Law School is the Proximate Cause. These actors have named this System Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC. This system may go back to the beginning of University of Cambridge in the 1400s. In this regard MOEC is the name for the exposure of a Perfect Dictator.
The attack has been imposed over my natural person and citizenship.
As a result of the alienation of my Bill of Right and Fourteenth Amendment Protections, a Crime Against Humanity, Treason, Obstruction of Justice, and Intimidating a Witness have occurred against the United States.
The Strategic Mission at this time is Gay Marriage. Proposition 8 as Hollingsworth v. Perry is now awaiting Judgment before the Supreme Court.
George W Bush has failed in executing his sworn duty as President of the United States, Constitution, and Citizens. He has acted Under the Color of Law as de facto and negligent sworn officer of this country. On about February 12, 2007 Operation Radhanatha occurred which despoiled all surface water in my vicinity, tap water and products manufactured at the plant.
The Colorado River was despoiled at Earp CA and Parker AZ. As a result the Salton Sea CA has been despoiled for two Presidential Elections 2008 and 2012. President Obama must bear the criminal and civil liability for the 2012 Presidential Election.
To this day it is impossible to buy a Coca Cola that is not contaminated in my vicinity.
George W Bush is a member of the Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Obama. He has delivered blackmail, extortion, and intimidation of a witness. Electronic Surveillance, Gang Stalking, and Chemical Assault against the United States and the human race are the prima facie facts that are weighed against his Mythology.
George W. Bush Presidential Library And Museum
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
April 25, 2013
Open Letter: Kamala Harris D CA
Westwood CA
August 1, 2013

Dear Attorney General Kamala Harris,
In the past week ex Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano has resigned from the Obama Administration. The regents approved her for the post of the President of the University of California on July 18, 2013. This rapid paradigm shift has focalized what is named MOEC or Mobilization of Empire and Civilization. This is the name of the actual in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth program imposed over my natural person and citizenship here in Westwood, Lassen County, California.
Two Simultaneous Eternities Can Not Exist
At issue is the Sovereign Citizen Relationship and the alienation of my Bill of Right protections. For simplicities purpose we will argue the 8th Amendment, There shall be no cruel and unusual punishment, and the 14th Amendment Equal Protection and Due Process clause.
This Undermining attack is alleged to be the authorship of Cambridge Law School, United Kingdom. These actors have developed a Gay Militia that is guiding the attack from Los Angeles Police Department. There is an ideological construction known as Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing that reflects these actors' human repertoire of intents and actions.
The attack is predicated on a Same Sex Qualification for Constitutional Rights. I am heterosexual.
The algorithm moves from (United Kingdom) Cambridge Law School, Scotland Yard, (United States), LAPD, State of California, the LGBTi Movement to attack my natural person and citizenship. Heterosexuals as myself are involved also but the bias is overwhelmingly LGBTi.
This action is an informant based operation where one either cooperates with the United States Constitution or betrays to MOEC.
There are three major components of this stage of MOEC: Gang Stalking, Electronic Surveillance, Chemical Warfare.
MOEC attempts to create a pathology of failure. Hence one LGBTi police officer is able to decide whether to halt the above three components directly attacking my person.
MOEC is a chemical assault, homosexual blackmail, extortion, obstruction of justice, and intimidation of a witness ring.
Marijuana trafficking and growing is a basis to create a racketeering informant system to Undermine Civilization. This spreads to food, clothing, shelter, and reproduction.
There have been three code names of officers that are prominent in MOEC: Periander, The Fly, Dodo.
Dodo is the officer in question who is running the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
I am the Singularity Experiment and Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
I was born in Roswell, New Mexico in 1961. I will be 52 on August 3, and Obama will be 52 on August 4. We are therefore cohort rivals under both an Ideal Father and Mother Figure and our natural parents.
The attack focalizes on the Third Generation Grandparents as a baseline to Undermine. This would yield 8 surnames.
Dodo's extended family will be aware of his fall as an LGBTi officer in LAPD as will all the other alleged 250 to 500 officers in the Gay Militia.
The same can be true from those followers of the quid pro quo Yellow Brick Road here who are informants to Dodo in the Lassen, Plumas, and Siskiyou County area in California.
Equal Protection and Due Process should be applied nationwide.
The surname of Prince William, The Duke of Cambridge whom has just produced charge is Nelson.
A Yellow Brick Road Trojan Horse has been embedded successfully in American and World Culture.
A Marriage Breaking program is disguised as a Marriage Making program. This is a KEY Concept in Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. The Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is tagged to Gay Marriage. Historically you have performed the first Gay Marriage in California after the defeat of Proposition 8.
