The Baltimore Studio
The Baltimore Studio are no more than LAPD Officers using a voice synthesizer to disguise themselves. This construction is a form of Profiling and Entrapment. Identity is a key. The Studio members are presented as MSM. The Journal is being continued here:
Holon X
Refutation of Gay Triumphalism

Holon X
Refutation of Gay Triumphalism
The entire entrapment of what is known as Mobilization of Empire and Civilization MOEC may be reduced to Holons within a Systems Approach. There are four main Holons. There are not more than 10 Holons. The 9th or 10th Holon is either a Neo Superstructure acceptance of homosexuality or my personal perspective. This position was left open as it's existence depends on my personal empirical history.
I am arguing and presenting that Holon IX is the Neo Superstructure acceptance of homosexuality. Since I was entrapped very heavily, I am writing Holon X Refutation of Gay Triumphalism in a fullblown Chemical Assault Scorched along the Colorado River. I became more cognizant beginning of the model beginning around the end of May, 2009 (2-9-2016).
Superstructure is the name of a text by V.I. Lenin. What this mechanistic theory states is that God and non material spirituality is no more than a projection of man over himself and civilization. It is material itself over the structural and process world. The superstructure is no more than a materialist explanation of the organizing culture of faith to complete a theory of mechanism that explains innate phenomena from the atom to the entire cosmos.
Homosexuality was not embraced by Marx or Lenin. It appears that the authors have designed a chronological dialectic to Script Gay Triumphalism from at least the 1930s. This includes tagging with Chemical Assault towards a Scorched Earth which is occurring in continuo.
This is the strongest theory to emerge to date. In the United States there is a federal lawsuit arguing for Gay Marriage in San Francisco. President Barack Obama is beginning his case to end the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy in the United States Armed Services.
The first four Holons are no more than a basic outline of an blackmail and intimidation ring with third party hostaging. It is possible for the so called hostage to be part of the conspiracy. This is desired by the perpetrators to use a female as a complicit hostage. This would originate from the alleged authors, Cambridge Law School and descend through the topology:
1. Cambridge Law School
2. Scotland Yard
3. Los Angeles Police Department
4. Baltimore Police Department
5. Delaware State Police
6. Baltimore Studio (MSM LAPD Officers)
The hostaging of females, wives, and other persons and objects occurs. This is an attempt to constrain and extort performance from what are now organized as Homeland Security Officers. The Holons easily facilitate substitution of members to create complexity and different levels of organization. This is also consistent with theories of cognitive behaviorism. It has an evolution from strict behaviorism.
The outline presented below is the one compiled at the end of May, 2009 in Big Pine, California. This outline has been used historically during a entrapment. The outline is presented in fragments and various parts to the individual being entrapped and persons in proximity. The first time I heard Gay Marriage in the sense that it is being used here was during 1978 and 79 in Dover, Delaware. I have heard the other parts of the outline throughout the years. This is the main reason I could not finish a presentation on the Holons. It took at least 32 years from my first cognizant recognition of it's existence to May of 2009 to complete it's discovery.
This in reduction is MOEC. The other basic Holons are copyrighted and preserved.
I believe the authorship scripted a Jewish socialist scholar to attempt an ethnographic study of what is occurring. This would be Holon 9 as developed by Cambridge Law School. I have emerged 100 percent heterosexual my entire life. This is based on my perspective of the Vedas and Natural Law.
The attempt to develop various schematica branched out into a Scripted flow chart has failed. So in degree my life and historic persecution is in Opposition to the Cambridge authorship. I am describing such as Irrationalist Pre Fascist.
The outline will need to be developed from empirical history. This will help facilitate an attempt to discern the modus operandi and damage done by so called scholars attempting to Script out a person's life under operant conditioning and cognitive behaviorism.
Holon X: Refutation of Gay Triumphalism
I. Cambridge Law School - Oxford Oxbridge
A. It is likely that MOEC was designed by Cambridge Law School.
1. Trinity College or a philosophy department had more expertise in classical tyranny. This was derived from Greek and Roman city states and empire.
2. Cambridge was not the innovator of Gay Rights. The school in this instance adopts this posture in the 1930s.
B. Gay Triumphalism has antecedents in Platonism or the Greek and Roman Deities. This can be treated as Historical Monarchialism or a faith not a myth.
1. A parallel treatment is Mechanism.
2. Reduce all analysis to matter and secular humanism.
II. Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing Pre Gay Fascism
A. State Planning and eugenics by de facto or criminal processes and structures.
1. This runs parallel to real Gay Rights Movement degrading it.
2. Chemical Assault Scorched Earth tagged to Gay Triumphalism.
B. Gay Triumphalism
1. Gay Culture
a. Celebratory of LGBTi lifestyle.
b. No significant difference from heterosexual lifestyle: More hedonistic, liberal, secular, artistic.
2. Gay Marriage
a. Legal same sex marriage
b. This may mean marrying into a LGBTi family by a heterosexual.
C. Gay Placement
1. Overwhelming concern with who is more gay as more same sex behavior.
2. An inferiority complex in males of white European descent. A desire to place Asians, Latinos ahead.
D. Gay Majors
1. This is particularly centered around UC Berkeley with a planned Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
2. Being a LGBTi college student.
3. This includes the teaching of the history of MOEC and the Scorched Earth Chemical Assault.
E. Gay Miracle
1. Eventually coming out gay late in one's life.
2. Extending the attempt to expand Gay Triumphalism.
III. Holon X
A. This completes a system of 10 Holons that develop the Prisoner's Dilemma defection model.
1. The intent was to develop a LGBTi victim to cover the event.
2. This has failed. The model and the component of Gay Triumphalism is being refuted.
B. Use Legal and Civil Means to Prosecute Principals and Co Principals.
1. RICO Structure
Holon X
Refutation of Gay Triumphalism
This is a draft of most of the outline of Holon X. This is quite important. The outline has been presented to the White House and is part of President Barack Obama's record. He is part of a System of a Perfect Dictator. His Change is no more than a rehashing of Thrasymachus and his Help our friends and harm our enemies doctrine. The only problem is defection and interests define this instead of rights. So Change means change polarities but still isolate persons outside the law.
The LGBTi coalition will be drawn in on a greater scale. I have been emailing such every quarter. At this point polarization is so extreme that I will need proof that their sworn lawyers of the bar are condoning torture for whatever excuse. I started this paper almost two months ago. The weather has broke but sandstorms are quite severe and I am behind.
David Nollmeyer
Colorado River April 2010
Westwood 2009
Gay Triumphalism
It is prudent now to develop my response. Holon X Refutation to Gay Triumphalism is in opposition to Cambridge Law School's Holon IX Gay Triumphalism. It is clear that the entire entrapment was Scripted with a built in differentiated ratio of failure. Neither a Gay or Straight (Heterosexual) Triumphalism has pure support on a mechanistic level. This set includes all members of the natural species homo sapiens. It is evident that some manner of eugenics was developed to simultaneously support and attack this idea in antagonistic motion. The object is deification of culture. This also builds in an exploit if needed as a contingency. This also has antecedents in the Classical Greek History and Faith (Apollo versus Dionysus). There is at least one Gay Triumphalist website or blog current. This site does not support the totalitarianism and torture used here but a celebration of certain aspects of Gay Culture, in degree which are non violent and non fascist.
It appears the Trinity School has had one or more same sex oriented philosophers who was versed in the tactics of Greek Tyrannies. This appears to overlap the study of informal fallacies and predicate calculus or formal logic. This authorship appears to would have won a duel in understanding the espionage of city states and empire building over the Law School. In degree the mythology states even though the Law School lost it did not yield control or leadership but fused the philosophy of entrapment, this appears to be a bastardized but probably realistic use of the Spindle of Necessity and the Chord of Life. This is a linkage of Heaven to Earth where the Priests and Oracles direct the Centurions in entrapping the population in state planning, eugenics, and class stratification.
The historical antecedents will lend themselves to a Racketeered Influenced Corrupt Organization Structure (RICO). This also will result in what is currently being promoted as Gang Stalking, Mob Stalking, Stalking. I mention this because there are support groups which are attempting to confront these elements.
The Holons demonstrate a Higher Structural Level of Cognition where primary higher structural levels use lower structures to implement various components and materials of the conspiracy. The use of lower level provocateurs (corrupt police) to deliver entrapment scenarios in nexus with cognitive behaviorism and operant conditioning develops with abnormal speech patterns as deliberate equivocations. This guarantees inefficiency not optimization in a system. This permits less competent and criminal persons to eventually be served up to the courts while saving the authorship in the case of prosecutions.
Differential Association focuses on communication as a sociological process of criminalization.
I am a strict heterosexual under a re emerging religious movement. This is the Gaudiya Sampradaya or Hare Krishna Movement. There are several branches or angas. The most notable is ISKCON. I am an independent ritvik Prabhupadanuga. I am outside of formal diksa ISKCON. There is a ritvik branch centered in Bangalore, India.
Overall, I will only support marriage between ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN. This means a marriage with an opposite sex partner. Male Same Sex Male, MSM or Woman Same Sex Woman is entirely out of the question. The police under a eugenic paradigm wish to increase the LGBTi population. The strongest option is that they would present me with or was would then be a bisexual lesbian wife. This too, is not an option since I am committed to an orthodox Vedic interpretation of Garbhandana samskara or procreation of spiritual children. This at the current time will yield the Hare Krishna Movement Gaudiya Sampradaya, not exclusively ISKCON as a subject to prove that Cambridge Law School has planned this Chemical Assault within the format that I am presenting as well as committed crimes against these parties through the mechanism of prisoner's dilemma and informants.
Holon X: Refutation of Gay Triumphalism
I. Cambridge Law School - Oxford Oxbridge
A. It is likely that MOEC was designed by Cambridge Law School.
1. Trinity College or a philosophy department had more expertise in classical tyranny. This was derived from Greek and Roman city states and empire.
2. Cambridge was not the innovator of Gay Rights. The school in this instance adopts this posture in the 1930s.
B. Gay Triumphalism has antecedents in Platonism or the Greek and Roman Deities. This can be treated as Historical Monarchialism or a faith not a myth.
1. A parallel treatment is Mechanism.
2. Reduce all analysis to matter and secular humanism.
I was told after June 17, 1987 that Cambridge Law School was the Origin and authorship. This was by LAPD. I was in Dover, Delaware. These are also the latent functions. The Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is the manifest function. This activity is severe with a censorship of 6.8 billion persons the upper boundary for similar activity in human history. The systematic patterns of defection in themselves are novel not original. They are based on the Classical Greek Tyrannies of Greece City States. The main structure is to alienate one individual. In lieu of the remaining population endeavoring to preserve this individual's rights, they attack him as informants. In this manner it is possible on a simple percentage basis to alienate one person then proceed to eliminate the other 99 percent. The Racketeered Influenced Corrupt Organization statutes of both domestic and international law should be invoked to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
Currently other persons who comprise other secondary levels of being the Focal Target are explaining their predicaments as Gang Stalking, Mob Stalking, and Stalking. Much of the theory is based on Narcissistic Personality Disorder and marital dysfunction. I welcome this approach as it complements what I am proposing.
The current level of planning ongoing worldwide needs considerable defection of actors to perpetuate. It is clear that the United States is condoning a severe Crime Against Humanity in alienating my rights. The focus is the Strategic Mission Goal Same Sex Marriage and the identification of the Origin and Authorship. This will lead to prosecution, and systematization of the processes and structures of it's system. The material will then be taught at all levels from the Primary School to the Doctorate level displacing the censorship and sanitization that have proliferated over almost 24 years.
The issue of Gay Triumphalism is complicated. It is possible that it gives a clue to the entrapment and scapegoating of LGBTi or Gay Militants. University of Cambridge has had tenured arguably some of the finest scholars in the world. If they are implicated by name, as is hoped for here, the damage would be extremely severe for LGBTi interests.
Triumphalism is not an articulated doctrine. It is postulated that certain belief systems or social systems argue themselves to be superior and will eventually emerge victorious over others. Another position reflecting an opposite polarity in the LGBTi community is that Gay Triumphalism is negative and warns of overconfidence and hubris in the case of defeat.
The first wave of LGBTi militants in this attack to surface are from LAPD. They are demonstrating an astonishing degree of lack of cognitive acuity. They are heavily dependent of the obstruction of justice and impunity. This is manifest by following a script by the authors. Such is emerging as errors multiply. This clarifies observations that these actors and the informants they recruit were designed to be the scapegoats. Another major corollary is the blowback effect. Not only will University of Cambridge authors be identified, but the entire LGBTi or Same Sex Marriage coalition is damaged. Sworn public officers who have been the benefactors of LGBTi interests are also implicated.
It is true that heterosexual interests that have ritualistically accepted payoffs in various manners to condone an Alienation of Rights within a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth are also damaged. This has no effect on my heterosexual stance.
The LAPD officers style themselves as heroes for attacking then President Ronald Reagan. They act on the belief that the San Francisco LGBTi community will insulate them. If any discussion of the defeat of Ronald Reagan begins this will set off a chain of events that will vindicate and establish a successful base of my claims.
The model has antecedents in eternal law. This would then argue deviance from demonology. This states that there is a higher non mechanistic substance or entity that is superior to evil. This entity usually engages is some type of End World Scenario EWS with the provocateur adversary, the root of evil. This is highly important in the history of LGBTi culture. The opposite is mechanism where all phenomena are reduced to physics with a scientific mathematical explanation.
The former argues life forms created whole with some evolution possible, the latter that life and humans are the product of periodization of elements.
The LGBTi platform is being postulated as a form of new revelation or realization.
The question of genetic criminality in LGBTi will be revisited. What is manifest is a RICO styled blackmail and intimidation ring. This is a prisoner's dilemma based process and is a huge catalyst for developing informants. This is also in direct polarization with citizenship and criminality. The argument for determinism or socialization and gender identity and criminality is raised. A very intriguing insight into state creation and war emerges through acts of marginalization to genocide. I support stances that gang creation are extensions of the police and military. Here in the United States this is consistent with the Mob Gang Stalking discussions that are ongoing by many victims of this behavior.
II. Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing Pre Gay Fascism
A. State Planning and eugenics by de facto or criminal processes and structures.
1. This runs parallel to real Gay Rights Movement degrading it.
2. Chemical Assault Scorched Earth tagged to Gay Triumphalism.
The modern era of ideology, the 1900s onward discusses thinking between three polarities, liberalism, conservatism, and irrationalism. Liberalism seems concerned with an active state government, levelling by social programs, issues of diversity and human secularism.
The conservatives are increasingly abandoning faith and social moralism in favor of neo libertarianism. This presents lesser taxation and government. The issue of corporatism and capitalized for profit concerns emerges. Homeland security is increasingly emerging as the United States restructures itself after the 9-11 attacks.
Irrationalism is a precursor to Fascism and Nazism. The state is an active instrument of class stratification. If irrationalism is protected by the intellectual classes it becomes fascist. There is a mixture of both state and private economic structures to support the interest of one class over the others.
Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing has been artificially created by Cambridge academics to initiate an entrapment of targets. The provocateurs are recruiting informants to go on the attack. It appears the LGBTi architects are willing to purge lower class lumpen or the criminal classes by first recruiting them and offering such up for prosecution or having such be eliminated in criminal gang structures which are re emerging.
LGBTi persons save for bisexuals do not reproduce. They must recruit to replenish their ranks. Conservatives do not wish to acknowledge this. Gay adoption, in vitro fertilization from sperm and egg banks brings eugenics towards a science. Gene splicing and cloning already occurs in animals.
Crimes of blood or ad hominem attacks based on family and group ancestry are reemerging. Srebrenica was a massacre of some 7,000 Muslim men who were protected by the Dutch. Their army contains same sex soldiers. This issue has been discussed in March 2010 concerning same sex soldiers in the United States.
The authorship appears to have a methodology rooted in peerage or the rewarding of rights and privileges based on ancestry and nobility. This is also true for crimes planned against all classes of persons. This defines crimes of blood. One can be attacked at any stage of development from fertilization to one's deathbed. This creates an enormous amount of complicity. The externality is that such knowledge opens one up to delivering blackmail, intimidation, and extortion. This includes committing these acts against others. This reward and punishment process along with RICO behaviors opens the trajectory to the stalking activity which many are complaining about especially on the internet.
It appears a simple Venn Diagram was used to model the Gay Irrationalist Model and the legitimate LGBTi same sex marriage platform. If the Irrationalist Platform becomes strengthened without any check, it will crowd out the legitimate platform. This is especially damaging when the allegation is that Cambridge Law School and police officers are the authorship and delivery mechanism from within the state.
The tagging of both platforms guarantees that for the legitimate side to prevail, an intervention is needed by LGBTi interests or other parties. I am the only writer to continuously create records from 1995 onward. Before this time I was hoping that I could simply ride the event out. I cleared any statute of limitations that could have existed. The corruption of the court system in my instance is 100 percent. I have filed at least twenty six United States Federal Court Cases.
This parallel trajectory is totally manifest as of this writing yet censorship and sanitization occurs with all United States Sworn officials. This de facto activity is destroying over two generations of officials. These ommissive and complicit behaviors should be prosecuted.
B. Gay Triumphalism
1. Gay Culture
a. Celebratory of LGBTi lifestyle.
b. No significant difference from heterosexual lifestyle. It is more hedonistic, liberal, secular, and artistic.
2. Gay Marriage
a. Legal same sex marriage
The concept of Gay Culture was constructed as an ends of the measure. If you refute their construction of Gay Culture you will refute the entire Holon X which is a reduction of MOEC. The perspective of Gay Culture as functional radiates from same sex practices. Overall I do not perceive any real differences between so called heterosexuality and homosexuality. LGBTi culture is a subculture with sexual behaviors differentiating this set from heterosexuality. The Gay Militancy is a COUNTER CULTURE. It is to the Gay Marriage Coalition to what the Ku Klux Klan KKK was to the Democrats in the 1930s. This is a criminal militia with norms and values outside was is considered moral, legal, or civilized. Here again the mechanism is a purge of informants. Since it is driven by a LGBTi culture, a purge will result with Gay on Gay crime. The illusion of unity should be discarded. The conception that minorities will protect their own is not efficient. The authorship is criminal. It's preferences are LGBTi. This is essentially a male same sex male culture with female same sex female, lesbianism as a front. Notice that Gay cultures labels have evolved from HBT, GBLT, LGBT, LGBTi. The little i stands for intersex.
The provocateurs are a Joe Virus. This is the recruitment of the criminal class as informants to disunity a culture. These first Gay Militants are heavily dependent on a culture of impunity orchestrated from above. The membership in the police are overrated. These persons would have a very difficult, almost impossible time of retaining employment without police interference and condonement by the courts, and professional classes in both the profit and non profit sector.
They are key driver in what some is being described as the Mob Gang Stalking culture.
The study of criminology is a subsection of sociology. Social processes and structures outside the body shape the learning experience. This is argued as not dependent on genetic, drives, or tropic movements within the entity. The question of determinism re emerges as the negative culture of stalking has clearly manifested with a tag of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
This is a double crime.
I am clearly arguing from the heterosexual platform within my Vedic Gaudiya Faith. This is the orthodox perspective of Garbhandana Samskara. This the planned parenting process resulting in the procreation of spiritual offspring. The Gay Militancy is attempting to produce modern same sex gurus and interpolating their position by stating that when you address such as prabhu or Maharaj (master or great king) is a statement of agreeing with their position. This is a very strong indication of inauthenticity. A key hallmark of a lower level operative is having material handed off to them from police who are easily in the scapegoat category themselves.
Any adversarial setting will produce very strong records supporting my position on heterosexuality within my faith.
Conversely this Joe Virus is blowing back against LGBTi leadership. This is currently the Campaign for Courage which is a coalition of Gay Marriage groups.
It is apparent that Gay Marriage is the Strategic Mission for this mechanism of Cambridge Scholars at the current time. They will use various nom de guerras to disguise themselves. There is no doubt that if the United Kingdom is indeed truly involved you will discover these members that are lead ultimately by the Law School.
One unique usage of the term Gay Marriage is for a heterosexual individual to marry in or be recruited into a marriage to same sex persons. This mechanism relies heavily on bisexual and lesbian females in the belief that they are more acceptable and safer to so called mainstream values. I would concur with this in the concrete world. Stating such inequalities is not favored in the analytical world of social science. If the LGBTi platform is striving for equality contained within the evolution of their acronyms, these abstract analytical arguments have to be presented as such. Things are not equal for me as I am the ground zero or target abscissa or origin although not the authorship of Origin model. The topology is Cambridge Law School, Scotland Yard, LAPD, then local law enforcement and agents.
The legitimate Gay Marriage coalition is international even though they pragmatically argue to win Gay Marriage state by state according to positive rights in a jurisdiction. An example is Maine. If one thinks that only citizens from Maine are going to attempt to affect the outcome this is naive. There are actors on the same sex and opposite sex side as Mormons and Catholics who will oppose the Campaign For Courage who are leading the fight here in California but requested their followers to help in Maine first.
In degree these actors oppose the Gay Triumphalist position.
They are choosing legal primary rights. The problem is that no one from their paradigm has stepped forward to date to expose and neutralize the counter culture of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing.
This is no more than the recruitment of criminals as so called rebels. Extra legal violence is a counter culture not a subculture like being same sex. These persons share the same basic values and behaviors as opposite sex persons. The Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over my natural person will attack natural life, the environment, and any government or human structures erected by sane persons.
This is a choice between civilization and counter culture extremists as the Nazis, Fascists, and Ku Klux Klan.
LGBTi and same sex intellectuals are to be watched because any attempt by such persons to sanitize this counter culture will be neo Fascist or new Fascism. Old Fascism is argued as a response to Communism. This is a mechanical argument and I will support a neo Fascist Taxonomy.
C. Gay Placement
1. Overwhelming concern with who is more gay as more same sex behavior.
2. Inferiority complex in males of white European descent. A desire to place Asians, Latinos ahead.
This concept is identity and behavior based. The behavioristic platform is simple and objective and is used by some researchers.
If a same sex behavior is freely completed in a 6 month time period, then this individual is in the set of same sex practitioners. The identity component is more difficult. If one has no overt manifest shared same sex behaviors, an example is an individual who is practicing celibacy but inwardly identifies oneself as same sex, then the LGBTi identification is appropriate. There is a problem because you will easily find persons that freely engage in same sex within a 6 month frequency but consider themselves heterosexuals.
Illegal electronic surveillance is widely used to gather data and implement behaviors. This is one of the more serious invasions of privacy. This is a huge real constitutional legal issue. The aperture of intrusion is more of a crime than a legal mechanism to prevent and or apprehend criminals. I have been under intense 24/7 electronic surveillance by LGBTi militants.
These persons are developing a Red Herring Strawman because I have zero same sex behaviors. I am 100 percent within the heterosexual platform on the natural law level. The use asexuality is also being attempted in a confused manner to spread LGBTi identity.
A more complex issue is spiritual identity. In Gaudiya Vaishnavism there is a dual Godhead with Krishna the Supreme Male and Radha the Supreme Female Figure. Radha is attended by sakhis and they are attended by manjaris. The sakhis and manjaris are all female and never appear much older than about 15 years of age.
Sahijayas are the false line in Gaudiya Vaishnavism. They do not rigidly follow the shastras or scripture. Radha is the source of human emotions and her body is considered Maha Bhava. She alone experiences anirdudha bhava or Great Ecstasy. The sakhis and the manjaris assist in rasa lila which is the Divine Love Affair between Krishna and Radha. The manifestation of the emotions of this Affair are the pinnacle of the faith, prema.
Since Krishna is the only male in this lila (pastime), same sex practitioners have interpolated that being a manjari equates to homosexuality.
This is the position that I AM 100 PERCENT IN OPPOSITION TO.
There is no new revelation on this point. Advocating this will destroy one in the mainstream Gaudiya Vaishnava Sampradaya. The totalitarianistic isolation of my person in part is to use my persecution as a front for the LGBTi same sex platform. This is simply torture.
Gay placement also involves a role call of the roster of persons entrapped according to their identity and practice within the LGBTi platform. This involves false sets. Hence a heterosexual can be placed as Gay by adding friends or other persons to set without any freely willed identity or behaviors.
This is also a signature of Gay Irrationalism.
As seen this is driven at the present by white males of European descent. This may not always be true. Latinos, Asians, and Africans are also being incorporated.
D. Gay Majors
1. This is particularly centered around UC Berkeley with a planned Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
2. Being a LGBTi college student.
3. This includes the teaching of the history of MOEC and the Scorched Earth Chemical Assault.
We will examine an briefly examine an example from differential association and equivocation that is intentionally designed. This duplicity is incorporated and radiated informant to informant. This states that the Origin and Authorship Cambridge Law School are informants also.
Education is the key to perpetuating a culture. If University of Cambridge is a key to the replenishing of this system and creating textbooks with Oxford, than promotion of students within their own paradigm is a key to success. Hence how many persons with Gay Placement are a major at any accredited college level program? I have personally completed my college level career with zero same sex behaviors. I also have started and developed the entire powereality domain while in college. This began in 2001. This domain and subdomain is published by me personally and is subject to attacks and spurious editing. Hence a Red Herring Strawman.
I am now working with a Droid phone as modem, Asus 1000he notebook, and solar panels in the desert. I was a straight 4.0 student ins Palos Verde Junior College over three courses. A sibling rivalry between cohorts under an unseen male and female father figure exists. This is the ideal figure in contrast to one's natural parents.
The University of California is a target. The school has an excellent mythology regarding student activism. Like all good myths their reputation is based on true history and theatre. I have openly challenged the University of California in United States, California, Presidential, LGBTi histories, law, and the social sciences. The only question here is that I AM DOING SUCH. How well can I perform? It appears my opponents are in systematic pattern of defection waiting for a fast second strike.
Future college students will have to compare why no one especially sworn officials stepped forward, what they are learning, what is being proven and being falsified in a paradigm. This work is part of a challenge and the outline has been sent to the Barack Obama White House. I am one day older than Barack Obama.
The actually naming of Mobilization of Empire and Civilization and the acronym of MOEC is not subject to falsification or relabelling by any scholar. This is the work of the Origin.
A young high school student Phoebe Prince has just committed suicide after being stalked and bullied. Nine students at South Hadley High School, Massachusetts have been indicted. I am the most stalked person in the history of the United States.
I have only gained a few pounds in weight and have increased my upper body strength. I am no longer able to run due to knee pain and lack of water. I use intermediate interval training to stay fit and am mostly vegetarian.
An equivocation of Gay Major would by the obtaining of this rank as a command level officer in a formal military or paramilitary setting.
Currently the Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy is under review in the United States Armed Forces.
E. Gay Miracle
1. Eventually coming out gay late in one's life.
2. Extending the attempt to expand Gay Triumphalism.
The ending of one's lifespan is conditioned over time to create an LGBTi individual. This has failed in my instance. I clearly argue from eternal, natural, and positive law in the abstract in support of heterosexuality. There is a use of electronic surveillance to aid in the outing of those who are not clear about their identity that was predicted. The culture at the present is twisted and duplicit. The police who are running this sting operation, which is a purge of informants, are dubious and semi out.
This whole complex is narcissistic and obsessed with finding a front for persons who are LGBTi and engaged in systematic human rights abuses.
I do not support outing in the main. If gender orientation occurs in a legal setting, it may be correct.
There is no Gay Miracle in my instance.
There is no Gay Triumphalism universally.
The entire reduction of Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC into a system of Holons as a template has to be put into prospective. Holon 10 is my particular refutation to MOEC. The acronym MOEC appears to have been derived from the Book of Moed a Jewish scripture. While researching this on the internet, data on Heinrich Himmler, who designed the gas chambers of the Holocaust, by hooking up hoses to the exhausts of truck was also linked. This source disappeared a few days later.
The construction of what I am refuting appears as a collective emergent personality disorder. If these patterns are reduced to concepts of epistemology and object confusion over a Neo Freudian Eros complex one will be able to discern how the individual and collective models were designed and fused into Racketeered and Influenced Corrupt Organization behaviors.
These concepts are also discernible to DSM IV standards in the United States.
Overall the intent is driven by Male Same Sex Males MSM who wish to create a circular folly through double bind associations. Rationally homosexuality may refer to any level of same sex practices through what is now being discusses as LGBTi or Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, and intersex. This is contrasted by heterosexuality which is simply Opposite Sex.
Irrationality rules the Holon System. It will debilitate a culture. It's Prisoner's Dilemma inner structure always divides instead of creating inner psychical or collective unity.
The Strategic Mission is Gay Marriage.
It should be stated simple and clear that my position is an interpretation of Gaudiya Vaishnavism from a ritvik platform. The Vedic Bible is the Bhagavad Gita. I am using mostly Original Books of His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. He taught against homosexuality but accommodated a very large contingent of same sex practitioners. This basic perspectives of Vedic pro creation should be understood.
My preference would clearly be a heterosexual female. This is literal and unambiguous.
An argument attempting to Gay Bait my person derives a Red Herring Strawman. This is a very strong indicator of a spurious presentation. I argue that this will turn into the classic model in logic, law, psychology, and philosophy coursework.
The equivocation in the current zeitgeist is deliberate as the overall setting is a Systematic Pattern of Human Rights Abuse entangling the United States president. This is facilitated by the Holons which are no more than a blackmail and intimidation ring.
It appears a scripted narcissistic and inferiority is designed and radiated from the Origin which is Cambridge Law School. This is designed to be functional and admitable in criminal and civil courts under international, federal, and local rules.
The focus now is the documentation of sworn officers who are under the color of law. High officials as the president and cabinet should be prosecuted. California, Delaware. Maryland, Arizona, and New Mexico officials at the federal and state level are the most at risk. All sworn law officers are also dubious.
Holon X is a capstone in the entire discussion of the history of the United States from June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware and the 200th Anniversary of the Constitution in continuo.