2014 Archives
Open Letter: Marlon R. Hall
Westwood CA
September 5, 2014

Dear President Marlon R. Hall,
Lassen Community College is the main higher level institution of education in the area along with Feather River College. As seen a majority of the Homeland Security officers locally attend Administration of Justice courses at these schools to achieve their POST Certificate.
I have been held under a de facto Chemical Assault Scorched Earth Program named Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC since June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware. I have spent summers in the Lassen, Plumas, and Siskiyou Counties since the late 1990s. I have actually written a Supreme Court case certiorari refused from Plumas: Nollmeyer v. US Government et al. Cv 98-7015.
I am alleging that Cambridge Law School has a Membership of persons that have orchestrated what I am arguing is the third war fought against the United Kingdom.
This is a scripted prisoner's dilemma based social engineering structure and process. It is America Invertebrated. As seen since it is a reverse sting, the authors have a refutation prepared if all the actors are successfully entrapped.
This has not happened in my instance and instead of supporting the criminal enterprise I have chosen to oppose and decapitate such to it's Origin.
Lassen County is a prong in a hub and node conspiracy.
Consider what would occur if a law school orchestrated an attack on a legal based nation state and it's constitution on a sexual criterion equally by alienating one person.
Law School
Homosexual Heterosexual
Here in the concrete a Gay Militia based in LAPD has alienated my rights based on a homosexual criterion for rights. This is a same sex act every six months. This is a behaviorist qualification although identity can be considered.
As a heterosexual I have been alienated, the Salton Sea, Pacific Ocean, Colorado River and Lake Almanor have been despoiled and are now physical evidence. The water in taps, products in stores, fields, and the air are part of MOEC laying siege to myself and my setting which is the jurisdiction of Lassen County.
The Attorney General Exemption Exception
The core values and repertoire of those persons in this area is being refuted as well as their IQ.
MOEC is a Undermining operation. Notice the alter ego conflict between a Gay Militia and the Islamic State. The Islamic State is exposed while the United States and the British also their own people.
Hence Western Christian Democracy has been refuted. The argument that a local to global advocacy of the governance here is also refuted.
Lassen Junior College should prepare itself and students for a War Crimes Trial. There is no doubt that my person would be heavily subpoenaed under any trial configuration.
Education is concerned with teaching all domains as a science that is objective to everyone.
Nativism has destroyed the High Sierras and California. The implication is that employee testing would have weeded out many rogue police officers and their informants.
Another extreme implication is that persons who are principals, accomplices, and accessories to MOEC are part of it's extensible tree. Hence their future futures descend from War Criminals. This is a very dangerous crime of blood.
In short Uriel Brofenbrenner (Head Start) and his Ecology of Systems was attacked as the Gay Militia or the police are not true microsystems. This would be totalitarianism, corrections, or a war. Noam Chomsky (MIT Linguist) is a target as the babble of the Gay Militia is a concocted Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing.
At hand in this Kangaroo mock Tournament between homosexuality (LGBTI) versus heterosexuality one would have the substance to refute History and it's content easily from the 1880s and the Sheifflin Plan build up to WWII.
In close I will enclose the rough draft of the Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm (This is identical to the actual website).
The staff and students should consider that I have worked on solar panels and laptops to organize MOEC Studies as an Approach towards a system. The Epilogue is based on presenting a refutation based on Kuhn Popper Standards which will withstand legal, historical, and both formal and informal punishment.
In scrutiny are all sworn officer from the administrations of Ronald Reagan to Barack Obama.
Geir Lundestad of the Nobel Organization and the awarding of a Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 to Barack Obama is a blatant act of academic fraud, censorship, and sanitization.
The hiring of ex Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano as President of the University of California also sharpens criticism of a refutation.
Lassen County Junior College, staff, students, and alumni should prepare for future litigation and ad hominem attacks through the Wizard of Oz.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Westwood CA
September 9, 2014
I apologize for the grammar. This work is hacked by the Gay Militia as it is written.
Mobilization of Empire and Civilization
Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm
War Crimes and Territoriality
The figure of Joseph Stalin and the USSR circa 1900 onwards is the modern model for totalitarianism. The emergence of the Oprichniki and the KGB are also highly figured as alter egos to the United States and it's president. Inclusive in this Undermining are the Declaration of Independence, The Federalist Papers by Alexander Hamilton and the Bill of Rights.
Human organization involves a vertical organization of hierarchies. What is the origination of such and whether this is good or bad has been the source of many of the world's most catastrophic problems. MOEC is certainly unique as one of human civilization's worst premeditated blunders.
The Paradigm of Laws is the point of departure for a system of vertical organization (Nollmeyer 2013a):
Eternal Law
Natural Law
Positive Law
In this consideration MOEC will Undermine the individual alienating one from full participation as going to heaven in any faith, arguing morally and rationally with one's own mind, and from being a legal citizen in the jurisdiction of one's state.
In this sense MOEC fulfills the role of a universal adversary.
Systems Theory is unique in that it's method provides for a very reasonable framework for a mechanistic view of physical and life sciences. Here if one were to apply social systems theory to theistic systems one has to be aware that Systems has been derived from physics. Hence a non material system may not be adequately described by some Systems terms (Lazlo).
The Individual - Social System - Renaissance - Decadence
Culture and Society
Social Systems Theory - Teaching and Promotion
MOEC Studies has clearly defined Cambridge Law School actors or the Membership as the point of Origination of the Rise and Fall of the British Empire. In this instance they are also figured as the Authorship of MOEC. Emphasis should be placed on the extensible graph that forms the lineage of MOEC's Social Engineering into other systems.
In macropolarization, the use of Prisoner's Dilemma has clearly defined an algorithm within a clear set. Within this individuals become fixated and fatalistically dependent on defection to achieve their or systems goals which may be in formal or informal organizations (Anderson, E. & Carter, I. 2008).
In this manner prescribed laws, rules, protocols, and methodologies are disregarded for what is The Yellow Brick Road.
The algorithm in the United States is Cambridge, LAPD, Delaware State Police, local jurisdictional police agencies and the individual. As seen individuals are the basic units of social organization.
In particularity three actors are prominent in LAPD (Nollmeyer 2013a):
The Fly
Dodo is the prototype in MOEC. Together with his supervisors especially at the Lieutenant or command level a dyad should be considered.
Control |
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
Hello World My Name is Joe or Jane is usually the first file one saves in the hands on laboratory in computer science. I have just recollected part of my first experiences with the computer. Herein I am presenting part of the entrapment of MOEC that occurred at College of the Redwoods in Arcata, California in Professor Sorensen's Computer Literacy course in 2001.
This snippet was heard. As seen if one properly formatted a HDD hard disc drive and created a drive/folder/file one would have created the beginning of a cabinet for a program.
Hello World
My Name is Dodo
0100101011 0101001011 1100101001 0110101010 0001011110 |
This simple calling card from whomever had a hand in designing MOEC appears to reflect a model universe and The Switch in MOEC.
There are also implications in all binary operations and in genetics. There is a clear indication here towards the point mutation on a gene loci which is the basis for evolution.
This may be the confirmation of the mother source of computer viruses at the hand of University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. I argue this revelation as one of the key components in the history of computer science and Technological Singularity.
One should also consider the Schrodinger Equation, The Particle in the Box, and Tunneling. Here the scripting of Dodo's personality as the Prototype is considered. This is ominous for those Technological Singularity Professors especially at UC Berkeley and Cambridge (Friedeberger).
In the Particle in the Box the system does not have the energy to escape the well.
As seen the Schrodinger Equation is the efficient model for systems analysis.
I would argue that one's Conditioning or Deal, as Dodo wishes to describe such has an analogical beginning in the Schrödinger Equation. Under determinism this would have to be true. One's repertoire would be rooted in one's genetics. Hence Cambridge recognizes this fact and erects itself as the socializing controller under Prisoner's Dilemma.
Also heard was the B01 Scandinavian Defense in chess. Those known players of such are GMs Andrew Martin, Roman Dzindzichashvili, Sergei Tiviakov, and Igor Smirnov. Tiviakov is the main expert. Loek Van Woelly, another Dutch player's name is also heard. Van Woelly has just beat Tiviakov in the 2014 Dutch National Championship.
