2018 Archives
2018 Begins
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
February 20, 2018
The 2018 year is beginning. I have recovered some sites that have gone missing:
Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV is progressing. I hope to have Chapter 1 completed by April 1, 2018.
The country is fixated on mass murder and guns. Trump has just banned bump stocks. Crime as weapon against the nation is the issue. Mental health is closely related. Put 2 + 2 together. We live in Reverse Sting Purge. The in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is never mentioned by patriots or progressives.
Open Letter To The Technological Singularity Movement
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
March 8, 2012
My allegation is that the Singularity Movement is condoning this pre genocidal activity. Persons are clearly being isolated by the gender identity and sexual preferences.
Barack Obama's childhood nanny, Evie (Turdi), was a biological male who lived as female when she cared for the Obama household in Indonesia. Turdi is therefore a member of the transgendered persons under the LGBTi or Lesbian, Gay Bisexual, Transgendered, intersex movement. She is now openly living as a male abandoning her female clothing.
Evie (Turdi) found a transgendered friend murdered in Indonesia face down in a contaminated sewage canal two decades ago.
This morning on the way to buy what food I can eat I had to wash my hands in a chemically contaminated irrigation canal.
The Colorado River AZ CA and Salton Sea, CA have been chemically contaminated. I have been told that up to one third of the United States may have products contaminated from factory. Such products are sent near me in stores. The cotton fields and wheat fields are ruined. It would burn your hand to touch a bale of wheat or cotton. There are sheep grazing in a wheat field just west of where I am writing and they too are contaminated.
This attack has spanned over 30 years or one generation. It has been authored in the United States or overseas. I am alleging that University of Cambridge, United Kingdom are the Authorship and Proximate Cause.
I am claiming that this attack is a War Crime. According to the Geneva Convention and US Federal Law these acts are at issue. It is clear that the Chemical Assault affects the entire world.
1. Willful killing, or causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health
2. Torture or inhumane treatment
3. Unlawful wanton destruction or appropriation of property
4. Forcing a prisoner of war to serve in the forces of a hostile power
5. Depriving a prisoner of war of a fair trial
6. Unlawful deportation, confinement or transfer
7. Taking hostages
The following acts as part of an international conflict:
1. Directing attacks against civilians
2. Directing attacks against humanitarian workers or UN peacekeepers
3. Killing a surrendered combatant
4. Misusing a flag of truce
5. Settlement of occupied territory
6. Deportation of inhabitants of occupied territory
7. Using poison weapons
8. Using civilians as shields
9. Using child soldiers
10. Firing upon a Combat Medic with clear insignia
The following acts as part of a non international conflict:
1. Murder, cruel or degrading treatment and torture
2. Directing attacks against civilians, humanitarian workers or UN peacekeepers
3. Taking hostages
4. Summary execution
5. Pillage
6. Rape, sexual slavery, forced prostitution or forced pregnancy
I am stating that a Gay Militia is operating out of LAPD, California as a hegemonic hub controlling other state agencies for the Wizard of Oz Cambridge Law School. I have been told that these actors probably are dead. It is claimed that the planning of main attack against then President Ronald Reagan began in earnest in the 1930s.
I was born in Roswell, New Mexico on August 3, 1961. Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4, 1961.
Tulsi Gabbard was born April 12, 1981.
Danica Roem was born September 30, 1984.
It is evident that state planning is logarithmic based on distributive justice as the Authorship wishes to be dead before their strategy is activated.
This endeavor will begins with the tabula rasa or that the mind is a blank page on which to write. This also has an engineering perspective associated with such where a system is constructed with components that may changed. It is very clear that state planning is theater. We are living under a Perfect Dictator where the entire population are conditioned as informants then purged as needed.
This is particularly important for LGBTi rights as demonstrated by the history of Rep. Roem the nation's first transgender official. I will mention Mack Beggs a transgender boy, and two time Texas state high school girls wrestling champion.
Earlier in my life in Kent County, Delaware I was instructed to go in front of Michael Zaragoza's home. His parents are both doctors. He does not have a backyard. The family are tennis fanatics and they have a tennis court. Zaragoza is a two time state champion. He is now a doctor. He is also graduated from Harvard in 2003 with Obama. Joe Purzycki and Larry Stith were in the backyard. Purzycki was the Caesar Rodney High School football coach and Stith the soccer coach.
In front of the home I heard comment that was generated from an unknown concerning being a champion. Hence being a champion every day. This reflects an interview that Mack Begg's gave after winning in 2017.
An issue here is drug use and cheating. Mack is taking testosterone. There is also issue with illegal psychoactive drugs.
Bernie Sanders is a proclaimed Democratic Socialist has done nothing about opposition leadership. Gabbard has supported Sanders in his failed 2016 Presidential Campaign.
Sanders has built a reputation as a leading progressive voice on issues such as corporate welfare, global warming, income inequality, LGBT rights, and universal healthcare. Sanders has been critical of U.S. foreign policy and was an early and outspoken opponent of the Iraq War, the First Gulf War, and U.S. support for the Contras in Nicaragua. He is also outspoken on civil liberties and civil rights, criticizing racial discrimination in the criminal justice and advocating for privacy rights against mass surveillance policies such as the USA Patriot Act and the NSA surveillance programs.
Gabbard and I both use the Bhagavad Gita As It Is by Srila Prabhupada as our Bible.
Hence there is no free Get Out of Jail Card that has been authored to attack me and the population in the United States and world.
MOEC is a prima facie War Crime. The abuse that has occurred between 2008 and 2016 would arise to the most grievous human rights abuse against Obama. I would argue that Joe Biden, Janet Napolitano, and Eric Holder are also in jeopardy.
I do not exclude the other five Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Trump from the same legal standard as Obama. I consider a baseline of prosecution of 1955 forward.
There is a world population of 7.6 billion persons affected. Persons should consider the sworn testimony under oath at War Crimes Tribunal.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
March 5, 2018
Academic Ritualism
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
April 24, 2018
Academic Ritualism will play a decisive role in the future class stratification of the world. It is argued as axiomatic that PhD level scholars are the Authorship of MOEC. It would take about $120,000 dollars USD for me to complete one year of undergraduate work and four years of graduate study. The latter is construed to cost $20,000 per year. A 22 year old 2018 undergraduate will be $38,000 in debt at 6% percent interest. I personally predict that 50 percent of adults 25 and older will have at least a 4 year degree in 2025.
It costs about $8,000 per year to fund a student grade 1-12 or about $96,000.
The proliferation of fake news and attacks have escalated under a polarized culture across social media platforms as Facebook and Youtube.
A prominent published academic over the past 30 years of MOEC may only be 80 percent as advertised due to ontological and internal consistency. Hence the Censorship and Sanitization of academic work is in a state of wholesale fraud. Kurzweil predicts AGI in 2029. There is not even a known Turing Test available for scrutiny. This alone would be an accomplishment.
Bernie Sanders wishes to provide a $15 an hour job for every American. Soon in California alone 600,000 persons will lose their jobs because they cannot compete for a $15 per hour job.
George Deukmejian Is Dead
Weed CA
May 18, 2018

California Governor Courken George Deukmejian Jr. June 6, 1928 May 8, 2018 has died. Deukmejian was governor on June 17, 1987 the date that MOEC began. He clearly is a stonewall figure in the obstruction of justice that has damaged California, the United States and Democracy. Deukmejian was an American politician who was the 35th Governor of California from 1983 to 1991 and Attorney General of California from 1979 to 1983. Deukmejian was the first and so far the only governor of a U.S. state of Armenian descent.
Deukmejian was elected in 1982 to his first term as Governor of California, defeating Lieutenant Governor Mike Curb, a recording company owner, in the Republican primary. One of his early primary backers was former gubernatorial candidate Joe Shell of Bakersfield, California, a conservative who had opposed Richard M. Nixon in the 1962 primary.
Deukmejian defeated Tom Bradley with a 49.3% to 48.1% voter margin in the 1982 gubernatorial election Deukmejian narrowly defeated Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley in the general election. Deukmejian won the election by about 100,000 votes, about 1.2 percent of the 7.5 million votes cast. The victory came despite opinion polls leading up to the election that consistently showed Bradley with a lead, and despite exit polling conducted after voting closed that led some news organizations on the night of the election to make early projections of a Bradley victory. The discrepancy between the polling numbers and the election's ultimate results would come to be termed the Bradley effect, which refers to a hypothesized tendency of white voters to tell interviewers or pollsters that they are undecided or likely to vote for a black candidate, but then actually vote for his opponent.
Deukmejian died at his home in Long Beach on May 8, 2018 at the age of 89.
Ronald Reagan, Barbara Bush, and George Deukmejian are among what could be discerned as principals and co principals in the collapse of the United States and rise of Irrationalist Ideologies. Deukmejian's law order mythology clearly is a straw man in History. The end of an era is at hand with living generations paying off the legal and finacial debts of their predecessors.
George Deukmejian (2018). George Deukmejian. Wikipedia. Retrieved May 18, 2018 from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Deukmejian
Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV: Preliminary Sketch Chapter 3
Lake Shastina CA
July 20, 2018
Chapter 3
Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC is a failed attempt by a Membership of University of Cambridge Law School Lawyers to social engineer a LGBTi Civilization. This attempt was based on a continuum of a British Fight Fire with Fire which results in no more than fight crime with crime.
It is evident that Cambridge orchestrates the expansion and contraction of the United Kingdom. It is also apparent that these activities are in part clandestine. Hence these Actors were able to conceive and implement their planning with or without formal approval or records.
The ontological and internal consistency model is highly important in analyzing a system's efficiency and sustainability.
MOEC in the present is a Tournament between Mechanism and Theism and LGBTi (homosexuality) and Opposite Sex (heterosexuality).
MOEC's social engineering embraces the tabula rasa. This is the concept that the mind is like a blank page on which one may write upon.
This concept in systems thinking gives rise to the replacement and interchangeability of components. Transhumanism is based on such. Other examples are genetically modified food GMO and transgenderism.
An ontological consideration is the discovery or creation of a Unified Field Theory that descends from Eternal Law or refutes such with Natural Law. This would also then reinforce Positive Law and concrete human governance.
What in modern times is known discussed as Prisoner's Dilemma and defection is the driver of MOEC. The ethical battle between relative and absolute morality in combination with consequentialism and deontology has given rise to the creation of a Gordian Knot. MOEC is a defection model. It currently is Undermining all major faith systems to achieve it's goals.
MOEC has a Deus ex machina or god from the machine. This plot device provided a solution a seemingly unsolvable problem in a story by suddenly and abruptly by inserting a seemingly unlikely occurrence, typically so much as to seem contrived.
In comedy this was used to provide a happy ending.
In Greek tragedy, a machine was sometime used to bring actors performing gods onto the stage. The machine could be either a crane (mechane) that used to lower actors from above or a riser that brought actors up through a trapdoor in the floor.
In MOEC preparation to pick a sample population to be tracked as cohorts and longitudinally under electronic sweeps has been extensive. This activity has given rise to George Orwell and Aldous Huxley's works.
MOEC Studies is ontologically stronger and more consistent. It represents in part the conflict between the Membership and their creation the Ex Deux Maquina and myself to expose such.
Their Gordian Knot is an attack on the Srimad Bhagavatam of the Vedas as well as other scriptures as the Bible.
The concept of governance and war as theater is highly supported.
Cambridge has lost in designing a universal masterpiece or a Song for All Seasons.
The LGBTi Movement is on the Wrong Side of History.
The Gordian Knot concept will be discussed as the Cinderella Man leading into the Monalisa Perez Reverse Sting.
Musicology Opus 1 - 10
Lake Shastina CA
September 1, 2018
This is the version that the Gay Militia does not wish for you to see.
Dear Chair Steve Loza,
Archives UCLA,
I am writing you to gift my collection of original open score progressive classical cross over scores for unlimited free use and study. I believe that I am historically important individual. Regardless, I believe that my humble pieces are interesting on their own merit. We are living in a very intense era of Censorship and Sanitization. I hope my through composed standard notation scores help move the guitar culture from tablature which is profitable to full music education.
My signature piece is Atma VII Motion Perpetual which I did for a school project at Cuesta College. Atma VII Invention in B Minor was written on 2007 Allegro for piano but I can play such on the nylon guitar.
New Govardhana in Opus 2 was written in 1997 in Artesia, New Mexico on a Martin Backpacker.
Holon 3 Pearl was written also written on 2007 Allegro. I was composing 4 part in the treble clef hoping to see what could be playable on guitar similarly to three note stops of Paganini. While I was writing such news of Daniel Pearl's assassination was delivered over the news. I saw the video of his beheading on Michael Savage's Show which at that time carried such.
I hope UCLA can find use of my collection.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
UC Alumnus Kamala Harris Considers Presidential Run
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
December 16, 2018
US Senator Kamala Harris D CA is seriously considering a 2020 Presidential Run. Harris has stated that she will make a decision over the holidays. Harris is polling at about 5 percent behind Joe Biden 30%, Bernie Sanders 19%, Elizabeth Warren, and Beto O'Rouke in recent polling in Iowa.
The United States is living in a severe fictitious history as is Harris. She has never recognized the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth throughout her career as San Francisco DA or California AG. The Democratic field is likely to be crowded. Donald Trump has been implicated in hush money payments to Stormy Daniels and McDougal. The guidance of the Justice Department states that a sitting president may not be indicted. Since the Democrats do not have 67 votes in the Senate impeachment is most likely not going to occur in Trump's first term. However his indictment will almost definitely occur should he lose reelection in 2020.
The human rights situation in the United States is poor. A constant theme is that there are many persons still living in a 1900s employment setting. With Trump's legal status, tariffs, Brexit, and end of business cycle concerns creating crosswinds things will be shaky until after the next recession.
It is still too early to see where Harris stands in the Democratic Field. I will write an Open Letter either by years end or early 2019.
2019 Archives
Sophistry and Duplicity
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
January 7, 2019
Happy New Year! Gavin Newsom is now the Governor of California. The Federal Government is in a partial shutdown. Sears may be liquidated. There is some initiative to impeach Trump. If the Democrats wish to prosecute Trump they should wait until after the next President is seated in 2021. A Senate Trial seems doomed. Even if such were successful it appears that Mike Pence would pardon Trump. The grandstanding in the media is extremely poor. Trump made very suspicious comments throughout his campaign. Whether he has obstructed justice regarding the Mueller Probe is beyond my perspectivism.
Groupism prevails as neither the Republicans, Democrats, liberals, or conservatives recognize the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth with a manifest 31 years of attack. This is the Achilles Heel of the sworn official many persons as Alexandria Ocasio Sanchez D NY 29 years of age were not alive when MOEC started and are Black Swan babies. She advocates the New Green Deal but is blind to Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. There are few Muslims and one Hare Krishna at federal level also supposedly serving the United States. I am sure the amount of LGBTi and females are also at their highest levels.
Governor Brown, a UC alumnus leaves office as the worst governor in United States History. The concrete destruction in California and the liability this state will face both domestically and internationally will be significant.
I hope to have a working draft of Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV online by April, 2019.
ISIS Brides Refused Entry To Return Home
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
February 24, 2019
Jesse Ferreras
Hoda Muthana, an American woman who joined the Islamic State, told a reporter she would 'prefer' to return to the U.S. and expects that she will be 'given jail time.' Hoda Muthana left Alabama to join the Islamic State (ISIS), marrying three fighters after she said she was radicalized online. She has an 18 month old son and wants to return to the U.S.
Shamima Begum, ran away from the U.K. to go to Syria and marry an ISIS fighter herself. She gave birth to a son last weekend. She wishes to return home to the UK.
Both ISIS brides have come up against governments that do not want them back. They are following different approaches to citizenship that have frustrated their efforts. The U.K. government has foiled Begum's wish to return there by revoking her citizenship. Home Secretary Sajid Javid had the power to do that thanks to an amendment introduced to the British Nationality Act in 2014.
The amendment deemed that a person's citizenship can be revoked if the individual "has conducted him or herself in a manner which is seriously prejudicial to the vital interests of the United Kingdom, any of the islands, or any British overseas territory." That amendment also contained a caveat: there must be reasonable grounds for believing that the person can become a national of another country.
Reports have suggested that Begum is a British Bangladeshi, born in the U.K. If her U.K. citizenship were stripped away, she might be able to claim Bangladeshi nationality. Bangladesh has said Begum is not a citizen and won't accept her. The Guardian reported. "The fact that Bangladesh says she has no claim to Bangladeshi citizenship now means that she is at real risk of statelessness," Prabhat noted. Begum's family plans to challenge the decision, reported BBC News.
They can challenge the revocation before the Special Immigration Appeals Commission, "where the focus will be on whether or not Bangladeshi nationality exists for a British born person of Bangladeshi heritage," Prabhat noted.
