2016 Archives
The Citations Page has been added to the Methodology Site
Big Pine CA
October 10, 2016
The Citation Page for the www.powereality.org domain has been added:
Every meaningful citation will be presented on the page supra. I hope to be adding to the MOEC Methodology on a regular basis. I will move to the Salton Sea area for the winter and will make decisions from there.
Constitution and Linear versus Exponential Impacts
Lake Shastina
August 29, 2016
This Journal entry begins an attempt to coordinate and compact the development of the MOEC Methodology as well as present Errata of which I have found. The latter fall into two discernible types: 1. Intentional Traps 2. Genuine Human Error.Since there is no substantive feedback during MOEC's Manifest Function I am able to present my own corrections.
United States Constitution
The United States Constitution was September 17, 1987. The Convention began May 25, 1987 with the Constitution signed and Convention adjourned. Thirty nine delegates signed with George Read signing by proxy for John Dickinson who was ill. The two are from Delaware. Twelve states were represented exceptfor Rhode Island.
I have stated in numerous places that June 17, 1987 was the birthday of the Constitution.
MOEC as a Catalyst
I have stated in places that MOEC as a Manifest Function was a linear event. MOEC is truly a catalyst an exponential. The Operation Radhanatha which is being attributed to February 7, 2007 was considered to the x 3 third power to a base. Kurzweil argues that in 2025 that computers will have achieved x 19 power.
Christian doctrine argues History as linear from Alpha to Omega. The Vedas argue History as an infinite cycle of creations. This is predicated by sin and karma. Hence this cycle of creation and material existence would end if all life were achieved their siddha svarupa or spiritual identity.
United States Constitution. Timeline of drafting and ratification of the United States Constitution. Wikipedia. Retrieved from: United States Constitution
2017 Archives
Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part III
Desert Shores CA
February 3, 2017
The surprise Presidency of Donald Trump and bad weather has slowed progress. I will have a Chapter 4 posted by mid February:
The new theme is Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity. This will focus on individual and class stratification.
Two New Law Sites!!!
Desert Shores CA
March 17, 2017
I have recovered and migrated two very interesting Law Sites:
MOEC is America's Chernobyl and Fukushima
Desert Shores CA
March 17, 2017
... fascism is the basic emotional attitude of man in authoritarian society, with it's machine civilization and it's mechanistic mystical view of life.
Wilhelm Reich
MOEC has an Unofficial Recognition trajectory of nearly 30 years. MOEC is contemporaneous with Chernobyl and Fukushima. These two nuclear disasters need to be entombed in cement or other material for the remainder of time. What can be said of much of the United States. The Salton Sea is heavily contaminated. It is the worst example of the Gay Militia and their alleged Authorship in Cambridge Law School. This is unique. Our current theme of Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity clearly defines a parity between the Anglo Americans, Russians, and Japanese. Two events are recognized while MOEC is not. How will this affect the equilibrium of civilization.
It has been falsely advertised in the past few days that Ray Kurzweil has predicted the Singularity for 2029. Kurzweil is only confirming his prediction of AI for 2029. The United States government has argued that Artificial Intelligence may not arrive until 2040. Most Singularitists are predicting AI between 2030 and 2035 and Singularity for 2045 Kurzweil's first prediction.
Any proclamation of AI or Singularity without Official Recognition will be vigorously OPPOSED. What does an Islamic, Vedic, Christian, or Neo Nazi Singularity appear like? A claim without recognition appears as a de facto appeasement of Gay Fascism. Even considering such Pre Fascist is very severe. The use of unofficial punishment for non cooperative play has been severe and would escalate.
This new prediction is unclear and smack of the Branding of Science. I will continue to comment later after expert opinions emerge.
Beginning to Organize the Mapping of MOEC's Methodology
Chester CA
May 23, 2017
I am now beginning to organize some of the basic concepts of MOEC Math. There is a highly discernible Mathematical imprint underlying the ecology of MOEC. It is very evident that Cambridge Lawyers were at best only guiding and not creating this material.
Ethnography is a cultural mapping of empirical data on human societies and cultures. As a discipline such was pioneered in the biological, social, and cultural branches of anthropology. Through the breadth of the social sciences ethnography is applicable when the study of a people's ethnogenesis, formation, composition, migrations, social welfare characteristics, materiality, and spirituality is a focus. The typical ethnography is a holistic study that includes a brief history, analysis of geography, climate, and habitat. In all cases it should be reflexive, make a substantial contribution toward the understanding of the social life of humans, have an aesthetic impact on the reader, and express a credible reality. An ethnography intends to map all observed behavior and describe all symbol meaning relations using concepts that avoid causal explanations (Ethnography).
Properties of Equality
Properties of Equality |
Definitions for Real Numbers as a, b, c |
Symmetric Property |
If a = b then b = a |
Transitive Property |
If a = b then b = c, then a = c |
Substitution Property |
If a = b then a may be replaced by b or a, without changing the meaning of the statement |
One must consider the following:
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
Reflexive Principle
Under this consideration as I am the Experimental Subject under the Reflexive Principle I am the Observer. In concrete I am the only witness to have experienced the entirety of MOEC which will be one generation or 30 years on June 17, 1987. Under the consideration of the Sovereign Subject Relationship, a ≠ a. The President is above the law. There are now six Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Trump. I argue that Obama is a mass murderer. He will 56 years of age on August 3, 2017, making him the most likely President to face criminal prosecution.
Symmetric Principle
If Ronald Reagan is guilty then George HW Bush is guilty. If a = b then b = a.
Transitive Principle
If Ronald Reagan is guilty then George HW Bush is guilty. If George HW Bush is guilty then William Clinton is guilty. If a = b then b = c, then a = c
Substitution Property
If Ronald Reagan is guilty then George W. Bush is guilty. If George W. Bush is guilty then Donald Trump is guilty. This restates the Transitive Principle but as long as the antecedent truth value is correct then Substitution will hold if the consequent has a positive truth value. In this instance under Equal Protection it is empirical that Irrationalist Presidents are de facto and corrupt.
Open Letters: MOEC Singularity Blog
Chester CA
June 7, 2017

We are now one week from the 30th Anniversary of MOEC. I am shifting more rigorously to a two letter per month Open Letter Campaign. All the letters will be posted on:
Currently 34.4 percent of respondents in a recent survey stated at 25 years of age that they had attained a 4 year degree. Last year in 2016 BS degrees were worth $53,000. BA degrees earned $40,000. At 22 years age these persons were $30,000 in debt at least between 3 to 6 percent. The continuous interest and mortgage trap exemplifies the Know Nothing Caveman Attack this destroying families and prosperity. In the end what happens. I am predicting that the Nativism and Populism of LAPD and the Gay Militia will have 15 percent of the population unemployable by 2015. This would posit a 40% 4 year graduation rate. I am reasonable certain that 1000 petaflop will have been built. It is very certain that AV vehicles will not have steering wheels. Many persons will still have a 1975 worldview that is being perpetuated to fulfill Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity in the negative which is class stratification. This will result in Technological Welfare. Are you willing preparing for Universal Basic Income or being forced on it?
Ex Deux Maquina
Chester CA
June 22, 2017
The MOEC Position Papers has come under attack once again. I am attempting to preserve the original spirit of the work. After 30 years this may not be realistic. I will most likely rework the entire presentation. If you are interested in historical copies feel free to save what pages you wish.
Ex Deux Maquina has had the following section added.
Liberalism versus Conservatism
The original discussion that I was presented reflected a debate over whether LGBTi persons should be permitted in law enforcement and the military. Several objects were presented which were the object of attack. Marijuana use was the first object to be attacked. Also of a very high degree of interest were homosexuality, capital punishment, nuclear weapons and power, abortion, prostitution, and vegetarianism and veganism are the first cases to be considered.
If a LGBTi officer male or female was being attacked, the issue of being outed or exposed is paramount. The payoffs of Prisoner's Dilemma are paramount. The exact algorithm of Cambridge is impossible to discern. I would clearly prosecute prostitution before marijuana not after. The consideration here is arbitrary. I believe the Liberalism of Cambridge would argue under peacetime the following:
Homosexuality (Legal)
Capital Punishment (Illicit)
Abortion (Legal)
Nuclear weapons and power (Illicit in theory but a tool in hand)
Prostitution (Legal)
Marijuana (Legal)
The above analysis would result in correct consideration of magnitude. The debate I heard was a comical ad hominem attack in which a LGBTi officer was able to sustain hostile innuendos.
The Ex Deux Maquina was allegedly a confrontation between Trinity Christian Theologians and Cambridge Lawyers whom were running MOEC. There was an reneged agreement between the two parties to cede control to the victors. It appears that Francis MacDonald Cornford is being posited as the factor that swung the contest to Trinity. However the Lawyers simply played along to learn his understanding of Greek Tyrannies of whose models extensively develop the criminal enterprise of MOEC.
The net effect appears to be an Undermining of John Stuart Mill's theory of the Hedonistic Calculus presented in On Liberty.
MOEC Subsystems: Lycurgus and Syrinx
Chester CA
June 18, 2017
I am going to finalize the following Systems materials as:
MOEC contains two subsystems: 1. Lycurgus 2. Syrinx
Lycurgus is the subsystem where the population is experiencing Targeted Chemical Assaults TCAs and Stalking under Electronic Surveillance. Akbar is a component of Lycurgus or the condition where one individual is experiencing the fullblown program converging the TCAs and the Target.
MOEC contains three main subcomponents:
Electronic Surveillance Stalking
Biological Chemical Assaults
This action is based on the inductive activity of the Authorship. I am totally convinced that these actors desired three components are subcomponents to facilitate mechanistic mysticism. If one where to argue hierarchies and class inheritance this scheme may not work. Hence one has a model explaining concrete activity.
New YouTube Channel and Soundcloud
Chester CA,
July 19, 2017
I have created two new sites. The Youtube channel hopefully will contain audiovisual presentations on MOEC Studies. I am learning the basics of the platforms so this may take some time.
MOEC Studies YouTube
Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part III
Chester CA,
August 1, 2017
A working draft of Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part III is available online. There are also free examples of music available on the Soundcloud and YouTube Channel. I have spent a considerable amount of my life working on both music and writing. I have been hacked severely on both. However I will persist. The equilibrium of skill versus the cost in damage equal to the United States being and democracy being failures.
MOEC Studies Has A New Domain
Bishop CA,
October 6, 2017
I placed my order for www.moec-studies on Sunday, October 1, 2017. That evening the worst mass murder in United States History occurred.
On the night of October 1, 2017, 59 people were killed and another 489 injured when a gunman opened fire on a large crowd of fans at the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada. The perpetrator was 64 year old Stephen Paddock of Mesquite, Nevada. Between 10:05 and 10:15 p.m. PDT, hundreds of rifle rounds were from his suite on the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay hotel. About an hour after firing ceased, Paddock was found dead in his hotel room from a self inflicted gunshot wound. His motive remains unknown.
The incident is the deadliest mass shooting committed by a lone gunman in U.S. history. The crime reignited the debate about gun laws in the U.S., with attention focused on bump firing, a technique Paddock used to allow his semiautomatic weapons to fire at a rate similar to that of a fully automatic weapon.
Working Preface: Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV
Big Pine CA,
October 9, 2017
The Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV has a working Preface:
Happy Holidays!!!
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
November 20, 2017
We are once again back on the Colorado River. It has been over 10 years since Operation Radhanatha began. Over 80,000 persons have killed in Mexico since the contamination began. 7UP has been laced with Methamphetamine south of the border. I am in need of a well earned rest. I will compose a major Open Letter to conclude 2017. Such will be posted on relevant sites before Christmas. I have attempted to resurrect and salvage some of the music I had composed in the past and a few recent pieces. This complimentary work permits one to analyze my performance with other cohorts. It was very wise to move to writing and developing MOEC Studies to the level at which such is now. I am going to begin compiling notes on the main MOEC texts on the domain. This is a colossal effort that I hope to be able to achieve in my life. This will enhance any future output. Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV should be completed by Autumn 2019.
I do not know when the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth will terminate. I am preparing to be the last man standing. I would advise everyone to adjust your plans as starting a family to this open ended perspective. The Irrationalist Presidents are War Criminals on the Run.
2018 Archives
Happy New Years!!!
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
January 1, 2018
The New Year arrives with increased hope but no end in site. Expect a critique of Donald Trump's first State of the Union speech this month. I have excellent material for the Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV Chapter 1. I should have a preview up by the first week of February. I have attempted to resurrect my music career. My transcription abilities are not bad. As a guitarist I do not have to use tablature. I will discuss this complimentary presentation in the future. It is related to Employment Equilibrium and the Numbering of the People. There are 7.6 billion persons worldwide.
A Social Disorder perspective will be inclusive in a more focused manner. Over 63,000 persons overdosed in 2016. The life expectancy rate of the United States has fallen two years in a row as a result.
Trump: 2018 State of the Union
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
February 9, 2018
There is a critique of Donald Trump's 2018 State of the Union here: http://www.moec-studies.org/trump-sotu-2018.html

Happy Easter
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
March 30, 2018
I have posted a working draft of Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV Chapter 1 Joseph Stalin. With the Skirpal double spy poisoning in Great Britain escalating this piece is timely. In an Informant State neither the Russians nor the British miss him. The fact that it happened in Great Britain is most likely more important to the spy community.
This is a blunt statement there has been Chemical Assault Scorched Earth in continuo in the United States for over 30 years. Who does MOEC think they are fooling?
I am in need of rest. The weather is breaking near 100 hundred. Please share my sites. I will have Share Buttons up hopefully in one month. I also am correcting my music scores. I do not have the microphones or noise filter or reduction software at this time to record myself. I could get pieces up but I will feel more authentic by one taking most of the pieces in the future. I could use some photo editing software also to help with Ebooks.
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
April 6, 2018
The Irrationalist Era of Despotism stands in direct conflict with technology. Intel is launching i9 chips which have a clockspeed of 4.8 ghz which is twice as fast as my i5 Dell Latitude. Hence an office of 100 cubicle workers could be out of balance with 100 i5 stations. This reflects Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity or class stratification.
A V blogger has killed herself and injured perhaps 3 YouTube workers as YouTube censored her vegan and exercise videos. The blogger travelled from southern California to the Bay Area to enter the YouTube lunch area and then opening fire before committing suicide. I am totally censored on YouTube. My sheet music is becoming as I know what I am doing but my production is poor.
Regardless as stated I am taking care to leave an accurate score of my music. This artifact is in contrast to the Censorship and Sanitization of work under Prisoner's Dilemma and the Gay Militia. Hence defection and accelerating technology will be a recurring theme for the rest of the year.
Social Science and the Obama Legacy
Big Pine CA
May 9, 2018
The modern concept of Social Science dates back to the 1880s and the positivism of Comte. Generally except for certain disciplines of psychology, the external manifest social environment is the object of study. In this manner it was very easy for Cambridge to Undermine the domain and it's subsystem disciplines and prominent thinkers.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target. Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
The Scripting of the classic Sovereign Citizen conflict is overtly profound. I do not see any sincere output by any formal academic or social commentator. I use a 5 percent alpha or error rate meaning that I believe that 95 percent of the population will defect. Hence under Prisoner's Dilemma how does a system perpetuate a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth? Currently University of California President and former Obama Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano and former Attorney General Eric Holder are looming large as we are all about 57 years of age including Obama.
Barbara Bush, wife of George HW Bush and former California Governor George Deukmejian have both died within the last month. I do not consider Barbara Bush innocent. Deukmejian was in office on June 17, 1987 when MOEC began. MOEC Studies is a study of the Ecology of Despotism. Hence the structure has an ecology of subsystems and components that reinforce an infinite loop or circular folly. This is a downward trajectory. Currently there is a War of the Worlds versus Citizen Kane polarization of Fake News, Censorship and Sanitization built under the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. The home prices in San Diego and Los Angeles Counties are likely to breach $600,000 this summer. A 2018 four year graduate is in debt $38,000.
This clearly indicates a very decisive class stratification is occurring.
I will complete Chapters 2 and 3 of Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV this summer with remainder of the text next year.
Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV Chapter 2
Lake Shastina CA
June 30, 2018
A working draft of Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV Chapter 2 is now online. The concepts of the Cinderella Man and the Monalisa Perez entrapment are more complex they I had considered. However I will work at a more deliberate pace. The text is on schedule and I will finish when such is finished. One unique point I realized is that Michelle Obama is Cinderella to Barack. They are cashing in near the $100 million USD with Penguin and Netflix. She has to be careful to get home before this entire fiasco turns into a pumpkin if that is possible.
I am making a noble attempt to salvage my music. It has been almost one year since I attempted to recover some files, sheet music, and transcribe some music I have written. I am using Presonus Notion 6 and Sampletank 3 SE. The results are not totally bad. I am clearly the most blacklisted person on YouTube.
Excerpt from Origin
Lake Shastina CA
August 17, 2018
It is past my 57th birthday. It is well past time to strive for mastery. The wildfires in California are not sustainable. The dryness and arson factor may have become factors in the near term. technology is slowly advancing. This surely will affect much of the population. I will be focusing on review and open letters. I also need to consolidate what is left of my music career.
Excerpt from Origin
The free will argument is championed by the theistic as well as the scientific encampment to some extent. Simply put free will states that a man chooses to act. This can be expressed as being and non being. It is conceptualized in these relations:
God's Will
Man willing unto God | ||
Man willing upon oneself |
Man willing unto one's neighbor |
Man willing unto the cosmos (environment |
Being coming into being |
The model of the state will embody in it's absolute and theistic form the will of God. The state will embody the morality drawn from the natural law if such is absolute and materially scientific.
In it's relative model the state will embody the following principles but with theistic influence more tempered and possibly separated from the civil state. Morality is formed drawn from the minds of the previously stated leading men according to the common good and it's preservation.
Scientific determinism proper is extended from, but in reality is part of the study of materialism. It is part of the current theory that governs the teaching of most modern education.
It is stated that all matter existing in the three dimensional world exists in space and time, has a definite point of origin, and has some final end or dissolution according to the laws of nature.
For simplicity's purpose, number theories, and other operations can be deduced with one hundred percent accuracy. Similar proofs have bound science and other branches of knowledge to a strict scientific determinism.
The implications for the fields of medicine and psychology are that they are bound to argue deterministically of the origin of life from inorganic elements; hence the facilitation of the reduction of all things to matter. Mathematics helps provide the empirical evolution of knowledge to perfection as scientific determinism.
The psychologist and medical practitioner must be able to predict the birth, growth, actual thinking, as well as choices made by an individual until the taking of death. This includes the choice of criminality. These events must be predictable in the strictest absolute sense in the controlled efficient operation of a scientist. One has to predict choices and events of individuals to that of nationstates as scientist controls elements eat every step of an experiment to it's final demonstrable conclusion.
Hence, the next great question has now arisen. Is man free to choose? If he is he is guilty of a bad choice if he is guilty of a bad choice, if he is not he is insane and less guilty as morality has taught us.
The great priests teach us that to a Christian and similar traditions, man chooses, providence leaves history undetermined. To the Vedic Scientist man chooses but one's karma which are one's materialistic activities are deterministic.
These are the choices to be made in theory of the Perfect State.
Happy Holidays!
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
November 27, 2018
The Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part II has been cleaned up after some hacking. This text reflects a serious effort to organize and systematize MOEC Studies. This was continued vigorously into Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part III. It is very clear that the culture is static with no response. Class Stratification will result due to obsolescence. This is reflective in the fossil fuel internal combustion platform.
Review of MOEC Studies
It appears that the Obamas are prepared to earn about $130 million USD from Netflix and other book deals. This is due to Yellow Brick Road quid pro quos. There are perhaps 10,000 migrants also on the Yellow Brick Road. The United States has safely landed an AV on Mars. The polarities in our Censored and Sanitized Police State are unstable. I will publish one more Open Letter this year. I will finish two more chapters of Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV next year. I need to rest and edify my understanding of MOEC.
A Universal Reverse Sting
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
December 14, 2018
The usage of Universal Reverse Sting will now be included in MOEC Studies. Hence the despot will attempt to Undermine and enslave every individual in an attempt to model this person as an informant and traitor to oneself and cause. Since MOEC is imposed in it's entirety over my person, how I am able to decapitate and fight it without turning into it or a lesser evil?
The purge of informants is escalating as technology increases and large numbers of persons fall behind. The Trump Administration is mired in scandal. The Universal Reverse Sting has created gangs as MS 13 which drive migrants to the border. The rise of ISIS is more than suspicious. The rise of nativism, populism, and know nothingness are symptoms of obsolescence.
I would like to write one more letter by years end. I will be in maintenance at least until February 2019.