The Lesser of Two Evils is Evil

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Mobilization of Empire and Civilization
The following pages are an original book that was written as a personal library that was intended to help me survive a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. This has endured for over 28 years since June 17, 1987. Almost all objects as books are contaminated. I have had three computers, one emachine, and one smartphone to engage the government.
A page on Informal Logic was hacked. I have rewritten a miniature here:
The main site is:
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
One should keep in mind that MOEC is a defection model and reduces to Prisoner's Dilemma. There is an insight from this presentation as to how single issue terror groups are entrapped. The Lesser of Two Evils refers to the allegation that theologians from Trinity School wished to expose the United Kingdom's de facto Undermining Campaign as complicity in the sinking of the Lusitania during WWI. A duel between these Christians and Cambridge Lawyers emerged. The result is a series of leaks of which the creation of MOEC is the source. MOEC is the system providing leaks as Edward Snowden concerning meta data and Private Bradley Manning with Wikileaks.
The Position Papers are a primer to comprehending this entrapment.
This is a master model of defection. MOEC does not violate defection model's taught in international relations. It reveals an Undermining concept based on the individual, family, groups and other levels of organization as government. The model is an approach developing within Systems Theory.
The Particular History & Justice page has been added to facilitate as a personal encyclopedia during the Scorched Earth period known as Radhanatha which began February 2007 along the Colorado River near Earp, California and Parker, Arizona. Now all texts in my vicinity are contaminated.
This Discussion is dated but is being retained nearly intact to demonstrate the concept of a parametric baseline and the successes and failures of predictions based on these assumptions longitudinally. Hence cohorts are also conditioned. These groups as per seyour high school years can be reviewed crossectionally. These predictions are part of an Impure Synchronicity which forms the quasi experiment that MOEC is.
David Nollmeyer is seeking legal recognition for his de facto status in the USA as a political prisoner. Totalitarianism seeks to isolate the individual from the whole. An identity based mythology is being developed to create the illusion that the victim is using de facto tactics to resolve the conflict and that religion, natural law, and positive law support his treatment. The secondary movers LAPD and agents Unnamed Baltimore Studio (it has emerged that The Studio is LAPD March 2014) are questioning my lifelong heterosexuality by contrasting such with their orientations. The above are projecting their value system over David Nollmeyer while the state of impunity is in continuo.
In brief, David Nollmeyer is a follower of the Vedic faith with an orthodox perspective. The authoritative commentary is The Bhaktivedanta Purports of Bhagavad Gita As It Is. I have been a devout heterosexual my entire life. Vedic Procreation is exclusively such and polygamy is theoretically acceptable. Hence the (LGBTi) agenda is not applicable to David Nollmeyer. I am a strong supporter of interfaith preaching not ecumenicalism of Godheads.
I do not use marijuana or any illegal drug, nor do I support the use, manufacture, possession, or distribution of contraband any where in the world under discrimination of any kind.
Principal in this case Is Humboldt County, Mendocino County, California, the followers of the Grateful Dead, and the Pagan motorcycle gang of Delaware. The argument that David Nollmeyer is allegedly a supporter of criminal contraband operations of various scale in some correlation of the above is FALSE. I am totally opposed to gang culture of any type but do not blacklist individuals who are attempting to exit this culture.
In short, I am a follower of social conservative issues consistent with varna asrama, the Vedic social systems model. Such is an absolute morality and is diverse of persons. I am not a supporter of moral relativism.
David Nollmeyer is being fronted as a Democrat or a Socialist; both are untrue. In principal are Bill Clinton and Al Gore. I am the opposition to the Legal and Historical Performance of both ex officials. I do not support the lesser of two evils as a solution but equal protection. Hence Ronald Reagan, George Bush, and George Bush III must be treated along constitutional not partisan or localist traditions. I am not a Republican or a supporter of any political party. A double bind presentation is usually used on persons who are of the Democratic orientation creating their defeat on presenting credible facts.
I am not a follower of the Reverend Jesse Jackson. I do not aggrandize any popular movie, entertainment, or musical figure. David Nollmeyer is usually portrayed as a Deadhead follower of Jerry Garcia or if this is not believed to be true then the heavy metal genre writ large is substituted.
The propaganda is based on a dependent personality acting out a fetish with an idol. A fixation of an intellectual age and maturity of 20 years old is constantly maintained.
An Oedipal dysfunction is profiled regarding separation from the mother. The natural mother resides in Delaware. Any object in this territoriality is magnified. In degree would be substance abuse and it's proliferation. Currently I am in California; such is devolved to Northern California, Mendocino County, and Humboldt County particularly. An atomized family concept regarding the Deadheads is used in lieu of natural relations.
A sibling rivalry is created principally between individual and group concepts of organization and males and females. David Nollmeyer is an individual in integration with the varna asrama model.
Caesar Rodney High School of Camden, Delaware is a focal territory for a static malingering personality who cannot detach from one's past.
As the experimental subject I have limited motility; as I move individuals are recruited with racketeered rewards to attack me as agents of the police. A circular folly ensues and as there is no true control, only those who are not conscious or exposed to my movements. Hence the attack is on the human species and particularly the US Constitution, Presidency, and Citizen. I am portrayed as being a homosexual or bisexual which is slander. Prima facie such is a failure.`Also exploited is the dichotomy of males versus females as a class. The females are shields, at many times willingly in a very severe human rights event. Their history as well as segments as law enforcement, business, and senior citizens will have to reconcile the reality of a poor historical performance against a preferential treatment that may have been expected historically.
A manifest function in space and time is followed by a latent function or dysfunction. The survival of the individual and species as well as a sustainable culture are tested as the system incorporates maladaptive persons and disintegrates.
It has come to my discretion that an overview of Freud's Outline to Psychoanalysis and Plato's Master Passion are missing. These are very important templates. Further research has conclusively provided that Narcissistic Personality Disorder is has been used by the Origin. They are subsequently attempting to impose attributes of LGBTi persons over everyone. This is related to Stalking and Pedophilia to a certain degree. Psychopathy and Antisocial Personality have a prevalent mix in all abnormal analysis.
David Nollmeyer
Born 1961 Roswell NM
What to Do
It is imperative that persons begin to file complaints to the competent authorities. Under the Color of Law against code enforcement in the main are handled by the FBI. There is a contact for Under the Color of authority complaints at their website.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation
U.S. Code as of: January 19, 2004
Title 18 Section 242. Deprivation of rights under color of law
Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.