University of California

The University of California is the premier institution of public learning in the United States. It is centered in Berkeley, California. It came into being as a result of the Merrill Land Grant. In 1849, the state of California ratified it's first constitution, which contained the objective of creating a complete educational system including a state university. Taking advantage of the Morrill Land Grant Act, the California Legislature established an Agricultural, Mining, and Mechanical Arts College in 1866. Although this institution was provided with sufficient funds, it lacked land.
Meanwhile, Congregational minister Henry Durant, an alumnus of Yale, had established the private Contra Costa Academy, on June 20, 1853 in Oakland, California. The initial site was bounded by Twelfth and Fourteenth Streets and Harrison and Franklin Streets in downtown Oakland. In turn, the Trustees of the Contra Costa Academy were granted a charter on April 13, 1855 for a College of California. State Historical Plaque No. 45 marks the site of the College of California at the northeast corner of Thirteenth and Franklin Streets in Oakland. Hoping both to expand and raise funds, the College of California's trustees formed the College Homestead Association and purchased 160 acres (650,000 m²) of land in what is now Berkeley in 1866. But sales of new homesteads fell short.Governor Frederick Low favored the establishment of a state university based upon the University of Michigan plan, and thus in one sense may be regarded as the founder of the University of California. In 1867, he suggested a merger of the existing College of California with the proposed state university. The College's trustees agreed to merge with the state college to their mutual advantage, but under one condition, that there not be simply a "Agricultural, Mining, and Mechanical Arts College," but "a complete university." Accordingly, the Organic Act, establishing the University of California, was signed into law by Governor Henry H. Haight (Low's successor) on March 23, 1868. Daniel Coit Gilman, the University of California's second president, opened the Berkeley campus in September 1873.
Ten UC campuses includes more than 220,000 students, 170,000 plus faculty and staff, 37,000 retirees and more than 1.5 million living alumni.
The Donahoe Higher Education Act organizes the mission of the UC system as a whole. Formally articulated as part of A Master Plan for Higher Education in California, 1960 to 1975, that mission was written into law in 1960 as:
The University of California may provide undergraduate and graduate instruction in the liberal arts and sciences and in the professions, including the teaching professions. It shall have exclusive jurisdiction in public higher education over instruction in the profession of law and over graduate instruction in the professions of medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine. It has the sole authority in public higher education to award the doctoral degree in all fields of learning, except that it may agree with the California State University to award joint doctoral degrees in selected fields. The University of California shall be the primary state supported academic agency for research.
The Office of the President directs the mission statement of the university which was elaborated in the University of California Academic Plan, 1974 to 1978 as:
The distinctive mission of the university is to serve society as a center of higher learning, providing longterm societal benefit's through transmitting advanced knowledge, discovering new knowledge, and functioning as an active working repository of organized knowledge. That obligation, more specifically, includes undergraduate education, graduate and professional education, research, and other kinds of public service, which are shaped and bounded by the central pervasive mission of discovering and advancing knowledge.
Censorship and Sanitization of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth in the USA
On June 17, 1987 Los Angeles Police Department California, LAPD launched a preemptive attack against then President Ronald Reagan. I was in Dover, Delaware. This attack alienated my natural person from my United States Citizenship and Bill of Right protections.
The allegation is the Cambridge Law School is the authorship or Proximate Cause sine qua non.
The resultant action has created a Crime Against Humanity and Treason Against the United States and United Kingdom.
The algorithm of the operation is:
1. United Kingdom: Cambridge Law School - Scotland Yard
2. United States: California: Los Angeles Police Department, Delaware: Delaware State Police, Local Jurisdictions
The principals, accessories, and accomplices extend to further local jurisdictions, organizations, and individuals in a Storyboard Reverse Sting.
The actual name of this structure and process is Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC.
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
Origin, is the General User Interface GUI. It was presented as the Organic Cell. I regard Origin as the Artificial Virus. MOEC is Cambridge Law School's most efficient attempt to organize or systematize Mobilization of Empire and Civilization. It is a novelty of Prisoner's Dilemma. At this time period in history it is the most powerful defection model operating in the post WWII era in continuo. It is claimed that Cambridge Law School authors the mechanism that expands and contracts the United Kingdom or British Empire. As seen MOEC has entrapped and severely damaged the posterity of the sworn officials whom it denotes as the Irrationalist Presidents:
Irrationalist Presidents
Ronald Reagan |
George HW Bush |
William Clinton |
George W Bush |
Barack Obama |
Donald Trump |
Joe Biden |
It has also severely damaged the future of Prince Charles or the Duke of Cambridge, his son William from having a reign on the British Crown without serious issues. The defection model has created a Censorship and Sanitization of 8 billion persons worldwide.
On September 16, 2013 the United Nations issued a report stating that there was strong evidence that nerve agent Sarin was used in the suburbs near Damascus on August 21, 2013.
This action has occurred while the United States has operated a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth Program that is exclusively centered over my natural person.
I was in Westwood, California.
On October 1, 2013 UN Inspectors have arrived in Syria to dismantle Syria's Chemical Warfare Program.
The areas of California that are most affected by MOEC, Mobilization of Empire and Civilization are Plumas, Lassen, Siskiyou, and Modoc Counties. Inclusive are Inyo, Mono, Riverside and East County near the Salton Sea and Colorado River. These areas are rural and quite large. Organizationally these counties are interfaces with very large National Forests and deserts; as such they are prone to wildfires. They are without a doubt the most remote areas left in the state of California and were designed as was Inyo County to bear the brunt off any protracted stand down that would occur between myself and federal and state government.
A model used in the attack is an alter ego component and perspective that is based on transformations between Stalinist USSR and the United States. The Soviet Union is the standard paradigm used to study modern totalitarianism (1900+). This approach is very solid and will be difficult to refute. This perspective is based on the formation of the Oprichniki during Ivan the Terrible. In Russia, this secret police department swept through the countryside dressed in black on horseback with brooms and with heads of dogs mounted on their saddles. The Boyers and other members of the leading classes sought security underneath the Oprichniki rather than oppose them.
This structure is argued as the beginning of the Russian Mafia and the KGB.
The Allegation is that Cambridge Law School has created the Anglo American Oprichniki and authored a Crime Against Humanity and Treason against the United States and United Kingdom.
Hence in this perspective the principals attack upward is a stepladder movement the then downward as part of the reverse sting.
MOEC is essentially a Gay Militia with a repertoire of homosexual blackmail, extortion, hostaging, and intimidation of a witness ring. In the United States MOEC would form a RICO Enterprise. RICO is TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 96, Section 1961 of the United States Code.
There are then sworn and unsworn informants. At issue are the response from duty bound officials to the recruitment of informants as stalkers. Here the emphasis is on crime against persons. Under Due Process and Equal Protection crimes against persons should be prioritized first before property crimes.
The Social Contract Theory is the correct model in modern constitutional theory and is accepted in practice worldwide. Since my rights have been alienated by an attack by homosexual or MSM (Men who have sex with Men) actors, I have been forced to survive while an epistemological attack on my natural person has been condoned by the American Presidents identified supra. The MSM officers of LAPD are organized as a Gay Militia with various nom de guerras.
Overall Cambridge is using an eclectic dialectic derived from Greek Tyrannies and an ideological line derived from Plato to Marx. Hence archetypal patterns have been inverted and artificially embedded in the Paradigm of Laws:
The Paradigm of Laws
Eternal Law |
Natural Law |
Positive Law |
In LAPD MOEC has entrapped MSM officers in a cell that have operated with the code names of:
Gay Militia Code Names
Periander |
The Fly |
Dodo |
Under a Tournament challenge it was posited that under Gay Relativity and Phenomenology, LAPD would be able to morally justify an attack on my person. This would necessitate a Positive Self Defense. The use of an Attorney General Exception necessitates that such an order exists and a sitting president has signed such. Under positive law a justification would involve concepts as the Castle Doctrine meaning that actors would need to prove a threat upon themselves. Who has attacked them? I am not the belligerent they are provocateurs. In continuation, if they are under the color of law they have no legal right to operate an attack out of the LAPD stationhouse. Hence this develops the emergence of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. This is reductio ad absurdium. This is a clear circular folly.
The analogy to the Greek Decathlon where a performer needs not only to be physically, spiritually and intellectually fit has become has become a colossal hoax.
This attack against the human race was designed to entrap the United Kingdom, United States, California and LAPD. It also has a strategic mission of Gay or Same Sex Marriage.
MOEC is in part analogous to the popular film The Wizard of Oz. It is indeed the highest level Prisoner's Dilemma defection model operating in the world at this time. It is a Trojan Horse Undermining the United States through a Divorce Program which is designed in the opposite as a Yellow Brick Road Marriage Program.
