2020 Archives
Desert Shores CA
March 24, 2020
California now has over 2000 cases of the novel COVID 19 virus. The first prisoner has also tested positive. Newsom has ordered a Shelter in Place mandate. He has also closed the parking lot to state parks in light of social distancing. There has been mass hoarding ongoing across the world. The next two weeks will be pivotal as caseloads grow exponentially. The Canadian and Mexican borders are closed to sundry traffic.
By demonstration today the caseload has surged passed 400,000 with over 17,000 deaths.
New York has over 30,000 cases. It is possible for between 50 to 80 percent of the population of both states to become infected.
President Trump has declared a National Emergency since March 19, 2020. The current infection rate is above 375,000 and deaths worldwide are over 16,000.

By inspection the in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth despoils the environment. COVID 19 attacks the natural persons.
I am clearly claiming the University of Cambridge, UK is the Proximate Cause of both events. The blame game on internet is quite poor. If MOEC Studies is accurate the event is embedded in a RICO Criminal Enterprise with an intent of eugenically engineering an LGBTi Civilization. This claim Is quite STRAIGHT FORWARD.
COVID 19 Los Angeles Continues Stay At Home
Big Pine CA
May 18, 2020
The exponential growth of COVID 19 has cost the nation over 91,000 deaths. Los Angeles County is bearing the brunt of the caseload in California. Much of the country is beginning to reopen. About 10,000 deaths are added every 7 to 8 days nationwide. There are over 36 million unemployed. Locally the weather is warming but under a Wind Advisory. I will most likely remain in the Owens Valley for the summer.
Chief Moore on Rioting
Big Pine CA
June 20, 2020
The continuing saga of George Floyd has evolved into an international event. I may comment if time permits. I will only state that the unequal treatment is a disrespect of persons. MOEC is clearly an overt Manifest Function with 33 years of Censorship and Sanitization.
Democracy, Human Rights, Kasparov, and Chess Swindles...
Big Pine, CA
September 23, 2020

Gary Kasparov Join RDI! @Renew_Democracy. Chairman of the Human Rights Foundation (@HRF). Author, speaker, 13th World Chess Champion https://facebook.com/GKKasparov New York kasparov.com Joined December 2011
COVID 19 has claimed over 31,000,000 cases and just short of 1,000,000 deaths to date. Ruth Bader Ginsburg has just died throwing the election into turmoil.
The assassination of Boris Nemtsov, a Russian politician opposed to the government of Vladimir Putin, happened in central Moscow on Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge at 23:31 local time on February 27, 2015. An unknown assailant fired seven or eight shots from a Makarov pistol; four of them hit Boris Nemtsov in the head, heart, liver and stomach, killing him almost instantly. He died hours after appealing to the public to support a march against Russia's war in Ukraine. Nemtsov's Ukrainian partner Anna Duritskaya survived the attack as it's sole eyewitness.
I am claiming that there is a link to the assassination of Nemstov in Moscow and Charles Gary Sampson, a minor drug dealer from Federalsburg, Maryland described below by the alleged Proximate Cause of MOEC, the University of Cambridge. There is Swindle raging over the Origin GUI. See the link below for a more in depth treatment.
Kasparov is squarely countering Trump and Putin. This will aide Biden. However the Pole Singularity imposed over myself is unamusing. However it is hard to keep a straight face with a Caveman Attack now incorporating FIDE Titled players. I am sure Kasparov has met or knows these actors. Should we advocate the the political persecuted or join the with despots? As seen this is Oxymoronic.
Chess players should learn systems theory instead of using it as a buzz word. The chess attackers are at about 1200 ELO or a 12 year old in sixth grade in MOEC Studies. I am solid 1700 ELO enough to know the difference between in play between the London or the Grunfeld in D4.
Kasparov is no stranger to AI. We are all near being blown off the board.
I am basing my argument on what an object sample of at least 3000 12 years old internationally would score 70 percent after reading MOEC Studies materials.
The conflict between homosexuality LGBTi and Heterosexuality opposite sex frame descending events. In this consideration their is no a priori defense once the University of Cambridge sets it's scheme in motion. The Bodyguard of the Master Passion and it's Greek Gift of the God's Attack purges are a Swindle.
The Archetype is Yudishthira losing the Kuru Kingdom to Duryodhana in a game of Paschi or Chaturanga. Paschi resembles the more modern game of Parcheesi. These games are related to Snakes and Ladders and are precursors to the modern game of chess. Almost all these game forms are represented in art and scripture as authorized.
The so called Tournament is a Swindle. As such if a policeman or another proffer themselves as a referee this is a dead giveaway to a purge in racketeering. The job of the police is public order. These actors need to arrest criminals to stay employed. Instead this mechanism nurtures them in a Reverse Sting.
The Chemical Assault Scorched Earth has created a Cultural Singularity versus Technological Singularity.
If the University of Cambridge is the Origin of a War Crime and they are recruiting and replicating their enterprise, there will be winners and losers under a scheme of General Equilibrium.
The following is an excerpt of Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V Chapter 2.
In 1978 I was asked by a friend if I wished to go see Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band at the Spectrum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I agreed and a small group of friends attended the show. An archive shows the date as November 4, 1978. In Delaware that evening an alleged drug transaction went sour. It is the common version that three persons in a car got into an altercation. One individual, a young black youth whom I had met, was the purchaser and had a shotgun. The gun was passed between the three in car. When the gun was handed to a certain person, the black youth was told to exit the vehicle. Charles Gary Sampson, a minor drug dealer from Federalsburg, Maryland, body was found in the vehicle. Later newspaper records state that four persons were involved and that Sampson's vehicle was used and set afire which is not what I have believed to be accurate.
On November 3, 1978, Charles Gary Sampson was shot to death. At a later date I was asked to go to the crime scene and responded voluntarily. I was brought to the side of the road. Also then Senator Joe Biden was also present some yards south of me as I talked to the forensic scientist, an Officer Voshell. I would argue that names of Gary Kasparov and Michael Adams were heard over Biden. At the crime scene an individual had raced through a soybean field and his shot body was found in a burnt vehicle along Moose Lodge Road outside Camden Wyoming in the late 1970s. While beginning to leave while standing next to Officer Voshell, The name of Micky Adams, and his positional style of chess was clearly emphasized in contrast to hearing his name over Joe Biden. The name of now deceased chess endgame expert Mark Dvoretsky was mentioned.
Also heard at this time was the Botez Gambit. This is supposedly an unintentional Queen Sacrifice or blunder which Botez plays in her blitz streaming games. There were references to the rock group Rush's masterpiece Hemispheres. Two alternative tracks The Villa Strangiato and Circumstances were mentioned. Botez and Rush are Canadians. Neil Peart the group's drum virtuoso and lyricist recently died of brain cancer January 7, 2020. John Petrucci and his group Dream Theater were also mentioned.
I have sued the Delaware State Police since I was an known friend of both suspects. We were growing apart when this event occurred. One of these actors confessed to me what had occurred in my van at a pond outside of Canterbury, Delaware. We were close and I did this to help him release tension. I did not mention this to anyone of what I was told. It appears that LAPD was orchestrating disinformation and omerta, the code of silence among the youths of Caesar Rodney High School had party to. I believe I was one of the longest to stay silent.
The following case was an amicus curiae which is unpublished.
12. Cv.99-5539, Nollmeyer v. Delaware State Police, et al. In Re: Doe Novella, Doe Pied Piper of Hamilton. Third Circuit Court of Appeals
The text is being published live at:
Boris Nemstov (2020). Assassination of Boris Nemstov. Wikipedia. Retrieved from: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Assassination_of_Boris_Nemtsov&oldid=978097802
Eric Garcetti Advisor Accused of Sexual Misconduct
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
November 11, 2020

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti's chances for a cabinet post in a Biden administration are increasingly in doubt now that two more men have accused Garcetti's close adviser of sexual misconduct. Rick Jacobs, who has served as the mayor's deputy chief of staff, announced on Tuesday that he will "take a leave" from his work." I don/t want this to be a distraction," Jacobs said in a statement provided to the Los Angeles Times.
Jacobs' leave of absence comes after Yashar Ali, a journalist, claimed that Jacobs "forcibly kissed" him over the span of a decade. Cited sources described the mayor as an ambitious politician willing to overlook these alleged encounters.
Since Ali's allegations, The Times reported that it has interviewed two more people who claimed they have been the target of unwanted sexual advances by Jacobs. Ali's allegations come after Matthew Garza, a Los Angeles police officer and former bodyguard of Mayor Garcetti, filed a lawsuit in July claiming that Jacobs sexually harassed him for several years in the presence of the mayor, who did nothing to stop it.
A spokesperson for Garcetti's office denied Garza's allegations, stating to Fox News at the time that "the Mayor has zero tolerance for sexual harassment and unequivocally did not witness the behavior that Officer Garza alleges."
Ali said an independent law firm was conducting an investigation into Garza's sexual misconduct allegations.
2021 Archives
World COVID 19 January 1, 2021
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
January 2, 2021

The New Year is beginning with a Covid 19 surge in the United States centered in Los Angeles. The region is in a lockdown. The Pandemic and Wildfires constrained output. However Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V is progressing. A rough draft should be completed by July 1, 2021.
Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V
Chester CA
May 18, 2021
I have returned to the High Sierras. Today I became full vaccinated as I have taken the 1 shot Johnson protocol. There are over 600,000 deaths in the United States. I have cleaned up a working draft of Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V. I hope to finalize the text by Thanksgiving, 2021. I have begun a Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part VI.
Current events coverage that is in the zeitgeist has become dry. The population has killed off their conscience on the Yellow Brick Road. I will focus on sharpening my theory and formal presentation as citations which are about 580.
Relocating to Salton Sea
Salton City CA
October 22, 2021
I was forced to evacuate to Mountainaire AZ due to the Dixie Fire. I have now returned to the Salton Sea. I have completed work on several sites:
I hope to continue maintenance this year in combination with Open Letters.
Happy Holidays!
Salton City CA
December 29, 2021
In the past month Senate Majority Leaders Bob Dole R Kansas and Harry Reid D Nevada have died. I perceive both persons as Stonewall figures whom have helped oppress Americans and the human race. Omicron has tallied over 300,000 cases per day yesterday which is a record. Over 800,000 Americans have died.
Be safe. I have completed the maintenance of the major sites on the domain. I will begin writing hopefully in late January 2021.