Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC is the mechanism that expands and contracts the British Empire. This is a system of informants in hub and nodes operating through every police stationhouse worldwide. In this manner the British Empire's behavior can be deduced.
MOEC is a system that reduces to Prisoner's Dilemma. Natural persons that are living under political systems have a direct experience in defection or cooperation whether they are aware of the abstraction of this Theory of Games. In Western Civilization the population writ largeonly has cognition of the model Periander. This paper has been previously titled Towards a Further Study of MOEC. It is a heuristic description of the game of Chicken. This simple Storyboard is real. Many individuals, myself included have narrowly escaped death in these auto accident scenarios. Once a person is cognizant of Prisoner's Dilemma, one should consider Sovereign Citizen Relationships. I had originally presented these early papers descending with Periander last.
MOEC is Impure Synchronicity in Maze Learning. This encompasses a Sibling Cohort Rivalry under an unseen Father or Mother Figure. I do not believe it is possible to equal my presentation without having at least 90 credit's of college education or equivalent. One should have the volition to continue study.I am basing this on a five hour per day schedule over ten years to develop expertise.
I will present Periander and Sovereign Citizenship Relationships below in sequence.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
July 8, 2017
Toward A Further Study of MOEC
Normative High School Perspective Identity

Within the concept of administrative procedure, due process can be seen as an integral component concerning command and orders within the hierarchy of administration of justice.
The simple game of Chicken is often an aperture to the comprehension of Prisoner's Dilemma. This classic strain of confrontation is now a universal archetype in the indoctrination of MOEC. In cultures that have automobiles available, the ritual of dating is becoming clearly entangled by the police. One should take keen insight into the concept of mens rea (criminal intent) and actus rea (criminal act) in this sting operation.
In an entrapment a key to success is the perspectivism and performance of the police, agents, and suspects in the surveillance. For the purposes of this operation, the administration of justice is the focal system or the target system to be analyzed. This miniature sting operation has an origin in the Greek Spindle of Necessity. There are multitudes of miniature entrapments in MOEC that come to weave a Gordian Knot. The simple game of Chicken is an accurate model to explain brinkmanship at macro levels as international relationship.
A youth of the name of John is told by an associate a similar young female Jane, that her friend Mary has an attraction for him. This arrangement is used to keep John from embarrassment if he were to approach Mary and be refused.
An order is made by Captain Periander for Jane to approach another similar friend of both, Mark, to make it known that Mary is available for a date. (This is argued as being emanated or coming from Luke. Luke is a friend who has stolen a stereo worth 100 dollars from a vehicle.
Mark tells John that Mary is available for the date. John is willing and pleased. Mark also is willing to be part of the date and asks his father for use of his vehicle and twenty dollars. Periander would posit that the twenty dollars would come from him.
Now another young female Ruth, a cheerleader who has an excellent reputation and grades helps in encouraging the date. She is approached by Officer Doe I. This comes from Albert, the local marijuana dealer; an individual who purchases $500.00 worth of marijuana at a time. He distributes the marijuana in 1/4 (112g) lb, 1oz.(28g), and 1/2 (14g) oz. amounts.
Jill is another student who smokes marijuana. The choice to go on the date comes from her. She is approached by Officer Doe I.
Paul is twenty years old as is known as a purchaser of alcohol for under age persons. This comes from Officer Doe I.
The date is offered. Mary accepts. John will pick Mary and Jill up and then proceed to an event. Afterwards they will travel to a casual hangout where young persons around 16 to 17 years of age usually congregate and cruise their automobiles. The territoriality that surrounds the site has a road with a few dangerous curves. Persons are known for their skill in negotiating these curves at high speeds. Luke also suggests this location to John. This comes from Mary's mother.
The night of the event has come. John has his father's vehicle and thirty dollars. Twenty dollars are from his father and ten are his own.
Marijuana is purchased from another source, a 1/4 oz., about twenty dollars worth slightly better than commercial grade. This comes from Mary.
John picks up Mary and Jill. They proceed to find Paul to purchase alcohol. Jill contributes a few dollars. The event was a success. Some marijuana is smoked and a combination of distilled liquor consumed. Paul is approached by Officer Doe II. This came from John.
The event is attended. The students enjoy their evening. They then decide to go out for a ride. The remnants of the alcohol are consumed. All have consumed mixed drinks and beer. All are definitely inebriated past the .08 statute limit. Jill is then dropped off at her house.
John and Mary drive to the prescribed location. John increases his speed to impress Mary. He approaches a curve and is negligent in negotiating the stretch of road. The car is totaled. The ensuing crash is fatal to both individuals.
The ensuing investigation does not ask for blood tests. A small furor erupts. The individuals, schools, and community all interact together.
The first marijuana dealer and the thief did not know the date was occurring.
The event will be reconciled by all going their own way. Enough carnage has occurred. No charges will be pressed.
Sovereign Citizen Subject Relations In Prisoner's Dilemma
The foundation of government rests in the legal guarantee of right. We shall assume that the moral basis for rights or primary law in our State is pure. Primary laws define rights. Secondary laws define the legal process to be used to uphold rights.
The commonwealth for this purpose is pure from eternal, natural, and positive law in the concrete sense. A facet of the true Sovereign is this guarantee of right of all individuals within the jurisdiction of the State.
The head of state is the first citizen and all subjects are similar in their enfranchisement. (In the real there are differences in the plurality for heads of states and governments). In this schema, Game Theory a la Prisoner’s Dilemma will be used. This postulates a prosecutor offering a plea bargain to two suspected criminals with the same charges pending. The prosecutor is an agent for the constitution. The criminals are legally identified as such for specific illegal behaviors, which negate citizenship.
In a simple format, two individuals are isolated. A deal is offered to criminal one for one out of five charges. Criminal one agrees implicating himself after being disclosed that criminal two has accepted an offer to a plea bargain. He has not. One completes the deal for lenience.
Number two has been told a plea bargain occurred. He makes the same deal to other charges implicating him as well as one. This process occurs back and forth until he prosecutor has completed agreements on all five charges.
The prosecutor has granted leniency for a confession as well as implicating evidence.
The Sovereign Citizen Relationship implicit in this procedure usually guarantees a right to remain silent and not implicate oneself. The will of the State desires to guarantee the perpetuity of the commonwealth by justly prosecuting the criminals restoring their citizenship. Legally this may only occur through legal rules of the court, statutes of limitation, pardons, or amnesty.
In opposition to the upholding of the law is constitutional wrecking. This is a conscious act taken to Undermine the legitimacy of the state.
The polity in this model is a constitutional state with a Sovereign Subject Relationship with a head of state, constitution and agency of 100 persons in a spatiality that is a legally empowered jurisdiction.
It shall be opposed by agents of a foreign country of a similarly empowered state, which also was a state of pure citizens.
The model then is like such:
State One |
State Two |
Head of State |
Head of State |
One Hundred Citizens |
One Hundred Citizens |
In the beginning of our state religiosity, natural, and positive law were willed universally. All were morally good pure legal citizens of this world. State Two as well as State One have experienced deviance. State Two desires to expand it's regime against State One through it's security apparatus. It will use constitutional wrecking of three laws to ensure a revolution in State One, which it chooses to develop and then present itself as the greater polity.
The only deviance in State One has been committed by one citizen. This is a victimless crime only involving oneself. The Head of State and the Department of Justice must in all cases prosecute this person based on administrative procedure, due process, probable cause, and equal protection until the debt to the commonwealth is repaid.
All manners of operations should and will exist as pure prior to State Two's intervention. State Two tacitly approaches three citizens 99, 98, and 97 to attack 100, the criminal outside the law. The security agents pose as the legitimate will of State One. The three citizens of State One are not cognizant of the identity of State Two as a foreign government.
These three individuals are told to illegally harass number 100 or they shall be guilty for aiding the criminal activities of number 100. They agree to attack number 100 with unconstitutional behaviors. They too are now criminals in State One. There is no legal right to move on number 100 in a criminal operation. The agents of State Two are criminals in State One as well.
The sanctity and erectness of State One now rests on 96 citizens. Number 100 is actually less guilty than 99, 98, and 97. The efficient operation of State One lies in the prosecution of Number 100 for a victimless crime and numbers 99, 98, and 97 for harassment.
The constitutional wrecking will only involve the criminalization of citizens with indirect implications on social structures.
Number 100 generates a complaint. While the state responds citizens 96, 95, 94, and 93 are requested to attack and harass the previous four individuals. They do and the state's sanctity is now resting on 92 individuals. As these persons argue fear of criminalization these persons are accepting the method of criminalization for upholding the polity.
This process now moves to the agents of the state in secondary rules. The law enforcement of State One, as they approach the eight members in number 100's complaint, then are told that they are too slow. They do indeed condone the seven criminals against number 100. At this point the security apparatus of State Two has criminally wrecked the police, which numbered four individuals drawing the equilibrium down to 88 individual citizens under the head of state. The police arrange to only prosecute number 100. The image of the once pure state is now only an idol. The police are the heroes. The remaining citizens although noble are turning into buffoons. Number 100 is a scapegoat.
The classical lottery has been developed. The Sovereign Citizen Subject relationship has been violated as persons accept the security apparatus of State Two.
The origin is the law school of a university. The security apparatus includes members of this state's police as well as members of the law school.
At some point in time a fall occurred from law in State Two with a similar effect.
State Two now recruits the police of State One to act upon their own citizens eventually to hiearchialize the crime to other citizens, institutions, and levels of government to the Head of State thus orchestrating a revolt to which it shall aid in the future state.
State Two now attempts full blown social control by offering one gift to each citizen in both State One and State Two. This is facilitated by the security apparatus in State Two then State One. This gift is based on marriage, career, and finance. In this sense State Two will argue that they are the proprietor of the gift. In this sense State Two will argue that anyone who has taken the gift has broken the law. Title will not change on a crime. The same pattern of racketeering that was implemented against number 100 is now possible against the entire population. In this instance State Two has achieved de facto social control through extra legal and constitutional measures against all persons in State One and State Two.
The concept above has isolated constitutional infringements. The results are personality diffusion and illicit behavior transactions, which are measurable in a legal manner for all persons. The resultant hiearchialization of this small illicit culture permeates the legal community. The behaviorist argument is that the environment selects for a behavior as well as operating on the development of personality. A certain concept of scientific determinism is inclusive in that unconstitutional acts must be rectified otherwise they lead to the closure of murder.
The concept is a systematic model in a social system taking advantage of intellectual spatial communities criminalizing persons from misdemeanors to murder.
The immediate psychological personality profiles are designed to disintegrate until the Head of State and government are implicated against the original covenant of the state.
At this time this is inclusive of a model of a Perfect Dictator, a Head of State who looks on with cognizance and or tacit approval as the security apparatus operates on it's own citizens. Totalitarianism strives for isolation of the individual or group in communicado. The primary and secondary institutions are targeted from individuals as the crime multiplier and extra legal procedures to reconcile events corrupts towards absoluteness. This is an object in the abstract as well as an equilibrium to keep the invertebrated polity at bay or a prelude to revolution or invasion in the concrete. This type of procedure may be planned out a priori as 50, 100, or perhaps 200 years is needed to foster dissent.
Within the Sovereign Citizen Subject Relationship, the concept of administrative procedure, due process, probable cause, and equal protection are subject to impunity within the defection model as the modus operandi for constitutional wrecking.
As the Head of State is the legal authority for the rights of all citizens, we shall attempt to argue the right of the citizen and state.
Number 100 has committed a victimless crime. He is guilty against the constitution injuring the commonwealth. The security apparatus of State Two approaches numbers 99, 98, and 97 to harass 100. In State One they may be guilty and culpable as soon as they plan the event. They are definitive criminals as their activity enters State One. These three individuals do not realize the identity of the agents. Their moral failure and legal failure increase as they harass 100.
For simple purposes five criminal events exist against State 100: a victimless crime and three events of harassment and the plan of State Two.
The Head of State manages the state as citizens reciprocate with him within the polity. The extralegal events of all members are constructs that weaken the survival of the government.
The three consequent citizens move as criminals to secure themselves with a crime. The constitution has granted them security. The fact that in the concrete the agents of State Two operate criminally is irreverent against number 100's citizenship Sovereign Subject.
The development of a crime multiplier from misdemeanors, felonies, and treason to capital offenses is a foundation for revolution. It is not exclusive but a primary event as most revolutions clamor for equality and justice.
The concept argues the rectification of subject to Head of State in an individual manner to protect the commonwealth.
Crimes are reconciled in the relation ship of one Doe against the constitution. The constitution shall guarantee all rights of the citizen and the right of the State Department and Head of State to punish criminals thus restoring the deviant to his right. To dispense with this relationship is de facto and in no manner the right of the commonwealth to operate under secondary laws. A crime is never argued as a rule. A concept of orders backed by threats allows for an open texture as a fireman screams harshly to clear an area for the execution of his duty.
Argumentation ad absurdium from personal history, family, religion, ad populum, and ad misericordium Undermine the rationality and spatiality based on fear as the criminalized subjects obey a false authority.
Crime is structural and a process. Our model is universal in a concept that would include a pure linkage to religion. What is perceived to be the pure exclusive legal qualification of civil law is reconcilable with theistic models in the social contract. The eternal may be the foundation and the personality and psychological profiles can be incorporated into rights. Crime is material and able to be dichotomized against citizenship and legal right. All extra logical argument shall be separated, as the criminal exists in a state of non reciprocation only for his crime. One does not entirely lose one's right.
Citizenship guarantees due process for the citizen as well as the criminal. The individual who has chosen crime over primary laws must be legally prosecuted to restore citizenship.
The tendency and mission goal of the system is to expand and multiply criminally behaviors in a spatiality through escalation and scaling in a continuum of spacetime to calculate the invertebration of State One. State Two must orchestrate this defection as to not pollute it's own structure to escalate it's collapse.
Primarily we are dealing with consciousness and topographical personality. Habituation and socialization of crime will facilitate the emergence of the dictator and secret police force.
The Sovereign Citizen Subject, all John and Jane Does are citizens and equal under the law has been replaced. The Head State emerges as a Perfect Dictator. The constitution and police are merged into the function of a secret police department with extra legal operations. Citizens are transformed into informants who exchange acts with the security apparatus to gain power and security as all totalitarianistic systems in complex systems management. Consequent purges then arise through the remaining citizens as they attack or oppose the informants or vice versa perhaps illegally. This activity affects the police who then with others begin ton plot against the dictator. In advance of this the dictator may have in place a body guard apparatus as such are the closest class of persons to him in deviance. Any challenge is also most likely to arise from these persons or a radical or reactionist position from below.
The concept of irrationality involves the area of inconsistent closure of an event. This is a failure of prioritizing materials, hiearchialization, closure, and systematization. This yields personality diffusion and in our model criminal violence. This in turn injures the constitutional body of citizens.
The modus operandi of Prisoner's Dilemma pits two persons who are isolated and lead to believe that testimony one against the other yields the higher payoff. In substitution they are also told that if they commit a criminal act against a criminal or other citizen that such is a deal or legal. This is also done to avoid formal prosecution for one's own criminal acts.
Simply put the primary rights implicit in the Sovereign Citizenship relation are unalienable. In our paradigm no individual may infringe, by or sell off the right of another. Legislation is in the hand of the representatives of the people as prescribed from the constitution and ultimately decided on by the courts.
The citizens here accept criminal activities outside constitutionality, as all John and Jane Does are equal under the Head of State. The sovereignty cannot be violated by any unconstitutional act. If such the mover of these illegal constructs is now identified as a criminal.
Crime is reconciled by the Justice Department and court with the cooperation of citizens without the use, manufacture, possession, or distribution of a crime. No appeal or tacit agreement amongst the security apparatus agents may replace the rule of law.
The constitutional wrecking here involves the hiearchialization of the crime multiplier to duplicity differentiate the administration of justice in a manner that it stratifies the equal protection of our pure polity.
As a Sovereign (Head of State) and his agent (Judiciary) uphold primary laws. No violence may argued as a rule or law. The defense of fear by the agents of State Two is a probability. Fear is usually not upheld (converse accident or reverse converse accident) as duty to respect another's right has sway. Any operation outside of citizenship as subject to the state to operate on number 100 is clearly a crime. Any similar argument construed by a person to operate outside of Sovereign Citizen Subject relations is a crime and against all constitutional platforms. Any person(s) have nor right as citizens to accept any negative order from any de facto party to act on 100. This is clear from any interpretation of administrative procedure, due process, probable cause, and equal protection.
Position Paper
Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC is the mechanism that expands and contracts the British Empire.
The Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm is a scripted algorithm that has been triggered by the exposure of social engineering by University of Cambridge that incorporated War Crimes. This is being attributed to Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC. This labelling is the work of the Authorship. One should posit an Origin at 1880 or the beginnings of the Sheifflin Plan by Germany to resurrect the Reich in World War I. MOEC was named circa the 1930s. This activity at some point in British History evolved into an attempt to develop an LGBTi Civilization. The mix of fighting fire with fire tactics and the LGBTI bias was confronted by Trinity College Theologians versus Cambridge Lawyers. This is also a heterosexual versus homosexual confrontation.
These two groups of actors form the Ex Deux Maquina of MOEC. The spirit of the operation is a driver and battering ram through History. If a confrontation occurs between heterosexual and homosexuals, who is more fit? One should consider informal and informal rewards and punishments.
The Theologians are only a lesser of two evils.
It is overwhelming that the LGBTI Lawyers lost this confrontation. The Lawyers arranged an escape for perhaps 125 to 200 years.
There is a distinct attempt to attack Historicism and Hermeneutics. The Higher Structural Level of Cognition and Proximate Cause Test will argue that if MSM lawyers are the Authorship and Origin of MOEC then every individual with the same mens rea and actus rea are guilty. The same would hold true for the opposite if heterosexuals are culpable.
In this nexus of conflict one must consider End War Scenarios EWS, war crimes, treason, capital, felonies, misdemeanors, and infractions.
The Oprichniki of Ivan the Terrible is the model for the secret police in MOEC. The levelling of the Anglo American Paradigm specifically vis a vis to Stalinist USSR is the target.
How would one create the Ideal Male? How would one create the Ideal Female? How would such marry and procreate. This is a very complex issue for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and intersex persons.
It is alleged that Francis MacDonald Cornford was the Machiavelli who explained the machinations of Greek Tyranny that are used to Undermine the Anglo American Paradigm and subsequently civilization. Hence a disciple of Zeus avenges the claim of the extinction of his faith by targeting Christianity and also creating an Origin and graph of actions avenging Sodom and Gomorrah. In this consideration all leaders are developed as Thrasymachus the Sophist, was a natural person, a contemporary of Plato, as a prototype of the Devil or Adversary.
The Undermining of the Individual and Collective can be extended from the Trojan Horse gift of arranging dating and marriage. The mythological Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City is a folk system of preparing the world culture for a successful attack against the United States and sovereigns by MOEC.
