2019 Archives
America's Worst Governor: Jerry Brown D California
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
January 4, 2019

Jerry Brown, California's two time Governor will see his final term end January 7, 2019. Many pundits and major MSM outlets have attempted to rate the Governor.
Jerry Brown is clearly the United States' worst Governor ever. Brown assumed office January 3, 2011. California is the host state to an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over my person only.
In the concrete Brown is a War Criminal on the Run as are the other six Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Trump. Brown won the election in 2010 while the Salton Sea was contaminated, and in 2014 while the Colorado River was contaminated. It is also contaminated now.
During his term wildfires too numerous to mention have been fought under these conditions.
The attack on the United States and world has been Authored by Cambridge Law School, UK and implemented by a Gay Militia operating out of LAPD.
This structure predicates that every state and nation will press criminal and civil charges against California. Hence all sworn officials are in jeopardy.
This is a Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack with the least intelligent versus the smartest. The miscalculation and escalation reflect Brown's complicity in destroying Democracy, California, and the United States. The focus has been of Trump but the incompetence and corruption permeates civilization and it's sworn duty bound officials.
The Informant, Poverty and Destruction
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
February 8, 2019
The use of informants and identity is driver measuring the performance and value of an individual and collective in society. This asocialization is integral to using a members of one's own group to Undermine the status of an important person. It is overwhelming that if a LGBTi person is pressured to choose an ingroup that this individual chooses LGBTi. Hence you do not see many LGBTi Republicans. Conversely LGBTi Democrats when under pressure choose LGBTi. This is acute as the Irrational Gay Militia recruits stalkers. Hence the Caveman Attack formula creates scapegoats from individuals to entire nationstates.
The Alt Right Gay Militia at LAPD is mainly white males about 60 years of age older in the main circles. The use of an Obama Exemption is poor. One's IQ is in question. By natural reason and understanding of citizenship, rights, and duties this apparent prima facie. I argue 95 percent of the population will defect. Just as in The Dick Van Dyke Show these persons now are stalking under Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. I am pursing sworn officials in the main.
New Democrat Socialist Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez are targets of the Gay Militia especially through Latinos and Gays. Yesterday I watched a video stating that a house in Moutainview in Silicon Valley sells for $1.1 million USD. An one bedroom condominium conversion just sold for over $1 million USD at auction. White Collar workers earn a mean of $117,000. So called Blue Collar Gig workers are $19,000 per years. Many live in the campers or cars. Conversely a migrant woman from Honduras was earning only $2 USD per day. She was homeless on the street with a child. She crossed the Mexican Border but turned back to apply for a Humanitarian Visa after began issuing such. Over 2 million persons have fled the collapse of Venezuela. Over 130 migrants from the Caravan were arrested after crossing San Luis AZ just south of here. The Colorado River is a Scorched Earth.
Representative Ocasio Cortez is only 29. She is a Black Swan Baby. She is being Undermined ingroup and outgroup in the Rise and Fall of the British Empire. It is a game of Cutthroat to be the last person standing.
Over $1 billion USD in methamaphetamine was seized heading to Australia January 11, 2019 and reported today. In the past weak about $400 millions USD of fentanyl was seized at the border in Nogales, AZ east of here. Chapo Guzman of the powerful Sinaloa Cartel trial is winding down in New York City.
Reinhold Hanning and Alexandria Ocasio Sanchez D New York
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
February 17, 2019
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New Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio Sanchez and Auschwitz Guard Reinhold Hanning are alter egos in MOEC's Reverse Sting. Ocasio at 29 years age is almost certain to face criminal charges if she lives 50 years to 79. It is nearly impossible for the Censorship and Sanitization to hold. A socialist she should oppose the Gay Irrationalist Gay Know Nothing ideology and concrete natural persons in the Gay Militia. Consequently her de facto and negligent behavior results in her being criminally entangled.
Reinhold Hanning, one of the last surviving SS guards from the Auschwitz death camp, has died, a year after he was sentenced to five years in jail as an accessory to 170,000 murders during the time he worked at the camp. He was 95.
Mr. Hanning was convicted last June in a state court in the northwestern German city of Detmold.
"I am ashamed that I saw injustice and never did anything about it," he told the court in a weak voice from a wheelchair, reading from a statement and speaking into a microphone, "and I apologize for my actions."
Mr. Hanning joined the Hitler Youth at age 13 and the Waffen SS at 18. He was wounded by grenade splinters on the Eastern front in 1941 and assigned to guard duty in a tower at Auschwitz in early 1942. He remained there until June 1944.
"People were shot, gassed and burned..." "I could see how corpses were taken back and forth or moved out. I could smell the burning bodies." Hanning stated.
Survivors testified against him at his trial. One, Angela Orosz, 71, who had been an infant at the camp, faced him and said: "People like you, Mr. Hanning, made the hell of Auschwitz possible! People who looked on and took part, without asking any questions."
Almost a million Jews and tens of thousands of others were murdered at Auschwitz.
Mr. Hanning told the court that he had never spoken about his time at Auschwitz, not even to his family. "I've tried my whole life to forget about this time,” he said. "Auschwitz was a nightmare."
Reinhold Hanning. New York Times. Retrieved from: Reinhold Hanning
Open Letter to Governor Doug Ducey R Arizona et al.
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
April 26, 2019
Doug Ducey R AZ
Martha McSally R AZ
Kyrsten Sinema D AZ
Raul Ruiz D CA
Janet Napolitano UC California

I am writing to you today in relation to the Unrecognized and In Continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth that is imposed over my natural person and United States Citizenship. I have resided along the Colorado River between Blythe CA and Ehrenberg AZ over the winter. The Colorado River has been Chemically Scorched since the beginning of November, 2018.
The non stop barrage of 24 hour Electronic Surveillance and stalking has continued with the latter slightly decreased because the contamination is increased to damage Donald Trump vis a vis to Barack Obama. Obama has the worse concrete human rights record concerning Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. It has been suggested that Barack and Michelle have received book writing and a Netflix contracts worth $130 million.
Identifying the Names of the Authorship
I am alleging that this attack is a War Crime. I state that the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom is the Authorship and Proximate Cause sine qua non. The Membership historically appears to be a LGBTi Male Same Sex circle of lawyers who were confronted by so called Opposite Sex Theologians. The resulting conflict and union forms the Ex Deux Maquina. Hence we have a Prisoner's Dilemma based Yellow Brick Road.
In this consideration Same Sex quid pro quos are used to replace meritocracy as GA, MEPS, SAT, or GRE test for entrance to university or the workplace.
I am being attacked for being a heterosexual male with no same sex acts. I am alleging there is a hub and node of a Gay Militia operating from LAPD that imposes this attack over my person and the world population of 7.7 billion persons.
§ 2381. Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies,giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
§ 2382. Misprision of treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
To date no sworn duty bound officials or private persons have stepped forward. Of interest is the integration of more specialized persons in the background that LAPD is using to validate themselves.
This agency is using a Folk Based Profile of a code name Mauser Bolo which is white native and populist figure. One is a local, here, or owns a gun when they are not able to answer a direct question. There is a circle of titled FIDE chess players and a one Calculus professor integrated.
My prediction that LAPD would fail and that these persons would become damaged and lose equilibrium is true.
Daniel Rensch is the Chief Chess Officer of chess.com the largest server online. He became Arizona's youngest International Master at 14.
Socrates is Mortal.
This is battle between bald and hairy men.
You have to mind your P and Qs.
Arizona has a very rigorous math policy in place at high school. The state requires a 4 years of math with two algebra 3 courses. California requires 2 years of math with only algebra 1 to graduate. Geometry an algebra 3 level course is prescribed in most states.
I have taken up the challenge. I graduated with an algebra 2 predicate calculus course in 2000. I have two AA degrees and 161 credits with senior standing. I have a behavioral statistics, algebra 3, algebra 4 and Chessbase 13 manual with me now. I have an ELO of 1711. I make no pretense of being advanced at math. I am clearly swimming at two algebra 3 courses pass no pass.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Target.
There has been a very intense effort to predict and map out both my and the cultures behavior. The FBI Unified Crime Reports and CDC Surveillance Reports are important data sets.
On June 28, 2017 a Minnesota woman killed her boyfriend by shooting at an encyclopedia he was holding over his chest, in a YouTube video stunt gone wrong. Monalisa Perez, 19, was attempting to make a viral video with boyfriend Pedro Ruiz III, 22, to post to their YouTube account according to a Norman County Sheriff's Department arrest report. Monalisa Perez shot Pedro Ruiz III in the chest from about a foot away with a .50 caliber Desert Eagle pistol while they recorded the stunt with two cameras, according to court documents obtained by Heavy. Their 3 year old daughter was also in the room watching, police said.
I have organized what I call MOEC Studies into an social science approach which is short of a system but strong with a clear ontology, prosecute University of Cambridge and compensate the victims by converging standard methods to concrete events many which are out of the box to formalism.
The current series is a text named Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV.
In the last few days a young child was left at border near McCallen, Texas. This is the Riemann Child. His name and a phone number were written on his shoes.
When I was young the Delaware State Police would conduct Lycurgus or Synchronicity cohort sibling rival sweeps. They on several occasions would state that I have a phone in my shoe. In tournament chess cheaters place a phone in their shoe and a friend sends signals after running the players moves through a chess engine.
The Riemann hypothesis is a conjecture that the Riemann zeta function has its zeros only at the negative even integers and complex numbers with real part 1/2. Many consider it to be the most important unsolved problem in pure mathematics (Bombieri 2000). It is of great interest in number theory because it implies results about the distribution of prime numbers. It was proposed by Bernhard Riemann (1859), after whom it is named.
Hence the vertical line above the childhood real line is an imaginary number. This is the Critical Line in the conjecture. One can either prove the problem as a Null Hypothesis as All zeros are on 1/2 on the Critical Line or present a counterfactual hence There exists at least one zero that is not on the 1/2 Critical Line.
Terry Tao, a UCLA math professor is considered by many to be the most gifted linear thinker with an IQ over 200. He has made contributions to prime numbers which are needed to map a universal system of mathematics.
No one over 30 years has stepped forward to expose a Cultural Singularity which I have suggested is a Pole Singularity. The reciprocal function concerning a finite time singularity occurs when one input variable is time, and an output variable increases towards infinity at a finite time. Hyperbolic negative growth occurs in the III quadrant as persons becoming infected in the defection model.
This action has some ontology in what is the Monalisa Perez Reverse Sting. Simply put the subjective natural persons may change but a variant of decline may occurring by defection through the Rise and Fall of an Empire. In this case I am claiming the British.
No one is stepping forward. Joe Biden has announce his candidacy. We both lived in the same neighborhood in Delaware. Tulsi Gabbard and I both use the Bhagavad Gita As It Is as a Bible although she clearly interpolates her own opinions. This is a Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack with formal and informal punishments. The ecological and sociological damage is real to natural persons and life. No one has a conscience.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Big Pine CA
April 26, 2019
The Return to the Salton Sea
Big Pine CA
November 4, 2019
I should be in the Palm Springs area by weeks end. Much has been accomplished over the summer. There are six Open Letter websites. Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV is complete.
Links to the upcoming The System and Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V are included below.
Within the decade many persons will not be fully employable and economically sustainable. My texts are highly instructive and have been offered free to all to study and take up the mantle. The technological tidal wave that is likely to occur will increase towards exponentiality. Many will fall to simple minimum wage and college educational standards.
Happy Holidays!
Open Letters
Proximate Cause Test Versus Systematic Patterns
Desert Shores CA
November 21, 2019
Happy Holidays!
MOEC Studies uses the Proximate Cause Test sine qua non to the Origin to discern the natural persons that comprise the Authorship and Origin of the in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. This involves the cardinality or absolute value of names as David. In reference to my person there is only one Bhakta David Nollmeyer. I am not a group and there are no other members of my person. This type of false set fallacy is a hallmark or Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. The use of Supra Irrationalism or the creation of an irrationalist idea in one's mind having such control one's person is concept that is not traceable to the Membership of Cambridge who Authored this War Crime. In reference the Irrationalist White Nationalist ideology of Accelerationism is suspicious and is sure to be of Gay Irrationalist Gay Know Nothing descent although many adherents are vehemently anti Gay even having killed persons due to their identity and sexual orientation. Accelerationism reflects conflict theory mixed with chaos. It stresses polarization to create a setting where White Supremacists could gain control.
Hence these thinkers argue that Western Civilization is corrupt and has collapsed. Any type of escalation that can complete it's downfall is desired. One is instructed to vote for the most extreme polarizing candidates. Using guns to commit mass destruction is also desired as this creates conflict and chaos. Many manifestos of killers contain strains of Accelerationism. It appears regressive with very childlike projections of how unskilled persons could create a government. The type of War Crime MOEC is contains a quid pro quo Yellow Brick Road which is evident throughout the majority of the 8 billion persons on earth. It's folly is that it is a containment process and contains an Ex Deux Maquina where the final outcome is Scripted. In this instance the Gay Militia loses.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
The issue at hand is whether Barack Obama and I will be alive to see him prosecuted and the History of the Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Trump taught objectively.
In the zeitgeist Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been indicted, Donald Trump is undergoing an Impeachment Inquiry, and by day's end Tesla should present it's much anticipated pickup truck.
Artificial Intelligence is predicted by Kurzweil by 2029. It is not possible with the current Censorship and Sanitization.
Merry Christmas!
Desert Shores CA
December 25, 2019
Happy Holidays! The current trajectory of uncertainty has been escalated with the Impeachment of Donald Trump. It is possible that the inquiry is not finished with more witnesses and articles in the future. Conversely I am ahead of schedule regarding writing. The site maintenance is about even. I should have previews of new texts online by February, 2020.
As I am aging, it is beneficial to be more direct or blunt when needed. The physical stamina needed to continue at my previous pace is no there or realistic. It is possible that direct letters will increase while journals will decrease.
Accelerating Intelligence has been hyped but remains a very influential factor. Minimum wages are increasing in 25 jurisdictions this coming year. This will define in part class stratification.
I hope you are all prepared and have a Happy New Year.
2020 Archives
A Song For All Seasons
Salton City, CA
January 1, 2020
A Song For All Seasons is the new subtitle for Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V.
Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm
A Song For All Seasons
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
A FIDE Grandmaster has as ELO of 2500. A player begins with an ELO of 1100 then gradually increases or decreases one's rating by beating higher rated opponents or losing to lower rated opponents. Here we will give a provisional rating of 1200 ELO to every 12 year old in the 6th grade. I am arguing the informal fallacies of logic are no more than such. A Discreet Structures course at the introductory level is awarded Algebra 2 or sophomore standing. Algebra 3 is the baseline to graduate most high schools and colleges at the present time.
MOEC most resembles Go. However by post hoc testing one should be able to prove the veracity of a cohort to cohort pairing as in a tournament which MOEC claims it is.
This clarifies my intent and focuses toward the ontology.
The Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack: Update
Desert Shores, CA
March 13, 2020
The WHO has declared COVID 19 a worldwide pandemic. The United States will declare a National Emergency. In this instance we have a solid analogy to the GUI of MOEC which is also known as the Joe Virus.
There are about 7.7 to 8 billion persons alive to date.
Socrates is mortal.
This is a story of bald and hairy men.
The issue is that MOEC is Authored by MSM Same Sex Lawyers or juris doctorates. The Challenge is whether one can teach at the lectern at Cambridge. Professing means teaching with the text closed. A FIDE GM has a 2500. The corruption in sports is massive. A major cheating scam involving world class race horses went down two days ago. XY a major race horse died with PED blood levels that were 50 times the legally prescribed level. I weigh 160 LBS. I can get a prescription for 2 grams of testosterone. This would mean having about 100 grams by body weight.
I have claimed that MOEC is a War Crime.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
There are about 12,000 titled players.
Levon Aronian, a true chess legend is being cast as a Cinderella Man in MOEC, the greatest chess player to never win the Candidates and play for the world's championship. Alexandria Botez 24, is a female Canadian FM whom has emerged as a popular twitch and Youtube chess personality. In chess the difference between Aronian and her is significant. A FM has a rating of 2100. I have hit 1800 ELO on Shredder. On a reset this year it took 454 games to do such. I was winning most of the games in white playing semi slav gambits. I believe the program does not become accurate in these lines until the 1800 level and above. It is most likely reflecting human play by averaging. The soundness of the attacks is questionable however I checked my lines with Stockfish 10 the program was winning about 2 out of 3 times. I thought the repertoire was good maybe to 1900.
The trap line at hand is whether Alexandria has ever met any of the students or staff involved in cold cases at Stanford where she is a student. The case below involves an alleged cold case murder. During 1980 I was asked by a friend if I wished to go see Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band at the Spectrum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I agreed and a small group of friends attended the show. In Delaware that evening an alleged drug transaction went sour. It is the common version that three persons in a car got into an altercation. One individual a young black youth whom I had met, was the purchaser and had a shotgun. The gun was passed between the three in car. When the gun was handed to a certain person, the black youth was told to exit the vehicle.
At the crime scene I was brought to the side of the road. Now Vice President Joe Biden was also present some yards south of me as I talked to the forensic scientist, an Officer Voshell. An individual had raced through a soybean field and his shot body was found in a burnt vehicle along Moose Lodge Road outside Camden Wyoming in the late 1970s. The name of now deceased chess endgame expert Mark Dvoretsky was mentioned.
Update: Also heard at this time was the Botez Gambit. This is supposedly unintentional Queen Sacrifice or blunder which Botez plays in her blitz streaming games. Also heard were references to the rock group Rush's masterpiece Hemispheres. Two alternative tracks The Villa Strangiato and Circumstances were mentioned. Botez and Rush are Canadians. Neil Peart the group's drum virtuoso and lyricist just died of brain cancer January 7, 2020. John Petrucci and his group Dream Theater were also mentioned.
12. Cv.99-5539, Nollmeyer v. Delaware State Police, et al. In Re: Doe Novella, Doe Pied Piper of Hamilton. Third Circuit Court of Appeals
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
Joe Biden has just defeated Bernie Sanders in the Michigan Primary with Washington too close to call.
The issue of equal protection and due process is at hand. The kangaroo court of human rights abuse has ensnared chess. I have only played 6 years at one hour a day. I do own Chessbase 13 and Houdini Chess King databases among almost 100 DVDs by now. If I have to debate whether the ECO DOO Blackmar Diemer Gambit is a club level opening or 2700 and above Candidates Tournament opening something is amiss here by skill.
It is alleged that titled chess players some from www.chess.com involved. The callout is for titled players to start a university chess curriculum from grades 1 to 20 the PhD level. If one has a 2500 ELO it does not mean they know business theory. I have about 15 credits out of 161 in business with over a 3.65 GPA. Whoever these chess players are down as business theorists. They could be in Junior College. My grades were hard fought. I did not trade homosexual behaviors to struggle to a 3.27 GPA.
This cite lists about 12,000 FIDE titled players. There have been less than 2000 Grand Masters.
This is a WON position at this time for me. It does not not mean that I can not blunder such away.
A System defines or organization at the highest level. The LAPD Lieutenant has lost a the chess challenge over six years I hit 1805 on Shredder and he plays less than 800 ELO. This would translate to a massive predicted victory ratio.
I am a straight male. My ELO is exactly what level I play my chess at. My college GPA I believe is about .25 lower than what I will do in class. My lass grades are over 3.85.
This attack begins with a default 1200 ELO at 12 years old. If these actors are titled chess players, these persons in History are performing at a level that children could achieve if they were required to do so in their studies. Hence they are under performing in MOEC Studies by listening to the Gay Militia Officers from LAPD.
Chelsea Manning has attempted suicide and ordered released from jail. Julian Assange is ill in England and awaiting extradition.
The development and teaching of the Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack will continue.
Botez at 24, is clearly one of the nicest persons in competitive sports. It does not exempt her from legal duties. I have no idea how this event may turn out. There are minors who are also heavily targeted by the Gay Militia whom I will not mention until they are 18. Most are chess prodigies.
Of interest Levon Aronian is being paired with Steve Arkowitz of Atascadero State Hospital. Arkowitz taught my Lifespan Development class and stated that Male Same Sex Rapist on minors are the hardest to rehabilitate. He has worked with Charles Manson. He deals with the most violent sexual offenders in California to attempt to reintroduce them into the community.
The antisocial psychopath continuum paper is clearly scene emerging and submerging in the manifest population. The targeted chess players are a very small subset.
COVID 19 Shelter in Place
Desert Shores CA
March 22, 2020

There are over 315,000 cases of COVID 19 worldwide with just over 15,000 deaths. California estimates that 25 million persons may be infected within 2 weeks. Racism abounds as persons accuse China. No one has yet to attempt to correlate the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth to the virus. This is disingenuous. Perhaps $3 Trillion USD will be injected into the US economy over the coming months. There may be 2.8 million unemployed by the months end.
In this consideration I will focus on Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V over the coming months. I have no idea where this may end up and under what circumstances.
The new text is focusing quite well. It appears that Cambridge has entrapped titled chess players. The FIDE Candidates continuing without audience participation. One's ability to organize a domain into an accredited University is at hand. The Colorado River Valley from Salton Sea, Blythe, Yuma, and El Centro is home to the lowest academic achievement in the nation. Migrant agricultural work and DACA are a focus as education moves online and physical schools close down.
This forces the formulation of a new plan. It will prioritize writing the texts first.
Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V Sketch
Desert Shores CA
March 26, 2020
There are now over 512,000 cases of COVID 19 with over 22,000 cases worldwide. In lieu of such I am posting a preview of Chapter 1 of the next text.
Chapter 1
The Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack
Many were called, but few were chosen...
The eugenic entrapment of MOEC is a so called logical extension of Prisoner's Dilemma that controls the expansion and contraction of the United Kingdom. In this instance only one individual, your author is alienated from the whole. In this manner it is possible for the remainder of Population N which is now between 7.7 and 8 billion persons to attack me. In doing so they will also come in turn to attack Population N and themselves as the roster of Targets runs and their person becomes isolated also.
This study has a component of a fallacious Security of the Despot. In this instance this Actor(s) becomes exposed and in turn he desires to entrap everyone in his own image; the Image of X. In retaliation the Despot attempts to number the entire population. In doing so he gives each person at least one gift. In this manner he or she desires the world to become dependent on his or her's eugenic planning.
This very simple compass has been expressed here under the themes The Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack and the more modern Yellow Brick Road under the Wizard of OZ.
These activities legally in the present constitute a RICO Racketeered Influenced Corrupt Enterprise under United States or International Law. The RICO Statutes or more correctly the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act are fast becoming a major source of legal code for both criminal and civil actions. More formally RICO is TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 96, Section 1961 of the United States Code.
This repertoire sets in motion a very sharp conflict in the Sovereign Subject Relationship. Currently President Donald Trump of the United States is sworn to capacitate my participation in American civil life under the Bill of Rights which provides substantive relief for the citizen under Due Process and Equal Protection. The redundant but more often used 14th Amendment reiterates the same rights and emerged to help protect African Americans under the spurious Jim Crow Laws of the South after Reconstruction and enforced until 1965.
This is the separate but equal legal principle.
MOEC has created Six Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Trump.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
The Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V will follow in continuation of the Monalisa Perez Reverse Sting.
The novel COVID 19 virus has now infected over 500,000 persons worldwide with more than 22,000 deaths. There has been a Declaration of National Emergency since March 19, 2020. The United Kingdom has ordered all non essential persons to remain at home for 3 weeks. A more looser Shelter in Place order is in effect in California.
Italy is experiencing the worst of the pandemic in Europe. This event is in an exponential mode at present.
There is a distinct trend of racism evident as the virus emerges from Wuhan, China. However no one has mentioned that there is an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth that has a manifest function since June 17, 1987.
Joe Biden should defeat Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nomination barring a further calamity.
In this consideration, I am restrategizing my plan to focus on this text in lieu of writing The System simultaneously.
While I consider my production to be seminal, innovative, and instructive, I do not consider my person to be on the level of Franz Schubert or Johan Sebastian Bach. The 10th Symphony or The Great is unfinished by Schubert and the Art of the Fugue was left unfinished by Bach at death.
The trap line at hand defines a line or interval between Franz Schubert and George Orwell. I do consider my work superior to George Orwell's 1984 or Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. In fact MOEC Studies is non fiction except for Lycurgus which is an abstracted storyboard and partially autobiographical.
I will converge Lycurgus II and all further iterations into the Fall of the Anglo American series.
The concept of Technological Singularity or that point in time when machines equal and surpass humans across all domains presents unique problems in the human quest to master a repertoire individually and collectively.
There are two major unsolved math and computer problems that have been used to model MOEC. One again should consider that this taken into context of the defense mechanism of MSM or Male Same Sex Male Juris Doctorate Cambridge Lawyer Professors.
The two problems are:
P Versus NP
Riemann Hypothesis
Origin or the GUI of MOEC was designed as an Organic Virus. Hence it posits that a government exists in Natural Law. Laws as the Newtonian Canon are not a government.
It is posited by the Authorship as equivalent to the problems above. It appears to be at least a hybrid Prisoner's Dilemma Two Facto ANOVA model.
Control |
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
COVID 19 Update
Desert Shores CA
April 8, 2020

Over 1.5 million persons are infected with COVID 19 with nearly 90,000 deaths. This pandemic is occurring with a total Censorship and Sanitization of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. The culture of incompetence and corruption is one of sexual emancipation hate crime. The lack of scientific skill associated with nativism and populism are playing out with the anti vaccers and false news crowd. The Yellow Brick Road is informant driven through the police. The economic fall out from the virus is more likely to kill more people over the long term.
The production is disrupted. I will focus on the new text. Overall I will promote MOEC Studies as innovative and other methodologies and approaches as static and passive. This area is lucky that is is outside Los Angeles in the main. On the other hand the education is low with a coming surge in STEM based disciplines. I will follow with Open Letters that may not be written here but will be posted on this journal.
The Return to the Colorado River
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
October 22, 2020
Much has transpired since the last Journal here along the Colorado River. COVID 19 has claimed about 228,000 lives now in the United States. It appears that Europe is into a second wave as daily deaths rise over 6,000 per day. The United States may be 2 to 3 weeks back.The catastrophic wildfires in California have consumed 4 million acres and over 4,000 structures. The smoke in Inyo County and Los Angeles as I travelled here is catastrophic on the verge of a war zone.
The heat wave this summer was unprecedented for my lifetime. Never the less, I have made progress on Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V. The entire rough draft should be completed by April 15, 2021.
I am advocating a boycott of the Presidential Election between President Trump and Vice President Joe Biden. I stand to gain from some of the more progressive policies. I am staunch antiabortionist. This is the only area where Trump has stellar work that no other Republican ha achieved.
Boycott the Election
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
November 3, 2020
I personally recommend Boycotting the Candidates and only voting on Referendums. Currently the death toll of COVID 19 has surpassed 238,500. This is less than the 247,000 that has been predicted. The Censorship and Sanitization that has occurred is demeaning and degrading. It has been framed as a Gay Revolution with bellicose language as War and Mob. What is unique about Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing is that it reverses stereotypes with LGBTi persons as the aggressors, not victims. Today should yield decent results from the LGBTi Movement at the polls while the Gay Militia Police and their Informant Stalkers Undermine their victors and all.
The Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack is exposing corruption in professional chess which is significant with two incidents occurring recently; one with Super GM Tigran Petrosian.
Many firms are entering bankruptcy. The unemployment and education in the Colorado River Valley is poor. This attack has been based on a Reverse Sting Operation. Human and Drug Trafficking abound here and the busts are large. Hopefully technology will provide relief in 2022 when a recovery should take hold.
Trump Speaks After Losing Election
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
December, 2020
Donald Trump, after an apparent loss to Joe Biden in the General Election is fighting the results in a waning legal effort to earn a second term.
The COVID 19 Pandemic is escalated. Over 180,000 cases occurred yesterday. There are over 251,000 deaths.