In the U.S., Hoda Muthana is suing the Trump administration over it's denials that she's an American citizen. The U.S. isn't moving to revoke her citizenship, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is denying she has any U.S. citizenship at all. The administration has asserted this because it said Muthana's father was serving as a Yemeni diplomat to the UN when she was born in New Jersey. Children born in the U.S. to foreign diplomats don not receive birthright citizenship under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.
The lawsuit argues that Muthana's father ceased being a diplomat prior to her birth, one month prior, according to a family lawyer who spoke to Rukmini Callimachi of The New York Times. That same lawyer told the Times that Muthana's father was asked to prove that he had been discharged from his post. Muthana subsequently received two passports from the U.S. government, one of them in 2014, which she used to travel abroad and join ISIS. To receive a U.S. passport, you must be a citizen through birth or naturalization.
University of Texas law professor Steve Vladeck said in a blog post that this doesn't necessarily mean the U.S. State Department determined conclusively that Muthana is a citizen. "But it is deeply suggestive of the conclusion that Muthana's father was, as a matter of law, no longer entitled to diplomatic immunity at the time of her birth, and so her birth on U.S. soil entitled her to birthright citizenship." Vladeck went on to note that U.S. citizenship can only be revoked in certain cases, none of which seem to apply in Muthana's situation. Revoking U.S. citizenship can flow from voluntary actions, such as taking an oath to another country or serving in another nation's armed forces that are engaged in hostilities against America.
Citizenship can be revoked in cases where an American has committed treason, but even there, the individual must be convicted first.
John and Jane Doe Reverse Sting
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
April 21, 2019
I had originally hoped to only write Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV this year and move on to a text called The System while I am still healthy next year. After reviewing the Monalisa Perez Reverse Sting which I was briefed on in 2007 there is compelling reason to at least start the text next year. Of interest is the inclusion of non sworn academics at the highest level. I have indirectly addressed this issue. It is entrapped as Einstein in the Office or abstractly Man Exists in a Field of Space and Time. I do not wish to venture into areas where experts have 160 IQ plus. However the sword has not come out of the anvil. I have to do something.
If I correctly state the facts there is an underlying logic and math that should support any non theistic claim. Hence my equilibrium would increase. People do not realize they exist in taxonomically groups as mechanistic or theistic and liberal or conservative. One may be punished formally or informally. I hope to have at least a working Chapter 5 completed in early July, 2019.
I will be travelling to Northern California early next month.
The Ontology of History
Chester CA
June 9, 2019
The Ontology of History is a concern as Censorship and Sanitization of MOEC has nearly achieved 32 years of Censorship and Sanitization in the Manifest Function.
In computer science and information science, an ontology encompasses a representation, formal naming and definition of the categories, properties and relations between concepts, data, and entities that substantiate one, many, or all domains. Ontologies exist limit complexity and organize information into data and knowledge. As such are created, correct ontologies should improve problem solving within that domain.
The translating of research papers within every domain is a problem that is simplified when experts from different countries maintain a controlled nomenclature within each of their languages. Google started an initiative called Knowledge Graph and a substantial amount of research has used the phrase knowledge graph as a generalized manner. There is no clear definition for the term knowledge graph, it is sometimes used equivalently for ontology.
The creation of Artificial Intelligence is not possible with an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth across all domains and a Totalitarian Police System TPS that is adversarial to key individuals. It is apparent that the Millennial Math problems that the Clay Foundation has offered $1 million USD for solutions to has a role in the development of MOEC's trajectory. I am no where near a PhD mathematician. However I do believe the claim that I was exposed to a partial proof of MOEC is valid and not refutable.
I believe that IBM Watson would have easily blown apart MOEC if it was permitted to work on such.
MOEC is the Riemann Hypothesis of the social sciences. It appears that a battery of mathematical equations are imposed over persons under Prisoner's Dilemma. What if I told you that you were an L Function. This means you are a Target in MOEC's expansion and homeostasis. Srinivasa's L Function is an example. I believe that Terrence Tao has this function imposed over him. These formulas appear to revolve in a procession around persons.
This discussion will continue in the Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part V in 2020.
Ontology (information science)(2019). Ontology (information science). Wikipedia. Retrieved June 9, 2019 from: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ontology_(information_science)&oldid=895006634
ANOVA: The So Called Tournament
Chester CA
July 17, 2019
The emergence of the individual and collective within civilization is an enigma. Thirty years of Censorship and Sanitization has produced mass destruction of life, limb, and property. The amount of data collected on persons increases by the second. The imposed attack of MOEC over my person is a Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack. The alleged Authorship Cambridge Law School wishes to dumb things down as the result of their historical exposure. For LGBTi persons and those in the downline of the Image of X, the replication of the despot, is how much damage does one wish to incur to themselves? In law this is the proverbial man dying by a thousand cuts.
In California those whose identity is based on being a Local and are populist should take heed. The damage the entire state has witnessed is catastrophic. Are you a direct descendant of the first LGBTi persons? Anything past 1849 is impressive. The teaching of the accomplishments of LGBTi persons is asymmetrical. Equal Protection and Due Process are null when considering the current in continuo War Crime.
MOEC's GUI Origin implies a type of ANOVA or an analysis of variance testing of sibling and cohorts crossectionally and longitudinally. The Gay Militia is Irrationalist are losing the battle through progressive error.
Nativism and populism are the Maginot Line of MOEC. The Wizard had no brain. He or they were traitors to traitors giving their Greek Gifts.
Justice John Paul Stevens has died at 99. He is guilty of the misprision of treason. He judged others without being tried himself.
Prisoner's Dilemma and History
Chester CA
August 11, 2019
The battle for legitimacy between the Democrats and Trump is scripted with very little credibility on either of the parties to clarify or stand up for our legal rights. The amount of candidates running the Democrats now standing at 23 demonstrates that Democracy and the United States is collapsing. There have been six Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Trump.
The creation of Artificial Intelligence is dubious. Are any theorist or coders REAL? The attempt formulate a Turing Test and or algorithm is hard for me to personally consider. When is programming time what values are going to be principles? What weight is to be given to intervention, promotion, and demotion? There are serious problems with social justice as the recent hate mass murders demonstrate.
Andrew Yang, the lone futurist of the group is running at 3 percent making it to September's debate.
Boycott the Election. Only vote on referendums.
Nativism and Populism are destroying civilization with a Caveman Attack. Computers and AI are the foil.
The Fall of Democracy
Salton City CA
November 10, 2019
There has been systematic Censorship and Sanitization of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth since June 17, 1987. This defection pattern has collapsed Democracy proving the forms of governance all are capable of failure. This has come at the cost to the LGBTi Movement which contains the actors whom are criminally responsible. The polarization and alter ego component reflects the ongoing Impeachment Inquiry into Donald Trump and the assassination of al Bhaghdadi, the caliph of the Islamic State. Congresspersons Elijah Cummings and John Connyers have also passed without any record of opposition.
The destruction of the Salton Sea itself is a testimony to the Master Passion that is a Tyranny of the majority. Academia has not produced any credible figure. With each passing election the LGBTi Movement elects more officials. Pete Buttigieg the Mayor of Indianapolis is an example of an injured actor. The Irrationalist cue of blaming Reagan does not hold as he can not be guilty from the grave although he initiated a standard of negligence that has continued through the six Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Trump.
Intelligence is accelerating. It still remains to be seen whether a real Turing Test will be developed before 2030. This would have an AI implicating Barack Obama.
Jimmy Carter is 94 and it remains to be seen how long he will live.
Kamala Harris Drops Presidential Bid
Salton City CA
December 5, 2019

Kamala Harris, UC Berkeley alumnus abruptly canceled her presidential bid on December 3, after consulting with her family. Harris has been running low on cash. She has been cited as a preference with Joe Biden for Barack Obama's endorsement. It has been cited that attacks by Tulsi Gabbard have helped her decline as well as the emregence of Pete Buttigieg. Harris had already qualified for December's debate in California her home state.
I have a small but solid portfolio of Open Letters addressed to Kamala Harris. She as State Attorney has incurred significant legal liability in the attack against myself.
Even though vacating her campaign, I am sure she will remain in high consideration for any Democratic victor against Trump in 2020.
Harris wrote on her twitter:
To my supporters, it is with deep regret but also with deep gratitude that I am suspending my campaign today. But I want to be clear with you: I will keep fighting every day for what this campaign has been about. Justice for the People. All the people. I am suspending my campaign today. But I want to be clear with you: I am still very much in this fight.
On Medium her whole announcement can read:
And I will keep fighting every day for what this campaign has been about. Justice for The People. All the people.
Our campaign has been about fighting for people whose voices that have not been heard or too often ignored.
The brutal reality in her home state contradicts what the entire collapse of Democracy and Presidency has become.