I supported Proposition 8 based on my own natural reason and Vedic beliefs without coercion.
The Proximate Cause Test sine qua non, is a very important consideration for you as a natural person and Attorney General for the State of California.
Lake Almanor, in adjacent Plumas County is completely a toxic waste land. The air and food for at least 100 miles radius is contaminated from vehicles who are driving in the vicinity with despoiled fuel. Food is contaminated from the factory. I am a vegetarian and these foodstuffs are deliberately attacked more than meat.
The stalking is so poor that persons lay in wait at the minimart, post office, and store to attack persons under cue from the Gay Militia. Hence they operate as a Gay Militia that is radiated from LAPD, City of Los Angeles and Los Angeles County.
Cognitive Behaviorism stresses punishment as a short term behavior modifier and education as a long term modifier. Napolitano's appointment to the President of UC California reflects this methodology.
As seen, I am first a natural person and then a citizen of the United States and California. It is clear the the proximate cause sine qua non has transformed the United States and California into the Machinery of Torture.
If criminal and civil charges were filed against the Sheriff and District Attorney of Lassen, this County would go immediately into bankruptcy. Plumas alone is $1.5 million behind on it’s budget. The very first suit would push these rural counties over the edge. The insurance companies will not pay out on simple liability claims to criminals. There is a problem with 90 percent of the population. Lassen will attempt to press charges and counter sue LAPD, City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, United States, Cambridge Law School and the United Kingdom.
You are correctly brought as the County can represent the State in all actions in California. Internationally you are also criminally and civilly liable as LAPD is responsible for many actions especially in Mexico.
I am alleging that you, Barack Obama, and Janet Napolitano are guilty of War Crimes and or Crimes Against Humanity. As seen the Wizard of Oz here is a Gay Militia member of LAPD. The intent to create the worst person in United States History has a LGBTi policeman who although aware will not renounce the conspiracy.
The major fallacy in Informant Reinforcement is a Justification – Positive self defense. Stand you own ground and the duty to retreat are null if one is an agent of a Criminal Principal, Accomplice or Accessory.
Instead the Morgenthau Pathology exponentially develops: 1. Miscalculation 2. Escalation 3. Failure to punishment culpable actors. 4. Failure to implement a system remedying deficiencies.
As the Chief Law Officer of California you have been Undermined by rogue cells of MSM male officers in LAPD who operate through Mutual Aid Violations.
I have developed MOEC Studies to the level of an Approach. This is less than a system, but the results are very strong. It is the mechanism that expands the British Empire. It is a novelty of prisoner's dilemma.
The University of California now is fully entangled in the Machinery of Torture. It’s staff of world class academics are en prise as dependent actors to accomplices.
The proximate cause sine qua non, principals, accomplices, and accessories should all be named and prosecuted.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Westwood CA
July 27, 2013
Open Letter: John Kerry Secretary of State
Westwood CA
September 1, 2013
The Syrian Civil War has killed over 100,000 persons over three years. It has displaced over 1.2 million persons in the region. Their have been allegations of Chemical Assaults levied against both Assad and the Rebels. Since the Rebels are in the main allied with al Qaeda, United States interests do not appear to be well served in militarily engaging in regime change.
President Barack Obama previously has remarked that the use of Chemical Weapons would change his calculus, and that there is a red line.
On August 21, 2013 reports of a widespread Chemical Assault in Ghouta on the outskirts of Damascus surfaced.
Remarks on Syria
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Press Briefing Room Washington, DC August 26, 2013
Well, for the last several days President Obama and his entire national security team have been reviewing the situation in Syria, and today I want to provide an update on our efforts as we consider our response to the use of chemical weapons.
What we saw in Syria last week should shock the conscience of the world. It defies any code of morality. Let me be clear: The indiscriminate slaughter of civilians, the killing of women and children and innocent bystanders, by chemical weapons is a moral obscenity. By any standard it is inexcusable, and despite the excuses and equivocations that some have manufactured, it is undeniable.
Secretary Kerry develops a prima facie claim of criminality by presenting the Obama's Administration's focus on the allegations of a Chemical Assault in Syria on August 21, 2013. Kerry invokes a universal moral premise to respond regarding the use of chemical weapons to kill civilians, women, children and innocent third parties. It appears that Kerry is attempting to build broad support in the instance that a technical reading of International Law could constrain United States and Allies actions.
