2016 Archives
Happy New Years!!!
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
January 9, 2016
The Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part III is progressing. Chapter 1 will be posted by March 1, 2016. My perception is that crime is on the rise. This may not be true for reported crime. Regardless, the lack of Official Recognition is the doom of sworn competent officials. I believe that MOEC Studies will have a watershed not only in the Administration of Justice but in World History. We are at a crossroads where persons solely on math and technology may not be employable. There is a fentanyl tsunami working it's way across the United States. Chapo Guzman of the Sinaloa Cartel was arrested in the past days.Delaware where I grew up is in a gang bang shoot em up drug war phase. This will effect Joe Biden and the Delaware State Police. My cohorts whom grew up during the Lycurgus phase at Caesar Rodney and Dover High Schools will play an instrumental role in History.
Totalitarianism and the Effect on the President
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
February 24, 2016
The 2016 Presidential Election will be the sixth vote under Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. I have stated that MOEC Studies is 50 years ahead of the population. This would be the mean of 7.5 billion persons or 3.75 billion persons. Algebra 3 is now the international standard for High School Graduation. Anyone graduating in the United States in 2000 or before only needed to pass Algebra 2 myself included. I took Predicate Logic which with Behavioral Statistics is more exact to what I am doing with MOEC.
Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing is based on Nativism or Ethnic Nationalism as a Source of War. In this nexus the least qualified persons are recruited to stalk under an Attorney General Exemption. The Authorship is clear in it's intent. POISON the Traitors. The sham patriots can figure this out. Problems are solved in the concrete and by the hand. People in worldwide have destroyed their families by following a homosexual blackmail ring. These individuals would fail Algebra 3. The laughingstock of all the trap will call these persons are being told to call each other Men. Under a criminal investigation these persons are hate criminals. What business do they work for. The Traitors are mutineers whom sink the ship.
LAPD is the perfect example of an organization practices and testing as in Algebra 3 that lead to the destruction and humiliation of the United States.
Ronald Reagan: Berlin Wall
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
March 9, 2016
There is a new site under construction on Ronald Reagan:
Of interest is that Nancy Reagan died the day the site was posted on March 6, 2016.
Open Letter: Chief Beck LAPD
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
March 20, 2016

Chief Charlie Beck,
I writing you concerning the in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over my natural person since June 17, 1987 during the Ronald Reagan presidency and when Edwin Meese was Attorney General.
The attack is prima facie. There are two major allegations:
1. Cambridge Law School, United Kingdom is the proximate cause sine qua non principals, accomplices, and accessories after the fact.
2. Los Angeles Police Department is the hub of Cambridge and contains a Gay Militia that is running the operation.
This event has a name Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC. Some actors prefer it call such the Company which is less accurate.
Then President Ronald Reagan was attacked in 1987 the 200th anniversary of the United States Constitution. I will refer you to my critique of his famous Berlin Wall speech which occurred on June 12, 1987:
As seen only one person Bhakta David Nollmeyer has had their Bill of Rights protections alienated. It is the fact that the when one citizen loses their rights the whole is Undermined. MOEC is the mechanism that expands and contracts the British Empire. It is facilitated by a hub and node system of informants operating in every police stationhouse worldwide. This would include the Islamic State. This explains the stunning effect of their suicide bombings and the Desertion of Mosul.
I have been alienated because I am a heterosexual male.
This operation is being conducted from LAPD or it is not. The fact of the matter is that Barack Obama won and was sworn in as President in 2008 and 2012 while the Salton Sea was contaminated. Theory states that the planning of MOEC is so deep that the recreation of the Salton Sea was done to have such prepared for the 200th Anniversary of the United States Constitution and Reagan if the event which has happened.
If there was employment testing every two years in LAPD at Algebra 3 this Chemical Assault Scorched Earth would have been decapitated.
