Censorship and Sanitization of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth in the USA
On June 17, 1987 Los Angeles Police Department CA, LAPD launched a preemptive attack against then President Ronald Reagan. I was in Dover, Delaware. This attack alienated my natural person from my United States Citizenship and Bill of Right protections.
The allegation is the Cambridge Law School is the authorship or Proximate Cause sine qua non.
The resultant action has created a Crime Against Humanity and Treason Against the United States and United Kingdom.
The algorithm of the operation is:
1. United Kingdom: Cambridge Law School - Scotland Yard
2. United States: California: Los Angeles Police Department - Delaware: Delaware State Police - Maryland: Baltimore Police Department
The principals, accessories, and accomplices extend to further local jurisdictions, organizations, and individuals in a Storyboard Reverse Sting.
The actual name of this structure and process is Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC.
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
Origin, is the General User Interface GUI. It was presented as the Organic Cell. I regard Origin as the Artificial Virus. MOEC is Cambridge Law School's most efficient attempt to organize or systematize Mobilization of Empire and Civilization. It is a novelty of Prisoner's Dilemma. At this time period in history it is the most powerful defection model operating in the post WWII era in continuo. It is claimed that Cambridge Law School authors the mechanism that expands and contracts the United Kingdom or British Empire. As seen MOEC has entrapped and severely damaged the posterity of the sworn officials whom it denotes as the Irrationalist Presidents:
Irrationalist Presidents
Ronald Reagan |
George HW Bush |
William Clinton |
George W Bush |
Barack Obama |
Donald Trump |
Joe Biden |
It has also severely damaged the future of Prince Charles or the Duke of Cambridge, his son William from having a reign on the British Crown without serious issues. The defection model has created a censorship and sanitization of 8 billion persons worldwide.
On September 16, 2013 the United Nations issued a report stating that there was strong evidence that nerve agent Sarin was used in the suburbs near Damascus on August 21, 2013.
This action has occurred while the United States has operated a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth Program that is exclusively centered over my natural person.
I was in Westwood, California.
On October 1, 2013 UN Inspectors have arrived in Syria to dismantle Syria's Chemical Warfare Program.
The areas of California that are most affected by MOEC, Mobilization of Empire and Civilization are Plumas, Lassen, Siskiyou, and Modoc Counties. Inclusive are Inyo, Mono, Riverside and East County near the Salton Sea and Colorado River. These areas are rural and quite large. Organizationally these counties are interfaces with very large National Forests and deserts; as such they are prone to wildfires. They are without a doubt the most remote areas left in the state of California and were designed as was Inyo County to bear the brunt off any protracted stand down that would occur between myself and federal and state government.
A model used in the attack is an alter ego component and perspective that is based on transformations between Stalinist USSR and the United States. The Soviet Union is the standard paradigm used to study modern totalitarianism (1900+). This approach is a very solid and will be very difficult to refute. This perspective is based on the formation of the Oprichniki during Ivan the Terrible. In Russia, this secret police department swept through the countryside dressed in black on horseback with brooms and with heads of dogs mounted on their saddles. The Boyers and other members of the leading classes sought security underneath the Oprichniki rather than oppose them.
This structure is argued as the beginning of the Russian Mafia and the KGB.
The Allegation here is that Cambridge Law School has created the Anglo American Oprichniki and authored a Crime Against Humanity and Treason against the United States and United Kingdom.
Hence in this perspective the principals attack upward is a stepladder movement the then downward as part of the reverse sting.
MOEC is essentially a Gay Militia with a repertoire of homosexual blackmail, extortion, hostaging, and intimidation of a witness ring. In the United States MOEC would form a RICO Enterprise. RICO is TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 96, Section 1961 of the United States Code.
There are then sworn and unsworn informants. At issue are the response from duty bound officials to the recruitment of informants as stalkers. Here the emphasis is on crime against persons. Under Due Process and Equal Protection crimes against persons should be prioritized first before property crimes.
The Social Contract Theory is the correct model in modern constitutional theory and is accepted in practice worldwide. Since my rights have been alienated by an attack by homosexual or MSM (Men who have sex with Men) actors, I have been forced to survive while an epistemological attack on my natural person has been condoned by the American Presidents identified supra. The MSM officers of LAPD are organized as a Gay Militia with various nom de guerras.
Overall Cambridge is using an eclectic dialectical line derived from Greek Tyrannies and an ideological line derived from Plato to Marx. Hence archetypal patterns have been inverted and artificially embedded in the Paradigm of Laws:
The Paradigm of Laws
Eternal Law |
Natural Law |
Positive Law |
Here in LAPD they have entrapped a cell of MSM officers in a cell that have operated with the code names of:
Gay Militia Code Names
Periander |
The Fly |
Dodo |
Under a Tournament challenge it was posited that under Gay Relativity and Phenomenology, LAPD would be able to morally justify an attack on my person. This would necessitate a Positive Self Defense. The use of an Attorney General Exception necessitates that such an order exists and a sitting president has signed such. Under positive law a justification would involve concepts as the Castle Doctrine meaning that actors would need to prove a threat upon themselves. Who has attacked them? I am not the belligerent they are provocateurs. In continuation, if they are under the color of law they have no legal right to operate an attack out of the LAPD station house. Hence this develops the emergence of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. This is reductio ad absurdium. This is a clear circular folly.
The analogy here to the Greek Decathlon where a performer needs not only to be physically, spiritually and intellectually fit has become has become a colossal hoax.
This attack against the human race was designed to entrap the United Kingdom, United States, California and LAPD. It also has a strategic mission of Gay or Same Sex Marriage.
MOEC is in part analogous to the popular film The Wizard of Oz. It is indeed the highest level Prisoner's Dilemma defection model operating in the world at this time. It is a Trojan Horse Undermining the United States through a Divorce Program which is designed in the opposite as a Yellow Brick Road Marriage Program.
Marriage is a near universal for all adults. The Divorce Rate is now near 45% nationwide.
Undermining and Legality of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth
The United States is clearly being destroyed by pinning the corrupt and incompetent person to the superior person.
The creation of a Gay Militia in LAPD clearly extends here to the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth and it too, is prima facie and undeniable.
This action has a baseline of attacking and descending from Third Generation Great Grandparents.
Collateral Consanguinity
3rd Gen. Grandparent |
2nd Gen. Grandparents |
1st Gen. Grandparents |
Father Mother Siblings |
The grandfather is considered the Patriarch of the family. My observations and research have found no response whatsoever locally or in the United States
A 75 year old grandfather may have a 50 year old son. The son may have a 25 year old son. The 25 year old son may have a one year old son. The grandfather has seen his great grandson.
The 25 year old son clearly has witnessed an epic in World and American History as an adult. He clearly has a strong possibility of legally incriminating Barack Obama. From 2013, in twenty five years Obama will be 77 years old.
The same issue stands for the female gender consideration.
What is the historical and legal inheritance of families in this area, America, and the World?
The provocation of LAPD is formed as a Tournament. As seen the entire culture is Undermined. At issue are a correct historical and legal response. There is a very serious rivalry between the Gay Militia and myself. Periander, The Fly, and Dodo are the operatives of Cambridge Law School. Their system of complicity will create the worst persons and United Kingdom and United States History. This hub and node conspiracy is the Yellow Brick Road.
Dodo has been attempting to posit Exclusive Homosexuality. The two persons a female named Chris from Delaware and male name Chris from California. I personally know both natural persons. At times in a fallacy of changing the argument and false sets they are argued as abstractions or groups.
This is a key insight. These persons are being attacked. Northern California, Salton Sea to Blythe, and Inyo County, California are being exposed to this action. The female from Delaware is being attacked denoting severe misogyny. One endgame sub line concerns which of the jurisdictions above may trigger her legal action against the United States and LAPD.
To date no LGBTi leaders, sworn officials, or actors of any discretion have stepped forward specifically from the Eastern High Sierras.
MOEC Studies is only an Approach but is by far and beyond the most direct and organized attempt to decapitate and prosecute MOEC.
This attack is paired to Gay Marriage. It is absurd to argue that just by being Same Sex that is one is qualified. I would not be so incompetent to believe the opposite that simply because LGBTi officers are operating a Gay Militia that heterosexuality qualifies one alone due to victimization.
The scripting is very blatant. One should leave a clear and unambiguous record of one's intents and acts if they are desiring merit based promotion or to defend themselves from spurious and dubious attacks as is the case here.
This Tryad Cohort Rivalry between Dodo, Obama, and myself is a watershed event in World History. The Censorship and Sanitization of 8 billion persons defines MOEC as a Cultural Singularity opposing Technological Singularity.
Under these conditions of despotic repression I have organized MOEC Studies into an Approach. This is the strongest attempt at systematic decapitation of this criminal enterprise.