The meaning of this attack goes beyond the conflict in Syria itself, and that conflict has already brought so much terrible suffering. This is about the large scale, indiscriminate use of weapons that the civilized world long ago decided must never be used at all, a conviction shared even by countries that agree on little else. There is a clear reason that the world has banned entirely the use of chemical weapons. There is a reason the international community has set a clear standard and why many countries have taken major steps to eradicate these weapons. There is a reason why President Obama has made it such a priority to stop the proliferation of these weapons and lock them down where they do exist. There is a reason why President Obama has made clear to the Assad regime that this international norm cannot be violated without consequences. And there is a reason why no matter what you believe about Syria, all peoples and all nations who believe in the cause of our common humanity must stand up to assure that there is accountability for the use of chemical weapons so that it never happens again.
Kerry posits that the principle that large scale indiscriminate use of chemicals is not civilized.
Kerry invokes two concepts: Order and Power. In the case of Order Kerry states, "There is a clear reason that the world has banned entirely the use of chemical weapons. There is a reason the international community has set a clear standard and why many countries have taken major steps to eradicate these weapons."
In the concrete world of Power Realities, I have lived since June 17, 1987 with a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over my natural person. Currently Barack Obama has won two presidential elections in 2008 and 2012 with the Salton Sea, California TOTALLY CHEMICALLY DESPOILED. He has also taken the Oath of Office of the Presidency twice while this atrocity has occurred. The Salton Sea is an ancient inland sea that does not flow to the ocean. It is below sea level and the water evaporates under the 116 degree summer heat.
Currently I am writing from Westwood, California on the edge of internet access. I am probably within a few hundred yards from the end of mobile phone service. In adjacent Plumas County, Lake Almanor is despoiled. Lake Almanor has the reputation of being the third best trout lake in the world.
The Totality of Circumstances Test must be invoked. Kerry states, "There is a reason why President Obama has made it such a priority to stop the proliferation of these weapons and lock them down where they do exist." Here the concrete history of the United States and the world is clear. The United States has imposed the world's most successful censorship and sanitization program witnessed by civilization. This would surpass the Totalitarianism of both Hitler and Stalin.
The effects of marginalization of using non military grade Chemical Weapons by Homeland Security, our police officers and informants easily can and have contaminated the State of California which has 38 million persons.
If Obama has made it clear to Assad that Chemical Weapons can not be used without consequences, then why as Kerry states, "all peoples and all nations who believe in the cause of our common humanity must stand up to assure that there is accountability for the use of chemical weapons so that it never happens again," is nothing happening regarding the in continuo attack here in Northern California?
Last night after speaking with foreign ministers from around the world about the gravity of this situation, I went back and I watched the videos, the videos that anybody can watch in the social media, and I watched them one more gut wrenching time. It is really hard to express in words the human suffering that they lay out before us. As a father, I can’t get the image out of my head of a man who held up his dead child, wailing while chaos swirled around him; the images of entire families dead in their beds without a drop of blood or even a visible wound; bodies contorting in spasms; human suffering that we can never ignore or forget. Anyone who can claim that an attack of this staggering scale could be contrived or fabricated needs to check their conscience and their own moral compass.
Chemical Assault Scorched Earth has never bothered Kerry before here in the United States. He has even campaigned for President against George W Bush in 2004 while Totally Cognizant that families and children were being attacked.
John Kerry is the 68th Secretary of State being sworn in February 1, 2013.
Kerry will be 70 on December 11, 2013.
Kerry is married to Teresa Heinz (1995 present). He has five children:
John (Stepson)
André (Stepson)
Christopher (Stepson)
Kerry was Senator from Massachusetts from January 3, 1985 - February 1, 2013. He served as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations from January 6, 2009 to February 1, 2013. He was preceded by Joe Biden.
There are 1.3 million persons who are HIV AIDS positive whose immune systems would be susceptible to environmental contamination. This will be compelling supporting historical fact and point of legal attack against the Obama Administration et al. This will also be true for the Reagan Administration hence forward.
What is before us today is real, and it is compelling. So I also want to underscore that while investigators are gathering additional evidence on the ground, our understanding of what has already happened in Syria is grounded in facts informed by conscience and guided by common sense. The reported number of victims, the reported symptoms of those who were killed or injured, the firsthand accounts from humanitarian organizations on the ground like Doctors Without Borders and the Syria Human Rights Commission, these all strongly indicate that everything these images are already screaming at us is real, that chemical weapons were used in Syria.
Moreover, we know that the Syrian regime maintains custody of these chemical weapons. We know that the Syrian regime has the capacity to do this with rockets. We know that the regime has been determined to clear the opposition from those very places where the attacks took place. And with our own eyes, we have all of us become witnesses.