Control |
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
There are two main subsystems in MOEC: 1. Lycurgus 2. Akbar Lycurgus is characterized while I am under Electronic Surveillance and a Targeted Chemical Assault. Akbar is nuclear or the condition where I am subjected to a fullblown Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. The world has existed under Akbar since June 17, 1987.
There are three main components:
Biological Warfare
Chemical Warfare
Nuclear Warfare
MOEC Studies argues that the Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm is based on a Despotism where an Informant rises to the Despot and replicates himself in the individual and culture. Everything empirically exist in space and time. In Prisoner's Dilemma defection is betrayal and cooperation is rational and the rule of law. As stated under Sovereign Citizen Relations the Despot wishes to give a gift to every person. In this manner a Reverse Sting will develop the government that is prosecutable in the United States from 1971 under the Racketeered Influenced Corrupt Organization or a Criminal Enterprise. Formally RICO is TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 96, Section 1961 of the United States Code.
The names used in the Gay Militia in LAPD are:
The Fly
I have explained this many times concerning the Misprision of Treason and RICO to numerous sworn officials. MOEC is based on an artificially designed ideology Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. It appears to have substituted LGBTi issues in Jihadhi methodology. Again there is an overwhelming correlation to the Islamic State.
ยง 2382. Misprision of treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
Thank you for your consideration,
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
March 20, 2016
Homeland Security Under Siege
Lake Shastina
July 26, 2016
Events are moving at a pace to rapid for my person to maintain. Law Enforcement has experienced a very sharp attack over the last two months. One could argue that the Black Lives Matter movement has focalized attention to confrontations resulting in increased public discussions. I perceive these acts against or by police to be scripted within a reverse sting. It appears that Barack Obama is a Black Swan figure in MOEC with my person as an alter ego. This trajectory is poor. Donald Trump and Mike Pence are the Republican candidates and Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine are the Democrat candidates who are competing to complete the roster of Irrationalist Presidents.
The Appendix of Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part III, the Black Swan should be finished by end of August:
On June 12, 2016, the worst mass murder in United States History occurred. I began to restart work on the Appendix. I simply marked up the selection on the Black Swan Theory supra. I did not know that earlier at 2:00 AM Orlando, Florida EST, a Omar Marteen of Fort Pierce, Florida entered the Pulse nightclub. This is a LGBTi establishment. Gay Pride week begins Monday, the 20th and runs until the national parade on Sunday the 26th. The shooter called 911 during the attack claiming allegiance to Islamic State. Forty nine persons have been reported killed and 45 are injured.
On Tuesday July 5,, Alton Sterling was killed by a white police officer in Baton Rouge captured on video by a bystander.
On Wednesday July 6, 2016 Philando Castile pulled over in a traffic stop in Falcon Heights, Minn., as his girlfriend broadcast his final moments in real time on Facebook. Subsequently he was shot 4 times after telling the officer he a concealed permit and a gun in the car. Castile was shot four times while his girlfriend was in the passenger seat. The next at a parade in Dallas Micah Johnson killed 5 officers wounding seven. This has set off a chain of claims and comments by Barack Obama. This situation is fluid. At present my position is that Obama has continually lived in a bubble of Censorship and Sanitization. Hence the crystallization of his behavior is being orchestrated through the historical tensions that have existed with police and African Americans.
Jeronimo Yanez, the police officer who killed a black driver during a suburban Minnesota traffic stop this week, reacted to the man's gun, not his race, his attorney said Saturday.
St. Anthony Police Officer Yanez was reacting to "the presence of that gun and the display of that gun" when he opened fire on and killed Philando Castile, Minneapolis attorney Thomas Kelly told the Associated Press in an interview Saturday.
Kelly declined to further elaborate to the AP how Castile, 32, displayed the weapon on July 6 traffic stop.
Diamond Reynolds, Castile's girlfriend a passenger in the car, streamed the direct aftermath of the shooting live on Facebook. Reynolds said Castile was shot several times after telling the officer he had a gun and a permit to carry it. She also said Castile was shot while reaching for his wallet.