Dzindzichashvili is the innovator of DVD chess lessons. Andrew Martin at this point in time may have created the most lessons. These data sets are integral in the formation of a database which in the early 2000s would have been impressive to have been made. Interestingly Vedabase was formed by ISKCON and publicly available. This is a collection of Vedic translations and speeches by Srila Prabhupada.
The Strong family of Pennsylvania is also mentioned. They are the closest American relatives of Princess Dianna. I attended Caesar Rodney School district with Debbie and Tina Strong in the Caesar Rodney School District in the 1970s.
We all lived in Rodney Village. This is the same neighborhood and down the street from when in 1972 a young Joe Biden won his first term as United States Senator. His first wife and daughter would be killed in auto accident after the election.
A chronological corollary and cohort rival alter ego concept involves individuals and Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, California.
I have been informed that if I had obtained a Masters Degree I would have been safe from having my rights alienated. Currently about 156 credits, 130 for a Bachelors Degree and 36 credits from a 500 level equivalent course would earn a Masters in California.
I attended Cuesta College around 2004. Of interest is the Baroque Counterpoint course offered by George Stone. Professor Stone is an acknowledged jazz arranger. In nexus, one of the students named Chris was a graduate of UC Santa Cruz in biology. In a cohort effect Chris Farrell now Chris Friday of Dover, Delaware and him are alter egos. Both of these individuals are divorced and remarried. I was very good friends with Louis Friday, Chris of Delaware's second husband. I have never been romantically involved with her. Chris is the object of Homosexual Misogyny. This is extremely acute and will nearly in itself ruin the LGBTi Movement. The attack on her occurs daily. Lassen, Siskiyou, Plumas and Riverside counties are highly effected.
It is the duty of our Homeland Security officials to protect her. Louis and Chris will have to deal with this issue.
In return the Baroque Counterpoint class of Stone was exposed to an equal or superior briefing that I was given in June to August 1987.
Chris Friday appears to have had contact with LAPD through the Delaware State Police at a very intense level well beyond my exposure when I lived there during the 1960s to 1970s.
Here I believe that it is essential that cohorts that attended Caesar Rodney or Capitol School Districts and graduated in 1979, the same year as Barack Obama be aware of what is occurring.
I attended W.R. Brown Elementary School for the fourth through sixth grades. In 1971 I was in the fifth grade. These persons should prepare themselves in the event they are required to testify under oath.
Thomas Metz: Medical Doctor
David Valeski: Delaware State Police helicopter pilot
Darrel Gravatt: Caesar Rodney High School History Teacher
John Hahn USMC Officer: He attended another elementary school but is in the class of 1979
Cohorts include:
Barack Obama: President of the United States
Juan Vargas R 51: Representative from eastern California near the El Centro, Salton Sea
Mark Takano D 41: Openly gay Japanese American whose parents were in WWII internment camps
Raul Ruiz D 36: President of UC Riverside Medical College - Riverside - Salton Sea - Blythe
Mary Bono Mack D 45: Lost race to Ruiz - Riverside - Salton Sea - Blythe
Doug LaMalfa R 1: District includes Lassen, Plumas, Siskiyou, Alturas, Most of Northeast California.
During the fifth grade there was a type of conference call where these individuals including myself were connected electronically through the class intercom. Doug LaMalfa was distinctively pointed out to me. The nomenclature of the contemporary internet was used indicating social engineering.
The Tournament that LAPD is attempting to use to promote LGBTi persons is a hoax. The level of material that College of the Redwood, Cuesta College, Palos Verde College, and Columbia College has been exposed to is extremely substantive. This information would render many areas of the University System as it is taught now obsolete.
In nexus to the Tournament hoax, the maniacal use of false sets is extreme. Integral to this is the grandfather. My grandfather William Albert Nollmeyer was born in Baltimore 1914 and died in 1984. He is used in a false set named Markus. The real natural person is Markus Loopenen of Finland born in 1983. He is web design Singularity theorist with a long history of involvement in Vedic thought and it's derivatives. His main contributions have been www.gaudiyadiscussions.com, now offline, which was the largest Vaishnava discussion board, and www.syspir.com a model of his idea. The deliberate use of my grandfather to front Markus, whom I have been friends with on Facebook is abusive. This is highly damaging to the LGBTi Movement and sworn legal officers.
The potential to be a witness or expert is not a substitute for recognition. One should consider the Frye and Daubert Factors for expertise (Daubert).
In short, all of these persons would be interviewed or will be subpoenaed as witnesses in a War Crimes tribunal. This is a very key insight into how cohort rivals are attacked in electronic sweeps.
At this point in time a more empirical approach will be balanced with modelling. In social science there is tension between those that argue methodologies versus substance. In the current zeitgeist MOEC Studies as an Approach offers overwhelming superiority in unifying the University System. Considering that there are over 250 domains in a large system, the damage to theorists and expertise is quite high.
Intervention Versus Passivity
Ad Magistratum, the Beginning is Everything according to Aristotle. After the proximate cause chose to act criminally, the obstruction of justice at the courts set in doom the fate of the Anglo American Paradigm.
The attack on my individual legal safeguards by a Gay Militia at the same time the Strategic Mission of Same Sex Marriage moves towards the Supreme Court posits the LGBTi Movement on the Wrong Side of History.
The Fourteenth Amendment and the Due Process Equal Protection clauses are the crux of the victories for the LGBTi community.
As seen Amendment VIII: Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted., is the baseline of my claims. The Second Protocol of the ICCPR and the CAT are applicable internationally and specifically to the United Kingdom.
The United States has not ratified the UDHR or the ICCPR. The CAT was ratified under President Bill Clinton.
The Convention Against Torture is also a significant target of MOEC at the hands of the Gay Militia in LAPD. Hence this will attempt to level real historical treatment of law enforcement agencies as LAPD and the KGB.
The concrete actions by those persons who are under defection and or follow the Yellow Brick Road, the deals as Dodo describes such, or the Conditioning as I prefer, are being entrapped in a political cult of which Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing is the Ideology. This would create a tension of which Conflict Theorist of whom Marxists are prominent in an upper hand with Gay Irrationalism Gay Fascism. Karl Popper's, The Open Society and It's Enemies, and Wilhelm Reiche's, Mass Psychology of Fascism are a goldmines for those wishing to discern the creation of the Gay Militia.
Obama Inauguration: Declaration of Independence
THE PRESIDENT: Vice President Biden, Mr. Chief Justice, members of the United States Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens:
Each time we gather to inaugurate a President we bear witness to the enduring strength of our Constitution. We affirm the promise of our democracy. We recall that what binds this nation together is not the colors of our skin or the tenets of our faith or the origins of our names. What makes us exceptional, what makes us American, is our allegiance to an idea articulated in a declaration made more than two centuries ago:
"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" (Nollmeyer 2013).
The following are excerpts from salient sources of jurisprudence and actual positive law (CAT) (Bill of Rights) (Federal Stalking):
Convention Against Torture
Article I
1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term "torture" means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.
2. This article is without prejudice to any international instrument or national legislation which does or may contain provisions of wider application.
Article II
1. Each State Party shall take effective legislative, administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent acts of torture in any territory under its jurisdiction.
2. No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture.
3. An order from a superior officer or a public authority may not be invoked as a justification of torture.
Bill of Rights
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Amendment III
No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.
Amendment VII
In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.
Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
18 USCS § 2261A. Stalking (2013)
2006. Act Jan. 5, 2006, substituted this section for one which read: § 2261A. Interstate stalking.
(1) travels in interstate or foreign commerce or within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, or enters or leaves Indian country, with the intent to kill, injure, harass, or intimidate another person, and in the course of, or as a result of, such travel places that person in reasonable fear of the death of, or serious bodily injury to, that person, a member of the immediate family (as defined in section 115) of that person, or the spouse or intimate partner of that person; or
(2) with the intent-
(A) to kill or injure a person in another State or tribal jurisdiction or within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States; or
(B) to place a person in another State or tribal jurisdiction, or within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, in reasonable fear of the death of, or serious bodily injury to-
(i) that person;
(ii) a member of the immediate family (as defined in section 115) of that person; or
(iii) a spouse or intimate partner of that person,
uses the mail or any facility of interstate or foreign commerce to engage in a course of conduct that places that person in reasonable fear of the death of, or serious bodily injury to, any of the persons described in clauses (i) through (iii), shall be punished as provided in section 2261(b).