I am invoking as stated the Totality of Circumstances Test. If the United States is credible on it's gathering of facts and correlating such to Syrian capabilities why is there duplicity on the domestic use of Chemical Weapons here in the United States? There is a prima facie Crime Against Humanity in continuo here. Why is there a near blanket censorship and sanitization of non military grade Chemical Assault Scorched Earth that is supported by a Perfect Dictator? I state this as Democracy or universal suffrage by voting has not stopped the use of Chemical Weapons. There have been five Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Obama produced. I have authored a complaint at the ICCPR against the United Kingdom alleging that they have authored the Chemical Assault here.
We have additional information about this attack, and that information is being compiled and reviewed together with our partners, and we will provide that information in the days ahead.
Our sense of basic humanity is offended not only by this cowardly crime but also by the cynical attempt to cover it up. At every turn, the Syrian regime has failed to cooperate with the UN investigation, using it only to stall and to stymie the important effort to bring to light what happened in Damascus in the dead of night. And as Ban Ki moon said last week, the UN investigation will not determine who used these chemical weapons, only whether such weapons were used, a judgment that is already clear to the world.
If our basic sense of humanity is offended by sanitizing Chemical Attacks, why is the United States promoting this modus operandi with Kerry as Secretary of State, the nation's leading diplomat? The Associated Press, Reuters, USAToday, New York Times and Washington Post have not covered this event. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Fox, and now Al Jazeera has United States offices. Ban Ki moon the Secretariat of the United Nations has not exposed abuse.
I spoke on Thursday with Syrian Foreign Minister Muallim and I made it very clear to him that if the regime, as he argued, had nothing to hide, then their response should be immediate, immediate transparency, immediate access, not shelling. Their response needed to be unrestricted and immediate access. Failure to permit that, I told him, would tell it's own story.
Instead, for five days, the Syrian regime refused to allow the UN investigators access to the site of the attack that would allegedly exonerate them. Instead, it attacked the area further, shelling it and systematically destroying evidence. That is not the behavior of a government that has nothing to hide. That is not the action of a regime eager to prove to the world that it had not used chemical weapons. In fact, the regime's belated decision to allow access is too late, and it's too late to be credible. Today’s reports of an attack on the UN investigators, together with the continued shelling of these very neighborhoods, only further weakens the regime's credibility.
The United States must then have something to hide. The de facto Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is an alter ego to the Syrian Crisis. On August 29, British Prime Minister Cameron argued that there have been 14 Chemical Assaults recorded in Syria which British Intelligence has confirmed. Where is the credibility of attacking your own citizens and censoring the event in front of 6 billion persons? The culture creates the conditions of it's own elimination.
The duplicity at hand reflects defection via Prisoner's Dilemma. The Syrian Crisis will be decided on interests. This agenda may be tacit regardless of the public justification.
At President Obama's direction, I've spent many hours over the last few days on the phone with foreign ministers and other leaders. The Administration is actively consulting with members of Congress and we will continue to have these conversations in the days ahead. President Obama has also been in close touch with the leaders of our key allies, and the President will be making an informed decision about how to respond to this indiscriminate use of chemical weapons. But make no mistake: President Obama believes there must be accountability for those who would use the world's most heinous weapons against the world's most vulnerable people. Nothing today is more serious and nothing is receiving more serious scrutiny.
Thank you.
If President Obama was a credible President and World Leader attempting to decapitate the production and use of Chemical Weapons he would not be blackmailed into pretending that such does not exist domestically. There is food being contaminated in factories and shipped in my vicinity. The air is being sprayed by placing Chemicals in the gas tanks of cars. It appears that these Chemicals reflect those used in drug manufacturing as hydrochloric and muriatic acid. I have been told that porta toilet chemicals have been also used in a nod to Commodious. Commodious was the son of Marcus Aurelius of whom many consider the wisest Roman Emperor. Many historians believe Roman began to collapse the day Commodious became Emperor. He was more consumed in training to be a gladiator than Emperor. In the Coliseum he was not noted for clubbing and beating to death crippled, injured soldiers. It is to be noted that the slave Maximanius, his adversary was reputed to have been near 7 foot tall.
This severe act of cowardliness and displacement may have turned the average Roman and the military against him.
Elagalbus is the other Emperor of whom was considered Rome's most debauched. It is believed that he would stand naked in the Palace hallways and prostitute to male courtiers who were instructed to play their part. In this manner he would claim that he more loves and made more money than any one else.
