The Baltimore Studio
The Baltimore Studio are no more than LAPD Officers using a voice synthesizer to disguise themselves.This construction is a form of Profiling and Entrapment. Identity is a key. The Studio members are presented as MSM. The Journal is being continued here:
2020 Archives
LGBTi History and Science
Desert Shores CA
January 25, 2020
History must be treated as a science. The decay of Carbon 14 has a history that is objectively observed by all. However human history is largely subjective with Holocaust Deniers and Chemical Assault Scorched Earth Sanitizers and Deniers as we are currently witnessing. People clamor for the tyrant. This is nothing new. However many so called leaders and perhaps 95 percent of the population are entrapped. Hence these parties are more likely to walk the Yellow Brick Road further as it would take a genocide or Mass Destruction to punish everyone.
There is a new form of Coronavirus that has radiated from Wuhan, China. The likely zoonotic disease may have an origination in venomous snakes as krates and cobras.
The analogy of Origin and it's Irrationalist moniker Joe Virus should not be taken lightly. Through behavior transaction and travels such is worldwide at present. It is approaching high alert at this time. There are 41 dead and 1400 infections at present. The country is facing a "grave situation" Mr Xi, the Chinese Premier told senior officials, according to state television.
Number of People with HIV. There were approximately 37.9 million people across the globe with HIV AIDS in 2018. Of these, 36.2 million were adults and 1.7 million were children <15 years old.
New HIV Infections: An estimated 1.7 million individuals worldwide became newly infected with HIV in 2018. New HIV infections, or "HIV incidence," refers to the estimated number of people who newly acquired the HIV virus during a year, which is different from the number of people diagnosed with HIV during a year. Some people may have HIV but not know it. Of these new infections:
1.6 million infections were among people ages 15 and older
160,000 infections were among children ages 0-14
The Red Herring and Strawman
Desert Shores CA
March 16, 2020
The COVID 19 virus has lead for the EU to ban all nonessential travel into Europe. The DOW has crashed over 2000 points to slightly above 20,000. This is clearly in bear territory. Trump has declared a National Emergency as of Friday 13, 2020. The San Francisco Bay Area is under a lockdown where persons should shelter in place with only essential movements undertaken.
The Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack is a component that University of Cambridge have incorporated into this sting operation. It is quite possible that a Black Sox or sports cheating scandal is also a major part of the operation. This was discussed in 1987 when I was in Delaware. The Candidates Tournament is still scheduled for next week in Russia.
I have hit 1805 in chess on the Shredder App. I am playing about 1720 now. This is due to fatigue and attempting to play at night exhausted. There aer no excuses. LAPD officers are probably no more than 1200 ELO. Their attempt to sting my person on all aspects of chess as openings, middle game, endings, tactics and strategy is intellectually brutal. Tactics win games and strategy wins tournaments. Tactics reduce to strategy, In a perfect game of chess a draw is a likely outcome. Hence at the 2700 ELO level GMs play for very small edges in positional or strategic play. A 40 to 50 percent draw rate is likely at high level tournaments.
In MOEC Studies one starts with a default 1200 ELO based on the average 12 year old or sixth grade. It is certain that FIDE titled players are involved and LGBTi persons. The level of entrapment by presenting weak club openings as the Owens, Banker Scandinavian, or the Veresov are not impressive. I play the Marshall Scandinavian and Pougalesvsky and the Veresov many times without opposite side castling to keep things exciting which is worse for white. I still can lose to the lowly Owens as I do not know all the traps. I like to play into the Owens French but this can be played against.
Western Civilization has been based on Rationality and Great Books. This is clearly under attack from Irrationalism, Nativism, and Populism. In an in limine court hearing to seat expert witnesses Gay Militia Lieutenants are going to be crushed off the board. If a chess expert is called one should rebut with a FIDE certified expert. The lack of skill in pedagogy and methodology is evident. A common police officer need 60 certified credits to get hired at most police departments. This could happen at age 20 or a sophomore by average. An 8 year old third grader can play the opening I have just discussed no problem There are two black E4 openings and one white D4 Queen's pawn opening.
What is an expert?
Daubert Standard
The admissibility of expert testimony and evidence since 1993 has been under the jurisdiction of the Federal Rules of Evidence 401, 402, 701, and 702. In Daubert v. Merell Dow Chemicals 509 U.S. 579 (1993), the Supreme Court agreed with respondent Merell Dow that an expert opinion based on a scientific technique was inadmissible unless such was accepted as reliable to the scientific community. The Court held that any methodology that significantly deviated from processes accepted by recognized authorities could not be established as a reliable technique (Keily 2006).