But Kelly maintains Yanez "was reacting to the actions of the driver."
"This had nothing to do with race. This had everything to do with the presence of a gun," Kelly said."When incidents like this occur, there's a big chunk of our citizenry that feels as if, because of the color of their skin, they are not being treated the same, and that hurts, and that should trouble all of us," Mr. Obama said in a statement on Thursday after arriving in Warsaw for a NATO summit. "This is not just a black issue, not just a Hispanic issue. This is an American issue that we all should care about."
A few hours earlier, Gov. Mark Dayton of Minnesota, who seemed shaken by the video showing the man, Philando Castile, as he died, also pointed to the role of race. "Would this have happened if the driver were white, if the passengers were white?" he asked. "I don't think it would have."
President Obama has to be criticized for historical role for Sanitizing United States History. It is inevitable that the bubble will burst and he along with other sworn officials will beheld accountable.The activities in question reflect a long history of racism and stonewalling which Obama has increased without any scrutiny.
Associated Press
William Bratton Announces His Retirement
Lake Shastina CA
August 30, 2016

On August 2, 2016, New York Police Commissioner William Bratton announced he will not serve during a second term of Mayor Bill Blasio in 2017. William Bratton was Chief of LAPD from 2002 to 2009. He was appointed by John Hahn. He was awarded with the honorary title of Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire on September 11, 2009, by Queen Elizabeth II "in recognition of his work to promote cooperation between US and UK police throughout his distinguished career".
If LAPD is found to be a hub in MOEC hegmonically micromanaging a network through every police stationhouse worldwide then he will incriminated in one of the most damaging events in History.
The Los Angeles Police Department misclassified 14,000 violent crimes between 2005 2012, listing the assaults as minor offenses and skewing crime figures downward. The numbers snafu covered five years when current NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton, a leading proponent of the CompStat crime tracking system, was running the LAPD.
An analysis of LAPD crime statistics by the Los Angeles Times exposed the inaccurate classification of crimes between 2005 2012 which includes the last five years of Bratton's run atop the department.
Violent crime in Los Angeles was actually 7% higher than reported over that stretch. The number of serious assaults increased by 16%. The change in data did not impact the overall reduction in Los Angeles violent crime during the period.
William Bratton Retires
Lake Shastina CA
September 16, 2016
William Bratton, the police commissioner who led departments in Boston, Los Angeles and New York and saw his crime fighting strategies copied across the nation, ended his unparalleled law enforcement career with a ceremonial send off Friday in the city that was the setting of his biggest triumph.
Commanders lined up in formation outside of New York Police Department headquarters to bid farewell to the 68 year old Bratton as he left the building for the last time as commissioner.
Applause mixed with anti Bratton slogans shouted by protesters behind barricades amid the sound of bagpipes.
Bratton earned wide acclaim for his assaults on so called quality of life crimes and for mining crime data to deploy his forces more effectively.
New York's homicide rate had already begun to drop in the two years before he became commissioner in 1994, but during his 27 month tenure it plummeted. Between 1993 and 1995 killings fell by 40 percent, erasing two decades of climbing murder rates.
Homicides fell another 35 percent in the two years after Bratton left the department, forced out by Republican Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.
In more recent years some criminologists have concluded that the impact of broken windows on violent crime is minimal.
In March, the independent inspector general for the New York Police Department issued a report concluding that focusing on offenses like urinating in public and riding bikes on sidewalks had no influence on felony crime rates. It also accused the 36,000 officer department, the nation's largest, of unfairly singling out communities of color for quality of life enforcement at a time when Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio has emphasized protecting civil rights.
Bratton pushed back last week with characteristic aplomb, saying the report was the work of "amateurs" and had "no value at all."
Los Angeles Daily News
Efraim Zuroff: On War Criminals
Big Pine CA
October 19, 2016
Efraim Zuroff on being a Nazi hunter: "I pray for the good health of war criminals."
