2016 Archives
The Moral Obligation and Duty of Scholars
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
January 7, 2016
The Moral Obligation and Duty of Scholars is non existent as MOEC enters nearly 28 years as a Manifest Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over one person your author Bhakta David Nollmeyer. This becomes even more odious as Janet Napolitano whom had the legal authority to decapitate MOEC under Obamadid not perform her constitutional duties. I am arguing that if one had 90 credits at UC it would still take this person 10 years to study MOEC. I totally encourage anyone especially those in the social sciences or history domains to act. I believe that what I have written would hold off the development of Artificial General Intelligence. This is because if Watson at present was permitted to act autonomously out of it's sandbox by IBM and Homeland Security the Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Obama would be exposed and prosecuted as War Criminals.
The use of nativism is by the Gay Militia is creating the most incompetent persons in the United States. If one wished to defeat this nation prescribe that all high school graduates pass Algebra III and employee test every three years. The United States is doomed to second class intelligence. American Know Nothing is Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing.This system takes the least qualified persons (beta) and attacks the most qualified (alpha) under a theory of sexual emancipation. This Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is based on a same sex qualification for rights.
There is also a tidal wave of fentanyl or synthetic morphine swamping the nation with over 45,000 over dose deaths which can be traced back to strong surge by the Sinaloa Cartel. If Black Lives Matter, stop the Reverse Sting. The gang bang shoot em up is a hoax but everyone wants to play such. No one including the blacks is real about stopping it.
New Papers and Updates
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
February 6, 2016
It is clear that I am advancing in developing MOEC Studies. It is interesting that my tweener cohorts born between 1960 to 1964 have no posted output on MOEC. Hence according to Skinner the literature and freedom helps those enslaved to escape. UC California and Cambridge are damaged. On will note the comparison between those persons from Delaware where I grew up and my performance towards a War Crime Tribunal.
I have posted a new website with a critique of Barack Obama's final State of the Union. His claimed that the United States can not be attacked to date is untrue. His legal standing is in jeopardy within and without the United States:
I have found a missing link to a paper on William Eskridge. I have created a site on my Official Position on HIV AIDS, and my new Twitter account:
Ontological Convergence with the Development of Superintelligence
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
March 22, 2016

MOEC Studies will exist as a counterfactual to any spurious claim of Artificial Intelligence that arises that does not recognize such. The theater in which the human race exist in currently should be challenged. The University of California and Cambridge are attempting a very bold maker taker juggernaut in sanitizing history. The exit of Ronald Reagan is a very unique point of investigation that any AI will need to be able to define.
UC Berkeley was heavily anti Reagan. Currently Boalt Hall has connections to Clinton.
My course of study was directed to finish my life with demonstrable math proficiency. During this Scorched Earth I restudied Algebra 1,2,3, Pre Calculus and now a Behavioral Science textbook. I had also planned to restudy Predicate Calculus which I already knew the basics of formal proofs. One should never let their math skills decay.
I am clearly being Targeted as the Singularity Experiment. I have the entire Treatment imposed over my person. There is no Control population. You are a Fractal of Kroni. Algebra 3 is the international standard for high school graduation. This is grade 12 or 18 years of age. One should expect this baseline to be used in hiring firing by the day.
I displeased that I am still fighting alone. Just as an embryonic Supercomputer uses regressive programming to teach itself, I have to teach myself new skills under Totalitarianism. LAPD is being lead in this by computer scientists and line officers. I graduated in 2000 with three AA degrees. At that time Algebra 2 was the standard which I took Predicate Calculus. Now Algebra 3 is required. The computer skills of LAPD are 2000 era. Hence Cobalt and Fortran. The math skills are Algebra 1 down from Calculus or Algebra 5. The return of Know Nothingness is exemplified by the scripting of Donald Trump and the 2016 Election farce.
Hillary Clinton is the Presumptive Democratic Candidate
Weed CA
June 7, 2016
Without going into unofficial details Hillary will be the 2016 Democratic Presidential Candidate versus Republican Donald Trump. The California Primary is today and it is hotly contested by Bernie Sanders. As stated I support a boycott. Hillary Clinton is already facing incredible allegations of criminality which would only escalate if she should prevail as expected. I do not see how many academics are going to survive MOEC either.The theater surrounding the collapse of the United States is severe. The Sports Entertainment Complex has provided no leadership. Muhammad Ali died on June 4, 2016. I recognize his accomplishments but this is a stain on his legacy. As the Olympics approach one should ascertain the multimillion dollar cheating ongoing in professional and amateur sports.
It takes a multi thousand dollar PED protocol to perform at this level. The average person does not have the genetics. These superior athletes cheat beyond believe while masses of persons live on the majority of people live on the margins of society. This forms part of the sibling cohort rivalry. I will address this issue in Journals and Lycurgus II.
Open Letter UC Berkeley
Weed CA
June 20, 2016
Dear UC Berkeley,
Janet Napolitano, UC President
Melissa Murray, Boalt Hall
Carla Hesse, Social Science
S. Shankar Sastry, Computer Science
Psychology Department, Staff
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It has been nearly 30 years or one generation since an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth began under then President Ronald Reagan on June 17, 1987 when I was in Dover, Delaware. Hence the Irrationalist Presidents comprise the roster of:
Ronald Reagan
George HW Bush
William Clinton
George W Bush
Barack Obama
I am clearly alleging that Cambridge Law School, United Kingdom is the Proximate Cause sine qua non of this attack. It is named Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or the acronym MOEC. It is the mechanism that expands and contracts the British Empire. MOEC is a Prisoner's Dilemma based defection model.
I have decided to write you now as events relating to the Black Swan nature are incurring with increasing frequency. In the beginning of 2016 I was wintering in Blythe, California. I wished to post up an Appendix basic framework to my text Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part III or the Black Swan. I did so and then at the beginning of May decided to take a month off to relocate to Lake Shastina, California near Mt. Shasta where I am writing now.
On June 12, 2016, the worst mass murder in United States History occurred. I began to restart work on the Appendix. I simply marked up the selection on the Black Swan Theory supra. I did not know that earlier at 2:00 AM Orlando, Florida EST, a Omar Marteen of Ft. Pierce, Florida entered the Pulse nightclub. This is a LGBTi establishment. Gay Pride week begins Monday, the 20th and runs until the national parade on Sunday the 26th. The shooter called 911 during the attack claiming allegiance to Islamic State. Forty nine persons have been reported killed and 45 are injured.
The Black Box

Below we posit the Graphical User Interface GUI of MOEC. Origin is the Organic Cell.
Control |
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
MOEC expands and contracts the British Empire by a hub and node system of informants in every police stationhouse worldwide. I am alleging that Los Angeles Police Department LAPD, California is the main hub conducting MOEC. This agency contains a Gay Militia which is an Alter Ego to the Islamic State and al Bhagdadhi it's Caliph.
Within the legal framework of MOEC's Undermining the entire operation is designed to Alienate one individual against the whole. In essence my Bill of Right protections are abrogated. The Joe Virus scenario posits a targeting of Gemeinschaft or rural areas with Nativism versus more urban Gesselschaft communities that are based on rational models as the Social Contract Theory.