Who is more likely to be the hypocrite and traitor?
In this consideration the extinction of a faith system and natural reason, human philosophical systems like socialism communism and positive law governments are integral.
The construction of MOEC is no more than a novel elaboration of a Defection Model based on Prisoner's Dilemma. Current Positive law statutes as the Racketeered Influenced Corrupt Organization Act Title 18 U.S.C. Ch. 96 as 18 U.S.C. 1961-1968 will adequately gain secure convictions. These statutes should be strengthened. MOEC is also designed as an artificial religion as Scientology. It is religion in disguise. It is Irrationalist with provocateurs being first sent in to social wreck. The following excerpt is from Origin, an original book based on a briefing I was given over twenty years ago in June 1987.
A final endgame is to seat a Nuremberg Trial implicating Cambridge and the Membership that created MOEC. This would include civil damages for casualties and property damage.
The Paradigm of Laws
Eternal Law |
Natural Law |
Positive Law |
The Eternal Law is the mind of the Ruler Supreme equating to Divine Government thus binding the living being to final salvation and judgment.
The Natural Law is the law of nature proper, of Mother Nature as some have called her. This according to the theologian concludes that intelligence and consciousness are limited by contact with matter by man's birth in nature. The gift of intelligence, reason, must be used to elevate oneself to an understanding of the Eternal Law.
The empirical scientist does not accept this metaphysical position as this pertains to the Eternal Law. The scientist will accept only what is fully demonstrable.
This is also an argumentative process of the natural reason which can be stated in equivalence to the Natural Law as has been done by other great masters as Aquinas.
The Positive Law is the human law. It is the great constitutions of man, governments both theistic and secular, written and promulgated for all by the sovereign.
The thinking being such, if there is a spiritual right, there is a natural right. If there is a natural right there needs be a law to protect it. This should be conserved by the law, kept whole, and held cumulatively. This is as the legal right of the commonwealth. These spiritual rights, these natural rights become the positive having been set forth in the great constitutions that have risen by will of God or man's own.
This morality, hence the giving up of some liberty by one individual to the many to preserve the freedom, rights that existed in the state of nature and spiritual creation, (theistic and metaphysical if the debate permit's) is aright protected by a law, a series of laws as adequate in the positive constitutions.
This science was studied and heard by Man whom compiled such into Particular History and Justice.
To be complete in one's activity, man needs a moral proposition to guide one's mental and physical activity to it's final end.
As stated the three stated laws comprise the essence of the consequent laws. Humankind has historically claimed perfection in consciousness, intelligence, relative to one or all in the erecting of the state.
This precludes the necessity of another model, one of constitutions which is predominately Aristotelian in it's origin.
Classical Forms of Government and Tyranny
Pure |
Impure |
Kingship |
Tyranny |
Aristocracy |
Oligarchy |
Polity |
Democracy |
Kings have claimed descendency from God to rule, this within their own demonstration or the sanction of the priesthood. This is the rule of the best man.
The aristocracy having laid a claim to rule by virtue of the qualification of having the best births, education, and so forth, the familiar histories of service, members inclusive of peerage, legislators, lawyers, doctors, owners of land, business, and the priesthood; this wealth excludes them from the temptation to abuse power. Such are the claims of the aristocracy to power.
The democrat's claim lies in freedom. As men seem to be spawned of a similar birthing, they are all equal. If man was equal at his birthing, then all men are equal. If man was equal at his birthing, he is equal in all things. If he is equal in the greatest thing, man's freedom, than he shall be equal in all things similar. This democrats claim to know greater. The fact that the mind's of many men are greater than the minds of a few or one man add to the claims the democrats make to rule.
To begin earnestly in this argument is to order a will, to begin a mobilization. One may establish their claims to rule and choose the intellectual model practical.
A moral claim to rule may be pure. If this is the case it is orthodox, usually a theistic argument but not necessarily true. This argument is basically deemed to be infallible in the strictest definition. Once revealed it is held to be true and not subject to revision.
A moral claim to rule may be mixed. It may contain theistic as well as scientific arguments. It may be amendable. This claim contains a revisionist tendency. This lends a greater credence to revolution. In the particular case the latter was taken in regards to the former.
The Catholics has a very interesting epistemology that was used to develop MOEC. A materialist can be seen as:
God's Will
Man willing unto God | ||
Man willing upon oneself |
Man willing unto one's neighbor |
Man willing unto the cosmos (environment) |
Being coming into being |
Higher Structural Levels of Cognition
At this aperture we must introduce the Concept Of Higher Structural Levels of Cognition. This is similar to the childhood parable of The Blind Man and the Elephant. A System is understood completely by the level that has the greatest cognition and control over it's subcomponents.
A fugue has four parts:
Subject: Motif that is embellished
Counter Motif: Usually written as a Dominant of the Subject
Exposition: The beginning development of manipulation of the Motif
Sections: ABA this is the standard form of a sonata
Whole Piece
We can see comprehending the whole piece of the song provides the greatest unity of cognition of the structure as a system. In jurisprudence a confession by the authorship of the origination of an illegal act is greatest. The criminal knows his own crime.
The Alienation of the Individual is an important perspective to comprehending many social systems models. I will consider such here mainly in the stance taken by a cell of Los Angeles Police Department, California, and myself.
At a higher structural level I argue that Cambridge Law School of the United Kingdom has most likely designed this event. The United Kingdom is bound under the ICCPR treaty of the United Nations. Hence the United Kingdom or the UN has jurisdiction over University of Cambridge.
One facet of Totalitarianism is that such seeks to isolate the individual or collective ex communicado from the whole. This is artificial alienation or the feeling that one is not offered an equal opportunity, recognition, and dignity by the whole in one's social setting.
One has to consider the identity of cell members in LAPD. They are homosexual or bisexual police officers. There are perhaps twenty plus in the main cell and 250 plus in other cells of the department itself which is commandeered by Chief Charlie Beck at the present.
A consideration to be deliberated on now is the Theory of Extinction. This states that a species will become extinct due to a static role in open texture. One could argue that the Dodo Bird became extinct because it did not have an aversion to humans. Portuguese explorers in Madagascar eventually drove the awkward bird into extinction. This is a static role. The continuum of weather systems is open. Dinosaurs perhaps during a cataclysm as a meteor strike may not of had the intelligence or the motility to escape a global freezing event.
We have to examine the needs of human life. One needs four essential elements to sustain or survive:
Hierarchy of Biological Needs
Food | ||
Clothing Shelter |
Rest |
Defense |
Reproduction |
One could argue the fourth as optional for the individual but essential for the continuation of species life.
The role of homosexuality and heterosexuality is complementary the four necessities of life cited supra. In MOEC Studies I am going to argue same sex, bisexuality, and transgender issues herein taken as LGBTi. This is current as of this writing. It too is in open texture and will most likely evolve.
The rule of law is of utmost importance. Is the cosmos and the world of our experience being upheld by laws? Do we have to obey to such laws? Can humans amend these laws?
In short LAPD is committing a fallacy of ad bacuulum, rule of force, and loving one's self by accident.
The military and police are agents of social control. The police are a paramilitary designed structure. In advanced Homeland Security Systems the Military is used to defend the borders of the state and the citizens from attack. Military and policing are separate but are converging. In many simple systems the police are under heightened threats may be converted into the military. Hence, they return to their stations and pick up heavy armor and their command structures may or may not be changed.
The main legal document of the United States is the United States Constitution.
Bill of Rights
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Amendment III
No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.
Amendment VII
In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.
Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
Bill of Rights. Legal Law Institute. Cornell. Retrieved from: http://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/constitution.billofrights.html
LAPD has attempted to negate the concept of inherent rights for the individual and instead become fatalistic. This places the citizenry as dependent.
Such are gradually marginalized or killed of at the discretion of the security force or military, police, and agents.
I seek only to remedy my situation through criminal or civil proceedings through laws and the courts not by defection to de facto members.
Prisoner's Dilemma
In MOEC the main concept is to substitute The Paradigm of Laws to the Authorship and agents. This would be Cambridge Law School universally and LAPD in this country. Here the concepts of positive law are main focus being discerned for now.
In this instance under RICO, individuals who are natural persons living in a state as per se Americans in the United States are given choices of racketeered influenced intents and behaviors as obstruction of justice, blackmail, extortion, hostaging, and intimidation of a witness. These intents and acts are paired with a quid pro quo reinforcer.
The reinforcers are in the main marriage, career path, descending into traditional racketeering as drug dealing and white collar crime. Remuneration in the United States is generally hidden in non cash quid pro quos or a something for something. Outside the United States arranging cash payments through defection is more prominent.
This will affects one's status as a citizen or criminal.
LAPD will use either legal or de facto tactics to reconcile while remaining impugn from prosecution. In this sense the standing sovereignty in the state is deteriorated.
The racketeering of drugs is a favorite target for this time period.
A simple analogy that reflects the zeitgeist should be read here is Sovereign Citizen Relations in Prisoner's Dilemma.
Many points in this article may be difficult to understand without a background in the elementary concepts of game theory.
Will two prisoners cooperate to minimize total loss of liberty or will one of them, trusting the other to cooperate, betray him so as to go free?