Marriage is a near universal for all adults. The Divorce Rate is now near 45% nationwide.
Undermining and Legality of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth
The United States is clearly being destroyed by pinning the corrupt and incompetent person to the superior person.
The creation of a Gay Militia in LAPD clearly extends here to the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth and it too, is prima facie and undeniable.
This action has a baseline of attacking and descending from Third Generation Great Grandparents.
Collateral Consanguinity
3rd Gen. Grandparent |
2nd Gen. Grandparents |
1st Gen. Grandparents |
Father Mother Siblings |
The grandfather is considered the Patriarch of the family. My observations and research have found no response whatsoever locally or in the United States
A 75 year old grandfather may have a 50 year old son. The son may have a 25 year old son. The 25 year old son may have a one year old son. The grandfather has seen his great grandson.
The 25 year old son clearly has witnessed an epic in World and American History as an adult. He clearly has a strong possibility of legally incriminating Barack Obama. From 2013, in twenty five years Obama will be 77 years old.
The same issue stands for the female gender consideration.
What is the historical and legal inheritance of families in this area, America, and the World?
The provocation of LAPD is formed as a Tournament. As seen the entire culture is Undermined. At issue are a correct historical and legal response. There is a very serious rivalry between the Gay Militia and myself. Periander, The Fly, and Dodo are the operatives of Cambridge Law School. Their system of complicity will create the worst persons and United Kingdom and United States History. This hub and node conspiracy is the Yellow Brick Road.
Dodo has been attempting to posit Exclusive Homosexuality. The two persons a female named Chris from Delaware and male name Chris from California. I personally know both natural persons. At times in a fallacy of changing the argument and false sets they are argued as abstractions or groups.
This is a key insight. These persons are being attacked. Northern California, Salton Sea to Blythe, and Inyo County, California are being exposed to this action. The female from Delaware is being attacked denoting severe misogyny. One endgame subline concerns which of the jurisdictions above may trigger her legal action against the United States and LAPD.
To date no LGBTi leaders, sworn officials, or actors of any discretion have stepped forward specifically from the Eastern High Sierras.
MOEC Studies is only an Approach but is by far and beyond the most direct and organized attempt to decapitate and prosecute MOEC.
This attack is paired to Gay Marriage. It is absurd to argue that just by being Same Sex that is one is qualified. I would not be so incompetent to believe the opposite that simply because LGBTi officers are operating a Gay Militia that heterosexuality qualifies one alone due to victimization.
The Scripting is very blatant. One should leave a clear and unambiguous record of one's intents and acts if they are desiring merit based promotion or to defend themselves from spurious and dubious attacks as is the case here.
This Tryad Cohort Rivalry between Dodo, Obama, and myself is a watershed event in World History. The censorship and sanitization of 8 billion persons defines MOEC as a Cultural Singularity opposing Technological Singularity.
Under these conditions of despotic repression I have organized MOEC Studies into an Approach. This is the strongest attempt at systematic decapitation of this criminal enterprise.
The hiring of ex Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano at the University of California closes texture on converting the State into the evolving Machinery of Torture. Cambridge, the University of California, and the Nobel Organization will form an aperture to attack those so called academics and world experts who are abetting a Crime Against Humanity and Treason against their home country.
Cultural Singularity Versus Technological Singularity
MOEC is a preemptive attack on Technological Singularity. This structure and process is designed to create a suboptimal equilibrium for AI technology as it emerges with accelerating speed through history. More can be read here:
Stanford Binet Fifth Edition SB5 classification
IQ Range Deviation IQ Classification
145 160 Very gifted or highly advanced
130 144 Gifted or very advanced
120 129 Superior
110 119 High average
90 109 Average
80 89 Low average
70 79 Borderline impaired or delayed
55 69 Mildly impaired or delayed
40 54 Moderately impaired or delayed
Social Systems
The Individual - Social System - Renaissance - Decadence
Culture and Society
Social Systems Theory - Teaching and Promotion
Irrationalist Movements
Nazi Neo Nazi |
Fascism |
Gay Irrationalism Pre Gay Fascism |
Major Movements |
Italian Fascism |
Japanese Fascism |
Spanish Fascism |
Islamic Fascism |
Minor Movements |
Black Nationalism |