2021 Archives
Biden is President The Queen's Gambit Accepted
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
January 21, 2021
Happy New Years! I have begun the sketch of Chapter 5 of Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V. I hope to have this chapter and text in full working rough draft by July 1, 2021. With over 415,000 deaths due to COVID 19 and a drought and wildfires in California this is a flexible goal.
Chapter 5
On November 3, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris defeated incumbents Donald Trump and Mike Pence to win the 2020 Presidential Election. Biden defeated Trump handily in the popular vote by over 7 million tallies. Biden won 81,009,468 votes and 51.33 percent to Trump with 74,111,419 and 46.96 tallies. The results were records for a victor and an incumbent. However the Electoral College was a concern with Biden winning 306 to 232 surpassing the 270 majority of 538 votes.
Over 50 suits were filed as many states as Georgia and Pennsylvania crucial to Trump's path to victory saw his early lead dwindle overnight to defeat. Mail in ballots from mainly urban precincts pushed Biden to victory.
A Stop The Steal protest on January 6, 2021 to prevent Mike Pence presiding over Congress to certify the Electoral College resulted in rioting. This event was the worse at the Capitol since the War of 1812.
Trump gave a speech at the rally before the protesters marched on Congress.
As a result of these events Trump was Impeached for the second time on January 13, 2021.
Trump protested until the end of his term on 12:01 PM EST. He did not attend the Inauguration.
Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
February 27, 2021
I have completed Chapter 4 which dealt with my experience at Cuesta College. This was clearly the longest I have spent on one chapter. This is due to Covid 19, wildfires, and an attempt to clean up the site. I have nearly 450 citations which is beginning to be respectable. I hope everyone is safe. The texts are the most important priority. The weather is in drought mode. I am not certain if the mutations of Covid 19 will cause any further impedance to the project.
I will be 60 years of age on August 3, 2021. It is time for me to begin to fade and pass the torch. MOEC Studies is an easy 50 years ahead of any other empirical social science presentation. If History is the final court, we are winning.
The following will keep me engaged into 2026.
Fleeing the Dixie Fire
Mountainaire AZ
August 25, 2021

I have evacuated Northern California. The location that I have been used for composing is most likely burned in this massive wildfire season. Greenville where I composed my Supreme Court Case CV-98-7015 burned on August 4, 2021 which is Barack Obama's birthday. I have been in a total scramble.
I believe I have over 600 citations. I have begun work on The System, which for me is unique because again, no one has the will to attempt this endeavor which falls to Christian scholars. I will attempt to perform at my best. I have turned 60 years of age as of August 3, 2021.
Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V Rough Draft Completed
Chester CA
June 18, 2021
I have completed the rough draft of Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V. There is also a new Open Letter 8 site that is highly interesting. There has been 34 years of MOEC as Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
Prisoner's Dilemma As the Source of Social Ills
Salton City CA
October 23, 2021
Defection to corrupt actors is the source for many manifest social ills. The cultural zeitgeist reflects profound moral illiteracy. The minimum wage in California will soon be $15 USD. The genetic engineering along the Yellow Brick Road has resurrected Nativism and Populism in confrontation with Technological Singularity. Many will see themselves unemployed as wages rise. Many will be become bankrupt by remaining uncompetitive.
The rigging of society as a Tournament is a farce. I am going to attempt to state a priori all the information I know about MOEC by 2030. I am 60 years of age and the wear and tear is beginning to manifest.
These texts have received work recently:
Convergence and Performance
Salton City CA
November 4, 2021
Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, COVID 19, and Wildfires are taking their toll on output. In this consideration I am taking a working sabbatical until some manner of stability returns. The texts and Open Letters are the main priorities. As a result I will post all Journals at least quarterly. I will guarantee that all Journals will be updated on the first of 2022. The texts will be spot updated but I will only guarantee 2 chapters per year. There is quality editing and maintenance that can be performed.
The population is caught in a Singularity Trap of Accelerating Intelligence versus Nativism and Populism. Science is beyond common sense. In this regards my writing is more important than my math. Calculus or Statistics will not save me. Accurate writing based on my skill sets are more focused and credible.
The environment is still extremely smoky in California. The last six years have seen extreme deterioration regarding fire. I have to rest and remain flexible. I believe that there will be some world class insights developed before July, 2022.
Happy Holidays!
Desert Shores CA
December 24, 2021
I am now completing maintenance that has included four sweeps over the domain. Composition is the most important task. Due to circumstances beyond my control I am behind on Open Letters which are second after texts in consideration.
2022 will be a sabbatical year. I will attempt to complete two chapters of text. I will perform maintenance around July. I need to remain flexible as wild fire season begins.
The Mass Psychology of Fascism by Wilhelm Reiche is emreging as a focal text once again. I have read the book in it's entirety but it appears a second take is needed.
I have received the Pfizer booster. Omicron appears less dangerous than Delta but the need to to remain vigilant persists.