Hence MOEC Strategic Mission is Gay Marriage. This has occurred in the United States. I am alienated due to a macropolarization based on Homosexuality versus Heterosexuality. A sexual qualification for rights or legal person has been imposed over the world's culture.
MOEC is a continuing criminal conspiracy and a RICO Criminal Enterprise.
The RICO Statutes or more correctly the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act are fast becoming a major source of legal code for both criminal and civil actions. More formally RICO is TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 96, Section 1961 of the United States Code.
In simplicity one may not use, manufacture, possess, distribute any crime or guide, participate, or receive any remuneration from the enterprise.
Consider chemicals in the LAPD stationhouse and President Barack Obama in the White House. LAPD can not maintain a building, move, or order officers or persons to contaminate property by placing chemicals in their auto engines or other means. President Obama can not legally reside or maintain a dwelling while the nearly the entire State of California is sprayed. It is my understanding that electronic surveillance and environmental destruction is universal.
The Proximate Cause Test sine qua non is the efficient test. MOEC should be decapitated to it's Origin and the principals, accomplices, and accessories to the fact prosecuted. Victims should be compensated.
I argue that the Authorship are War Criminals on the Run. They are mass murderers as well as serial killers. MOEC is a homosexual blackmail, intimidation and hostaging ring. MOEC Studies is a counterfactual to the Censorship and Sanitization worldwide. Every domain and prominent academic in the University system is under attack. All sworn officials as Barack Obama, Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, Attorney General Kamala Harris and UC President and Ex Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano are suspect.
I or my estate will contest criminally and civilly any actor whom is in the criminal enterprise. The concept of Artificial Intelligence is also a focus as it appears quite conclusively that Technological Singularity is moving forward as instrument of Censorship and Sanitization.
Thank you for you consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Lake Shastina, CA
June 19, 2016
The Archives Have Been Migrated
Lake Shastina CA
August 20, 2016
The entire Archives have been migrated to HTML 5 CSS. This has been an extreme project on the domain and supporting sites. The last Archives to migrate are:
Both Archives are well worth the effort to read. MOEC Studies begins to take a more stable substance and format after 2010. I will attempt to work more on the Methodology and Citations in September. I have moved the old Appendix The Black Swan to Chapter 3 of the Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part III. The weather has hit over 110 degrees at least twice this month. It is just now peaking under 100.I hope to have Chapter 3 completed by mid September. If all goes as planned I will winter near Yuma AZ on the California side for the winter. There was a watershed of material for The Black Swan which was figured for the Appendix.
This concept is replicated at numerous levels in the social system and as well as individuals. It is obvious that Barack Obama is The Black Swan as well as al Bhagdadhi of Islamic State. Donald Trump's scripted histrionics make him another candidate.
Sibling cohort rivalries complement this concept as Obama and I are both 55 years of age. Michael Zaragoza MD is a cohort of Obama at Harvard. Zaragoza is from the high school Class of 1979 as is Obama. There is overwhelming Behavioral Statistics formulas implied which I will touch upon in completing the text. Princess Dianna is another cohort born in 1961. Her cousins from the Strong family both attended Caesar Rodney School District in Kent County, Delaware when Joe Biden was beginning his career.
Open Letter Governor Brown D California et al.
Lake Shastina CA
August 23, 2016

Governor Jerry Brown D California,
Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom D California,
Att. General Kamala Harris D California,
Special Rapporteur Agnes Calamard,
I am writing you today to complain of the extrajudicial Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over my person since June 17, 1987. I have alleged that Cambridge Law School is the Proximate Cause sin qua non. It is very clear that I am have been attacked based on a homosexual qualification for Bill of Rights recognition before the state. Since I am a heterosexual I have no rights. I believe that this design named Mobilization of Empire of Civilization or MOEC has only alienated one natural person myself. However this mechanism which is alleged to be a defection model of hub and nodes through every police stationhouse worldwide also has secondary and tertiary targets whom are subjected to Targeted Chemical Assaults TSA. They are the Fractals of Kroni. Kroni is a Vedic Antichrist whom is fragmented but will reorganize himself for a final battle with Mayon (Krishna).
The operation is stated to be operational from LAPD. It is argued that a Gay Militia as a hub orders MOEC worldwide. This places the State of California in criminal jeopardy worldwide.
I am stating that police credential standards and POST training are too low. If police officers were tested for Algebra 3 proficiency this would end the operation as the core members are not capable of more than a glorified Algebra I. There are 36 states that mandate Algebra 3 proficiency for high school graduation. The State of Arizona mandates 4 Algebras and two courses at Algebra 3.
Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm
Test for Echo
Francis MacDonald Cornford is proffered as the expert of the system and it's scapegoat. It appears that Trinity Theologians opposed the Law School and won a duel in which control of the System was at stake. The Law School reneged and these actors persist to date as the lesser of two evils. An Archetypal pattern is the story of Pan, Syrinx, and Echo. Pan is a prototypical figure in the development of an Adversary as is Thrasymachus. This is an elaborate proposition to develop. One narrative posits Syrinx's flight from Pan's erotic overtures while returning from the hunt. Syrinx fled without hearing Pan's overtures. Pan pursued her from Mount Lycaeum until she pleaded to her sister nymphs who immediately turned her into a reed before Pan could hold her. The wind blew through the reeds, producing a captivating melody. Pan still unable to discern which reed Syrinx was, cut seven or nine lengths constructing the Panpipe the instrument bearing the name of his beloved Syrinx.
Echo was a nymph who was a great singer and dancer whom would never fall for the love of any man. This angered Pan, whom is portrayed as being as being lecherous. Pan instructed his followers to kill her. Echo was torn to pieces and her body spread over the earth. Gaia, the Goddess of the Earth, recovered the pieces of Echo, whose voice remains repeating the last words of others.
This narrative has been extended through nodes to the profiling of actual natural persons. Hence this and many other narratives from Great Books and lesser are imposed over persons in a Reverse Sting Operation.
Chris Farrell Friday of Delaware is a target of homosexual misogyny her profile is derived from Echo. Bombarding my person 24/7 with this entrapment is an abuse of technology. I know her personally and was very close to her husband Louis Friday. We both lived in the same neighborhood, Rodney Village when Vice President Joe Biden first ran for the Senate.
This attack has a Master Passion feature that creates uses Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing imposed over theories of Sexual Emancipation. This is a fusion of alter egos as Gay Philosophy (phenomenology, relativity and consequentialism) and Nativism and Populism. I prefer Ethnic Nationalism as a Source of War.
The State of California is a legal jurisdiction with original jurisdiction over this claim. I am in Lake Shastina, Siskiyou County just north of Mt. Shasta.
It is prima facie that an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is occurring in this region. There have been instances in California when actual amphetamines have been sprayed on products. Usually sedatives, acids used to make drugs, and porta toilet (in reference to Commodious) are sprayed by using regular automobiles.
LGBTi History has just been mandated by Governor Brown. My prospective is a counterfactual to LGBTi History.
Decidability: A formal logic is decidable if it can be proven that A follows from T by a mechanistic algorithm of finite terms.A theory must have a model. A theory L is a well ordered system of at least one formula which must be true for the case to be true otherwise it is inconsistent.
We pursue a formulae in some system of sequences of formulae, within which we can define a property Is_a_proof(p) capable of being verified by an algorithm, such that we can be certain that the final component t of any sequence p satisfying Is_a_proof(p) is universally valid. Then we can use intuition freely to find aesthetically pleasing sequences p, the proofs, leading to interesting end goals t, the theorems (Schwartz).
From the theorems it is then possible to extract a witness. Art is long, life is short. In this instance the witness that proves that 0=1 must be a number not a natural person whom testifies only what is true.
Hence there have about 1.2 million person infected with HIV AIDS in the USA. In California, an estimated 119,878 people are living with HIV and AIDS. Of these, an estimated 73,291 were living with AIDS at the end of December 2013.
These persons are being Chemically Assaulted. No one has stepped forward. Eventually this event has to be accounted for. It will Undermine LGBTi claims.
It is clear that Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom as public and natural persons have a stake here.
I am claiming that MOEC is a de facto extrajudicial War Crime. It has elements have hatred, and malicious that equates to cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment under California law. The State of California is likely to brought as principal in criminal and civil actions worldwide.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Lake Shastina CA
August 23, 2016
Open Alexa Koenig, Gabor Betegh, David Grimes
Lake Shastina CA
September 4, 2016
Dear Alexa Koenig: UC Berkeley
Gabor Betah: Cambridge University
David Grimes: Oxford University
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Gabor Betegh |
David Grimes |
Impure Synchronicity
All Swans Are White
I am writing you today to express my concerns about the de facto and omissive recognition, moral, and legal obligation to recognize an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over solely one natural person, my self, Bhakta David Nollmeyer. This action has transpired since June 17, 1987, or nearly one generation. The allegation or conjecture is that this operation that is named Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC is the mechanism that expands and contracts the British Empire. It is furthered argued as fact, that the Membership is composed mainly of Cambridge Law School Lawyers and Trinity Fellows. This accusation is not new and has it's own mythology which is partially true. The main support is the British at this time are an intelligence hegemon and have social engineered a prisoner's dilemma based defection model through every police stationhouse worldwide. The Sykes Picot Agreement, creation of Israel, and the creation of Bangladesh support this claim.
The interesting concern is that Francis MacDonald Cornford is figured as the Machiavelli and scapegoat of MOEC. I do not believe that he is the leader. The worst actor is figured to be the alleged lawyer whom authored the in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
Below we posit the Graphical User Interface GUI of MOEC. Origin is the Organic Cell. It appears to be a variant of a Turing Machine. The implication is that there is an attempt control the machinations of a Turing Machine via prisoner's dilemma by a Supercomputer.
The last cell on the lower right in the third column may be any social system model. Varna asrama is used as I am a Vedic practioner.
A counterfactual is a witness or the opposite of a stated claim in logic.
Dmytro Taranovsky in his 2006 paper, Constructive Mathematical Truth argues:
Equivalently, witnesses can be described in computational terms. Witnesses are given as a blackbox or an oracle and need not be constructive. When given a witness, you may give it input and will receive appropriate output; you will get no other information. Multiple instances of a witness can be run, and any instance can be copied. When requested a witness (as input to a witness), you simply accept input and provide appropriate output; you may give false output, but that may cause the instance of the witness to enter an infinite loop or give arbitrary output. A witness may take arbitrarily long to give an answer and may call appropriate witnesses (for example, a witness to A→B may call a witness to A) an unlimited number of times. A witness for a statement containing '→' can also be viewed as a functional of a higher type (Taranovsky 2006).
The above described witness is a natural number and not a natural person.
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Particular History |
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Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
I am arguing that the proximate cause sine qua non are War Criminals on the Run. This system has created five Irrationalist Presidents:
Ronald Reagan
George HW Bush
William Clinton
George W Bush
Barack Obama
It is evident that our civilization has been Scripted into a theater of war of pathos and tragedy. There is an in continuo component of electronic sweeps consisting of simultaneous longitudinal and crossectional sibling and cohort rivalries which are easily converted into parametric and non parametric information through Behavioral Statistics.
The end goal is to achieve Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal where criminal and civil actors are identified and victims compensated.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Lake Shastina CA
September 3, 2016
Efraim Zuroff: On War Criminals
Big Pine CA
October 4, 2016
Efraim Zuroff on being a Nazi hunter: "I pray for the good health of war criminals."
"We have to work based on tips primarily, not exclusively, on people who may or may not be alive today, healthy enough to be brought to trial, who may or may not be Nazi war criminals. If we were to go case by case, crime by crime, we would be very focused, but instead we're living off tips of who may or may not be Nazi war criminals. In many cases it simply turns out that the tips are either not valuable, or it's mistaken, Zuroff states.
A legal game changer was in 2008 when in Germany a law was passed in Germany determining that as long as there was proof that suspects had served at one of the concentration camps with apparatus for mass murder, Auschwitz Birkenau, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor and Treblinka, these actors could be convicted. "That basically changed the whole playing field. All I need now is a document rather than a live witness."
The analogy here in the United States can not be understated. Dodo or one of the police officers paired to leadership are configure in the Chinese Room Test of John Searle. In this instance Searle argues that if a computer was intelligent it would have to more than be able to mimic communication between humans. Hence if a researcher was communicating with him unseen in Chinese on a terminal if someone would pass him the answers he could respond without having any intelligence of Chinese. The police officers in question are acting under Prisoner's Dilemma and they are being entrapped while they are reverse stinging the population.
The phrase In the end what happens? is a cue that demonstrates to a controller that a War Crimes Trial with criminal charges and compensation is inevitable. The consideration of statutes of limitations, amnesty, and pardons will not cover the damage to lives, property, and the environment.
The Black Swan: Donald Trump Defeats Hillary Clinton
Desert Shores CA
November 10, 2016
In a historic twist of fate Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the Electoral College while losing the popular vote to win the Presidency on November 8, 2016. This aligns an Alter Ego conceptualization of the Black Swan with Barack Obama. Trump won while the final polling had him losing by about 4%. The key swing states of Michigan, Wisconsin, West Virginia, and Iowa were fatal to the Red Democrats hopes.
Trump won the Electoral College 279 to 228. Clinton won 48 percent of the popular vote to 47 percent or 59,588,437 votes to 59,794,935.
Excerpts from Trump's Contract with the American Voter
What follows is my 100 day action plan to Make America Great Again. It is a contract between myself and the American voter and begins with restoring honesty, accountability and change to Washington
Therefore, on the first day of my term of office, my administration will immediately pursue the following six measures to clean up the corruption and special interest collusion in Washington, DC:
On the same day, I will begin taking the following 7 actions to protect American workers:
* FIRST, I will announce my intention to renegotiate NAFTA or withdraw from the deal under Article 2205
* SECOND, I will announce our withdrawal from the Trans Pacific Partnership
* THIRD, I will direct my Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator
* FOURTH, I will direct the Secretary of Commerce and U.S. Trade Representative to identify all foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact American workers and direct them to use every tool under American and international law to end those abuses immediately
* FIFTH, I will lift the restrictions on the production of $50 trillion dollars worth of job producing American energy reserves, including shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal
* SIXTH, lift the Obama Clinton roadblocks and allow vital energy infrastructure projects, like the Keystone Pipeline, to move forward
* SEVENTH, cancel billions in payments to U.N. climate change programs and use the money to fix America's water and environmental infrastructure
Additionally, on the first day, I will take the following five actions to restore security and the constitutional rule of law:
* FIRST, cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama
* SECOND, begin the process of selecting a replacement for Justice Scalia from one of the 20 judges on my list, who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States
* THIRD, cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities
* FOURTH, begin removing the more than 2 million criminal illegal immigrants from the country and cancel visas to foreign countries that won't take them back
* FIFTH, suspend immigration from terror prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur. All vetting of people coming into our country will be considered extreme vetting
The Preliminary Ethnography of MOEC
Desert Shores CA
December 5, 2016
The Preliminary Ethnography of MOEC has been updated. I strongly urge all to read such as it an excellent tool to explain many events that mainstream academia, media, and the government will not address.
It is evident that Lycurgus or an Akbar event was a focal target of an attempt to write an ethnography. In this instance one would most likely be a participant observer. I have written Lycurgus and have a Chapter 1 of Lycurgus II written. These events were prepared for me to consider under what is now known as Akbar. In review MOEC has two subsystems: 1. Lycurgus Akbar 2. Syrinx.
Lycurgus: This stage exists when one is the focus of a limited Targeted Chemical Assault under Electronic Surveillance
Akbar: This subsystem is related to nuclear events or when one has the rights totally abrogated by MOEC under Chemical Assault Scorched Earth and Electronic Surveillance. This has occurred. It is to be noted that I am the only target of Akbar or my descent.
Syrinx: All nuclear events as Chernobyl and Fukushima are classified here. (DWN November 24, 2017)
In this consideration:
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
2016 Archives
Trump Establishment Speech
January 1, 2017
Desert Shores CA
Happy New Year!!!
The surprise victory of Donald Trump presents an interesting and in my opinion Scripted aperture in California History. There is very little doubt that UC California was solidly behind Clinton. I will comment later after the Inauguration on January 20, 2017.
Rioters at UC Protest Milo Yiannopoulos
February 21, 2017
Desert Shores CA
Rioting erupted at UC Berkeley ahead of a planned Wednesday appearance by alt right commentator Milo Yiannopoulos resulting in $100,000 of damage to the school.
150 masked agitators caused the unrest, according to UC.
Two Berkeley College Republicans "were attacked while conducting an interview" on the campus on Thursday, UC Berkeley stated.
Milo's speech hosted by the Republican Club was canceled. UC Berkeley said it removed him from campus "amid the violence and destruction of property and out of concern for public safety." The Black Bloc is the name of the anarchist group that has been causing problems in Oakland for years, said Dan Mogulof, UC Berkeley spokesman.
Complaint: California Governor Edmund Brown D California
March 3, 2017
Desert Shores CA
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The United States has been undergoing an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth since June 17, 1987 when I was in Dover, Delaware. 1987 is the year of the 200th Anniversary of the United States Constitution. The attack is alleged to be designed by Cambridge Law School, United Kingdom.
An interesting component of the System is that the entirety of the attack is imposed over only one natural person, myself, Bhakta David Nollmeyer. The remainder of the population are Fractals of Kroni. Kroni is an Antichrist figure.
In the Ayyavazhi faith, the Nadutheerpu is the Final Judgment from which Kroni, the primordial Manifestation of Evil was sentenced to hell. During this judgment his unlawful activities of all the seven previous Yugas are returned once again to him and he was finally thrown into the hell.
Ayyavazhi Mayon is Vishnu of the Vedas. Kroni was severed into asuras as six fragments: 1. Kuntomasali 2. Thillaimallalan and Mallosivakanan 3. Suraparppan Sinkamukasuran and Iraniyan 4. Ravanan 5. Thuriyothanan and the Ninety Nine Brothers 6. Kaliyan In Vedic Ayyavazhi tradition Kalki is the final avatar that deals with corrupt government at the end of the last Yuga or time period, Kali.
In this consideration, I was presented a briefing defining the event. As seen under then President Ronald Reagan my Sovereign Citizen positive rights were abrogated. This substantively figures on my Bill of Rights safeguards.
Essentially what is occurring is a duel under a Prisoner's Dilemma mutation named Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC by the Authorship. This is claimed to be a Membership of Cambridge Lawyers and Theologians. In it's construction as a System it appears that the Lawyers were placed on the Number Line. This is the same integer based system used from grade to graduate school.
It is argued that Cambridge Law School or MOEC as they wished to style themselves are the mechanism that expands and contracts the British Empire. This is facilitated by a hub and node system of Informants in every police stationhouse worldwide.
The GUI of the system is presented below. As the ontological ends of an implied computer system what is seen is a suprasystem controlling all the systems, subsystems, and components similar to an operating system.
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Particular History |
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Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
Mobilization of Empire and Civilization MOEC is the name of this operation. It is Cambridge planning that expands and contracts the British Empire. MOEC is imposed over only one person in it's entirety. I am the only person to have these components over my natural person and citizenship:
Electronic Surveillance - Stalking
Biological Warfare
Chemical Warfare
Nuclear Warfare
The remainder of the world's population are fractals.
MOEC has two subsystems:
Lycurgus: Electronic Surveillance Stalking
Akbar: The morphing of Lycurgus into a stage where I am held under an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth Electronic Surveillance State.
Syrinx: According to the briefing must be a component. It defines all nuclear events as the atomic bomb, Chernobyl, and Fukushima. Otherwise three subsystems would exits instead of two.
Fractal Flower was a creation on a logarithm by a tutorial on freeware.
MOEC has an algorithm allegedly consisting of only Male Same Sex Male persons.
The Membership are lead by Cambridge Lawyers and are the Image of X domain that will script a reverse sting of mens rea and actus rea for members in the range set Y. The Gay Militia officers in Scotland Yard and LAPD are set Y.
It is held that one member is the point man for the Image of X. However I would strongly hold that collective traits are being conditioned in the range or output in the population. LAPD or Scotland Yard are a lower level on a tree implementing the Reverse Sting Operation.
Level A: Cambridge Membership
Level B: LAPD and Scotland Yard
Level C: Local Code Enforcement
Level D: Population
MOEC has a Strategic Mission of Gay Marriage. This attack is based on a Homosexual Qualification of Rights before the court. I am a heterosexual, and a so called Japanese American ritvik Hare Krishna terms I do not like this labelling but such satisfies technical legal codes as the 14th and 8th Amendment and civil right standards.
MOEC is a Cultural Singularity versus Technological Singularity. The current theme is Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity. Homo sapiens is a natural species living in an environment capable of creating artifacts as tools which in turn create ecologies which such adapt to in feedback loops. Cognitive amplifiers and Manual amplifiers are the two main technologies that lead to class stratification.
This theme discusses humanity and their artifacts such as metallurgy and their individual and class stratification effects.
Also under MOEC there is also a sibling cohort rivalry under an unseen father and mother figure.
The following is the Couple (engineering), similar to a steering wheel that will guide the Tryad of MOEC (Salton Sea), Chernobyl, and Fukushima in developing the Cord of Life or social fabric. There are a discreet but very large amount of events that are manmade acts of crime and are destructive as fentanyl, synthetic heroin. The modern word syringe derives from Syrinx.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment
MOEC is the United States Chernobyl and Fukushima. Hence we have a Tryad of events in Akbar. The Salton Sea was created by an engineering blunder in 1905. It may have to be eventually entombed in cement after being drained or have the sand underneath it buried, incinerated, or gradually dropped down to the bottom of the Ocean(?). The Salton Sea is the main evidence in a future War Crimes Tribunal perhaps in United States Federal Court. The wheat in fields will burn your hand but such is being sent to market. I have an extensive federal court docket of which I have told the Court of this dating back to the Salmon Rushdie Satanic Verses era.
Recently a Hare Krishna devotee posted a picture of the Collatz Conjecture:

I researched and found another picture, Apollonian Spheres which is derived from the Collatz Conjecture:

There is a very advanced ecology and cartography at play. Individuals and collectives have to learn to adapt to these manmade catastrophes. Two are recognized. MOEC is not. Hence the name Syrinx, a siren song describing the doom of the world. Akbar occurs when two or more Sphere models collide. This is implied in my opinion I do not believe a system of three or more dimensional sphere models exist. What occurs is simply an old fashioned manual Reverse Sting Operation.
I wrote down the Organic Cell (GUI) and the following in Chipley, Florida in the late 1990s. They are both alleged to be of Cambridge Authorship.
England is the Mind, the United States is the Bodyguard
MOEC is the acronym of the System MOBILIZATION OF EMPIRE AND CIVILIZATION. The SYSTEM is allegedly of British design; that of Cambridge Law School. The paradigm is designed as a Suprasystem. This is state that MOEC is a higher structural system that manages lower subsystems an components. This is particularly aimed at Constitutions and computer operating systems which are constructed in a similar manner.
MOEC has a taxonomy of a genus and specie. One specie is dichotomized into two subspecies. The genus is Pseudo Apollo or Apollonian the Exterminator; an angel that falls from the heavens to lead the world into desolation. The two species are Dionysus Britainicus and Dionysus Americanus. the former is the Conqueror of Britain, the alpha member, and the latter is the Conqueror of America, the beta member. Hence, Dionysus Free versus Dionysus Bound.
There are two main subsystems in MOEC: 1. Lycurgus 2. Akbar
There are three main components:
Biological Warfare
Chemical Warfare
Nuclear Warfare
Lycurgus is identifiable by an electronic surveillance state. Under these conditions one constant individual is entrapped with a fullblown Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over his natural person and citizenship. In Lycurgus Undermining occurs where only a marginal attack is occurring. Other human and physical targets have a fractal of the constant or Ultimate Target. Akbar is a stage that has occurred when the Ultimate Target is undergoing the full blown Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. The United States has initiated Akbar since June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware. This was carried out by a Gay Militia operating out of Los Angeles Police Department.
Syrinx is identifiable by nuclear events It has an upper boundary of Limited Nuclear Destruction. The tsunami at Fukushima, Japan would be classified as in Syrinx.
Lycurgus is more likely to occur. It is designed to mutate into Akbar. Other severe human rights events may be considered as Akbar.
We will have witnessed a generation or 30 years of in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, Censorship and Sanitization on June 17, 2017. There are now six Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Trump:
Ronald Reagan
George HW Bush
William Clinton
George W Bush
Barack Obama
Donald Trump
The Proximate Cause Test sine qua non is correct to decapitate MOEC to it's Origin. I wish to expose, name, and bring to trial the principals, accomplices, and accessories to the fact. What is occurring mainly is a duel between Cambridge Lawyers, most likely dead for many years through a Gay Militia operating out of LAPD. I believe about 15,000 to 30,000 persons were directly entrapped in MOEC's Reverse Sting. This is a Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack. It has a polarity of homosexuality versus heterosexuality. Hence under a simple Chai Square Test are LGBTi persons or Opposite Sex persons more likely to be Atomized or create an Ideal State?
The engineering and math implied in MOEC are well beyond my capabilities. Whomever attacked the United States was well beyond a regular California State University computer science BS.
The people are being numbered and entered into Parameters. A very complex system of ANOVA based statistics is implied. This will merge the Schools of Math and Science and Liberal Arts.
This is not a zero sum game. There are winners and losers. An important social science concept is that persons are individually prepared and conditioned under a concept of expansion and contraction of an Empire.
Hence many persons at MIT and other schools are hubs and nodes under MOEC.
On June 17, 2017, an entire generation will have transpired. MOEC is a Scripted Black Swan and Runaway crushing Democracy under the United States.
I believe that the survival of Cambridge and many institutions and individuals that MOEC has entrapped is at stake.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Big Pine CA
April 17, 2017
Open Letter to West Point
Chester CA,
June 17, 2017
The Theater of War
The Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack
Dear West Point,
Superintendent L. Caslen, Jr.,
Command Sergeant Major Timothy A. Guden,
Chaplain (COL) Matthew Pawlikowski
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On June 17, 1987 the United States entered the Manifest Function of Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC. This activity reflects the allegation that Cambridge Law School operates the processes that expand and contract the British Empire.
I was in Dover, Delaware the date or 30 years one generation when this event began under then President Ronald Reagan.
As seen MOEC has entrapped and severely damaged the posterity of the sworn officials whom it denotes as the Irrationalist Presidents:
Ronald Reagan
George HW Bush
William Clinton
George W Bush
Barack Obama
Donald Trump
To understand events our solid Methodology permits us to analyze any object as a holon being processed within a System to obtain a solid analysis of any object at any level. It is important to understand that the Authorship desires to design an ecology as if one was building a computer operating system and subsequently develop it's Theater of War within such. In stating Theater of War I am referring literally to a theater of space and time where one wishes to move, operate, create, and eliminate objects to accomplish one's tasks and goals. In a more conventional analysis this refers to a war where the government will change hands according to the outcome.
Another further consideration is that the entirety of this battle plan is imposed over one person. All others in the population are fractals.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
The Paradigm of Laws:
Eternal Law
Natural Law
Positive Law
Classical Forms of Government
Pure |
Impure |
Kingship |
Tyranny |
Aristocracy |
Oligarchy |
Polity |
Democracy |
Prisoner's Dilemma
Prisoner B Stays Silent |
Prisoner B Betrays |
Prisoner A Stays Silent |
Each serves six months |
Prisoner A serves ten years Prisoner B goes free |
Prisoner A Betrays |
Prisoner A goes free Prisoner B serves ten years |
Each serves two years |
Control |
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
There are two main subsystems in MOEC: 1. Lycurgus 2. Syrinx
Lycurgus is characterized while I am under Electronic Surveillance and a Targeted Chemical Assault. Akbar the condition where I am subjected to a fullblown Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. The world has existed under Akbar since June 17, 1987.
There are three main components:
Electronic Surveillance Stalking
Biological Warfare Chemical Warfare
Nuclear Warfare
MOEC Studies argues that the Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm is based on a Despotism where an Informant rises to the Despot and replicates himself in the individual and culture. Everything empirically exist in space and time. In Prisoner's Dilemma defection is betrayal and cooperation is rational and the rule of law. As stated under Sovereign Citizen Relations the Despot wishes to give a gift to every person. In this manner a Reverse Sting will develop the government that is prosecutable in the United States from 1971 under the Racketeered Influenced Corrupt Organization or a Criminal Enterprise. Formally RICO is TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 96, Section 1961 of the United States Code.
The implications of racketeering as piracy and slavery are historical since the beginning of governance. There are international RICO statutes.
It is clear that MOEC, or the United Kingdom, has developed a hub and node system of informants through every police stationhouse worldwide. This hub and node system is the object of competition between all governments. It appears that this System is extended intentionally from the Book of Daniel and Revelation in reference to a final empire that fragments into many parts and destroys all other nations. This may be seen as ten toes in Daniel or ten horns in Revelation. In this instance I argue that every major leader in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Vedanta, and Buddhism has been chosen through MOEC. I am clearly the only target of Operation Akbar that has the in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over their natural person. The remainder of the 7.5 billion inhabitants of our earth are Fractals of Kroni. Kroni is an Antichrist figure in Ayyavazh branch of Vedanta.
Platonism or the worship of Zeus comprises part of what is considered a cornerstone of Western Civilization along with Christianity. The Republic and the Bible are the two touchstone texts.
Hence the driver of MOEC and the Anglo American Irrationalist Era are heavily Scripted in a Theater of War. This is reflective of the Greek Drama which is a polarity of humor and pathos. In the instance it appears that Francis Macdonald Cornford is being presented as the Machiavelli who exacts revenge on the other traditions for allegations of extincting Platonism. It is argued that Christianity defeated the Neo Platonists circa 3 AD. In this instance Cornford is figured as avenging this defeat nearly single handedly versus Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Vedanta, and Buddhism.
The Image of X is a composition of functions that replicates the Membership's Imprimatur on both Civilization and in many instances cradle to grave eugenic breeding. This image is developed under Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. In the deliberation for equality, Straight Irrationalism Straight Know Nothing should be considered.
The extensible tree of MOEC will postulate the Membership of MOEC, hence Cambridge Lawyers and Trinity Theologians as The Wizard of Oz. It is claimed here that the film was intentionally planted as Gemeinschaft culture. This is an analogy which is more folkish than the development of Geselschaft culture or the development of all domains as a science. This is very serious for Christianity as the Bible forbids the worship of wizards, witches, and soothsayers. Moses and Aron lead the Jews out of slavery in Egypt where battles between the Moses' and the Pharaoh's wizards are part of Exodus.
If one were to consider an eschatology or ontology descending from Spirituality, Morality, and Intelligence radiating to the individual or a culture then Cornford is presented as the thinker whom understood the political tactics and strategy of Undermining one system and replacing such.
An example is that if I were to choose to start or be part of Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Vedic, or Buddhist church, temple, or synagogue, would such be authentic if I am following the Scripting of MOEC or any other actor that has orchestrated War Crimes or other serious deviance of magnitude?
In continuation, I am located in Weed, Siskiyou, California just north of Mt. Shasta. The Battle of Gaugamela is imposed over the area reflecting the Revelation of Krishna to Arjuna and the Angel Presenting a City to Gabriel.
In MOEC, a very ancient tactic of placing the most incompetent and corrupt policeman as a microsystem against the most talented person (summon bonnum).
In MOEC there is a Scripted macropolarization conflict between homosexuality and heterosexuality. This descends from the Ex Deux Maquina and into my person. I am the only individual with the totality of MOEC imposed over one. The remaining population then form the Fractals of Kroni.
The Battle of Gaugamela is the decisive battle of Alexander the Great's invasion of the Persian Achaemenid Empire. Alexander's army of the Hellenic League defeated the Persian army of Darius III at Gaugamela, near present day Mosul in Iraq. Alexander the Great is considered by many to the world's greatest general. In interest a mosaic of him was discovered in a Jewish temple. All of the other frescos were based on Jewish scripture save for Alexander.
This battle classically assumes almost mythical proportions with estimates of Darius having 300,000 soldiers to Alexander's 50,000. Modern estimates diminish to about a third.

The Western United States
The Battle of Gaugamela is imposed over Weed, California. Alexander would be facing north of Mt. Shasta and Darius facing south toward the mountain.
The initial formation had the left flank refused, hence a majority position would be on Alexander's right flank. Usually the refused flank is in echelon or staggered. Here Alexander's left center is in a retreating left diagonal or echelon.
In an Oblique Order the concentration of forces deploys first. After penetrating the echelon would proceed in sequence to meet the initial line as it curls inward and rolls the enemy as the echelon advances and reinforces.
Alexander was mounted on horseback on his right flank. His tactic was the Hammer and the Anvil. As such he was seeking to create a gap, here in the enemy line in the center in which he could penetrate and rear forcing the enemy into the advancing Macedonian regulars. This was achieved by having hoplites with slings that ran on foot in front of the cavalry seeking to harass Darius' left flank.
However the Persian and Indian cavalry broke in the center and proceeded to the camp to loot. Parmenion, Alexander's general on the left flank was under attack. Here Alexander choose to aid Parmenion rather than pursue Darius whom quit the field and fled after Alexander had broke on his left center.
Some modern theorists have argued that Alexander executed a type of Oblique Order: Left flank twice refused. Here it appears that Parmenion's refused flank was meant to attempt to fix Darius's troops. Hence by the center left echelon it appears that Alexander wished to lure Darius to deploy into the center to counterattack and roll the enemy into the advancing and reinforcing echelon. It is evident from the initial formation a holon or miniature of the Oblique Order was arranged on Alexander's right flank and imposed over this location. The evidence strongly reflects a feedback loop of a circular argument where one person, here your author is running the gauntlet of the world's population. In corrupt police work this is known as a relay.
Some coordination and training of Alexander's troops is indicated for the soldiers to quit the right side and extend a line of 180 degrees to aid Parmenion. Once refused would equal 90 degrees.

In chess the Vancura Position is a King, Rook Pawn endgame where white attempts to promote an outside passed pawn on the A file with the Rook on A 8. The Vancura Position (see diagram) is a drawing position with a rook and rook's pawn versus a rook, when the pawn is not beyond its sixth rank, and the stronger side's rook is in front of the pawn (Dvoretsky 2006) (Mueller 2014).
The position was studied by Josef Vancura (1898 1921), and published in 1924. Black's rook keeps attacking the pawn from the side from some distance away, while preventing the white king from finding asylum from checks which is the key issue in our discussion. the black king is stationed on the opposite side of his rook as the pawn to not block the checks. The black rook moves behind the pawn as soon as the pawn moves up to the seventh rank. Black's king must be near the corner on the opposite side of the board if the pawn advances to its seventh rank so the white rook cannot check the black king and then support the advance of the pawn, or sacrifice it's pawn to skewer Black's king and rook on the seventh rank thus winning the game.
In this composition white's material advantage of an advanced pawn does not facilitate victory.
18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)
Current through Pub. L. 114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)
The Presidential Oath of Office:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution requires that before presidents can assume their duties they must take the oath of office. The completion of this thirty five word oath ends one president's term and begins the next.
History is being driven by an American Vichy constructed by the Enemy. I am arguing that MOEC is the fourth war fought against Britain.
If I am white in chess, I can not promote my pawn. I held under 24 hours electronic surveillance by a Gay Militia. This Militia is the Alter Ego of the Islamic State. One of my best chances would be to skewer the King (President) along the 7 rank winning his rook as he takes my passed pawn.
Conversely if I am black, I am able to prevent the white king from receiving asylum from checks insuring a draw.
The natural man is a sinner. He or she is an Informant in a Tyranny of the Majority. I am in Plumas County, California. This is the 1st Federal District of R Doug LaMalfa. One may notice that California requires only two maths, one arithmetic and algebra 1 for graduation. Oregon and Nevada require geometry which is algebra 3 level. Arizona is robust and requires 4 algebras two at the 3 level.
The wordings of the current oath of enlistment and oath for commissioned officers are as follows:
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).
"I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)
The alienation of my Bill of Rights protections is based on a same sex qualification. This is three anal sex acts to prevent the Manifest Chemical Assault.
It is strongly based in fact that LAPD contains a Gay Militia. This part of a Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack. Hence this is the bottom ten percentile versus the top ten percent. I see the graduates of West Point are Second Lieutenants. Criminal speech can develop mens rea or criminal intent. The primary examples of the current version of Hanoi Rose states," In the end what happen?" A Nuremberg War Crimes trial in US Federal Court or at the International Crime Court if that is the correct jurisdiction. A Marshall Plan would follow.
West Point is very rigorous academically. Ethnic Nationalism as a Source of War is a salient them. To listen to LAPD recruitment LGBTi persons for same sex acts to promote themselves is abusive and vulgar which I will oppose at every level of society, the President to the homeless. This is also paired to the absurd notion that if one drinks at the local bar and owns a Mossberg shotgun that are entitled to a job. The verdict is that an Islamic State fighter who is on a martyrdom mission and states, "Tell them that it is Islamic State in Yemen." speaks for itself.
18 U.S. Code § 2382 - Misprision of treason
Current through Pub. L. 114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)
US Code
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §?330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)
I am writing you because I have a legacy of court records and letters to every level of government official concerning the Misprisions of Treason. Homeland Security is derelict of duty and AWOL.
The United States exists in a runaway of hypocrisy and Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Chester CA
June 17, 2017
Oaths. Oaths. Retrieved from: http://www.history.army.mil/html/faq/oaths.html
Mueller, K. (2014). Understanding the Vancura Draw. Chessbase. Retrieved from: http://en.chessbase.com/post/karsten-mueller-understanding-the-vancura-draw
Girlfriend Shoots Boyfriend Making YouTube Video
Chester CA,
July 4, 2017

A Minnesota woman killed her boyfriend Monday by shooting at a book he was holding over his chest, in a YouTube video stunt gone wrong. Monalisa Perez,19, was attempting to make a viral video with boyfriend Pedro Ruiz III, 22, to post to their YouTube account, according to a Norman County Sheriff's Department arrest report.
Original reports stated that a high caliber pistol was shot at an encyclopedia that Ruiz was holding in front of him. Origin was an encyclopedia I was asked to write near the beginning of Akbar. Such was the first book I had attempted. It was mainly written in two takes single spaced on spiral bound and composition notebooks about 1997 by hand in Ruidoso, New Mexico. I had just published such on Kindle on June 27, 2017.
It also worthy to note that 34.7 percent of persons over 25 years of age have a 4 year degree in the United States. I am predicting in 2025 about 45 percent of adults over 25 will have a 4 year degree or greater. This is a support of Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity.
If you were the only person alienated with a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, how would you fight back?
A BA or BS at 130 credits should contain Algebra 5 or Calculus. A 2 year or AA should contain Algebra 4. High School should be Algebra 3.
The Origin of homo sapiens is escalating with genome sequencing. Fragments of Neanderthals, Cro Magnon, and humans have been found. The most recent find dates homo sapiens to 300,000 years ago in Morocco.
One should clearly be aware that MOEC or any other intelligent bases system may use a parametric or numeral score for evaluating a population. Without consciously attempting to, I wrote some of the strongest schools and professors in the United States in the run up to the 30th Anniversary of MOEC. The results from the last thirty years are not impressive. This is very poor for the build up of the Artificial Intelligence sector of computer science. Consciousness is the last battleground. The lack of Official Recognition has the Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Trump as mass criminals. The legal history of Barack Obama has very deep tentacles which has entangled many actors. Trump is the only person living whom has a legitimate probability of faring worse.
Six Figure Pensions For University Of California Teachers Surge 60% Since 2012
Big Pine CA,
October 1, 2017
Tyler Durden

Mark Yudof is responsible for the hiring of Obama Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano as UC Chancellor. This clearly explains the golden parachute. Crime pays. You may tell your child when we die we will go to heaven.
Los Angeles Times pointed out, there are over 5,400 retirees in the UC system drawing over $100,000 per year, a 60% surge since 2012. Moreover, there are nearly 3 dozen former teachers drawing over $300,000 per year.
In 2016 more than 5,400 UC retirees received pensions over $100,000.
The number of UC retirees collecting six figure pensions has increased 60% since 2012. There are three dozen received pensions in excess of $300,000 last year, four times as many as in 2012. Former UC President Mark Yudof, who worked at the university for only seven years, including one year on paid sabbatical and another in which he taught one class per semester. UC President Mark Yudof who collects $357,000 per year after working for only 7 years in the university system.
The average UC pension for people who retired after 30 years is $88,000.
Under the standard formula 2.5% of the highest salary times the number of years worked, Yudof's pension would be just over $45,000 per year, according to data provided by the university. Yudof negotiated a separate, more lucrative retirement deal for himself when he left his job as chancellor of the University of Texas to become UC president in 2008.
Yudof collected his $546,000 president's salary during a paid sabbatical year offered to former senior administrators so they can prepare to go back to teaching. The next year he continued to collect his salary while teaching one class per semester, bringing his tenure to seven years and securing the maximum $350,000 pension.
"I think this year's higher tuition is just the beginning of bailouts by students and their parents," said Lawrence McQuillan, author of California Dreaming: Lessons on How to Resolve America's Public Pension Crisis. "The students had nothing to do with creating this, but they are going to be the piggy bank to solve the problem in the long term."
The Culture of Incompetence and Corruption: President Napolitano is a War Criminal
Chester CA,
August 13, 2017

President Napolitano has gotten the Get Out Jail Card far too often. She will be implicated from her public career in Arizona as well as her post as Homeland Secretary under President Barack Obama who will share her historical fate.
Janet Ann Napolitano (/nəpɒlᵻˈtænoʊ/; was born November 29, 1957) she is an American politician, lawyer, and university administrator who served as the 21st Governor of Arizona from 2003 to 2009 and United States Secretary of Homeland Security from 2009 to 2013, under President Barack Obama. She has been president of the University of California system since September 2013.
Prior to her election as governor, she served as Attorney General of Arizona from 1999 to 2003. She was the first woman and the 23rd person to serve in that office. Napolitano is the 1977 Truman Scholar from New Mexico.
She has been the first woman to serve in several offices, including Attorney General of Arizona, Secretary of Homeland Security, and president of the University of California.
Forbes ranked her as the world's ninth most powerful woman in 2012. In 2008, she was cited by The New York Times to be among the women most likely to become the first female President of the United States. Some political commentators had suggested a possible candidacy in the 2016 election.[4][5] She had also been discussed as a contender for appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Janet Napolitano. Janet Napolitano. Wikipedia. Retrieved from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janet_Napolitano
MOEC Studies Has A New Domain
Bishop CA,
October 6, 2017
I placed my order for www.moec-studies on Sunday, October 1, 2017. That evening the worst mass murder in United States History occurred.
On the night of October 1, 2017, 59 people were killed and another 489 injured when a gunman opened fire on a large crowd of fans at the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada. The perpetrator was 64 year old Stephen Paddock of Mesquite, Nevada. Between 10:05 and 10:15 p.m. PDT, hundreds of rifle rounds were from his suite on the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay hotel. About an hour after firing ceased, Paddock was found dead in his hotel room from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. His motive remains unknown.
The incident is the deadliest mass shooting committed by a lone gunman in U.S. history. The crime reignited the debate about gun laws in the U.S., with attention focused on bump firing, a technique Paddock used to allow his semiautomatic weapons to fire at a rate similar to that of a fully automatic weapon.
Working Preface: Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV
Big Pine CA,
October 9, 2017
The Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV has a working Preface:
Open Letter: Arizona Officials
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
December 9, 2017
The Master Passion
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![]() |
![]() John McCain |
![]() |
Jeff Flake |
Raul Grijalva |
Governor Ducey R
Senator John McCain R
Senator Jeff Flake R
Representative Raul Grijalva D
President Janet Napolitano UC California
The present in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth against the United States has transpired for over 30 years or one generation. The attack began on June 17, 1987 while I was in Dover, Delaware. Ronald Reagan has just delivered a historic speech at the Berlin Wall on June 12 with Mikhail Gorbachev present.
The strongest allegation that supports over 30 years of Censorship and Sanitization of 7.6 billion persons worldwide is that Cambridge Law School, United Kingdom is the Proximate Cause sine qua non, Authorship, and Origin. It strongly supported that the United Kingdom expands and contracts through a system of informants in every police stationhouse worldwide not just building railroads and establishing courts as we have been previously taught. On reflection Iraq has just proclaimed victory over the Islamic State. President Trump has officially recognized Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel.
Hence this system has been given a name Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC. It even has a GUI for a computer program. Such reduces to prisoner's dilemma.
Classical Tyranny
Pure |
Impure |
Kingship |
Tyranny |
Aristocracy |
Oligarchy |
Polity |
Democracy |
Prisoner's Dilemma
Prisoner B Stays Silent |
Prisoner B Betrays |
Prisoner A Stays Silent |
Each serves six months |
Prisoner A serves ten years Prisoner B goes free |
Prisoner A Betrays |
Prisoner A goes free Prisoner B serves ten years |
Each serves two years |
Control |
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
Origin is the graphical user interface or GUI of MOEC. It ontologically would control all the systems that are aligned beneath such.
It is argued that LAPD contains a Gay Militia which is an alter ego to the Islamic State.
On about February 12, 2007 the Colorado River began Chemically Despoiled as did the air, water, and food in stores in my vicinity.
The strategic goal of this Master Passion is Sexual Emancipation. This is in particularity LGBTi recognition. This tacit movement is a RICO criminal enterprise that is a Greek Gift of the Gods Caveman Attack. The Sovereign Citizenship relationship and rule of law have been replaced by a homosexual quid pro quo for social advancement in the white, grey, and black markets.
The police in question are profiled in against the 1899 Catholic Catechism. Children receive this training at about 12 years of age. Abstractly the Gay Militia are Scripted on a Yellow Brick Road at about 90 IQ or less. There are 2.2 million persons in United States prisons with 50 percent testing between 8th and 12th grade. Arizona prescribes 4 Algebras with two courses at 3 for high school graduation. California prescribes two Maths with only Algebra I and no exit exam.
In this regard the dumbest man is pitted against the smartest. As he fails he begins to stalk. This is the invertebration of Homeland Security.
Hence homosexual or same sex acts facilitate steroid use beginning as early as kindergarten or first grade. The Russian Olympic team has been banned from the 2018 Winter Olympics. Racketeering of all sorts as drugs, human smuggling, and prostitution are facilitated by the reverse sting operation and crime creation. This results in the most successful drug dealers to avoid convictions for the longest time period by delivering same sex acts and setting up their customers and competitors.
Marriage breaking is extensive with homosexual misogyny targeting LGBTi females. Hence the Gay Militia was engaged in divorces before Gay Marriage was legal.
It is argued that if I had performed three homosexual anal sex acts the United States would not have been exposed to the full attack which has a code name of Lycurgus Akbar. I have contested this all the way to the Supreme Court as early as 1999 when Bill Clinton was being impeached.
In Westworld the cyborg prostitutes wish to become human. In 2017 entire families drag their children in front of the Gay Militia wishing to become prostitutes. Homosexuality slightly lessens the Chemical Assault only to establish the quid pro quo.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
MOEC has numbered the people. It is a very elaborate pseudo Experiment in eugenic breeding and ANOVA testing.
I have been briefed at a very high level. I have unentangled enough material to seat a Nuremberg Trial and support claims of a Marshall Plan against the United States. Factually any real investigation would prima facie recover treasure troves of data.
MOEC is imposed over one as a third legislator. I am about 50 years ahead of History and can easily defeat the Gay Militia. The entrapment model I am working through rates me between Franz Schubert and George Orwell and Aldous Huxley. I am easily beyond Orwell and Huxley.
My calculations have 50 percent of the population 25 or over having a BA degree at about 2025.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Ehrenberg AZ
December 9, 2017
MOEC: Mobilization of Empire and Civilization