The hiring of ex Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano at the University of California closes texture on converting the State into the evolving Machinery of Torture. Cambridge, the University of California, and the Nobel Organization will form an aperture to attack those so called academics and world experts who are abetting a Crime Against Humanity and Treason against their home country.
Cultural Singularity Versus Technological Singularity
MOEC is a preemptive attack on Technological Singularity. This structure and process is designed to create a suboptimal equilibrium for AI technology as it emerges with accelerating speed through history. More can be read here:
Stanford Binet Fifth Edition SB5 classification
IQ Range Deviation IQ Classification
145 160 Very gifted or highly advanced
130 144 Gifted or very advanced
120 129 Superior
110 119 High average
90 109 Average
80 89 Low average
70 79 Borderline impaired or delayed
55 69 Mildly impaired or delayed
40 54 Moderately impaired or delayed
Social Systems
The Individual - Social System - Renaissance - Decadence
Culture and Society
Social Systems Theory - Teaching and Promotion
Irrationalist Movements
Nazi Neo Nazi |
Fascism |
Gay Irrationalism Pre Gay Fascism |
Major Movements |
Italian Fascism |
Japanese Fascism |
Spanish Fascism |
Islamic Fascism |
Minor Movements |
Black Nationalism |
As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer. The word derives from fasces, the Roman symbol of collectivism and power: a tied bundle of rods with a protruding ax. In it's day (the 1920s and 1930s), fascism was seen as the happy medium between boom and bust prone liberal capitalism, with it's alleged class conflict, wasteful competition, and profit oriented egoism, and revolutionary Marxism, with it's violent and socially divisive persecution of the bourgeoisie. Fascism substituted the particularity of nationalism and racialism blood and soil for the internationalism of both classical liberalism and Marxism.
Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society's economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners. Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the national interest that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it. (Nevertheless, a few industries were operated by the state.) Where socialism abolished all market relations outright, fascism left the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities. Where socialism abolished money and prices, fascism controlled the monetary system and set all prices and wages politically. In doing all this, fascism denatured the marketplace. Entrepreneurship was abolished. State ministries, rather than consumers, determined what was produced and under what conditions.
Fascism is to be distinguished from interventionism, or the mixed economy. Interventionism seeks to guide the market process, not eliminate it, as fascism did. Minimum wage and antitrust laws, though they regulate the free market, are a far cry from multiyear plans from the Ministry of Economics.
Under fascism, the state, through official cartels, controlled all aspects of manufacturing, commerce, finance, and agriculture. Planning boards set product lines, production levels, prices, wages, working conditions, and the size of firms. Licensing was ubiquitous; no economic activity could be undertaken without government permission. Levels of consumption were dictated by the state, and excess incomes had to be surrendered as taxes or loans. The consequent burdening of manufacturers gave advantages to foreign firms wishing to export. But since government policy aimed at autarky, or national self sufficiency, protectionism was necessary: imports were barred or strictly controlled, leaving foreign conquest as the only avenue for access to resources unavailable domestically. Fascism was thus incompatible with peace and the international division of labor hallmarks of liberalism.
Fascism embodied corporatism, in which political representation was based on trade and industry rather than on geography. In this, fascism revealed it's roots in syndicalism, a form of socialism originating on the left. The government cartelized firms of the same industry, with representatives of labor and management serving on myriad local, regional, and national boards subject always to the final authority of the dictator's economic plan. Corporatism was intended to avert unsettling divisions within the nation, such as lockouts and union strikes. The price of such forced harmony was the loss of the ability to bargain and move about freely.
To maintain high employment and minimize popular discontent, fascist governments also undertook massive public works projects financed by steep taxes, borrowing, and fiat money creation. While many of these projects were domestic roads, buildings, stadiums the largest project of all was militarism, with huge armies and arms production.
The fascist leaders' antagonism to communism has been misinterpreted as an affinity for capitalism. In fact, fascists' anticommunism was motivated by a belief that in the collectivist milieu of early twentieth century Europe, communism was it's closest rival for people's allegiance. As with communism, under fascism, every citizen was regarded as an employee and tenant of the totalitarian, party dominated state. Consequently, it was the state's prerogative to use force, or the threat of it, to suppress even peaceful opposition.
If a formal architect of fascism can be identified, it is Benito Mussolini, the onetime Marxist editor who, caught up in nationalist fervor, broke with the left as World War I approached and became Italy's leader in 1922. Mussolini distinguished fascism from liberal capitalism in his 1928 autobiography:
The citizen in the Fascist State is no longer a selfish individual who has the antisocial right of rebelling against any law of the Collectivity. The Fascist State with it's corporative conception puts men and their possibilities into productive work and interprets for them the duties they have to fulfill. (p. 280)
Before his foray into imperialism in 1935, Mussolini was often praised by prominent Americans and Britons, including Winston Churchill, for his economic program.
Similarly, Adolf Hitler, whose National Socialist (Nazi) Party adapted fascism to Germany beginning in 1933, said:
The state should retain supervision and each property owner should consider himself appointed by the state. It is his duty not to use his property against the interests of others among his own people. This is the crucial matter. The Third Reich will always retain it's right to control the owners of property. (Barkai 1990, pp. 26–27)
Both nations exhibited elaborate planning schemes for their economies in order to carry out the state's objectives. Mussolini's corporate state "consider[ed] private initiative in production the most effective instrument to protect national interests" (Basch 1937, p. 97). But the meaning of initiative differed significantly from it's meaning in a market economy. Labor and management were organized into twenty two industry and trade corporations, each with Fascist Party members as senior participants. The corporations were consolidated into a National Council of Corporations; however, the real decisions were made by state agencies such as the Instituto per la Ricosstruzione Industriale, which held shares in industrial, agricultural, and real estate enterprises, and the Instituto Mobiliare, which controlled the nation's credit.
Hitler's regime eliminated small corporations and made membership in cartels mandatory. The Reich Economic Chamber was at the top of a complicated bureaucracy comprising nearly two hundred organizations organized along industry, commercial, and craft lines, as well as several national councils. The Labor Front, an extension of the Nazi Party, directed all labor matters, including wages and assignment of workers to particular jobs. Labor conscription was inaugurated in 1938. Two years earlier, Hitler had imposed a four year plan to shift the nation's economy to a war footing. In Europe during this era, Spain, Portugal, and Greece also instituted fascist economies.
In the United States, beginning in 1933, the constellation of government interventions known as the New Deal had features suggestive of the corporate state. The National Industrial Recovery Act created code authorities and codes of practice that governed all aspects of manufacturing and commerce. The National Labor Relations Act made the federal government the final arbiter in labor issues. The Agricultural Adjustment Act introduced central planning to farming. The object was to reduce competition and output in order to keep prices and incomes of particular groups from falling during the Great Depression.
It is a matter of controversy whether President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal was directly influenced by fascist economic policies. Mussolini praised the New Deal as "boldly... interventionist in the field of economics," and Roosevelt complimented Mussolini for his "honest purpose of restoring Italy" and acknowledged that he kept "in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman." Also, Hugh Johnson, head of the National Recovery Administration, was known to carry a copy of Raffaello Viglione's pro Mussolini book, The Corporate State, with him, presented a copy to Labor Secretary Frances Perkins, and, on retirement, paid tribute to the Italian dictator.
Sheldon Richman. Fascism. The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics. 2008. Library of Economics and Liberty. Retrieved March 4, 2009 from the World Wide Web: http://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/Fascism.html
The Informant and the Fall of the United States
It is prima facie that the United States is undergoing an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. This is facilitated by recruiting Informants along a career defection path. This is inclusive of having a faith, family, and job. In this instance I have argued that MSM Cambridge Lawyers are the Authorship and Proximate Cause. The individual exists first in nature. The family has been argued as the basis of the collective government.
The correct Due Process is to legally decapitate this RICO Criminal Enterprise to the Origin. In this instance MOEC is homosexual blackmail, intimidation, hostaging, and extortion ring. In LDCs as Mexico the extortion of money and property is common, GDCs as the United States quid pro quos as career and academic rigging as being a doctor are prominent. Education is the long term solution and punishment is the short term solution.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target and Bhakta David is the Singularity Experiment.In this regard I am diametrically opposing MOEC and organizing MOEC Studies to seat a War Crime Tribunal.Every individual and collective should be opposed to MOEC. This attack is radiating outward from the United States, specifically LAPD, California. This is damaging all nations and peoples.
You are being Numbered for formal and informal punishment in a Reverse Sting.
Identifying the Names of the Authorship
§ 2381. Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
§ 2382. Misprision of treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
An important component of Justice is to identify the perpetrators. The victim has the right to confront one's perpetrators. This public disclosure also has a deterrent effect on future aggressors. There is tremendous damage to individuals and families in the United States. I am acting strongly to positively identify and criminal actors. The State has the right to press criminal charges. Here the culture of impunity, censorship, and sanitization also is detrimental to the human race and individual nationstates.
MOEC Studies is the only known direct response to the in continuo actions in the United States and the world.
What to Do
It is imperative that persons begin to file complaints to the competent authorities. Under the Color of Law against code enforcement in the main are handled by the FBI. There is a contact for Under the Color of authority complaints at their website.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation
U.S. Code as of: January 19, 2004
Title 18 Section 242. Deprivation of rights under color of law
Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title,or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
An Authorized Website
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Since June 17, 1987, in Dover, Delaware, a de facto attack on the United States has occurred.
In the 2012 Presidential Election Barack Obama and Joe Biden defeated Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to become the United States 44th President. This act concludes the second election and inauguration where the Salton Sea, California was chemically despoiled.
The Orwellian Totalitarianism and Scorched Earth that has degraded the population of the United States and disintegrated the environment and infrastructure of the country was designed by Cambridge Law School and University. It appears a structure as a cell of lawyers lead this planning. This organization could also include staff from others schools as Oxford. In degree this act is an extension of United Kingdom state planning.
Very strong allegations point to a continuum of membership from the Victorian Age (1850s) onward. Their tactics appear to be based on Alexander the Great and with a regime that wishes to expand, with a will to empire. Philippe of Macedon and associates did the planning and Alexander did the implementation eliminating exposure to the planners. We are witnessing the result of a transition from imperialism to democracy and supranational regimes as the United Nations, NATO, and WTO.
In the 1850s the United Kingdom was at or near it's peak. The British Navy ruled the seas and this nation was able to project it's power. Hence The sun never sets on the British Empire. In Prussia Queen Victoria's cousin the Bismarck wished to restore the boundaries of the Holy Roman Empire. A series of royal marriages in Europe failed to maintain the peace. In the 1880s the Bismarck began the Schlieffen Plan or a mobilization towards war. This included industrialization to military goods and the construction of rail lines to the borders to transport troops.
There is a strong suspicion that the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth has origins in a miscalculation against the Reich. This could be experimentation with chemical warfare.
Of particular concern is the strength of defection and loyalty of the usurpation in the United States. Five sitting presidents, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama have condoned manifest violations of constitutional law and scorched earth against the United States.
There is a mission goal by the system to avenge LGBTi treatment. The organization of this attack appears to have been aimed at Ronald Reagan and to occur on June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware. Delaware is the first state to have ratified the Constitution on December 7, 1787. Joseph Biden, a senior senator from Delaware is was also Barack Obama's Vice President.
A notable feature of the structure is that it is a defection model. The Authorship has labelled Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC as an acronym. The Authorship by naming itself gives a clear demonstration to a prosecutor of the degree of organization achieved before and in continuo of the manifest widespread proliferation on June 17, 1987. The language of the name provides clues that such is the architecture of the United Kingdom and also with an intent of social engineering to ensure it's survival.
Identifying the Names of the Authorship
An important component of Justice is to identify the perpetrators. The victim has the right to confront one's perpetrators. This public disclosure also has a deterrent effect on future aggressors. There is tremendous damage to individuals and families in the United States. I am acting strongly to positively identify and criminal actors. The State has the right to press criminal charges. The culture of impunity, Censorship and Sanitization also is detrimental to the human race and individual nationstates.
MOEC Studies is the only known direct response to the in continuo actions in the United States and the world.
Undermining the House of Windsor
Standard King James Version (Pure Cambridge)
Matthew Chapter 22
Jesus Disputes with Pharisees about the Tribute Money
Matthew 22:15-22
1 And Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables, and said,
2 The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son,
3 And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come.
4 Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage.
5 But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise:
6 And the remnant took his servants, and entreated them spitefully, and slew them.
7 But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city.
8 Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy.
9 Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage.
10 So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests.
11 And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment:
12 And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless.
13 Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
14 For many are called, but few are chosen.
One convergent issue in this system is the Undermining of the House of Windsor. It appears that Gay Marriage issue is paired with MOEC. As seen Prince William has married Katie in 2012 and they are expecting their first child. It is interesting to note here that Princess Diana's, William's mother's, third cousins attended Caesar Rodney School District in Kent County, Delaware when I attended and when then Senator Joe Biden was first beginning his career. Biden lived only houses away from me in Rodney Village and down the street from William's cousins.
A point of interest is that William's American cousins and Beau Biden, Vice Presidents Biden's son, once Delaware Attorney General (Deceased 2015) would be key witnesses against Obama and Los Angeles Police Department, California in any future trial. It is also a point of interest that President Nixon was entrapped in Watergate due to his descendency from English Kings by LAPD.
The moral and legal standard is for the principals as the United Kingdom and United States to step forward and Officially Recognize MOEC. Then criminal and civil damages should be awarded to the victims.
Challenges Within a Paradigm Shift: The Implementation of MOEC: Chemical Assault Scorched Earth
The instant plans were developed to pair chemical tagging to objects, a paradigm was developed. If this model was implemented a paradigm shift occurred. Integral to this paradigm and it's shift is the naming of such Mobilization of Empire and Civilization (MOEC).
Manifest Function: The part of an event that is empirically verifiable to an objective observer and confirmed by third parties.
Latent Function: The part of an event that becomes observable at a later date to be confirmed in regard to an early manifest function.
Many diseases develop in latency. Hence there is a difference from being HIV positive and having the disease of AIDS. AIDS is a latent function of the HIV virus.
It is clear that Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is a Manifest Function to Homeland Security and the president of the United States. The same can be said of the American Medical Association (AMA), American Psychological Association (APA), and American Bar Association (ABA). Since Los Angeles Police Department is located in California and most of this event has been localized within this state, the University of California is adversely affected and degraded also.
POST certification, the licensing of law or peace officers in California also is severely damaged.
The labelling and use of the acronym MOEC is a latent function to a censored world of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. It is accurate and I am developing this area as being cognizant of it's existence by the Origin itself.
I believe I am more adequately prepared to challenge academia and their certification then any other area. I am involved in spirituality and interfaith dialog but I am far from a practicing priest. I am fluent in the basic concepts of the Vedas and the Christian Bible.
The University of California has a mission of being dedicated to the research and pedagogy, maintaining innovative and leading technologies and sustaining events of human culture significance. This systematic crime has attacked the homeostasis of the University making it's dynamics static in the continuum of history. UC has a vested interest in the History of California. At this point it is clear that they are in a posture of censorship and sanitization that has endangered human civilization and life itself.
A clear line of intent to remedy this criminality is to directly attack Los Angeles Police Department, University of California, to the prosecution of the University of Cambridge and Law School.
2015: Beyond the Turn of the Decade
As of 2015, the odds favor the ending of the manifest Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. The Gay Marriage issue was a Strawman in the United States with the Manifest Chemical Assault Scorched Earth continuing against the Irrationalist Presidency of Barack Obama while major crisis in the Syrian Civil War and Islamic State emerged. The Alter Ego component of the LGBTi Movement Gay Militia versus the Islamic State and the Jihadhi Movement is more than suspicious.
I would strongly argue that secondary and tertiary targets will continue to have LAPD stalk their persons, families, and properties with totalitarian tactics long after I am dead.
The culture is INFORMANT BASED. By function the repertoire of attacks also work as a purge. It appears that the selective bias towards favoring same sex groups is counterbalanced by exposing criminals to the origin. It is in the universal interest to seek legal justice and compensation.
The Nobel Organization has twice awarded prizes to American leaders whose criteria are historically and legally questionable. This being Al Gore for Global Warming in 2004 and Barack Obama for Peace in 2009.
A type of Socratic Dialog of question and answers needs to be undertaken to clarify and edify empirical history, identify who is responsible, and what interventions should have been undertaken.
The damage to the United Kingdom and the United States cannot be understated. The American policeman, now Homeland Security Officer must also face intense scrutiny as well as the Commander in Chief, the United States President.
Stalinism and the Anglo American Oprichniki have emerged. The paradigm for the future police state is the United Kingdom and United States with an embedded Joe Virus which is LGBTi. This malware program will soon corrupt the operating system which is constitutional law. Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is an effective blackmail, intimidation, hostaging, and extortion tool that is meeting little opposition if any at all.
What is now salient is that abnormal psychology should be used to define the Irrationalism in LAPD and the informants being recruited. This can be seen sociologically and is not refutable by stating such is an internal genetic structure. Hence by accurately observing and documenting history one can observe and measure the transformation of a social engineered convergent totalitarianism.
The transformations achieved through mutual aid is destroying a sovereign citizenship relationship between the American President and citizen is highly discernible. This transference fits nicely into a model of a sibling rivalry with cohort effects under an unseen Father and Mother Figure (Ideal) and Natural Parents. Since I am one day older than Barack Obama being born August 3, 1961 in Roswell, NM to his August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, HA this Neo Freudian methodology is a primary archetype. Ultimately the authorship in Cambridge Law School is the de facto father figure of a fatalistic convergent Irrationalist Pre Fascist culture.
![Kings College UK](images/kings.college.cambridge.jpg)
The University of Cambridge (Cambridge University), is located in Cambridge, England. It is the second oldest university in the English speaking world. It is regarded as one of the world's leading academic institutions. Cambridge grew out of an association of scholars in 1209 by academics leaving Oxford after a dispute. The universities of Oxford and Cambridge are often jointly referred to as Oxbridge. The two universities continue to have a long history of rivalry with each other.
The University of Cambridge is a member of the Russell Group, a network of research led British universities; the Coimbra Group, an association of leading European universities; the League of European Research Universities; and the International Alliance of Research Universities. It is also considered part of the Golden Triangle, a geographical concentration of UK university research.
Academically, Cambridge is consistently ranked in the world's top 5 universities and has produced 82 Nobel Laureates to date, one of the highest counts in the world.
Roger of Wendover describes that the University of Cambridge origins relate to a crime committed in 1209. Two Oxford scholars were convicted of the murder or manslaughter of a woman and were hanged by the town authorities with the assent of the King. In protest at the hanging, the University of Oxford went into voluntary suspension, and scholars migrated to a number of other locations, including the pre existing school at Cambridge. It is considered that these post graduate researchers from Oxford started University of Cambridge in 1209. Cambridge's status as a university is further confirmed by a decree in 1233 from Pope Gregory IX which awarded the ius non trahi extra (a form of legal protection) to the chancellor and universities of scholars at Cambridge. Catholic authorities further recognized Cambridge in a letter by Pope Nicholas IV in 1290, and in a bull by Pope John XXII in 1318. After such it became common for researchers from other European medieval universities to visit Cambridge to study or to give lectures.
Contributions to the Advancement of Science
Important scientific discoveries and revolutions were made by Cambridge alumni:
Understanding the scientific method: Francis Bacon
The laws of motion: Sir Isaac Newton
The discovery of the electron: J. J. Thomson
The splitting of the atom: Sir John Cockcroft and Ernest Walton
The unification of electromagnetism: James Clerk Maxwell
The discovery of hydrogen: Henry Cavendish
Evolution by natural selection: Charles Darwin
The Turing machine, a basic model for computation: Alan Turing
The structure of DNA: Francis Crick and James D. Watson
All students must belong to a college. Each college can provide a diverse range of academics as Trinity Hall for Law. Cambridge is essentially a federation comprising of 31 self governing colleges. Each of the colleges is a mini Cambridge: they appoint their own teaching staff and fellows in each subject. They decide which students to admit, provide the supervision teaching for undergraduates, and are responsible for the domestic arrangements and welfare of undergraduate students, graduate students, post doctoral researchers. These academics collectively form the different departments in the university. They are responsible for organizing lectures and seminars, performing research and determining the syllabi for teaching. Together with the central administration headed by the Vice Chancellor, they make up the entire University of Cambridge. Facilities such as libraries are provided on all these levels: by the central university (the Cambridge University Library), by the departments (individual departmental libraries, such as the Squire Law Library), and by the individual colleges (all of which maintain a multidiscipline library for members of the college members of other colleges are free to use them as well).
Central Administration
The current Chancellor of the university is the Duke of Edinburgh. The office of Chancellor, which is held for life, is mainly ceremonial, while the Vice Chancellor is the principal academic and administrative officer. The University's internal governance is carried out almost entirely by it's own members, with little external representation on its governing bodies (with the exception of the Audit Committee).
The governing body of the University is the Regent House, composed of resident senior members of the University and the Colleges, together with the Chancellor, the High Steward, the Deputy High Steward, and the Commissary. The University Council is the principal executive and policy making body of the University, although it is accountable to the Regent House through a variety of checks and balances.
Research and Teaching
The principal method of teaching at Cambridge colleges is the supervision. These are weekly hour long sessions in which small groups of students, usually between one and three, meet with a member of the university's teaching staff or a doctoral student. Students are required to complete an essay or assignment in advance of the supervision, which they will discuss with the supervisor, along with any concerns or difficulties they have had with the material presented in that week's lectures. The supervisions are considered to be the core of the instruction with the lectures as complementary. Students may receive two or three supervisions per week. This pedagogical system is often cited as being unique to Cambridge and Oxford. Cambridge recently has developed a slight bias towards scientific subjects, but it also has a number of strong humanities and social science faculties.
In 2006, the total financial endowment of Cambridge and the colleges was estimated at £4.1 billion (US $8.2 billion): £1.2 billion tied directly to the university, £2.9 billion to the colleges. This endowment is one of the largest in Europe. Oxford is ranked second, having reported an endowment valued at £3.9bn in mid 2006.
The University of Cambridge has produced most of Britain’s prominent scientists and mathematicians. Affiliates of the University have won a total of 82 Nobel Prizes. Cambridge has educated 15 British Prime Ministers. At least 23 Heads of State have attended the University. The Royal Family traditionally has made Cambridge the academic institution of choice of (King Edward VII, King George VI, Prince Henry of Gloucester, Prince William of Gloucester and Edinburgh and Prince Charles were all undergraduates).
The application system to Cambridge and Oxford often involves additional requirements, with candidates typically called to face to face interviews. The interview process best determines which candidates are accepted. Most applicants are expected to be predicted at least three A grade A level qualifications relevant to their chosen undergraduate course, or equivalent overseas qualifications. In 2006, 5,228 students who were rejected went on to get 3 A levels or more at grade A, representing about 63% of all applicants rejected. The interview is performed by College Fellows, who evaluate candidates on unexamined factors such as potential for original thinking and creativity. For exceptional candidates, a Matriculation Offer is sometimes offered, requiring only two A levels at grade E or above Christ's College is unusual in making this offer to about one third of successful candidates, in order to relieve very able candidates of some pressure in their final A level year.
Cambridge and Oxford are the most academically selective universities in the United Kingdom. A special national admissions process which sets Oxbridge apart from other British universities. In 2005, it was reported that Cambridge produces more PhDs per year than any other British university (over 30% more than second placed Oxford). In 2006, a Thomson Scientific study showed that Cambridge has the highest research paper output of any British university, and is also the top research producer (as assessed by total paper citation count) in 10 out of 21 major British research fields analyzed. Cambridge won a larger proportion (6.6%) of total British research grants and contracts than any other university.
The university is also closely linked with the development of the high tech business cluster in and around Cambridge. Estimates reported in February 2006 suggest that there were about 250 active startup companies directly linked with the university, worth around US $6 billion.
Cambridge University (2013). Cambridge University. Wikipedia. Retrieved from May 15, 2013 from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambridge_University
What is Evolution?
Evolution is a change in the gene pool of a population over time. A gene is a hereditary unit that can be passed on unaltered for many generations. The gene pool is the set of all genes in a species or population (Evolution).
The English moth, Biston betularia, is a frequently cited example of observed evolution. [evolution: a change in the gene pool] In this moth there are two color morphs, light and dark. H. B. D. Kettlewell found that dark moths constituted less than 2% of the population prior to 1848. The frequency of the dark morph increased in the years following. By 1898, the 95% of the moths in Manchester and other highly industrialized areas were of the dark type. Their frequency was less in rural areas. The moth population changed from mostly light colored moths to mostly dark colored moths. The moths' color was primarily determined by a single gene. [gene: a hereditary unit] So, the change in frequency of dark colored moths represented a change in the gene pool. [gene pool: the set all of genes in a population] This change was, by definition, evolution.
The increase in relative abundance of the dark type was due to natural selection. The late eighteen hundreds was the time of England's industrial revolution. Soot from factories darkened the birch trees the moths landed on. Against a sooty background, birds could see the lighter colored moths better and ate more of them. As a result, more dark moths survived until reproductive age and left offspring. The greater number of offspring left by dark moths is what caused their increase in frequency. This is an example of natural selection.
Populations evolve. [evolution: a change in the gene pool] In order to understand evolution, it is necessary to view populations as a collection of individuals, each harboring a different set of traits. A single organism is never typical of an entire population unless there is no variation within that population. Individual organisms do not evolve, they retain the same genes throughout their life. When a population is evolving, the ratio of different genetic types is changing each individual organism within a population does not change. For example, in the previous example, the frequency of black moths increased; the moths did not turn from light to gray to dark in concert. The process of evolution can be summarized in three sentences: Genes mutate. [gene: a hereditary unit] Individuals are selected. Populations evolve.
Evolution can be divided into microevolution and macroevolution. The kind of evolution documented above is microevolution. Larger changes, such as when a new species is formed, are called macroevolution. Some biologists feel the mechanisms of macroevolution are different from those of microevolutionary change. Others think the distinction between the two is arbitrary, macroevolution is cumulative microevolution.
Colby, C. (1996). What is Evolution? talkorigins.org. Retrieved from: http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/faq-intro-to-biology.html