"We have to work based on tips primarily, not exclusively, on people who may or may not be alive today, healthy enough to be brought to trial, who may or may not be Nazi war criminals. If we were to go case by case, crime by crime, we would be very focused, but instead we're living off tips of who may or may not be Nazi war criminals. In many cases it simply turns out that the tips are either not valuable, or it's mistaken, Zuroff states.
A legal game changer was in 2008 when in Germany a law was passed in Germany determining that as long as there was proof that suspects had served at one of the concentration camps with apparatus for mass murder, Auschwitz Birkenau, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor and Treblinka, these actors could be convicted. "That basically changed the whole playing field. All I need now is a document rather than a live witness."
The analogy here in the United States can not be understated. Dodo or one of the police officers paired to leadership are configure in the Chinese Room Test of John Searle. In this instance Searle argues that if a computer was intelligent it would have to more than be able to mimic communication between humans. Hence if a researcher was communicating with him unseen in Chinese on a terminal if someone would pass him the answers he could respond without having any intelligence of Chinese. The police officers in question are acting under Prisoner's Dilemma and they are being entrapped while they are reverse stinging the population.
The phrase In the end what happens? is a cue that demonstrates to a controller that a War Crimes Trial with criminal charges and compensation is inevitable. The consideration of statutes of limitations, amnesty, and pardons will not cover the damage to lives, property, and the environment.
2017 Archives
Happy New Years!
Desert Shores CA
January 17, 2017
Happy New Years!!! The unexpected victory by Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 general election brought with such an expected paradigm shift that is unpredictable. Trump is expected to deport upwards of 700,000 illegal immigrants by signing orders by January 21, 2017, his first full day in office.
I have created two new cites, one on Obama and one on Trump that will be developed after the Inauguration on January 20, 2017.
http://powereality.net/obama-farewell.html http://powereality.net/trump-sotu-2017.html
In a historic twist of fate Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the Electoral College while losing the popular vote to win the Presidency on November 8, 2016. This aligns an Alter Ego conceptualization of the Black Swan with Barack Obama. Trump won while the final polling had him losing by about 4%. The key swing states of Michigan, Wisconsin, West Virginia, and Iowa were fatal to the Red Democrats hopes.
Trump won the Electoral College 279 to 228. Clinton won 48 percent of the popular vote to 47 percent or59,588,437 votes to 59,794,935.
Excerpts from Trump's Contract with the American Voter
What follows is my 100 day action plan to Make America Great Again. It is a contract between myself and the American voter and begins with restoring honesty, accountability and change to Washington
Therefore, on the first day of my term of office, my administration will immediately pursue the following six measures to clean up the corruption and special interest collusion in Washington, DC:
On the same day, I will begin taking the following 7 actions to protect American workers:
* FIRST, I will announce my intention to renegotiate NAFTA or withdraw from the deal under Article 2205
* SECOND, I will announce our withdrawal from the Trans Pacific Partnership
* THIRD, I will direct my Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator
* FOURTH, I will direct the Secretary of Commerce and U.S. Trade Representative to identify all foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact American workers and direct them to use every tool under American and international law to end those abuses immediately
* FIFTH, I will lift the restrictions on the production of $50 trillion dollars worth of job producing American energy reserves, including shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal
* SIXTH, lift the Obama Clinton roadblocks and allow vital energy infrastructure projects, like the Keystone Pipeline, to move forward
* SEVENTH, cancel billions in payments to U.N. climate change programs and use the money to fix America's water and environmental infrastructure
Additionally, on the first day, I will take the following five actions to restore security and the constitutional rule of law:
* FIRST, cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama
* SECOND, begin the process of selecting a replacement for Justice Scalia from one of the 20 judges on my list, who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States
* THIRD, cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities
* FOURTH, begin removing the more than 2 million criminal illegal immigrants from the country and cancel visas to foreign countries that won't take them back
* FIFTH, suspend immigration from terror prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur. All vetting of people coming into our country will be considered extreme vetting
Trump First 100 Days (2015). NPR. Retrieved from: Trump First 100 Days
The Site has Been Updated
Desert Shores CA
February 26, 2017
The site is nearing a complete migration to HTMl 5 CSS. Donald Trump has made numerous Executive Orders affecting Homeland Security. Many of these especially Immigration Enforcement deserve some attention. As the dust settles I will examine and give my position.
The Site has Been Migrated to HTML 5 CSS
Desert Shores CA
March 16, 2017
I have completed the migration of the site, especially the Archives. This helps add a sense of professionalism to the effort. In overview this appears to be a concern as Trump appears to willing to reduce oversight in many areas of governance. Incompetence and corruption are major issues which need to be addressed.
Complaint: Governor Edmund Brown D California
March 16, 2017
Desert Shores CA
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Edmund Brown |
Xavier Becerra |
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On June 17, 1987 the United States entered the Manifest Function of Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC. This activity reflects the allegation that Cambridge Law School operates the processes that expand and contract the British Empire.
I was in Dover, Delaware the date or 30 years one generation when this event began under then President Ronald Reagan.
As seen MOEC has entrapped and severely damaged the posterity of the sworn officials whom it denotes as the Irrationalist Presidents:
Ronald Reagan
George HW Bush
William Clinton
George W Bush
Barack Obama
Donald Trump
To understand events our solid Methodology permits us to analyze any object as a holon being processed within a System to obtain a solid analysis of any object at any level. It is important to understand that the Authorship desires to design an ecology as if one was building a computer operating system and subsequently develop it's Theater of War within such. In stating Theater of War I am referring literally to a theater of space and time where one wishes to move, operate, create, and eliminate objects to accomplish one's tasks and goals. In a more conventional analysis this refers to a war where the government will change hands according to the outcome.
Another further consideration is that the entirety of this battle plan is imposed over one person. All others in the population are fractals.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
Paradigm of Laws
I. The Eternal Law
II. The Natural Law
III. The Positive Law
Classical Forms of Government
Pure |
Impure |
Kingship |
Tyranny |
Aristocracy |
Oligarchy |
Polity |
Democracy |
Prisoner's Dilemma
Prisoner B Stays Silent |
Prisoner B Betrays |
Prisoner A Stays Silent |
Each serves six months |
Prisoner A serves ten years Prisoner B goes free |
Prisoner A Betrays |
Prisoner A goes free Prisoner B serves ten years |
Each serves two years |
Control |
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
There are two main subsystems in MOEC: 1. Lycurgus 2. Syrinx
Lycurgus is characterized while I am under Electronic Surveillance and a Targeted Chemical Assault. Akbar the condition where I am subjected to a fullblown Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. The world has existed under Akbar since June 17, 1987.
There are three main components:
Electronic Surveillance Stalking
Biological Warfare Chemical Warfare
Nuclear Warfare
MOEC Studies argues that the Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm is based on a Despotism where an Informant rises to the Despot and replicates himself in the individual and culture. Everything empirically exist in space and time. In Prisoner's Dilemma defection is betrayal and cooperation is rational and the rule of law. As stated under Sovereign Citizen Relations the Despot wishes to give a gift to every person. In this manner a Reverse Sting will develop the government that is prosecutable in the United States from 1971 under the Racketeered Influenced Corrupt Organization or a Criminal Enterprise. Formally RICO is TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 96, Section 1961 of the United States Code.
The implications of racketeering as piracy and slavery are historical since the beginning of governance. There are international RICO statutes.
It is clear that MOEC, or the United Kingdom, has developed a hub and node system of informants through every police stationhouse worldwide. This hub and node system is the object of competition between all governments. It appears that this System is extended intentionally from the Book of Daniel and Revelation in reference to a final empire that fragments into many parts and destroys all other nations. This may be seen as ten toes in Daniel or ten horns in Revelation. In this instance I argue that every major leader in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Vedanta, and Buddhism has been chosen through MOEC. I am clearly the only target of Operation Akbar that has the in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over their natural person. The remainder of the 7.5 billion inhabitants of our earth a re Fractals of Kroni. Kroni is an Antichrist figure in Ayyavazh branch of Vedanta.
Platonism or the worship of Zeus comprises part of what is considered a cornerstone of Western Civilization along with Christianity. The Republic and the Bible are the two touchstone texts.
Hence the driver of MOEC and the Anglo American Irrationalist Era are heavily Scripted in a Theater of War. This is reflective of the Greek Drama which is a polarity of humor and pathos. In the instance it appears that Francis MacDonald Cornford is being presented as the Machiavelli who exacts revenge on the other traditions for allegations of extincting Platonism. It is argued that Christianity defeated the Neo Platonists circa 3 AD. In this instance Cornford is figured as avenging this defeat nearly single handedly versus Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Vedanta, and Buddhism.
The Image of X is a composition of functions that replicates the Membership's Imprimatur on both Civilization and in many instances cradle to grave eugenic breeding. This image is developed under Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. In the deliberation for equality, Straight Irrationalism Straight Know Nothing should be considered.
The extensible tree of MOEC will postulate the Membership of MOEC, hence Cambridge Lawyers and Trinity Theologians as The Wizard of Oz. It is claimed here that the film was intentionally planted as Gemeinschaft culture. This is an analogy which is more folkish than the development of Gesselschaft culture or the development of all domains as a science. This is very serious for Christianity as the Bible forbids the worship of wizards, witches, and soothsayers. Moses and Aron lead the Jews out of slavery in Egypt where battles between the Moses' and the Pharaoh's wizards are part of Exodus.
If one were to consider an eschatology or ontology descending from Spirituality, Morality, and Intelligence radiating to the individual or a culture then Cornford is presented as the thinker whom understood the political tactics and strategy of Undermining one system and replacing such.
An example is that if I were to choose to start or be part of Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Vedic, or Buddhist church, temple, or synagogue, would such be authentic if I am following the Scripting of MOEC or any other actor that has orchestrated War Crimes or other serious deviance of magnitude?
In continuation, I am located in Weed, Siskiyou, California just north of Mt. Shasta. The Battle of Gaugamela is imposed over the area reflecting the Revelation of Krishna to Arjuna and the Angel Presenting a City to Gabriel.
In MOEC, a very ancient tactic of placing the most incompetent and corrupt policeman as a microsystem against the most talented person (summon bonum).
In MOEC there is a Scripted macropolarization conflict between homosexuality and heterosexuality. This descends from the Ex Deux Maquina and into my person. I am the only individual with the totality of MOEC imposed over one. The remaining population then form the Fractals of Kroni.
The Battle of Gaugamela is the decisive battle of Alexander the Great's invasion of the Persian Achaemenid Empire. Alexander's army of the Hellenic League defeated the Persian army of Darius III at Gaugamela, near present day Mosul in Iraq. Alexander the Great is considered by many to the world's greatest general. In interest a mosaic of him was discovered in a Jewish temple. All of the other frescos were based on Jewish scripture save for Alexander.
This battle classically assumes almost mythical proportions with estimates of Darius having 300,000 soldiers to Alexander's 50,000. Modern estimates diminish to about a third.

The Western United States
The Battle of Gaugamela is imposed over Weed, California. Alexander would be facing north of Mt. Shasta and Darius facing south toward the mountain.
The initial formation had the left flank refused, hence a majority position would be on Alexander's right flank. Usually the refused flank is in echelon or staggered. Here Alexander's left center is in a retreating left diagonal or echelon.
In an Oblique Order the concentration of forces deploys first. After penetrating the echelon would proceed in sequence to meet the initial line as it curls inward and rolls the enemy as the echelon advances and reinforces.
Alexander was mounted on horseback on his right flank. His tactic was the Hammer and the Anvil. As such he was seeking to create a gap, here in the enemy line in the center in which he could penetrate and rear forcing the enemy into the advancing Macedonian regulars. This was achieved by having hoplites with slings that ran on foot in front of the cavalry seeking to harass Darius' left flank.
However the Persian and Indian cavalry broke in the center and proceeded to the camp to loot. Parmenion, Alexander's general on the left flank was under attack. Here Alexander choose to aid Parmenion rather than pursue Darius whom quit the field and fled after Alexander had broke on his left center.
Some modern theorists have argued that Alexander executed a type of Oblique Order: Left flank twice refused. Here it appears that Parmenion's refused flank was meant to attempt to fix Darius's troops. Hence by the center left echelon it appears that Alexander wished to lure Darius to deploy into the center to counterattack and roll the enemy into the advancing and reinforcing echelon. It is evident from the initial formation a holon or miniature of the Oblique Order was arranged on Alexander's right flank and imposed over this location. The evidence strongly reflects a feedback loop of a circular argument where one person, here your author is running the gauntlet of the world's population. In corrupt police work this is known as a relay.
Some coordination and training of Alexander's troops is indicated for the soldiers to quit the right side and extend a line of 180 degrees to aid Parmenion. Once refused would equal 90 degrees.

In chess the Vancura Position is a King, Rook Pawn endgame where white attempts to promote an outside passed pawn on the A file with the Rook on A 8. The Vancura Position (see diagram) is a drawing position with a rook and rook's pawn versus a rook, when the pawn is not beyond its sixth rank, and the stronger side's rook is in front of the pawn (Dvoretsky 2006) (Mueller 2014).
The position was studied by Josef Vancura (1898 1921), and published in 1924. Black's rook keeps attacking the pawn from the side from some distance away, while preventing the white king from finding asylum from checks which is the key issue in our discussion. the black king is stationed on the opposite side of his rook as the pawn to not block the checks. The black rook moves behind the pawn as soon as the pawn moves up to the seventh rank. Black's king must be near the corner on the opposite side of the board if the pawn advances to it's seventh rank so the white rook cannot check the black king and then support the advance of the pawn, or sacrifice it's pawn to skewer Black's king and rook on the seventh rank thus winning the game.
In this composition white's material advantage of an advanced pawn does not facilitate victory.
18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)
Current through Pub. L. 114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)
The Presidential Oath of Office:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution requires that before presidents can assume their duties they must take the oath of office. The completion of this thirty five word oath ends one president's term and begins the next.
History is being driven by an American Vichy constructed by the Enemy. I am arguing that MOEC is the fourth war fought against Britain.
If I am white in chess, I can not promote my pawn. I held under 24 hours electronic surveillance by a Gay Militia. This Militia is the Alter Ego of the Islamic State. One of my best chances would be to skewer the King (President) along the 7 rank winning his rook as he takes my passed pawn.
Conversely if I am black, I am able to prevent the white king from receiving asylum from checks insuring a draw.
The natural man is a sinner. He or she is an Informant in a Tyranny of the Majority. I am in Plumas County, California. This is the 1st Federal District of R Doug LaMalfa. One may notice that California requires only two maths, one arithmetic and algebra 1 for graduation. Oregon and Nevada require geometry which is algebra 3 level. Arizona is robust and requires 4 algebras two at the 3 level.
The wordings of the current oath of enlistment and oath for commissioned officers are as follows:
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).
"I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)
The alienation of my Bill of Rights protections is based on a same sex qualification. This is three anal sex acts to prevent the Manifest Chemical Assault.
It is strongly based in fact that LAPD contains a Gay Militia. This part of a Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack. Hence this is the bottom ten percentile versus the top ten percent. I see the graduates of West Point are Second Lieutenants. Criminal speech can develop mens rea or criminal intent. The primary examples of the current version of Hanoi Rose states," In the end what happen?" A Nuremberg War Crimes trial in US Federal Court or at the International Crime Court if that is the correct jurisdiction. A Marshall Plan would follow.
