The Baltimore Studio
The Baltimore Studio are no more than LAPD Officers using a voice synthesizer to disguise themselves. This construction is a form of Profiling and Entrapment.
2008 Archives
Capstone of the Historical Presentation
Westwood CA
September 14, 2008
An accurate discovery and validation of a crime without confounding is a cornerstone event. I have already have made legal documentation citing Cambridge Law School as the origin. These authors are psychopaths. They did not have any real concern over anyone's wellbeing and certainly not mine. What is unique is that these persons are appear to be LGBT orientated. I am spiritually orientated and heterosexual. They have attempted with LAPD to front me for their concerns which I have refuted. I have the legal records and memos that are not subject to falsification.
The present University of Cambridge has not recognized this event preferring to kowtow to the United States. When are any academics going to publish on the event of the century for the United States?
I will attempt to integrate all the websites under this site. The ends is the measure. I now have to continue publishing and test the site.
Direct Complaints and Open Letters
Westwood CA
September 25, 2008
The time has arrived to make a list and place all the competent authorities names who should have responded to this event and prevented loss of life, limb, and property. In contemplating this I find a great duty in myself to expose the charlatanism of the so called patriots and transcendentalists who have claimed some virtue in the above.
In degree I wish I would of stood up and fought harder and earlier for my faith, myself, family, and environment.
Another issue that needs addressing the chemical assault against this country is being run from LAPD, California in violation of mutual aid. They contain a gay militancy that is attempting to avenge LGBT history. They have complete impunity and will gay bait persons.
I am supporting the following ballot amendments.
California: Prop 8
Florida: Amendment 2
Arizona: Proposition 102 (2008)
Federal Government
Vice President
Attorney General and Cabinet
Senators of all in personemm states
Representatives of all in personemm districts
Members of pertinent committees
State Government
Lt. Governor
Attorney General and Cabinet
Senators of all in personemm states
Representatives of all in personemm districts
Members of pertinent committees
In degree direct complaints, open letters published on internet, and emails sent to such persons who are under the color of law will be made.
I am not supporting Gay Marriage and am supporting measures opposing such in California, Arizona, and Florida.
The states of California, Delaware, Maryland, and Arizona are the most involved.
Direct Complaints and Open Letters
Big Pine CA
September 27, 2008
I have never been a great fan of Descartes' philosophy of rational skepticism, mainly just awed by his mathematics. However his methodology of examining the external world and inner self to doubt that if he knew anything really existed rings true.
In this instance there is the wholesale fraud of the United States president, congress, supreme court and homeland security. The current financial crisis leaves me personally to doubt the integrity of many elites in their ethics and skill.
The study of psychopathy as antisocial personality, sociopath, and psychopath has reaffirmed itself in the last days.
I am in Big Pine, California. Inyo County has a huge history that is mainly treasonous and afoul of human rights. There is not much more than a fish story, ranching story to be had. A tradition of having relatives arrive in a covered wagon seems amusing here.
Cambridge Law School is be accused of being the origin.
I will only accept direct prove of persons who have stepped forward to against criminal and civil prosecution not entertainment and drug dealing culture heroes that LAPD and the Gay Militia proffer.
The Beginnings
Desert Shores CA
October 23, 2008
In the endeavor to develop discovery to confirm or disprove whether Cambridge is the origin and authorship of MOEC we have to stake the claim that the source of information is LAPD then Scotland Yard and then Cambridge Law School. The Origin has created several levels of structures who in turn hand off and entrap a lower level structure as a defense mechanism to create survival for the system if a part is prosecuted.
This in itself seems highly plausible. Again this is only a fortiori hearsay evidence. What is poor is that four successive presidents and the United States Federal Court are too corrupt to investigate. The assumption that these persons were legitimate has greatly slowed work.
To compound matters a strategic goal of MOEC is avenging LGBT history. This includes a massive red herring strawman of literally destroying any real history of my life which is bland except for being victimized by this system and then replacing my natural existence with a gay or bisexual figure.
What is unique is that I am conservative ritvik bhakta. The Hare Krishna Movement is severely fractured. At this instant Jayapataka Maharaj, one of the original 11 initiating gurus after the departure of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada is in a coma with a stroke.
Currently I am along the Salton Sea which is chemically contaminated.
To return this espionage is a logarithmic function of the British Empire. The United Kingdom is in decline and the Atlantic Group is fused into NATO.
The Victorian Age is cited as the beginning of this operation which was originally a response to Germany's Sheifflin Plan. In degree it is possible that these actors were affected by operatives that were planners in the War of 1812. This is a credible insight that could explain hostility to the United States.
This structural planning permits the architects of war to be deceased if the event occurs and the participants are capture directly or others undergo interrogations.
The Need to Comprehend Ritvik and Diksa
Desert Shores CA
October 5, 2008
There is no manner of actually analyzing my life or survival without a study of Gaudiya Vaishnavism. LAPD is very dangerously damaging the greater LGBT platform by attempting to perpetuate the red herring strawman.
I am in opposition to SECULAR HUMANISM.
I believe it is imperative that one read The Final Order, study the July 9, 1997 ritvik order, Prabhupada's Will, and the DOM or (Direction of Management). I am only a sadhana bhakta. This a beginning practitioner. I make no claims to mystical prowess or advancement.
The two major ritvik groups are the ISKCON REVIVAL MOVEMENT (IRM) and the HARE KRISHNA SOCIETY (HKS). I have no formal association with any group. I am an independent ritvik.
The Original Books of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada should be perused.
I am going to totally confront every level of government by making records where I am and make a stand for the spiritual heterosexual individual. This will guarantee the legal and historical teaching for our future's future s and children's children.
Boycott the 2008 Presidential Election
Desert Shores CA
October 29, 2008
It is my opinion and analysis that the correct step to guarantee one's present integrity and future posterity is to BOYCOTT THE 2008 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION between Barack Obama and John McCain. Neither candidate, both who are sworn public officials, who are US Senators have recognized systematic human rights abuses ongoing since June 17, 1987.
Currently I am along the Salton Sea in California. The entire lake is chemically polluted. The air is polluted and exposed food products and as well as packaged products are contaminated.
This election is a convergence of a Perfect Dictator System.
Any individual or group supporting the acts of tyranny committed by the previous four presidents have contributed to one of the largest and definitely most successful acts of censorship in the history of the world.
Corporate History is becoming an important study. The actual emergence and consolidation of many abstract firms is and will be done at the expense of human life. I have lived in Delaware. DuPont is the most prestigious company with a pedigree that dates back to making gunpowder for the Revolutionary War against the British.
Needless to state propping up figures as George W. Bush and Barack Obama with 2000 dollar contributions and soft money will not produce any positive figures from the private sector.
The individual or firm supporting TOTALITARIANISM only chooses to become it's slave. Poetic justice is no justice at all. This will become apparent if Barack Obama wins for African Americans and for women if Sarah Palin is elected with John McCain.
Any spiritual leader supporting any despotic regime also defeats his own mission by negating a performance by lack of consciousness.
Reviewing MOEC Basics
Desert Shores CA
November 13, 2008
Of particular concern is the strength of defection and loyalty of the usurpation in the United States. Four sitting presidents, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and president elect Barack Obama have condoned manifest violations of constitutional law and scorched earth against the United States.
There is a mission goal by the system to avenge LGBT treatment. The organization of this attack appears to have been aimed at Ronald Reagan and to occur on June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware. June 17, 1987 is the 200th anniversary of the United States' Constitution of which Delaware is the first state to have ratified such on December 7, 1787. It is also Queen's Day in England. Currently Joseph Biden, a senior senator from Delaware is Obama's vice president elect.
A notable feature of the structure is that although it is a defection model it has a name Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC for short. By doing such there is a clear demonstration to a prosecutor of the degree of organization achieved before and in continuo of the manifest demonstration of it widespread proliferation on June 17, 1987. The language of the name reveals that such is the architect of the United Kingdom and also with an of intent of social engineering to ensure it's survival.
Captain Marvel Identified
Desert Shores CA
November 18, 2008
There is an ongoing historical review of events that here in Desert Shores that amount to a review of my entire life. As seen a psychoanalysis based technique is used as front for torture.
These events are very similar to what is seen on The Dick Van Dyke Show. This involves a police force targeting one person as Robert Petrie. The police will engage a police officer who has a corrupt past and they will sweep an area with informants using extortion and blackmail.
In this instance Rob is a comedy writer. Every one will literally blame him for the event instead of stopping the police. This includes the courts and politicians.
Again I have been targeted for my entire life as pivot in the LGBT or Gay Agenda. This is has failed 100% percent. I am slowly being killed for my spiritual conservatism as Gaudiya Vaishnava ritvik follower of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. I am going to more forcefully promote these issues from now on.
I lived in Berkeley, California from around 1983 to 1986. The Delaware State Police with an entourage of persons lead by Captain Marvel flew in to Berkeley. It is apparent this mechanism which has many codenames, here the Pied Piper of Hamilton versus the real Pied Piper of Hamelin is no more than a RICO structure based on prisoner's dilemma. It appears a large segment of person's jobs and marriages are based on defection to the police.
This mechanism has also delivered a CHEMICAL ATTACK SCORCHED EARTH against the United States.
In degree these sweeps are quite vulgar with almost anything possible, persons disrobing under intimidation, extortion, being blackmailed, and advancing drug dealing. Small amounts of chemicals have to be sprayed to hear the conspiracy or deals.
In this regards Captain Marvel and the Delaware State Police will be heavily implicated in supporting these acts. An entire study should be made on these bizarre events.
Hamsaduta dasa one of the original 11 ritvik priests of ISKCON was entrapped in concert by these tactics this involved possession of small firearms. I know for a fact that the Delaware State Police approached him. I may or may not of seen Hamsaduta driving down the street with a pistol held out the window through Berkeley. It was Hamsaduta but I don’t know for sure what was in his hand.
From my understanding Sulochana dasa who was murdered in the middle of 1986 visited the Berkeley temple near Christmas 1985. I did not personally meet him but at a later date was informed that he had visited.
The Staging of Scorched Earth: Senator Feinstein D California
Desert Shores CA
November 19, 2008
Dear Senator Feinstein,
I am writing you to help present important information regarding the ongoing chemical attack against the United States. The event involves a huge staging. I have publicly stated in federal courts suits that Cambridge University, probably Oxbridge (Oxford) is behind the planning. The allegation appears that the planners are the designers of the British Empire. This has collapsed into the Atlantic Group which is now NATO.
Regardless a short term goal is LGBT rights. If this means torturing and killing me this is acceptable to this group. LAPD contains a a cell(s) of Gay Militants.
The Salton Sea is chemically contaminated.
In the following memo Captain Marvel flew into Berkeley with officers John Sandusky, maybe cadets or officers John Sandusky, David and Scott Valeski et al. A series of no knock strikes occurred. The only person I know who would was definitely arrested was Hamsaduta for gun possession in Berkeley. When this entourage and pranksters, they are under the color of law, most likely would sweep places like the Transamerica Building, Ten Circuit Court of Appeals, San Francisco Police Department, O'Farrell Theatre, the best restaurants and so forth.
I do not know if they approached the your mayor's office hall.
Regardless in the early part of the decade I asked assistance from you office regarding two murder cases which I argue are linked to LAPD.
Captain Marvel and this kangaroo court sweep along with Gov. Russell Peterson, Senator Biden can be seen in the alleged drug dealer's home who was the source of the contraband in one of the cases. My father was also seen there at the same time.
I am one day older than Barack Obama born August 3, 1961.
To return to Berkeley there was a role call of all the individuals where Captain Marvel lines up all the participants on in files. This would be on Berkeley Way. Captain Marvel usually wears very high quality latex masks. This is no joke. I am talking about Star Wars quality. These should be seized. So in the degree there are twenty or thirty informants outside the duplex. My landlord had to go up to the apartment and to walk me outside I was near hypnotized at what was going on.
I was walked down to the front street which would be east. Marvel myself and one of the first AID cases in Berkeley where present. (This issue will be one that you know better than any other person). It appears Captain has been bisexual I would score a zero as LGBT. There were 30,000 AIDS cases at the time.
I have been a strong advocate of traditional marriage as our correspondence will demonstrate. Over thirteen years of court cases. You and Senator Biden have a broad record of memos from me.
These kangaroo no knock sweeps I have assumed have been filmed.
I wish for all evidence to be seized and made available to discovery.
This catalyst occurred February March 1985.
The Orwellian Electronic Surveillance began en mass June 17, 1987.
I fight for my Gaudiya Vaishnava faith. By simply chanting Hare Krishna and attempting to execute basic sadhana and practice in the mode of goodness.
No meat eating
No drug, marijuana, alcohol use
No gambling
No illicit sex
I have survived over twenty years. I also have stepped for in my duties as a citizen past Captain Marvel, Delaware State Police, Barack Obama and Joe Biden.
You must recognize this event. I do not see how the above can legally or historically survive this scorched earth.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores
The Circular Folly and Impunity
Desert Shores CA
November 21, 2008
One of the interesting and prevailing structures and processes in this attack is the origin and radiating of the attack from Cambridge Law School to LAPD and the United States. Cambridge Law School is the authorship. However Scotland Yard has been the agent to deliver the entrapment to other law enforcement agencies and the public.
If one decade or generation of Cambridge lawyers design state planning in an entrapment such usually is taped and delivered to Scotland Yard. In this manner when Scotland Yard conducts it's sweeps it appears that Scotland Yard is the Origin and authorship. Also many officers know the RICO structure of the design better.
Here the defection model of prisoner's dilemma rears it's ugly head. This is defection to Cambridge Law School outside cooperation of the rule of law.
The state planning is embedded with a scorched earth chemical assault at the top of a crime multiplier. There are also payoffs of marriages, relationships, and career jobs.
Cambridge Law School is the mind and the police the bodyguards of a Master Passion.
Cambridge has designed the structure so that when they get sufficiently exposed by the police, such will cover and sanitize them until they die.
This includes a scorched earth chemical assault on the United States on the 200th birthday of the United States' Constitution. This is Queen's Day in Britain.
Scotland Yard allegedly handed this plan off to LAPD in the 1930s.
In this perspective these layers of cognition had known of a hypothetical attack for a least 50 years.
A circular folly is used. This is quite pronounced in LAPD. If there are 20 officers in a cell if one does not defect and agree to all of the entrapment that person will fall and cause a domino effect through the defection model. The other 19 officers will encircle that person and every deal this person attempts will meet resistance.
In degree, an officer code named The Fly was given the planning to attack President Ronald Reagan on June 17, 1987. If he did not, I believe Dodo the second in command and the leader now would fall. If that happened the other 18 would encircle The Fly. In this manner The Fly alienated me from my rights.
This attack on this date occurred in Dover, Delaware the first state to ratify the Constitution on December 7, 1987.
As seen the entire scorched earth chemical assault is placed over my person. As I move such is escalated and other individuals are brought in.
The Salton Sea in California is completely chemically contaminated as president elect Barack Obama assembles his cabinet.
I am a jiva tattva in the Vedasor sid qoud esse in Christianity. I am a member of the species homo sapiens under natural law. I am a United States citizen.
I believe I am the only person to confront this conspiracy to the Origin at the public level. This pits me at sovereign citizen subject at three levels of law.
The systems goal at the present is avenging LGBT rights. This on the contrary is the worst event in LGBT history. I am a devout heterosexual in the ritvik Prabhupadanuga alignment under His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
So at the present the entire world openly is exposed to what is going on but does nothing. I am openly making a historical stand as bhakta under the Bhagavad Gita As It Is attempting to follow the Four Regulative Principles: 1. No meat eating 2. No illicit sex 3. No drugs, ganja, alcohol 4. No gambling. I also chant 16 rounds of Maha Mantra.
There are many implications at the historical legal level that create the present equilibrium of impunity.
Myth of The Contemporary Man Part II
Desert Shores CA
November 27, 2008
I have published the Introduction of Myth of the Contemporary Man Part II. Such comprises my entrapment by LAPD. Such is an aural stimulus that would also create the tort of false imprisonment. In such one can observe the defense mechanism of MOEC. This material appears fanatical especial if one is religious. LAPD is Gay Militancy and it appears that they are attempting to develop a David Koresh figure of the Branch Davidians.
Since I do social science and do not mind researching, I have been able to identify certain perspectives that others would miss. This is a clear demonstration of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. This is one of the most important features of this event.
I wrote and attempted to systematize this data. It always in a flux and reduces to prisoner's dilemma. If this is true, events concerning David Koresh or Jim Jones appear to have been a entrapment by law enforcement.
Regardless, much victimization claims by LGBT persons will now be confounded. LAPD will have a very difficult time attempting to hand this event off and most likely attempt to blame the Delaware State Police.
They are being entrapped willingly and unwillingly by a Gay Militia in law enforcement.
People Will Torture If Ordered
Desert Shores CA
December 20, 2008
A recent study proves that persons have an informant nature. This involves a prisoner's dilemma defection concept. This is why the United States is being destroyed.
WASHINGTON: Some things never change. Scientists said on Friday they had replicated an experiment in which people obediently delivered painful shocks to others if encouraged to do so by authority figures.
Seventy percent of volunteers continued to administer electrical shocks or at least they believed they were doing so even after an actor claimed they were painful, Jerry Burger of Santa Clara University in California found. The obedience rates in the new study were only slightly statistically lower than in the notorious original experiments, which were conducted in the early 1960s by Yale University professor Stanley Milgram.
"What we found is validation of the same argument, if you put people into certain situations, they will act in surprising, and maybe often even disturbing, ways," Burger said in a telephone interview. "This research is still relevant."
Burger was replicating the Milgram experiment, some of the most controversial psychological studies ever, in which volunteers were asked to deliver electric shocks to other people if they answered certain questions incorrectly.
Milgram found that, after hearing an actor cry out in pain at 150 volts, 82.5 percent of participants continued administering shocks, most to the maximum 450 volts.
The experiment surprised psychologists and no one has tried to replicate it because of the distress suffered by many of the volunteers who believed they were shocking another person.
"When you hear the man scream and say, 'let me out, I can't stand it,' that is the point when the real stress that people criticized Milgram for kicked in," Burger said.
"It was a very, very, very stressful experience for many of the participants. That is the reason no one can ethically replicate the experiment today."
'Surprising and disappointing'
Burger modified the experiment, by stopping at the 150 volt point for the 29 men and 41 women in his experiment. He measured how many of his volunteers began to deliver another shock when prompted by the experiment's leader but instead of letting them do so, stopped them.
In Milgram's original experiment, 150 volts seemed to be the turning point.
In Burger's modified experiment, 70 percent of the volunteers were willing to give shocks greater than 150 volts.
At one point, researchers brought in a volunteer who knew what was going on and refused to administer shocks beyond 150 volts. Despite the example, 63 percent of the participants continued administering shocks past 150 volts.
"That was surprising and disappointing," Burger said.
Burger found no differences among his volunteers, aged 20 to 81, and carefully screened them to be average representatives of the U.S. public.
Burger said the experiment, published in the American Psychologist, can only partly explain the widely reported prisoner abuse at the U.S. run Abu Grahib prison in Iraq or events during World War II.
"Although one must be cautious when making the leap from laboratory studies to complex social behaviors such as genocide, understanding the social psychological factors that contribute to people acting in unexpected and unsettling ways is important," he wrote.
"It is not that there is something wrong with the people," Burger said. "The idea has been somehow there was this characteristic that people had back in the early 1960s that they were somehow more prone to obedience."
Copyright 2008 Reuters
Happy Holidays and 2009!
Desert Shores CA
December 29, 2008
In 2009 the presentation will cease to be accommodating and be more assertive in direct confrontation with Obama Administration. This would have been the same with John McCain had he won the election.
The state governments of California, Delaware, and Arizona will see more work directed at them and their officials. Governor Schwarzenegger comes immediately to mind.
There will also be a more direct focus on the Delaware State Police. Delaware was the staging area for much of what is occurring now. The Delaware State Police should step forward.
Eternal law will be focused. Since I am a Gaudiya Vaishnava one will see how religion is attacked. The child molestations in the Catholic Diocese and ISKCON are related more than by culture.
The LGBT history is ruined. This is facilitated y orchestrations by LAPD. This should be discussed. I am clearly in the pro heterosexual marriage camp until the end.
It is winter now and the weather is my main concern. My presentation will be direct, authentic, and perhaps blunt to some, but no one else is stepping forward.
2009 Archives
Happy New Year!
Desert Shores CA
January 9, 2009
I am off to a slow start but Happy New Year! Here we have to begin to organize the authorship of a conspiracy and it's handing off or delegation to lower level structures to avoid detection. It is clear that MOEC is a hate crime. There are no primary rights or due process. The authorship were never leaders, only despoilers.
How this affects the history of the United States, United Kingdom, University of Cambridge, and the LGBT platform is an enigma and remains to be seen?
No group or person has stepped forward to create a quality public record that I know of besides myself. I do not believe in self aggrandizement but time is running short. If a person is being considered for an opening in the Obama Administration they are not hesitant to promote their achievements.
On comparative analysis is between myself and the president and homeland security which is law enforcement. In particular, LAPD and the Delaware State Police will emerge.
The contrast between how the authorship emerges and other parties will generate considerable interest and study.
My main thrust is criminal prosecution. I do not see how the University of Cambridge could survive if they are behind this type of planning.
Open Letter to President George W. Bush
Desert Shores CA
January 14, 2009
Dear President Bush,
As the end of your 8 year term as president nears I believe it is necessary for both historians and Homeland Security to confront was has transpired during your capacity as president.
From the day of your inauguration in January of 2000 the United States was in it's 13th year of a chemical assault scorched earth attack. This event appears to be authored by the United Kingdom. It is a Gay Militancy. The chemical assault is imposed over one's person from genealogy, a crime of blood. It is also superimposed over certain crimes a drugs and steroid use to name a few. LAPD is running the attack.
What occurs is that the full blown scorched earth, what is occurring now is codenamed AKBAR will be fallaciously attributed by LAPD that attack originates from me. In degree it is a product of their volition. I do not pay or order Homeland Security Officers to spray any chemicals on food, clothing, or the air in general.
I am the only person who exists in this condition however the natural species and environment also are attacked.
The country is in an informant antisocial mode. Persons defect to LAPD instead of cooperating with the Constitution. Hence it is easy to get the population to attack myself and others in mob rule. No federal or public employee will step forward. In degree they also get chemically assaulted.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores, California
Open Letter to Senator Joe Biden D Delaware
Desert Shores CA
January 15, 2009
Dear Senator Biden,
I am writing to you for the final time during your last days as senator from Delaware. You were chosen by Barack Obama to be vice president due to his perception of your skill in international relations and dedication to public service.
Since June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware, the United States has undergone a chemical assault scorched earth. This has been imposed over my natural person and citizenship which you have sworn several times to uphold.
LAPD is running this operation which is alleged to have a United Kingdom authorship. This event is codenamed Akbar, I have testified in this regard in federal court several time pre 9-11, runs through the Baltimore and Delaware State Police Departments.
I am the main opposition, the only public one to my knowledge to a GAY MILITANCY. This has spawned one of the worst blackmail and extortion rings in human history. No one at any level worldwide has stepped forward other than myself with open transparent public records.
I am in Desert Shores, California. The Salton Sea is chemically despoiled.
In review I was in Delaware during 9-11 and the Anthrax scare. I was also present during the return of the USS Cole crewmen through Dover AFB. This was a disgrace under chemical assault.
You, Barack Obama, and his administration are knowingly subjecting United States citizens to HARM.
I have a credible legal confrontation with Gov. Janet Napolitano. I have complaints against here and Arizona from her days as attorney general.
I am being severely derived and marginalized from STATE SPONSORED activities and corruption.
This level of incompetence will damage the United States and human race for centuries to come.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores, CA
Open Letter to Governor Napolitano D Arizona
Desert Shores CA
January 16, 2009
Dear Governor Napolitano,
In consideration of your career as attorney general and governor of Arizona in context to your nomination as homeland security, it is necessary to point out that there is huge Chemical Assault ongoing in the United States.
The Salton Sea is chemically contaminated. All my clothing and almost anything I can touch or eat is likewise contaminated at the hands of homeland security officers of which you will most likely order.
In panorama, Barack Obama has demonstrated no leadership in this area nor has Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton. Indeed these selections inclusive of your self posit a classic confrontation: abstract rights, constitutional rights and a conflict between the individual and state.
I have a reasonable body of sworn legal history that contradicts the resume of all persons named supra.
It is my position that the restoration of legal person before the government per the Bill of Rights negating this chemical assault, electronic surveillance, and harassment will be the measure of presidents for centuries to come.
I am enclosing a photo file of myself outside Flagstaff May of 2007. I was considering a direct confrontation with you realizing it would most only be a hand wave or tacit recognition that I was even standing there so opted not for this event.
I am using this photo as my current official photograph.
Open Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton D New York
Desert Shores CA
January 17, 2009
Dear Senator Clinton,
I am writing you for the last time during your term as senator. During this time you have not stepped forward to confront the Chemical Assault that has endured from June 17, 1987 through your husband's term as president into the Barack Obama era.
Barack Obama in nominating you, Joe Biden of Delaware, and Janet Napolitano of Arizona creates one of the most polarizing cabinets in attempting to restore the constitutional equilibrium of the nation.
The people themselves have responded poorly to A CHEMICAL ATTACK.
President Bush fallaciously claims to have prevented a terrorist attack on this country in the last seven years.
I am at the Salton Sea, California and it is chemically contaminated.
As secretary of state you will have to prove to other nations that you and the United States can not be blackmailed or extorted when it comes to nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons.
Barack Obama will most likely meet with Medeyev and other CIS officials regarding nuclear deterrence soon.
What type of assurance can you or Obama provide.
My health will not last. All my clothes and even my food are contaminated. The bag of tortillas I ate this morning were caustic but I ate about half anyway. This type of stupidity is what this entire 22 year event represents.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores
The Bush Farewell Speech
Desert Shores CA
January 17, 2009
Over the past seven years, a new Department of Homeland Security has been created. The military, the intelligence community, and the FBI have been transformed. Our nation is equipped with new tools to monitor the terrorists' movements, freeze their finances, and break up their plots. And with strong allies at our side, we have taken the fight to the terrorists and those who support them. Afghanistan has gone from a nation where the Taliban harbored al Qaeda and stoned women in the streets to a young democracy that is fighting terror and encouraging girls to go to school. Iraq has gone from a brutal dictatorship and a sworn enemy of America to an Arab democracy at the heart of the Middle East and a friend of the United States.
There is legitimate debate about many of these decisions. But there can be little debate about the results. America has gone more than seven years without another terrorist attack on our soil. This is a tribute to those who toil day and night to keep us safe, law enforcement officers, intelligence analysts, homeland security and diplomatic personnel, and the men and women of the United States Armed Forces.
Our nation is blessed to have citizens who volunteer to defend us in this time of danger. I have cherished meeting these selfless patriots and their families. America owes you a debt of gratitude. And to all our men and women in uniform listening tonight: There has been no higher honor than serving as your Commander in Chief.
George W. Bush
The President is living in a repressive state. Criminals repress and victims deny. I am writing from the Salton Sea California. This is Don Quixote personified.
The Virgin, the Roman Catholic Pope, the knights and their genealogies...
The Barack Obama Inauguration Speech
Desert Shores CA
January 21, 2009
I have not made an analysis of Barack Obama's first moments as president. He is trusting luck to deliver him. This is an old adage. We will return to Obama at a later date.
Closing Texture and Approaching the Cambridge Authorship
Desert Shores CA
February 8, 2009
To finish the systematic discovery of the presentation the identifying of Cambridge Law School which may be Oxbridge should be undertaken. If this is the case the culture of Gay Irrationalism and Gay Fascism lays in their hands and the British government. The United States is also in jeopardy as it clashes with the other polarity as Islamic Fascism. I do not consider the abstract teachings of faiths to be fascist. I do consider that natural persons will attempt to oprimand, marginalize, even commit genocide to stratify society.
The deification of the LGBT platform as a paradigm and implementing such lends to the Gay Irrationalism and Fascism. The Irrationalism is worse and more simplistic. The Fascism attempts to create a state for a LGBT biased culture to reside will formal and informal rights and rules. This appears to never have a chance of existing.
My persecution over the last 20 plus years gives concrete credence to this argument.
Is Cambridge the real origin and authorship?
In degree the nation are the people and the state is where such resides. For are practical purposes I am stateless without legal rights before my own government.
This is devastating to Barack Obama and followers who attempt to aggrandize him as a legitimate advocate of change and human rights.
Hopefully by next week I will be able to resume larger postings and more research.
The Cambridge Authorship
Desert Shores CA
February 25, 2009
The allegation is that the authorship were gay bisexual males. These academics designed an entrapment for a culture that resembled their own particular tastes, not a universal LGBT culture. The Ends Justifies the Means. This Machiavellian maxim appears to permeate every act from conception, process, and cover up. It appears that these individuals feared that were going to be detected. This may have lead to the design on the attack on the United States on June 17, 1987, the 200th (year) anniversary of the document.
In creating a circular folly the authorship will always argue to escalate event. With impunity secured from the courts, the chemical assaults are escalated. In this degree legally reconciliation is swept away and spraying others and preventing oneself from being assaulted reigns. In this manner the linkage from Cambridge academics, Scotland Yard, LAPD, to a SCORCHED EARTH HAS TAKEN PLACE. It appears that an entire chain of officers from Scotland Yard to LAPD were LGBT who have decided to escalate this event to a fullblown totalitarian SCORCHED EARTH.
This event incorporates eugenics from practices used to mate animals to artificial insemination. Gays do not reproduce. I am a clear heterosexual who is making a stand and refutation to Cambridge and the United Kingdom. This will be sent to the school. The Home Secretary, Prime Minister, and Scotland Yard have already received the old powereality site.
I am Gaudiya Vaishnava within the Hare Krishna Movement. I am not part of introducing LGBT issues as Gay Marriage into the faith.
The Cambridge Authorship and Evolutionary Biology
Desert Shores CA
February 28, 2009
The study of Evolutionary Biology has emerged as a template to organize the emergence of Gay Irrationalism Gay Fascism. This study discusses the mechanistic origins of species. Here we can focus on the choice of mating pairs to select the sex of their offspring.
This is an emergent interdisciplinary science. The above discussion can be argued as intra sex. We can see why LGBTi individuals and couples would have an interest in this issue. This is a highly complex study and I make no pretensions of having an expertise other than the University of Cambridge is guilty of practicing eugenics in a chemical assault scorched earth.
What is interesting is that certain chemicals and structures can be seen as cognitive maps through the environment. Of interest is testosterone. This in males could be linked to alpha members and beta members.
I do know that there is a steroid entrapment ongoing that will move backwards to high school sports where the police, LAPD pick athletes to use steroids with impunity. LGBT persons are favored then multisport athletes.
I am going to finish this event in my life advocating the spiritual heterosexual individual and heterosexual monogamy.
This study and the escalated chemical assault has had a very sobering and grave effect on my thought.
I believe all the major competent authorities since 1987 are guilty of very serious aggravated crimes being negligent and corrupt officials.
I will organize this site slowly and confront the University of Cambridge and the authorities.
Approaching A Satisfactory Model
Desert Shores CA
March 13, 2009
With recent brainstorming here along the Salton Sea I am approaching a framework that I will be happy to pass of to the future. In degree from Cambridge this presents such as the authorship and Origin. They appear to have been prominent professors who were entrapped in a blackmail and extortion ring that plans the expansion of the United Kingdom. This includes Scotland Yard who are the enforcers and bodyguard at this level. It is concrete that the state planning is tagged at various levels and intervals with chemical attacks building up to a scorched earth with censorship. These conditions prevail as I write.
The mission to attack the United States appears to have an intent of promoting LGBTi rights which have destroyed LGBT history. The Black Civil Rights Movement has credibility while the reality of Gay Rights is dominated by emergent Gay Irrationalism Know Nothing. This is occurring by attacking me personally and the the United States.
I am clearly going to transpire sooner or later, 2,4,10 years; hence I have no idea other than I am weaker.
My work is done descending from a basic practice and comprehension of the Original Bhagavad Gita As It Is by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
As seen I have linked to the Proposition 8 YouTube site.
I am and only promoting sex and marriage by a biological heterosexual male and female. This is extremely important and is cornerstone to the legacy and teaching of what has occurred under the corruption of the United States president.
Fascism: An Emergent Structure Emerges
Desert Shores CA
March 17, 2009
This an excellent small article that describes Fascism. It is quite shocking and compelling to observe how degraded the United States and the world has become. I am writing mostly federal officials that have jurisdiction over this disaster and will be more assertive in my these confrontations over the disintegration of constitutional rights.
As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer. The word derives from fasces, the Roman symbol of collectivism and power: a tied bundle of rods with a protruding ax. In it's day (the 1920s and 1930s), fascism was seen as the happy medium between boom and bust prone liberal capitalism, with it's alleged class conflict, wasteful competition, and profit oriented egoism, and revolutionary Marxism, with it's violent and socially divisive persecution of the bourgeoisie. Fascism substituted the particularity of nationalism and racialism blood and soil for the internationalism of both classical liberalism and Marxism.
Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society's economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners. Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the national interest that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it. (Nevertheless, a few industries were operated by the state.) Where socialism abolished all market relations outright, fascism left the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities. Where socialism abolished money and prices, fascism controlled the monetary system and set all prices and wages politically. In doing all this, fascism denatured the marketplace. Entrepreneurship was abolished. State ministries, rather than consumers, determined what was produced and under what conditions.
Fascism is to be distinguished from interventionism, or the mixed economy. Interventionism seeks to guide the market process, not eliminate it, as fascism did. Minimum wage and antitrust laws, though they regulate the free market, are a far cry from multiyear plans from the Ministry of Economics.
Under fascism, the state, through official cartels, controlled all aspects of manufacturing, commerce, finance, and agriculture. Planning boards set product lines, production levels, prices, wages, working conditions, and the size of firms. Licensing was ubiquitous; no economic activity could be undertaken without government permission. Levels of consumption were dictated by the state, and excess incomes had to be surrendered as taxes or loans. The consequent burdening of manufacturers gave advantages to foreign firms wishing to export. But since government policy aimed at autarky, or national self sufficiency, protectionism was necessary: imports were barred or strictly controlled, leaving foreign conquest as the only avenue for access to resources unavailable domestically. Fascism was thus incompatible with peace and the international division of labor hallmarks of liberalism.
Fascism embodied corporatism, in which political representation was based on trade and industry rather than on geography. In this, fascism revealed it's roots in syndicalism, a form of socialism originating on the left. The government cartelized firms of the same industry, with representatives of labor and management serving on myriad local, regional, and national boards subject always to the final authority of the dictator's economic plan. Corporatism was intended to avert unsettling divisions within the nation, such as lockouts and union strikes. The price of such forced harmony was the loss of the ability to bargain and move about freely.
To maintain high employment and minimize popular discontent, fascist governments also undertook massive public works projects financed by steep taxes, borrowing, and fiat money creation. While many of these projects were domestic roads, buildings, stadiums the largest project of all was militarism, with huge armies and arms production.
The fascist leaders' antagonism to communism has been misinterpreted as an affinity for capitalism. In fact, fascists' anticommunism was motivated by a belief that in the collectivist milieu of early twentieth century Europe, communism was it's closest rival for people's allegiance. As with communism, under fascism, every citizen was regarded as an employee and tenant of the totalitarian, party dominated state. Consequently, it was the state's prerogative to use force, or the threat of it, to suppress even peaceful opposition.
If a formal architect of fascism can be identified, it is Benito Mussolini, the onetime Marxist editor who, caught up in nationalist fervor, broke with the left as World War I approached and became Italy's leader in 1922. Mussolini distinguished fascism from liberal capitalism in his 1928 autobiography:
The citizen in the Fascist State is no longer a selfish individual who has the antisocial right of rebelling against any law of the Collectivity. The Fascist State with it's corporative conception puts men and their possibilities into productive work and interprets for them the duties they have to fulfill. (p. 280)
Before his foray into imperialism in 1935, Mussolini was often praised by prominent Americans and Britons, including Winston Churchill, for his economic program.
Similarly, Adolf Hitler, whose National Socialist (Nazi) Party adapted fascism to Germany beginning in 1933, said:
The state should retain supervision and each property owner should consider himself appointed by the state. It is his duty not to use his property against the interests of others among his own people. This is the crucial matter. The Third Reich will always retain it's right to control the owners of property. (Barkai 1990, pp. 26–27)
Both nations exhibited elaborate planning schemes for their economies in order to carry out the state's objectives. Mussolini’s corporate state "consider[ed] private initiative in production the most effective instrument to protect national interests" (Basch 1937, p. 97). But the meaning of initiative differed significantly from it's meaning in a market economy. Labor and management were organized into twenty two industry and trade corporations, each with Fascist Party members as senior participants. The corporations were consolidated into a National Council of Corporations; however, the real decisions were made by state agencies such as the Instituto per la Ricosstruzione Industriale, which held shares in industrial, agricultural, and real estate enterprises, and the Instituto Mobiliare, which controlled the nation's credit.
Hitler's regime eliminated small corporations and made membership in cartels mandatory. The Reich Economic Chamber was at the top of a complicated bureaucracy comprising nearly two hundred organizations organized along industry, commercial, and craft lines, as well as several national councils. The Labor Front, an extension of the Nazi Party, directed all labor matters, including wages and assignment of workers to particular jobs. Labor conscription was inaugurated in 1938. Two years earlier, Hitler had imposed a four year plan to shift the nation's economy to a war footing. In Europe during this era, Spain, Portugal, and Greece also instituted fascist economies.
In the United States, beginning in 1933, the constellation of government interventions known as the New Deal had features suggestive of the corporate state. The National Industrial Recovery Act created code authorities and codes of practice that governed all aspects of manufacturing and commerce. The National Labor Relations Act made the federal government the final arbiter in labor issues. The Agricultural Adjustment Act introduced central planning to farming. The object was to reduce competition and output in order to keep prices and incomes of particular groups from falling during the Great Depression.
It is a matter of controversy whether President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal was directly influenced by fascist economic policies. Mussolini praised the New Deal as "boldly... interventionist in the field of economics," and Roosevelt complimented Mussolini for his "honest purpose of restoring Italy" and acknowledged that he kept "in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman." Also, Hugh Johnson, head of the National Recovery Administration, was known to carry a copy of Raffaello Viglione's pro Mussolini book, The Corporate State, with him, presented a copy to Labor Secretary Frances Perkins, and, on retirement, paid tribute to the Italian dictator.
Sheldon Richman. Fascism. The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics. 2008. Library of Economics and Liberty. Retrieved March 4, 2009 from the World Wide Web:
Intro to Evolutionary Biology
Desert Shores CA
March 17, 2009
Evolution is the cornerstone of modern biology. It unites all the fields of biology under one theoretical umbrella. It is not a difficult concept, but very few people, the majority of biologists included, have a satisfactory grasp of it. One common mistake is believing that species can be arranged on an evolutionary ladder from bacteria through lower animals, to higher animals and, finally, up to man. Mistakes permeate popular science expositions of evolutionary biology. Mistakes even filter into biology journals and texts. For example, Lodish, et al., in their cell biology text, proclaim, "It was Charles Darwin's great insight that organisms are all related in a great chain of being..." In fact, the idea of a great chain of being, which traces to Linnaeus, was overturned by Darwin's idea of common descent.
Misunderstandings about evolution are damaging to the study of evolution and biology as a whole. People who have a general interest in science are likely to dismiss evolution as a soft science after absorbing the pop science nonsense that abounds. The impression of it being a soft science is reinforced when biologists in unrelated fields speculate publicly about evolution.
This is a brief introduction to evolutionary biology. I attempt to explain basics of the theory of evolution and correct many of the misconceptions.
What is Evolution?
Evolution is a change in the gene pool of a population over time. A gene is a hereditary unit that can be passed on unaltered for many generations. The gene pool is the set of all genes in a species or population.
The English moth, Biston betularia, is a frequently cited example of observed evolution. [evolution: a change in the gene pool] In this moth there are two color morphs, light and dark. H. B. D. Kettlewell found that dark moths constituted less than 2% of the population prior to 1848. The frequency of the dark morph increased in the years following. By 1898, the 95% of the moths in Manchester and other highly industrialized areas were of the dark type. Their frequency was less in rural areas. The moth population changed from mostly light colored moths to mostly dark colored moths. The moths' color was primarily determined by a single gene. [gene: a hereditary unit] So, the change in frequency of dark colored moths represented a change in the gene pool. [gene pool: the set all of genes in a population] This change was, by definition, evolution.
The increase in relative abundance of the dark type was due to natural selection. The late eighteen hundreds was the time of England's industrial revolution. Soot from factories darkened the birch trees the moths landed on. Against a sooty background, birds could see the lighter colored moths better and ate more of them. As a result, more dark moths survived until reproductive age and left offspring. The greater number of offspring left by dark moths is what caused their increase in frequency. This is an example of natural selection.
Populations evolve. [evolution: a change in the gene pool] In order to understand evolution, it is necessary to view populations as a collection of individuals, each harboring a different set of traits. A single organism is never typical of an entire population unless there is no variation within that population. Individual organisms do not evolve, they retain the same genes throughout their life. When a population is evolving, the ratio of different genetic types is changing each individual organism within a population does not change. For example, in the previous example, the frequency of black moths increased; the moths did not turn from light to gray to dark in concert. The process of evolution can be summarized in three sentences: Genes mutate. [gene: a hereditary unit] Individuals are selected. Populations evolve.
Evolution can be divided into microevolution and macroevolution. The kind of evolution documented above is microevolution. Larger changes, such as when a new species is formed, are called macroevolution. Some biologists feel the mechanisms of macroevolution are different from those of microevolutionary change. Others think the distinction between the two is arbitrary, macroevolution is cumulative microevolution.
Colby, C (1996). What is Evolution? Retrieved from:
Opposition to Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing
Desert Shores CA
March 23, 2009
I am currently ascertaining that I am the MAIN OPPOSITION LEADER of the current Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. I am the only individual with publicly available legal and written historical records.
There are three schools of thought in modern ideology. They are conservatives, liberals, and irrationalists. The subspecies of irrationalists are:
Italian Fascists
Japanese Fascists
Spanish Fascists
Black Nationalist and Gay Fascism are less defined. The current situation is more Gay Irrationalist as no Gay Intellects have appeared and the Chemical Scorched Earth is unrecognized. There is a strong link of blackmail and extortion preventing transparency. LAPD can be seen as agent provocateurs and Cambridge University as the intellects if such even attempted to develop a model for governing.
Santa Monica, California is an affluent city in Los Angeles County which contains a large LGBTi population. The city is also EuroSocialist orientated. So in this instance there is tremendous damage. The area could be seen as fragile. If such were to decay it could possibly emerge as San Francisco Berkeley in the future from an LGBTi perspective. I believe that the authorship would prefer the Santa Monica West Hollywood culture to the Bay Area.
So I am challenging a very low level of performance by entering as opposition first. The defection is based on a fast second standard. I am the only individual to enter. I will be doing such as a Gaudiya Vaishnava ritvik based on the Bhagavad Gita As It Is by his Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada.
This is needed because LAPD wishes to hand off this event to secular LGBTi advocates which results in a complete ATOMIZATION of my life.
Evolutionary Biology which includes the natural history of all life as well as reproductive choices of species may come to dominate the outcome.
My lifestyle and orientation is heterosexual. I am orthodox in my orientation and will only support heterosexual activity between a biological man and woman.
Opposition to Historical Sanitization
Desert Shores CA
April 15, 2009
The current structural shift of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth necessitates that the president and other sworn officials of the United States have a sworn record of opposition and action against such. It is obvious that this has not happened. Pressure should be applied against the Obama administration with equal protection towards the preceding four presidents.
It is likely that the event will not last towards 2020.
The cover up and sanitization may endure. This is why I argue that Barack Obama, by his birth age may be entrapped. He being 47 years of age places him in likely prosecution.
Alberto Fujimori has been convicted in Peru of crimes against humanity. This is the first time a democratically elected head of state has been convicted.
This is a notable event for the zeitgeist.
Currently I am attempting to expand.
For networking:
Gaudiya Vaishnava
Chemical Assault Human Rights
These are the newer Facebook urls. DWN October 4, 2016
Future Implications for the United Kingdom
Big Pine CA
May 5, 2009
The future implications for the United Kingdom have to be taken into consideration. If the allegation is true that a circle of LGBTi Cambridge Law School professors are the origin and authorship of a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, the viability of the human race, other natural species, and the environment is severely damaged to the injury of the United Kingdom and the United States.
At the present instance the H1N1 virus appears to only manifest mild symptoms equitable to seasonal flu. Here one should note without being sensational that Robert Mugabe has laid claims that the British were spreading cholera in Zimbabwe.
The United Kingdom is not adequately situated within the parameters of a Hinterland Theory. He whom controls the hinterland controls the world.
The island territories that comprise the United Kingdom are not readily defensible. Here Germany would be the strongest ally if attacks occur from the east.
It does not seem reasonable that the United States would abandon the British. Of further concern is retaliation to the LGBTi culture.
Currently all populations are informant antisocial. Here the surveillance of LAPD defines individuals with illicit dealings for benefit with the police. The United States has 2.4 million persons under incarceration, over 1.1 million HIV cases, and at least 3 million Hepatitis C cases.
There is considerable concern that biological warfare through behavior transactions is under recognized.
Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing and the Defeat of Gay Triumphalism
Big Pine CA
May 30, 2009
A unique discovery in the strategic mission of MOEC occurred on May 30, 2009. This is the template of Gay Triumphalism that was developed by the authorship in Cambridge Law School and handed off to lower hierarchies especially the legitimate Gay Rights Movement hence LGBTi. In degree irrationalism is the the ideology that spawns Nazism and Fascism. Here Cambridge by pairing criminal events to constitutional events clearly demonstrates it's irrationalist platform. In the present instance we will deal only with chemical assault.
In a concept of state engineering Cambridge Law School probably around the 1930s incorporated the Gay Rights Movement that was already beginning elsewhere in Europe. Targeted chemical assaults were placed over various person's genealogies as well as objects of food, clothing, shelter, and reproduction.
This planning was handed off to Scotland Yard and LAPD.
We can easily see that gay couples can not reproduce naturally. The gays need to recruit. In degree alienation of my rights was planned on June 17, 1987 the 200th (year) Anniversary of the United States Constitution.
I am a lifelong heterosexual with zero same sex or MSM (male same sex male) contacts. In essence I had to be a gay or married to a bisexual or lesbian female to avoid being alienated in the in continuo chemical assault.
I am also a Hare Krishna in the ritvik line of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. He did not promoted LGBTi as Vedic.
Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing exists in a parallel trajectory with the LGBTi movement. The deification of homosexuality in imitation of Sri Krishna who is the Supreme Male Personality of Godhead, hence the Overman Superman is a template for Gay Triumphalism. Triumphalism in it's negative is an ethnocentric glorification of a final or coming victory of one's religion, group, culture, social model, and here sexual orientation.
The planners in Cambridge Law School embraced a form of Gay Triumphalism and this was embodied in a culture of Gay Militants in LAPD. This was exemplified by the attack on then President Ronald Reagan on June 17, 1987 when I was in Dover, Delaware.
One can note that the Organic Cell Virus of MOEC is embedded in Gay Irrationalism. This is a sophisticated systems approach structure derived from prisoner's dilemma. It is probable that most researchers would only be able to discern this as a mutation of a Nash Equilibrium. This is profound for even Game Theory but permits elements of the defection to be picked up and restored from other plans that have been safe housed elsewhere.
So there are systems effects since the manifest Chemical Assault that emanate from Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing are negatively transforming the LGBTi movement along nodes that derive from Cambridge Law School, Scotland Yard, and LAPD. This would dictate a yield of Gay Fascist from an apologist position. Hence intellects appear who help obstruct justice and abet censorship.
Gay Triumphalism is a subset in the LGBTi movement. Many gay rights activist reject such for the achievement of positive gay rights as marriage.
In the construction of a systematic analysis of MOEC. The Refutation of Gay Triumphalism is truly Holon X.
A Refocus on the Classics: Plato and Thrasymachus
Westwood CA
June 11, 2009
The archetype of Socrates as an embodiment of truth and Thrasymachus as an informant and sophist reemerges. I have stated this event several times throughout the history of this journal. Socrates was forced to drink hemlock by Meletus for poisoning the minds of Athen's youths. Plato's The Republic is considered by many to be the most important seminal work in western political philosophy.
For the past twenty odd years, most commentary from priests, academics, and politicians has been sanitized sophistry. Barack Obama is emerging from a technical and showman's point of view as a great orator. In reality he is a strawman. By condoning the systematic Chemical Assault Scorched Earth under the Constitution he has chosen to uphold, he alienates himself from reality. His work is strictly semantic and for the camera of history if his exposure does not occur sooner.
I have also lived in San Diego where Platonic Philosophy has a following amongst the colleges. I will construct a site on San Diego and Mesa College. Within will be a convergence with an alter ego female that I have met that was and probably still is a target of chemical assault. The convergence will arise from Delaware where steroids are an object of chemical assault. There was and still is a huge propaganda machine that had attempted to get me married to a bisexual lesbian female.
This was and is a no go zone for me. Gay Bisexual males will attempt use bisexual lesbian females to front the LGBTi platform. If you counter this, they will attempt to bait you as gay. This is amateur reasoning, ad ignorantum, but effective.
The Presentation of Lycurgus
Westwood CA
June 25, 2009
On the site the full edition of Lycurgus has been posted. This small presentation of an entrapment model delineates in a very simple manner the staging of targeted Chemical Assaults that has lead to the full blown Scorched Earth that is fully evident here in Northern California. As seen I have alleged that Cambridge Law School designed and implemented this event to attempt to spread a LGBTi mission.
I am clearly heterosexual and will make a very compelling legal and historical stand here jurisdictionally in this region.
The style of Lycurgus is reminiscent of Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's Brave New World. This style can be cryptic and writings of apocalyptic single issue groups, also in my opinion, have been leaked a mixture of fact and foil in a religious manner.
This is also where the value is. I have presented Lycurgus as tool for constitutional analysis. The text is more symmetrical than what actual happens. LAPD will obstruct a court from permitting discovery of Chemical Assault.
In degree, the manifest function will be used to prosecute all competent officials jurisdictionally that have a duty to intervene. The theory of Lycurgus is a latent function. The obstruction of justice is used to protect this defection model which is a no knock warrantless search. So in degree the conspiratol aspect is not fully valid without legal recognition and discovery with subpoenas to eliminate confounding and the appearance of fanaticism.
Lycurgus is based on events in Kent County, Delaware.
Identifying Members of the Origin
Westwood CA
July 16, 2009
As this event winds down, I am clearly near the cap or peak as to what I could accomplish under time constraints and capabilities. It is a clear necessity to identify and name any persons who are members of and authors of this systematic tyranny. The right to confront these persons and groups is pertinent even if they are dead and have handed their design off to others.
It is clear that all parties are waiting to perform a fast second, not be the leader to confront the truth. Herein, is where I will attempt to decapitate those individuals and parties that I believe do not have an interest in seeing legal justice. (Decapitate is a paramilitary term which means to render a person or system incapable of inflicting damage.
There are many sworn and licensed officials that should not be permitted to retain their office or retain their certifications due to obstructing or stonewalling justice. I believe the authorship are LGBTi, that this community needs to own up to their history and culture, and seek some type of legal reconciliation and recognition of those that are abused. I am the main victim. I will also do such. My resources are exhausted.
Challenges Within a Paradigm Shift: The Implementation of MOEC: Chemical Assault Scorched Earth
Westwood CA
July 16, 2009
The instant plans were developed to pair chemical tagging to objects, a paradigm was developed. If this model was implemented a paradigm shift occurred. Integral to this paradigm and it's shift is the naming of such Mobilization of Empire and Civilization (MOEC).
Manifest Function: The part of an event that is empirically verifiable to an objective observer and confirmed by third parties.
Latent Function: The part of an event that becomes observable at a later date to be confirmed in regard to an early manifest function.
Many diseases develop in latency. Hence there is a difference from being HIV positive and having the disease of AIDS. AIDS is a latent function of the HIV virus.
It is clear that Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is a manifest function to Homeland Security and the president of the United States. The same can be said of the American Medical Association (AMA), American Psychological Association (APA), and American Bar Association (ABA). Since Los Angeles Police Department is located in California and most of this event has been localized within this state, the University of California is adversely affected and degraded also.
In degree, the certification of law or peace officers in California is called POST certification. It too is severely damaged.
The labelling and use of the acronym MOEC is latent function to a censored world of this Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. It is accurate and I am developing this area as being cognizant of it's existence by the Origin itself.
I believe I am more adequately prepared to challenge academia and their certification then any other area. I am involved in spirituality and interfaith dialog but am far from a practicing priest. I am fluent in the basic concepts of the Vedas and the Christian Bible.
The University of California has a mission of being dedicated to the research and pedagogy of innovative and leading technologies and events of human culture. This systematic crime has both elements. UC also has a vested interest in the history of California. At this point is clear that they are in a posture of censorship and sanitization that endangers human civilization and life itself.
A clear line to remedy this criminality is to directly attack Los Angeles Police Department, University of California, to the prosecution of University of Cambridge and Law School itself.
Preliminary Ethnography of MOEC
Westwood CA
September 18, 2009
Preliminary Description of Manifest and Latent Functions
The continuum of events from June 17, 1987 in continuo through 2009. The discovery will focus in degree on proving a basic dichotomy of manifest and latent functions.
Manifest Function: De facto and negligent activities are being ordered from Los Angeles Police Department, California through mutual aid violations with various law enforcement agencies to attack the United States, it's constitution, and presidency. This is facilitated by attacking me as a member of the natural species of homo sapiens, my citizenship and international human rights, and natural person (David Nollmeyer).
LAPD is LGBTi orientated and I am a strict heterosexual. This in combination with my Japanese ancestry account for systematic torture. In degree an epistemological attack on the natural five senses, mind, and environment have give way to a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, 24/7 electronic surveillance, and systematic harassment by surrounding persons in my vicinity which constitute being an accomplice accessory to a hate crime. Treason is also a possibility.
This systematic activity is prosecutable under Title 18 of the United States federal code as a crime and the Convention Against Torture, CAT.
Latent Function: This systematic activity is alleged to have be designed as an act of war by Cambridge Law School. This event was alleged to have been designed to avenge LGBTi history.
Basic Research Framework and Goals
The entire entrapment can be reduced to prisoner's dilemma. It is also predicated in part on an interdisciplinary ethnographic model which will also be become a subject here. I have been deliberately entrapped, hence alienated from my legal primary rights which would be the Bill of Rights in the United States. Hence the original model appears to be an extension of the activities that plan the expansion and contraction of the British Empire.
I am operating on this premise but focusing this forced participation, observation, and experimentation to prosecute within the United States first.
The ecology of systems model appears to be a template and will be used with interdisciplinary content.
A historical concept of laws is very prominent and was employed extensively with contrast to phenomenological perspectives.
This work appears to be state planning and eugenic in nature. LGBTi persons do not reproduce naturally. They need to recruit, adopt, or use artificial means to reproduce or replenish their ranks.
The original target was President Ronald Reagan. This is part of a targeted as well a systematic attack on the United States. At this time five presidents have acted criminally.
Cognitive behaviorism and operant conditioning have been used to test nativism and socialization of the individual.
In degree a very intense attempt has been made to develop me as a LGBTi person. This has failed and secondary, tertiary, and beyond scenarios are in effect to cover up what was a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth against the United States an the human race.
The Topology of MOEC
Blythe CA
November 6, 2009
I have found it more prudent to change the beginning discovery to the Topology of MOEC. The ongoing rough presentation may be seen here:
It is unique that the level of corruption is so severe that even a President Obama, who has just won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize is willing to gamble on perpetuating this criminal fraud. It is also noteworthy that a preeminent university system as the University of California would condone this event and suffer the consequences.
The Nobel Prize Organization can also be singled out as having played a divisive role contrary to human rights by awarding a naming Albert Gore as a laureate in 2004 for environment and Barack Obama in 2009 for peace.
The Frontpage of this site is a capstone presentation and will have to occur after the breadth of the other journals.
I know positively that a system based ethnographic mapping was desired. Just completing a 30 page + paper as a template would further the methodology of this field.
Currently a domestic terrorist event has unfolded in Fort Hood, Texas. There are multiple casualties. H1N1 flu is the world's most dominant strain of influenza. Unemployment has surpassed 10.2 % in the United States.
The universal benefit to cost ration per every man, woman, and child is beginning to take it's toll. This will shape the official recognition in the future.
The Zeitgeist
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
November 29, 2009
One important perspective to deliberate over is that this event is a Purge of Informants. This may be formal organizations and or individuals. Currently tensions in Russia are escalated with a train bombing and the Obama Achminejead confrontation also is heightened as Iran has ascertained that it will build ten new centrifuge sites. Currently one site is causing the consternations in the international community.
Brinkmanship between Iran and the United States goes back in recent times to Ronald Reagan and Khomeini. It will be interesting to study when this Chemical Assault Scorched Earth event is recognized.
The important actors are strawmen. The abuse of the average person comes at his silent submission and tacit approval. There is no easy efficient way out of this imbroglio. It has to be legally stopped.
The culture has not created or raised any person or group adequately capacitated to perform at this level.
This is a systematic failure in itself.
The Colossal Hoax...
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
December 29, 2009
Happy Holidays! Injuries and inclement weather have forced me to slow down and think. This has been a positive spillover. The decade has come to a close without myself formally taking this division of history into account.
If Cambridge is the Origin as alleged the consequences for the United Kingdom and the United States could be catastrophic. Whomever designed this act of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth wanted this institution to be blamed. The other aspect or intent is that of LGBTi Rights. This is also catastrophically damaged. Since I am developing under a morally conservative Gaudiya Vaishnava paradigm I am supporting heterosexual marriage only.
Witnessing Albert Gore and Barack Obama win Nobel Prizes surely will damage the Nobel Organization. It appears it's interests may be that of Norway proper and liberal western social democracy over transparency. The Chemical Assault Scorched Earth will historically negate both Gore and Obama's contributions.
The past 22 years are one of shameful fraud at multiple structural levels of culture and history. I do not believe there is any insulation on earth for any group.
There is one other presentation on internet that I have just rediscovered that in a certain manner, I would argue as a subsystem addresses the issue at hand. This is mob stalking, gang stalking,and stalking sites in general. The tactics described by the support system of stalking address targeted chemical assaults, being harassed by persons laying in wait, skits, and impunity by the police and courts.
My work is becoming increasingly direct with complaints to the FBI in all locations. This is true of congresspersons and state governors.
The Salton Sea Colorado River area will most likely be the legal jurisdiction for 40% of the activities of the next decade.
There are allegations that this event may end with the death, retirement, or termination of a core of LAPD members. Spring of 2017 is a credible approximation.
The skill level that they are manifesting is a Joe Virus. This is a radial shrapnel bomb. I am still be portrayed as Gay Bisexual heavy metal head banger a la Adam Lambert.
I have posted a music site on MySpace:
I have also written a critique on Barack Obama's Nobel Prize acceptance speech.
I have also focused more attention on my faith as ritvik Prabhupadanuga. If I survive this event I will jump in with some preaching centers and original book distribution. I can not live forever and have committed to directing whatever frugal resources in this area for posterity and service.