In Frye v. United States 54 App. D. C. 46, 293 F. 1013 No. 3968, upheld yielding to expertise when the issue concerns theory or facts that lie outside the domain of a layperson. Here the rules would permit a qualified expert to be admitted to testify. Chief Justice Van Ordsel argued from the defendants brief citing (Frye v. United States 1923):
"... When the question involved does not lie within the range of common experience or common knowledge, but requires special experience or special knowledge, then the opinions of witnesses skilled in that particular science, art, or trade to which the question relates are admissible in evidence."
The Frye Standard is the general acceptance rule which is basically a stricter bar of those theories and methodologies that are adhered to by the pertinent scientific community and peer reviewed.
Titled chess players should consider cross training in an interdisciplinary and training strong to weak across all domains. Many players who are peaking are going into sublines and spurious blitz level play that is unstudied for an advantage. This works in speedchess but not very well in longer time controls with titled players.
The world is heading into recession. At the same time Artificial Intelligence is accelerating. People whom attempt to teach are going to come under pressure with software and opensource freeware this decade. The Chess Brahs should standardized their programs or lose to the Alexa bots that will arrive across all domains.
Ontology of History
Big Pine CA
May 16, 2020
The COVID 19 Pandemic is on the verge of claiming it's 90,000 victim in the United States.
In contrast the use of spurious methodologies embedded within a circular folly has created significant concrete damage to the LGBTi Movement. in degree tabula rasa, moral relativism, and phenomenology are the main abused concepts. Obstruction of Justice within Prisoner's Dilemma is developing a fatalistic and dependent civilization. This is acute if the Authorship are LGBTi members of University of Cambridge.
The police state has recruited Fide Titled chess players to be the blasting cap to trigger a greater reaction through the world population. There are about 12,000 titled players. I am only a club player at 1700 ELO. A CM is 2200, IM 2400, and GM 2500 are the three titles that are prominent. Many were called and few were chosen. Sentiment will get one nowhere. Ingroup and Outgroup perspectives are a key issue in a Tyranny of the Majority.
Because of COVID 19, I will probable write miniatures that are more direct and Open Letters similarly. The Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V will receive about 5 page updates and be finalized at a later date. This is unconventional but I need to be flexible. I am grateful for any output whatsoever under these conditions.
Miniature Reprise
Big Pine CA
September 3, 2020
Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V will include a Scripted Miniature of social engineering that I was exposed to at Cuesta College when I attended in the Fall of 2002 and Spring 2003 in Columbia College. This will describe the ruse Tournament. This involves the General Equilibrium of the world's population. A focus is a student cohort Chris whom I believe was born in San Luis Obispo, County. I have been paired with this individual in various N ary groups as dyads and tryads. Chris attended UC Santa Cruz. So in this instance he is academically strong. I attended a Baroque Counterpoint course with Chris during 2002 with George Stone as the teacher. Chris and I are both older than Stone. We both have AA degrees in Fine Arts which is Music.
In the Tournament one is supposed to excel over my performance in any subject that I undertake. Hence if I touch a domain, you meet or beat such. The LAPD Gay Militia inclusive of the Lieutenants have lost. Fide Titled chess players have also been incorporated. These persons have had 18 months since January 2019 to learn MOEC Studies. A Swindle has occurred over the GUI Origin which interestingly is an attempt at Organic Government. It is no more than an Artificial Virus based on Prisoner's Dilemma.
Chris plays the violin. He has a decent job in San Luis Obispo, America's Riviera, not that easy to obtain. I believe his favorite band is Van Halen. I play progressive and classical guitar. A former cohort David Keller, from Delaware, is a direct relative of Helen Keller is Scripted to achieve better performance results from Tab guitar. I believe Lynyrd Skynrd. The Lynyrd Skynrd Tab Book will work here. Chuck Sapp, a high school legend football player under Coach Purzycki has a BA in music and teaches sax professionally. Victor Ramage, another cohort and player of Purzycki and the Caesar Rodney High School band is another active professional music. Victor plays the piano and trombone.
It is clear that Chis, Chuck, and my person should win the theory battle. I believe that Chuck and Victor are the best performers.
I practice about 3 hours per day.
There is no equal protection or due process involved. Chris is a parity. If I perform past him in music, the entire Tournament has failed. In a convergence, all the performers in music will hear that Chris has lost. What is a folly is that he was supposed to exceed me but lose to Keller. This implies defection under Prisoner's Dilemma.