As seen there is no shortage of standing political law or jurisdiction to decapitate and prosecute bellicose actors.
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act
The RICO Statutes or more correctly the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act are fast becoming a major source of legal code for both criminal and civil actions. More formally RICO is TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 96, Section 1961 of the United States Code.
The concept of RICO is to deny the intent of one or an association to conceptualize and or carry out a criminal conspiracy. It is also a check to recruit membership or diversity of such. In the United States most non-sundry felonies under U.S. jurisdiction at the state or federal level committed by an adult may be certified as a predicate act. Upon two such certifiable felonies, the prosecutor or petitioner may ask the Court to certify the defendant(s) or respondent(s) as a RICO enterprise. An array of acts are covered which are known as racketeer influenced behavior. They are: intimidating a witness, hostage taking, kidnapping, and murder. In combination at any level of this structure may be blackmail and extortion.
The Department of Justice Criminal Resource Manual describes (DOJ):
An "enterprise" is defined as including any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity, and any union or group of individuals associated in fact although not a legal entity. 18 U.S.C.A. § 1961(4) (West 1984). Many courts have noted that Congress mandated a liberal construction of the RICO statute in order to effectuate its remedial purposes by holding that the term "enterprise" has an expansive statutory definition. United States v. Delano, 825 F. Supp. 534, 538-39 (W.D.N.Y. 1993), aff'd in part, rev'd in part, 55 F. 3d 720 (2d Cir. 1995), cases cited therein.
The Federalist Papers
The Federalist Papers by Alexander Hamilton center on the formation of government and the United States instance reflects their concern of the influence of foreign powers, the Constitution and the relationship of one's state constitution to such (Hamilton).
The Gay Marriage issue hinges on a protected individual right versus states rights.
To the People of the State of New York:
After an unequivocal experience of the inefficacy of the subsisting federal government, you are called upon to deliberate on a new Constitution for the United States of America. The subject speaks its own importance; comprehending in it's consequences nothing less than the existence of the union, the safety and welfare of the parts of which it is composed, the fate of an empire in many respects the most interesting in the world. It has been frequently remarked that it seems to have been reserved to the people of this country, by their conduct and example, to decide the important question, whether societies of men are really capable or not of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend for their political constitutions on accident and force.
Future Studies
Would You Know How to Create a Government?
Volition and apperception are key components in nexus with intelligence in creating a sustainable human repertoire. One of the immediate and future considerations of the implications of MOEC is education. The main recommendation is that a program based on cognitive behaviorism that uses intervention based on in internal and external threat analysis be implemented. This prescribes punishment in short run and education in the long term.
The Ministry of International Trade and Industry or MITI in Japan was created in May 1949 until 2001 and given the mission for coordinating international trade policy with other groups. The MITI directed Japanese industrial policy, funding research and directing investment. Hence if the MITI decided that the goal was to develop High Definition Television, than the entire country would pursue such. In the United State these activities are usually the domain of private corporations (MITI 2014).
The original MITI is MOEC. Economic behaviors are part of the social engineering and defection plans of the United Kingdom. However they reflect the interests of MOEC.
Earlier in the 1980s at Mesa College, San Diego, I took Astronomy 101. This was a descriptive course where the professor performed all the mathematical manipulations and the students were held accountable for the theory.
In this class a guest professor, who I believe had worked at Cal Tech, demonstrated Cosmic Inflation. This can be demonstrated by various Mass Problems. Here a certain mass was exploded at various velocities. The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. Several configurations were given and 286,000 miles per second was agreed upon.
The professor stared at me and said, "When you write your book, say the speed of light is 286,000 miles per second." In Origin, I did this but changed such. After March 17, 2014 after Biceps2 announced they have detected a smoking gun for Inflation, I revisited such.
The professor looked like Stanford professor Andre Linde of Bicep2; I believe it was another astrophysicist.

Aesthetics are an important component of a government or social system. As such they will reflect the core values of the culture. Jason Pollock, the world's most famous abstract artist in 1952 produced Convergence< which is oil on canvas; 93.5 inches by 155 inches, a very large piece.
The United States and Russia were engaged in a Cold War. Convergence was the embodiment of free speech and freedom of expression. Curiously some of Pollock's works were even sponsored by the Congress for Cultural Freedom (anti communist founded 1950), which was backed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (Karmel, 1999).
His paintings are analogous to the Gordian Knot.
A culture needs a balance of spiritual, moral, and economic life. MOEC is systemic Undermining. It is easier to tear a house down than it is to build one.
Employee Testing that is objective where the employee is aware that he or she will be tested and what is accountable is highly recommended.
It is clear that an Informant based Prisoner's Dilemma system has Undermined civilization targeting the United States to radiate the destruction.

In particularity, there are two signs placed by the town of Westwood, California on the western entrances to town. The sign promotes Westwood as the Town that Paul (Bunyan) built. Westwood was founded in 1913. I am claiming that the entire creation of Westwood is based on the concept as government as perpetual association. Here we have the United Kingdom social engineering a third war against the United States.
To deconstruct the sign one would have to define and locate the origination of all the material, producers, and processes used to produce the two signs. This is called non proportional outputs and aggregates of economy. Who was the artist(s)? What type of wood did he or she choose, what type of paints are used, what type of tools, what techniques were used, and what is the aesthetic idea behind the sign and why was it commissioned?
Did the town of Westwood commission the sign or a local historical group? Is the artist native to the area? Was Paul Bunyan as the theme the commissioner's choice? Why did the artist use the color scheme? What techniques were used to carve the sign? Why were certain paints chosen and were are they from and how were they made? How long did the project take?
In essence a final summary would include any information regarding the idea and completion of the signs.
Hence the completion of the sign on a schedule reflects the completion of a business channel from first producers to final consumers.
How this occurs reflects ideas as Long Term General (Employment) Equilibrium and the Multiplier Factor in the business cycle.
These ideas are integral to state planning.
The concept of non proportional outputs aids this investigation into the business cycle.
The traditional item considered is a lamp.
A competitor will usually devise a production table for one’s product. A small overview may be given here.
A chart is composed listing the components of production leading to the assembly of a product. It shall regard the cost of a product. The cost of 10 components shall be incurred and time and labor shall be computed.
The difference in cost between one finished product and the next unit is for marginal cost. Cost is more efficient generally as production increases. This is represented as a negative slope from the y axis to the x axis.
Marginal revenue is the profit generated from each increasing unit of production. This is represented by a positive slope. The intersection of the curves is the efficient level of production. Marginal revenue shall equal marginal cost.
Total costs are calculated from the last item held in stock of the ink of the label. This analysis is integral to non proportional outputs. It is used similarly to measure economics at greater macro economic levels thus taking into consideration all natural resources, lands, minerals, wild animals, and sources of food (war economy and utility).
Non proportional outputs argues that components of production in a pure efficient manner from the first producer to the final consumer.
Similar thinking may be used to complete the best schema for warehousing, rotation of inventory, overproduction usually is the norm, bringing to market, distribution, store design, shelf location, and pricing to increase to sales.
(Why is this selection from Economics from Origin constantly being hacked?)
Herein if an employee could not understand the basic concept of how the product or service comes into being at their place of employment are they fit for hire in work environment that has approved a $15 USD minimum wage for Seattle?
Integral also to the Westwood Paul Bunyan sign is the Missing Person Kristi Krebs absent since August 9, 1993 from Fort Bragg, Mendocino County, California. The key here is the opposable thumb found in humans and upper primates which facilitates grasping an object as a tool. Herein the nexus of nativism, crime, and the repertoire of harassment and stalking in the working classes as construction workers, truck drivers, and cashiers forms this Reverse Sting component.