In game theory, the Prisoner's Dilemma is a type of non zero sum game in which two players can cooperate with or defect (betray) the other player. In this game, as in all game theory, the only concern of each individual player (prisoner) is maximizing his or her own payoff, without any concern for the other player's payoff. In the classic form of this game, cooperating is strictly dominated by defecting, so that the only possible equilibrium for the game is for all players to defect. In simpler terms, no matter what the other player does, one player will always gain a greater payoff by playing defect. Since in any situation playing defect is more beneficial than cooperating, all rational players will play defect.
The unique equilibrium for this game is a Pareto suboptimal solution, that is rational choice leads the two players to both play defect even though each player's individual reward would be greater if they both played cooperate. In equilibrium, each prisoner chooses to defect even though both would be better off by cooperating, hence the dilemma.
In the iterated Prisoner's Dilemma the game is played repeatedly. Thus each player has an opportunity to punish the other player for previous non cooperative play. Cooperation may then arise as an equilibrium outcome. The incentive to defect is overcome by the threat of punishment, leading to the possibility of a cooperative outcome. If the game result is infinitely repeated, cooperation may be a Nash equilibrium although both players defecting always remains an equilibrium.
The Classical Prisoner's Dilemma
The Prisoner's Dilemma was originally framed by Merrill Flood and Melvin Dresher working at RAND in 1950. Albert W. Tucker formalized the game with prison sentence payoffs and gave it the Prisoner's Dilemma name (Poundstone 1992).
The Classical Prisoner's Dilemma PD is as follows:
Two suspects, A and B, are arrested by the police. The police have insufficient evidence for a conviction, and, having separated both prisoners, visit each of them to offer the same deal: if one testifies for the prosecution against the other and the other remains silent, the betrayer goes free and the silent accomplice receives the full 10 year sentence. If both stay silent, both prisoners are sentenced to only six months in jail for a minor charge. If each betrays the other, each receives a two year sentence. Each prisoner must make the choice of whether to betray the other or to remain silent. However, neither prisoner knows for sure what choice the other prisoner will make. So this dilemma poses the question: How should the prisoners act?
The dilemma can be summarized thus:
Prisoner's Dilemma
Prisoner B Stays Silent |
Prisoner B Betrays |
Prisoner A Stays Silent |
Each serves six months |
Prisoner A serves ten years Prisoner B goes free |
Prisoner A Betrays |
Prisoner A goes free Prisoner B serves ten years |
Each serves two years |
Prisoner's dilemma. Prisoner's dilemma. Wikipedia. Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoner's_dilemma
The Use of Chemical Agents
The tactic to use Chemical Tagging descends from The Paradigm of Laws:
The Paradigm of Laws
Eternal Law |
Natural Law |
Positive Law |
The use of chemical agents is designed to intimidate and then criminalize an individual. This will continue resorting in blackmail and extortion. The process is usually applied to a person accused of a crime. Eventually all those persons attempting to aid this person are criminalized by the impugn movers. These actors are usually the the agents of social control. These operatives are the military and the police.
We will model the actions of a de facto police agency and the Bill of Rights. A ring leader of a militant cell will attach a spray of chemicals, hydrochloric acid to the First Amendment which is the Key Amendment. He then follows a pattern 1,5,4,6,8,2,3,7,9. A suspect who is accused of a crime is the target. The suspect attempts to seek legal recourse through the Bill Of Rights.
A policeman then proceeds to drive around the suspect's home with a mixture of acid in the gasoline in the patrol car. This will create SCORCHED EARTH. The officer is guilty. As the person begins to seek lawyers the acid mixture is sprayed in ventilation systems of his house and neighbors. This continues to the lawyers and the court buildings.
Eventual a pattern is fulfilled where all four essential elements to sustain or survive are sprayed:
Hierarchy of Biological Needs
Food | ||
Clothing Shelter |
Rest |
Defense |
Reproduction |
Instead of the Rule of Law defection to the rogue cell of code officers develops. In analysis one's civil rights are freedoms placed over one's natural existence by a legislator. The defection and chemical assault are adversarial placed over one by a de facto third actor.
This will create a police state over the interpretation of these three laws.
A very sinister variant of this tactic is in use. It is the attachment of a crime to another crime. This creates a double crime against standing positive law. The chemical agent is applied to an illegal event as marijuana trafficking. If one has marijuana for sale the police will spray a portion. The dealer then has to sell such. If the dealer does not he will get arrested. The crime keeps one free, hence the chemical spray. One has rights and this is the basis for justice.
The spray is attached to other objects. I know for a fact that libertarian objects as gambling and prostitution are targeted first. The end result is that all economics is being undermined being transformed into a system of racketeering.
The following models are alleged to be the design of Cambridge Law School Members. They are the proximate cause sine qua non, authorship and the higher structural movers. Organizing a conspiracy in this manner is also a part of the system's defense mechanism. It's content and construction is developed in manner that in a positive law court it would be easier to gain a dismissal due to fanciful and frivolous claims.
Defection will begin from this level. It is likely that the authorship is dead. They are alleged to have been alive around the 1930s to near 1950s. There is a claim that members of Cambridge that designed the War of 1812 also overlapped what is now MOEC near the Sheifflin Plan in the 1880s which was the mobilization of the German Bismarck to WWI.
England is the Mind, the United States is the Bodyguard
MOEC is the acronym of the System MOBILIZATION OF EMPIRE AND CIVILIZATION. The SYSTEM is allegedly of British design; that of Cambridge Law School. The paradigm is designed as a Suprasystem. This is state that MOEC is a higher structural system that manages lower subsystems an components. This is particularly aimed at Constitutions and computer operating systems which are constructed in a similar manner.
MOEC has a taxonomy of a genus and specie. One specie is dichotomized into two subspecies. The genus is Pseudo Apollo or Apollonian the Exterminator; an angel that falls from the heavens to lead the world into desolation. The two species are Dionysus Britainicus and Dionysus Americanus. The former is the conqueror of Britain, the alpha member, and the latter is the Conqueror of America, the beta member. Hence, Dionysus Free versus Dionysus Bound.
There are two main subsystems in MOEC: 1. Lycurgus 2. Syrinx
There are three main components:
Components of MOEC
Biological Warfare |
Chemical Warfare |
Nuclear Warfare |
Lycurgus is identifiable by an electronic surveillance state. Under these conditions one constant individual is entrapped with a fullblown Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over his natural person and citizenship. In Lycurgus Undermining occurs where only a marginal attack is occurring. Other human and physical targets have a fractal of the constant or Ultimate Target. Akbar is a stage that has occurred when the Ultimate Target is undergoing the full blown Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. The United States has initiated Akbar since June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware. This was carried out by a Gay Militia operating out of Los Angeles Police Department.
Syrinx is identifiable by nuclear events It has an upper boundary of Limited Nuclear Destruction. The tsunami at Fukushima, Japan would be classified as in Syrinx.
Lycurgus is more likely to occur. It is designed under an Informant based Reverse Sting to mutate into Akbar. Other severe human rights events may be considered as Akbar. Hence Akbar is operating at the level of the subsystem Lycurgus.
The model has tagged a kernel derived from tagging the building blocks of matter with a low non military grade chemical tag or even it's idea, the Higg's Boson Particle is an example to the building blocks of matter towards all systems in the cosmos.
Basic Outline of MOEC
The following is a small outline of a from the preface of a text Myth of the Contemporary Man. It demonstrates some of the complexity that this conspiracy has achieved. In degree I know find such as defense mechanism for the authorship hoping to dismiss legal movements as fanaticism. The development of a cell should lead to a tissue, an organ, and so forth. Here we have the development of complex systems with an a system, here an artificial organism. I believe it was intended as an Antichrist Myth. As seen it also could also lead to a spiritual city.
Herein shall be presented a small outline of the Origin model as a Neo Structuralist complex:
I. Origin
A. Origin is Cambridge Law School circa 1850's Victoria in continuation of various entrapment and defection models.
1. This material is developed as state planning.
2. This material is developed as a perpetual association.
B. Primary mover: The Hand. Head of Cambridge Law School late 1850s. His voice is heard taped electronically. (Is there more than one?)
1. This individual(s) definitely is the most powerful actor(s).
2. Oedipal Complex as first in genus and specie
C. Secondary mover(s): The Little One, Cambridge Law School lawyers (CLS) (Native Americans: Indigenous, this is Social Darwinism but only abstracted in practice)
1. Gametes: Informants
2. Germ plasm: Lenin
3. Mutation: Stalin
4. Voice synthesizer used to imitate The Hand and others
5. Species as Oedipal and Electra Complexes
D. Agents Informants
1. Exists mainly in Maze
2. Construct of TPSYS and TPS
3. Imposed over perspective of deity and nature
E. Object: True Spiritual City
F. Terminus
The construction of Pseudo Apollonian, The Organic Virus, and the elements of the Outline supra demonstrate a high degree of effort. This material appears to be directed to implicate sworn officials. It is also part of a defense mechanism which is defection, blackmail and extortion. The Outline reflects an effort by an individual(s) to orchestrate a body politic from basic materials of political philosophy and theology. It is only a fragment. It remains unclear whether there is complete model. Origin, the Artificial Virus of MOEC is the most compete organization known to date.
What is a unique particular is that MOEC has claimed to have designed the Senedero Luminoso and Tupac Amaru. These actors are two guerrilla insurgencies in Peru. They are essentially comprised of the same members but use two nom de guerras to appear larger.
A very unique observation is the construction of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing reflects the position of Southern California white supremacist Thomas Metzger's position: If I go down I drag everyone down. Metzger's original platform was not readily accepted by the traditional KKK. Instead he was welcomed by the Aryan Skinhead Punks.
In continuation, The Jerry Springer Show was an off beat presentation on American Television of shock and attempts at social enlightenment. Needless to state the content was questionable as to it's morality.