This type of profiling is absurd. The Lieutenant(s) are attempting to use Elvo D'amante's All About Chords textbook to impress so called pro musicians. These are the real classical, rock, YouTubers, and Instagram stars. I am a direct student of D'Amante. I took the class which mainly deals with the five chord families, extensions, alterations, and what modes can be imposed over these structures. This is about a 102 level course. You should be proficient in all major and minor scales and triads to fish your chord families and bridging diminished group.
This is totally juvenile. However I would argue such as factual in a court or in a History course. I also have about 85 pieces on Free Scores. This is well above what was Scripted. At this point, it is easily about six years of work at my pace.
The Yellow Brick Road is corrupt. One could get shot if they are the piano player.
Statement of Facts
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
October 23, 2020
Boycott the General Election. Only vote on Referendums.
I will compose an Open Letter to President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, challengers Vice President Joe Biden, and Senator Kamala Harris next week.
The Questions & Answers has been corrected.
The COVID 19 Pandemic is moving through Europe with a second wave. The United States may be 2 to 3 weeks behind. Over 75,000 cases were recorded in the United States, Thursday October 22, 2020. The wildfires in California have created a War Zone of smoke that is clearly unsustainable.
As a Statement of Fact, I will openly OPPOSE and composition of a Gay Militia, Nativism, Populism, or Ethnic Nationalism. I do not support tabula rasa, Relative Morality, Phenomenology, or Consequentialism. Such theories are components of the concocted Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. Whomever has designed such is no friend of the human race or environment, and surely LGBTi persons.
There is an in continuo swindle ongoing as LAPD Undermines FIDE Titled Chess players. Tigran Petrosian was banned from the server for alleged cheating in a Pro League Tournament.
Historically I will address these issues on this domain.
Eric Garcetti Advisor Accused of Sexual Misconduct
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
November 11, 2020
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti's chances for a cabinet post in a Biden administration are increasingly in doubt now that two more men have accused Garcetti's close adviser of sexual misconduct. Rick Jacobs, who has served as the mayor's deputy chief of staff, announced on Tuesday that he will "take a leave" from his work. "I don't want this to be a distraction," Jacobs said in a statement provided to the Los Angeles Times.
Jacobs' leave of absence comes after Yashar Ali, a journalist, claimed that Jacobs "forcibly kissed" him over the span of a decade. Cited sources described the mayor as an ambitious politician willing to overlook these alleged encounters.
Since Ali's allegations, The Times reported that it has interviewed two more people who claimed they have been the target of unwanted sexual advances by Jacobs. Ali's allegations come after Matthew Garza, a Los Angeles police officer and former bodyguard of Mayor Garcetti, filed a lawsuit in July claiming that Jacobs sexually harassed him for several years in the presence of the mayor, who did nothing to stop it.
A spokesperson for Garcetti's office denied Garza's allegations, stating to Fox News at the time that "the Mayor has zero tolerance for sexual harassment and unequivocally did not witness the behavior that Officer Garza alleges."
Ali said an independent law firm was conducting an investigation into Garza's sexual misconduct allegations.
Statement by President Biden on Transgender Day of Remembrance
Desert Shores CA
November 20, 2021
This year, at least 46 transgender individuals in this country and hundreds more around the world were killed in horrifying acts of violence. Each of these lives was precious. Each of them deserved freedom, justice, and joy. Today, on Transgender Day of Remembrance, we mourn those we lost in the deadliest year on record for transgender Americans, as well as the countless other transgender people disproportionately Black and brown transgender women and girls who face brutal violence, discrimination, and harassment.
In spite of our progress strengthening civil rights for LGBTQI+ Americans, too many transgender people still live in fear and face systemic barriers to freedom and equality. To ensure that our government protects the civil rights of transgender Americans, I charged my team with coordinating across the federal government to address the epidemic of violence and advance equality for transgender people. I continue to call on state leaders and lawmakers to combat the disturbing proliferation of discriminatory state legislation targeting transgender people, especially transgender children. As I have said before, these bills are nothing more than bullying disguised as legislation, they are un American, and they endanger the safety and well being of our children. I also continue to urge the Senate to swiftly pass the Equality Act so that all people are able to live free from fear and discrimination.
Transgender people are some of the bravest Americans I know. But no person should have to be brave just to live in safety and dignity. Today, we remember. Tomorrow and every day we must continue to act.
Biden, J. (2021). White House. Statement by President Biden on Transgender Day of Remembrance. Retrieved November 20, 2021 from: Biden on Transgender Remembrance Day
Dixie Fire and More..
Salton City CA
October 20, 2021
I had moved from Blythe to Chester, which subsequently burned in the Dixie Fire. I was forced to Mountainaire AZ. I have returned to the Salton Sea. I have written an Open Letter that includes Evan Wolfson.
I have also worked on the following sites:
Tabula Rasa, Moral Relativism, Phenomenology, And Consequentialism
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
March 20, 2021
I hope all are safe. COVID 19 deaths are now over 550,000 in the United States. This is in nexus with MOEC and it's Chemical Assault and Scorched Earth which are not recognized.
Tabula Rasa, Moral Relativism, Phenomenology, And Consequentialism are being used as a justification for a War Crime. If there are any LGBTi thinkers wishing to make a stand for these schools of thought, I welcome you into the Tournament. This ruse is very poor. It has a chess based Gift of the God's Caveman Attack theme. At this point in time I will not lose to the Gay Militia unless I become as Irrational as they are. The fugue of a pathological lier emerges, with ego failure, possible Borderline, and Submerged Personality disorders. This is a very poor support for the inferiority complexes that are manifest with violent displacement directed towards my self and particularly women and minorities.
The Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Paradigm Part V is on schedule for a working rough draft by July 1, 2021.
Stay safe!
Dixie Fire and More...
Salton City CA
October 20, 2021
I had moved from Blythe to Chester, which subsequently burned in the Dixie Fire. I was forced to Mountainaire AZ. I have returned to the Salton Sea. I have written an Open Letter that includes Evan Wolfson.
I have also worked on the following sites:
Statement by President Biden on Transgender Day of Remembrance
Desert Shores CA
November 20, 2021
This year, at least 46 transgender individuals in this country and hundreds more around the world were killed in horrifying acts of violence. Each of these lives was precious. Each of them deserved freedom, justice, and joy. Today, on Transgender Day of Remembrance, we mourn those we lost in the deadliest year on record for transgender Americans, as well as the countless other transgender people disproportionately Black and brown transgender women and girls who face brutal violence, discrimination, and harassment.
In spite of our progress strengthening civil rights for LGBTQI+ Americans, too many transgender people still live in fear and face systemic barriers to freedom and equality. To ensure that our government protects the civil rights of transgender Americans, I charged my team with coordinating across the federal government to address the epidemic of violence and advance equality for transgender people. I continue to call on state leaders and lawmakers to combat the disturbing proliferation of discriminatory state legislation targeting transgender people, especially transgender children. As I have said before, these bills are nothing more than bullying disguised as legislation, they are un American, and they endanger the safety and well being of our children. I also continue to urge the Senate to swiftly pass the Equality Act so that all people are able to live free from fear and discrimination.
Transgender people are some of the bravest Americans I know. But no person should have to be brave just to live in safety and dignity. Today, we remember. Tomorrow and every day we must continue to act.
Biden, J. (2021). White House. Statement by President Biden on Transgender Day of Remembrance. Retrieved November 20, 2021 from: Biden on Transgender Remembrance Day
Desmond Tutu Dead at 90
Desert Shores CA
December 28, 2021
Archbishop Desmond Tutu a seminal figure in the dismantling of Apartheid in South Africa died December 26, 2021 at 90 years. Inclusive of racial inequality Tutu also spoke out for LGBTi Rights.
In 1990, de Klerk lifted the ban on political parties like the ANC; Tutu phoned him to congratulate him on the move. De Klerk then announced Mandela's release from prison; at the ANC's request. Tutu and Mandela met for the first time in 35 years at Cape Town City Hall, where Mandela spoke to assembled crowds from the balcony. Tutu invited Mandela to attend an Anglican synod of bishops in February 1990, at which the latter described Tutu as the "people's archbishop."Tutu and the bishops called for an end to foreign sanctions once the transition to universal suffrage was "irreversible," urged anti apartheid groups to end armed struggle, and ban Anglican clergy from belonging to political parties.
When the April 1994 multi racial general election took place, Tutu was visibly exuberant, telling reporters that "we are on cloud nine." Tutu voted in Cape Town's Gugulethu township. The ANC won the election and Mandela was declared president, heading a government of national unity.Tutu attended Mandela's inauguration ceremony; he had planned it's religious component, insisting that Christian, Muslim, Jewish, and Hindu leaders all take part.
In spite of Tutu's mythical status, he dies silent of MOEC and namely the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over my person. It is without a doubt that the same actors here are in part complicit in Apartheid namely Cambridge Law School.
Tutu follows Mandela as a so called human rights leader with no manifest record of performance which lends it's self to the debasement of anti Apartheid accomplishments.
Desmond Tutu (December 28, 2021). Desmond Tutu. Wikipedia. Retrieved December 29, 2021 from: