2019 Archives
Happy New Years!!!
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
January 14, 2019
I have completed the updating of the Archives. I am also beginning a new Chapter 4 of Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV. I hope to have about 10 pages online by February 15, 2019.
If you are perusing MOEC Studies materials, you are smart!!! You may be upwards to 50 years ahead of the civilization. We are two years into the Trump Presidency. The rise in nationalism, nativism, and populism is not strong or accidental. I would suggest a faith based system and solid objective science. The culture wars are heating as the fossil fuel era begins to become more obsolete taking down the population that emerged with such. AV is basically years off but electric powerplants in vehicles are gaining strong traction.
I will be sharper and more focused from here on out. The texts, open letters, and journals will proceed in order. Blogging will occur as needed. I will two chapters this years and two chapters next year of The System. This will be based on the Cambridge King James Version of the Bible. MOEC is an extension of biblical materials. I am older now at almost 57.5 years. LycurgusPart II is also a solid try. However based on many factors including the escalated California wildfire season, this appears more stable.
Monte Carlo Tree Search
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
February 16, 2019
It is emerging that Monte Carlo Tree Search was an apparent choice to make decisions for Origin the MOEC GUI. As stated I do not know if any has attempted an actual program. It is very clear that Prisoner's Dilemma is it's reduction. There also are indicators of an ANOVA model measuring siblings and cohort crossectionally and longitudinally. I am 57 and not a mathematician or programmer. This approach narrows the trajectory but is not exclusive.
I expect to publish an Open Letter by Spring 2020 to officials and experts expressing my concern. As per the standard I do not support any candidates for president in 2020. I only support voting on referendums if such is available in your jurisdiction.
Turing Test?
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
March 14, 2019
Recently I on Facebook I viewed a video of an android which claimed to have passed a Turing Test for the first time. This female robot could conduct a cognizant conversation and appeared life like.
I totally refute this. Should a Turing Test be sandboxed? Hence if it can the scientific rigor is open to dispute and such embarrasses Alan Turning himself for spurious reasons.
With no Official Recognition no Turing Test. What is a scientific sample of humans that robot convinced? Are there any peer reviewed papers?
Focusing on Replication
Chester CA
June 11, 2019
The Position Papers reflect a basic structure of MOEC that I would argue is robust. I do not believe that such will be refuted in it's entirety. A line refutation will not defeat the presentation. The need is to create a baseline of testing materials that can be given at every grade level. This is important because of the Caveman Attack.
This is acute as we are 32 years into MOEC. Barack Obama did not have an Exemption to not terminate this operation. This is a War Crime. The Yellow Brick Road is a trap. This is Pride Month. This is not going create Pride for anyone.
Much material presented is only 6th grade level. This is not equal to a chess International Master which is a 2300 ELO rating.
I will attempt to develop this concept in the Conclusion of Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV. I am certain that the Monalisa Perez Reverse Sting will continue into the next text.
Hot Crime Scene
Chester CA
July 10, 2019
MOEC is clearly a Hot Crime Scene that is being Censored and Sanitized. As this de facto and corrupt pattern continues damage will escalate. There are schools of thought and natural persons that will come under attack as well as geographic territories. This is a very complex pattern that Undermines Western Political Science and Democracy. It is clear that the 23 plus Democratic Presidential Candidates are ritualistic and wish to escalate the circus and bread degradation that has been in progress.
It is estimated that a $15 USD minimum wage would lift 17.3 million persons out of poverty. Conversely 1.3 million persons may become unemployed. There is no free lunch. The working class have not seen a raise in one decade under Chemical Assault and Scorched Earth.
There is a working draft completed of Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV online:
Open Letters Updated
Big Pine CA
September 26 November 7, 2019
I have compiled three Open Letter sites that have been archived from about the last 20 years. This is an excellent method to analyze History. I usually write sworn officials and the most talented persons in a domain. This occurred while there is an in continuo irrationalist attack. I will continue working on the sites until early 2020.
Open Letters
Mecca CA
November 7, 2019
I have returned to the Salton Sea area for the winter. California has been under smoke from wildfires for nearly 2 straight years. 2019 has been a very productive year. I am on the verge of exhaustion. Correct rest keeps the enthusiasm at the correct level. At 58 years of age I am at rest regarding my accomplishments concerning MOEC Studies as an emergent social science. MOEC is a tyranny of the majority with concrete empirical historical facts. The legal implications to sworn officials, one may peruse Mary Bono R whom is a cohort to my person and Barack Obama, reveals that the relay effect in the ecology of MOEC resembles the board game of GO.
Very soon persons will fall under the bar concerning employment at only minimum wage in the aboveground white market. California will enforce a $13 dollar USD wage January, 2020. Trump has not fulfilled his promise to enact a $10 dollar USD wage. Technology and so called university degrees are escalating. Los Angeles appears like a scene from the 1930s with homeless everywhere they can sleep. This activity is Scripted. It is part of MOEC's social engineering. It reflects the creation of ghettos. Hence the antecedent history created by isolating and attacking my person does not bode well for the LGBTi and Anglo American Paradigm. The Opioid Crisis is a cover that overlaps the HIV Positive culture. HIV infections are down while overdoses are about 60,000 deaths per year.
I will begin sketches for Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V next week.
The University System
Salton City CA
December 19, 2019
Intelligence is accelerating. As the decade closes, I acknowledge such and will deal with the University System as an in the box formal model. In this manner formal education will be a standard but not exclusive. Chess is a basically hermeneutic where one studies with a master who imparts knowledge to the mentee. Since there are no 1 through PhD programs that I am aware this is a good analogy to systems that are not fully treated within Western Academics. I do believe that computers will attempt to map and fully develop formal training and educational programs. It is very clear that virtual professors are very close to becoming a reality.
I totally favor free public education from preschool to PhD and beyond. This should clearly be merit based after high school. If the technologists believe their innovations are going to displace humans I do not see why they and the oligarchs can not share a portion of the tax load. I favor a flat tax. Under these entitlements one tax rate may not be possible.
I am clearly against a persons education being halted simply by a lack of money. This will help alleviate the student debt problem in part.
This is a complex issue. I will begin to write Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V early in 2020. I may have a preview available in February.
2020 Archives
Ontology of History
Desert Shores CA
January 26, 2020
MOEC is a Prisoner's Dilemma defection model. The impact of being an informant across all domains is severe. The decapitation of this system is the universal good and efficient act. Hence the informal fallacies as ad vericundium appeals to famous persons is used heavily to make one dependent on a fatalistic system of the police state. The Yellow Brick Road has imploded. People clamor for tyranny. There are still huge payoffs across all domains as business, sports, and entertainment. This is severe also in negative reinforcers as war, HIV AIDS, homicides and other so called accidents.
The Singularity Autumn or plateauing of technology still is bearing marginal if not exponential gains.The concept of Universal Basic Income will be a necessity if technology is not a science fiction snake oil. The anti vaccers in Australia are subject to criminal penalties if they promote such while being a licensed health practitioner. Facebook has banned Flat Earth groups. The Nativistic Know Nothings should be next.
COVID 19: Nearly 1,300,000 Infected
Desert Shores CA
April 5, 2020

The COVID 19 pandemic is in exponential growth with near 1,300,000 infections and approaching 70,000 deaths. The United States itself is well over 320,000 cases and counting by the hour. Trump has posited a possible 100,000 to 240,000 death toll.
I have argued forcefully that MOEC has staged by Prisoner's Dilemma three types of warfare:
Biological Warfare: COVID 19
Chemical Warfare: MOEC is Chemical Assault Scorched Earth
Nuclear Warfare: Chernobyl and Fukushima
There is no Official Recognition of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. There has been at least a 30 percent drop in stocks. There are perhaps 10 million out of work in the United States. I will be 59 on August 3, 2020. My schedule is totally disrupted. I will revert to a writing Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V before January, 2022.
Conway's Knot Solved
Big Pine CA
May 28, 2020

A 50 year old problem concerning knot theory has been solved by a then graduate student. The exotic field has been lightly touched upon in my perspective of MOEC Theory. As such we can discern how entanglement occurs at every level of society by defection. This material will be developed in Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V. The United States has surpassed 100,300 COVID 19 deaths.
Lisa Piccirillo has solved a 50 year old problem that arises from the Conway knot.
The question asked whether the Conway knot discovered more than half a century ago by the legendary mathematician John Horton Conway is a slice of a higher dimensional knot. Sliceness is a property of that knot theorists ask about knots in higher dimensional spaces, and mathematicians had been able to answer it for all of the thousands of knots with 12 or fewer crossings except one for Conway knot, which has 11 crossings.
Piccirillo had discovered her answer in one week: The Conway knot is not slice.
"I don't think she'd recognized what an old and famous problem this was," Gordon said.
Piccirillo's proof appeared in Annals of Mathematics in February. The paper, combined with her other work, has secured her a tenure track job offer from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that will begin on July 1, only 14 months after she finished her doctorate.
The question of the Conway knot's sliceness was famous not just because of how long it had gone unsolved. Slice knots give mathematicians a way to probe the strange nature of four dimensional space, in which two dimensional spheres can be knotted, sometimes in such crumpled ways that they can't be smoothed out. Sliceness is 'connected to some of the deepest questions in four dimensional topology right now,' said Charles Livingston, an emeritus professor at Indiana University.
"This question, whether the Conway knot is slice, had been kind of a touchstone for a lot of the modern developments around the general area of knot theory," said Joshua Greene of Boston College, who supervised Piccirillo’s senior thesis when she was an undergraduate there. "It was really gratifying to see somebody I’d known for so long suddenly pull the sword from the stone."
But our world is four dimensional if we include time as a dimension, so it is natural to ask if there is a corresponding theory of knots in 4D space. This isn't just a matter of taking all the knots we have in 3D space and plunking them down in 4D space: With four dimensions to move around in, any knotted loop can be unraveled if strands are moved over each other in the fourth dimension.
Piccirillo had to mover object into 4 dimensional space and by tracing found an equivalent solution to the knot.
To make a knotted object in four dimensional space, you need a two dimensional sphere, not a one dimensional loop. Just as three dimensions provide enough room to build knotted loops but not enough room for them to unravel, four dimensions provide such an environment for knotted spheres, which mathematicians first constructed in the 1920s.
It's hard to visualize a knotted sphere in 4D space, but it helps to first think about an ordinary sphere in 3D space. If you slice through it, you'll see an unknotted loop. But when you slice through a knotted sphere in 4D space, you might see a knotted loop instead (or possibly an unknotted loop or a link of several loops, depending on where you slice). Any knot you can make by slicing a knotted sphere is said to be slice. Some knots are not slice, for instance, the three crossing knot known as the trefoil.
Slice knots "provide a bridge between the three dimensional and four dimensional stories of knot theory," Greene said.
Erica Klarreich
Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm I and V Updated
Big Pine CA
September 25, 2020
Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm I and V have been updated. Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm V Chapter 3 is beginning to resemble a more formal but descriptive approach to MOEC Methodology. The environment is challenging. The heat dome has subsided. However this has been an epic wildfire season. COVID 19 will claim 1,000,000 deaths around Monday. The United States will record about 210,000 deaths.
I will continue a solid effort to finish my work. I acknowledge that my production has a certain roughness and charm that needs formalization. It is in part ethnomethodological field work. It is unique and one of a kind. The absence of professional feedback is stunning.
Barack Obama's new text: Promised Land
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
November 17, 2020
Barack Obama has published a new text Promised Land. The work is available to the public today. I find this action and my work as cohort rival alter ego examples. I would argue that this perspective will receive wide analysis in the future.
The most obvious observation is that Obama is content in the cocoon that has nourished his emergence and two term presidency. He is a Scripted Cinderella Man.
I will critique snippets of Obama's recent 60 Minutes interview.
Scott Pelley: (04:02)
You write in the book, our democracy seems to be teetering on the brink of a crisis. What do you mean?
Barack Obama: (04:10)
We have gone through a presidency that disregarded a whole host of basic institutional norms, expectations we have for a president, that had been observed by republicans and democrats previously and maybe most importantly and most disconcertingly, what we've seen is what some people call truth decay. Something that's been accelerated by outgoing President Trump. The sense that not only do we not have to tell the truth, but the truth doesn't even matter.
Barack Obama and Scot Pelley are duplicit. Aquinas argues that duplicity lacks the respect of persons. Obama has been totally cognizant of the in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over my person. He is a member of what will be the seven Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Biden on January 20, 2021. The world exists in a Cultural Singularity of which Obama has strengthened to the injury of Democracy. We live under a Perfect Dictatorship where individuals and the system are democratically and legally voted for by the citizens. People clamor for equality and tyranny.
Obama is a poor example for Black Lives Matter. He and this movement are Scripted in a Trojan Horse.
§ 2381. Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
§ 2382. Misprision of treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
Book of Hosea
Hosea an Old Testament prophet, whose name means Deliverance, provides a very focused but subtle template for defining the organization of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing which is a descent of informants and traitors from the Membership of Cambridge Law School. This also appears to provide a linkage to Trinity theologians who were a lesser evil.
In the Book of Hosea Chapter 4 verse six the operative is provided:
6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
The use of the Attorney General Exemption for the President is also defined in 4.4. "for thy people are as they that strive with the priest."
Ethnic Nationalism and localism are used to create an individual and group based on incompetence and corruption. An exception or exemption is the foil used to recruit persons on a Yellow Brick Road fashioned as business deal in lieu of a covenant or constitution between the government and it's people.