Kristie Krebs is a cohort rival directly related to me. If you were to have listened to the original MOEC ACM tapes she is heard hanging on to me and attempting to spin me to the ground. I have advocated here disappearance previously and the case is open (Krebs 2013):

Fort Bragg Police Department
Agency Case Number: fc93-1184
NCIC Number: M-668812811
The Doe Network: Case File 808DFCA
Kristi Krebs
Classification: Endangered Missing
Vital Statistics
Date Of Birth: December 29, 1970
Age at Time of Disappearance: 22 years old
Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'2; 140 lbs.
Marks, Scars: Krebs' right thumb is deformed; it is thick at the knuckle and the tip of her thumb curves inward. She has several large moles on her neck below her right cheek. Krebs' ears are pierced.
Clothing: Krebs was last seen wearing a royal blue shirt, with Round Table Pizza imprinted on the left front side and baggy blue or gray jeans. Possibly carrying two duffel bags.
Circumstances of Disappearance
Krebs left her job at Round Table Pizza on August 9, 1993 in Fort Bragg, California, but never home. Krebs' red Toyota Tercel was discovered abandoned, with the stereo missing, in a shallow creek in MacKerricher State Park. Her bra, panties, wallet and driver's license were found inside her car. There were small traces of blood on the dashboard and the front seat, along with shredded identification papers. Authorities think that before she abandoned her car, Kristi changed into a gym outfit that she always carried with her. Her work clothes were found, sopping wet and neatly folded, on the backseat.
Krebs had been receiving medical treatment at the time of her disappearance for emotional difficulties. It is possible that Krebs became disoriented the night she vanished.
Several sightings of Kirsti were reported in Texas, Salt Lake City, and California. Kristi may have been hitchhiking with truckers across the country.
Foul play is possible.
A final note to the breadth of embedding Archetypes in the culture is the code names used in MOEC. In association with the Westwood Paul Bunyan sign is prominently used code name Monkey Gaga. This appears to be the work of Soho or Scotland Yard officers. Hence an argument regarding whether humans and life where created whole 8000 years ago as per the Bible or evolved from apes lead to the moniker. There is also a linkage to the rock group Queen and their song Radio Gaga. This in turn has inspired the name of Lady Gaga.
I argue all is social engineering.
Monkey Gaga is a nom de guerra for the spokesman of MOEC heard on original tapes or ACM. Funny Bunny appears to be the more hierarchical name with more focused content with the same actor(s).
The identification of Cambridge Law School as the point of Origination of Mobilization of Empire and Civilization MOEC and it's extensible tree would satisfy the Proximate Cause Test. Here in particularity there would be a confirmation of the mechanism that expands and contracts the British Empire. As such a universal model based on defection that is more accurate would also then become available by substituting other actors for the United Kingdom which gives a more concrete description of the behavior of empires.
This would then provide an accurate theoretical and concrete analysis of the Anglo American Paradigm. The two most important texts in Western Civilization are the Bible and Plato's The Republic. Plato is also the western source of the Rational School of Philosophy. Integral of which is (Plato):
Paradigm of Laws
I. The Eternal Law
II. The Natural Law
III. The Positive Law
This precludes the necessity of another model, one of constitutions which is predominately Aristotelian in it's origin.
Pure |
Impure |
Kingship |
Tyranny |
Aristocracy |
Oligarchy |
Polity |
Democracy |
An empirical counterpoint to these a priori models is the entrapment of the Irrationalist Presidents in a homosexual blackmail ring (Nollmeyer 2012c):
Ronald Reagan
George HW Bush
William Clinton
George W Bush
Barack Obama
The following is a signature of MOEC of which I wrote down in Chipley, Florida while I was exposed to the original Origin Cell of MOEC in the 1990s. This small motif appears to underscore the knowledge of a Platonist as part of the Membership. One should consider the Undermining of the Anglo American Paradigm and Christianity by a practitioner of a faith that was nearly driven into Extinction (Nollmeyer 2013a).
In counterpoint the Yazidi's, an offshoot of Zoroastrianism, has been forced to flee in areas near Syria by ISIS fighters of the Islamic State beginning August 2, 2014. The Caliphate itself is an alter ego of the LGBTi Movement.
MOEC has a taxonomy of a genus and specie. One specie is dichotomized into two subspecies. The genus is Pseudo Apollo or Apollonian the Exterminator; an angel that falls from the heavens to lead the world into desolation. The two species are Dionysus Britainicus and Dionysus Americanus. The former is the conqueror of Britain, the alpha member, and the latter is the conqueror of America, the beta member. Hence, Dionysus Free versus Dionysus Bound.
There are two main subsystems in MOEC: 1. Lycurgus 2. Akbar
There are three main components:
Biological Warfare
Chemical Warfare
Nuclear Warfare
Social Engineering in the empirical has become the Theater of Despotism. The despot, by necessity has to orchestrate civilization to stave off identification and prosecution.
Hence a vertical downward and upward hierarchy of organization is developed that is a clearly cognizable framework with historical content that has been Undermined (Lazlo):
The Individual - Social System - Renaissance - Decadence
Culture and Society
Social Systems Theory - Teaching and Promotion
The algorithm worldwide of the Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm is United Kingdom, Cambridge, Scotland Yard. In the United States, LAPD, Delaware State Police, local jurisdictional police agencies and the individual. As seen individuals are basic units of social organization.
The use of Prisoner's Dilemma creates a hub and node network replacing a citizen with an Informant. MOEC is alleged to have this system in place in every nationstate worldwide.
MOEC is totalitarianistic and seeks to isolate the individual and collective ex communicado from the whole. This has been apparent regarding my person in the United States since June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware under then President Ronald Reagan.
Hence the classic argument of the Individual versus the State has been developed in real time impure synchronicity in a Tournament between homosexuality versus heterosexuality. Neo Freudian psychosexual psychology is the point of departure, but is not exclusive in an eclectic psychological operation to level the United States vis a vis to Stalinist USSR.
It is clear that the tree of Cambridge - Scotland Yard - LAPD - Dodo is an expression of the artificial ideology Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing in a pathology. Hence Dodo one LAPD officer has the ability to stop the manifest Akbar component which is the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth component which is imposed over me and my inheritance, which is none. This is possibly countered by Gay Marriage currently legal in 19 states, about 34 having defeated bans, and the remainder of states with in continuo legal actions. Utah and Virginia have petitioned the Supreme Court for certiorari.
A dichotomy that is concrete is sought concerning the Right Side of History. The LGBTi Movement has lost if Cambridge is the Proximate Cause and Authorship.
The novel and especially the film The Wizard of Oz demonstrates the implanting of archetypes in the culture. Here MOEC Studies is exact but uses heuristics and analogy as needed as lawyer would in defining a case in court.
In particularity suspect parties will need a RICO and Treason defense.
The United States especially Lassen and Plumas Counties, California are direct alter egos to the Sarin Attack in Syria 2013 and the emergence of ISIS and the Islamic State and the desertion of Mosul in July 2014.
No individual of 140 IQ, a genius, has stepped forward to even recognize MOEC at an level of cognition. This is true of organizations at the supranational level as the United Nations or any privately created group. The attack and use of alienation of the individual and the whole as an experiment has created an Anglo American Irrationalist Era or decadence. A restoration could lead to a renaissance.
As seen starting from an individual would have to begin forming various vertical dyadic and tryadic associations towards formal groups to legally decapitate and explain MOEC.
My recommendation is that MOEC be taught no later than the sixth grade. This would include a thorough presentation on the Reverse Sting. Hence one would learn how food, clothing, shelter, and reproduction are entrapped through informants created by social engineers who develop secret police activities which will attack one from family planning or lack of such from your parents, life stages, one's birth, childhood, especially adolescence, adulthood and old age.
Marriage is the Trojan Horse and the veneer of the gift from these social engineers. Empirically divorce is about 45 percent.
Barack Obama is the Singularity. Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
I was born on August 3, 1961 in Roswell New Mexico. Barack Obama was born August 4, in Honolulu, Hawaii. I will predict that if we both live to 2041, five years before Technological Singularity, then Barack Obama will be prosecuted and convicted of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.
MOEC Studies will be taught and critiqued at Cambridge - Oxford, University of California, Ivy League, MIT, and Stanford.
Holon X
One structure that is unique to MOEC, and is clearly not of my creation is the Holon System. This defection based system pits the Individual versus the State in what is hoped to be a circular where the individual retaliates in a fire versus fire manner justifying the initial attack on him or her in the first instance. This branches into two police officers and their families in opposition under a controller and against the individual. It is very clear that this is a Bayesian Variable Trap. There could be infinite permutations. In concrete there are a finite number in MOEC.
This concept simply is a mechanism where the individual creates one's own persecution through MOEC as Cambridge, Secret Police, Gay Militia, Informants.
In Holon X a statistician PhD professor is portrayed. Neo Superstructure was a theme and component that was supposed to be developed. Superstructure in Marxian terms states that the Base creates the Superstructure. Since this is materialist. Religion is a matter based projection of capitalist interests.
Hence, historically there has been no proletariat and in following no real socialism or communism. This professor is also prone to false set theory, which violates categorizing data sets. This would easily lead to discrimination. Here the equal protection, due process and rational basis are easily violated.
We can see that the socialist communistic schools were designed to gain an externality from the Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm. However since MOEC is Gay Irrationalist Gay Know Nothing all social systems that are based on emancipation, especially those that are sexually based as Sexology are damaged by the Anglo American Oprichniki which is a Gay Militia.
I did not use the Iconoclast concept as a title for a text although I accept it as true. The initial attack in June 1987 on President Ronald Reagan, Vice President George HW Bush, and Attorney General Edwin Meese totally convinced me that I was a mere pawn with a silver lining chance to be the first to organize MOEC.
On October 5, 2014 the United States Supreme Court denied writ of certiorari to seven petitions from Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin. This should permit Gay Marriage in 35 states with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals striking bans in this circuit the next day. The Sixth Circuit is considering appeals and has leaned towards upholding state rights to regulate marriage but this is unclear.
The Islamic State is on the verge of overrunning Kobane, Syria dealing the Obama Coalition a serious defeat. Ebola has spread with one case and death in the United States. On October 9, 2014, five years after Obama won his Nobel Peace prize in 2009, there are 8033 Ebola cases doubling every three weeks.
MOEC was designed to to permit Cambridge actors to transform History. The nonplace ideology of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing reflects failed social engineering and especially the abnormal psychology of Gay or MSM males. This was achieved by the blackmailing of the Irrationalist Presidents:
Ronald Reagan
George HW Bush
William Clinton
George W Bush
Barack Obama
The systemic of having Cambridge create a Gay Militia with LAPD directly stalking and directing such during a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth for a manifest interval of 27 years, almost a generation is unprecedented in a world of 7.3 billion persons.
University of Cambridge has developed a Taxonomy of Totalitarianism TOT. I will state that Cambridge as MOEC is the driver behind the Rise and Fall of the British Empire and Totalitarianism.
The hub and node system is alleged to be in place in every police station worldwide. The location I have travelled through since about April, 1986 will be under heavy criticism. The use of ad hominem, ad absurdium, ad ignorantum reflect the culture of failure.
If a legal intervention was taken easily in the 1880s - 1930s this event as the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth would have been prevented.
Western Democracy under a Christian faith has been proven to subjugated to despotism. The Social Contract Theory has been also proved as fallible.
Socialism is a direct alter ego to Irrational Fascist Systems and has been attacked but would receive an externality due to the United Kingdom and America's failures.
The Bible
There is a distinct line of retaliation developed from the Christian Bible from Cain and Abel, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Essentialist line of Ronald Reagan versus Ayatollah Khomeini, and the Mechanistic Barack Obama versus the Essentialist al Baghdadi.
These elements form the basis of The System which MOEC defines as defection under Prisoner's Dilemma towards the Second Coming or an End World Scenario. There is no Mutually Shared Destruction MAD in MOEC that I am aware of. However limited nuclear theater is an extant concrete threat.
The extensible graph of MOEC's defection model is akin to the Tree of Life which grows in the New Jerusalem.
In this instance the Informant driven process of MOEC records the individual, family, ingroup, and location, over a mapping system.
In prominence are sworn officials, priests, and professionals. The University of California Berkeley and University of Cambridge are focalized for their lack of intervention.
The final legal analysis is a Nuremberg styled War Crimes Tribunal. This will reflect a RICO structure. The RICO Statutes or more correctly the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act are fast becoming a major source of legal code for both criminal and civil actions. More formally RICO is TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 96, Section 1961 of the United States Code.
MOEC is a criminal enterprise that attacks itself with an array of behaviors against informants that it recruits over their arc of lifespan, as Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. The attack on President Reagan by alienating a citizen he was sworn to protect, your author, further escalated a homosexual blackmail ring within an alter ego format. If liberals and conservative actors are fighting fire with fire, after continual feedback, who is stronger. Here if the liberal MSM males are the proximate cause as alleged, the LGBTi Paradigm is on the wrong side of History.
An interesting test is to discuss MOEC. Most persons will not know what Mobilization of Empire and Civilization is. The hoax of an Attorney General Exception - Exemption as a justification to stalk or commit any crime is an indication of antisocial - psychopathy.
Questioning persons about fascism, LGBTi issues, the Civil War, and Prisoner's Dilemma also provides insight into one's values and morality.
Recruiting lay in wait stalkers while the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is in continuo further degrades both side with the LGBTi worse off.
I have just completed a misadventure to Cambria, California. Here we have focalized a top ten percent population versus a bottom ten percent population as Inyo County. Laying in wait in Hanford or Mojave is also federal stalking. Here Cambria is a scripted Emerald City. It is now proven that stalking my person did create a strong culture or jurisdiction. San Luis Obispo is an ideal choice to seat a War Crimes Tribunal.
In close, Ronald Reagan was attacked with a manifest function. He is clearly negligent, incompetent, and corrupt. The MSM males that attempted and their accomplices should be identified by name for legal and historical purposes. MOEC should then be taught at all levels of education.
Works Cited
Anderson, E. & Carter, I. (2008). Human Behavior in the Social Environment - A Social Systems Approach. Aldine Transaction. Brunswick NJ. USA.
CAT (1994). Convention Against Torture. Retrieved from: http://www.hrweb.org/legal/cat.html
Daubert. Daubert standard. Legal Information Institute. Cornell. Retrieved from: www.law.cornell.edu/wex/daubert_standard
DOJ. Department of Justice Resource Manual. Department of Justice. Retrieved from: http://www.justice.gov/usao/eousa/foia_reading_room/usam/title9/crm00109.htm
Federal Stalking (2013). 18 USCS § 2261A. Stalking. Legal Information Institute. Cornell. Retrieved from: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2261A
Friedeberger, M. (2014). Schrodinger Equation. Retrieved from: http://plus.maths.org/content/people/index.html#marianne
Krebs (2013). The Doe Network: Case File 808DFCA. Doe Network. Retrieved from: http://doenetwork.org/cases/808dfca.html
Hamilton, A. (1787). The Federalist Papers. Library of Congress. Retrieved from: http://thomas.loc.gov/home/histdox/fedpapers.html
Maynard, J. (2014). Quantum particles can tunnel through long-range barriers, Austrian research reveals. Techtimes.com. Retrieved from: www.techtimes.com
MITI (2014). Ministry of International Trade and Industry. Wikipedia. Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=611131231
Nollmeyer, D. (2013a). Position Papers. Retrieved March, 2014 from: www.powereality.net/moec-position-papers.html
Nollmeyer, D. (2007b). Human Rights Discussion. Retrieved March, 2014 from: www.powereality.net/journals.htm
Nollmeyer, D. (2012c). Irrationalist Presidents. Retrieved March, 2014 from: http://powereality.net/irrationalistpresidents.htm
Nollmeyer, D. (2012e). Myth of the Contemporary Man. Retrieved March, 2014 from: www.powereality.net/mocm.I.htm
Nollmeyer, D. (2012f). Storyboard Half Life. Retrieved March, 2014 from: http://powereality.net/storyboard-half-life.htm
Plato (360 BC). The Republic. Translated by Benjamin Jowett. Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series. 1988
Popper, K. (1945). The Open Society and It's Enemies. Routeldge. London, United Kingdom
RICO (1961). 18 U.S. Code Chapter 96 - RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS. Legal Information Institute. Cornell. Retrieved May, 2014 from: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/part-I/chapter-96
Tonnies (2014). Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved from: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/599337/Ferdinand-Tonnies
Stone, J. The Anglo American Paradigm: Lost and Found in Current Theology.