West Point is very rigorous academically. Ethnic Nationalism as a Source of War is a salient them. To listen to LAPD recruitment LGBTi persons for same sex acts to promote themselves is abusive and vulgar which I will oppose at every level of society, the President to the homeless. This is also paired to the absurd notion that if one drinks at the local bar and owns a Mossberg shotgun that are entitled to a job. The verdict is that an Islamic State fighter who is on a martyrdom mission and state,"Tell them that it is Islamic State in Yemen." speaks for itself.
18 U.S. Code § 2382 - Misprision of treason
Current through Pub. L. 114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)
US Code
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §?330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)
I am writing you because I have a legacy of court records and letters to every level of government official concerning the Misprisions of Treason. Homeland Security is derelict of duty and AWOL.
The United States exists in a runaway of hypocrisy and Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Chester CA
June 17, 2017
Oaths. Oaths. Retrieved from: http://www.history.army.mil/html/faq/oaths.html
Mueller, K. (2014). Understanding the Vancura Draw. Chessbase. Retrieved from: http://en.chessbase.com/post/karsten-mueller-understanding-the-vancura-draw
Chester CA,
July 4, 2017
Girlfriend Shoots Boyfriend Making YouTube Video
The Emergence of Technology
My People Are Destroyed for a Lack of Knowledge

A Minnesota woman killed her boyfriend Monday by shooting at a book he was holding over his chest, in a YouTube video stunt gone wrong. Monalisa Perez, 19, was attempting to make a viral video with boyfriend Pedro Ruiz III, 22, to post to their YouTube account, according to a Norman County Sheriff's Department arrest report.
Original reports stated that a high caliber pistol was shot at an encyclopedia that Ruiz was holding in front of him. Origin was an encyclopedia I was asked to write near the beginning of Akbar. Such was the first book I had attempted. It was mainly written in two takes single spaced on spiral bound and composition notebooks about 1997 by hand in Ruidoso, New Mexico. I had just published such on Kindle on June 27, 2017.
It also worthy to note that 34.7 percent of persons over 25 years of age have a 4 year degree in the United States. I am predicting in 2025 about 45 percent of adults over 25 will have a 4 year degree or greater. This is a support of Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity.
If you were the only person alienated with a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, how would you fight back?
A BA or BS at 130 credits should contain Algebra 5 or Calculus. A 2 year or AA should contain Algebra 4. High School should be Algebra 3.
The Origin of homo sapiens is escalating with genome sequencing. Fragments of Neanderthals, Cro Magnons, and humans have been found. The most recent find dates homo sapiens to 300,000 years ago in Morocco.
New YouTube Channel
Chester CA,
August 31, 2017
I have begun a new YouTube Channel. I hope to more actively write soon. Currently developing this project will support the writing and Journals.
MOEC Studies Has A New Domain
Bishop CA,
October 6, 2017
I placed my order for www.moec-studies on Sunday, October 1, 2017. That evening the worst mass murder in United States History occurred.
On the night of October 1, 2017, 59 people were killed and another 489 injured when a gunman opened fire on a large crowd of fans at the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada. The perpetrator was 64 year old Stephen Paddock of Mesquite, Nevada. Between 10:05 and 10:15 p.m. PDT, hundreds of rifle rounds were from his suite on the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay hotel. About an hour after firing ceased, Paddock was found dead in his hotel room from a self inflicted gunshot wound. His motive remains unknown.
The incident is the deadliest mass shooting committed by a lone gunman in U.S. history. The crime reignited the debate about gun laws in the U.S., with attention focused on bump firing, a technique Paddock used to allow his semiautomatic weapons to fire at a rate similar to that of a fully automatic weapon.
Working Preface: Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV
Big Pine CA,
October 9, 2017
The Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV has a working Preface: