Filed: 02/16/99
Assigned to: Senior Judge Robert E Coyle Referred to: Magistrate Judge
Sandra M Snyder Demand: $1,000,000 Nature of Suit: 450 Lead Docket:
None Jurisdiction: US Plaintiff Dkt# in other court: None Cause:
42:1983 Civil Rights Act
plaintiff [COR LD NTC] [PRO SE]
1460 Central Church Rd
Dover, DE 19904
6/19/98 1 APPLICATION by plaintiff David Nollmeyer to proceed in forma
pauperis (aa) [Entry date 07/13/98] [Edit date 05/03/99]
6/19/98 -- LODGED complaint by plaintiff David Nollmeyer (cc)
[Entry date 05/03/99]
7/10/98 2 ORDER by Judge Oliver W. Wanger ORDERING application to
proceed in forma pauperis [1-1] DENIED (cc: all counsel)
(aa) [Entry date 07/13/98]
8/3/98 3 APPLICATION by plaintiff David Nollmeyer to proceed in
forma pauperis (il) [Entry date 08/10/98]
8/10/98 4 ORDER by Judge Oliver W. Wanger ORDERING application to
proceed in forma pauperis [3-1] DENIED (cc: all counsel) (il)
[Entry date 08/10/98]
8/24/98 5 APPEAL/APPLICATION by plaintiff David Nollmeyer to proceed
in forma pauperis (il) [Entry date 08/25/98]
10/27/98 6 ORDER by Judge Oliver W. Wanger ORDERING application to
proceed without prepayment of fees and for in forma
pauperis status [5-1] GRANTED (cc: all counsel) (aa)
[Entry date 10/28/98]
10/27/98 7 COMPLAINT for negligence, fee status ifp, assigned to
Senior Judge Robert E. Coyle referred to Magistrate Judge
Sandra M. Snyder (cc) [Entry date 05/03/99]
2/16/99 8 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS by Magistrate Judge Sandra M.
Snyder RECOMMENDING dismissal for failure to state a claim;
case submitted to the District Judge; Case Mgmt Ddl set for
3/22/99 to file objections (cc: all counsel) (aa)
[Entry date 02/17/99] [Edit date 05/03/99]
3/8/99 9 REQUEST by plaintiff David Nollmeyer for extension of time
(sr) [Entry date 03/09/99] [Edit date 05/03/99]
3/17/99 10 ORDER by Magistrate Judge Sandra M. Snyder ORDERING request
for an extension to file objections to FR to 3/16/99 [8-1]
GRANTED (cc: all counsel) (mh) [Entry date 03/18/99]
[Edit date 05/03/99]
4/12/99 11 REQUEST by plaintiff David Nollmeyer for an extension of
time to file objections to findings and recommendations (jv)
[Entry date 04/13/99] [Edit date 05/03/99]
4/13/99 12 ORDER by Magistrate Judge Sandra M. Snyder ORDERING request
for extension of time to file objections to F&R [10-1]
DENIED (cc: all counsel) (dld) [Entry date 04/14/99]
[Edit date 05/03/99]
4/30/99 13 MOTION for reconsideration by plaintiff David Nollmeyer no
hearing date set (jv) [Entry date 05/03/99]
[Edit date 05/03/99]
5/4/99 14 ORDER by Judge Coyle ORDERING motion for reconsideration by
pltf David Nollmeyer to be deemed as untimely objections to
Magistrate's recommendation of dismissal [13-1] CASE
DISMISSED without leave to amend judgment to be entered
(cc: all counsel) (jv) [Entry date 05/05/99]
5/5/99 15 JUDGMENT entered by Clerk in favor of dfts and against pltf;
CASE DISMISSED without leave to amend per order [14-1]
[14-2] (cc: all counsel) (jv) [Entry date 05/05/99]
[Edit date 05/05/99]
5/7/99 16 MAIL returned [14-1], [15-1] addressed to David Nollmeyer
(dld) [Entry date 05/10/99]
9/27/99 17 NOTICE OF APPEAL by David Nollmeyer from District Court
decision re order [14-2] ( fee status in forma pauperis)
(mm) [Entry date 09/28/99]
9/28/99 18 MAILED case information/docket fee payment notice, copy of
Notice of Appeal and appealed 5/5/99 judgment [15-1] to 9th
Circuit Court of Appeals, copy of appeal and docket sheet
to all parties (ls) [Entry date 09/28/99]
9/28/99 19 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD transmitted to 9th Circuit [17-1]
(notice sent) (ls) [Entry date 09/28/99]
9/28/99 20 NOTICE by David Nollmeyer re various litigation procedures
(mm) [Entry date 09/28/99]
10/15/99 21 NOTIFICATION by 9th Circuit of Appellate Docket Number
99-17106 (jv) [Entry date 10/18/99]
12/20/99 22 CERTIFIED COPY of judgment from 9th Circuit appeal [17-1]
DISMISSED (cc: all counsel) (jv) [Entry date 12/21/99]