Ishi and UC California
Big Pine CA
September 20, 2014

Ishi c. 1860 March 25, 1916 was the last member of the Yahi, a group of the Yana people of the State of California. Widely acclaimed in his time as the last wild Indian in America, Ishi lived most of his life completely outside modern culture. At about 49 years of age, in 1911, he emerged from the wild near Oroville, California,leaving his ancestral homeland, present day Tehama County, near the foothills of Lassen Peak, known to Ishi as Waganu p'a.
Ishi means man in the Yana language. The anthropologist Alfred Kroeber gave this name to the man because it was rude to ask someone's name in the Yahi culture.
The anniversary of Ishi exposure to the west on August 29, sheds light on the targeting of Chemical Assaults. The TCAs is Walmart are tit for tat Devil's Advocacy for Ishi. This is a very sinister foil, as Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing is fascist.
Interestingly the San Francisco Chronicle describes anthropologist Alfred Kroeber as an ethnographer. I have made an attempt as such in Lycurgus which is only one chapter.

The University of California is being heavily Undermined. The Boles Fire in Weed this month was not an accident. If UC or any law enforcement agency investigates they will discover that this fire was discussed with me walking around the exact neighborhood that burned down.
I am pressed for time. My comments will become more direct and brief as I attempt to finish and attribute my work more professionally.
The just in time method works, but at times formalism can be desired.
Ishi. Ishi. Wikipedia. Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=624498435
Counter Culture: History and the Social Sciences
Big Pine CA
October 4, 2014
It is with total certainty that MOEC is an Irrationalist construct. Hence it is a counter culture. The axiom that culture creates the conditions of it's own elimination can be confirmed here. Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing is clearly an artificial devise, disingenuous but effective none the less. It is clear that pairing this construct or any component from such will a reward will be successful in conditioning a person and collective repertoire.
This is extremely important as Ebola as HIV AIDS has been linked to Bushmeat Practice. Persons who are still part of the reactionary Yellow Brick Road culture are at a juncture with MOEC Studies. Social Science can be heuristic and very high in substance rather than present a thorough framework. The Ethnographic Mapping of culture is wait short of the hard sciences.
The Irrationalist Nativistic individual who believes that following cues from the Anglo American Oprichniki will realize that one's person family pedigree, ingroup, and location are being entrapped. This is highly acute in the rural west of the United States that has been involved in stalking my person.
Those students and academics born after 1955 should be highly aware that Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and UC President Napolitano are near certainties for war Crimes when this Chemical Assault Scorched Earth becomes recognized.
All teachers of History and it's branches as Native American, LGBTi, California, and Law Enforcement should be aware that the creation of a an Ecological system with a Gay Militia as a microsystem as a concrete empirical structure that has entrapped persons in the United States and World will be impossible to refute.
Researching the Origin of Catastrophe
Big Pine CA
October 12, 2014
Causation with legal implication for sworn and unsworn officials has never been popular. MOEC is the Black Swan of Black Swans in Anglo American History. The Five Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Obama and untold concrete human health and environmental damage are unparalleled. One must ascertain that if MOEC exists such overlaps WWI and WWII.
The Cambridge Taxonomy which is now emergent glosses over MOEC. I am alleging that MOEC has designed such and has leaked this material to Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies.
My claim that History is no more than a false patina on a forged piece of artwork is strengthened.
Currently the Islamic State is one the verge of capturing Kobane, Syria and is threatening Baghdad, Ebola has infected 8033 persons and is doubling every three weeks, Gay Marriage should be legal in thirty five state, and MOEC is yet to be recognized.
The identification of all sworn and unsworn actors from Cambridge to natural persons in local jurisdictions is imperative for justice and deterrence.
The Killing off of Conscience and Psychopathy mean very little to the informant based culture that is destroying civilization.
The developing of a pedigree from demonology will be focalized with modern abnormal psychology and legal frameworks of punishment.
Daniel and Revelation are two prophetic Books of the Bible that are of interest that have been imitated in a lower voice.
MOEC: The Attack on the False Status Quo
San Simeon CA
October 27, 2014
Tools are amplifiers of human skills. The function of MOEC to attack those artifacts of culture that involve balanced thinking defines such as the enemy of rationality. The current complicity and corruption of the culture has reached the highest level from the president to the homeless.
The killing off of conscience appears to be an innate trait of humans which lends itself to the development of informant police systems.
The rise and fall of the United States under MOEC is a disturbing trend in psychopathy akin to the sinking of a plundered pirate ship.
Currently the perfect storm of Ebola, ISIS, and MOEC have coincided with the Gay Marriage issue with the Supreme Court declining to certify a case.
This activity is synchronic with the trajectory of Cambria, California in San Luis Obispo as the Emerald City along the Yellow Brick Road. This should be taken seriously as the culture has failed. There is a catastrophic level of empirical damage that needs to be prosecuted.
It is certain that defection versus the rule of law have left the persons here as examples that LGBTi social engineering is driving the Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm.
These actions are rooted in inheritance. As such the future crime and fatality rate are extended into the future.
MOEC: Identification of the Principals
Blythe CA
November 13, 2014
There is an undeniable Manifest Function of a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over my person. The Colorado River, a main source of drinking and farm water is again despoiled. I am arguing that all lawyers and staff at Cambridge since 1880 and possibly earlier, especially the law school and Trinity be examined under strict scrutiny. The damage to the University of California is catastrophic in reputation and possible criminal charges for staff as President Janet Napolitano. The LGBTi Movement is invertebrated. Ortega y Gasset's Invertebrate Spain appears to be a model for MOEC's Undermining.
I am clearly stating that MOEC Studies is an very powerful tool in the social sciences and legal areas. Boalt Hall and it's $50,000 USD per year tuition is hard for my person to comprehend.
I would confront Robert Merton, Emile Durkheim, and Sigmund Freud regarding the proximate cause test.
The Tournament Challenge is a hoax. Geir Lundestad of the Nobel Prize Foundation clearly is the signature person for academic fraud.
As LGBTi persons become sworn competent officials their complicity as de facto and negligent officials further demeans LGBTi persons. How and when is LGBTi History going to teach the History of America since 1987?
The career path of students in higher education, Ivy League, UC, MIT, Stanford, and Oxbridge is a Yellow Brick Road and a trap that is unfolding.
MOEC Studies is equivalent to Google or Microsoft. In my instance, my family does not have the seed money to develop the idea. I am approach this work as seva or duty under my Vedic Krishna faith.
I am better off spreading such for free. I do control my own work to the leak which dwarfs Watergate or Snowden.
Here MOEC's attempt to develop socialism has failed due to not having any socialist recognize concrete history.
MOEC Studies
Blythe CA
December 10, 2014
The fact that I have been able to develop MOEC in the face of repression and still not be challenged by other actors or more definitively a computer confirms an informant based reaction formation in the culture. I have glossed on the obvious damage to LGBTi History. If their paradigm and movement contain the Origin, then this is moot.
The Fourth Amendment permits one to remain secure in their own person and confront their accusers. It is the right of the victim to confront perpetrators. Here it is impossible to teach History accurately. I'm definitely accusing the Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Obama of being War Criminals on the Run under Cambridge Law School. The fabrications being attempted here in Blythe are about the sixth grade level being based on Nativism and Ethnic Nationalism as a Source of War.
The watershed events since June 17, 1987 are designed to facilitate an elementary school exit exam.
What is consciousness, intelligence, and what is knowledge?
