On June 17, 2020, the 33rd Anniversary of MOEC, Bhakti Charu Swami was admitted to the hospital with COVID 19 in critical condition. He is on a ventilator and is responding to treatment although his temperature is high.
In the United States there are now over 120,000 deaths. In California it is now mandatory to wear a mask in public spaces.
I was originally going to post about Rama and Parasurama. Rama appears when there is civilization. Parasurama appears when there is decline.
Krishna The Supreme Personality of Godhead . Chapter 6
The Samanta-païcaka pilgrimage site is celebrated because Lord Paraçuräma performed great sacrifices there after having killed all the kñatriyas in the world twenty-one times. Lord Paraçuräma killed all the kñatriyas, and their accumulated blood flowed like a stream. Lord Paraçuräma dug five big lakes at Samanta-païcaka and filled them with this blood. Lord Paraçuräma is Viñëu-tattva. As stated in the Éçopaniñad, Viñëu-tattva cannot be contaminated by any sinful activity. Yet although Lord Paraçuräma is fully powerful and uncontaminated, in order to exhibit ideal character, He performed great sacrifices at Samanta-païcaka to atone for His so-called sinful killing of the kñatriyas. By His example, Lord Paraçuräma established that the killing art, although sometimes necessary, is not good. Lord Paraçuräma considered Himself culpable for the sinful killing of the kñatriyas; therefore, how much more are we culpable for such abominable unsanctioned acts. Thus, killing of living entities is prohibited from time immemorial all over the world.
I am not writing to associate this was Bhakti Charu's condition. There are severe abnormalities with Chemical Assault Scorched Earth for a generation and now COVID 19. It does not appear that this event will end soon without a vaccine. The devotees are amongst the most serious anti vaccers in the world. Bhakti Charu is obviously taking more than ghee and herbs to recover.
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Totalitarianism Seeks to Isolate
Big Pine CA
July 3, 2020
COVID 19 appears to be escalating with no vaccine in sight. The United States has Censored and Sanitized a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth for over 33 years. Now there are 131,000 dead this year with 50,000 infections daily. India and Mexico are also helping drive the surge. The devotees are clearly a mixed group as per their scientific acumen. I support the wearing of masks. I clearly see the police telling persons to adopt nativistic positions that are anti science. The purge will continue regardless if COVID 19 terminates by nature or man.
At first I did not mind the serenity. This is true to a certain degree. However the obstacles for me since I do not drive create a scramble when I travel. Big Pine is in Inyo County the second largest in the nation. The spatiality means that everyone is easily thinned out from the masses.
The police state and racism have raised their ugly heads once again. The African Americans and population writ large should realize that you are living in an informant driven reverse sting where persons of color are the bust. Put the dope on someone and run. The accelerating of technology will displace persons and decriminalize drugs as there is no room for non violent offenders. Kamala Harris D California wishes to legalize sex workers. This is Maya. I am sure she wants them to pay taxes to get benefits.
Bhakti Charu Swami is critically ill. We pray to Nrisingha deva to protect all persons not just devotees. Radha Krishna are just Gods.
The Pandemic Continues
Big Pine CA
August 3, 2020
Correlation does not guarantee Causation or Origin. In our instance over the last 30 years we have experienced Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over HIV AIDS, Chernobyl, Fukushima, and now COVID 19. In Australia a State of Emergency has been issued due to a daily caseload of over 700.
Science is not nativistic or populism. It is objective and replicated by all. Proofs of faith may inspire True Believers but there veracity is spurious.
I have long claimed that the University of Cambridge has Undermined the Vedas. This is by the use of Yellow Brick Road informants. This is facilitated by a reverse sting through every police stationhouse worldwide. Nothing new here to drug smugglers and human traffickers only a spin on the same game. It appears in the USA that the Republicans and Democrats are deciding the fate of many persons.
Google has stated that it wishes for all 200,000 of it's employees to work from home. In the rural USA as Inyo County the internet will barely work in some locations. Sending students back to class will likely last a few weeks as positive tests escalate.
Follow solid faith and science. The attack on the Vedas is lead by those promoting Sexual Emancipation. It appears these so called professors were called out in the past. Instead of going down they entangled the six Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Trump by imposing the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth over my person.
There is a novelty involved concerning FIDE Titled Chess players. Yudhishthira lost the Kingdom to Duryodhana in a swindle involving what is likely Chaturanga, a chess precursor played with dice. There is a sting on the players as they attempt to learn to play four way chess and the learn the history of their game.
At that time Kåñëa was engaged in playing chess in the royal assembly council hall. All the residents of Dvärakä approached and addressed Him, "Dear Lord of the three worlds, there is a great fiery demon ready to burn the whole city of Dvärakä! Please save us!" Thus, after approaching Lord Kåñëa, all the inhabitants of Dvärakä began to appeal to Him for protection from the fiery demon who had just appeared in Dvärakä to devastate the whole city....
But then, in the next game of chess, the bet was that if the Päëòavas lost the game they would go to the forest for twelve years. Thereafter they were to remain incognito for one year, and if detected they would have to live in the forest again for another twelve years. This game also the Päëòavas lost, so for twelve years they lived in the forest and for one year incognito. It was while they were living incognito that Arjuna won Uttarä.
These incidents are all recorded in the book known as the Mahäbhärata. The word mahä means "great" or "greater," and bhärata refers to India. Thus the Mahäbhärata is the history of greater India. Sometimes people regard these accounts as stories or mythology, but that is nonsense. The Mahäbhärata and the Puräëas are histories, although they are not chronological. If the history of such a vast period of time was recorded chronologically, how many pages would it have to be? Therefore, only the most important incidents are selected and described in the Mahäbhärata.
Teachings of Queen Kunti Chapter 7 Dangerous Encounter
This is the Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack.
Gopala Krishna Swami Tests Positive for COVID 19
Big Pine CA
September 1, 2020
Gopala Krishna Swami, a senior ISKCON guru has tested positive for COVID 19 in India. News is sparse but he has medium fever and will undergo further testing.
Bhakti Charu Swami passed away in Florida in July. This proves that we are all on Samsara or the cycle of birth and death.
The quality of scientific knowledge exposed on epidemiology is suspicious on the
The culture of polarization between in and outgroups is brutal. There are nearly 190,000 deaths in the United States alone. The economic fallout from the pandemic has yet to be calculated and it too is subject to further inquiry. The best one can do is obey the authorities on this issue. As seen this has occurred over theCensorship and sanitization of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. Over 3,000 structures have burned in the complex of wildfires in California at the same time.
Be Safe!
Kali Yuga: Age of Hypocrisy and Quarrel
Big Pine CA
October 4, 2020
President Trump, First Lady Melania and at least seven staffers are COVID 19 positive. It is my argument that we are existing in a Purge of Informants. We have Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, COVID 19, and epic wildfires here in the Western United States. My claim is that the University of Cambridge is being exposed as the Authorship of a War Crime is well formed. Their intentions of eugenically designing a LGBTi Civilization is no more than a Reverse Sting equating to the stated purge.
The infiltration into Gaudiya Vaishnavism is historically strengthened.
Henry Jolicoeur, ex Hanuman das now psychotherapist is specializing in brain washing and cult control. His new YouTube presentations strengthen the argument of a Master Passion disguised as sexual emancipation.
The Censorship and Sanitization of History
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
October, 2020
The Censorship and Sanitization of History will have a direct impact on Gaudiya Vaishnavism. Tulsi Gabbard is winding down her Presidential Candidacy by living in New Hampshire. She is now the first candidate to have surfed there. She may also be the first modern diksa disciple to be implicated in War Crimes. The Chemical Assault Scorched Earth has to have hit Hawaii. She is clearly aware of such. She is not seeking reelection. While she is below 5 percent in the polls and will miss the next debate she appears popular to the mainstream networks.
The continuum of Gaudiya Vaishnavism blames the GBC for the majority of the woes of ISKCON. The GBC are not the proximate cause. They are proxies of the University of Cambridge and the police. The aperture of Sexual Emancipation has support especially in the work of Hridayananda Das Goswami and Amara Das Wilhelm. As these two devotees are aging it is interesting as to whom will step in to fill the void when they pass which is likely this decade. In continuation I am not getting younger at 58 myself.
I wish all a Happy New Year!!!
Boycott the General Election: Vote on Referendums
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
November 1, 2020
The Presidential 2020 Election is shaping up to be one of the most important events in the History of Democracy. I recommend Boycotting the candidates and voting on Referendums. Joe Biden is poised to defeat Donald Trump on Tuesday, November 3.
The online sanga of Gaudiya Vaishnavism is a poor example of ethics. The Nativistic Populists of Trump attack the so called Liberals of Biden. What is unique is that if Biden wins, then Kamala Harris and Barack Obama due to age are the two most likely persons to prosecuted for War Crimes due to the Censored and Sanitized Chemical Assault Scorched
Do Masks Work?
The high culture content of Nativism places the conflict at juggernauts with science. Masks are only marginally efficient. The herd immunity theory of many is not scientific. The Folk Practitioners of Ayurveda do not have a cure or vaccine from herbs from the forest. I support wearing masks, especially for the elderly and those with preexisting medical conditions.
I will continue being more direct in my attempt to expose the Yellow Brick Road of destruction which I claim will lead backwards to University of Cambridge as the Proximate
The Gay Militia Exposed
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
December 1, 2020
Connected Graph
Clique in Graph Theory
The in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth should concern all Vaishnavas. Gay Marriage and LGBTi acceptance are huge polarizing issues in all areas of faith and secular humanism. Thakura states we should accept the direct method in interpretation of shastra. If the University of Cambridge has arranged secular professors to Undermine this process than such is sahijaya or imitation.
Presently the COVID 19 pandemic is killing upwards of 2000 persons per day in the United States. There will be 279,000 deaths by the end of the evening. It appears that 300,000 deaths are inevitable by 2021.
If one is a certified professor on YouTube or other media platform teaching the maths and sciences one should be concerned. The Tournament between the the Gay Militia of LAPD and myself is nearly conclusively decided in my behalf. I have written several small books. Cambridge has set aside Dewey Decimal numbers set aside for my production. Since I am an original worker whom acknowledges my briefing, my production is not a Yellow Brick Road output as signing a factory painting from overseas as has been done in Scamkirtan. In the future this will be taught to the posterity.
The rank and file officers can not reflect my skill sets. I can easily keep such below 50 percent if they attempt to reflect my repertoire. I have read at least 90 of Srila Prabhupada books in the folio. These actors are simply citing texts as Ujjavali Nilamani and Bhajana Rahasya . I will complete the audio book of the former in the next day and have actually translated out loud the later in Spanish.
The eventually discovery and teaching of the Irrationalist Presidents Era Reagan Biden will document these facts, not myths. This could be severe as both preachers, scientists, and mathematicians become exposed. This event has been a disaster for the LGBTi Movement whom are passive and have the Authorship embedded on their side.
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2021 Archives
The Undermining of Gaudiya Vaishnavism
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
January 4, 2021
Radha Krishna
COVID 19 is escalating worldwide. Jayapataka Swami has tested positive. In the United States 480,000 deaths are predicted by February. This would average to about 3,000 cases per day. Jayapataka has been wearing a mask since his stroke several years back. A mask is not 100 percent efficient. If they are 5 percent effective then one would save nearly 5,000 lives in the United States since 2020. There is much concern over the use of abortive fetuses in the vaccine. These individuals are considered ethically aborted. It is at choice in my opinion to take the vaccine.
On social media devotees are poor at behavioral statistics and STEM subjects in general. There are many PhD devotee professors. These persons may be smarter then to engage the nativists populist arguments of mundane politics. The Pandemic has shut down a vast amount of enterprise in the name of safety. It is part of a Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack. The politics of Circus and Bread continues. Persons have low skill sets and their jobs are not essential. They are dependent on unemployment if they can get it and one time stimulus payments.
Science is accelerating. The Japanese and China have returned with space rocks. China also has created the fastest computer and has an AV taxi running. Minimum wage in California is USD $14. UBI would be USD $6 or $1,000 per month. This is where the world is heading.
Stay Safe! Radhe Radhe!!!
The Swindle of A Kingdom
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
February 1, 2021
The current Chemical Assault Scorched Earth has an Archetype in the swindling of the Kuru Dynasty by Duryodhana from Yudhishthira in a game of Paschi which resembles modern Chess but is played with dice. On one side sat Duryodhana, uncle Shakuni, and Dushasana while other side was occupied by Yudhishthira and his four brothers. Shakuni would throw dice for Kauravas while Yudhishthira played for the Pandavas.
Shakuni had special dice made of human bones which cheated. Initially a small amount of money and jewelry was put at stake. The dice was rolled and Shakuni won the throw. Thus the game progressed. Every time Shakuni came up with requisite number with his magical dice. Yudhishthira was bound to lose as the game was already corrupted by Shakuni.
As a losing gambler, Yudhishthira lost reason and discrimination. He successfully put up Indraprastha, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakul, Sahadeva, himself and finally Draupadi to the evil designs of Shakuni.
Currently Chess is an upswing with millions of persons learning the game due to the COVID 19 Lockdown. As many players are learning online cheating is rampant. Free chess engines have an ELO rating of 3400. Magnus Carlsen is the current world champion with a rating of 2840. He is likely the greatest player of all time. Charlemagne of France is widely regarded as the greatest king since Jesus Christ. There are French, Italian, and Spanish Bourbon Kings. His surname is de Bourbon.
Donald Trump's second Impeachment Trial is scheduled to begin February 9, 2021. It is near certainty that the 500,000 COVID 19 death will occur this month.
In Fraser's classic The Golden Bough , a study in Comparative Religion, it is claimed that a new religion begins with the slaying of a king. It is my argument we are in a massive systematic purge that extends from Identity and Epistemology. I argue that Anglo American Paradigm is a Scripted retreat. Hence we may witness mass exposure and informal and formal prosecution of persons at all levels of occupations across culture.
There has been a coup in Myanmar with dissident Suu Kyi under house arrest.
The Martyrdom of Hadlini devi dasi and Remberances by Yamuna devi dasi
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
February 2, 2013
Hladini devi dasi
Humboldt County DA
May 4, 2006
Humboldt County District Attorney
I am writing you today to protest the systematic violation of my protected constitutional state rights.
I have entered Garberville at 3:55 pm 0n the 3rd of April. I was dropped adjacent to the Sherwood Motel. I walked the length Redwood Drive and proceeded west out of town.
The population is antisocial deindividuated mob.
There is a prima facie chemical assault ongoing in Humboldt County.
This level of intensity began on 2-12-12 in Earp CA Parker AZ.
The Colorado River was contaminated up to Laughlin NV.
I am in the process of complaining to the authorities.
Clear Lake is despoiled. A diver has perished of the Mendocino Coast near where I was
The aerial spraying from autos will cause low grade chemical burns on the skin.
I am arguing that LAPD members as "Gay Militia" are acting out of jurisdiction under the guise of mutual aid.
I am a lifelong heterosexual who practices a Gaudiya Vaishnavism.
I do not do drugs, alcohol, or gamble.
This includes ganja or marijuana.
I am being framed as biker read as GANG MEMBER.
The most likely reference for this would past associates from high school who may or may not have joined the Pagan Gang of Kent County Delaware.
Thank your for consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Mendocino DA
April 4, 2006
Dear Mendocino District Attorney
I am writing you to complain of your de facto or negligent behavior in not acting upon the chemical assault ongoing in Mendocino for the past two days.
I have no choice but to travel through Northern California. Besides the human cost, I would argue that Mendocino's abalone fields and Sonoma's wineries will perish from their world class status.
The Pacific Ocean from FT. Bragg to past Albion is contaminated as well as the air.
All the potable water and food in a majority of restaurants and stores has been comprised by spraying.
In Re : Schneider
October 31, 2006
Mr. Ali
I have received you email. I will continue to document this incident. The state has the color of law. The FBI is the chief investigator of this type of incident.
Barbara Schneider is one of the most cruel and incompetent persons I have ever encountered.
If you or any person in the state employ have deliberately sanitized events at College of the Redwoods than such an employee is under the colour of law.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Mr. Ali Responds
October 31, 2006
Dear Mr. Nollmeyer,
The investigation regarding your complaint is completed. I proceeded with the investigation with the materials you provided me in writing. You received a certified letter regarding my administrative determination of your discrimination complaint. No appeal was filed within the appropriate timeline that is specified in the administrative determination letter. The District has completed its responsibility in addressing this matter. I have no further need to interview you regarding this matter as indicated email below.
Abe Ali
College of the Redwoods
1. I am in receipt of Abe Ali's recommendations and decisions regarding claims that "Furthermore Mr. Nollmeyer alleges that he was retaliated against for filing a complaint against Barbara Schneider."
2. I question the brevity of Ali's discovery and file an appeal.
3. On page two, number IV, Mr. Ali states that Sandy Nightingale did not substantiate my claim.
4. I am not aware of Abe Ali's questioning.
5. I would like to directly confront and statements she made.
6. Vice President Thorgmorton, Professors Frenau, Owens, and others should be consulted as per the appendix of the complaint.
7. I will buy a trac phone. I am in a small town now. This county is so mismanaged. Three of four computers that are here now will remain unlicensed and offline until December.
8. I officially appeal the findings as incredulous. I argue my 14th amendment rights have been violated. Asking only Sandy Nightingale for data is inadequate.
9. I challenge the truthfulness of using Sandy Nightingale to contradict and statement or accusation against Barbara Schneider as being false.
David Nollmeyer
Big Pine CA
David Nollmeyer hereby follows complaint with the College of the Redwoods for unlawful discrimination for events that occurred at the Del Norte Campus at summer of 2005 from May 30, 2005 until August 1, 2005.
This complaint is in response to a written request by Ibrahim Ali Vice President - Human Resources and Equal Opportunities dated July 31, 2006.
Barbara Schneider's abusive behavior is the systematic slamming of objects as books in my presence. This has a background of a negative reinforcer used as self defense. I state this as there is no rational explanation that she or anyone else can proffer. The slamming of objects is not subtle. It is similar to slamming a car door in someone's vicinity with malicious to restrain, false imprison, or deter one from entering a social space.
I am clearly stating that this would amount to a minimum of 4 x 6 = 24 severe events. This is realistically closer to 50 than 24 but is BOUNDARY to gauge severity.
I am enclosing a list of witnesses to this abuse in the appendix. Martha Roy and Dr. Frenau should be good as well as Professor Owens.
I am filing the complaint under Government code section 11135 for subject matter jurisdiction as
a. Religion
b. Sexual Orientation
c. Retaliation
d. Mental Disability
I am requesting that the Chancellor or the District undertake discovery to verify if this is not the second complaint against Barbara Schneider of College of the Redwoods at Del Norte. I am alleging that head library technician Barbara Schneider is guilty of violating my rights on grounds elaborated in Number 3.
The religious grounds appear prima facie . This complaint will complement the first complaint in the Chancellor's possession. In the original appendix there is a memo from a German Hare Krishna giving the identity of Hadlini devi dasi. Her name was Linda
I am awaiting a possible award of $500 from ISKCON or the Hare Krishnas, which has a possibility of being executed June 7, 2006. If I receive an award I will have to agree to release Mahananda das of New Raman Reti, Alachua FL from harassment. He is the ex spouse of Hadlini devi dasi. I did not know this until the past year. I was aware of such while at College of the Redwoods in Del Norte.
I have on occasion advocated and sent the article in the first appendix on her to the FBI who would have jurisdiction over her assassination. I have done this previously without knowing her relation to Mahananda.
Prince Johnson was her alleged killer. He is an ex associate of Charles Taylor of whom he fought a genocidal civil war in which these missionary Krishnas were killed during food distribution.
I openly stated my interest in seeing Prince Johnson prosecuted. Taylor has been apprehended circa 3-29-06 for war crimes.
The ISKCON suit may total 15 million dollars USD. It is basically a sexual molestation pedophile suit in a class action with over 500 creditors.
The sexual orientation grounds are I am a lifelong heterosexual and have maintained a strong conservative position on the abuse and the lack of criminal prosecution of the abusers. Sexual orientation is a consideration here.
I am alleging that Barbara Schneider was aware of my position. Earlier I had taken Childhood Development with Phil Frenau. During this session the suit was attempted as RICO action, which was dismissed. The backdrop for this pleading is ISKCON'S gurukula or school of the guru which has a classical Childhood development system.
The retaliation grounds are that I believe that this is a continuation of an early complaint from a previous year. Barbara Schneider systematic slamming of objects and the schools negligence of preventing the abuse which is spread over at least six weeks and known to the staff at par minimum places the district as omissive.
The mental disability is that I am lightly bipolar. This was known Barbara Schneider. I cannot obtain a drivers license. I am capable of doing college level work. I am very inquisitive and ask a great deal of questions that may seem irregular to many instructors. This is simply an idiosyncratic manner in which I proceed. Schneider’s abuse and has made me adverse to entering into social settings.
I am requesting that Barbara Schneider be unconditionally be TERMINATED. She demonstrates irrational antisocial behavior. On your computer servers or by my records I can produce a quantity as 10 to 20 dates inclusive of records sent to Senators or postings to websites that are academic papers or blogging of human rights events. If obstructing simple postings of human rights events similar to Sudan or Missing persons from Juarez, Mexico is considered a political freedom than this is blatant discrimination under the statute(s) that are jurisdictional in this instant case.
This district should take this event in the highest consideration. I will press for justice continually. I have been active in the HUMAN RIGHTS MOVEMENT for over ten years.
I do accept or condone extra legal justice or violence. My work in the Del Norte Library in the presence of Barbara Schneider is in my opinion is of historical note.
David Nollmeyer
PO Box 81
Big Pine CA 93513
David Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to his devotees. All glories to Sri Vrndavana Dhama. Unfortunately I do not have any case numbers. The devotees in West Africa, along with Bhakti Tirtha Swami reported the incident to officials at the US Embassy in Africa. Hladini had the name Linda Richkin in her US passport. I heard that shortly after Hladini's 'execution' (which took place in Monrovia) Prince Johnson later went crazy and was placed in an insane asylum. I also heard that he may have died there.
your servant,
Dated 3-28-06
In re : Hladini Prabhu
I have taken a detour for this post.
Dear Sirs
I am requesting that the FBI investigate the alleged murder of seven Hare Krishna Devotees by Prince Johnson in Liberia.
The FBI has jurisdiction over American nationals. If Johnson murdered these persons and they are American citizens. The United States Should prepare extradition papers for Prince Johnson.
Initiated By: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Devotional Name: Hladini devi dasi
Date of Initiation: Detroit 29 March, 1970
Date of Death: September 13, 1990
Age at Death:
Cause of Death: Homicide
Survived By: Mahananda dasa
Memorial by Satyahita das
We knew Hladini devi dasi in 1969 for a year & 1/2 as a dedicated Lord Jaganath pujari & all around enthusiastic devotee. With no other devotee's to attend on one day we went out on Harinama for a couple hours in down town Miami. I greatly appreciated her absorption in, & her enthusiasm for Harinama Sankirtana. Normally our small temple went out 6 days per week performing Harinama street kirtans & BTG distribution for 4 hours. 2 before & 2 hours after a lunch Prasadam & rest period in a local park.
Years later i again saw Hladini devi dasi as a dedicated Lord Jaganath pujari in a slightly remote old house (the first), on a hill in New Vrindavan & when Lord Jaganath became ill Hladini devi dasi took care of & painted all the Lord Jaganath deity sets from New Vrindavan in Pittsburgh & honored only what They were offered. She was in love with Lord Jaganath.
Satyahit das
Memorial by Vajresvari dasi
Remembrances by Vajresvari dasi, Hladini Devi dasi's friend
I lived in New Vrindaban from August `72 through October `77. And I visited during the months of August and September, 1979. I can only relate to you a few incidents from my limited memory concerning Hladini Devi dasi. Immediately after Janmastami `72, after Srila Prabhupada finished his stay in NV, (he stayed at the old house at Madhubahn), I was living in a little brahmacharini ashram at Bahulabahn. It included the following devotees: Mothers Hladini, Gomata, Gunyarupini, Shalavati, Kutila, Isani, Sudakari and myself. Also the householders Vijaya and Parayana were around. I remember Hladini was cooking at the time at the old Bahulabahn kitchen in the old house. One time Kirtanananda called her to chastise her for cooking malpuras that came out in the shape of a fish! Later she told me about it and was laughing at herself. She was always able to laugh at herself. I lived at Madhubahn during the time she was also there taking care of big Lord Jagannath. She was, a great devotee of Lord Jagannath. By great I mean, sincere, devoted, and totally in love with Lord Jagannath, Lord Balaram and Lady Subhadra, but especially Lord Jagannath. In fact she often looked just like she had a lover, she really appeared to be a woman in love, that was how much she loved to take care of Them, and how much mercy They were bestowing on her due to her love and devotion and surrender.
I used to assist Mothers Hladini and Ruparameswari in the kitchen, rolling chapatis. Mother Hladini was reading the Mahabharata and would tell us more each day as we worked in the kitchen. I never saw her cry or even unhappy except for one time, when Kirtanananda asked her to marry. Then she cried, she was so happy just being pujari for Jagannath. But she married Vahna das and became a happy wife, serving her husband and continuing her service to the Jagannath deities. She found out I could crochet and asked me to crochet chaddars for them. She was so pleased when they were done. I remember her telling me about her experiences doing sankirtan in Chicago. She said that in Chicago you could hear when the cows were weekly slaughtered. Their cries could be heard for miles.
Mostly what I remember about my dear Godsister is her kindness, her being one of the most non judgmental, compassionate, kind and faithful devotee one might find. Her vision and faith in Krsna consciousness: not to worry, not to get hung up on the things the neophyte usually does, and just follow the process, it will work. Even if you don't feel like it is working, it will work. That was her faith and she inspired me and often relieved me from my anxieties in those days, my first months in Krsna consciousness.
Just being around her was inspiring, strengthening. I consider Mother Hladini my guardian angel. She came to me in a dream about two years ago. When she appeared to me in this dream, I had not been thinking about her for many years. I suppose you can't write about dreams devotees have had about her after she left her body in a formal memorial honorary. But the dream was such a miracle, because it was as real, hearing her words and seeing her face in my dream, as this computer I am writing at. It was as vivid as being awake. Her face was close to mine and I looked into her beautiful blue eyes. She told me "Your life is wonderful, you have nothing to worry about" at a time when I had been worrying. When I woke up I realized that she had come personally to give me that message. The dream experience is still with me, giving me faith, knowing that not only is Krsna within and without, guiding me, loving me, more than I am able to experience, but undoubtedly the Vaisnavas who are no longer in their bodies, are also remembering us, assisting Srila Prabhupada in this incredible pastime of saving the fallen souls. Krsna, the dearmost friend, is arranging everything as we surrender, so happy that we are trying to go back to Him.
With love and obeisances, Vajresvari dasi
Memorial by Jalakara dasa
The Martyrdom of Hladini © 2000
Hladini devi dasi and her husband Mahananda dasa were initiated in Detroit on 29 March 1970. How she came to be in Monrovia, Liberia at the time of her death is obscure. Because she was aligned with the breakaway Kirtanananda faction at the time of her death she has never been given the recognition she deserved. Now that a general amnesty has long since been granted to the breakaway faction, and indeed as former breakaway members now serve on the GBC, perhaps her story can now be told.
By the time Hladini got to Monrovia, the various factions fighting in Liberia had gotten a reputation for bizarre behavior. They wore strange costumes like wedding gowns, Donald Duck masks, shower caps, or nothing at all. They fought in a drug induced frenzy. Many of these warriors were children who went into battle carrying teddy bears and baby dolls. Why devotees were there at all is an open question with mysterious overtones. The temple was in the capital, Monrovia, in an area nominally controlled by the Economic Community of West African States Monitoring Group (ECOMOG). The Freeport area, which is about five miles outside Monrovia, was controlled by the troops of the Independent National Patriotic Front of Liberia (INPFL), led by Prince Yormei Johnson. Prince Johnson was a notorious killer who had tortured and killed the former President Samuel Doe. The event was filmed on video and the copies sold in the marketplace. Johnson also was known for killing his own men at a faster rate than the enemy.
Now, it so happened that the devotees wanted to do food distribution: there was widespread starvation and two out of every three Liberians had been made homeless. So, they approached Johnson and made a proposal to him which ran something like this: "Since you control the port and all the international food aid that comes to the country passes through your hands, why don't you give us some of the food? We will distribute that food to the hungry and you will get credit for being a great humanitarian." The warlord agreed to this proposal and thereafter he diverted supplies of commodity food to the devotees, who then distributed it as prasadam. He even visited the temple and received a Bhagavad Gita as it is. Apparently he visited more than once and enjoyed prasadam. But, the warlord's reputation for insane murder bothered some of the devotees, so one day a Nigerian devotee wrote a letter to Prince Johnson that said, in effect, "You are a great personality, so you should stop conducting yourself in such a demonic manner and stop killing people. This will benefit you and all humanity." It has been claimed that Hladini was the author of the letter, but that is not true. There were two young brothers who were bhaktas in the temple. It is they who heard Johnson and his troops arrive late in the night of Thursday, 13th September 1990. One of them hid behind the bathtub, the other in a closet. Because they hid, they survived. There was banging on the door, and then a crash. All the devotees were rounded up downstairs. There were seven African men and an African woman, plus Hladini devi dasi, disciple of Srila Prabhupada. Johnson ranted and raged and held up the letter, shaking it. "How dare you send this to me!" he bellowed in his pidgin West African English. Then they pushed the devotees out and shoved them into a waiting vehicle. They were driven over the low bridge that crosses the muddy St Paul River and then the little convoy stopped at a dirty beach by the mouth of the river. At gunpoint, the nine devotees were forced out and herded onto the sand. Johnson announced that only the men would be killed. It may be the women were to be raped and released, or left entirely unmolested. Such things are terribly random in these circumstances, and very hard to predict. But it was then that Hladini had her finest hour and showed bravery greater than any man I have ever known. As Johnson raised his weapon to fire the execution volley, Hladini leapt forward and attacked Johnson with her hands. "How dare you kill devotees of Krishna!" she shouted. But she was a woman, and a beautiful but weak one at that, so her attack had little result but to ensure her own death. All were slain save the African girl, who is no longer an active devotee. They chanted as they were shot down. That was the night of September 13th, or it could have been the early morning hours of September 14th (Indira Ekadasi). The bodies were left on the beach. When the tide came in they were washed out, but as the river is tidal at that point, the bodies were carried back into the town with the tide. The bodies of some of the men could be seen drifting in and out in the St Paul River for days, their dead hands stiff with rigor mortis holding their beads within their beadbags. Hladini's body also drifted in. Her sari became entangled with the structure of the bridge and remained there for several days, rising and falling with the tide. According to Tribhuvanatha prabhu, who helped investigate this and interviewed one of the brothers, "It freaked out the whole town." Not content with his work thus far, Prince Johnson continued on his bloody rampage, murdering a total of 29 people that night. In 1996 the interim government of Charles Taylor attempted to arrest him for murder and Johnson precipitated a wave of violent riots. He later went "insane" and is rumored to be in an asylum in Nigeria. The faction he led disintegrated. The next time you are distributing a book and someone insults you, think twice about calling him a demon. Understand what a demon really is, as opposed to the merely misguided or unfortunate. For a chaste woman, given the choice between rape and death, with your students about to be slain in the cruelest manner before your eyes, what do you do? Hladini faced an impossible choice in a doomed, impossible situation. She reacted with integrity and loyalty and without fear and is a credit to her spiritual master. Oh, such a disciple! But she had such a spiritual master! And, we know how Prabhupada admired courage. In short, she passed her test gloriously. Let no one attempt to minimize her. In Lagos, Nigeria the devotees found out about it from Liberian refugees they encountered on sankirtan several months later. One of my Nigerian friends wrote me in London about it.
Mahananda dasa: "She telephoned me from the airport on her way to Africa. I should have told her to stay right there, I'll get on the next plane and come and get you. I know she would have listened to me. But I didn't say it. I wish I had. I think about her every day." In London we wanted to hold a mohotsava feast in honor of the departed devotees, but we didn't know their names, except for Hladini, so we put it off. It was never held.
Radhanatha Swami: "She sent me a letter from Liberia. She said that all the foreigners had been evacuated and there was no way to leave. There was so much violence and starvation. She said she thought she would probably die there." This coming September 13th 2000 (September 22nd by lunar calculation) will be the tenth remembrance of that sad and glorious event. Will anyone have a mohotsava for her?
Please return by mail. I have no problem with doing this in public.
1. David Nollmeyer hereby follows complaint with the College of the Redwoods for unlawful discrimination for events that occurred at the Del Norte Campus at summer of 2005 from May 30, 2005 until August 1, 2005.
2. I have already filed a complaint against the Del Norte campus that was responded to March 17, 2006 by Francesca Reitano, Senior Legal Analyst.
3. I am filing the complaint under Government code section 11135 for subject matter jurisdiction as
a. Religion
b. Sexual Orientation
c. Retaliation
4. I am requesting that the Chancellor or the District undertake discovery to verify if this is not the second complaint against Barbara Schneider of College of the Redwoods at Del Norte.
5. I am alleging that head library technician Barbara Schneider is guilty of violating my rights on these grounds.
6. The religious grounds appear prima facie. This complaint will complement the first complaint in the Chancellor's possession. In the original appendix there is a memo from a German Hare Krishna giving the identity of Hadlini devi dasi. Her name was Linda
7. I am awaiting a possible award of $500 from ISKCON or the Hare Krishnas, which has a possibility of being executed June 7, 2006. If I receive an award I will have to agree to release Mahananda das of New Raman Reti, Alachua FL from harassment. He is the ex spouse of Hadlini devi dasi. I did not know this until the past year. I was aware of such while at College of the Redwoods in Del Norte.
8. I have on occasion advocated and sent the article in the first appendix on her to the FBI who would have jurisdiction over her assassination. I have done this previously without knowing her relation to Mahananda.
9. Prince Johnson was her alleged killer. He is an ex-associate of Charles Taylor of whom he fought a genocidal civil war in which these missionary Krishnas were killed during food distribution.
10. I openly stated my interest in seeing Prince Johnson prosecuted. Taylor has been apprehended circa 3-29-06 for war crimes.
11. The ISKCON suit may total 15 million dollars USD. It is basically a sexual molestation pedophile suit in a class action with over 500 creditors. I am a lifelong heterosexual and have maintained a strong conservative position on the abuse and the lack of criminal prosecution of the abusers. Sexual orientation is a consideration here.
12. I am alleging that Barbara Schneider was aware of my position. Earlier I had taken Childhood Development with Phil Frenau. During this session the suit was attempted as RICO action, which was dismissed. The backdrop for this pleading is ISKCON'S gurukula or school of the guru which has a classical Childhood development system.
1. I am requesting that the Chancellor and District consolidate the complaints construing this as a supplemental brief. I am requesting that a discovery be made with input from the staff. Barbara Schneider's behavior is erratic and threatening. I am requesting that the school inquire into criminal charges. I am requesting that Barbara Schneider be unconditionally be TERMINATED. She demonstrates irrational antisocial behavior. On your computer servers or by my records I can produce a quantity as 10 to 20 dates inclusive of records sent to Senators or postings to websites that are academic papers or blogging of human rights events. If obstructing simple postings of human rights events similar to Sudan or Missing persons from Juarez, Mexico is considered a political freedom than this is blatant discrimination under the statute(s) that are jurisdictional in this instant case.
2. I await your recommendations.
David Nollmeyer
PO Box 81
Big Pine CA 93513
David Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to his devotees. All glories to Sri Vrndavana Dhama.
Unfortunately I do not have any case numbers. The devotees in West Africa,
along with Bhakti Tirtha Swami reported the incident to officials at the US
Embassy in Africa. Hladini had the name Linda Richkin in her US passport. I
heard that shortly after Hladini's 'execution' (which took place in
Monrovia) Prince Johnson later went crazy and was placed in an insane
asylum. I also heard that he may have died there.
your servant,
Dated 3-28-06
The Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
March 1, 2021
The Yellow Brick Road
Since June, 17, 1987 the United States has lead the world into the rabbit hole of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. I being an uninitiated devotee, attempted to find help through ISKCON which is a natural path of action. The diksa gurus claim they have solutions to birth and death and the plethora of ills that are befalling mankind. This strategy did not work. We are now nearly 34 years into Censorship and Sanitization.
There have been seven Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Biden.
The Censorship and Sanitization equates to Menticide or Brainwashing. I am stating that the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom is the Authorship and proximate cause. These Actors have used a preemptive strike against the world through the United States. America has been entrapped, no doubt willingly into being the Bodyguard of a Master Passion. This Master Passion is Sexual Emancipation. In particularity it is LGBTi Revolution. Surrogates as LAPD which act as the main hub contain a Gay Militia. They are using bellicose or warlike language which would legally define them, their accomplices, and accessories as liable in any legal jurisdiction worldwide.
The information that I have published is at least 50 years ahead of what is publicly discernible. Hence there is no Legal Recognition and as a direct consequence there is Miscalculation and Escalation. I am 59 years of age. I will be 60 in August. Hercules can not hold the Earth over his head forever. I am clearly not a Hercules. This event has turned into a Last Person Standing Contest with no winners, only losers. This is critical for LGBTI Movement leadership because as these persons become sworn officials they become increasingly more criminally liable.
The Yellow Brick Road is not Gaudiya Vaishnavism. It is it's invertebration. I am completing my Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V text which is online in a rough draft. There are also preliminary instructive sites on the System and Metal Gods . The System examines the Invertebration of the Bible into the present fugue form reality. Metal Gods is an examination of Mechanism versus Theism. Atheism is easier to refute than Theism. Mechanistic Science is predicated on demonstration. Hence one needs to demonstrate to the Tyranny of the Majority that they are running with the line in their mouth under a Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack. The so called of Technological Singularity is also a main theme and the problems that Censorship and Sanitization bring with such. There is not much other work for the victim to do but to expose and attempt legal prosecution for the guilty.
The Truth Will Set You Free...
The Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack Continued
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
April 7, 2021
The exposure of deviance in Gaudiya Vaishnavism is likely to occur primarily before other faith systems as it is my practice and belief. The emphasis of Christianity and the Anglo American Paradigm is due to the identity of the perpetrators, the population, and geographic location of the in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. Cambridge Lawyers are allegedely the Authorship. These Actors are LGBTi orientated. In this regards attempting to persecute me as a foil has resulted in tremendous damage to the LGBTi Population. I am arguing numbers at about 20 percent of Population N
The long arm of the law is coming. I do not know if this event will be recognized if I am alive. February 17 has always been a recurring date for the Manifest Function to cease. However the death of conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh appears to be the event that approximates such. If one can not play or perform, they should teach. Hopefully as I approach 60 years of age, I can gracefully begin to disengage and give something back to the world.
India, COVID 19, and Nature
Chester CA
May 5, 2021
India is undergoing what is likely the worst surge in the COVID 19 Pandemic. Cases are nearly 400,000 daily with over 3,500 deaths. On social media persons scurry from hospital to hospital looking for admittance and oxygen. Many devotees advocate strict Ayurvedic protocols. Preventive medicine which whta Aryurvedic prescribes is useless if the practitioner and patient are not pure. This begs the question for failure. If there is truly a herb in the forest for every disease. The purity required for faith healing is not
I just spent close to $150 on commercial vitamins at WalMart. I also was able to get the one shot Johnson vaccine on insurance. In tragicomedy fashion I had to pay Lyft $66 USD from Reno, NV to Doyle, CA so I could catch public transport to Chester for $5. The Sage Stage did not have a driver for the Reno route.
I feel fine after the vaccine. I am near 60 years of age. I took the vaccine more out of courtesy for others whom are more vulnerable. I am not a statistician, but commentators whom are suggest that this surge could last 2 months.
Conversely I have finished the rough draft of Fall of the Anglo American
Paradigm Part V and started Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part VI. I will complete the Preface this summer.
Open Letters 8
Chester CA
May 5, 2021
I have started a new Open Letters 8 site here:
I believe that Open Letters are a very effective manner of exposing issues as corruption. In this letter I address the following persons:
Open Letter: Governor Doug Ducey AZ, Senator Krysten Synema AZ, Representative Raul Ramirez CA, Edward Frenkel UC Berkeley, Erick Demaine MIT, Ken Regan University of Buffalo
As seen these individuals are sworn officials or world class experts in their fields. Thirty one years of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth should have an official response. As per Vaishnavism, the GBC of ISKCON are dependent on Cambridge for their social engineering. They are not autonomous. The Yellow Brick Road is a police state. I believe in the next 10 to 20 years there may be some sunlight through the clouds. The British and the United States appear culpable.
I hope to post at least 2 more letters this summer.
Stay Safe! Radhe Radhe!!!
Top of Page
Ontology: The Ends is the Measure
Chester CA
July 6, 2021
After 34 years of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, Vaishnavas remain on the Yellow Brick Road, which is Reverse Sting Entrapment. Persons continue to blame the GBC when they are not the proximate cause of many of ISKCON's ills. The are only proxies. Child abuse has reemerged. Lokanath Maharaj has returned to scrutiny. The Boy Scouts have settled a USD $850 million dollar case with around 80,000 victims.
Sexual Emancipation is the new cause. The LGBTi Movement emerges with a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over a heterosexual male. In consequence I have nothing better to do than expose such. Cambridge University is the Authorship.
On the ground COVID 19 is peaking in the United States with 300 cases per day. There are 99 deaths to one of un vaccinated.
Dixie Fire: Evacuation
Mountainaire CA
August 26, 2021
The explosion of the Dixie Fire has forced me to relocate to Arizona. The air is better but far from normal. California has bad karma. The past six years have born testament to global warming. I have had to relocate every year and the situation is becoming worse. Conversely I have begun The System which I have been desiring to attempt. My schedule is off by several months. The Delta Variant is not making the situation easier. I will work as opportunity presents itself. Look for Open Letters to emerge more prominently.
The Taliban and More
Mountainaire CA
September 1, 2021
The takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban renews the perspective of old versus new as conflict. Westerners consider Islam 6 ACE as a medieval or Dark Age philosophy. Certainly the Taliban reject this. Many argue that their perspective of the Sharia is based on the Pashtun culture. Sexual Emancipation is the new cause. The Gaudiya Movement continues to be plagued with accusations sexual impropriety. I will state the claim that I argue Cambridge Law School as undermining the Hare Krishna Movement due to their historical opposition to LGBTi individuals.
Devotees are ritualistic in their political perspectivism. The GBC is the blame. A more hierarchical analysis is needed. The Yellow Brick Road behavior of going along to get along fails Concrete History. There is an ongoing Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, COVID 19, and in California there are Catastrophic Wildfires. Correlation does not guarantee an origin. We are being groomed to be dependent and fail protecting Vaishnavism and our selves.
I have made a rough attempt at The System . This text examines some of the main Biblical texts that are being maliciously interpolated to develop an Orwellian Police State.
The Entrapment of Gaudiya Vaishnavism
Mountainaire AZ
October 1, 2021
Most devotees in the current cultural milieu focus on the GBC or Governing Board Committee, which was authorized, but whose current repertoire as the Origin and Authorship of ISKCON's woes. I do not. I attribute such to the Rise and Fall of the British Empire. This is the state planning of the University of Cambridge. These Actors are the lightning rods for woes of the British, but due to the culture of impunity very little comes of such. It is OxBridge or it is not. Who else in England has the skill sets to orchestrate the expansion and contraction of a nationstate?
The world is on a eugenic Yellow Brick Road inclusive of the Hare Krishnas. Humans in the present are to addicted to their Greek Gifts to severe the chains of Kali Yuga. My case and it's nexus with COVID 19, Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, and now Joe Biden; I grew up in Delaware is quite strong. There is no Official Recognition, No Justice, only Red Herrings and Strawmen.
The so called Golden Age to some has a nexus with the creation of AGI or Artificial General Intelligence. Hence this is when computers pass a real Turing Test and achieve equality with humans. Chess engines and stock trading programs overwhelming have achieved AGI. The Singularity which Kurzweil predicts in 2045 is when machines have accelerated past humans.
Many orthodox devotees on medicines argue that there are herbs in the forest that can heal all are woes. Even if there were, there are no pure Ayurvedic practioners so one will get sick.
The Chemical Assault Scorched Earth will be an embarrassment. There is very little chance of anything organic surviving in California.
White Collar Crime
Salton City CA
November 2, 2021
The Censorship and Sanitization of history comes into sharper focus as Donald Trump appears to be headed towards an indictment by Prosecutor Cyrus Vance. This if it occurs would be unprecedented. It reflects the culture of incompetence and corruption. All seven Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Biden should be brought before the court. The art reflects the artificer. The population has whored after the wizard and will not stop. One should not lay their treasures across the earth.
The salt has lost it's flavor. The devotees are no better actors along the Yellow Brick Road. Worshipping Radha Krishna, being vegetarian, and anti abortion are strong qualities for the nobilesse oblige .
I had no idea of what the end of the road would look like. However the present with Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, COVID 19, and wildfires is close. At 60 years of age, it is time to to take a break to consider the long run.
The Ontology of Despotism
Desert Shores CA
December 2, 2021
My allegation that Cambridge expands and contracts the British Empire is well founded. There are no other groups, perhaps the accomplice Oxford have the capabilities to perform these activities. In further consideration the in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is laid at their doorstep.
The eugenics at hand is more than Prince Harry and Meghan. It is a continuation of this orchestration. It intends to define the entire Population N . In following the development of a LGBTi Civilization collapses into a Scripted Master Passion as the ruse is exposed. Since MOEC is imposed over my person in it's entirety, and the remaining population receive only fractals of the treatment or conditioning. They are known as the Fractals of Kroni.
In anthropology a Taboo is a proscribed object or behavior generally understood to make the individual and culture good. It is argued mechanistically that these objects are the result of myth.
At the head of our very complex case is sexuality and sexual emancipation. Same Sex is proscribed in the Vedas . Same Sex persons are somewhat accepted as long as these persons do not act on their attraction.
Draupadi, under the system of polygamy that prevailed about 5000 years past married the 7 brothers inclusive of Arjuna. Anthropologist argue that this was done to keep land in a patrichal lineage. Dronacarya however swindled the Kingdom from Yudhishthira.
A totem is ancestor that is a plant or animal. There are several that are Vishnu Tattvas that descend into the Kuru Dynasty. Lord Varaha the Boar and Lord Matsya the Tortoise are the two prominent ones. Tulsi devi is another. Generally speaking one is not permitted to intermarry into the descent of one's totem. This is the incest taboo.
The male or father is considered science, abstraction, law, order, and hierarchy. The female is the mother and compassion, caring, nature, and temperance. These qualities reflect the Judeo Christian Islamic Monotheistic Tradition. However from an archetypical standpoint, there is universality, which has been contested.
Idol worship is proscribed. Bhaktivinoda has stated that deity worship signifies spiritual diversity. These ideas, time permitting will be discussed in a basal level in
Metal Gods .
These ideas are part of the antecedents that have developed the current despotism.