The Baltimore Studio
The Baltimore Studio are no more than LAPD Officers using a voice synthesizer to disguise themselves. This construction is a form of Profiling and Entrapment.
2010 Archives
2010: Turn of the Decade
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
January 9, 2010
As of the turn of the first decade, the odds favor the ending of the manifest Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. This would only be at the quantum of force used to imprison me. I would strongly argue hat secondary and tertiary targets will continue to have LAPD stalk their persons, families, and properties with these totalitarian tactics.
The culture is INFORMANT BASED. By function these activities also work as a purge. It appears that the selective bias towards favoring same sex groups is counterbalanced by exposing the criminals to the origin. It is in the universal interest to seek legal justice and compensation.
Nobel Organization has twice awarded prizes to American leaders whose criteria are historically and legally questionable. This being Al Gore for Global warming in 2004 and Barack Obama for Peace in 2009.
A type of Socratic Dialog of question and answers needs to be undertaken to clarify and edify what has happened, who is responsible, and what every should have done and did not do.
The damage to the United Kingdom and the United States cannot be understated. The American policeman, now Homeland Security Officer must also face intense scrutiny as well as the Commander in Chief, the United States President.
The public and culture has arisen as an alter ego to Stalinism. The paradigm for the future police state is the United Kingdom and United States with an embedded Joe Virus which is LGBTi. This malware program will soon corrupt the operating system which is constitutional law. Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is an effective blackmail and extortion tool that is meeting little opposition if at all.
Teaching the Future
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
February 10, 2010
I am in the position to either use my own work or perhaps yield to quality of some other producers. There are no other up front out in the open individuals or groups dealing with Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. This month I am also focusing on Gang Stalking, Mob Stalking, and Stalking. There are online support groups for such. They have indirectly recognized me.
Since I am using Direct Action, I identify jurisdictional sworn authorities who are not responding to what is also a Homeland Security threat. The State of Arizona is being addressed. This will continue through the next month perhaps with California and Delaware officials being brought in also.
In the next few days, the 3rd Anniversary of Radhanatha will occur. Since a storm moved through I was able to capture some nice rainbows on my Droid which I now use to capture this unfortunate event.
I am increasingly confident that my material is the kernel for a new section in history and political science. The presidency, international relations, and the media are completely challenged to their integrity since June 17, 1987.
DSM V or the Diagnostic Statistic Manual for psychology has a preview posted of which I have not seen yet. It is not supposed to be available officially until 2013. It is obsolete before it arrives out of the barn. I email a few prominent authorities they should update the areas in antisocial, sociopath, and psychopath areas.
Formally Confronting Cambridge
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
March 8, 2010
The system of sites contains both formal and informal documentation. The ICCPR has a zip of almost all of the main sites from a few years prior. This will most likely occur. I have not formally confronted Cambridge on this issue. To date it is part of their mythology. However they do have a nexus with the Hare Krishnas and some professors have some awareness of who I am. If in toto they all play dumb they reaffirm the correctness in moral and legal will to prosecute and systematize to teach this event.
The criminal knows his crime the best. Overall the school is, like the University of California playing the fast second hand.
There is a Gang Stalking support group at the University of Texas at Austin that has contacted me on
This is encouraging as I believe this behavior is centralized in part.
The Colorado River Valley and Salton Sea area is increasingly significant. Representative Mary Bono R Palm Springs is in jurisdiction in both locations. Gang Stalking is severe. She will not escape legal and historical scrutiny. She is the same age as I am. She was born in Orange County on October 26, 1961.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
March 8, 2010
I am deeply considering using Narcissistic Personality as one of the abnormal personality profiles to explain the authorship I have alleged to have existed here at Cambridge Law School and the manner in which these traits are distributed and radiated through different layers of hierarchies mainly police agencies and informants to the victim. I will incorporate a neo Freudian defense mechanism pattern and psychopathy with such.
Criminals will repress and victims will deny both emotions and experiences.
The creation of a network is a Master Passion, a paraphilia where the perpetrator can enjoy his crime through the persons he ensnares and recruits to his side. This is intended as a perpetual association, even a religion if the collective wishes to raise it to that level.
In order to attack a government or a head a state, anomic non normative conditions must be created while posing as being moral and correct.
At this point in time the profile that LAPD is using states that I would be promoting same sex and be impaired psychologically. I am strongly promoting only heterosexuality and opposite sex marriage under my Vedic Faith. I have confronted the President of the United States, governors, and various levels of Homeland Security. This site is a direct attack on University of Cambridge. I have yet to formally present a complaint to the school.
The use of pathological lying is astronomical. Lying can occur by the second. Within the next sentence a previous statement can be contradicted. All the inferiorities of a mover are projected onto a victim. Merit is never recognized unless it supports the sustainability of the individual and system which oppresses the victim. Any other existence is simply camouflage and or are future victims.
I am consulting writings of Sam Vaknin at the present.
Emergent Constructions
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
March 10, 2010
What is now salient is that abnormal psychology should be used to define the Irrationalism in LAPD and the informants being recruited. This can be seen sociologically and is not refutable by stating such is an internal genetic structure. Hence by accurately observing and documenting history one can observe the transformation of a social engineered convergent totalitarianism.
The transformations through mutual aid toward a sovereign citizenship relationship between the American President is highly discernible and fits nicely into a model of a sibling rivalry with cohort effects under an unseen Father and Mother Figure (Ideal) and Natural Parents. Since I am one day older than Barack Obama being born August 3, 1961 in Roswell, NM to his August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, HA, this Neo Freudian methodology is a primary archetype.
The Gulf of Mexico Oilspill
Westwood CA
June 14, 2010
On April 20, there was a blowout of catastrophic proportions on a British Petroleum BP oil rig off Louisiana. On the 56th day of the disaster about 40 million barrels of oil have poured into the Gulf. My situation, especially in California demonstrates a total disregard for human rights and the environment. Barack is moving aggressively to force BP to pay the liability for the mishap. This is revealing character and leadership flaws in the president. He is maintaining a Hear no evil, See no evil, Speak no evil posture on a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth which has been imposed over me.
There is not a remote inclination for compensation here.
British Petroleum is no stranger to political intrigue. Their survival may lay in the government and reincorporating under a mini max scenario.
If Cambridge is the Origin, these events add an interesting spin and shape the future. The weather from Blythe to Westwood has been impossible with daily sandstorms in Inyo County to cold and snow here until only a few days ago. I have had Window XP problems and have dual booted with desktop Ubuntu 10.4. I have not went online yet as I need wifi or a phone modem tether.
I am adequately challenged as far as production and circumstances. It is also intriguing to contemplate the fate of UC California. It appear as if Cambridge has ensnared them as a Sun captures a smaller massed object as a planet. A Japanese spacecraft, the Falcon has returned from space hopefully with material from am asteroid. There is also a comet in view now in North America.
The liberal arts and social sciences are catastrophically damaged. If I am able to articulate my perspective from an interdisciplinary standpoint, this will help my credibility and those near me who will be attacked by association.
My position is that the fissures that will rupture and lead to a prosecution of perhaps Barack Obama himself are well in place.
Storyboard Half Life
Westwood CA
June 3, 2010
![Maria Shriver](images/shriver.m.jpg)
Myth of the Contemporary Man is nearing completion in spite of weather and fatigue. I believe the title was of Cambridge's choosing but the content was elaborated in a very free manner by myself. Storyboard Half Life is the title chosen by myself to attack Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and First Lady Maria Shriver.
Story Board Half Life
Now Governor Schwarzenegger has approached his two terms of Governor of California from a highly scripted theatrical standpoint that contradicts the conditions of reality in both California and the United States since November 17, 2003. The governor's political calculations that are based on a culture of impunity are jeopardizing the future legal standing of First Lady Maria Shriver. This can be easily inferred from the fact that on July 4, 2010 Arnold will be 63 and Maria will be 54.
In a more complete historical panorama I have been the focal target of a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth that is easily discernible as an attack on the United States proper. This began on June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware. This active was lead by an LGBTi militancy lead out of Los Angeles Police Department LAPD. Then President Ronald Reagan was actually a superior target and I as a citizen a foil. Either analysis yields highly proactive insights into human nature, leadership, and the rise and fall of nationstates.
These details have been elaborated extensively and need not be repeated. Herein the use of a smaller microcosm in a macrocosm, California within the Federal Republic of the United States will be developed. An interesting contrast is within the Social Contract Theory, and the real constitutions of both California and the United States. Herein a conflict between three of the most powerful families in this country, the Schwarzeneggers, Kennedys, and the Shivers unfolds against an ordinary individual. There are 38 million persons in California and 305 in the United States.
Prisoner's Dilemma gives rise to an elaborate act of state planning to support Gay Marriage. It is designed with a Joe Virus script that will drag down the First Family of California. This will also facilitate a prosecution of the Irrationalist Presidents if such survive. Presently Barack Obama will only recognize a major oil catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico at the Macondo oilfield. This site was leased to British Petroleum BP. This site is releasing upwards of 60 barrels per day into the Gulf. The coastline from the toe of Louisiana to past Pensacola, Florida is seriously despoiled.
I am writing from Westwood, California. All of the major lakes and waterways are contaminated. I am the most stalked person in the history of the United States. The terms Gang, Mob Stalking are being developed by persons who are tertiary targets in a system of nodes that is alleged to extend from University of Cambridge.
A very important part of the comprehension of this attack is that I am ritvik Hare Krishna follower of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. It is easy to construe this as hate crime due to my nationality Japanese American (Vedic Shastras or scriptures do not support bodily conceptions) conservative orientation, and my support of Proposition 8 which overturned same sex marriage.
Transformational Figures
Westwood CA
July 19, 2010
The current zeitgeist presents President Barack Obama attempting to get closer to capping the Macondo Oilspill. His accusations posits that BP is incompetent. Obama has not stopped a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth of which he knew of as a senator and as a president. He is clearly duplicit. There is a containment cap in place with some leakage. If there is an upper level blowout of the well a 200 foot tsunami may be generated and enough methane released to cause a mass extinction of life.
Obama does not appear competent or honest. He is continually has subjected life to risks to sustain his and others ill gotten careers.
A closing of texture is in place. I am more concerned with direct prosecution of sworn officials as natural persons than systematizing this study.
In direct correlation a transformational figure in my life would have to be heterosexual. This is a key component in this crime. I have been a heterosexual for 100 percent of my time on earth. My Vedic Hare Krishna faith does not support same sex identity as LGBTi. This accusation is an interpolation and is centered around Manjari Bhava or the love of Radha's maidservants for Krishna. These figures are female in the spiritual world but may be male or female in a mortal body.
This dysfunction is driven by male same sex male practitioners attempting to use lesbians as a front. Then if they are not acceptable one is Gay Baited. There appears to be some type of inferiority and borderline submerged personality that has not emerged correctly.
Very edgy and sensitive subjects like this must be elaborated on. I have no trouble in the least stating I am a heterosexual and my rasa is in Madhurya Lila (Conjugal Love) in Krishna Consciousness.
The LGBTi platform has a great deal of awakening to do in the area of identity and being honest about who they are. This could support their claims for Gay Marriage but the problem exists now.
Persons from San Diego and Delaware who are alleged to be bisexual are said to have transformed me.
My conversion at 16 to Gaudiya Vaishnavism and vegetarianism is the most powerful transformation in my life. Choosing to live and fight this system, file court cases, file complaints, and post these websites is important. I am the first person to dedicate a Facebook site to attack this problem. Facebook is a weak format but the aperture is present.
The Bhagavad Gita As It Is as the Original Book by His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada would be the most transformational instrument in my life without question.
Heterosexuality Versus LGBTi
Westwood CA
August 10, 2010
The current trajectory has lead to a complaint against Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger over the Right to Marry. Proposition 8 as overturned by Judge Walker, a gay judge on August 4. Also a few older acquaintances have emerged on Facebook from the east coast. LAPD is following a script where LGBTi figures from San Diego or Oakland Berkeley may emerge as leaders or transformational figure from life.
Currently LAPD is the only actor introducing LGBTi interests. I have past my 49th Birthday. I have had zero same sex behaviors in all of my years. I am a pure heterosexual. The attempt for LGBTi interests to attack my real life in an attempt to promote Male Same Sex Male MSM is UNWANTED.
My perception is that LAPD suffers from an inferiority complex related to the gender identity and sexual practices. Heterosexuality to me is natural, clean, and simple. I am quite confident of who I am and what I will say regarding this issue.
Anyone stating that if one does not like lesbians is a gay male is pretty ridiculous. In this particularity is an inferiority driven displacement that is creating inferior individuals as informants, stalkers, and other criminals.
So far no superior persons have emerged.
I will advocate the stripping of Arnold Schwarzenegger's naturalized United States citizenship.
Crimes Against Humanity Abnormal Psychology
Westwood CA
August 18, 2010
Approaching this attack as A Crime Against Humanity and Abnormal Psychology is going to be a trajectory I will more strongly incorporate in all my work as I finish. The Right To Marry also develops a very important element biologically and culturally. Gay Marriage is on stay until Proposition 8 is appealed in December. I have decided to champion my right as heterosexual to marry. This will have implications in many developing nations where alienation, marginalization, and genocide are facets of the social environment. Why the authorship chose to attack me based on LGBTi orientations is baffling but must be undertook head on.
I do not believe groups like Courage Campaign will have very sustainable reputations outside of their own constituency as the breadth of this attack becomes apparent. As Hobbes stated, "One is no more secure than what one can save with one's own hands from a brutish man."
The romantic notion of hedonism during a conflict is very pronounced. The so called LGBTi militants are very obsessed and histrionic over sexuality. Since they operate from the same sex platform LGBTi they are contributing to creating a very damaging symbiotic structure. Hence my life and right to marry as a heterosexual develops in parallel contrast to the sanitized Courage Campaign for Gay Marriage. It will become increasingly more prominent in the future.
Hence health is damaged and property despoiled. I am running between 40 to 60 miles a week and have become trimmer. I have never been obese. My Body Mass Index is around 23. Members of LAPD have BMI of over 40. The blackmail and extortion component is designed to reduce one's sexual attractiveness. Having spent some 24 years under very severe electronic surveillance was and is quite brutal. By following my Vedic beliefs I am becoming more mature and open about being a heterosexual male attacked and stalked primarily by LGBTi concerns. I believe my observations are unique at the research level and will establish some academic credibility where recognition by experts is non existent.
LAPD Misses the Capstone
Westwood CA
September 18, 2010
The Capping of the MOEC
The endgame scenario of the current litigants is approaching regarding MOEC. This means Mobilization of Empire and Civilization. This is an acronym developed for the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth ongoing with force in Northern California. This is a Crime Against Humanity. It is evolved from the Book of Moed in the Talmud and theories of mobilization in international relations.
These actors in LAPD are Male Same Sex Male MSM or members of the LGBTi paradigm. I am a lifelong heterosexual male.
Three components where desired to be fulfilled in 2010.
A Court Case
History Class orientated for LGBTi students
Scripting a movie: This would target Arnold Schwarzenegger
The current day shift supervisor in LAPD is incapable of organizing data to fulfill these requirements. He is still acting under work assignments that equate to a Joe Virus debilitating the cultural equilibrium. A correct discovery would prove the staging of a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth with a shield of Romance. This is essentially LGBTi orientated and caters to the taste of MSM males. It is especially fixated of Lesbian and bisexual females. It is the construction of the Chemical Assault and it's language is polymorphous perversity.
1. Court Case: All the evidence collected since 1986 should be organized and presented to Los Angeles County District Attorney Tom Dooley.
2. History Class: Why should a college course be skewed to LGBTi interests? Considering that the event is a Crime Against Humanity and I am heterosexual, it does not appear that the treatment would be favorable as Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing and Pre Gay Fascism have emerged to support the attack. The event is developed under a heading of Gay Triumphalism. This is predicated on transforming me to the LGBTi platform which has never happened. I have had zero same sex partners and zero same activities to date.
3. Story Board Movie: Currently a predetermined script has been made but it does not reflect real history. The targeting of the overturning of Proposition 8 on August 4, 2010 is a focal point as is the overturning of Don't Ask, Don't Tell in the military.
What is unique in a symbiotic movement is that I have filed a complaint against Governor Schwarzenegger for violating my Right to Marry. I am heterosexual male. So this is in opposition to the Courage Campaign and the Right to Marry for LGBTi persons as far as equal recognition is concerned.
In summary the day shift supervisor is not even 10 percent prepared to complete these three tasks. I have the most organized presentation of and on Facebook.
This is an extremely important marker. It defines that I am resilient to LAPD's profiling.
I am in Lassen County and here is a basic profile that is completely inverted.
I am a ritvik Hare Krishna. I follow four basic regulative principles common to all members of Gaudiya Vaishnavism.
There is no:
Meat eating
Drug, alcohol, or marijuana use
Illicit sex includes homosexuality
There is a clear contrast between my natural life, I converted to Hare Krishna at 16 and became a vegetarian that year. Persons should not take this boundary frivolously. I am slowly emerging as a superior authority that LAPD in organizing the exact data. In a theory of General Equilibrium I am exerting to my will to chose to alter my social status. Therefore I will displace other workers above as I rise to my level of inferiority. Conversely LAPD is sustaining behind impunity. Without of obstruction of justice they would fall into prosecution all with sworn public servants and their agents.
I have also challenged the University of California. They have online history courses on you tube. My work is slightly rougher due to it being an emergent interdisciplinary study but it's content is superior. I am able to discuss theology, logic, psychology, and political science at a much higher level the LGBTi officers of LAPD.
The Salton Sea and Mary Bono Mack R California
Desert Shores CA
October 27, 2010
It has been about a year and a half since I was in this area. It appears that I may be here when this event ends. Almost two years ago Barack Obama won the presidency and Proposition 8 was passed. Both seem in peril. Just north of here, Republican R Mary Bono Mack of Palm Springs is the federal representative. Her district also incorporates Blythe along the Colorado River to the East. She has just turned 49. This places her at the same age as Barack Obama and myself. The Salton Sea, local date farms, and wineries are heavily despoiled.
I do not believe that History will be able to deny what has occurred to me across the record and especially the Salton Sea. Palm Springs is an affluent resort. The area from the Salton Sea, Colorado River Valley, and to Yuma contains the highest unemployment in the USA at over 20 percent.
It appears a miniature holon has been created with a sibling cohort rivalry between Barack Obama, Mary Bono Mack, and myself.
This activity closes texture and in degree is welcome. It is almost November and the temperature is about 85 degrees here.
Another cross current is that a twenty year old sibling will likely have to testify against his parents here. This is within a thirty year time frame to 2040 when Obama, Bono Mack, and myself should be 79 if we survive.
This area will also trigger prosecution in Inyo County particularly the Owens valley where I just arrived from.
University of Cambridge has just been named the world's top university. UC Berkeley is 29.
The Salton Sea and Mary Bono Mack R California
Desert Shores CA
November 6, 2010
This is the original opening of this website. The victory of President Obama has been reversed by an opposing landslide by the Republicans. In 2008 Nancy Pelosi was third in succession to the presidency as Speaker of the House. Today with many seats in consternation Democrats have lost perhaps 60 seats and have lost control of the House.
I am beginning to cap and update all the websites and correct the hacks.
Since June 17, 1987, a de facto attack on the United States has occurred. Since it is now September 15, 2008 a few weeks before the next 2008 Presidential Election between Barack Obama and John McCain, it is past overdue to formally begin to unify my historical and legal presentation by identifying who I consider the principal in the attack. The near total invertaebration of the Constitution itself has revealed an informant culture which implicates the president of the United States as an informant and Homeland Security officers as well.
In continuation to November of 2010, the Democrats appear to have swept California statewide offices:
Governor: Jerry Brown
Lt. Governor: Gavin Newsom
Attorney General: Kamala Harris
The victory by Newsom, Harris, and Mary Bono Mack R 45th at the federal level lends some clarity as to those sworn officials that may become prosecuted as history unfolds. I am older all the parties above inclusive of Lt. Governor Abel Maldonado who was defeated by Newsom.
This page has been hacked and I am attempting to restore coherence to what I have hastily prepared. I believe my work to be still cognizable and represents a clear indication of resilience and volition in contrast to a culture of informants who populate sworn offices.
It appears the end of the Yellow Brick Road may be along the Salton Sea in the latter part of this decade. Physically and mentally I am demonstrating some superiority to my cohort born in 1960 63 or tweeners at the end of the baby boom. I am running upwards of 70 miles a week and attempt to maintain a vegetarian diet. This complements my emergence under Madhurya rasa as a Hare Krishna. I am becoming more attracted to Radha Krishna than the exclusive worship of Krishna in my practice.
This slight adherence to orthodoxy places and defines me as more marginal in number and more open to attacks of hatred. In counterpoint it is a very sustainable spiritual and psychological mood and source of strength.
The establishment of Cambridge as the Origin and their intent of deifying LGBTi concerns resulting in a subculture of informants is of extreme importance. By focusing defection on the recruitment of LGBTi same sex male into law enforcement and LAPD a failure has resulted corrupting other offices held by sworn officials.
The extension of this field of informants provides an insight into defection models and game theory that transforms and degrades a nationstate.
The attacks on individual surnames is highly personal and deliberate. Any counter measures should be legal. Provocative actions are readily undertaken to ensure tit for tat reprisals.
After the 2010 election, there is no mind that the culture does not have a collective conscious. 6.8 billion persons cannot counter attack a few hundred corrupt officers because of the multiplier of exposed prominent families that have historical trajectories of remuneration through corrupt practices.
2011 Archives
Falsifying the LGBTi Paradigm
Desert Shores CA
January 2, 2011
It is my position that the LGBTi paradigm, LGBTi Studies, the Right to Marry (opposite sex) and other related trajectories are orchestrated and storyboarded by Cambridge planning. I will state the case that world history is false concerning the United States since June 17,1987. I am only authorized to present the particularities of my persecution.
There are 1.3 million HIV AIDS positive case counting some 250,000 estimated cases. There are over 500,000 confirmed deaths and some 600,000 living cases. About 40 percent or 512,000 are MSM or Male Same Sex Male cases. LAPD and their Gay Militia wishes to promote my torture and the Chemical Assault as pro LGBTi.
The Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is a manifest function there is no manner to falsify it's existence. It will severely debilitate HIV AIDS positive persons. The world is Informant based. This population as to date does not have the will to confront that criminals that have attacked them. The placing of chemicals in the environment or TCAs Targeted Chemical Attacks are very serious assaults against a person.
These are three LGBTi groups:
Courage Campaign: Rick Jacobs
Freedom to Marry: Evan Wolfson
LAMBDA: Kevin Cathcart
I will close texture to challenge historical claims regarding HIV AIDS. The Salton Sea and my environment are heavily contaminated. These groups claim to do HIV AIDS advocacy. I see this as atomized. They are boxing in the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth on this population. LAPD is attempting Gay Bait me in the first instance. If I am Gay than these groups and leaders are pandering to politics while I get killed.
I have no real interest in LGBTi leadership. I do see the need in eliminating the Historical Censorship and Sanitization which also attacks the human race. There is no way LAPD or Gay Militia can share the same textbook as equals with these so called groups in the positive. One or the other or both will be defeated.
It is clear that I have never been involved in same sex or believe in calling men women or girlfriends. Similar acts of harassment will be studied in how MSM males develop into criminals. The Gay on Gay victimization is large. It reflects the corruption universally in opposite sex communities as well.
The Heritage Foundation has sheltered persons as Reagan Attorney General Edwin Meese who also permitted this event to escalate to where it is now.
Education is a long range goal of cognitive and behavior modification. There is an open challenge against the University of Cambridge and the University of California. Currently the 112th Congress has been seated with House Speaker R John Boehner leading a challenge to healthcare.
There is no difference here between D Nancy Pelosi and the Republicans who have swept the Democrats out.
I have the strongest opposition challenge to this Chemical Assault Scorched Earth that is public. I have done this in the courts through emailing Congress and sworn officials and through my website system headed by the www.powereality.netdomain.
This protects myself and others in the long run from ad hominem. There is a LGBTi qualification to have legal rights. The perversity of this Gay Militia is being born in degree by the HIV AIDS population to the prejudice of their false leaders who abuse them under moral relativism and Consequentialism.
The Informant: The Invertebration of Civilization
Desert Shores CA
January 16, 2011
Twenty three years hence into a systematic entrapment of the human civilization through the United States by what appears to be Male Same Sex Male MSM British Scholars from the University of Cambridge, I feel compelled to begin an overall capstone to MOEC Studies. This is based on prisoner's dilemma and the creation of an informant personality that would function universally in all truth systems.
This is based on the Deification of the LGBTi platform.
The conflict is based on LGBTi (homosexuality) versus Opposite Sex (heterosexuality) Los Angeles Police Department is the delivery method and whose orientation is LGBTi, mainly MSM on the attack on my person. I clearly represent the opposite sex straight heterosexual side.
The entire event is based on the particularity of using this experiment to prove whether genetics determinism and socialization learning would create a same sex person. This has failed and has created one of the most severe disasters in human history. I have emerged 100 percent heterosexual with no same sex partners or acts in my entire life.
Inverting the Theory of Laws: 1. Eternal Law 2. Natural 3. Positive Law through conditioning transfers loyalty from the inverted system to the Origin. In particularity would be my own choice faith and thus other major systems. This develops a system of hegemonic fatalism and dependency.
There is also a s serious attack especially on Gaudiya Vaishnavism of which I pertain. This can be construed as the Hare Krishna Movement. This needs to be understood because the typical devotees in orange robes and shaved heads seen often throughout the world pertain to different Mathas or schools although their beliefs are similar.
Prisoner's dilemma creates a defection pattern when used against the particularity of human laws creates a Racketeered Influenced Corrupt Organization reverse sting entrapment similar to what occurs in drug dealing and prostitution. The police or homeland security officer as they are know labelled in the United States are not permitted to use, manufacture, or possess criminal contraband or be an accomplice, aid, abet, or participate in any criminal activity.
In degree an informant trades information or is flipped. One may:
Bust Down: Traditional reverse sting. This is preferred. The connection is usually defected against a customer.
Bust Up: Step ladder. Bust up. This is when the customer entraps his connection. This is not preferred as it is the traditional snitch scenario.
Bust Across: Take Down. Very messy. This is gang warfare. This can be making one hot, lighting one up (exposing one) and actual violence.
If every economic activity was controlled by de facto or corrupt police this would reflect a mafia culture where all activities would involve being an informant, blackmail, and extortion to survive. There are areas in Central America where extortion can be over 50% to remain in business to gangs and the police 1.
Currently it is January of 2011. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has ended his two terms of tenure being replaced by Jerry Brown. I argue he is the worst governor in the history of the United States. I am in Desert Shores, California and the entire Salton Sea is Chemically Despoiled.
This disaster is irrational. There is no moral legal coherent explanation other than the sworn official are delivering blackmail and extortion to keep a nearly 100 percent censorship on 6.8 billion persons in place.
In has been deduced that the following in this order has the greatest chance of ending the conflict:
Chemical Assault
Electronic Surveillance
As I am over 49 years of age, I have entered into midlife surprisingly gracefully from a cosmetic standpoint. The arc of lifespan also is a major factor in determining one's entry into a position of opposition. The human race is an informant based counter culture. I say this in part because the modus operandi of defection against faith, morality, reason, and rule of law is widely distributed an reinforced with quid pro quos guaranteeing everything from sex, marriage, jobs, drugs, money, and other forms of payment for defection.
It appears the most powerful families are implicated in a continuing march into history of the Informant State.
The negative externality for the United States and the LGBTi platform here is that the defeat her benefits the materialist schools of Marxist Leninism. At this point in time China, North Korea, and Cuba are the remnants of this worldview. It has been postulated that an equilibrium of Czech under Totalitarian Social Welfare would be the future equilibrium of the nationstate. My personal opinion is shifting to a larger and more brutal structure with possible smaller benign regimes as Czechoslovakia compared to the USSR.
Currently the zeitgeist is witnessing the acculturation of the citizenry through a marginal reinforcement towards being informants. This activity is in itself a purge. Primary rights are superseded by secondary rights. In effect the duties of sworn law enforcement is placed in front of the citizens they are duty bound to protect. Hence this is a form of irrationalism and pre fascism.
# Clarifying this general distinction between the economic structure (E) and the legal political superstructure (S) is a set of specific distinctions. These are:
The relations S involves are in terms of formal rights and obligations; whereas the relations E involves are in terms of effective powers and constraints (GID, 80 and 352-59)
S is the de jure representative of the general interest whereas E is the de facto organization of particular, material interests (GID, 45-46, 78).
S's form is visible and institutional; whereas E's form is concealed and unacknowledged (CII, 791).
Pre State of the Union
Desert Shores CA
January 25, 2011
In constructing my refutation to Mobilization of Empire and Civilization MOEC, the use of the Kuhn Popper methodologies will be a template. The arguments for a paradigm or working science are predicated on having a set of laws or ordered principles in the subject (antecedent) of which predictable third party observable consequent acts can be deduced with accuracy.
Hence an art or craft is therefore particularized to a detail.
The Theory of Laws:
Are a highly used workable format for all systems.
I am going to refute aspects of Political Science and it's history where the United States is concerned from June 17, 1987, the year of the 200th Anniversary of the Constitution.
Empirically from Positive Law and rising to discover a law, the study of Political Philosophy from Plato to Marx forms a pre paradigm according to Kuhn. The use of both predicate calculus (formal logic) and informal fallacies are also noticeable in the defection model within prisoner's dilemma of which MOEC reduces to.
There is a noticeable tree or dialectic from common law to statute law of the Social Contract Theory. System transformations within the international, nationstate, and local government are also being pressured for their fitness to uphold the rule of law. The Social Contract is accepted as the correct theory of law in the United States and internationally.
The extension of logic and philosophy into abnormal psychology also is highly prominent. Here the challenges of determinism and socialization models concerning same sex (homosexuality) and opposite sex (heterosexuality) are being examined in continuo during a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth against my natural person and citizenship.
This arises from Male Same Sex Male MSM homeland security officers in Los Angeles Police Department. I am opposite sex and purely so from birth. This polarity gives rise to the attack.
Herein where I have been stating the LGBTi paradigm, I will now clarify this as the LGBTi Approach. In scientific terms this movement is clearly emergent and interdisciplinary and could only qualify as a pre paradigm. Contrast this with the emergence of political science from Plato to Marx. This too, only emphasizes western political thought. Political Science in spite of it's label and all the social science are thought of crafts. The educational model in place in California posits that these areas must be developed under scientific determinism.
The static response to censorship and sanitization also questions the integrity of the University of California whom by law are the official archives of this state.
This also strengthens the case that Cambridge Law School is the Origin and authorship.
This attack clearly alienates my person from positive law under the Bill of Rights. My substantive freedoms have been abrogated and the presidency blackmailed. Barack Obama will make his second State of the Union speech within hours. He is under the color of law. The Salton Sea in California is a Scorched Earth. My focus now is the advocacy of HIV AIDS persons, of which number about 600,000. It cruel and unusual treatment to have an attack imposed over one individual to attack human civilization.
The quantum of force used is compelling as is the blackmail and extortion used to perpetuate de facto activity. LGBTi advocacy groups as LAMBDA, who specialize in legal issues and HIV AIDS advocacy are also immediately called into question as are other sworn official and professionals who sustain the censorship and sanitization.
Quid pro quos are easy targets spread across the earth. More importantly are the natural persons. There are 310 million individuals in the United States January 25, 2011.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
January 25, 2011
Desert Shores California
Following the Script: The Doom of Singularity
Desert Shores CA
February 7, 2011
Singularity or Technological Singularity is the hypothetical event of the creation of superhuman intelligence wherein the superiority of these artificial machines guides the future of civilization. Hence we in the present must entertain the possible outcome of the delegation of decision making of moral choices to possible a system of hardware, firmware, and software. It appears that the speed factor of human thought making is easily going to be achieved and commercially available. Kurzweil has postulated that by 2020 and for $1000 a machine will be available with the speed of mind.
The fastest human neurons send electrochemical signals at a top speed of 150 meters per second. The speed of light is 168,000,000 meters per second, two million times greater. Human neurons can spike a maximum of 200 times per second. Most modern theories of neural information processing state that information is carried by the frequency of the spike train rather than individual signals. Speeds in modern computer chips are currently at around 2GHz, a ten million fold difference and still increasing exponentially. It is physically possible to achieve a million to one speedup in computation. A subjective year would pass in 31 physical seconds. The entire subjective time span from Socrates in ancient Greece to modern day humanity would pass in under twenty two hours. Humans also face an upper limit on the size of their brains. The current estimate is that the typical human brain contains something like a hundred billion neurons and a hundred trillion synapses.1
The study of singularity in it's perfect or pure form is stated in the positive as in all properly designed disciplines. This is the gentle abstraction and for the good of the human race. Good minds create good machines that help make people and raise the quality of life. The imperfect study is the empirical reality of technology and it's interface with mankind.
The Maximum Gun Theory states that, "No weapon will ever be developed and not used." This is ominous. The Neutron Bomb has been developed but has not been used.
Deterrence is the correct posture for the homeland security of a nationstate. The best defense of a nationstate are it's citizens.
I have been the subject of an attack on the human race by the imposition of a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth Program allegedly designed by Cambridge Law School and University.
It is a test for designing the human race. It appears that University of Cambridge wishes to be the Architect of civilization. They have created a Cultural Singularity (DWN September 17, 2016). These authors are psychopaths. Ironically Cambridge was the top rated University in the world in 2010.
In short the main problem or Strategic Mission of this group is LGBTi Rights, now Gay Marriage. I am a pure heterosexual. Since I do not defect and permit this mechanism to script my life I have no rights. I will not or have ever been extorted, blackmailed to engage in same sex to remain free from de facto police acts.
A Joe Virus has been developed in Los Angeles Police Department LAPD. These individuals are Male Same Sex Males MSM persons designed in cells.
The linear function of the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth with a Romantic Red Herring which is polymorphous perversity. The police nor I are computer scientist. I use WYSIWYG editors as FrontPage. I use library scripts and wizards therefore to manipulate events in my sites which are nut and bolts as I am constantly hacked.
Currently if a small discussion begins on HTML, JavaScript, C#, PHP, or Python. I would state that I like straight HTML and I can see immediately that simply adding text to Python is much easier than the syntax of other formats. HTML is only scripting with very few transition effects relative to other formats but it is easy to fix even by eye without the use of a checker even for a novice.
What will occur than is the LAPD, who know less will attack by describing sexual activity of females.
An argument should remain a relevant case by only discussing scripts and codes with the domain of computer science. Here the tactic of a the use of a distraction or a red herring in informal logic is used. The use of sexual based language to attack one ad hominem is polymorphous perversity.
For those authorities in computer science this is an ominous sign. I have openly challenged the University of California and University of Cambridge on their credibility.
The Salton Sea, California is a Scorched Earth. Here the Joe Virus functions as a bot army to drag down more qualified persons and debilitate the Constitution, sworn officials, and professionals.
All persons have a moral obligation to do and say what is right. This is sane regardless of the system of belief one or the collective may have.
The scripted design of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing is a manifest function. This is a precursor to Gay Fascism.
The study of Singularity is an ideal counterpoint to the relative morality and Consequentialism used by these MSM officers of LAPD. They have been provided a chronological flow chart that provides impunity, censorship, and sanitization. Currently President Barack Obama is being marginalized. In the professional area I am focusing on Kevin Cathcart of LAMBDA. This is do to the panorama of Gay Marriage, the repeal of the ban on LGBTi persons in the military, and foremost the estimated 600,000 HIV AIDS persons estimated to be living in the United States.
So in conclusion, I find it that it not rational that computer scientists and systems engineers possess the moral consciousness and volition to design a machine with superhuman skills. I easily believe they speed and machine requirements will be met. The concept of consciousness or awareness, higher that intelligence which I would argue as the ability to abstract universals from events and discover laws and principles which govern that event is lacking.
Barack Obama and I are separated by one day by birth, I was born August 3, 1961. History is proving him to be Irrationalist and the effect of lesser groups of persons able to isolate him and make him and the nation dependent on an escalating conspiracy proves that he is a regressive figure. The error multiplier in human health and despoiled environment are manifest. They can be quantified even though he has permitted MOEC to expand in an attempt to build a Supercrime multiplier of informants making a prosecution untenable.
Damaged health, environment, loss of wealth, and credibility are the judgment and penalty.
David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores CA
February 7, 2011
The Artificial Virus
As stated MOEC is a defection model that also has been designed as a religion. This begins as a cell that encompasses the experiment space of the defection model. In following are the basic subcomponents. The design at hand demonstrates the amount of time the authorship had in developing the conspiracy. What is odd is that such is designed as an artificial man but this cell is considered a neuron. There is no direct relationship with biology.
I will have to explain the cell slowly over time. It would take a good twenty pages to do so in detail.
The police implementing the entrapment are the Totalitarian Police System (TPSYS). The end state or equilibrium where all will reside is the Totalitarian Police State (TPS).
This is a WRECKING MODEL. Varna Asrama is an Ideal Social System based on the Vedas. Control is the cell wall and suprasystem all the other subcomponents can operate on one another to achieve transformations the mover wishes to retain control over.
Control: This is the cell wall. All social systems have control as part of a mission goal. The military and police are the agents of social control. This is achieved by defection. Real rule of law is possible but will always be in disintegration due to self interest and defection.
Particular History and Justice: A combination of events that are historical and supply a basis for justice. Events as slavery are used as a basis for levelling. This is reality oppression and marginalization. Genealogy and family history are used to redistribute the benefits of the state. Arranging marriages and the like occur from here.
Parameters: This is a wall were events take their body from PHJ. This is an analogy to Tatasha Shakti of the Vedas. In reality this is the time, space, and elements of the defection (entrapment) that the police are attempting to implement.
Maze: Space time. This is the largest space. This is the environment with the Police operating on you. One is under defection and are being entrapped.
Consciousness: This is one's awareness of what is going on. This is stated in the positive.
Rationality: One's ability to make moral decisions based on deduction and induction.
Behaviorism: This is one's external relationship with the environment.
Atomization: This is returning to the elements of nature. This is also the complete fallacy of composition as to claim that 1% of a 100% is the subject and not the accident of a case.
Varna Asrama: Ideal Vedic Social System: Any ideal state or end state may be used that is collective.
MOEC is construed as Organic Government. I reject this as Fascist and consider it a human manufactured Artificial Virus (DWN September 17, 2016).
Watson Defeats Humans On Jeopardy!
Desert Shores CA
February 17, 2011
IBM Supercomputer Watson trounces humans on game show Jeopardy!. View the final round here:
The impact of Watson, the IBM computing system that competed against the two greatest Jeopardy! champions of all time, will be felt far beyond the game show. This technology could have a significant effect on business, government and society.
Join host Stephen Baker, author of Man v. Machine, as he discusses Watson's performance on Jeopardy! and the possible real world applications of this technology with the following panelists: IBM Watson Principal Investigator Dr. David Ferrucci, IBM Fellow and CTO of IBM's SOA Center for Excellence Kerrie Holley and Columbia University Professor of Clinical Medicine Dr. Herbert Chase.
MOEC As A Future Study
Desert Shores CA
March 13, 2011
The Organic Cell of MOEC was originally described as Towards a Future Study of MOEC. Technological Singularity or Singularity has rapidly emerged as a discipline area that will constantly innovate itself for at least 50 years. Futurist Ray Kurzweil has predicted that Singularity will occur in 2045. This is the stage where a computer has obtained the complexity of a human. After this point machines will be better qualified to create produce themselves and other objects. At this point Applied Intelligence and or Artificial Intelligence will transform human civilization.
This will be then an era of superintelligence.
The movie 2001 highlighted a world where computers did the majority of thinking and monitoring of humanity.
The attack of MOEC is a symbiotic strike against Singularity. The position I have is that University of Cambridge has about 250 discipline areas in it's catalog and teaches about 125 per academic cycle. What would superintelligence be in 2050?
MOEC is an event that is a live survival or fitness experiment. It is the invertebration of law in the abstract then reordering the population as informants under prisoner's dilemma. Hence MOEC is a challenge to Singularity.
Nano technology will drive an acceleration to Singularity.
The creation of a human Joe Virus typifies a culture that would infect the Singularity culture which is a social movement. As Nietzsche has stated, "Somehow the herd man has surrounded the great man and was able to drag him down."
MOEC is the United Kingdom in decline. It reflects the individualism and usurpation of psychopaths in state planning. They have left me enough material to qualify or disqualify myself historically and legally. The have predicted that I will live through this event.
Under this consideration I am delivering on material that is superior to Wikileaks which is most likely under the control of MOEC. Wikileaks is exposing military abuse through leaked documents.
I am 49.5 years of age. I am doing well creating complaints and records against sworn officials. MOEC is biased against heterosexuals or opposite sex persons as myself. The alienation of my rights and the consequent Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is based on defection to same sex behaviors which I have zero.
The Salton Sea in California was recreated by an alleged accident in the 1930s. This does not appear to be true. It is most probable that it was created because the victim would live here part of the time in the winter. It is a Scorched Earth and an objective empirical event that is not falsifiable. It will be a showcase to demonstrate the power of MOEC in defection. This will implicate the Irrationalist Presidents of which Barack Obama is current.
The LGBTi movement will suffer setbacks to the Origin University of Cambridge and Law School.
Currently Japan has suffered an 8.9 magnitude earthquake and tsunami. A partial meltdown in a nuclear reactor is to believed to have occurred. The estimated fatalities is over 10,000.
The Informant: The Invertebration of Civilization
Desert Shores CA
March 24, 2011
Twenty three years hence into a systematic entrapment of the human civilization through the United States by what appears to be Male Same Sex Male MSM British Scholars from University of Cambridge, I feel compelled to begin an overall capstone to MOEC Studies. This is based on prisoner's dilemma and the creation of an informant personality that would function universally in all truth systems.
This act of invention creates a fatalistic system. It is totalitarianism. Here the intent of this development is to create a state of dependency in the individual to one's task master. The idea is develop universal defection and then a hierarchy of class stratification to this authorship. It's beginnings are irrationalist and pre fascist. This the selling off or alienating one's right by others in a state planned plutocracy. This activity will and is simultaneously developed with pairing with differential levels of chemical assault.
This is based on the Deification of the LGBTi platform.
The conflict is based on LGBTi (homosexuality) versus Opposite Sex (heterosexuality) Los Angeles Police Department is the delivery method and whose orientation is LGBTi, mainly MSM on the attack on my person. I clearly represent the opposite sex straight heterosexual side.
The entire event is based on the particularity of using this experiment to prove whether genetics determinism and socialization learning would create a criminal in homosexuality and heterosexuality. Also integral is the determinism and or socialization of creating same sex persons. This latter perspective has failed regarding my subjection to de facto treatment (torture) has failed and has created one of the most severe disasters in human history. I have emerged 100 percent heterosexual with no same sex partners or acts in my entire life.
Inverting the Theory of Laws: 1. Eternal Law 2. Natural 3. Positive Law through conditioning transfers loyalty from the inverted system to the Origin. In particularity would be my own choice faith and thus other major systems. This develops a system of hegemonic fatalism and dependency.
There is a notable use of individualism, narcissistic ego, and relative morality. This is contrasted with a more spiritual or altruistic personality developed at different levels to distinguish a more noble person from an informant. Hence criminality is either a capital, a felony, a misdemeanor offense and or against a person, property or treason.
The archetypal pattern hinges on am higher substance a person primarily and then impersonal secondarily versus the adversary or despoiler. An Antichrist Myth is developed. Hence my maternal grandfather's name Kronin can be seen to have origins or false cognate linkages to Kronos of whom Zeus slain and Kroni of the Vedic tree whom is one third of Kamsa or the adversary of Mayon Krishna 1.
A hierarchy similar to a King sending in his knight to do battle yields symbolic figures of a white knight battling a black knight or avenging angel. Here this is the non commissioned Male Same Sex Male MSM code officer read homeland security officer as the latter.
Prisoner's dilemma creates a defection pattern when used against the particularity of human laws and creates a Racketeered Influenced Corrupt Organization reverse sting entrapment similar to what is used in drug dealing and prostitution. The police or homeland security officer as they are now labelled in the United States are not permitted to use, manufacture, or possess criminal contraband or be an accomplice, aid, abet, or participate in any criminal activity.
In degree an informant trades information or is flipped. One may:
Bust Down: Traditional reverse sting. This is preferred. The connection is usually defected against a customer.
Bust up: Step ladder. Bust up. This is when the customer entraps his connection. This is not preferred as it the traditional snitch scenario.
Bust Across: Take Down. Very messy. This is gang warfare. This can be making one hot, lighting one up (exposing one) and creates more actual violence.
If every economic activity was controlled by de facto or corrupt police this would reflect a mafia culture where all activities would involve being an informant, blackmail, and extortion to survive. There are areas in Central America where extortion can be over 50% of revenue to remain in business to gangs and the police 2.
Currently it is March of 2011. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has ended his two terms of tenure being replaced by Jerry Brown. I argue he was the worst governor in the history of the United States. I am in Desert Shores, California and the entire Salton Sea is Chemically Despoiled.
This disaster is irrational. There is no moral legal coherent explanation other than the sworn officials are delivering blackmail and extortion to keep a nearly 100 percent censorship on 6.9 billion persons in place.
In has been deduced that the following in this order has the greatest chance of ending the conflict:
Chemical Assault
Electronic Surveillance
As I am over 49 years of age, I have entered into midlife surprisingly gracefully from a cosmetic standpoint. The arc of lifespan also is a major factor in determining one’s entry into a position of opposition. The human race is an informant based counter culture. I say this in part because the modus operandi of defection against faith, morality, reason, and rule of law is widely distributed an reinforced with quid pro quos guaranteeing everything from sex, marriage, jobs, drugs, money, and other forms of payment for defection.
It appears the most powerful families are implicated in a continuing march into history of the Informant State.
The negative externality for the United States and the LGBTi platform here is that the defeat benefits the materialist schools of Marxist Leninism. At this point in time China, North Korea, and Cuba are the remnants of this worldview. It has been postulated that an equilibrium of Czech under Totalitarian Social Welfare would be the future equilibrium of the nationstate. My personal opinion is shifting to a larger and more brutal structure with possible smaller benign regimes as Czechoslovakia was vis a vis to the USSR.
Currently the zeitgeist is witnessing the acculturation of the citizenry through a marginal reinforcement towards being informants. This activity is in itself a purge. Primary rights are superseded by secondary rights. In effect the duties of sworn law enforcement is placed in front of the citizens they are duty bound to protect. Hence this is a form of irrationalism and pre fascism.
In a narcissistic and pathological profile, state planners for the United Kingdom strongly indicates that Cambridge Law School professors have constructed a circular folly of informants implicating themselves and their proxy agents. This is developed in a hierarchy of cognition where lower level agents are entrapped to insulate the authors while exposing others to a marginal amount of retaliation in case a contingency is needed to act upon them.
The informants set in motion a pattern of blackmail and extortion extended from classical peerage to simple nepotism. This is no more than piracy of the state. The resources of the state are used to defect the natural persons to the interest of the enterprise. Marriage, sex, career paths, business deals in the white, grey, and black markets all are payoffs or remunerations.
This hierarchy develops the lowest homeland security officers as the scapegoats in planned reverse stings on the mechanism. This does not decapitate the enterprise only those branches which need to be purged.
The Antichrist Mythology enables the recruitment of fanatics as well as a recourse for dismissing cases due to non empirical criterion.
Defection strictly negates due process and equal protection destroying social justice and cohesion. This demonstrates prima facie the strength and resiliency of the defection of the membership.
The develop of a informant than is pathological from a replication of one member throughout the entire civilization.
In a more technical analysis an attempt to model a isolated singularity regarding poles is considered. Here Technological Singularity has been paired with a Cultural Singularity.
The word pole is used prominently in a number of very different branches of mathematics. Perhaps the most important and widespread usage is to denote a singularity of a complex function. In inversive geometry, the inversion pole is related to inverse points with respect to an inversion circle. The term pole is also used to denote the degenerate points and in spherical coordinates, corresponding to the north pole and south pole respectively. All Poles Method is an alternate term for the maximum entropy method used in deconvolution 3.
![Pole Singularity](images/pole.singularity.gif)
The basic example of a pole is f (z) = [1/zn ] which has a single pole of order n at z = 0. Plots 1/z of and 1/z2 are shown above in the complex plane.
For a rational function, the poles are simply given by the roots of the denominator, where a root of multiplicity corresponds to a pole of order.
There is an attempt at a symbiotic pairing of human Irrationalist Know Nothing within Culture Singularity versus a robotic culture within Technological Singularity. Transhumanism may lay intermediate with elements in both sets.
A rational choice would be robots over the antisocial informant stalkers that are causing tumults and degradation in the United States, especially California.
Whether this analogy is truly mathematical it is obvious that it is being attempted. There is a decadence that will debilitate the projected renaissance that Technological Singularity will bring.
It appears that the cultural platform will address the censorship and sanitization of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth and the blackmailing and extortion of the president before the technical platform. Hence the territoriality towards after what computing machines will teach as superintelligence if there is any at all is emergent and inconsistent poles at present.
End Notes
1 There is also a s serious attack especially on Gaudiya Vaishnavism of which I pertain. This can be construed as the Hare Krishna Movement. This needs to be understood because the typical devotees in orange robes and shaved heads seen often throughout the world pertain to different Mathas or schools although their beliefs are similar.
2 Clarifying this general distinction between the economic structure (E) and the legal political superstructure (S) is a set of specific distinctions.
These are: The relations S involves are in terms of formal rights and obligations; whereas the relations E involves are in terms of effective powers and constraints (GID, 80 and 352-59). S is the de jure representative of the general interest whereas E is the de facto organization of particular, material interests (GID, 45-46, 78). S's form is visible and institutional; whereas E's form is concealed and unacknowledged (CII, 791).
3 Rowland, Todd and Weisstein, Eric W. Pole. From MathWorld A Wolfram Web Resource.
Big Pine CA
May 18, 2011
The Fallacy of a Super Crime
The creation of a Perfect Crime or a crime that is committed and not detected or a crime that is committed and not prosecuted is an intriguing notion. On it's face a naïve reality appears to posit some manner or criminal ingenuity that avoids the detection of the authorities. This does not at all appear likely under concrete world conditions of the 21st century. The most likely scenario of a temporary short run success of coverage is defection under prisoner's dilemma. This would entail that a very powerful interest would be sponsoring and or condoning such activity.
What is needed is a crime multiplier to implicate the majority of persons in supporting the crime and or the individuals involved in the criminal activity itself. The use of defection and quid pro quos are the modus operandi. Intimidation, extortion, and blackmail are also other instruments of racketeering that reinforce the sustainability of the enterprise. These structures in themselves appear to serve the limited interest of a few persons who must criminalize and reward cohorts to prevent themselves from being prosecuted.
Obstructing justice at the courts is integral to establishing a criminal enterprise. If there is no judge willing to sign an order the law is left up to the vigilance of the citizenry if there is any to begin with. Here in this manner cells of de facto code enforcement officials are able to co op the judiciary and do the bidding of a state planner or other more traditional crime organizations.
The use of ad vericundium, or an appeal to a famous person, a president, pope, rabbi, guru, or imam is a likelihood. A red herring as appealing to a foreign invasion is the traditional choice of military usurpation. Entangling a majority of both important and average families distributes liability. The more people under defection in the government and homeland security forces the more likely the enterprise will be a success.
Controlling the media through a Yellow Brick Road of career paths and access is essential to censorship and sanitization. This is also true for the sworn professions. This is composed by doctors, lawyers, psychiatrists, and the PhDs of academia. If these persons are hand picked and reinforced with careers a very large Supercrime has the cultural foundation to be successful.
These processes and structures were and are in place regarding a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth attack on the United States that began on June 17, 1987. This movement was code named Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC for short. It demonstrates the defection capabilities of the collapse of the British Empire. It appears that Cambridge Law School lawyers are behind the systematic patterns of defection.
Their strategic interest in this act is Gay Marriage and the LGBTi platform. It also appears they wish to expose the mechanism without the original Origin being prosecuted. This planning has been handed off to Los Angeles Police Department LAPD which contains cells of a Gay Militia. This has resulted in a planned decadence that creates Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. What is unique is that in the last century almost every irrational fascist government has been replaced by socialism.
In review, the manifest function of a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth immediately places into peril the natural persons in the vicinity of the attack. Secondarily, the Constitution and citizenship comprising the rule of law are damaged.
The latent function is who will benefit and who also will bare the cost. Prima facie Western Christian Democracy has received a very strong blow. I am arguing on the premise that a Neo Fascist form of a totalitarian welfare government will emerge with a mix of corporatism, private property, and social welfare for those that are marginalized.
This is very complex syndrome of trajectories that reflect the history of the world and especially that of technology. Herein it is a fact that MOEC is a Cultural Singularity that is being developed as an antagonistic movement to Technological Singularity. This will severely hamper AI software developers in creating historically accurate and transparent products to create superintelligence. I personally do not believe that in 2045 the discipline areas in the school of Arts and Letters will be transforming the human race with superintelligence.
I am in concurrence with those thinkers of Singularity who view Singularity in the context of machine intelligence and engineering. Hence the bulk of creating should fall to computers engineering other machines, pharmaceuticals, bridges, planes, and other tangible structures and processes.
Consider that today in 2011 nearly 1 billion persons are living on a food budget of $1.25 USD. It does not seem probable that these persons will have access to the technological interface to be transformed by Singularity in 2045 or shortly there after.
Today is the opening of the Coachella Music Festival. At least 75,000 persons have paid about $300 USD for three days of alternative rock. This is occurring as part of the Supercrime.
Higher Structural Levels of Cognition
At this aperture we must introduce the Concept Of Higher Structural Levels of Cognition. This is similar to the childhood parable of The Blind Man and the Elephant. A System is understood completely by the level that has the greatest cognition and control over it's subcomponents. This would be the suprasystem. In the human body this is the central nervous system. The CNS is in control over the fives senses and organs of the body. In a local computer it is the operating system in control of lower hardware, application software, and peripherals.
A fugue has four basic parts:
Subject: Motif that is embellished
Counter Motif: Usually written as a Dominant of the Subject
Exposition: The beginning development of manipulation of the Motif
Sections: ABA this is the standard form of a sonata
Whole Piece
We can see comprehending the whole piece of the song is provides the greatest unity of cognition of the structure as a system. In jurisprudence a confession by the authorship of the origination of an illegal act is greatest. The criminal knows his own crime.
We are examining a structure and process. This is also personified. This artificial person is MOEC.
The work of sociologists Robert Merton and Emile Durkheim figure prominently.
The concept of anomie or normlessness is often a salient point of departure for both individual and collective social science. This idea was popularized by Durkheim in his book Le Suicide. This is often paralleled from the historic trajectory of theism and philosophy (Anomie 2011). Durkheim discusses four types of suicide. These subtypes are referred here not only to individuals but to the collective. The profiles of these subtypes are from a general perspective to also study marginalization up to suicide and it's debilitation on the individual and culture.
Individual and Collective Suicide
1. Egoistic suicide: Such reflects a prolonged sense of alienation. The lack of participation or integration in a community, common experience, of not having a connection to the group can give rise to meaninglessness, apathy, melancholy, and depression. This is the outcome of weakening bonds that normally socialize individuals into the collectivity. Excessive individuation is the name Durkheim gave the individuals who did not actively participate in the common traditions, norms, and goals of the social group. Unmarried males fit this category more often than females.
2. Altruistic Suicide: Death is defined by being overwhelmed by a group's goals and beliefs. Societies that are characterized by a high level integration where the society's needs are a higher priority than the individual raises the level of suicide. This is an invertebration of egoistic suicide. Durkheim posited that an altruistic society would have low suicide rates. The exception being where an individual was expected to sacrifice oneself for the whole as in military service.
3. Anomic Suicide: An individual's moral confusion and lack of societal direction develops suicide. Social and economic upheaval support anomic behavior. Durkheim focuses on the antagonism of organic solidarity versus mechanical solidarity. Hence this is a mismatch of organic division of labor and mechanical division of labor (Anomie 2011). Alienation leads to a state of moral disorder where the individual does not know where one fits in society.
4. Fatalistic Suicide: Such is the counterpoint to anomic suicide. The individual is excessively regulated. The future and goals are blocked by oppressive discipline. In overly oppressive societies persons prefer to commit suicide than to live within the setting imposed over them.
Egoistic suicide is the opposite of Altruistic suicide. Anomic suicide is the opposite of Fatalistic suicide.
In a simple summation, the forces of social control are the military and the police. Such forces are fatalistic. The population is dependent. This is a defining characteristic of Totalitarianism. In complement, Leonid Brzezinski has stated Totalitarianism will attempt to isolate the individual and or whole from full social life.
Every type of suicide involves some level of anomie with altruistic being the least. In MOEC fatalistic suicide predominates with egoistic suicide and anomic following. The use of profiling of narcissistic personality disorder and polymorphous perversity of MSM or Male Same Sex Male individuals accounts for this. The structure and process of the Origin and Machinery of Torture being developed within Irrationalism has provided a nurturing of asocialization. This was used to design a counter culture not a subculture. Hence LGBTi is only a subculture from the perspective of such being a minority subset from opposite sex culture in the majority. The only main distinguishing trait is gender identity and same sex behavior. A counter culture is a set of traits and norms totally antithetical as Nazism and slavery.
MOEC is a defection model that is a gradual invertebration of civilization using marginalization as a driver over very manifest processes as genocide.
Who will benefit from a Supercrime? This brings a discussion of two structures and processes (Merton 2011).
Manifest and Latent Functions
I. A. Manifest Function
B. Latent Function
II. A. Externality
The Manifest Function is what is objectively measurable and observable to senses in the world of our experience.
The Latent Function is the true law, principles, structures and processes that are supporting the Manifest Function.
The AIDS virus is a good example. When the disease was first discovered it was not known what was causing the syndrome of latent symptoms that lead to death. The HIV virus was isolated and the infection was classified as separate from the disease AIDS.
The Latent Function is placed in in it's proper structure and function in what is known as HIV AIDS positive.
The Externality is the spillover of an act in the subject. The classic model is the water dam in economics. Taxes are used to dam a river. The benefit to cost ratios are calculated. Energy and water supply for human farm production were the original subject to support the dam. A positive externality can be argued as jobs and recreation created after the cost. A negative externality can be argued as a loss of water damage due to evaporation than the benefit from human farm production and environmental damage. Here in the American southwest it has now been discovered that the loss of water due to evaporation and species loss have lead to the dismantling of many major dams.
In war if State A and State B battle to a stalemate both losing 100,000 individuals what third states benefit? Here this is a positive externality for the third states and a negative externality for State A and State B. The Manifest Function Latent Function is a very fluid trajectory and who wins now could be who losses later.
The Artificial Virus Of MOEC
MOEC has also organized its human and tangible resources as a virus. This is intriguing as the naming of the system itself as MOEC is only alleged to have been in place no early than the 1880s and most likely from the 1930s. What is unique here is evidence that MOEC has subcomponents that reflect the structure of executable computer programs as Parameters. Here the concept of Complexity develops. Simply put 1111 is not complex. 1001 is complex.
A major trend is Singularity is emergence from complexity. Hence the rise of consciousness from the structures and electrochemical coordination in the nervous system. Also the University usually has about 250 courses in the catalog with about 125 taught in a cycle. This differentiation is not static and intelligence and consciousness should be the goal.
Also the consideration of emergence of a system from microproperties to macroproperties is focalized. Hence we have a group of authors in a cell developing a morphology of a Supercrime from a prisoner's dilemma defection model. A major focus is deterministic or socialized criminality. Hence does a transition from chemical coordination that is determined to a volition in deviant or criminal acts. Hence how is the a socialization of defection affecting the population writ large? This is especially significant in the LGBTi group and then conversely in opposite sex persons. What hierarchies would be involved. The intent of a Supercrime is to create a multiplier based on complicity, blackmail, and extortion to survive (Complexity 2011).
It is easily seen that a system of human resources are working and ascribing most of the authority to an Origin in the 1930s. Organization is not random but chaos versus the rule of law, order aids the homeostasis, which is defection. Informants are not going to terminate the whole of the system only fractals.
As stated, MOEC is a defection model that also has been designed as a religion. This begins as a cell that encompasses the experimental space of the defection model. Below are the basic subcomponents. The design at hand demonstrates the amount of time the authorship had in developing the conspiracy. What is odd is that such is designed as an artificial man but this cell is considered a neuron. There is no direct relationship with biology.
I will have to explain the cell slowly over time. It would take a good twenty pages to do so in detail. The use of the Vedas is customized to my personal entrapment. Other faiths or systems as communism could be used. They are radiated behind the Vedas in my conditioning.
MOEC is a cell that is analogous to a neuron.
The police implementing the entrapment are the Totalitarian Police System (TPSYS). The end state or equilibrium where all will reside is the Totalitarian Police State (TPS).
This is a WRECKING MODEL. Varna Asrama is an Ideal Social System based on the Vedas. Control is the cell wall and suprasystem all the other subcomponents can operate on one another to achieve transformations as the mover wish to retain control.
Control: This is the cell wall. All social systems have control as part of a mission goal. The military and police are the agents of social control. Here this is achieved by defection. Real rule of law is possible but will always be in disintegration dues to self interest and defection.
Particular History and Justice: A combination of events that are historical and supply a basis for justice. Here events as slavery are used as an antecedent for leveling. This in reality is oppression and marginalization. Genealogy and family history are used to redistribute the benefits of the state. Arranging marriages and the like occur from here.
Parameters: This a wall were events take there body from PHJ. This is an analogy to Tatasha Shakti of the Vedas. In reality this is the time, space, and elements of the defection (entrapment) that the police are attempting to implement.
Maze: Spacetime. This is the largest space. This is the environment where the Police are operating on you. One is under defection and is being entrapped (conditioned).
Consciousness: This is one's awareness of reality and what is occurring This is stated in the positive.
Rationality: One's ability to make moral decisions based on deduction and induction.
Behaviorism: This is one's external relationship with the environment.
Atomization: This is returning to the elements of nature. This is also the complete fallacy of composition as to claim that 1% of a 100% is the subject and not the accident of a case.
Varna Asrama: Ideal Vedic Social System: Any ideal state or end state may be used that is collective.
To develop the Supercrime at hand a culture of impunity and corruption must exist through defection. Cognitive behaviorism is used to reinforce quid pro quos to defect. Punishment can be either legal or de facto.
It is prima facie that the extortion and blackmailing of the American president has occurred in this non military level format:
1. Nuclear
2. Chemical
3. Biological
Currently Barack Obama is openly aware of the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth Program. He however has not addressed this issue. No current sworn official has fulfilled his duty bound obligations and stepped forward. There is manifest marginalization of:
1. Food
2. Clothing
3. Shelter
4. Reproduction
The systematic patterns of defection and the arc of lifespan are crucial to the homeostasis of MOEC as a system. On August 3, 2011 I will be 50 years of age and Barack Obama will turn such the next day. All of the major officers in LAPD are or will be 50 or older.
The parties that have defected have been given the choice to choose spiritual, moral, and legal duties. It is clear that a Cultural Singularity exists as the world's most successful censorship and sanitization campaign continues with mass despoliation of huge areas of California air, surface water, and tangible properties. The physical spacetime or Maze may incorporate 1/3 of the United States.
The next consideration after this very basic discussion of some of the boundaries and content of the Supercrime is to place and discuss such from a Storyboard concept.
Anomie (April 18, 2011). Anomie. Wikipedia. Retrieved 19:29, April 18, 2011 from:
Durkheim E. (April 15, 2011). Durkheim. Wikipedia. Retrieved 19:22, April 18, 2011 from:
Kurzweil R. (2001). Law of accelerating returns. Retrieved from:
Robert K. Merton. Robert K. Merton. Wikipedia. Retrieved from:
Rowland, Todd and Weisstein, Eric W. Pole. MathWorld A Wolfram Web Resource. Retrieved from:
Sociology. (April 18, 2011). Sociology. Wikipedia. Retrieved 19:35, April 18, 2011 from:
Singularity, Academia, and the Genome Project
Big Pine CA
June 8, 2011
The advances in technology making having one's genome completely mapped out for medical and other purposes in the near future. Costs will soon be less than $1000 USD per person.
The case for determinism or socialization in crime is emergent and it's implications quite profound.
Concerning the Origin in Cambridge the level of psychopathy that must be genetic to author Crimes Against Humanity must be genetic, However they are also manifesting huge defection models through prisoner's dilemma.
Why is the American president defecting to an illicit agenda under defection?
Why has the Homeland Security Department not produced any person of merit?
Why has not academia writ large produced anyone?
The Singularity Movement itself can only produce technological based thinkers.
The LGBTi Approach is having success but this attack is also imposed over perhaps 1 million persons with AIDS. There may be 250,000 plus individuals per year who are infected but do not know such.
About 58,000 such persons become diagnosed each year.
I have returned to Columbia College. I need about 12 courses to graduate. I am taking Criminal Law and Managing Cultural Diversity.
At the end of this year near the Winter Solstice I should have 167.5 credits. I will reevaluate my options. Any work I accomplish on MOEC is an asset. There is no chance of superintelligence without this discussion.
How can a supercomputer lay such a claim with faulty apperception software that reflects censorship and sanitization? Such lends itself to differentiation and obsolescence.
The Focus on Territoriality
McCloud CA
July 13, 2011
Currently I am finishing my summer session at Columbia College. It appears I will earn two 4.0. In consideration of Siskiyou County, the average person should consider the implications of being subpoenaed if they are 20 years of age. Consider what you age would be in 30 years. This is another ideal town where one could question every survivor here.
I am easily proving excellent to superior academic skill. Overall the question will remain as to who are the authors and their goals. They have severely damaged the LGBTi Movement, the President of the United States, natural persons and the environment in this country. The damage to the United Kingdom is not to be discarded either.
I am clearing rebutting the racial overtones as to who is afraid of what or who. No one to my knowledge from the LGBTi Movement wishes to speak out directly and specifically from the legal jurisdiction that will prosecute.
LAPD has damaged their own families. The collateral damage to find the proximate cause or Origin will impact the families of University of Cambridge and Scotland Yard.
I will return here again next year. I will probably have about 176.5 UC units and 182.5 Columbia College Credits.
The slander here against me is quite large. I will directly address this on the Northern California site:
Systems: From An Approach to Theory
McCloud CA
August 8, 2011
Social Systems Approaches have now emerged to the extent that unity can lead to a presentation of Systems thinking as a theory which has a model which can be tested for validity and refinement (Anderson and Carter 1999). This emergence from a more interdisciplinary approach focuses the convergence of thought in the social sciences. Considering that this conceptualization has occurred since the last 35 years (1975), and after June 17, 1987, the concerned academics, students, and third parties have to view the implications of the serious Constitutional breakdown in the United States and the Universal System which is run by the United Nations. There is very little doubt that MOEC or Mobilization of Empire and Civilization was modelled within Systems. The name is derived from the Book of Moed from the Talmud. Such gives the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth a genuine name which is not subject to labelling from third parties. This will also implicate the president, homeland security secretary, attorney general of the United States and their equivalents in the United Kingdom.
The universal perspective postulates that University of Cambridge lawyers are the Origin and proximate cause sine qua non. This event has been handed off to LAPD in California. Within the United States LAPD holds the distinction of first principal. Hence if by a test the president was removed this event would continue under the direction of LAPD. This test holds true for the homeland secretary and attorney general. At this time President Barack Obama, Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano, and Attorney General Eric Holder should be held under scrutiny for omissive and de facto acts.
A new perspective in which to contrast the rational irrationalist paradigm is post modernism. The rational model is concerned with order and power. Irrationalism is more concerned with power without order, hence the power itself is illicit. Post modernism stresses that world is constructed socially. The social system is open. It is observed contextually from our location within the social environment. The emphasis is on diversity and the view from below and the less powerful (Scott 1998).
This perspective by Scott contrasts the irrationalism of authoring a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. Hence there still exists a RICO styled extortion and blackmail ring that is destabilizing the homeostasis of this country, and confidence in this nationstate worldwide.
In continuation, it contrasts with the classical moral atomic perspectives of the Vedic varna asrama social system which is headed by a Godhead Krishna (Prabhupada 1974).
It is these tensions of natural persons and the state and it's inverted machinery of torture that are persisting to a hypothetical future goal of Technological Singularity and superintelligence (Kurzweil 2001).
What occurs is that the storyboarding of the crime is constructed with a form of cartography called Aural Cartographic Maps or ACM (Nollmeyer 2002). The mapping of social territories with various entrapments based on eclectic psychological conditioning tactics unfolds into a system of nodes that is MOEC and the RICO styled enterprise.
Carter has posited that Social Systems Theory is coherent based on four points (Anderson and Carter 1999).
1. It is comprehensive.
2. Such provides suggestive leads.
3. Such provides a common language.
4. Such develops parsimony.
Within a Social Systems Theory, the system effects of criminal movers and authorship on society can be observed and tested for fitness. Hence the Homeland Security System of the United States and the Universal System of the United Nations can be seen to be blackmailable and extortable. The mythology of the United States and it's president(s) exists in a fictitious history. The forces of fatalism and dependency have erected a Stockholm Syndrome where totalitarianism is converging and embedding itself in the ecology of culture.
Hence this negative feedback continues in loops as the culture reinforces a static paradigm shift. Hence can one argue that a Technological Singularity could exist that would remedy the abuse that is debilitating the Arts and Letters (Jervis R. 1997)?
Works Cited
Anderson, R., Carter, I., and Lowe, G, (1999). Human Behavior in the Social Environment. A Social Systems Approach. Fifth Edition. New Brunswick USA: Aldine Transaction.
Jervis, R. (1997). Systems Effects: Complexity in Political and Social Life. Princeton USA: Princeton University Press.
Kurzweil, R. (2001). Law of Accelerating Returns. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: March 15, 2011 from:
Nollmeyer, D. (2002). Myth of the Contemporary Man. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: August 8, 2011 from:
Prabhupada, S. (1974). 1974 conversations/March 1974/Morning walk/Varnasrama college/March 14, 1974/Vrndavana/740314mw.vrn. Complete Works 5.0/Srila Prabhupada pre 1978.NFO
Scott R. (1998). Organizations: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems. Fourth edition. Upper Saddle River USA: Prentice Hall.
Defection and Following From A Script
McCloud CA
September 15, 2011
The attempt to storyboard or predict my life is a disaster. I am not following a Yellow Brick Road. This is yielding poor results under the guise of determinism. If the police are able to predict your behaviors it is because you are following their entrapment. The quid pro quos are designed for a MSM or Gay Bisexual male which I am not.
Predicting that I would be promoting the LGBTi agenda here in the High Sierras is highly inaccurate. It is very pertinent to the discovery and stating of facts.
I am doing well in school. I am considering an MA in Law and possible a Juris Doctorate if I survive this ordeal.
Defection and Following From A Script...
Blythe CA Ehrenberg CA
October 16, 2011
Along the Colorado River the redundancy of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing continues with the Gay Baiting and the attack on the acronym LGBTi.
Hence I have lived all of my 50 years as a heterosexual and will exist this earth as one. There still is no same sex opposition against the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth or the quid pro quo stalking that is the signature of modern LGBTi history.
Parties as Barack Obama and George W. Bush have poor legal histories. The principals or proximate cause do not have a case for selfdefense and this will be a main issue as persons become identified through history as informants.
The Gay Militia have no conscience and in the concrete it is blackmail and extortion that create the ad absurdium irrationality to continue the attack on the human race.
Historically we can see that the Germans and Japanese have survived being the aggressors in world wars to become prosperous. I am sure that incidents and reprisals occur under the surface of world perception.
I have proved that I am competitive as an undergraduate student. I have received two A grades, one in Criminal Procedures and International Business. This will be my last session as a full time student at Columbia College. If this attack does not stop I am better served writing up finished papers.
The Use Of Storyboarding...
Blythe CA Ehrenberg CA
November 16, 2011
I am working on Forensic Science and Law. The Daubert and Frye Standards are going to make a mockery of LAPD and LGBTi law enforcement. The Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is a manifest function.I am clearly studying as a heterosexual and have been an opposite sex student my entire life.
Cambridge's credibility as a science and law school is in the balance. Sexual blackmail and extortion throughout the entirety of this event is quite pronounced. The antisocial character of the population is very poor.
Jerry Sandusky an ex Penn State football coach is embroiled in a major same sex pedophile child molestation scandal. These events are related. I will also comment that the Occupy Wall Street movement in the USA is theatrical and has very little volition. Why do they not Occupy Washington DC or Los Angeles and stop this nonsense?
I will predict that I will remain the strongest opposition while physically alive. There are now 7 billion persons on our Earth. I rank my person as number one prejudicial to Obama and his predecessors and successors.
The use of defection will destroy the credibility of natural persons, families, and organizations.
I will attempt to formally confront the UK at least in 2013. I will take four more courses every two months in 2012. Afterwards I will devote more time to MOEC Studies.
Reflections On the New Fascism
Blythe CA Ehrenberg CA
December 28, 2011
The current sanitization of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth by the United States since 1987 begs the question of the mens rea or criminal intent behind the actus reaor criminal intent.
What is at hand is Irrationalism in the negative. This is a scripted espionage of this country by a foreign agent, the allegation being Cambridge Law School of the United Kingdom.
This is a negative Irrationalism; hence such would turn into Fascism with official recognition and apologetics from the intellects, political actors, businesses and average persons that are benefiting from racketeered quid pro quos in plundering the wealth of the United States.
The paradigm begins with individualism in a setting where actors are initiated into defection model by blackmail and extortion. The differentiation at the positive law is a citizen versus a criminal but involves eternal law systems which are not the specialization of lawyers.
Hence through prisoner's dilemma a state engineered Storyboard of the British Empire is developed. (Up until WWI this truly was an empire). Individual targets have their entire lives scripted and are placed in nodes that radiate outwards from the proximate cause or Origin.
In the abstract a class system is developed. Here one can discern an antagonistic clash of ethics as consequentialism versus deontology. The result is a variant of a Master Passion where individual hedonistic preferences for the instant as homosexuality are maintained privately although they are intended to public policy.
The defection and blackmail and extortion ring forces both individuals and artificial organizations as government, corporations, and gang structures to reciprocate as informants.
This places sworn officials as the United States president and state governors as under the color of authority.
New fascism is not a response to communism. It is an invertebration or counter culture of civilization with no known strategy to establish rights or rule of law. It will use totalitarianism without a check and balance of the courts. The population is reduced to lumpen or criminal workers for the police. As informants they are arrested, suffer violence, as HIV AIDS.
The official recognition of the system will reveal the total creation of wealth through insider or de facto criminal actions which are not merit based or legal. This is one facet of blackmail and extortion.
To paraphrase Barack Obama and his family are on Christmas Vacation in 2011 as the Colorado River in Blythe, CA, Mary Bono Mack R 45 is Chemically Assaulted.