In the first instance Cambridge and the University of California are under deep suspicion.
It is clear that I am the victim. I do not want be an accomplice or an accessory to a criminal enterprise that is no more than a male based LGBT Blackmail Ring.
The lack of a mental acumen and repertoire defines Anglo American Irrationality. The scripted Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing reflects the informant recruitment within a autistic foundation.
A MOEC Test would be the strongest measure whether an Artificial Intelligence has achieved Singularity. The scientists who work on such should consider what is friendly under Nuremberg Standards.
2015 Archives
MOEC Studies
Blythe CA
January 4, 2015
MOEC Studies continues under duress in 2015. I will attempt to publish three chapters of Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part II by July 1, 2015.
Equipment is being destroyed. I am down to an Asus eepc, a LG Optimus phone, and a Iconia W8 tablet. Sealed Lead Acid SLA Batteries are being degraded at the factory to complement the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
I will publish as I can.
MOEC Studies Continues...
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
February 5, 2015
This is the working Summary from the Preface of Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part II. I am being forced to retool the sites. Please be considerate.
MOEC Studies has developed from original leaks that began after June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware when Ronald Reagan was president. The Iran Contra Scandal was full blown with Senator Joe Biden presiding over the Senate Hearings.
The leak focalized on Origin or the Artificial Cell of MOEC. The level of the leaks was the equivalent of a Presidential Briefing. Here this posits the citizen against the state or the Individual versus the collective.
This is Under the Color of Law.
Fatalism and Dependency under Prisoner's Dilemma is the main framework. The only scientific outcome of scripting is whether it is determinant if an individual will Betray to Cambridge and MOEC or Cooperate with the Rule of Law.
By imposing an upper boundary of a War Crime, an experiment is created where it is provable that when one person is alienated or loses one's rights, then the collective also suffers: Everyone loses.
In theory, the Authorship and my person are opposing fractals that will develop subsequent structures within Systems Models.
There is no Equal Protection or Due Process in the main in MOEC. Cambridge under the Image of X has created lifetime scripting of persons lives based on Particular History and Justice. Hence this is a vendetta of hatred in disguise.
The intent of Cambridge is to develop a LGBTi Civilization. In their attempt these actors have created a circular folly which is a Perpetual Conspiratol Enterprise. The Fight Fire With Fire mentality has long been replaced by the Social Contract Theory where crime is fought by law and order.
In this nexus criminals are created as principals, accomplices, and accessories of the Enterprise.
Under the Paradigm of Laws these basic persons are possible:
Eternal Law - Antichrist - Heretic - Apostate
Natural Law - Irrational - Hypocrite - Immoral
Positive Law - Traitor - Felon - Misdemeanant
The hub and node topology guarantees that all damage is routed through a police agency or those officials that are formally or informally providing code enforcement or homeland security.
There are three main components:
Biological Warfare
Chemical Warfare
Nuclear Warfare
Stalking is also heavily used.
This will predicate that a treason defense will be incorporated at the positive law level for all fractals that are acting as accomplices or accessories under the principals.
The Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm is consistent with the Rise and Fall of the British Empire.
Nativism embedded in Ethnic Nationalism as a Source of War are materials within conflict theory that attack Rationalism under all Systems. The result is Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing.
In the empirical discussion of International Relations, evidence is mounting that Cambridge Law School, here focalized as the Membership have through a hub and node system of defection through every police stationhouse worldwide have Undermined nationstates. This is extremely acute in the Middle East as the nascent Islamic State whom have just burned alive a Jordanian pilot, and killed two Japanese prisoners, one a soldier of fortune, the other a journalist in the beginning of 2015.
The entire continent of Africa is alleged to be Undermined. Boko Haram also an Islamic Jihadhi Movement or Western Education is a Sin, has also like Islamic State, declared a caliphate in areas under it's control in Nigeria.
Southeast Asia as Vietnam and Myanmar would have been more advanced without conflict. The same holds true for North and South Korea.
I am the nexus representing a natural person and citizen under a sovereign state. The United Nations may also recognize my or other persons rights who have been violated.
This is theoretical but could occur.
This is considered under Genocide and pre Genocide.
The theory and practical demonstration concerning the skill to develop a government in the Paradigm of Laws format has collapsed within the Anglo American Paradigm. This is severe as evidence points to MSM actors in Cambridge Law School having orchestrated an attack on the United States, the President, Constitution, via the agency of an attack on one single citizen and natural person, Bhakta David Nollmeyer.
Under the setting of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, Stalking, Censorship and Sanitization, I have manage to develop the original leak of Origin into the emergent MOEC Studies.
Repairing the Site
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
March 5, 2015
The Supreme Court announced April 28 as the Trial for Gay Marriage. The site has been heavily hacked but I am repairing such.
The killing of Russian dissident Boris Nemstov supports my allegation of an Anglo American Oprichniki. I will continue.
Open Letter: Chief Justice Roberts
Big Pine CA
April 8, 2015

Honorable Chief Justice Roberts,
According to the following statutes it is imperative that I write you:
§ 2381. Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
§ 2382. Misprision of treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
In this nexus since June 17, 1987, in Dover, Delaware the manifest function of a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth was imposed over just one person, myself to alienate the individual from the collective by denying me legal person before the court. This focuses of the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment; Equal Protection and Due Process clauses.
It is irrefutable that a Gay Militia operating out of LAPD, California is the American hub of this conspiracy.
This alienation of the citizen directly places the citizen in direct confrontation with Sovereign head of state and those sworn federal and state officials that are duty bound to protect the citizen and the homeland.
My briefing posits that Mobilization of Empire and Civilization MOEC is of the Authorship of Cambridge Law School. Notice that synonym is no more than a nom de guerra of a Membership of faculty that scripts the rise and fall of the British Empire. I did not make this up or deduce such.
The main symbolic artifact is MOEC or the Artificial Cell. MOEC is the most powerful prisoner's dilemma model operating in continuo.
(The original Open Letter contained the Reiterated Model. This is a research variation of the Origin which is the work of the Authorship in Cambridge. DWN October 14, 2015.)
Control |
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
There is a graphical tree of mens rea criminal intent and actus rea criminal act that is extensible from the Authorship. This would form part of a taxonomy. The allegation that a hub and node network of informants is in place in every police station and military base is also a fortiori strong.
The transformational effects on the individual and collective humanity is also empirical and measurable. Why universal unity in exposing a manifest War Crime has created criminal suspicion at every level of organization.
A unique endgame consideration that will be postulated now is the creation of an Artificial General Intelligence AGI. Such a thing is needed for Superintelligence. An AGI of this type would be equal to a human.
The individual occurs first in nature (Lazlo):
The Individual - Social System - Renaissance - Decadence
Culture and Society
Social Systems Theory - Teaching and Promotion
MOEC has elevated my person as the world's most unrecognized political prisoner and the most stalked person in United States History.
MOEC has a Strategic Mission of Gay Marriage. I have been alienated because I am a heterosexual. It appears that the extensible graph from Cambridge - Scotland Yard - LAPD is designed to be all Male Same Sex Male. The family is the primary political unit of Western Political Philosophy. The Gay Militia is homosexual misogynist. Mary Bonauto is scheduled to argue for the petitioners, those LGBTi persons whom wish to obtain marriage licenses from the State.
The Gay Militia has ruined her life and her career work in particular. The Supreme Court is similarly damaged.
I have authored over twenty six federal court cases. The Supreme Court refused cv. 98-7015 Nollmeyer versus United States Government, Delaware State Police et al. on January 19, 1999.
The original jurisdiction was:
The Federal District for New Mexico cv 95-0139
The appellate jurisdiction was:
The Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals cv 97-2306
In the concrete on about February 12, 1997, the attack on my natural person became so intense that the surface water in presence particularly the Colorado River at Blythe, California became contaminated. Wheat fields have been prepared as evidence. The wheat will burn one's hand. Products at the factory are contaminated as food and sent to stores in my vicinity.
The air is constantly polluted by chemicals in gas tanks.
Barack Obama has campaigned and won two Presidential Elections in 2008 and 2012 while the Salton Sea was totally despoiled.
In the Bible, Book of Hosea Chapter 4 verse six the operative is provided:
6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
The use of the Attorney General Exemption for the President is also defined in 4.4.; for thy people are as they that strive with the priest.
Hence the informant stalkers of MOEC are groomed with the Wizard of Oz Greek Gift that the President is above the Bill of Rights.
As the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court I have informed you the Treason is in continuo in the United States throughout Inyo County, California.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Big Pine California
April 3, 2015
MOEC Mobilization of Empire and Civilization
UC Salaries: Napolitano
Weed CA
June 11, 2015
Seven University of California campus chancellors who served a full year in 2013, 14 earned $390,126 on average. UC Berkeley’s Nick Dirks is the highest paid chancellor, at $486,800. Janet Napolitano, president of the 10 campus UC system and the state's highest paid executive in the survey, earns $607,416 per year. Her annual car allowance is almost $9,000 she receives a yearly contribution of $28,500 to her retirement fund.
Napolitano's hiring by the provost in itself is totally suspect. I claim that she will face War Crimes accusations. Currently one year at Boalt Hall the system's main law school is $50,000 USD.
I find this deliberate class warfare as persons as Eric Holder whom recently accepted about a $75,000,000 dollar offered at a bank, are empirical proof of collusion during a Scorched Earth.
There is a Chapter 4 of Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part II in working draft: http:powereality.net//anglo-american-pt.II.html
I find that my offerings are an incredible value that easily challenge what UC overcharges for.
The Informant Academic Credibility
Weed CA
July 5, 2015
I have been driving MOEC Studies with substance over form. I have tried a few innovations with grammar because MOEC is one of a kind and I am being hacked. The Peter Principle and Murphy's Law are being focalized. If two individuals are equal in skill and one dies, that person will no more output. It is strictly a contest of quality versus quantity for the deceased. The Theory of Extinction states a static role in open texture. The living individual has a dynamic advantage.
College tuitions are easily in the $30,000 to $40,000 year range at upper tier even for a freshman year. The use of antinomianism to promote persons is pandemic. There is $83 trillion dollars of only private wealth in the United States. How much of this is destroyed.No one with a Nobel Prize has even attempted to pull a sword out of the anvil.
The Employee Theory of General Equilibrium would argue that these static actors are inefficient and could be forced to take other jobs to a more efficient producer.
The LGBTi Movement should raise a credible figure. They are clear alter egos to the Islamic State and or ISIS. The Islamic State is having a problem with Shirk Conspiracy which states that Khuffar Infidels have orchestrated the Islamic State and their Caliphate. Dabiq 9 discusses this argument.
Cambridge has imposed great historical battles, some from Alexander the Great over many locations. In this instance there is an easy comparison between Rome, Britain, United States, and the Ottoman Empire. The so called taming of the west will focalize the battles with Native Americans.
I am in the spirit of Simon Wiesenthal attempting to seat a War Crimes Trial. If the UC California is not then they have clearly failed. Not only is this an abstract, all the staff is easily being followed with some intensity of electronic surveillance.
The Informant, Academic Credibility, and Criminal Liability
Weed CA
August 5, 2015
The message of MOEC Studies initially was liberally construed to reach out to the lowest person or the common man. This has failed. The distribution of criminality and the culture of defection relegates such to saving the clothes of a drowning man. This is a concrete realist acceptance of fact. Even the Bible only stresses perhaps two chances for red herring distractions.
In this consideration, if the University of California has 250 domains in it's catalog; whom are the top 100 experts in each domain? This would yield 25,000 individuals. Prima facie no one save myself has worked on MOEC. II have spent in summation 28 years of work. I did not physically write anything down for 7 years. I also took a 5 year break due to burnout. All told about 15 years of work is presented. I would argue 10 years of effort would be efficient. Even arguing ten percent efficiency or 2.5 years is reasonable.
There are at least 25 persons running for President in 2016. This clearly demonstrates the Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm. The University of California is closely connected to Democracy and Free Speech. This school is damaged. At this point it is clear the a War Crimes Trial is an ontological endgame. The status quo in academia is a Mythology. All bubbles burst. It is clear that an attempt to clear Barack Obama now 54 years from prosecution is a huge factor.
Academic Obsolescence Criminal Prosecution
Weed CA
September 8, 2015
There has been over the past few years the acknowledgment that the Aryan Invasion Myth concerning India, Sanskrit, and European Culture is indeed that. Max Muller of Oxford promoted this idea in the late 1800s and it has been widely accepted and taught worldwide. The discovery of Mohenjadaro and Dwarka, the latter a lost city found off the coast of India widely refute light skinned Aryans invading the Indus Valley about 2000 to 1500 BC. Dwarka has Carbon 14 dated to about 9500 years old. Hence Krishna is a central figure in Dwarka that is claimed to be 5000 years old. This at least proves that there was an advanced culture in Dwarka before the Judeo Christian culture in Einstein and Schrodinger played in Germany before they defected.
The theme of the Myth of the Contemporary Man is becoming focalized. There is tremendous risk in being an innovator. Defection is also poor. Prophylaxis and passivity have played an enormous in the emergence of MOEC Studies. The University of California is the Official Archive for the History of California. UC has been coopted in the Machinery of Torture. The students and staff will suffer now and in the future.
Academic Ontology: Prepare all Studies for a Nuremberg Trial
Big Pine CA
October 16, 2015
Academia is static. As a censored and sanitized history has occurred over all domains, many professors are also facing obsolescence and possible criminal charges. Who worked on MOEC. The in continuoChemical Assault Scorched Earth is a War Crime with international repercussions. Daubert and Frye Standards should also be considered to eliminate inferior science, psychology, and philosophy. President Janet Napolitano is unlikely to escape severe criticism. Those persons whom opposed her hire are standing on more credible terrain than those who supported her.
This subject will be the focus for Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part III which will have a Preface online in early 2016.
Standardizing the Frontpage
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
November 5, 2015
The Frontpage of this site has been updated and migrated to HTML5 CSS. I hope to have all active Journals' Frontpage updated by February 2016. I will have a website running in December 2015 for Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part III. It is evident that Class Stratification is occurring over Algebra III competency which is now the High School standard. I welcome this. I also endorse this for employee testing. It is evident that those persons 50 years and elder are being Grandparented out of work as minimum wage in cities hits $15.00 per hour.
A UC Merced student has stabbed five students and was killed by police. This is a continuing trend of attacks at school.
The 2012 2013 Archives Has Been Improved
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
November 27 December 1, 2015
In reduction MOEC is a Despotism where an Informant rises to the Despot and replicates himself in the individual and culture. Everything empirically exist in space and time. In Prisoner's Dilemma defection is betrayal and cooperation is the rational and rule of law. In this instance under Sovereign Citizen Relations the Despot wishes to give a gift to every person. In this manner the Reverse Sting will develop the government as a Racketeered Influenced Corrupt Organization or a Criminal Enterprise.
The Despot will social engineer a government placing every individual, computer, and domain under defection. This will raise a race of Informant Traitors under Fatalism and Dependency. The Despot and his police force are fatalistic and the Informant Traitors are dependent.
The use of a double crime will ensure an illegal act is attached to every object. As the Despot and this Structure and Process is exposed the development of Racketeered Influenced Behaviors increases: Blackmail, Extortion, Hostaging, Intimidation, and Murder ensue in support of the Enterprise.
MOEC is using the United States to attack the human race. Hence if all levels of the Social System are held under Prisoner's Dilemma a Scripted Decadence will occur. One is an individual first then a collective second. The first group is the family. Can any individual or group identify the Proximate Cause sine qua non and prosecute all the principals, accomplices and accessories tothe Origin.
The Archives 2012 2013 has been lightly edited and corrected. My perception is that MOEC Studies is becoming increasingly more relevant as a serious branch of Social and Political Science. I am working at the edge of my capabilities. I will increase output in February, 2016.
Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part III
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
December 23, 2015
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!!! The Preface of Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part III has been posted: http//:powereality.net//anglo-american-pt.III.html. The 2014 and 2015 Archives has it's own page: Archives 2014 2015