I had originally inserted these positions in my first writings but eliminated Metzger and Springer. The last two issues have been sustained.
MOEC is Undermining under a military strategy. The Gay Militia are agent provocateurs who will be scapegoats as upper classes become implicated towards a form of Fascism.
The Organic Cell
As stated MOEC is a defection model that also has been designed as a religion. Hence it has been proclaimed the Organic Cell. I consider Origin to be an Artificial Virus. I do not support the notion that MOEC is an Organic Government (DWN October 18, 2015). This begins as a cell that encompasses the experimental space of the defection model. The design at hand demonstrates the amount of time the authorship had in developing the conspiracy. What is odd is that such is designed as an artificial man but this cell is considered a neuron. There is no direct relationship with biology.
The model reflects the primary unit in an attempt to develop the morphogenetics of MOEC as an Artificial Man in analogy to the model of the Social Contract Theory. MOEC is a neuron. (This fact has been deleted from the original. This is due to a reference to neural computer topologies.) This has a very deep implication for Singularity and transhumanism.
The police implementing the entrapment are the Totalitarian Police System (TPSYS). The end state or equilibrium where all will reside is the Totalitarian Police State (TPS).
This is a WRECKING MODEL. Varna Asrama is an Ideal Social System based on the Vedas. Control is the cell wall and suprasystem all the other subcomponents can operate on one another to achieve transformations the mover wish to retain control.
Control: This is the cell wall. All social systems have control as part of a mission goal. The military and police are the agents of social control. Here this is achieved by defection. Real rule of law is possible but will always be in disintegration dues to self interest and defection.
Particular History and Justice: A combination of events that are historical and supply a basis for justice. Here events as slavery are used as a basis for levelling. This is reality oppression and marginalization. Genealogy and family history are used to redistribute the benefit's of the state. Arranging marriages and the like occur from here.
Parameters: This a wall were events take there body from PHJ. This is an analogy to Tatasha Shakti of the Vedas. In reality this is the time, space, and elements of the defection (entrapment) that the police are attempting to implement.
Maze: Spacetime. This is the largest space. This is the environment with the Police operating on you. One is under defection and are being entrapped.
Consciousness: This is one's awareness of what is going on. This is stated in the positive.
Rationality: One's ability to make moral decisions based on deduction and induction.
Behaviorism: This is one's external relationship with the environment.
Atomization: This is returning to the elements of nature. This is also the completes the fallacy of composition as to claim that 1% of 100% is the subject and not the accident of a case.
Varna Asrama - Ideal Vedic Social System - Any ideal state or end state may be used that is collective.
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
MOEC is an attack on humans and nationstates with the Vedas as a foil in this particular variation. If I was a Catholic, the Perfect Community, a Communist then Dialectal Materialism, or under Sociology the Universal Village could be used in place of the Vedic social system Varna Asrama.
An input of the system is a Holon. One can follow a Holon as the subcomponents of the system transform the Holon.
An example can be the passing of a letter into a mail box and have it processed to the receiver.
From this position of an exploded view, we can deduce that the model was conceived in a table with rows and columns. Generally a Holon, such may be a person, I will use my self as example when entrapped by TPSYS in Maze. He would then enter Particular History and Justice then receive elements of the entrapment from Parameters. One would then be in Maze again. After interacting with the police he would develop Consciousness this maybe + or -. This is usually marginalization. One is most likely only in Rationality. One will develop a repertoire to survive which is Behaviorism. If unsuccessful one is dead and has been Atomized. If pure one can develop an Ideal State as Varna Asrama.
One can also examine the development vertically in a column. Maze - Rationality - Atomization and Consciousness - Rationality - Varna Asrama (Ideal State).
Any faith, philosophy or truth system may be used. The Vedas are my faith and this would have been located in PHJ and applied to my person as my conditioning.
Here we come to an understanding that there is evidence that Cambridge Law School is behind the Authorship and is the Origin. Trinity School is the Department of Theology and Philosophy for Cambridge.
It appears a deep knowledge of Greek philosophy and tyranny helped develop the model. Cambridge Law School would have been the final authority.
The Ex Deux Maquina Ghost in the Machine and Holons I-X
The Ghost in the Machine describes a debate acted out between Christian Trinity theologians and Law Department of University of Cambridge. Holons I-X are a flow chart or schematic of a third party hostaging model that is a reduction of MOEC. It is no more than what a relay is in Law enforcement.
The Ghost in the Machine is debate with the intent to design a culture encompassing Absolute versus Relative Morality. I clearly believe that Mechanism versus Theism should be considered with moral ethical considerations.
The argument of whether there is God and one's individual and collective relationship to such appears ontological. Epistemology was most likely a model. Hence food, clothing, shelter, and reproduction would follow.
The use of a chemical tag develops from a chemical assault to a scorched earth campaign. IT IS DESIGNED TO EXTINCT GENEALOGIES OF THOSE WHO DO NOT WISH TO DEFECT AND ACCEPT STATE PLANNING THAT IS BASED ON AN EUGENIC LGBTi DESIGN. The tags are inherited from father to son, mother to daughter, and parent to sibling.
Another important facet of this debate is the argument of having women and homosexuals in the military. This is an old classical political philosophy argument. The discussion will involve extortion and blackmail. In this regards alcohol, drug use, as well as prostitution are developed.
Hence should a top level security clearance be given to a LGBTi member? What is the consideration for past drug users? Should a person with extra marital affairs be given clearance? Don't Ask Don't Tell was passed on August 4, 2011.
This basic model, The Ghost in the Machine distributes work in a downward manner to protect the Authorship. This is an act then of distributive and associative justice.
The imperative at the present is to discern why and whom ordered the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
If there were five members of the Theology and Philosophy Department and five members of the Law School who and how did these individual(s) order The Chemical Assault Scorched Earth in fractals? How did these fractals of the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth get imposed over natural persons and territories? How did other sets of criminal behaviors become differentiated with remaining a citizen?
As the debate evolved and the tagging of objects exists in a conspiracy to launch a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, the members of the two team lose and become criminals. One's line of conditioning evolves descending from this debate. There are two main polarities homosexuality and heterosexuality. The homosexual side is Cambridge Law School. The so called heterosexual side is Christian Trinity theologians. It is clear that creating a culture and government from either a God, Nature, or Law would have been won by the theologians. They are the lesser of two evils.
The main legacy of this debate appears to be the eventually disclosure is the naming of the Proximate Cause.
MOEC's defense mechanism develops:
Components of MOEC
Biological Warfare |
Chemical Warfare |
Nuclear Warfare |
Electronic Surveillance |
Stalking |
Chemical Assault Scorched Earth |
If one member of one team initiated the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, why did the other nine go along with this activity? It appears that the original creation and brainstorming of theses tactics were in place as blackmail, extortion, intimidation and murder. The model appears improvisatory. Hence it's result is a system of informants under informants in a fatalistic dependent relationship.
This will form a cult of personality displacing the original government.
In continuation, how did Scotland Yard and LAPD become involved as lower level scapegoats who would appear to be the Origin when they are the agents of the Authorship?
Why are Homeland Security officers in the United States lead by LAPD, handling and ordering an attack which is now a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth? There are two officers that had a defection pattern permitting them to attack then President Reagan. The officer that prestaged the attack was Periander (The Greek Midas Man). Periander subsequently entrapped The Fly Lord of the Flies. The Fly launched the attack on then President Ronald Reagan on June 17, 1987. Dodo (named after the extinct bird) has continued the attack escalating events to cover surface water, running tap water, and product made in factories.
If one begins as a citizen, why would this person submit to being recruited into a Perpetual Conspiratol Enterprise that is Treason? Empirically it is easier to recruit informants than to maintain citizens. Sex, jobs, drug dealing, and other forms of payment are openly accepted instead of maintaining the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
What now exists is a Gender based Hate crime of LGBTi (same sex) versus Straight (opposite sex).
Simple abstraction does not provide justice. LAPD does contain the cells of Gay Militants that accepted a criminal order instead of their duty stations. Consequently I do not have any substantive rights. Gang or Mob Stalking pit's 90 percent of the population versus 10% of the population.
The Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is very efficient in destroying the value of tangible property. The consequent damage to health is also likely severe but undetermined.
What is sure is that informant criminals and the remaining citizens will fight things out under a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth improvising whatever skills necessary from a damaged environment.
The Ghost in the Machine supports a degradation of persons to informants and their conflicts under autarky and marginalization while sworn officials as the president and governor look on tacitly as blackmailed and extorted informants themselves.
In recapitulation, there is no undifferentiated spiritual, moral legal descent from any of the Membership of the Ex Deux Maquina.
What has emerged is an analogy to the Cult of Apollo versus the Cult of Dionysus. Apollo is the antecedent for conservative western philosophy. Dionysus is the antecedent for liberal philosophy.
In reality it appears that Dionysus is free for a thousand years until Apollo captures him and binds him. In the meantime the world is lead into a Bacchanal: In Pursuit of Dionysus.
Dionysus Free
In reduction Nuclear Blackmail will be achieved.
At this point in History non military grade Chemical Warfare is empirically proven in blackmailing the United States President. The following presidents have been blackmailed and intimidated: Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, William Clinton, George W Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump.
Holons I-X
Holons I-X are one of the first clear models that became discernible in the manner of a flow chart or of diagrams that reflect information theory that could be developed as a manual. The Holons develop a lottery, or relay. The logical argument of a converse and reverse converse accident are focalized.
In degree Number 4 takes a stone and threatens one. Number 3 is told he or she will be stoned unless Number 2 is operated on. Eventually Number 3 agrees. The two approach and intimidate Number 2 with the same proposition. The target is number 1.
Here we have Number 3 stating that he must operate on Numbers 2 and 1 otherwise Number 4 will stone him. Number 2 states that he must operate on Number 1 otherwise Numbers 3 and 4 will stone him.
Number 1 is the victim. The point at this juncture is to have him attempt to retaliate against Number 4 using the same tactics. This would only justify Number 4 organizing the entire event.
This explanation is quite simplistic. Generally speaking Numbers 4, 3, and 2 are argued as guilty in descending order.
A converse accident is needed by Numbers 3 and 2 to yield to a criminal command by Number 4. Generally, and specifically speaking in international law, once an individual is clearly identified as the victim, this person will not be charged. It is clear that Number 4 is the Proximate Cause.
I have already copyrighted Holons up to number seven. I have struggled over this for over seven years since 2000. It was disclosed that there were 9 or 10 Holons. The number 9 is used in relation to novenas or the number of days that Jesus' followers waited outside of Jerusalem before entering. Novenas are popular with Catholics from Latin America.
In the original copyrighted version Holon II is Holon I. This is the main model. Holon V-IX may be variants of ideas. Here the strategy is for the victim to attempt to retaliate replicating Holons I-IV.
Holons V-IX may be used to develop other human and material resources as the use chemicals to hostage and punish.
Holon X is Neo Superstructure. A superstructure is mechanistic. Neo Superstructure appears to Marxist Liberation Theory which has been proposed before my Latin American Theologians.
Homini homo lupus
Holon I: Prisoner's Dilemma, one should visualize a line straight down with 4,3,2,1. Number 4 to 2 are in circles with the size of the circle consistent with the numerical value. 1 is in a Hexagon.
Holon II: Prisoner's Dilemma with Hostaging Taking as a Shield. Number 2 has moved to the right. So Number 4 may operate on three with Number 2 as a hostage. This is usually a woman.
Holon III: Prisoner's Dilemma with Two Hostages as a Shields. This pattern is repeated but at a level where two police officers appear as Number 3 with their wives as hostages. So there will be a number 2 on the left and right with two Number 3 who are police man. This is used to induce them to continue the relay or circular folly.
Holon IV: Invertebration with Number I attempting to challenge Number 4. This is the invertebration of Holon I for simplicity.
Holon X
If correctly construed Holon X should be developed within the Totality of Circumstances Test and the Proximate Cause sine qua non, principals, accomplices, and accessories methodologies decapitating MOEC and all of it's variants to the Origin.
Holon X may be one's own righteous reconciliation of MOEC. This has to be the end of Prisoner's Dilemma or defection. This clearly states that a correct model operates spiritually, morally, and legally. Herein is an outline of Holon X. University of Cambridge has embedded Holon X within Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. Here it is also imperative that the legitimate LGBTi community must neutralize this defection model which is corrupt. Currently many gay activists reject Gay Triumphalism for a state by state approach for LGBTi rights. The inclusion of Holon X is a capstone to MOEC Theory. In degree a manifest function approach to direct complaints to competent authorities is more appropriate for criminal and civil prosecution. The esoteric conspiratol aspect is latent function and is difficult to prove without legal recognition. (Westwood CA June 13, 2009, September 19, 2013)
Holon X: Refutation of Gay Triumphalism
I. Cambridge Law School - Oxford Oxbridge
A. It is likely that MOEC was designed by Cambridge Law School.
1. Trinity College or a philosophy department had more expertise in classical tyranny. This was derived from Greek, Roman city states, and empire.
2. Cambridge was not the innovator of Gay Rights. The school in this instance adopts this posture in the 1930s.
B. Gay Triumphalism has antecedents in Platonism or the Greek and Roman Deities. This can be treated as Historical Monarchialism. Hence a faith not a myth.
1. A parallel treatment is Mechanism.
2. Reduce all analysis to matter and secular humanism.
II. Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing - Pre Gay Fascism
A. State Planning and eugenics by de facto or criminal processes and structures.
1. This runs parallel to real Gay Rights Movement degrading it.
2. Chemical Assault Scorched Earth tagged to Gay Triumphalism.
B. Gay Triumphalism
1. Gay Culture
a. Celebratory of LGBTi lifestyle.
b. No significant difference from heterosexual lifestyle. More hedonistic, liberal, secular, artistic.
2. Gay Marriage
a. Legal same sex marriage.
b. This may mean marrying into a LGBTi family by a heterosexual.
C. Gay Placement
1. Overwhelming concern with who is more gay. More same sex behavior.
2. Inferiority complex in males of white European descent. A desire to place Asians, Latinos ahead.
D. Gay Majors
1. This is particularly centered around UC Berkeley with a planned Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
2. Being a LGBTi college student.
3. This includes the teaching of the history of MOEC and the Scorched Earth Chemical Assault.
E. Gay Miracle
1. Eventually coming out gay late in one's life.
2. Extending the attempt to expand Gay Triumphalism.
III. Holon X
A. This completes a system of 10 Holons that develop the Prisoner's Dilemma defection model.
1. The intent was to develop a LGBTi victim to cover the event.
2. This has failed. The model and the component of Gay Triumphalism is being refuted.
B. Legal and Civil Means to Prosecute Principals and Co Principals.
1. RICO Structure
Holon X
Refutation of Gay Triumphalism
This is a draft of most of the outline of Holon X. This is quite important. The outline has been presented to the White House and is part of President Barack Obama's record. He is part of a System of a Perfect Dictator. His argument of Change is no more than a rehashing of Thrasymachus and his Help our friends and harm our enemies doctrine. The only problem is defection and interests define this instead of rights. So Change means change polarities but still isolate persons outside the law.
The LGBTi coalition will be drawn in on a greater scale. I have been emailing such every quarter. At this point polarization is so extreme that I will need proof that their sworn lawyers of the bar are condoning torture for whatever excuse. I started this paper almost two months ago. The weather has broke but sandstorms are quite severe and I am behind.
David Nollmeyer
Colorado River April 2010
Westwood 2009
Gay Triumphalism
It is prudent now to develop my response. Holon X Refutation to Gay Triumphalism is in opposition to Cambridge Law School's Holon IX Gay Triumphalism. It is clear that the entire entrapment was scripted with a built in differentiated ratio of failure. Neither a Gay or Straight (Heterosexual) Triumphalism has pure support on a mechanistic level. This set includes all members of the natural species homo sapiens. It is evident that some manner of eugenics was developed to simultaneously support and attack this idea in antagonistic motion. Gay Triumphalism here develops with tension between heterosexuals and homosexuals. The object is deification of culture. This also builds in an exploit if needed as a contingency. This also has antecedents in the Classical Greek History and Faith as Apollo versus Dionysus. There is at least one Gay Triumphalist website or blog current. This site does not support the totalitarianism and torture used here but a celebration of certain aspects of Gay Culture, in degree which are non violent and non fascist.
It appears the Trinity School has had one or more same sex oriented philosophers who was versed in the tactics of Greek Tyrannies. This appears to overlap the study of informal fallacies and predicate calculus or formal logic. This authorship appears to would have won a duel in understanding the espionage of city states and empire building over the Law School. In degree the mythology states even though the Law School lost it did not yield control or leadership but fused the philosophy of entrapment, this appears to be a bastardized but probably realistic use of the Spindle of Necessity and the Thread of Life. This is a linkage of Heaven to Earth where the Priests and Oracles direct the Centurions in entrapping the population in state planning, eugenics, and class stratification.
The historical antecedents will lend themselves to a Racketeered Influenced Corrupt Organization Structure (RICO). This also will result in what is currently being promoted as Gang Stalking, Mob Stalking, and Stalking. I mention this because there are support groups which are attempting to confront these elements.
The entire reduction of Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC into a system of Holons as a template has to be put into prospective. Holon X is my particular refutation to MOEC. The acronym MOEC appears to have been derived from the Book of Moed, a Jewish scripture. While researching this on the internet, data on Heinrich Himmler, who designed the gas chambers of the Holocaust, by hooking up hoses to the exhausts of truck was also linked. This source disappeared a few days later.
The construction of what I am refuting appears as a collective emergent personality disorder. If these patterns are reduced to concepts of epistemology and object confusion over a Neo Freudian Eros complex one will be able to discern how the individual and collective models were designed and fused into Racketeered and Influenced Corrupt Organization behaviors.
These concepts are also discernible to DSM V standards in the United States.
Overall the intent is driven by Male Same Sex Males MSM who wish to create a circular folly through double bind associations. Rationally homosexuality may refer to any level of same sex practices through what is now being discusses as LGBTi or Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, and intersex. This is contrasted by heterosexuality which is simply Opposite Sex.
Irrationality rules the Holon System. it will debilitate a culture. It's Prisoner's Dilemma inner structure always divides instead of creating inner psychical or collective unity.
The Strategic Mission is Gay Marriage.
It should be stated simple and clear that my position is an interpretation of Gaudiya Vaishnavism from a ritvik platform. The Vedic Bible is the Bhagavad Gita. I am using mostly Original Books of His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. He taught against homosexuality but accommodated a very large contingent of same sex practitioners. This basic perspectives of Vedic procreation should be understood.
My preference would clearly be a heterosexual female. This is literal and unambiguous.
An argument attempting to Gay Bait my person derives a Red Herring Strawman. This is a very strong indicator of a spurious presentation. I argue that this will turn into the classic model in logic, law, psychology, and philosophy coursework.
The equivocation in the current zeitgeist is deliberate as the overall setting is a Systematic Pattern of Human Rights Abuse entangling the United States president. This is facilitated by the Holons which are no more than a blackmail and extortion ring.
It appears a scripted narcissistic and inferiority is designed and radiated from the Origin which is Cambridge Law School. This is designed to be functional is criminal and civil courts under international, federal, and local rules as needed.
The focus now is the documentation of sworn officers who are under the color of law. High officials as the president and cabinet should be prosecuted. California, Delaware. Maryland, Arizona, and New Mexico officials at the federal and state level are the most at risk. All sworn law officers are also dubious.
Holon X is a capstone in the entire discussion of the history of the United States from June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware in continuo.
Pontius Pilate Paradigm
The next important pattern is the Pontius Pilate Paradigm. This model is based on the work of Caiaphas, the high priest of the Sanhedrin. Pontius Pilate was the Roman Procurator whom Jesus was brought before. Caiaphas wanted to eliminate both Jesus Christ and Pontius Pilate. Jesus is entrapped with double bind arguments that he always took the bull by the horns and won.
Jesus claimed that he could raise the Temple in three days. He was then considered a schismatic or apostate and brought before Pilate. Pilate announced that he had found Jesus innocent of the charge. He proclaims, ecce homo "Behold the man!"
The crowd wishes for Jesus to be executed. Pilate asks the crowd on whether he should free Jesus. They respond with chants to crucify him. Pilate ritually washes his hand in the bowl. This is the most famous example of the fallacy ad populum.
This Holon will be used to shield a non command level officers to entrap the Sovereign or Head of State.
LAPD is now using the Pontius Pilate Paradigm to entrap command level authorities. Structurally people are defecting to officers with a rank lower than Lieutenant.
The Mockingbird Defense
The Mockingbird Defense is a model to designate the two authorities in MOEC. This is would be the two lead lawyers in Cambridge Law School that were the command level authorities. This would be the head of the department and an associate. It is possible that the second was at times a Scotland Yard officer.
They are identified as Man or The Hand, the leader, and the second is called the Little One.
In defection in Prisoner's Dilemma these two persons may be considered the sovereign and subject. By perusing the United States Constitution we may analyze how attachment of a de facto event as a crime against the law will destabilize the law until it collapses save a remedy.
These two persons have re enacted a scenario were The Hand questions The Little One as, "Will you betray the United States?" The Little One responds in the affirmative.
A concept of the Social Contract states the rights should be enumerated prior to a crime so that a citizen would know what he or she is permitted to think and do with the protection of the state and the consequences occurred.
The Sovereign is the head of state and can only be represented by itself and no other. The major conspiracy of MOEC was alleged to have been handed off from Scotland Yard to Los Angeles Police Department in the 1930s.
This would appear as: Holon III: Prisoner's Dilemma with Two Hostages as a Shields. This pattern is repeated but at a level where two police officers appear as Number 3 with their wives as hostages. So there will be a number 2 on the left and right with two Number 3 who are police man. This is used to induce them to continue the relay or circular folly.
The Hand is Number 4. The Little One is Number 3. Scotland Yard is 2. LAPD is the other number 2. I or a citizen am Number 1.
MOEC is an illicit conspiracy that is essentially reverse social engineering. All United States laws proceed from the Constitution. Hence MOEC is attempting to transfer loyalty from the United States government and Constitution to itself. This is inclusive of the authorship. This is The Hand and The Little One.
To defect to MOEC means to have a degree of allegiance to these two, especially The Hand. If you attack any part of MOEC by any means you are a threat to The Hand.
My personal rights are guaranteed by The Bill of Rights. All my positive rights are retained as long as there is a United States. I would argue The Universal Declaration of Human Rights also protects me. (Natural rights are also possible as are spiritual. For this time we shall stick to positive or rights that are persuadable in a court.)
Hence under escalation as what has occurred MOEC is going to postulate that I remain alive or protected by MOEC itself as it displaces the United States. One must remember that TPSYS is the process of the Totalitarian Police and TPS is the equilibrium or the Totalitarian Police State achieved.
To develop defection MOEC will attempt to give one deal or gift to every person alive. There are 7.5 billion persons living now. I have been told that there are 144,000 targets all over the world and I am the main or Ultimate Target. This is used to substitute substantive rights.
What will occur is in reduction is that Cambridge Law School and Scotland Yard are Number 1. The Delaware State Police and Baltimore Police Department are Number 2. The Baltimore Studio or The Studio are Number 3 (The Studio are undercover LAPD Officers). In degree the remaining population are Number 4 with myself.
Under Prisoner's Dilemma all the people, I would argue upwards of 90% of the population are playing defection. This is suboptimal and a very low Nash equilibrium that is not sustainable.
If defection is to the rule of law and citizenship than I and the government would be stable. The fallacy here is that by gathering CITIZENS TO DEFECT SUCH BECOME INFORMANTS.
MOEC is no more than a Purge of Informants.
I have attempted to prosecute MOEC in Court. One may consult this site:
Holon IV: Invertebration with Number I attempting to challenge Number 4. The invertebration of Holon I for simplicity was hope to be obtained. I believe and or attempted to create Holon X. This is no more than using only nonviolent legal means to prosecute MOEC and it's agents.
We arrive at the artistic tyranny or the use of the name Mockingbird Defense. By authoring the illegal defection as electronic surveillance, chemical assaults, and attacks by the population, The Hand and The Little One have to place themselves in my position. Citizenship is imposed over one by the legislature and signed into law by the head of state.
If LAPD or anyone else attack me they are also attacking The Hand and The Little One.
The Hand is analogy to several events historically, God and the the unseen hand in The Wealth Of Nations are two. Man can represent Mankind as Adam and Eve from the Christian Bible. The Little One represent Native Indigenous Peoples of the world. This is due to the avenging nature of MOEC. There is a foil of rectifying past abuse to this group. I usually end up writing near American Indian peoples as the Paiute Tribe on June 30, 2007). It is absurd to argue that Scorched Earth could aid anyone.
I have sent a twenty page version of The Virus to several federal courts. This was supposed to be my year 2000 contribution.
MOEC has attempted to marginalize my opportunities essentially by destroying the environment and gaining defection by corrupting a willing population
After twenty years of survival we are existing in the subcomponent Radhanatha since February 13, 2007. The closing of the event as of a trichotomy has occurred. We are in the Third Act or stage now.
Only in the ideal have my rights been retained as my environment is contaminated. One of the mission goals of MOEC is Gay Rights of which it and it's agents are theworst thing to occur for this social movement.
I am a lifelong heterosexual and am presenting such as part of a baseline for sustainable culture.
Holon X: A unique discovery in the strategic mission of MOEC occurred on May 30, 2009. This is the template of Gay Triumphalism that was developed by the authorship in Cambridge Law School and handed off to lower hierarchies especially the legitimate Gay Rights Movement hence LGBTi. Irrationalism is the the ideology that spawns Nazism and Fascism. Here Cambridge by pairing criminal events to constitutional events clearly demonstrates it's irrationalist platform. In the present instance we will deal only with chemical assault.
In a concept of state engineering, Cambridge Law School probably around the 1930s incorporated the Gay Rights Movement that was already beginning elsewhere in Europe. Here targeted chemical assaults were placed over various person's genealogies as well as objects of food, clothing, shelter, and reproduction.
This planning was handed off to Scotland Yard and LAPD.
We can easily see that gay couples can not reproduce naturally. The gays need to recruit. Alienation of my rights was planned on June 17, 1987 the year of the 200th Anniversary of the United States Constitution.
I am a lifelong heterosexual with zero same sex or MSM (male same sex male) contacts. In essence I had to be a gay or married to a bisexual or lesbian female to avoid being alienated in the in continuo chemical assault.
I am also a Hare Krishna in the ritvik line of His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. He did not promoted LGBTi as Vedic.
Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing exists in a parallel trajectory with the LGBTi movement. The deification of homosexuality in imitation of Sri Krishna who is the Supreme Male Personality of Godhead, hence the Overman or Superman is a template for Gay Triumphalism. Triumphalism in it's negative is an ethnocentric glorification of a final or coming victory of one's religion, group, culture, social model, and here sexual orientation.
The planners in Cambridge Law School embraced a form of Gay Triumphalism and this was embodied in a culture of Gay Militants in LAPD. This was exemplified by the attack on then President Ronald Reagan on June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware.
One can note that the Organic Cell Virus of MOEC is embedded in Gay Irrationalism. This is a sophisticated systems approach structure derived from Prisoner's Dilemma. It is probable that most researchers would only be able to discern this as a mutation of a Nash Equilibrium. This is profound for even Game Theory but permits elements of the defection to be picked up and restored from other plans that have been safe housed elsewhere.
There are systems effects since the manifest Chemical Assault that emanate from Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing negatively transforming the LGBTi movement along nodes that derive from Cambridge Law School, Scotland Yard, and LAPD. This would dictate a yield of Gay Fascist from an apologist position. Hence intellects appear who help obstruct justice and censorship.
Gay Triumphalism is a subset in the LGBTi movement. Many gay rights activist reject such for the achievement of positive gay rights as marriage.
In the construction of a systematic analysis of MOEC. The Refutation of Gay Triumphalism is truly Holon X.
Our society has emerged as Patriarchy or male dominated. As seen surnames in the majority are patrimonial. Tryad will demonstrate how different roles have been substituted and used in conditioning to create identity.
Tryad here refers to a parenting concept. All learning from humans may be considered parenting. One's natural parents are the primary parents. All secondary individuals as siblings and teachers are the secondary parent. There are at least three classical models of which the authors may have used to configure Tryad. This appears to be Platonic in origin regarding the manifest social structure. There are also Christian and Vedic ideas that are used to complement the modelling.
The use of Plato's The Republic as a the philosopher's touchstone is Archetypal in itself. The Vedic word for touchstone is cintanami. This is the condition is the Vaikunthas where everything is made of touchstone and rewards all desires.
The concept of cintanami or the philosopher's touchstone may be examined as a holon to demonstrate the development of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
It is clear that Marriage Breaking is a major component in MOEC. The Marriage Breaking program will be named The Trojan Horse. It has the veneer as a Trojan Horse, thus offering a Yellow Brick Road to marriage and career success. This pattern appears to be deeply rooted in human culture. The act of permitting me to assign labels is as stated is to entrap the victim into replicating his punishment. This does not decapitate the system but extends such.
Ideal |
Reason |
Will - Spirit |
Sensation - Appetite |
Real |
Reason - Male |
Will - Child |
Sensation - Female |
No. 1 Latent Function |
Real |
Reason - Female |
Will - Child |
Sensation - Male |
No. 2 Manifest Function |
Real |
Reason - Female |
Will - Child |
Sensation - Sibling |
The abstract or a priori form is the Ideal and is the Platonic Model used to develop The Republic. The Real Model is the trajectory of human history upwards to the 1960s.
Tryad No. 2 is the Manifest Function regarding a polarity shift in a system. There is a observable switch towards the reasoning of females. There is also an emphasis on youthful volition.
Sensation - Sibling reflects the underdevelopment of males in conceptions of equality with females and others in the social setting. Hence perceive the world through the Eyes of a Child.
The conditioning derived from this Artificial Archetype usually has pattern maintenance of the psychological development of an individual of no more than twenty years of age. In the long run I will argue that the MOEC will return to a parochial model as the Real. I state this because the females must generate a positive response and decapitate MOEC. This would clearly expose and prosecute the Proximate Cause sine qua non which to my knowledge are all males.
Another challenge to the females is I do not see a successful system emerging with a misogynist MSM Gay Militia marriage breaking as The Trojan Horse.
This template was developed in consideration of a planned decadence of a fullblown Chemical Assault under the Akbar subsystem.
Eliminating MOEC would take a very serious cultural innovation. I do not believe that Technological Singularity will be this innovation.
Below are collective derivations of Tryadic parenting. These forms are the standard model in Platonism.
State |
Guardians |
Auxiliaries |
Temperance and Obedience |
The class stratification in The Republic of Plato is only a blueprint aimed at an absolute truth, not an absolute truth in itself. It is a design for the safeguarding of the rulers from turning into Tyrants. Platonic political theory stresses a collective who raises a tyrant who eventually enslaves them.
The Guardians are the wisest and smallest class. There is nothing that states that Guardians had to be male but the model and history are patriarchal. The Guardians are the rulers. The auxiliaries are the next largest group. They comprise the executives and the army of The Republic. The populace is the remaining members of the state or correctly speaking the nation.
The virtues are as follows: wisdom, courage, temperance, and justice. Justice is the support and unity of all of the virtues, of the state, and the soul. The ratio between the macro unit and the individual must be proportional.
To use any conception of the virtues as the Godhead would be anthropomorphic. It is clear that the four virtues exist on the platform of natural law. They are indeed only a moral compass to ordinate one to a spiritual existence.
A Synchronic tactic that is common targets the Vedas and the Greek thought.
Father |
Karanadakyasi |
Son |
Garbhodakayasi |
Holy Ghost |
Ksirodakayasi |
Reason |
Will |
Sensation |
The previously listed components are contained within a triangle and imposed over geographic territories on a map. The first is ideal followed by an invertaebration. The three angles that form the triangle are:
Reason: New Raman Reti, Florida
Spirit: Lassen, Fort Bragg, California
Sensation: Kent County, Delaware
The concrete:
Reason: Kent County, Delaware
Spirit: Fort Bragg, California
Sensation: New Raman Reti, Florida
One should realize that New Raman Reti is one of the oldest running communes in the United States. It is an ISKCON Vedic farm, charter school, and learning institute. A Prisoner's Dilemma model is incorporated by pitting two of the angles against one another thereby benefiting the third angle. In this manner a divide and conquer tactic is used to level crime. The foil to achieve this act delegates to the abuse of Native Americans.
In review, Tryad is no more than a wrecking model. In the abstract the victim is protected by a system of laws and rights. The highest platform of cognition would be eternal law, followed by natural law, then the positive law. In an oppressive environment the only location an individual is may find eternal law is inside one’s self. The reason of one’s mind is available also through the natural law. The external environment may be nihilistic. The positive law may disintegrate to citizenship at the 4th class level.
This in the real poses the question of whether one wishes to live or die. In MOEC's perspective, which is not the only one, this involves the alienation of oneself from the environment. This is a loss of identity or depersonification. This gradual attritionist dehumanization process permit's the controllers, victim, and third parties to adapt to new equilibriums.
The following is a Vedic refutation that LGBTi or homosexuality exists in the Vaikunthas or heavenly planets. This is to develop ideas of sac cit ananda or eternity, bliss and knowledge and siddha svarupa. In the Vedic perspective one has a siddha deha or eternal form in the service of Radha Krishna. This body is sac cit ananda. It is also reflects one's spiritual identity. It is non material and non mechanistic. This form pertains to one's rasa or devotional mood. In particularity is madhurya rasa which is the mood of the gopi's or the handmaidens in the service of Srimati Radharini.
Krishnanusilanam or Krishna Culture can be used to establish a sound refutation of both heterosexual and homosexual variations of the LGBTi platform Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, intersex as having spiritual substance in Vaikuntha or the Spiritual Planets.
It has been clear that the Governing Board Commission of ISKCON has not supported Gay Monogamy as presented by Hridayananda Das Goswami. In degree this also would include legal same sex marriage. In the United States Proposition 8 in California which defines marriage as only between one man and one woman has been overturned and is on appeal.
Krishna is full in six opulences, name, fame, strength, beauty, power, and renunciation. He never leaves Goloka Vrindavana and is identical with his paraphernalia. As such as Saktiman he is male. He is adi purusum or the Original Enjoyer. His Hadlini Sakti is Srimati Radharini who body is composed of Maha Bhava. Srimati Radharini is attended by handmaidens as sakhis who are attended by manjaris. Most living entities are manjaris. These handmaidens are virginal females who never mature into adulthood.
All living entities have an original constitution of sac cit ananda or bodies of eternity, bliss, and knowledge. The realization of Krishna Consciousness is to learn one's siddha deha or spiritual form.
There are imitators of Krishna's pastimes who are called Prakriti Sahijaya. Prakriti means nature. Sani Sahijaya are those that equate mundane sex life as homosexuality or heterosexuality to be rasa lila.
It is clear that Radha's relationship with her female gopis as sakhis and manjaris is not contaminated by lesbianism or bisexuality. Any person claiming this is committing maha aparadha. Anyone considering Krishna's Rasa dance as mundane heterosexuality is also committing injury. Bhaktivinoda states that we should not be ashamed of Krishna's relationship with Radharini. These acts reflect the performance of the summon bonum and are complete to hear or meditate on.
LGBTi interests are stating that these virginal figures are having bisexual sex. This is called sani sahijaya. This is a rasa lila imitation where mundane sexual activity as homesex acts as fellatio, anal sex, hand to genital stimulation are passed off as spiritual acts of the manjaris. This is a VERY SERIOUS aparadha. These acts are not Garbhandana samskara but Varna samskara.
LAPD is attempting to pass this off behind GALVA, the Gay and Lesbian Vaishnava Association headed by Amara das Willheim.
Hridayananda Das Goswami is used to front the Gay Monogamy issue. Both of these figures and their positions are well known. I do not support either of the positions.
I do support that LGBTi persons should have a place in the congregation and darshan of the deities in the temple.

GBC Thoughts on Homosexuality
While the sastric conclusions about homosexuality are eternal truths and the ultimate source of our knowledge, it is clear that some have difficulty applying this knowledge to their daily lives, and others also experience difficulty understanding it in a practical and compassionate way. The GBC recognizes these challenges, and suggests that rather than trying to adjust sastric teachings or Srila Prabhupada's definition of those teachings, we should simply endeavour to purify ourselves of all our various inebrieties that are obstacles in achieving the ultimate goal of human life.
In this regard, Srila Prabhupada writes, "When the earthen pot is used for a wrong purpose, that is false. Similarly, the human body or the material world, when used for sense gratification, is false. But if the human body and the material creation are used for the service of the Supreme Lord, their activities are never false. It is therefore confirmed in the Bhagavad gita that even slightly using the body and the material world for the service of the Lord can deliver a person from the gravest danger."
KRSNA Book, Prayers of the Personified Vedas
In conclusion, Krsna gives us the highest encouragement to continue on the path of devotional service, despite our inabilities to embrace and apply transcendental knowledge purely and perfectly: "Having awakened faith in the narrations of My glories, being disgusted with all material activities, knowing that all sense gratification leads to misery, but being unable to renounce all sense enjoyment, My devotee should remain happy and worship Me with great faith and conviction. Even though he is sometimes engaged in sense enjoyment, My devotee knows that all sense gratification leads to a miserable result, and he sincerely repents such activities."
SB 11.20.27,28