The concrete historical trajectory holds that there has been a non military grade Chemical Assault Scorched Earth program operated by MSM LGBTi Militants operating out of LAPD, California. These actors operate through mutual aid violations with other federal, state, and local agencies. This hub and node conspiracy is clearly beyond the scope of the 8,000 man LAPD.
The strongest allegation is that it is of British origin as Cambridge Law School.
It is clear that five United States Presidents have fallen to Chemical Assault Scorched Earth blackmail:
Ronald Reagan
George HW Bush
William Clinton
George W Bush
Barack Obama
The argument that the American attack is a reprisal based on historical LGBTi Treatment is undeniable. The attack is paired to Gay Marriage.
It is a very strong analogy to the Cain versus Abel story in the Bible.
The argument of a Divided Family Dynasty deliberately sabotaging the future of one side in the creation of an Empire is very strong.
The modern classic 100 Years of Solitude clearly reflects the Rise and Fall of the United Kingdom and the United States.
PRN: 2013/2033
Court Docket
England is the Mind, the United States is the Bodyguard
MOEC is the acronym of the System MOBILIZATION OF EMPIRE AND CIVILIZATION. The SYSTEM is allegedly of British design; that of Cambridge Law School. The paradigm is designed as a Suprasystem. This is state that MOEC is a higher structural system that manages lower subsystems and components. This is particularly aimed at Constitutions and computer operating systems which are constructed in a similar manner.
Official Court Appendix
1. Cv.95-0135, Nollmeyer v. U.S. Gov., Delaware State Police, et al. U.S. District for New Mexico
2. Cv.97-2306, Nollmeyer v. U.S. Gov., Delaware State Police, et al. Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals
3. Cv.98-7015, Nollmeyer v. U.S. Gov., Delaware State Police, et al. United States Supreme Court
4. Cv.99-487, Nollmeyer v. U.S Attorney General, et al. U.S. District for Delaware
5. Cv.99-448, Nollmeyer v. Delaware State Police, et al. U.S. District for Delaware
6. Cv.99-500, Nollmeyer v. Janet Reno U.S. Attorney General, et al. U.S. District for Delaware
7. Cv.99-503, Nollmeyer v. Unknown Officer Doe (Delaware State Police), et al. U.S. District for Delaware
8. Cv.99-5631, Nollmeyer v. Delaware State Police, et al. Third Circuit Court of Appeals
9. Cv.99-5632, Nollmeyer v. Unknown Officer Doe (Delaware State Police), et al. Third Circuit Court of Appeals
10. Cv.99-5633, Nollmeyer v. UnitedStates Attorney General, et al. Third Circuit Court of Appeals
11. Cv.99-5634, Nollmeyer v. United States General Janet Reno, et al. Third Circuit Court of Appeals
12. Cv.99-5539, Nollmeyer v. Delaware State Police, et al. In Re: Doe Novella, Doe Pied Piper of Hamilton. Third Circuit Court of Appeals
13. Cv.99-5151, Nollmeyer v. Gray Davis, et al. U.S. District for Ca. Fresno
14. Cv.99-5152, Nollmeyer v. Pete Wilson, et al. U.S. District for Ca. Fresno
15. Cv.99-5153, Nollmeyer v. Inyo Co., et al. U.S. District for Ca. Fresno
16. Cv.99-5600, Nollmeyer v. United States Postal Service, et al. U.S. District for Ca. Fresno
17. Misc. 99-100 Nollmeyer v. William Lockyer, Ca. Att. Gen., Bernard Parks, LAPD, et al. U.S. District for Ca. Fresno
18. Misc. 99-101, Nollmeyer v. William Lockyer, Ca. Att. Gen., Parks, LAPD, et al. U.S. District for Ca. Fresno
19. Cv.99-2342, Nollmeyer v. Holiday Market, et al. U.S. District for Ca. Sacramento
20. Cv.99-17104, Nollmeyer v. Gray Davis, et al. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
21. Cv.99-17106, Nollmeyer v. Pete Wilson, et al. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
22. Cv.99-17228, Nollmeyer v. Inyo Co., et al. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
23. Cv.99-17191, Nollmeyer v. United States Postal Service, et al. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
24. Cv.99-215, Nollmeyer v. New Ramen Reti, et al. U.S. District for Fl. Gainesville
25. Cv. 00-13, Nollmeyer v. Janet Reno, U.S. Attorney General, et al. U.S. District for Fl. Gainesville
26. Cv. 00-10241-D, Nollmeyer v. New Ramen Reti, et al. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals