Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part II
The Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm is a Scripted algorithm that has been triggered by the exposure of social engineering by University of Cambridge that has incorporated War Crimes (Algorithm) (War Crimes 1998). This is being attributed to Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC. This labelling is the work of the Authorship. One should posit an Origin at 1880 or the beginnings of the Schlieffen Plan by Germany to resurrect the Reich before World War I (Schlieffen Plan). MOEC was named circa the 1930s. This activity at some point in British History evolved into an attempt to develop an LGBTi Civilization. The mix of fighting fire with fire tactics and the LGBTi bias was confronted by Trinity College Theologians versus Cambridge Lawyers. This is also a heterosexual versus homosexual confrontation.
These two groups of actors form the Ex Deux Maquina of MOEC. The spirit of the operation is a driver and battering ram through History. If a confrontation occurs between heterosexual and homosexuals, who is more fit? One should consider informal and informal rewards and punishments.
The Theologians are only a lesser of two evils.
It is overwhelming that the LGBTi Lawyers lost this confrontation. The Lawyers arranged an escape from detection for perhaps 125 to 200 years. There is a gambit line of all LGBTi actors particularly MSM officers extending into individuals creating a dichotomy of LGBTi versus Opposite Sex individuals in legal jurisdictions.
Fatalism and dependency is a major framework and boundary of MOEC. The artificial ideology of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing is developed under a homosexual blackmail ring. This is intended to be rooted in Nativism and Ethnic Nationalism as a Source of War (Nativism 2017). This is clearly seen in an extensible graph that reflects taxonomy.
There is a distinct attempt to attack Historicism and Hermeneutics (Historicism) (George, T. 2020). The Higher Structural Level of Cognition and Proximate Cause Test will argue that if MSM lawyers are the Authorship and Origin of MOEC then every individual with the same mens reaand actus rea are guilty (Mens rea). The same would hold true for the opposite if heterosexuals are culpable (Proximate Cause)(Mens Rera)(Actus Reus).
In this nexus of conflict one must consider End War Scenarios EWS, war crimes, treason, capital offenses, felonies, misdemeanors, and infractions (War Crimes 1998).
Who is more likely to be the hypocrite and traitor?
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
MOEC is clearly the most significant artifact of LGBTi History. This is also a key to the creation of Superintelligence and Technological Singularity. Origin or the Organic Cell is a General User Interface GUI and the most advanced Prisoner's Dilemma variant in existence (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019)(Vinge, V. 1993) (GUI 2019).
The Oprichniki of Ivan the Terrible is the model for the secret police in MOEC (Shpakovsky, V. 2006). The levelling of the Anglo American Paradigm specifically vis a vis to Stalinist USSR is the target.
How would one create the Ideal Male? How would one create the Ideal Female? How would such marry and procreate? This is a very complex issue for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and intersex persons.
The Undermining of the Individual and Collective can be extended from the Trojan Horse gift of arranging dating and marriage. The mythological Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City is a folk system of preparing the world culture for a successful attack against the United States and sovereigns by MOEC.
War Criminals on the Run is the salient theme of MOEC Studies. The will to expose Cambridge Law School developed the playing of a trump card where the United States and it's President are exposed as hypocritical charlatans on a Yellow Brick Road where outcomes are rigged. This would yield a RICO Racketeered Influenced Corrupt Organization or a Criminal Enterprise. In the United States from 1971 RICO is TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 96, Section 1961 of the United States Code (RICO 1970).
The Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm as a species has strong and clearly evident roots in the Judeo Christian Islamic Historical Monotheism traditions and Platonism which is Historical Monarchialism, not polytheism as many have been taught. The chronological timeline here reflects from about 8000 years ago or the Book of Genesis. Platonism is considered the beginning of Western Rationalism. It appears during the conflict of the Ex Deux Maquina that this paradigm would be spread similar to the Good News of the Bible as Cambridge contained highly competitive professorship (King James Bible 2020). An integral perspective is Neo Freudianism. Also prominent are the concepts of fatalism and dependency which will frame the culture living under the Security of the Despot. The defense mechanism which is strongly related to Freud is also developed. Criminals repress and victims deny. The reaction formation, regression, and projection fetish are strongly entrapped under the male Oedipal and female Electra Complexes (Electra And Oedipal Complexes).
In the main, the focus in Part I, Chapters 1 to 3 will be on Structure Process, Systems Theory, individual and collective psychology, and socialization. Part II, Chapters 3 to 6 will focus on events under positive law in a jurisdiction. The United States Federal Code and United Nations Treaties will be a concern.
The Alter Ego of the Islamic State which has emerged from the rebel group ISIS is also to be contrasted with activity of sworn officers, natural persons, and various levels of social organization vis a vis with the empirical History of the United States (Islamic State).
Of special interest is the Islamic State as a holon inside the Organic Cell of MOEC (Boje, D. 2000).
The issue of Gay Marriage is the strategic mission. Four cases from the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, which upheld marriage bans have been granted writ of certiorari at the Supreme Court. No trial date has been set. The last week of April, 2015 is still open for this term:
DeBoer v. Snyder, No. 14-571 Michigan (DeBoer v. Snyder 2015)
Bourke v. Beshear, No. 14-574 Kentucky (Bourke v. Beshear 2015)
Obergefell v. Hodges, No. 14-556 Ohio (Obergefell v. Hodges 2015)
Tanco v. Haslam, No. 14-562 Tennessee (Tanco v. Haslam 2015)
This would then provide an accurate theoretical and concrete analysis of the Anglo American Paradigm. The two most important texts in Western Civilization are the Bible and Plato's The Republic (King James Bible 2020) (Plato 360 BCE). Plato is also the western source of the Rational School of Philosophy. Integral of which is:
The Paradigm of Laws
Eternal Law |
Natural Law |
Positive Law |
This precludes the necessity of another model, one of constitutions which is predominately Platonist in it's origin (The Republic Book VIII (360 BCE).
Classical Forms of Government
Pure |
Impure |
Kingship |
Tyranny |
Aristocracy |
Oligarchy |
Polity |
Democracy |
An expert in Greek Classical studies appears to be the authority in the discussion of tyranny.
Classical Tyranny
Secret Police - Agent - Provocateur
The concepts of individualism and the Deification of the LGBTi Paradigm concerning the social engineering of the Membership of Cambridge and the population writ large creates a very thorough Reverse Sting entrapment on every level of social organization from faith downward to the individual.
There are two main subsystems in MOEC: 1. Lycurgus Akbar 2. Syrinx
There are three main components:
Biological Warfare
Chemical Warfare
Nuclear Warfare
Social Engineering in the empirical has become the Theater of Despotism. The despot, by necessity, has to orchestrate civilization to stave off identification and prosecution.
Hence a vertical downward and upward hierarchy of organization is developed that is a clearly cognizable framework with historical content that has been Undermined (Lazlo):
Social Systems
The Individual - Social System - Renaissance - Decadence
Culture and Society
Social Systems Theory - Teaching and Promotion
Other paradigms could be absorbed or rejected as needed (Anderson, E. & Carter, I. 2008).
This conflict also developed the artificial ideology Gay Irrationality Gay Know Nothing. The Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm reflects the alienation of values and repertoire under it's heritage and ancestry. Nativism is the foundation for Ethnic Nationalism as a Source of War (Nativism 2017).
The result is LGBTi Antinomianism and Homosexual or MSM Misogyny.
The main algorithm is United Kingdom: Cambridge, Scotland Yard, United States: Los Angeles Police Department LAPD, Delaware State Police DSP, and local jurisdictions (Algorithm).
The main code names used in LAPD are:
Gay Militia Code Names
Periander |
The Fly |
Dodo |
Dodo reflects the intent to condense a gambit line of all LGBTi officers into a prototype of DSM V and Federal and State Code violations in the United States. This will create the worst person(s) in LGBTi History (DSM V 2021).
It appears certain that many persons use these nom de guerras. However there is usually one main actor whom these identities personify.
MOEC prescribes a Same Sex Behavior SSB every six months to maintain legal person before the court and one's quid pro quo or deal. In this setting MOEC attempted to arrange a LGBTi based marriage between Crystal Farrell, now Crystal Farrell Friday of Delaware with myself. This failed. She married, divorced, and remarried Louis Friday whom was one of my childhood friends.
We were both best friends of Lieutenant Mike Lorea of the Delaware State Police.
The attack on Crystal Farrell is unrelenting. This is a definitive Scripting and conditioning of Homosexual Misogyny, a MSM male whom hates women.
This is also a very severe attack on all police officers.
The relationship between Cambridge and the University of California is criminally suspect. Major United States' institutions as Harvard, Stanford, and MIT are silent. The Censorship of 7.5 billion persons is universal.
The Manifest Function of MOEC occurred on June 17, 1987 while I was in Dover, Delaware (Cole, N.L. 2020).
This begins the concrete entrapment and exposure of the Irrationalist Presidents:
Irrationalist Presidents
Ronald Reagan |
George HW Bush |
William Clinton |
George W Bush |
Barack Obama |
MOEC has been developed clandestinely. As a result it's formal organization is undeveloped in relationship to manifest formal organizations. The capability of the Lawyers to remain in power while fighting fire with fire has created a Scripted Master Passion that is highly perverse and debauched. Hence this is a form of Gay Antinomianism or lawlessness under the LGBTi Paradigm. This contradicts any sexual emancipatory content which is a focus of some social thinking.
In chess the Greek Gift of the Gods and Caveman Attack can occur in the London System Opening, Queen's pawn D4 is an analogy.
The Reduction Room is the symbolic recreation of this activity with the two main actors whom are argued as the two lead lawyers:
The Hand
The Little One
Tryad is a socialization model based on Ecological Systems and the Group level of social organization (Ecological Systems Theory 2009). The original concept I was presented is a triangle from New Raman Reti, Florida, Northern California, and Dover, Delaware. The levelling of culture is under consideration.
Tabula Rasa
The Tabula Rasa is a concept in which the mind is considered a blank page on which one may write developing the individual (Tabula Rasa). Jean Jacques Rousseau, the author of The Social Contract is one such thinker whom ascribed to this idea (Rousseau 1762). Herein the social engineer wishes to design human civilization. One has to consider homo sapiens as a species and as a culture living in an environment. The latter is extremely important to a continuum of social systems theory from rational decision making towards open systems perspectives. This is in part in the consideration of the Structural Process model towards Ecological Systems (Shoben, E. & Ross, Brian H. 1987). In Mechanism all systems reduce to a structure (Mechanism 2021).
All phenomena in Mechanism must be able to be explicable as a science or at least towards a science. This necessitates predictability. Hence universal laws, principles, and axioms are sought as subjects towards predicates in a sound manner.
The social engineer(s) in question is abusive and becomes exposed attempting to be the universal summon bonum (Summon bonum). He wished to design civilization according to his preferences. In the challenge by his opponents this actor and the Membership retain power. In doing so they withstand very fierce intellectual attacks particularly from the Maths and Sciences. The Membership attempts to drag every one down if they go down. This explains the axis of Absurdity and Violence in Origin. Hence we see a distinct correlation to Behavioral Statistics.
The Theory of Games reflects that MOEC has an extensible graph of moves which can be reviewed (Ross, D. 2019). The repertoire of persons reflects the Chinese game of Go (Go 2017). In Go players place pebbles on the intersection of a grid of various size. The goal of the game is to surround the opponent's pebbles. A pebble that has been surrounded becomes an eye.
The text Lycurgus II, which only at present contains Chapter I and it's method; are superimposed over the method of play in Go (Nollmeyer, D. 2016f).
Convention Against Torture (CAT)
Article I
1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term "torture" means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.
2. This article is without prejudice to any international instrument or national legislation which does or may contain provisions of wider application.
Article II
1. Each State Party shall take effective legislative, administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent acts of torture in any territory under its jurisdiction.
2. No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture.
3. An order from a superior officer or a public authority may not be invoked as a justification of torture.
Bill of Rights (Bill of Rights)
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Amendment III
No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defence.
Amendment VII
In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.
Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
18 USCS § 2261A. Stalking (2013)
2006. Act Jan. 5, 2006, substituted this section for one which read: § 2261A. Interstate stalking.
(1) travels in interstate or foreign commerce or within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, or enters or leaves Indian country, with the intent to kill, injure, harass, or intimidate another person, and in the course of, or as a result of, such travel places that person in reasonable fear of the death of, or serious bodily injury to, that person, a member of the immediate family (as defined in section 115) of that person, or the spouse or intimate partner of that person; or
(2) with the intent-
(A) to kill or injure a person in another State or tribal jurisdiction or within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States; or
(B) to place a person in another State or tribal jurisdiction, or within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, in reasonable fear of the death of, or serious bodily injury to-
(i) that person;
(ii) a member of the immediate family (as defined in section 115) of that person; or
(iii) a spouse or intimate partner of that person,
uses the mail or any facility of interstate or foreign commerce to engage in a course of conduct that places that person in reasonable fear of the death of, or serious bodily injury to, any of the persons described in clauses (i) through (iii), shall be punished as provided in section 2261(b).
As seen there is no shortage of standing political law or jurisdiction to decapitate and prosecute bellicose actors.
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act
The RICO Statutes or more correctly the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act are fast becoming a major source of legal code for both criminal and civil actions. More formally RICO is TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 96, Section 1961 of the United States Code (RICO 1970).
The concept of RICO is to deny the intent of one or an association to conceptualize and or carry out a criminal conspiracy. It is also a check to recruit membership or diversity of such. In the United States most non sundry felonies under U.S. jurisdiction at the state or federal level committed by an adult may be certified as a predicate act. Upon two such certifiable felonies, the prosecutor or petitioner may ask the Court to certify the defendant(s) or respondent(s) as a RICO enterprise. An array of acts are covered which are known as racketeer influenced behavior. They are: intimidating a witness, hostage taking, kidnapping, and murder. In combination at any level of this structure may be blackmail and extortion.
The Department of Justice Criminal Resource Manual describes (DOJ):
An "enterprise" is defined as including any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity, and any union or group of individuals associated in fact although not a legal entity. 18 U.S.C.A. § 1961(4) (West 1984). Many courts have noted that Congress mandated a liberal construction of the RICO statute in order to effectuate its remedial purposes by holding that the term "enterprise" has an expansive statutory definition. United States v. Delano, 825 F. Supp. 534, 538-39 (W.D.N.Y. 1993), aff'd in part, rev'd in part, 55 F. 3d 720 (2d Cir. 1995), cases cited therein.
In the United States the use of an Attorney General Exemption, similar to an order which permitted the killing of Osama bin Laden, is used to recruit stalkers to attack. This is also a veneer of legitimacy to replicate the intellectual defeat of the MSM Lawyers at every level of society from the individual, the primary social group of government, the family upward to nationstates and supranational treaty organizations.
MOEC Studies has been developed from original leaks that began after June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware when Ronald Reagan was President. The Iran Contra Scandal was full blown with Senator Joe Biden presiding over the Senate Hearings. The leaks focalized on Origin or the Organic Cell of MOEC. The level of the leaks was the equivalent of a Presidential Briefing. This posits the citizen against the state or the individual versus the collective.
This is Under the Color of Law.
Fatalism and Dependency under Prisoner's Dilemma is the main framework (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019). The only scientific outcome of Scripting is whether it is determinant if an individual will Betray to Cambridge and MOEC or Cooperate with the Rule of Law.
By imposing an upper boundary of a War Crime, an experiment is created where it is provable that when one person is alienated or loses one's rights, then the collective also suffers: Everyone loses.
In theory, the Authorship and my person are opposing fractals that will develop subsequent structures within Systems Models in feedback loops over space and time.
There is no Equal Protection or Due Process in the main in MOEC. Cambridge under the Image of X has created lifetime Scripting of persons lives based on Particular History and Justice. Hence this is a vendetta of hatred in disguise: an Avenging Angel.
The intent of Cambridge is to develop a LGBTi Civilization. In their attempt these actors have created a circular folly which is a Perpetual Conspiratol Enterprise. The Fight Fire With Fire mentality has long been replaced by the Social Contract Theory where crime is fought by law and order.
In this nexus criminals are created as principals, accomplices, and accessories of the Enterprise.
One is either a citizen or criminal under Positive Law.
Under the Paradigm of Laws these basic persons are possible:
Eternal Law - Antichrist - Heretic - Apostate
Natural Law - Irrational - Hypocrite - Immoral
Positive Law - Traitor- Felon - Misdemeanant
The hub and node topology guarantees that all damage is routed through a police agency or those officials that are formally or informally providing code enforcement or homeland security.
There are three main components:
Components of MOEC
Biological Warfare |
Chemical Warfare |
Nuclear Warfare |
This will predicate that a treason defense will be incorporated at the positive law level for all fractals that are acting as accomplices or accessories under the principals.
The Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm is consistent with the Rise and Fall of the British Empire.
Nativism embedded in Ethnic Nationalism as a Source of War are materials within Conflict Theory that attack Rationalism under all Systems (Nativism 2017). The result is Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. In Decision Theory less than rational satisficing outcomes are acceptable.
The Proximate Cause Test is the efficient solution (Proximate Cause). The principals, accessories, and accomplices should be identified and prosecuted to decapitate the Enterprise.
Under positive law in the United States one is a citizen or a criminal. I am seeking criminal prosecution.
In the empirical discussion of International Relations, evidence is mounting that Cambridge Law School, focalized as the Membership have operated through a hub and node system of defection through every police stationhouse worldwide have Undermined nationstates (International Relations). This is extremely acute in the Middle East as the nascent Islamic State whom have just burned alive a Jordanian pilot Lieutenant Moath al Kasasbeh, and killed two Japanese prisoners, one a soldier of fortune Haruna Yukawa, the other a journalist Kenji Goto, whom went to Mid East to rescue Yukawa in the beginning of 2015 (Islamic State).
The entire continent of Africa is alleged to be Undermined. Boko Haram, also an Islamic Jihadhi Movement or Western Education is Forbidden, Haram implies forbidden things in Islam, has also like Islamic State, declared a caliphate in areas under it's control in Nigeria.
Southeast Asia as Vietnam and Myanmar would have been more advanced without conflict. The same holds true for North and South Korea.
I am the primary element in the matrix representing a natural person and citizen under a head of state in a sovereignty. The United Nations may also recognize my or other persons rights who have been violated. This is theoretical but could occur.
This is focalized under Genocide and Pre Genocide.
The theory and practical demonstration concerning the skill to develop a government in the Paradigm of Laws format has collapsed within the Anglo American Paradigm. This is severe as evidence points to MSM actors in Cambridge Law School having orchestrated an attack on the United States, the President, Constitution, via the agency of alienating one single citizen and natural person, Bhakta David Nollmeyer.
The use of an Attorney General Exemption by the President, now Barack Obama, is a signature cue of the Membership of Cambridge through Los Angeles Police Department to individuals responding to Nativism. The key code word is Being here.
This is severely acute in Riverside County along the Colorado River Valley. The Colorado River Valley is Chemically Contaminated. The fields and a bale of hay would burn one's hand to the touch. This is the California Arizona state line. Interstate Stalking is severe.
These locations have the greatest chance of being the local jurisdiction in a future War Crimes Trial (War Crimes 1998):
Riverside County, Colorado River Valley, California Arizona Border
Siskiyou, Plumas, Inyo Counties, Mono Counties, California
San Luis Obispo County, California
The concepts of treason, statute of limitations, amnesty and pardons are coming into play at a very strong level.
Under the setting of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, Stalking, Censorship and Sanitization, I have manage to develop the original leak of Origin into the emergent MOEC Studies.
I See Another Law in My Members...
The allegation that Mobilization of Empire or Civilization or MOEC is an artifact of the Authorship of a University of Cambridge Membership that orchestrates the Rise and Fall of the British Empire is a fortiori. The line of authority was designed to refute Historicism and Hermeneutics (Historicism) (George, T. 2020). However these actors only recreated themselves in the image they wished to defeat.
The Totality of Circumstances argues that if the Origin of this leg of the operation begins circa 1880 in continuo, then the structure and process of this system has an extensible graph of operations that is recoverable (Shoben, E. & Ross, Brian H. 1987).
MOEC is analogous to Fatalism Dependency and the Reaction Formation. The Inferiority Complex, Pathological Liar, and Narcissistic Stalker are also prominent in it's development. The latter two are not in vogue in the DSM V which is quite conspicuous in itself (DSM V 2021).
The continuum between Faith and Psychology will also be explored especially with basic linkages from Demonology (Demonology).
The levelling of History vis a vis to Joseph Stalin and the USSR is sought. This is achieved by totalitarianism and what is known as the Anglo American Oprichniki. (Russian dissident Boris Nemstov was assassinated February 29, 2015 in Moscow near the Kremlin. Nemstov was a notable Vladimir Putin critic and of the Russian intervention in the ongoing Ukrainian Civil War (Boris Nemstov 2020).
The Greek Gift of the Gods and the Caveman Attack in the London System, ECO D02, A46, and A48 in chess are motifs and are representative of MOEC's repertoire. Here there is also a cue towards Technological Singularity (Vinge, V. 1993). Chess programs are miniature Artificial Intelligences AI that are now surpassing human levels of ability.
The Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part II will focus on two facets. In Chapters 1-3 the immediate setting from the individual to the collective will be a focal system: the structure process, social systems theory, setting and psychology demonology, of the individual and collective will be developed (Shoben, E. & Ross, Brian H. 1987)(Demonology). Some pertinent legal codes will be presented. In Chapters 4-6 the transition to macrosystems that in turn shape the socialization of the individual and collective as positive law and historical considerations will be addressed.
The exposure of this activity which consisted of an attempt to social engineer a LGBTi culture was entangled in the Rise of the Third Reich. It appears that a fight fire with fire culture was already a component of Cambridge's modus operandi (Modus Operandi 2020).
The result is that MOEC and it's Authorship are War Criminals on the Run. Their ability to retain power and rebuff intellectual attacks in consequence permitted Cambridge to entangle the human civilization and leadership in what is no more than a homosexual blackmail ring. Hence the Anglo American Paradigm is fatalistic and the rest of the world is dependent.
It is argued that Trinity College theologians are the lesser of two evils in MOEC, hence the confrontation of heterosexuals and homosexuals forms the Ex Deux Maquina or Ghost in the Machine of MOEC.
The Membership therefore have a dichotomy of expansion and defense. To expand, MOEC will attempt to give at least one deal to every person in existence. This is directly analogous to the popular film The Wizard Of Oz (Braum, L.F. 1939). They will also attempt to Script the mating and birthing of the population. In consequence, if they are exposed as has occurred, their escape and prosecution is also developed longitudinally over space and time.
Britain is the Mind
The United States is the Bodyguard
The main algorithm is United Kingdom: Cambridge, Scotland Yard, United States: Los Angeles Police Department LAPD, Delaware State Police DSP, Local jurisdictions. This forms the abstract Gay Militia (Algorithm).
The main code names used in LAPD are:
Gay Militia Code Names
Periander |
The Fly |
Dodo |
Dodo reflects the intent to condense a gambit line of all LGBTi officers into a prototype of DSM V clinical diagnostics and Federal and State Code violations in the United States. This will create the worst person(s) in LGBTi History (DSM V 2021).
The Irrationalist Presidents are directly in legal and historical jeopardy from the actors supra:
Irrationalist Presidents
Ronald Reagan |
George HW Bush |
William Clinton |
George W Bush |
Barack Obama |
The Authorship and my person are modelled as fractals in opposition to develop all consequent actions. Cambridge attacks the future by Scripting out person's lives from cradle to death. This helps develop their system of defense mechanisms. The focus is on the resilience and opposition to fall prey to a homosexual blackmail ring embedded in a War Crime. As seen these Scripts are heuristic devices to test defection.
I am writing on an Asus eepc netbook with solar panels. If this occurred Cambridge knows that I am confronting them with MOEC or the Organic Cell.
MOEC has developed a longitudinal cohort sweep that implements Scripting and measures defection. My main rivals are Dodo, President Barack Obama, and al Bhagdadhi of the Islamic State, and whomever is stalking me exactly where I am (Islamic State). I was born one day previous than Obama on August 3, 1961 in Roswell, New Mexico to Obama's birth August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii.
The line of thought developing is Rationalism versus Irrationalism at any or all levels of the Paradigm of Laws.
Paradigm of Laws
The Eternal Law
The Natural Law
The Positive Law
An expert in Greek Classical studies appears to be the authority in the discussion of tyranny. This precludes the necessity of another model, one of constitutions which is predominately Aristotelian in it's origin.
Classical Tyranny
Pure |
Impure |
Kingship |
Tyranny |
Aristocracy |
Oligarchy |
Polity |
Democracy |
The concepts of individualism and the Deification of the LGBTi Paradigm concerning the social engineering of the Membership of Cambridge and the population writ large creates a very thorough Reverse Sting entrapment on every level of social organization from faith downward to the individual.
MOEC is developing a reactionary social engineered ideology Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. This descends through the Image of X as a social engineer recreating oneself through culture. The Ex Deux Maquina or more than one person, it appears all males, are the patriarchs of MOEC that are orchestrating class stratification at the collective level and within a Title 18 RICO Corrupt Enterprise.
Would You Know How to Create a Government?
To date University of Cambridge and the University of California are under criminal suspicion. The latter hired ex Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano who was also the Attorney General and Governor of Arizona as President. I have lived in Arizona and have an extensive legal and historical presence there.
The Jon Jay College of Criminal Justice is the Harvard of American Law Enforcement. The Gay Militia of LAPD has severely damaged the integrity of what Homeland Security or what modern policing is now called.
Hence the psychology of Dodo as a MSM, a member of his family, and a sworn code officer has been Undermined by the structure and process of MOEC's Social Theories. This is in direct conflict with the President and Constitution of the United States, Citizenship and my natural person.
Prisoner's Dilemma is the main model from which MOEC was develops (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019):
Prisoner's Dilemma
Prisoner B Betrays |
Prisoner A Stays Silent |
Each serves six months |
Prisoner A serves ten years Prisoner B goes free |
Prisoner A Betrays |
Prisoner A goes free Prisoner B serves ten years |
Each serves two years |
It is clear that a Betray or Cooperate dichotomy is being implemented. There are two classes in conflict homosexuals versus heterosexuals. Origin is the symbolic representation of MOEC it is a GUI or General User Interface (GUI 2019). It reflects MOEC's position as the most advanced defection model in use.
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
There are two main subsystems in MOEC: 1. Lycurgus Akbar 2. Syrinx
There are three main components:
Components of MOEC
Biological Warfare |
Chemical Warfare |
Nuclear Warfare |
Social Engineering in the empirical has become the Theater of Despotism. The despot, by necessity, has to orchestrate civilization to stave off identification and prosecution.
The individual occurs first in nature (Lazlo):
Social Systems
The Individual - Social System - Renaissance - Decadence
Culture and Society
Social Systems Theory - Teaching and Promotion
Hence a vertical downward and upward ecology develops a hierarchy of organization that is a clearly cognizable framework with historical content that has been Undermined.
One can observe by inspection how the Scripting of an individual or group degrades by using a simple table. No one has a perfect 10 : 0. Hence the upper ten percent and lower ten percent are outliers that one should keep in mind.
Table of Differentiation
10 |
0 |
9 |
1 |
8 |
2 |
7 |
3 |
6 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
4 |
6 |
3 |
7 |
2 |
8 |
1 |
9 |
0 |
10 |
Territoriality: According to Carter, Territoriality is the tendency of organisms in the case of humans, "to seek, obtain, and defend an area or space of action (Carter)".
Individual: The Individual occurs first before the collective in space and time. Hence a person exists and then over the course of a lifespan is motile. One then begins to develop other levels of organization which in turn provide feedback to the person and vice versa.
Family: The Family is the first unit of the collective and political system in Western Civilization. The Family is under extreme attack. One can discern the Strategic Mission of Gay Marriage of MOEC. On February 27, the first four briefs in the Supreme Court cases cited previously were docketed.
Groups: There are many types of Groups. Of major concern is the Clique or Coalition. Groups may be formal or informal.
Organizations: This level of Systems has received considerable coverage. Rational, Natural, and Open Systems is a very capable methodology in the typology of Organizations and their Structure and Process (Shoben, E. & Ross, Brian H. 1987). Rational Systems are more classical in the sense that they argue a truth or principle that persons should within reason accept. These Organizations are vertical with a top down hierarchy. Decision Theory which may accept a satisficing solution is contained here; something less then perfection. In Natural Systems the Organization is personalized. Conflict Theory is developed. Weber and Marx are leading thinkers.
Open Systems embraces complexity. The Ecology of Systems is currently in vogue rather than the strict Structural Process Model.
Community: The Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft Communities of Tonnies are the most important. The implicit bonding and folkishness of the Gemeinschaft Community contains the Nativism and Gay Irrationalist Gay Know Nothing germ of civilization (Nativism 2017). The Gesellschaft Community contains bonds through more formal organizations. Hence the socialization of the individual occurs within. In MOEC it appears that the Gesellschaft Community is organizing the Gemeinschaft under a form of class stratification that is Fascist.
Culture and Society: Culture pertains to homo sapiens, their artifacts, and their collective socialization that creates and supports such. A society are a group of persons with a common goal and unity whom live or work together.
The Proximate Cause Test sine qua non identifying principals, accomplices, and accessories to the fact is the efficient legal measure. Decapitation of MOEC is due process (Proximate Cause).
The Renunciation of the Conspiracy and the intent to improve conditions is next in importance. The logical outcome is a Nuremberg styled War Crimes Tribunal with criminal and civil punishments.
MOEC has orchestrated a Yellow Brick Road of defection where all principals, accomplices, and accessories have descended in a Homosexual Blackmail Ring.
I will place my natural person under criminal suspicion for the sake of equality and due process. I will oppose MOEC mainly, but not exclusively by using a Citizen Criminal dichotomy under a legal jurisdiction. MOEC is a Crime Against Humanity and War Crime imposed over one natural person Bhakta David Nollmeyer. Since the United States and other nationstates have been engaged militarily in an off and on function, the former may be more flexible while the latter and Genocide are covered under international law. The use of Federal Law in the United States is very strong. I have been given a brief which is Presidential quality. The texts on http://powereality.org/moec-journals.html reflect these leaks. I have overwhelmingly attempted to distribute this information in attempt to eliminate the asymmetry of information where one could make a well informed decision (War Crimes 1998) (Crimes Against Humanity 1998).
Totalitarianism seeks to isolate the individual and the collective from the whole. The Colorado River Valley and the Salton Sea in Riverside County, California contain what is likely to be the strongest evidence in a Crimes Against Humanity Trial.
The direct question being postulated is whether a local person from Riverside, California or La Paz, Arizona is going to step forward and lead. The population here has been exposed directly to MOEC since January 2000 after the Bush Gore Election. Also of concern is whether a LGBTi person or a sworn law officer is going to emerge as opposition to the Proximate Cause (Proximate Cause)?
The issue of Fatalism and Dependency should be readdressed. Dodo has been groomed from birth to conduct the endgame of the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. The Inferiority Complex, Narcissistic Stalker, and Pathological Liar are very prominent features of psyche and repertoire that are Scripted from Cambridge Lawyers.
The intellectual IQ level of 80 is a target. 100 is the average person. 140 is a genius. 130 is a 3.5 GPA college student.
The person of Hridayananda Das Goswami or Howard Resnick Jr. PhD is focalized. He is a diksa guru of ISKCON and Indologist (Hridayananda das goswami 2012). He studies Vedic Civilization from a Western Liberal Arts perspective. Krishna Kirti das is an ex disciple from New Mexico, a very capable social scientist who split with Hridayananda over his open support of Gay Marriage. I also do not support Gay Marriage. As a ritvik Hare Krishna I support Srila Prabhupada as the Acarya or leader of the Hare Krishna who is deceased. There are very strong allegations that he was poisoned.
MOEC's marriage program is in actuality a Yellow Brick Road Divorce Trap, a Trojan Horse that is just within the outer boundary of Power and Control.
This is marriage breaking by the police.
In this nexus, Operation Radhanatha or the contamination of the Colorado River, food, clothing, air in buildings, air outside, and the despoliation of farm land began in Earp, California and Parker, Arizona about February 12, 2007. Radhanatha is another ISKCON diksa guru. This tactic is called Poison in the Well.
The allegation that Barack Obama has an Attorney General Exemption or Exception and is above the law is used by the Gay Militia to recruit Stalkers.
I consider this treason.
Prisoner's Dilemma or Betray or Cooperate is being argued as the Antichrist of MOEC (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019). This is simply a Mechanistic explanation. MOEC's legacy extends from Sodom and Gomorrah in the Old Testament.
The antisocial psychopathy continuum is specifically being questioned here.
Dodo is Scripted with a circular folly. Gay Relativity and Consequentialism, and Phenomenology are his most used justifications (Sinnott Armstrong, W. 2019). Speculation is proffered continually without any concrete demonstration of skill in any area as: law enforcement, business, philosophy, math, computers, or international relations (International Relations).
Very simple language patterns are evident: Who brought you here?
The postulation of Sexual Emancipation is extremely brutal. The Membership themselves are slaves to their own folly having thrown any legal skills they have in developing a just society and government. LGBTi History is a disaster if they are the Origin. The recruiting of accomplices to a War Crime under Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is not liberating.
In following, eclectic social science is being used that is innovative.
The Manifest Function is the salient empirically observable feature of an event (Cole, N.L. 2020). The Latent Function is what this Manifest Function develops into. Hence the Latent Function is not always the First Pattern. HIV is unseen by will cause AIDS.
I will use First Pattern or Causation to define MOEC Studies.
Did one have an eternal relationship with a personal deity? One would start out spiritual world and fall into materialism and then return to the spiritual world. Degradation is the term used when an individual falls from an Ideal State.
One can argue cases from the Paradigm of Laws to either Cooperate or Betray.
In Jungian psychology, the Archetype Axiology Gegenstand methodology is important (Stevens, A. 2006). An archetype is a first pattern. I will use archetype only if the pattern is universally significant. The swastika is a Vedic symbol that is a form of a cross. It is found throughout history and the world with no direct linkages or contacts between cultures. It is an archetype.
Origin or the Organic Cell is a manmade created Archetype that is being inserted into History. The claim is based on the Mechanistic Mysticism of Fascism. I argue MOEC as Artificial, not Organic Government. MOEC has been referred to as both the Organic Cell and the Artificial Cell. The former is the label designed by the Authorship. The latter by function is more precise.
.MOEC is a defection model and it's transformations are measured crossectionally and longitudinally through electronic surveillance. The axiology or process or support in MOEC is Gestalt which was baffling at first. Group therapy is important in Gestalt. Groupism which can be informal is used. We can discern covert opposition to standard levels of organization developed in groups.
MOEC is spread by defection through Groupism. The Hare Krishna Movement, particularly ISKCON is highly factionalized although it presents itself as following the Vedic Scriptures. If such deviates any further, Cambridge would have turned an authentic faith system in what internally is called sahijaya or a pretender line.
The dichotomy of Citizen and Criminal will be very pronounced in the LGBTi Movement as such persons and groups are more proximate to the Membership of MOEC.
It is a deliberate choice that all persons of the Membership are males. This reflects a patriarchal system. The identity of an individual whom aspires to develop consequent levels of organization is in question.
The Authorship will attempt to develop the Individual as a holon in a system (Boje, D. 2000). The pathology prescribes that one specific ancestor is the root cause of an event. If only one person is used in Prisoner's Dilemma then this model reflects an inner dichotomy or choice of conscience between what is right or wrong (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019).
The worst of the individuals of MOEC most likely overlap the late 1880s to the early 1900s. The person in question whom was most senior in the Membership was likely at least 30 in 1930 born perhaps at 1900. If true, an 80 year lifespan would have ended in 1980 or at election of President Ronald Reagan, the specific target of MOEC. MOEC reflects a system of action developed under the Oedipal and Electra Complexes (Electra And Oedipal Complexes). This activity is Neo Freudian and eclectic. Freud has published works available from 1900.
In MOEC it is clear that many persons developed the British Empire and employed both good and bad tactics to maintain such. The original imprimatur of MOEC is not clear. At 1930 it is alleged that one person(s) was chosen to finalize the plans to attack my person to Undermine the United States, it's President, and Constitution. This was the outcome of a failed attempt to expose the entire system.
The actor whom instituted the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth Program that is part of the Lycurgus subsystem is considered one of the worst persons. This person may have tenure in the late 1800s. The professor or spokesman from the 1930's is significantly lower in power. He appears to be a front man and fall person.
The Ex Deux Maquina appears to reflect the power of heterosexuals to have a major impact on developing Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. Hence it appears that the MSM clique of lawyers were able to hang on to power but in doing so set forth as chain of causation that Undermines the LGBTi Movement to this second in continuo. Today on February 19, Travis County, Texas judges have been stayed from issuing Same Sex Marriage licenses after one Gay Marriage. On March 5, the Supreme Court announced April 28, 2015 to hear four Gay Marriage cases.
War Crimes Trial
The Proximate Cause sine qua non prescribes decapitation to the Origin (Proximate Cause). As seen there are 7.5 billion persons who have been censored and sanitized concerning MOEC worldwide. It is also to be argued that these persons are potential witnesses. In California and Arizona, in the Colorado River Valley, all persons perhaps 1 million from Needles, Blythe, Palm Springs, California and to Ehrenberg and Yuma, Arizona are direct witnesses.
Robert Hare is the leading expert on the antisocial to psychopathy continuum. His text Without Conscience is the baseline for this study. Persons here are intentionally cued to not care.
A further panorama of the zeitgeist is useful. The logical argument is to prosecute the Gay Militia and it's stalkers legally. This would most likely be under United States Federal Jurisdiction. If Mexico becomes involved, the Universal System could be used and the Convention Against Torture CAT which the United States has ratified.
The educational level in the Colorado River Valley is the lowest in the United State or about a high school diploma. Arizona however has instituted one the most rigorous math standards for graduation. This is four years of Algebra or better. College Algebra III and one other significant course as Statistics or Pre Calculus are also required. A candidate for hire at LAPD needs 60 credits of accredited college work. This is extremely poor.
Currently I study about 45 minutes of College Algebra or Statistics per day. I have worked from a Pre Calculus textbook.
The algorithm of the Gay Militia is Informant based and begins with MSM professors at Cambridge and continues through LAPD to persons in local jurisdictions. This would be Riverside County, California and La Paz County, Arizona (Algorithm).
In El Salvador, Rios Mont has had his conviction for War Crimes overturned. Amnesty International has recommended that Security Council vetoes be suspended for War Crimes. The United States, Russia, China, France, and Britain are actors whose presence is at issue. Intervention in the Syrian Civil War have cost over 200,000 lives to date.
The emergent Islamic State is argued as to being entrapped in MOEC (Islamic State). Hence the British have something to do with their actions as beheadings (Islamic State).
The setting is very important in social science and has been neglected for abstractions. The development of a APA Diagnostic Statistics Manual DSM prototype under Dodo is underway and extends into local accomplices. The Image of X is radiated through Prisoner's Dilemma in a Reverse Sting entrapment (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019).
Ethnic Nationalism and Nativism are the cultural fabric of Undermining (Nativism 2017). This pattern is extremely important in linking known death squads worldwide. Latin American human rights are a focus with a trajectory through UC Berkeley which had a very deep involvement in the Sandinista versus Somacista confrontation in the Nicaragua Civil War. If MOEC is proven to be the Proximate Cause, a targeted levelling of history will occur (Proximate Cause).
The Reagan UC Berkeley confrontation is quite sharp. UC Berkeley will be damaged due to their historical interaction with Reagan if Cambridge is a Proximate Cause in Nicaragua.
LGBTi Antinomianism is the root cause of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. The involvement of the majority but least powerful heterosexual professors also appears evident. It is unlikely that MSM professors would humiliate themselves and the LGBTi Movement without a forced line.
The other logical case is that the heterosexuals are acting undercover to entrap LGBTi persons historically. This is highly unlikely. The LGBTi Movement is still slack for not presenting opposition. The Gay Militia is far from a frivolous invention and is a Hybrid Gang Structure HGS.
Jon Jay College of Criminal Justice, the Harvard of American Law Enforcement will be used as a parity to check the skill and relevance of MOEC's operations. We are dealing with how the concrete intents and actions of MOEC impact the certification and legal performance of a code officer. Their Philosophy Department provides an interesting aperture to measure the lack of any core competency of Dodo.
The direct question at hand is for an individual or group from local jurisdictions to sworn officers to step forward. In the instant case the conformation of MOEC and it's pattern of racketeering would damage the MSM Cambridge lawyers, their families, the LGBTi Movement, University of Cambridge and the United Kingdom.
The United States is already damaged as are the Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Obama. Hence these actors have ruined their families reputations. The implications are multidimensional as every level of social organization is affected.
Locally the accomplices of the Gay Militia have damaged their families. I am seeking criminal and civil damages. My legal and historical presence here is undeniable. The Colorado River Valley Tribes are also a distinct nation of people who will most likely desire criminal and legal damages.
There is a deliberate process of abusing Ecological Systems to develop a War Crime. This is to create a microsystem with the worst police officer and force him to Undermine the most intelligent person. Uriel Brofenbrenner is the main thinker for this paradigm. Many persons especially young women are familiar with his work through the federal Headstart program (Ecological Systems Theory 2009).
Theories of childhood development as Piaget are also attacked. Piaget is a Neo Freudian (Piaget 1968).
When and how were you potty trained? This fundamental axiom of determinism is being brought into play through the level of the family. Psychoanalysis uses this principle to attempt to explain deviance. It is very clear that a definitive compare and contrast between homosexual children and families and heterosexual children and families is attempted. Currently a similar issue has been used in Gay Marriage cases. This has favored Same Sex Parenting.
The persons who have been recruited into the Gay Militia, if studied would damage these findings.
The Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm has Undermined the United States. America is a failed state. It's sworn officers as the President, Homeland Secretary, and Attorney General have failed to uphold the alienation of my Bill of Right protections. I have MOEC, which is the defection model of the expansion and contraction of the British Empire imposed over my person. The very worst contingencies of MOEC have been triggered.
The Origin and leg of the War Crime is alleged to be Cambridge Law School. This descends in reduction through actors in LAPD. All form the Anglo American Oprichniki or Gay Militia.
Technological Singularity appears to be developing to sanitize MOEC which is the Alter Ego to such (Vinge, V. 1993).
A multiagent system (M.A.S.) is a computerized system composed of multiple interacting intelligent agents within an environment. Multiagent systems can be used to solve problems that are difficult or impossible for an individual agent or a monolithic system to solve.
Hence Origin presented in GUI form is an attempt to address Prisoner's Dilemma in various magnitudes in environments and organization (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019)(GUI 2019). Worldwide expertise at the highest level are in prise or at risk of being incriminated in a War Crime.
Locally sworn officials will face intense legal scrutiny: The persons who have been recruited under the Gay Militia and the Attorney General Exemption argument should be subpoenaed with sworn officials to stand in a poisoned wheat field or open cans of food that was contaminated.
It is clear that there is a lawless and chaotic condition of Treason at hand. The Attorney General Exemption for the President argument only reinforces the lack of citizenship and duty on display.
As an ideology Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing has created the most incompetent and corrupt persons in the History of the United States.
§ 2382. Misprision of treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
These actors are among the sworn officials who are among the most exposed to historical, criminal, and civil scrutiny.
California Officials:
Governor Edmund Brown D
Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom D
Attorney General Kamala Harris D
LAPD Chief Beck
Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti D
Federal Officials
Senator Dianne Feinstein D
Senator Barbara Boxer D
Juan Vargas R 51: Representative from eastern California near the El Centro, Salton Sea
Mark Takano D 41: Openly gay Japanese American whose parents were in WWII internment camps
Raul Ruiz D 36: President of UC Riverside Medical College, Riverside, Salton Sea, Blythe
Mary Bono Mack D 45: Lost race to Ruiz, Riverside, Salton Sea, Blythe
Governor Doug Ducey R
Federal Officials
Senator John McCain R
Senator Jeff Flake R
Raúl Grijalva D 3
Paul Gosar R 4
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...
Hosea (Hosea Chapter 4)
Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC has emerged as defection model that drives the Rise and Fall of the British Empire. Cambridge Law School is argued as the Authorship. MOEC is an eclectic hybrid of thought that unfortunately has caused catastrophic disaster which equates to Crimes Against Humanity (Crimes Against Humanity 1998). In consequence, the Authorship have Scripted their escape and their attack on civilization as their intents and acts become exposed.
In this activity, the Membership have positioned themselves as Betrayers and Traitors to the LGBTi Movement and it's History. There is a distinct polarization. Defection, blackmail, and intimidation are concrete patterns of racketeering. The damage is certain. The only mitigating factors are for the heterosexuals to be the controllers and Proximate Cause (Proximate Cause).
The creation of Sexual Antinomianism, either Homosexual Antinomianism or Heterosexual Antinomianism is a principle that has to be conclusively addressed. Defection thorough LAPD and local police agencies has severely damaged the United States.
This damage descends into actual natural persons in local jurisdictions. Due to the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, the Western United States is targeted and heavily damaged especially California, Arizona, Nevada, and Oregon.
The History of Western Civilization contains many antecedents that are relevant to a universal archetypal psyche of individual and collective thought. It is clear that the Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm has it's baseline identity here.
Social Engineering in the empirical has become the Theater of Despotism. The despot, by necessity, has to orchestrate civilization to stave off identification and prosecution.
The allegation that Cambridge is the Origin and Proximate Cause of the Manifest Chemical Assault Scorched Earth in continuo in the United States and imposed over my natural person is quite persuasive (Proximate Cause).
The concept of treason creates an exclusive dichotomy:
§ 2381. Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
§ 2382. Misprision of treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
The main symbolic artifact in MOEC is the Organic Cell.
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
There is a graph of mens rea criminal intent and actus rea criminal act that is extensible from the Authorship (Mens rea) (Actus Reus). This would form part of a taxonomy. The allegation that a hub and node network of informants is in place in every police stationhouse and military base is also a fortiori strong.
The transformational effects on individual and collective humanity is also empirical and measurable. There is no universal unity in exposing a manifest War Crime. This negligence has created criminal suspicion at every level of organization.
The individual occurs first in nature (Lazlo):
Social Systems
The Individual - Social System - Renaissance - Decadence
Culture and Society
Social Systems Theory - Teaching and Promotion
A unique endgame consideration that will be postulated now is the creation of an Artificial General Intelligence AGI. Such a thing is needed for Superintelligence. An AGI of this type would be equal to a human.
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is the intelligence of a (hypothetical) machine that could successfully perform any intellectual task at human capabilities. It is a primary goal of artificial intelligence research. AGI is also referred to as general intelligence action.
There are four main tests that scientists have used to help elevate the quest to create an AGI.
1. The Turing Test (Turing)
Is a machine able to impersonate a human at a level to deceive another human as a professor?
2. The Coffee Test (Goertzel)
A machine is given the task of going into an average American home and figuring out how to make coffee. It has to find the coffee machine, find the coffee, add water, find a mug, and brew the coffee by pushing the proper buttons.
3. The Robot College Student Test (Goertzel)
A machine is given the task of enrolling in a university, taking and passing the same classes that humans would, and obtaining a degree.
4. The Employment Test (Nilsson)
A machine is given the task of working an economically important job, and must perform as well or better than the level that humans perform in the same job.
In his 2005 book, The Singularity is Near, Ray Kurzweil predicted human level Artificial General Intelligence AGI by 2029 (Hibbard).
I am proposing that the MOEC Test which is Technological Singularity versus Cultural Singularity is superior and a natural logical extension of the theater that the History of Singularity is part of (Vinge, V. 1993).
A machine simulating a human is isolated from it's legal rights under a Totalitarian system. It will face an epistemological attack where all five senses and the mind are debilitated. As it struggles to free itself the air, water, and environment are despoiled.
The attackers reveal a holonistic miniature of the attack (Boje, D. 2000). The machine will have to oppose the head of state, police, and persons, in it's nationstate. If it travels to another nationstate the attack will continue.
Hence the emergent AGI must face external threats and respond without being a criminal party itself.
The AGI has to confront and reverse a near total alienation of existence and consider if it can emerge from a monad to networking a dyad or tryad to oppose the system.
An optional consequence of this activity is the machine will learn that part of the team of it's creators are also part of the criminal enterprise that created it.
The MOEC Test is unique in that MOEC in itself was designed by University of Cambridge and as such cuts across all domains of knowledge.
PhD Test
A capstone test would be a PhD Doctoral thesis. Can a machine defend a thesis concerning a War Crime? In this instance a strong value system and database of case law is needed. Would a machine agree with rehearing a past case by trial by judge or jury? Epistemology, Law, Ethics, Ontology, and History should be part of the defense.
The doctoral jury should be part human and part machine.
In this nexus Watson, which is considered a narrow band AGI has defeated PhD professors on Jeopardy! quite convincingly. I have long argued that a homeless person forced to bathe in the Colorado River when Operation Radhanatha was ongoing would defeat Watson or this apperceptive narrow band AGI.
The Wizard of Oz
The Criminal knows his own crime. It appears that Perpetual Motion is an active principle for the creation of an Empire. After the Revolutionary War and War of 1812, the British did not quit fighting. The British have a presence in Civil War. MOEC Studies supports the claim that the British assassinated Lincoln. There is also indications of defection in the settling and migration to the West where the entrapment of individuals and their family heritage is quite intense.
The British emerge into an intelligence hegemon after WWI. The Computer Scientist and Singularity Futurist are targeted with a cue to the Origins of virus writers and hackers (Vinge, V. 1993).
From the Tabula Rasa we derive: Hello World, My name is Dodo (Tabula Rasa).
More infamous will be the innuendo:
Let's Go Yankees!!!
In empirical History the Good Witch of the North defeats the Wicked Witch of the West. Are you here? Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing is an embarrassment to humans and soon also to all computers and thinking machines.
The worst example of culture creates it's own elimination is Ethnic Nationalism and Localism.
From June 17, 1987 to now March 15, 2015 in continuo the Anglo American Irrational Age began with my alienation in Dover, Delaware. By inspection, I would argue that the average American would fail a sixth grade by test based on civicism, Bill of Rights, and Treason if questioned on the History that has transpired from this date (Bill of Rights). This is very important in Arizona which has legislated four years of math and an exit exam on civicism to pass high school.
California and Arizona are lightning rods for a Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal.
A unique Archetype is that of a son who slays (castrates) his father to become the leader. In consequence this actor learns that one of his progeny will in turn do the same to him in the future. As a result the leader begins a purge of his offspring.
Kronus was the leader of the Titans in the early Greek religion.
Cronus /ˈkroʊnəs/ or Kronos /ˈkroʊnɒs/ (Greek: Κρό-νος, krónos) was in Greek mythology the leader and the youngest of the first generation of Titans, the divine descendants of Uranus the sky, and Gaia, the earth. He castrated his father. He then ruled during the Golden Age. He was overthrown by Zeus, his son, and imprisoned in Tartarus.
In Hesiod's Theogony, Cronus was envious of Uranus and his power as Ruler of the Universe. Uranus hid the gigantic youngest children of Gaia the Goddess of the Earth, in Tartarus, to prevent them from seeing light. Gaia attempted to recruit the hundred handed Hecatonchires and one eyed Cyclopes to castrate Uranus with a great stone sickle she created.
Cronus agreed to perform the task.
After castrating Uranus, Cronus reimprisoned the Hecatonchires, and the Cyclopes. Campe the dragon was placed to guard them. Cronus and his sister Rhea took the throne of the world as king and queen. Cronus ruled during the Golden Age. The people had no need for laws or rules; immorality was absent and the population was correct.
Cronus was informed by Gaia and Uranus that he was destined to be overthrown by his own sons. Consequently he brought forth the gods Demeter, Hestia, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon by Rhea. Cronus devoured the offspring as soon as they were born. Zeus, was the sixth born. Rhea appealed to Gaia for a plan to eventually achieve retribution on Cronus for his deviations against Uranus and his children.
Rhea secretly gave birth to Zeus in Crete. She handed Cronus a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes, known as the Omphalos Stone. Cronus swallowed the stone believing that it was Zeus, his son.
Rhea kept Zeus hidden in a cave on Mount Ida, in Crete. There are many florid variations of his life from this point forward.
After he had matured, Zeus was given an emetic by Gaia to disgorge the contents of Cronus' stomach in reverse order. Other variations state that Zeus cut Cronus' stomach apart to free his siblings. The Cyclops then forged for Zeus his thunderbolts, Poseidon's trident, and Hade's helmet of darkness.
A great war called the Titanomachy was fought. Zeus, his brothers and sisters, with the aid of the Hecatonchires, and Cyclopes, overthrew Cronus and the other Titans.
Book of Hosea
Hosea an Old Testament prophet, whose name means Deliverance, provides a very focused but subtle template for defining the organization of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing which is a descent of informants and traitors from the Membership of Cambridge Law School. This also appears to provide a linkage to Trinity Theologians who were a lesser evil.
In the Book of Hosea Chapter 4 verse six the operative stanza is provided (Hosea Chapter 4):
6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
The use of the Attorney General Exemption for the President is also defined in 4.4. "for thy people are as they that strive with the priest."
A focus should be placed on Ethnic Nationalism as a Source of War and Nativism. The verbal cue of Being here is Scripted. An eclectic to very basic form or cognitive behaviorism is used to create the target of the most incompetent and corrupt persons in American History. This is very decisive in LGBTi History and across all domains of knowledge.
The verses after 10 are very sharp and concern new wine whoredoms, and a fall from grace. There is a linkage to those systems of thought that argue sexual emancipation.
King James Bible
Hosea: God's Charges against Israel
1 Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel: for the LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.
2 By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood.
3 Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.
4 Yet let no man strive, nor reprove another: for thy people are as they that strive with the priest.
5 Therefore shalt thou fall in the day, and the prophet also shall fall with thee in the night, and I will destroy thy mother.
6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
7 As they were increased, so they sinned against me: therefore will I change their glory into shame.
8 They eat up the sin of my people, and they set their heart on their iniquity.
9 And there shall be, like people, like priest: and I will punish them for their ways, and reward them their doings.
10 For they shall eat, and not have enough: they shall commit whoredom, and shall not increase: because they have left off to take heed to the LORD.
A narcissistic component is driving MOEC and the catastrophic destruction that is attributable to this system. In direct confrontation the Membership are Cambridge Lawyers or equivalent faculty. Am I able to equal or surpass their performance? In continuation am I able to equal or surpass the performance of the Gay Militia specifically in LAPD?
The Fly
It is clear that several persons may be using the nom de guerras supra. In the main I believe there is one main individual for each persona.
To clarify the challenge, whomever authored MOEC created a manifest Chemical Assault Scorched Earth in a homosexual blackmail ring. These actors have conspired to Undermine and drag down every individual or group that attempts to expose and prosecute such across all domains. They have endeavored to create the greatest Censorship and Sanitization of an event, a Cultural Singularity ever devised. In doing so they have differentiated themselves in their own circular folly which degrades a human into the lowest conceivable level of consciousness. The creation and conditioning of Dodo as a Prototype to extend their Image of X into all individuals gives an appearance of order and rules. It is stated in the negative. It is abnormal and exists within the antisocial psychopathic continuum.
It appears that the Membership have a Law, Philosophy, Informal Logic,and Psychological inclination. I am not a lawyer. These actors are doomed with the study of World History, LGBTi History, Homeland Security, and Social Science. The revelation of MOEC specifically Origin, the Organic Cell, (I argue such is blatantly Artificial) was designed to see if one could defend a thesis along philosophic, ethical, ontological or teological, legal, and historic grounds. MOEC is more than an abstraction. It has a concrete History of destruction of manifest death squad activity. These actions point at a common Origin to state crimes worldwide through a hub and node system of informants through every police stationhouse worldwide.
In the continuation of the circular folly, Dodo attempts to mirror every type of study I undertake. This is a crossectional and longitudinal cohort rivalry which forms part of the experiment of MOEC. I was a 90 percent aptitude student in the 8th grade the last time I tested. I have a GPA of 3.27 over 170 credits a UC GPA of 3.42 over 151 credits. I have 3.85 GPA over my last 70 credits inclusive of all my upper division. I need 6 classes to graduate. If I retake three classes which I have zeros in, which occurred in my fanatic years, I will easily have over 3.5. I only need a 3 or a B to do such. Regardless I believe my IQ to be 130 or equal to 3.5 student. This is normative for a University of California student.
Dodo has been targeted with a Script, his preferred terminology, and what I call Conditioning of 80 IQ. He would fail a sixth grade exit exam. The Ethnic Nationalist Nativistic group are also targeted to fail.
Informal and Formal Logic are important materials in Scripting a failure at the individual and class level. Every fallacy is a circular argument. MOEC is most likely the greatest circular argument every created. It has very accurate claims in successfully attacking the United States and the five Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Obama with a homosexual blackmail ring.
There are five main informal fallacies that are prominent (Nollmeyer, D. 1997d):
1. Ad hominem: against the man
2. Ad populum: an appeal to the gallery or people
3. Ad misericordium: a direct appeal to the population in a specific location or calamity
4. Ad ignorantum: an appeal to ignorance
5. Ad vericundium: an appeal to an important person
The Cambridge Membership begin their circular folly by attempting to locate every person in the population and giving such at least one gift. In degree, they will attempt to Script the entire lives of these individuals. This is Eugenic Breeding. This begins the Greek Gift polarity. The other half of the reactionary Cave Man attack is the use of the least skilled persons to attack their adversaries. This is most likely the leaders of another nationstate. This in actuality is facilitated by the most corrupt police officers and the criminal population. In the United States would arise to a Title 18 1961 RICO Corrupt Enterprise (RICO 2017).
In Freudian Defence Mechanisms, Criminals Repress and Victims Deny (Defence mechanism 2020).
Repression: The main defence mechanism in dealing with anxiety.
Repression: Pushes uncomfortable emotions and thought into the subconscious.
Projection: Uncomfortable feelings and thoughts are attributed to others.
Displacement: Emotions are released against substitute targets.
Rationalization: Explaining and excuse making.
Isolation: Feelings are separated from situations.
Intellectualization: Thinking is substituted for feeling and or action.
Denial: The refusal to acknowledge or accept the existence of the problem.
Reaction Formation: Taking a position the exact opposite of truth, thus disturbing feelings.
Regression: A return to a more immature manner of dealing with life.
Identification: A psychological attachment to a person or group.
Sublimation: The channelling of unacceptable impulses into socially acceptable directions.
The Cambridge Membership have alienated my natural person from my Bill of Right Protections under the five Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Obama. This descends under the Ex Deux Maquina conflict which pits homosexuality versus heterosexuality. I consider these actors War Criminals on the Run. I act on their allegation that they have been instrumental in at least 1 million deaths since 1880. I would argue that the Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Obama and the United States alone will face criminal allegations of 1 million deaths within the next 100 years.
MOEC Studies as an experiment; hence President Barack Obama is the Singularity Target and Bhakta Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment provides a unique deduction, induction, and return to deduction framework to develop tests for intelligence and the creation of an Artificial General Intelligence AGI.
One can argue the Undermining of the Human Race from a human actor as one perceiving the Paradigm of Laws, devising MOEC which is a Fight Fire with Fire Model, and having oneself and neighbor subjected to it's chronological sweeps over time.
The question of determinism immediately arises. However one can discern that MOEC is a socialization model that is imposed over one that considers genetics.
Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing is the fabricated ideology designed to Undermine the individual and collective. Irrationalism is the polarity of Rationalism which the Platonic School has lead. Know Nothing appears to be an ingroup versus outgroup framework which descends from anti immigration conservatives in the Republicans in the late 1880s. The Ku Klux Klan was the militia for the Democrats especially circa the 1930s.
Many of the tactics used appear to be inspired by a study of the Islamic thinking that the Jihadhi Movement and the Fundamentalists use. Currently these two movements in many instances take credit for their acts of violence.
Al Qaeda and the Islamic State are the two main Jihadhi groups which are currently Sunni (Islamic State).
As seen, Dodo is the name of the so called leader or day shift supervisor of the Gay Militia. This person(s) is not capable of proffering any defense or justification for his lack of intellectual work or directives for physical performance to others. Hence he will be defined as de facto, omissive, incompetent or corrupt with the Treason Statutes.
Dodo is conditioned to be a classic Red Herring Strawman which he replicates under the Image of X or from the Membership. His intellectual activity is targeted at 80 IQ. He will state Moral Relativity, Consequentialism or Phenomenology as principles for his repertoire although he can not explain any of these philosophic or ethical considerations past a few sentences (Sinnott Armstrong, W. 2019).
Gay Stereotypes are intentionally reinforced in hope of claiming victimization in a feedback loop at a later time.
The Gay Contrarian is primary. Dodo in attempting to competitively defeat me in every domain I choose by simply arguing the contrary of what I state. MOEC Studies is my greatest accomplishment. The original briefs were prepared by the Membership. I have surpassed the skill level of the material they have briefed me on. I have posted all my main records except a small paper called the British Bulldog which is based on games that children play like British Bulldog and the more stereotypical Smear the Queer. The paper is part of court documents and is retrievable.
In this nexus, I have chivalrously offered all of my possible writings to my opponents. The fact that I am working on an Asus eeepc because my other equipment is not readily rechargeable is a heuristic algorithm which the Membership designed (Algorithm). If this heuristic was designed between 1930 to 1960, if this territory was entered, these actors would have to develop a repertoire acknowledging that I am directly challenging them at a level they claim is about 50 years ahead of what is being taught at Cambridge. They are opposing me while I expose such as War Criminals on the Run. The five Irrationalist Presidents since June 17, 1987 will need need a positive defense for their estates.
Jon Jay College of Criminology is an excellent Liberal Arts school as part of the State University of New York SUNY. This is a prime choice of a holon to oppose (Boje, D. 2000). If Jon Jay, which is the most important educational facility for accredited police work fails to recognize MOEC or more likely supports Dodo and the so called Attorney General Exemption for the President then a very serious conflict will occur.
The Fall
Albert Camus
Clamence is a lawyer in Amsterdam. In Amsterdam's redlight district a bar named Mexico City, forms a background for The Fall. Clamence is a regular. A majority of the narrative develops from this setting.
On a walk home after a visit to his mistress, crossing Pont Royal, Clamence observes a woman standing near the edge of the bridge across from his path. This appeared odd, but nevertheless he continued due to the late hour.
After only a short distance, he heard the sound of a object hitting the water and a cry. Clamence knew this was the woman but continued onward. Discovery would easily point backward to his mistress. In fact he was a lawyer for the poor and disenfranchised.
After many years, Clamence returned and stopped at the site. In the background he heard laughter. He turned and saw no one. The laughter it appears was what was left of his conscience. Evil had overcome him.
Citizen versus Criminal
It is the allegation of MOEC Studies that MSM Cambridge Lawyers are the Proximate Cause of a War Crime with a prima facie History in the United States since June 17, 1987 (Proximate Cause). There has been a manifest Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over one person, myself, Bhakta David Nollmeyer. My Bill of Rights protections are eliminated (Bill of Rights). A Title 18 RICO Criminal Enterprise is developed and furthered (RICO 1970).
§ 2381. Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason...
§ 2382. Misprision of treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
The legal framework of Treason provides compelling impetus to perform, however in an Informant based culture, especially the United States, the management of labor is one of criminal enterprise. This is more akin to pirating the nationstate and plunder such before it sinks.
Many were called but few were chosen...
In the past seven months I have travelled from Inyo County to San Luis Obispo County, where the Pacific Ocean was completely contaminated to the point it would ruin any article that came into contact with it, to the Colorado River Valley as Riverside County, California and La Paz County, Arizona. The Colorado River, the site of the original Operation Radhanatha was contaminated.
The Cambridge Lawyers that designed MOEC's algorithm and challenged my person are not very bright as seen by personality differentiation (Algorithm). Dodo at this point is barely coherent. His ramblings would fail a sixth grade exit examination.
If College Algebra was strictly mandated for police work for hire, and tested every three years to maintain employment, this activity would have been reduced if not totally stopping MOEC.
What is unique is that if all Same Sex officers in LAPD were removed MOEC would stop. In fact it could have never started as it is a Gay Militia conspiracy.
An implication for the future is if a computer could accurately grade a term paper or a speech. LAPD's Gay Militia is Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. These actors are nearly incapable of defending any intellectual activity. In lieu Blackmail and Stalking proliferate.
A Nuremberg War Crime would create formal records for a majority of persons and create convictions.
The Rational formal method is preferable to the tacit informal punishment of Informant driven crime and disease.
The identification of the Proximate Cause sine qua non, accomplices, and accessories is the correct measurement for performance (Proximate Cause). Hence FBI Part I and II Crime Reporting and Center for Disease Control Surveillance reports will be proven to be linked to MOEC.
This action will correlate to the performance of sworn and unsworn individuals as prescribed by law.
The Master Passion
Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC is the most powerful defection model operating in continuo. The Authorship is alleged to be Cambridge Law School. Hence, a historical clique of lawyers are the Membership that plan the expansion and contraction of the British Empire. Using an algorithm of distributive justice frees the current living faculty from direct implication (Algorithm).
It is a fortiori strong that conflict between the LGBTi or homosexual Cambridge Lawyers and Same Sex or Heterosexual Trinity Theologians over War Crimes and Crime Against Humanity developed the Ex Deux Maquina which was a theatrical re enactment of the confrontation which reflected the LGBTi Lawyers losing a debate for control but reneging and remaining in power over the victorious Theologians (War Crimes 1998) (Crimes Against Humanity 1998).
The case posits an Origin for MOEC at about 1880 or the Schlieffen Plan of the Bismarck mobilizing Germany for WWI (Schlieffen Plan). This requires a solid dot beginning a line on any graphical model. It appears War Crimes committed to prepare the Anglo American Paradigm are intended to be targeted (War Crimes 1998). MOEC was allegedly named around 1930. However this only focuses the Structure and Process and incriminates any skeptics who challenge the labelling (Shoben, E. & Ross, Brian H. 1987).
The Manifest Function of alienating one person from one's citizenship under a sovereign head of state has multifaceted implications (Cole, N.L. 2020). The question of Evil and Demonology are focal subjects that define the Mechanism versus Theism debate in MOEC and other studies universally (Mechanism 2021)(Demonology) (Theism). The problem of whether there is a Mechanistic Ontology or a Theistic Teology or are of concern. A controlling value would have to be defined to predicate subsequent problems.
Of immediate concern is the debate between Absolute Morality versus Relative Morality. Deontology versus Consequentialism and Existentialism also was heavily debated and entrapped into the future (Absolute Morality 2018) (Gowans, C. 2021) (Sinnott Armstrong, W. 2019).
The Strategic Mission of MOEC is Gay Marriage. The Supreme Court of the United States is set to hear the merits at trial on April 28, 2015. There is a probability this may effect the present status of MOEC.
The argument for MOEC Studies is for one to be able defend a case at the level of a Nuremberg War Crimes Trial. In this consideration, the defense of a thesis at the PhD level should also be considered at Frye and Daubert Standards for an expert witness (Daubert). The use of logic (math), ontology, epistemology, ethics, morality, history, and law should be inclusive.
Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing
One can clearly argue that many materials were incorporated in defining the socially engineered ideology of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. It is very important to note that Jihadhi Theory and Fascism were studied very closely in developing the Gay Militia. Notice the use of the abstraction Gay Militia in contrast to the more particular Mobilization of Empire and Civilization. The case states that the Islamic State is clearly being organized by Anglo American interests. This is exactly the opposite of what Caliphate al Bhagdadhi and Imam al Zawahiri of Al Qaeda are arguing (Islamic State).
It is clear that both Jihadhis and Fundamentalists support in the positive what is perceived to be gross human rights violations as beheadings, the execution of Christians, Yazidi, other non Muslims, and LGBTi persons from what these actors consider Muslim land.
On the contrary, MOEC has developed History's greatest Censorship and Sanitization Program under the guise of Gay Government. Hence, there is no manifest apology.
In spite of this, Islamic Fascism is considered a Major Movement and emergent Pre Gay Fascism will be argued as a Minor Movement.
The other alternative which is convincing is that Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing is concrete but is only in the scapegoat stage in it's trajectory heading into possible War Crimes Trial territory (War crimes trial 2021).
As seen, the Irrationalist Ideological continuum has produced these movements historically (Nollmeyer 2013e):
Irrationalist Movements
Nazi Neo Nazi |
Fascism |
Gay Irrationalism Pre Gay Fascism |
Major Movements |
Italian Fascism |
Japanese Fascism |
Spanish Fascism |
Islamic Fascism |
Minor Movements |
Black Nationalism |
It is argued that Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing is both the head of the argument and end state of a Reverse Sting on the Individual and Collective. The intellectual and affective emotional life of LGBTi persons are inverted in a Master Passion. The Authorship of such are the patriarchal traitors of the Yellow Brick Road circular folly that is sustaining the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth in the United States and World.
One should note that in MOEC's folkish discussion of Scripts and deals there is an overt intent to destroy or create an individual or culture without a conscience of what is right or wrong. A total absence of a value system is developed by conditioning. This pattern is replicated as Irrationalism.
The Paradigm of Laws is in itself a unique Archetype or First Pattern that is common to human civilization.
Paradigm of Laws
The Eternal Law
The Natural Law
The Positive Law
The summon bonum is a noted contribution of Christianity (Summon bonum). It is the efficient exemplar of this system. It is Jesus Christ. In the Vedas it would Caitanya (Vedas). In this consideration the argument of an Adversary of Mankind emerges or a Devil. Here an Absolute or as close to such Evil. Hence an adversary or despoiler of the human race and living space.
Christianity alleges an Angel, mostly likely a Cherubim whom replaced the love that God had given him with pride and fell from Heaven is the Adversary. Lucifer was the name of this Angel before the Fall and Satan is his name now.
Luke 10:18 I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
Ezekiel 28:14 Thou are the annoited cherub that covereth.
Tensions in the Ex Deux Maquina in MOEC develop from many scriptural reference to the Devil. One may note that the 1904 Translation of the King James Biblewould be proximate to the 1880 to 1930 date where the principals are alleged to have performed most of the work in MOEC.
Failure lies in the Species. The Theory of Extinction posits that this is a Static Role in Open Texture.
Prisoner's Dilemma was originally developed by Merrill Flood and Melvin Dresher working at RAND in 1950, although the practice of defection is readily observable in scriptures as the Bible, and Bhagavad Gita (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019) (King James Bible 2020) (Prabhupada, Srila 1972). The latter is particularly acute as the Godhead Krishna instructs Arjuna in confrontation with King Drhtarastra before the Battle of Kurukestra, a fratricidal battle clearly demonstrates concepts of cooperation and betrayal.
Prisoner's Dilemma
Prisoner B Stays Silent |
Prisoner B Betrays |
Prisoner A Stays Silent |
Each serves six months |
Prisoner A serves ten years Prisoner B goes free |
Prisoner A Betrays |
Prisoner A goes free Prisoner B serves ten years |
Each serves two years |
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
There are two main subsystems in MOEC: 1. Lycurgus Akbar 2. Syrinx
There are three main components:
Electronic Surveillance - Stalking
Biological Chemical Warfare
Nuclear Warfare
Social Engineering in the empirical has become the Theater of Despotism. The despot, by human rights abuses and necessity, has to orchestrate civilization to stave off identification and prosecution.
Social Systems
The individual occurs first in nature (Lazlo, Carter):
Social Systems
The Individual - Social System - Renaissance - Decadence
Culture and Society
Social Systems Theory - Teaching and Promotion
A human rights system develops from the individual(s) upwards in a hierarchy of organization. Feedback from the Culture and Society also socialize the individual and groups as feedback. This is a clearly cognizable framework with historical content that has been Undermined.
One can observe by inspection how the Scripting of an individual or group degrades by using a simple table. No one has a perfect 10 : 0. Hence the upper ten percent and lower ten percent are outliers that one should keep in mind.
Table of Differentiation
Ten Percent Scale
10 |
0 |
9 |
1 |
8 |
2 |
7 |
3 |
6 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
4 |
6 |
3 |
7 |
2 |
8 |
1 |
9 |
0 |
10 |
Cambridge Law School has developed a very acute criminal enterprise. The Origination of MOEC if correct would define the Wrong Side of History in continuo.
There are three main components that support MOEC's manifest social engineered informant based ideology Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing:
Chemical Assault Scorched Earth
Electronic Surveillance
Under Christianity, which under Eternal Law is also Divine Government, Jesus as the summon bonum is the ideal human and Godhead (Summon bonum). Therefore he although as human would still be the efficient exemplar across all domains. This would be specifically accurate in morality and ethics.
The Mechanistic argument would state that it would be impossible for any human to have the ontological highest level of skill across all domains.
In direct conflict the Membership with the Epitaph, a nom de guerra of the Cambridge Lawyers and also possibly Trinity College Theologians, is only a mortal. This person(s) is clearly a War Criminal on the Run.
It is clear that Homeland Security has failed. The external threat analysis has not even recognized any anomaly at all.
The use of Ethnic Nationalism and Nativism heavily contradicts the argument of any spiritual authority (Nativism 2017). Hence any person with an localized identity, as a Southern Californian negates any universality. This is unique in the entrapment of LAPD officers:
The Fly
Dodo is strongly targeted in the use of circular arguments. This has been stated as a death spiral. The attack on my work on MOEC Studies, reflects a very insecure person and inferiority. One must consider that the Tournament is to gauge whether Cambridge and LAPD can equal or better what my capabilities are and vice versa. This cohort rivalry extends towards all individuals and groups in the social systems organization.
Currently I am working in the Inyo and Mono County region known as Owens Valley. Inyo is the second largest geographical county in the United States.
It is argued that most of the population was lead here via the Yellow Brick Road or defection. The exception would be the Inyo Paiute Shoshone Tribe. The WWII Manzanar Internment Camp is located near Independence in Inyo County.
The recruiting of a Gay Militia is racist. The cognitive bias is toward the white population. The localist mentality or Being Here is quite heavy and Scripted. The unemployment rate is high, very close to 20 percent. Inyo County has been in the bottom ten counties in the country with a per capita income of about $20,000. The population is down from over 20,000 to over 18,000.
The geographic isolation of the area itself lends to surrounding a person with impunity from the police, in this instance LAPD.
In the instant case, this presents Inyo as a lightning rod on how to attack the United States and particularly any nationstate. Hence MOEC uses defection to use this country as an instrument to be it's bodyguard and attack civilization.
In the creation of the Ex Deux Maquina it appeared that the Lawyers were destroying much mathematical and science based work.
Dodo is working at pre Algebra level, the computer scientists would struggle at an Algebra II placement exam although they have completed Calculus in college. I regularly work in a College Algebra text and should be able to pass a Algebra II entrance with a little guidance.
I have performed some Pre Calculus, that is the Algebra sans the Trigonometry. Even in this regard I can comprehend limits and differentials and understand the Schrodinger Equation which is a major pattern in MOEC Mathematics. In the future a survey of the salient Math would be a very useful course over basic abstractions.
It appears that very soon that Algebra I competency will be required for a minimum wage job. Wages will hit $15.00 per hour in many coastal Western cities by 2020. The police should be required to have and maintain at least College Algebra proficiency to remain on the force. This should be true for all entry level management jobs requiring an Associate in Art or an AA degree. Employee testing at least every three years should be mandatory.
As seen parametrically, the entire world is Censored and Sanitized. There is a hub and node system of defection operating through every police stationhouse in the world to facilitate a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. There are some 600,000 persons living HIV positive in the United States under these conditions.
The entire network of informants created by this system would be a population. Otherwise sampling is used to infer the penetration of MOEC by defection.
The dependent variable being manipulated is defection or betrayal under Prisoner's Dilemma (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019).
MOEC is an inferior attempt at a LGBTi Government.
MOEC is a hybrid RICO Criminal Enterprise Structure or gang. Organized Crime is an extension of the Membership through homeland security or police agencies (RICO 1970). LAPD is considered to be a major hub less than Scotland Yard. The ecology that has been created states that Scotland Yard delivered state planning around 1930. It permits LAPD to run MOEC while appearing to be victimized.
In this instance the Membership, LAPD, and local actors line is incriminated. I am the strongest individual or group to date to oppose MOEC. This is a direct statement to identify by name the Origin, principals, accomplices, and accessories and prosecute such in the correct venue.
A unique facet is that Cambridge uses a heuristic over and under profiling concept to predict what I am doing based on the Ten Percent Scale presented earlier. In this consideration, MOEC has predicted that I would be at least bisexual at this point in time. If I had performed three anal sex intercourses the full blown Chemical Assault Scorched Earth component known as Akbar would not have occurred.
America would be enduring Lycurgus which is Targeted Chemical Assaults TCAs focused around a target. Universally this would still be my person.
In particularity, MOEC will develop the worst police officer and target the best person as the head of state with this individual. Periander, The Fly, and Dodo have facilitated this activity. President Ronald Reagan was their intended target. MOEC's first consideration was that I would die, most likely commit suicide in Reagan's or possibly George HW Bush's tenure. It is evident that the Membership are dead.
MOEC endeavored to create an Informant that will be conditioned by their Scripting. This has failed.
I have developed their briefing which is focalized as the Organic Cell Origin into MOEC Studies. This activity was prohibited to other Cambridge professors. A great deal of MOEC is developed under direct conflict and tit for tat reprisals.
The description of the Organic Cell was give in Chipley, Florida around 1995; well after the original briefing in Dover, Delaware between June 17, and about August, 1987. Events are still occurring that were disclosed in 1987. The Gay Marriage cases were described as pertaining to the potential vote of Justice Kennedy.
The profiling at hand clearly defines Dodo with an inferiority complex. The simple brain versus brawn argument clearly finds him fleeing in a circular argument which is a death spiral under Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. He is an extension of an inferiority complex in the Authorship. This is developed into the local population now Inyo County, California.
The stereotype of MSMs having an inferiority complex is actually conditioned through defection. The folkish Yellow Brick Road is a chosen created Archetype inserted into the population and culture. This is measured by Behavioral Statistics.
In degree, a quasi sibling cohort rivalry is developed crossectionally and longitudinally. These actions are Scripted. Hence, the future is attacked by LAPD sweeping the population as Lycurgus. Ratios can be developed to see if the targets have fulfilled all of their deals.
MOEC is a hybrid RICO Criminal Enterprise. Organized Crime is an extension of Homeland Security or the police (RICO 1970).
The structure of MOEC, LAPD, and Local Population develops through this hub and node system to invert the culture and nationstate.
MOEC is a Reaction Formation. Criminals Repress and Victims Deny.
MOEC in it's Censorship and Sanitization has reinforced this Structure and Process (Social Theories).
On April 28, 2015, the Supreme Court Gay Marriage case will occur. At this date Scripting and predictions or defection and cooperation will be measured.
In the case of Inyo County and Siskiyou County (I arrived April 19, 2015), Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing is developed under an ecology of secondary parenting. The Tryad Model which is extended from Ecological Systems contains the History of what has transpired. This will be contained in Particular History and Justice (Ecological Systems Theory 2009). One may be attacked ad hominem and without Equal Protection regardless of what one has done or not performed.
One is being developed as a Traitor under a Father Figure. This is the Oedipal Conflict in Males and Electra in females (Electra And Oedipal Complexes). Resolution should occur no later then 13 years of age.
The population in Bishop and Big Pine have been exposed to MOEC Studies materials. McCloud has also been exposed to a degree where expertise could have been achieved.
The mythological image of a rough and rugged laissez faire westerner is destroyed in a homosexual blackmail ring under a Theater of Despotism.
It is evident that that social environment inclusive of the population were guided here. Inyo County is perhaps the most likely area where an individual would be forced into to live out Akbar.
The leg of the line beginning with the Membership of MOEC circa 1880 is being alleged to be the Proximate Cause of War Crimes and the Manifest Chemical Assault Scorched Earth in continuo now Weed, California, April 19, 2015 (Proximate Cause) (War Crimes 1998). The principals in the United States are argued as a Gay Militia in LAPD. The Social Systems Model supports a claim that the leader(s) of the Membership as individuals has created a Decadence. This dialectic moves through Families, Groups, Organizations, Communities, Culture and Society. In return there is feedback from Culture and Society, Communities, Organizations, Groups, Families and Individuals. If one argues seven levels then 28 possible feedback loops may exist.
The use of Gay Misogyny is severe heading into the Gay Marriage Case at the United States Supreme Court Case April 28, 2015.
LAPD is continually attacking Chris Farrell Friday. She is married to Louis Friday. I was a very close friend of Louis in elementary school.
Chris was born in 1962. This is the same year as Mary Bonauto. I believe Louis was born in 1960. Barack Obama and I were both born in 1961. Hence, we are all cohort rivals as tweeners those born between 1960 and 1964. We can be observed quite easily crossectionally or longitudinally.
Arguing from concrete facts, the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth may be considered Pre Genocide against Native Americans. There are in some reservations well under 200 surviving members. Since 1850 about the Gold Rush, severe abuse in the Western United States has ruined California, Arizona, Nevada, and Oregon. New Mexico has been historically attacked.
In degree, I have used a Ten Percent Scale to reason over probabilities. In reality one is fighting a 19 to 1 confrontation. Many of the small Western towns I have lived in have under 10,000 persons. Treason is a concern for these persons and anyone related to the persons. This is due to Crimes of Blood.
A person should place themselves at the Individual level and be Diametrically Opposed to MOEC. A defence at the PhD and Nuremberg War Crimes Standard should be considered. The Proximate Cause Test is the efficient resource (Proximate Cause). It is clear that many persons especially sworn officers will face severe scrutiny under a War Crimes Trial.
The manifest cultural repertoire is within the Antisocial Psychopath continuum. The educational level being targeted is the Sixth Grade. In consequence, the Nativistic Ethnic Nationalism culture is being targeted with a 80 IQ. The average person is 100. There are about 7.5 billion persons living.
What would a LGBTi Individual claim? What would a Opposite Sex Individual claim?
The culture is debauched. The use of (Homosexual) Moral Relativity and Consequentialism is used to disguise a lack of IQ (Sinnott Armstrong, W. 2019).
Siskiyou, Lassen, Plumas, Inyo, and Riverside Counties California have not produced any credible figure.
LAPD is demonstrating a very severe Inferiority Complex by following so called Scripts or defection patterns that will define racketeering under Title 18 1961 RICO Statutes (RICO 1970).
The culture is informant driven. It is a very crude game of Cut Throat as in billiards where one knocks the opponents balls in then the object ball.
There are persons, Informants that are on cue walking around my person stating, "In the end what happens and the notorious," "Are you here?", or to this effect are examples of the cognitive conditioning.
Currently about April 20, 2015 there are anti immigrant riots in South Africa. It appears that the ethnic native population is attacking expatriate business owners and workers. They claim they do not wish to see persons holding passports, only South African identification cards. This is a serious concern. A boycott against South Africa could arise.
Under MOEC Studies one would not pass a Sixth Grade Exit exam by arguing that the President has an Attorney General Exemption to allow Stalking under a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
In a chronological continuum, MOEC has created a Decadence. A restoration could be considered a Renaissance. At question is whether any individual and from what group or movement will create or lead such? MOEC is Fatalistic and Dependent. The population of the world is Dependent at this stage and are being destroyed.
On June 29, 2014 ISIS became the Islamic State by proclaiming Abu Bakr al Bhagdadhi it's Caliphate. Earlier on January 19, 2014 he delivered an audio message ending (Islamic State):
Our last message is to the Americans:
Know O protector of the crusade that this war by proxy in Syria won't help you like it didn't in Iraq. Soon we will be in a direct confrontation and the sons of Islam have prepared for such a day. So watch for we are with you, watching.
On July 1, 2014, the Islamic State (IS) released an audio message by the group's leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi:
Soon, by Allah's permission, a day will come when the Muslim will walk everywhere as a master, having honor, being revered, with his head raised high and his dignity preserved. Anyone who dares to offend him will be disciplined, and any hand that reaches out to harm him will be cut off.
So let the world know that we are living today in a new era. Whoever was heedless must now be alert. Whoever was sleeping must now awaken. Whoever was shocked and amazed must comprehend. The Muslims today have a loud, thundering statement, and possess heavy boots. They have a statement that will cause the world to hear and understand the meaning of terrorism, and boots that will trample the idol of nationalism, destroy the idol of democracy, and uncover it's deviant nature.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...
Hosea (Hosea Chapter 4)
The historically empirical watershed event of MOEC alienating a natural person and citizen against the United States President in the jurisdiction of this nationstate has developed the classical political philosophy argument of the Individual versus the Government (Collective).
April 19, 2015 is the 20th Anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombings under Clinton. In 1943 the Warsaw Riots broke out. World Remembrance Day falls on this date.
MOEC defines a polarity shift between Homosexuality and Heterosexuality.
In this instance, the sanctioning of LGBTi behavior at Eternal and Natural Law thinking is paramount. Legislating LGBTi rights is easier to comprehend at the Positive Law level.
In this consideration, under Islam, Same Sex is a crime. This is important in the Alter Ego confrontation between the Gay Militia and Islamic State (Islamic State).
It also reflects a distinct movement between the patriarchal Oedipal Complex and matriarchal Electra Complex (Electra And Oedipal Complexes). These two complexes are the Mechanistic Ontological Ends to define the criminality of the individual and collective.
The gambit line of Cambridge Law School, Scotland Yard, LAPD, and then into the general population is homosexual misogynist. There is very acute marriage breaking of those females who were same sex active in high school and took drugs and alcohol. The divorce rate here may be over 60 percent easily in many circles.
It is clearly alleged that child molestation that occurred in the Catholic Church, Jehovah Witnesses, and the Hare Krishnas was orchestrated under MOEC.
The stalking and suicides of LGBTi persons and the homicide of Matthew Shepard is also to be attributed to MOEC.
It is clear that the highest duty under a configuration of the Paradigm of Laws 1. Eternal Law 2. Natural 3. Positive Law was to expose MOEC.
The Irrationalist Presidents are War Criminals subject to prosecution, except for the deceased Ronald Reagan, and civil penalties:
Ronald Reagan
George HW Bush
William Clinton
George W Bush
Barack Obama
In this sense the LGBTi Movement vis a vis to Heterosexuality is on the Wrong Side of History. MOEC will easily surpass Gay Marriage and HIV AIDS in hierarchy as it apparent that it controls these structures.
This development of MOEC was complemented by an original disclosure or leak by the Origin Cambridge Law School. This focuses on the Origin or the Organic Cell. In this consideration, in a quasi experiment, it remains to be seen if these actors could Script and therefore predict my response. The development of MOEC Studies is a direct effort to decapitate, prosecute, and seek justice domestically in the jurisdiction of the United States and under the United Nations where applicable as it would be concerning England.
Correlation of events does not guarantee an Origin.
The attack on hermeneutics has only attacked the Membership, their accomplices, and accessories. If one attempts to argue from an authority, then the the leg of the line from Cambridge circa 1880 through Scotland Yard, LAPD, and to persons whom are alive as sworn officials, priests, academics, and average persons would damage the LGBTi Movement, Moral Relativism, and Consequentialism and then secondarily damage the heterosexuals (Sinnott Armstrong, W. 2019).
This will develop severe class stratification.
The jurisdictions in which I have lived since June 1987 contain the most likely populations of persons to be criminally prosecuted. These persons in California since 2000 have been equally exposed to MOEC Materials. I would challenge any prosecutor or researcher to condone the Torture and Cruel and Unusual Treatment that is hired out to persons wanting a Yellow Brick Road Deal or quid pro quo.
I have surpassed the highest interval that the Membership have Scripted. The American hub of LAPD and it's officers have failed in their Tournament. MOEC Studies is an innovative pre science. I would argue that it is superior to the political science being taught worldwide.
Cambridge MSM Lawyers have successfully attacked the United States through MOEC. Concerning culpability, England then the United States would be at the top rank in a ratio scale, hence one that starts with 0.
This attack can be abstracted. The attack against the United States can be adapted to be implemented against other nationstates as all currently are weaker.
As seen parametrically, the entire world is Censored and Sanitized. There is a hub and node system of defection operating through every police stationhouse in the world to facilitate a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. There are some 600,000 person living HIV positive in the United States under these conditions.
This fact plus the damage against Native Americans, whom populate the most remote West where MOEC is occurring, develops future litigants that must be considered and whom whose efforts or lack their of can turn History.
I will argue that the Attorney General will press charges regardless of any individual or group's identity or other cultural considerations under National Security.
I will argue that the Attorney General will press charges regardless of any individual or group's identity or other cultural considerations under National Security.
MOEC Studies is a refutation of Cambridge Law School orchestrating a defection model that has attacked the United States, it's citizens and Constitution. I am arguing we are clearly in this pattern in an emergent Irrationalist Pre Fascist State:
Informal Classes
Idol |
Heroes |
Buffoons - Ritualists |
Scapegoats |
There is a direct Alter Ego Conflict developing between those Muslims in the Islamic nationstates and America.This will be focalized by the LGBTi Movement and the Jihadhi and Fundamentalists in the Umma or Nation of Islam.
The average individual is an antisocial Informant who has sold oneself out for hire. This will necessitate a Treason Defence. All of the United States, especially the small Western Towns are developed under a Homosexual Blackmail Ring to crush identity. The ecological damage from the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is likely to last hundreds of years implicating scientists and sworn officials whom will not be able to be hidden in numbers.
The Informant
The Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm is an empirical structural shift. It is also iconoclastic in the sense that the destruction of values and artifacts originates in an attack within the same tradition. Iconoclasm, or literally image breaking, in Greek is the destruction of images or monuments for religious or political reasons. Iconoclasm may also refer to aggressive statements or actions against the status quo.
An integral Archetype within is a struggle between two brothers to receive an inheritance. Hence one may cite Cain and Abel, and Esaua and Jacob in the Bible(King James Bible 2020). The first did not transpire for the better.
Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC, especially the Membership, hence those with the greatest historical and legal stakes fashioned themselves as Iconoclasts. The opposite polarity is an Iconolatry or, One who reveres or venerates religious images (Iconoclast 2015).
You argue like an Informant
MOEC's scheme attempted to develop a summon bonum (Summon bonum).
This also would naturally extend into a complete society of such. The Philosopher Kings of Plato's The Republic is an Archetype (Plato 360 BCE). This action also has particularity in LGBTi social engineering which is in continuo. One should consider a PhD or it's equivalent as a standard for expertise. Thrasymachus the sophist is also an Archetype in the consider of a devil (Thrasymachus). The informant is a baseline.
The point of contention emerges from the Ex Deux Maquina of the system. This is the confrontation between heterosexual Trinity Theologians and homosexual Cambridge Lawyers.
This clearly has direct implications in academia, political leadership, and the priesthood. A consideration of both eschatology and ontology demonstrate a deliberate and intentional intent to Undermine the Paradigm of Laws destroying schools and models, their authorship, and their proponents (Eschatology 2021). Hence, an attack against hermeneutics simply is uncovered as a circular folly that is replicating itself where the criminals and their enterprise only entraps and purges itself over time.
It is clear that Cambridge Law School, the LGBTi Movement, the United Kingdom, and the United States' attempt at social engineering has failed.
It is argued that the United States has fought Britain in wars at least three times: The American Revolution, War of 1812, and MOEC which has a Manifest Function since June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware and Los Angeles Police Department LAPD in California (Cole, N.L. 2020).
In this consideration, one can discern a Hybrid Gang. This is a Title 18 Chapter 96 Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization. This in short will be called a RICO Criminal Enterprise (RICO 1970).
Hence in paraphrase the Anglo American Paradigm has been betrayed from within.
Paradigm of Laws
Eternal Law
Natural Law
Positive Law
Prisoner's Dilemma is the main model from which MOEC was developed. Origin is the General User Interface GUI (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019)(GUI 2019). It is not known if an actual computer program exists. MOEC was originally delivered by Aural Cartographic Maps ACMs which were reel to reel tape recordings.
Prisoner's Dilemma
Prisoner B Stays Silent |
Prisoner B Betrays |
Prisoner A Stays Silent |
Each serves six months |
Prisoner A serves ten years Prisoner B goes free |
Prisoner A Betrays |
Prisoner A goes free Prisoner B serves ten years |
Each serves two years |
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
There are two main subsystems in MOEC: 1. Lycurgus Akbar 2. Syrinx
There are three main components:
Biological Warfare
Chemical Warfare
Nuclear Warfare
Social Engineering in the empirical has become the Theater of Despotism. The despot, by human rights abuses and necessity, has to orchestrate civilization to stave off identification and prosecution.
The individual occurs first in nature (Lazlo, Carter):
Social Systems
The Individual - Social System - Renaissance - Decadence
Culture and Society
Social Systems Theory - Teaching and Promotion
A human rights system develops from the individual(s) upwards in a hierarchy of organization. Feedback from the Culture and Society also socialize the individual in return. This is a clearly cognizable framework with historical content that has been Undermined.
At this point in time, in MOEC's Manifest Function no Individual or Group has emerged to oppose and decapitate this War Crime other than my person (Cole, N.L. 2020). It is discernible by human or Artificial Intelligence in a world of 7.5 billion that the status quo is mythological and false.
Knowledge must be presented as a science. A science argues from laws and first principles to a fact. A craft is particularized to some detail.
A Fatalistic and Dependent culture has evolved that is Informant based.
The MOEC Theory of General Equilibrium is derived from the Employment Theory of Equilibrium. However it operates from the Paradigm of Laws. One has an opportunity to be a summon bonum or efficient exemplar from Eternal Law downward if the system permits such (Summon bonum).
As seen the eschatology (end state) of the Judeo Christian Islamic tradition argues a coming messianic figure (Eschatology 2021). Christianity and Islam share a very strong linkage to a Millennial Era that predicts a cataclysmic End War Scenario EWS that is centralized over Jerusalem.
This is very acute as the Islamic State has in late May seized control of Palmyra, Syria which is home to World Heritage sites and Ramadi in Anbar Province, Iraq (Islamic State).
In the MOEC's Theory of General Equilibrium persons are numbered or counted through measures as the census and electronic surveillance which are both legal and illegal.
Persons are judged by their genealogy and history. In MOEC, the Particular History and Judgment PHJ contains the data where one's conditioning over one's life is developed from. It is also the archive of MOEC. One then moves through a Maze where the individual must navigate obstacles in one's environment to rise to the highest level of performance or choose to exit this opportunity. In doing so competition would emerge where one's performance may displace another in that role where that person may need to choose to pursue another opportunity.
As seen General Equilibrium in a Mechanistic state is unlikely. A series of cycles and feedback loops is more likely to incur.
The displacement of labor by computers, automation, and the demand for more educated and skilled workers is a key threat to the Gay Militia. This could be severely acute for a 50 year old worker by 2025. Public education is costing $10,000 per year in 2015. Hence does this worker have a pension or should he or she pursue the education to be competitive? The same is true also for the small business owner and Fortune 500 corporation.
What is unique is that culture, and specifically though MOEC has evolved into a Marketplace Environment where everyone and everything is bought and sold for a price. Aristotle has stated that business will pollute all the arts. This clearly is a springboard to place the two studies into contention.
MOEC Studies argues that it's Structure and Process is evident in all nationstates as a hub and node system that has infiltrated every police stationhouse or code enforcement system worldwide (Social Theories). This accomplishment becomes manifestly evident circa the 1930s.
This posits MOEC as a suprasystem that is similar to a bot virus which seeks to control a computer's operating system without totally destroying such.
MOEC has two major subsystems. Lycurgus is an electronic surveillance state where Targeted Chemical Assaults TCAs are imposed over individuals and other objects as land. Syrinx is any nuclear event. Akbar is a mutation of Lycurgus which is a condition where an individual is totally alienated from their rights and undergoing a full blown epistemological attack with the entire Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over one.
To my knowledge, I am the only person who has the fullblown condition of Akbar imposed over their person. Others are Fractals of Kroni or have only a partial amount of the attack imposed over their person.
The United States Supreme Court was informed in 1998 Nollmeyer versus US Government cv 98 70-15 , that MOEC existed. The paper entitled Origin was briefed. The case was refused writ of certiorari on January 19, 1999 (Nollmeyer, D. 2005l).
The Wizard of Oz Versus Reagan and the United States
President Ronald Reagan and his Presidency was a component of the main target. I believe I am, as a natural person and citizen am only a catalyst in a system to Undermine the Anglo American Paradigm. Within the Tournament, other professors in Cambridge, policeman in Scotland Yard, and Los Angeles Police Department LAPD did not expose MOEC. I have not only chosen to expose MOEC, but to prosecute these actors as War Criminals.
A very acute analogy to early 1900s Russia posits the Czar still maintaining a feudal system over the population. This is a counterpoint to the sophistication of France and a city as Paris. The Japanese Russian War left the nation demoralized (1904 1905). The Communists were able to seize power in 1917 ousting the Czar. Lenin then returned to Russia to lead the Bolshevik Revolution. The Soviet Union was formed in 1922 with Lenin as the leader. Lenin died 13 months later and Joseph Stalin, whom Lenin distrusted assumed power.
Joseph Stalin, the USSR, the KGB, and cultishness of culture is a main consideration.
In this allegation is clear that Cambridge or MOEC has Scripted a theater of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing based on Ethnic Nationalism and Localism. This has been achieved through a totalitarianistic system of defection through every police stationhouse worldwide. The argument is that an informant based defection model has been used to maintain a lower educational standard through following a Script or Deal that is exactly the Yellow Brick Road of The Wizard of Oz (Braum, L.F. 1939). Hence this story was planted as part of the axiology of MOEC.
The focal target is to develop Ethnic Nationalism as the culture or group with the worst performance in History. In MOEC this has totally succeeded. The destruction to humans, natural life, and both the cultural and natural environment is catastrophic.
There is now a direct contrast and comparison between the Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Obama vis a vis to Joseph Stalin and the USSR.
The Irrationalist Presidents have kept the United States at an inferior level of education from the time period of June 17, 1987 in continuo. This is the Anglo American Irrationalist Era.
On Friday, May 22, 2015 Ireland became the first nationstate to approve Gay Marriage by a national referendum by a 60 to 38 percent majority. On May 23, 2015 John Nash, the mathematician and proponent of the Nash Equilibrium was killed in an accident in New Jersey. On the same day, I was locked out on this netbook and had to reinstall Windows 8. I lost 90 percent of my files. My external DVD drive will not work. This was Scripted against the Ireland referendum. I had been previously exposed to this type of attack at threshold earlier. It is unique that Weed, California and the exact field where I am writing was predicted as my location for the Ireland Referendum.
The Nash Equilibrium in itself does not prescribe optimal performance or any other level as has been stated. It is however most likely in a competitive setting all players will achieve less than 100 percent.
If the lockout occurred, by heuristics the Script posits that I am in confrontation with the Membership. John Nash and Uriel Brofenbrenner are two prominent intellectuals whose status will likely be revised lower due to the Anglo American Irrationalist Era 1987 in continuo.
Hence, the most mathematically illiterate persons are recruited to attack the United States and stalk the one individual that is ostracized from their Bill of Rights Protections (Bill of Rights). This pattern of brain versus brawn is Archetypal of human culture. Socrates is mortal. This is a battle between bald and hairy men. In this consideration Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing develops from Moral Relativism and Consequentialism and in return attempts to control such and every other field of study (Gowans, C. 2021).
The hybrid RICO structure of placing the most corrupt and or illiterate policeman and their Informants versus the President should also be memorized (RICO 1970).
The officers in LAPD have used these code names with Dodo being current:
Gay Militia Code Names
Periander |
The Fly |
Dodo |
This structure is a direct negation of the mythology of the American President. The Scripted image of Ronald Reagan as grandfather, a later day Moses of conservatism is cultured and destroyed by developing the American as an Informant under defection under MOEC.
This level of Irrationalism is Pre Fascist. A Totalitarian Welfare State TWS is a likely outcome.
President Ronald Reagan will be the first actor to be accused of signing or being a knowing party an Attorney General Exemption or Exception. This alleged activity is the basis for the carte blanche lawlessness and debauchery that has permeated the culture. This array of RICO Criminal Behavior is severely acute in the jurisdictions where I have lived or travelled since April, 1986 and specifically June 17, 1987.
The converse accident and reverse converse accident are integral to Reagan's historical legacy and legal survival. Hence, by cue the natural persons surrounding me are being told they can engage in crimes against the person as stalking. If I accuse such persons they will need a positive justification as self defense. If not they are clearly facing RICO charges (RICO 1970). Many, many persons have well beyond two incidents in a setting of treason, a full blown electronic surveillance state, and Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
A fifteen year old individual and specifically a twenty year old Siskiyou County Sheriff are totally naïve if they do not consider themselves potential witnesses in a future Nuremberg War Trial scenario.
The cue that following the Wizard of Oz Yellow Brick Road will create a family tradition is being soundly defeated in a punch drunk informant based Bacchanal.
In this consideration, Beau Biden, the son of Vice President Joe Biden, has just died of brain cancer on May 30, 2015 at 46. He has been Attorney General of Delaware. I met Biden in 1972 at an envelope stuffing for his father's first Senate campaign. Biden's mother Neila and sister Naomi were both killed just after Biden won the election in November when the family went out shopping for a Christmas tree.
The Bidens and I lived several houses apart on Nathaniel Mitchell Road in the Rodney Village subdivision in Kent County.
The concept of Tryadic Parenting is used as a conditioning tool where there are two important dyads:
1. Primary Parenting: One's natural parents or primary care providers.
2. Secondary Parents: One's siblings, cohorts, and groups that effect learning of the individual.
The family is the microsystem. This is the system that is most proximate to the individual. If the police become the microsystem then totalitarianism emerges. The prison setting or a non normative situation as war and conflict where the police or military are more intrusive is also a possibility.
My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge...
Hosea (Hosea Chapter 4)
The Greek Gift of the God's
Caveman Attack
The structure and specifically the process of MOEC posits a line from the Origin through a police agency, policeman, and to the individual. This line or dialectic is corrupt.
The Algorithm of MOEC is as such: United Kingdom,Cambridge Law School, Scotland Yard, United States, Los Angeles Police Department, Delaware State Police, Local Jurisdictions, and Individual (Algorithm).
The concept of demonization is invoked by the attack on the United States, Presidency, Ronald Reagan, and David Nollmeyer your author. It is with deliberate intent that MOEC does not have an internal value system. It's defection pattern is external which favors a socialization and behavioristic model while conditioning genetics.
Under Equal Protection and Due Process a weighted judgment must be measured against all five Irrationalist Presidents:
Irrationalist Presidents
Ronald Reagan |
George HW Bush |
William Clinton |
George W Bush |
Barack Obama |
I am arguing that all five actors supra are guilty of War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, and Treason against the United States Crimes Against Humanity (War Crimes 1998)(Crimes Against Humanity 1998). This is figured by considering the strongest possible charges that the facts support.
Empirically, the Manifest Function has existed since June 17, 1987 (Cole, N.L. 2020). The Paiute Indians number in the hundreds in Inyo, Lassen, Plumas, Siskiyou, and Modoc County. Solely on the basis of Native Americans, the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth merits charges of Genocide and or the attempt thereof.
The facts state that there is an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth Program operating out of the United States radiating towards the international community. The level of expertise clearly indicates a corrupt PhD level platform recruiting a targeted 80 IQ class of persons based on Ethnic Nationalism. The average person is 100 IQ and a genius is 140 IQ. Hence a Common Sense Test at the Supreme Court would be based on a 100 IQ.
Will You Betray the Constitution?
The phrase supra is the command imperative of MOEC which was acted out by two of the lawyer leaders of the Membership:
The Hand
The Little One
The Storyboard recreation is entitled the Reduction Room. It is sexual vulgar and perverse in it's content. It's design is placed within Atomization of the Origin, the Organic Cell. Any prosecutor attempting to discover and decapitate MOEC will face being entangled in a homosexual blackmail ring.
The Positive Law in the United States only defines what is citizen versus criminal. A citizen is stronger against blackmail. In our society, homosexual or LGBTi persons are targets for blackmail as well as heterosexuals. At issue is that Cambridge Lawyers who were MSM appear to be the Authorship.
Informal Fallacies of Logic, which are less than Predicate Logic or a formal system, are used heavily in a Reverse Sting operation to Undermine every level of the social system from the Individual to Supernational Regimes and Faith Systems.
Informal Fallacies
Ad hominem: Against the person.
Ad populum: Appeal to the gallery or people.
Ad misericordium: Appeal to the misery of the people. This fallacy is location based. Ethnic Nationalism and Localism are contained here.
The political philosophy of MOEC is Informant based, adversarial, and duplicit. It is the work of a Machiavelli behind the scenes. It is the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain. The Declaration of Independence provides a basis for the invertebration of the United States. Very simply the first are last and the last are first. Emphasis should be noted beginning, But when a long train of abuses:
We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
The Constitution of the United States creates the Presidency (Oath of Office):
Article II
Section 1 - The Executive Branch
Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Article III
Section 3 - Treason
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Amendments to the Constitution provide the individual with substantive rights.
The First Amendment guarantees the Freedom of Speech, to move about, choose one's faith, associate with others, and confront the government.
The Fourth Amendment encompasses electronic surveillance. The concept of the Exclusionary Rule, no illegal evidence shall be used against one is a concern.
The Fourteenth Amendment contains the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses.
Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
On May 28, 2015 the United States Supreme Court heard two cases regarding Equal Protection and Due Process.
Question 1.
1) Does the Fourteenth Amendment require a state to license a marriage between two people of the same sex?
Question 2.
2) Does the Fourteenth Amendment require a state to recognize a marriage between two people of the same sex when their marriage was lawfully licensed and performed out of state?
The Fourth Amendment controls The Fruit of a Poison Tree. MOEC Studies is based on a leak given to me through LAPD and their Gay Militia. On June 17, 2015, I would have worked on such for 28 years. I have returned my research and observation to the public in a feedback loop.
This issue is derived from Mapp v. Ohio and lead to a Court ordered measure known as the Exclusionary Rule. This rule is used disingenuously by claiming that if one designs a crime by creating illegal discovery by sworn officers that the crime is unprosecutable. This circular folly is a Due Process violation Under the Color of Law.
I am stating that many persons and populations where I have lived have information that would level any asymmetry of information. Hence, the main jurisdictions, cities, counties, states, and the federal government clearly are not only exposed to MOEC, they have had exposure to material although seriously twisted by intent would enable one to elevate their education to a serious intellectual and critical level.
Two simultaneous eternities can not exist. The Mockingbird Defense is a defection pattern in which hypothetically The Hand and Little One are roaming the world under persecution. The Ex Deux Maquina have intellectualized the conditions of Akbar and specifically Operation Radhanatha where I am living out the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. Hence under MOEC I am living surviving under defection because these Cambridge Lawyers Scripted their survival from the circular folly which is Atomization against the human race through the United States.
Under United States Federal Law, the Bill of Rights is my national legal safeguard (Bill of Rights). I would use the Second Protocol of the ICCPR under the United Nations Universal System.
Bill of Rights
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
Totalitarianism seeks to isolate the individual and the group ex communicado from the whole and without legal recognition.
It is clearly argued that Cambridge Law School is the Authorship of MOEC. It is discernible that after the initial attack against the United States, President Reagan, and myself that it was intended by these actors to lay blame to these three parties. The Algorithm United Kingdom, Cambridge Law School, Scotland Yard, United States, Los Angeles Police Department, Delaware State Police, Local Jurisdictions, and Individual is also suspect with sworn duty bound officials the most legally exposed parties (Algorithm).
MOEC is an extension of a tradition known as the System which is described in the Bible, To Found the System, To Found the System, To Found the System. Fallen, Fallen, Fallen has Babylon the Great. This is the invertebration of Eternal Law. If one creates a contrary System to Godhead, scientifically this would be an Antichrist or Devil. It is a separate path to Eternity. It is a Stairway to Heaven. Nebuchadnezzar in the Book of Daniel yearns for this. An earlier Archetype is Hryanyakashipu of the Vedas (Vedas).
In brief, the modern History of Political Philosophy may read as from Reagan to the Islamic State in extension from Plato to Marx (Islamic State). In this nexus Thrasymachus the Sophist is also a prototype on an Antichrist (Thrasymachus). The destruction of a people is attributable to a lack of knowledge. This under MOEC is clearly attributable to the following of a defection pattern in a Theater of War.
The targeting of President Ronald Reagan will have a blowback effect against the LGBTi Movement whose emergence is clearly being guided by MOEC.
MOEC can argue a highly advanced systematic pattern of defection in place at the head of states of all nations. This at the present time period is also a prototype of the Antichrist. The collusive pattern of Censorship and Sanitization clearly defines MOEC as a Cultural Singularity.
The empirical history of the World has suffered incredible damage to human life and property since June 17, 1987. The actors responsible clearly desired to isolate the exposure of the United States to prevent their own detection. The initial attempt to expose the Membership appears to have occurred near WWI towards WWII. Hence, a future United States President, in this case Ronald Reagan, was chosen to be entrapped exactly on June 17, 1987. The attack was centered over one person, myself based on a RICO reverse sting entrapment (RICO 1970). The capitol of the First State Dover, Delaware was a primary target, however there were many contingencies while the date of June 17, 1987 was not.
In this consideration, MOEC Studies has a dynamic advantage in that it has diametrical opposition to MOEC and it's static folkish Wizard of Oz Yellow Brick Road which it had been implanted in the United States many years past, most likely on the Mayflower with the first pilgrims. Hence an Informant based defection model.
The entire framework appears to be explicable by the Schrodinger Equation, Particle in a Box. Ethnic Nationalism and Localism is the culture the placed at the bottom of the box to Undermine the Social System at every level.
MOEC Studies argues that the Anglo American Paradigm was betrayed by MSM actors in the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. The Membership is dominated by lawyers and theologians. These actors are the patriarchs which who desired for President Ronald Reagan to lead his people into slavery. These analogies are based on archetypes found in the Bible, The Republic, Vedas, and the Koran (Vedas) (Stevens, A. 2006). Other sources will also be found to be developed against standing international, national, and local criminal and civil codes (King James Bible 2020).
There is an essentialist alter ego which places the United State vis a vis to the Islamic State with Cambridge as the prosecutor in Prisoner's Dilemma (Islamic State) (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019). It is clearly asserted that the Islamic State was developed by defection as was Israel in 1948.
These tensions are consistent with a conflict based Theory of War as Systematic Patterns of Defection. Hence war can be fought by proxy.
This criminal pattern descends or emerges within the Social System model. It is empirically demonstrable that MOEC is entirely centered over my natural person regardless of what system is used to analyze or dispense with such.
It is with this consideration that a future Nuremberg War Crimes Trial and Marshall Plan with the United Kingdom and the United States being the aggressor is nearly inevitable (War crimes trial 2021) (Marshall Plan).
Parameters: Numbering the People
MOEC Studies is developed with a focal system of Prisoner's Dilemma (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019). As such defection or cooperation is the variable which it is attempting to manipulate to create a social system. To defect means to align with MOEC. To cooperate means follow laws, rights, and rules.
Prisoner's Dilemma
Prisoner B Stays Silent |
Prisoner B Betrays |
Prisoner A Stays Silent |
Each serves six months |
Prisoner A serves ten years Prisoner B goes free |
Prisoner A Betrays |
Prisoner A goes free Prisoner B serves ten years |
Each serves two years |
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
Within MOEC's internal components, Parameters functions as gatekeeper. Parametric measurements concern the entire population N, not a sample. In MOEC, social engineering the population in a predicable manner is desired. This is achieved by defection and simple conditioning as stimulus, reward, response (Skinner, B. F., Drummond, L.M. 1971). The setting should also be considered. In this manner the methodology and framework of MOEC is slowly becoming clearer.
At issue is to develop every branch of knowledge and domain as a science.
Hence every phenomena should proceed from demonstrable laws and first principles to a conclusion.
One should consider this simple outline.
I. Origin: MOEC is headed by a Membership of Cambridge Lawyers and Trinity Theologians.
II. Extinction of a Faith System is the first consideration, then Natural Reason (this could be a social movement as the LGBTi Movement, Woman's Rights, Singularity), and then Government.
III. LGBTi Homosexuality and Opposite Sex Heterosexuality are the two polarities in contestation.
IV. A family tree extending into the future is constructed chronologically from the Origin. This will guarantee within the Anglo American Paradigm predicates any internal purges as Iconoclastic.
V. MOEC is a RICO criminal enterprise under Title 18 of the United States Code, 18 U.S.C. §1961–1968. The concept of racketeering drives an informant based process where predictability is based on defection or quid pro quos (RICO 1970).
In support of this culture, the absence of a conscience, hence no value system that dictates what is right or wrong is developed and then culture. In particularity Gay Relativism is stated but only Consequentialism and Phenomenology are presented (Sinnott Armstrong, W. 2019).
We will use the Anglo American Paradigm with Christianity as our main example. This will be our main focal target. We will observe how it has been attacked. Neo Platonism will be the other system that is observed. The Bible and Plato's The Republic will be the two touchstone texts (King James Bible 2020) (Plato 360 BC). I will attempt to use the Cambridge King James Version. I would like to use the 1904 translation but my computer has been crashed several times and I can no longer find a free pdf online.
In this instance, would a Christian church in the United States be able to pass the Proximate Cause Test sine qua non with an expert panel of Trinity College level theologians and Cambridge Lawyers (Proximate Cause)? In this discussion we are searching for the creation of a false line of teaching and doctrine as well as the creation of the physical church itself and congregation. One may argue with substitution as these two systems are presented as principles. In the present these systems reflect the contemporary standards of professional competency concerning Western History.
This design will replicate the Iconoclastic Archetype of betrayal and destruction within the Anglo American Paradigm. By addition, other sources may be added by line as the Vedas or Islam as needed for balance and comparison (Vedas).
The historical trajectory of the Anglo American Irrationalist Era is now at 28 years of Manifest Function (Cole, N.L. 2020).
In particularity, Francis Cornford, whose translation of The Republic is considered the most prominent has been accused of being the Machiavelli of MOEC (Cornford, F.M. 1941). In this instance we have a very serious allegation of a disciple of Zeus avenging the so called extinction of Platonism by the Christians circa 260 AD. It has been argued that the first Christians were too simple to defeat the Greek logicians of this era and their educational system which has now been inherited as the University System. The modern fraternities of our history and time reflect the hazings that occurred in the text Lycurgus which now has only a Chapter 1 with possibly three more by the end of 2016.
I do not see Cornford as the final authority, only as the symbolic figure of a worshiper of Zeus waving incense embedded in the Membership who avenges the extinction of his faith. It is a fortiori strong that he or another whom learned his material had a huge impact on the entrapment in MOEC.
In this context, Plato makes very incisive arguments. What is more preferable, to ruled by an inferior democracy or to be reigned by a tyrant? Plato implies that a tyranny of one person is superior since the corrupt actions are the liability of one person whereas in the Democracy the tyranny of many are accountable. Plato draws an analogy between the state and a mutiny on a ship on page page 282 of The Republic (Plato 360 BC).
One should consider a timeline of true chronology. On this time line the very first known provable event is recorded as well as arguments that are philosophic or theological. Hence our cosmos under Mechanistic Science is considered to be about 15 million years of age. The Creationist Christian case states about 8000 years of age. The rise and fall of Christianity is very instructive.
A very useful insight is that the original Ex Deux Maquina or the Theologians versus the Lawyers reflects an Archetype of two angels or supernatural beings whom battle and destroy themselves to create the universe. Tiamat and Marduk from the Middle East and Aguilar (Eagle) versus Jaguar from the Popuh Vuh of the Aztec are integral. The battle between two brothers as Cain and Abel is also figured prominently in the entrapment. The modern classic One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez also has a similar plot line (Márquez, G. 1967).
If one were writing a law, then a formal logical proof will be used as a check. The same would hold true for any computer program. All the mistakes are recorded for eternity.
In modern law, Treason and Obstruction of Justice are the main legal issues that destroyed the Anglo American Paradigm. This subject matter is used to entrap the United States as the hub radiating a criminal enterprise. MOEC in a simple format is a homosexual blackmail with secondary felonies and misdemeanors attached to create double crimes.
In this instance the Book of Life which will be opened at the Second Coming of Christ is an Archetype. If one is written into the Book of Life then one can go to Heaven. In analogy the Book of the Dead are those persons whom have been recorded to go to Hell.
The MOEC Calendar is it's own interpretation of the Creation Timeline. It includes the tacit actions that MOEC has undertaken in expanding and contracting the British Empire.
In Plato's Timaeus, the Spindle of Necessity describes the creation of the cosmos. Lachesis is the Past, Clothos is the Present, and Apropos is the Future (Zeyl, D. and Sattler, B. 2019).
Syrinx is the doom of the world as sung by the Muses. The modern word syringe is also derived from this concept.
The interpretation at the Mechanistic level is that these are components and are part of a Prisoner's Dilemma defection pattern used by the state architects to develop an Empire and dynasty (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019).
Hence Timaeus deals with cosmology. A consideration of prime matter also will compete with substance with the standard epistemology:
Mechanism: Object - Sensation - Mind
Theism: Mind - Sensation - Object
England is the Mind, the United States is the Bodyguard
MOEC is the acronym of the System MOBILIZATION OF EMPIRE AND CIVILIZATION. The SYSTEM is allegedly of British design; that of Cambridge Law School. The paradigm is designed as a Suprasystem. This is to state that MOEC is a higher structural system that manages lower subsystems as components. This is particularly aimed at Constitutions and computer operating systems which are constructed in a similar manner.
Pseudo Apollo Apollonian the Exterminator
Dionysus Britainicus Dionysus Americanus
MOEC has a taxonomy of a genus and specie. One specie is dichotomized into two subspecies. The genus is Pseudo Apollo or Apollonian the Exterminator; an angel that falls from the heavens to lead the world into desolation. The two species are Dionysus Britainicus and Dionysus Americanus. The former is the conqueror of Britain, the alpha member, and the latter is the conqueror of America, the beta member. Hence, this is expressed as Dionysus free versus Dionysus bound.
There are two main subsystems in MOEC: 1. Lycurgus Akbar 2. Syrinx
There are three main components:
Biological Warfare
Chemical Warfare
Nuclear Warfare
A consideration of a modern nationstate is to choose to fight a sequential war or a simultaneous war. The United States is currently facing external threats as Iran in the Middle East and China and North Korea in the Far East. In sequential warfare the United States may attempt to defeat Iran first then proceed to defeat North Korea then China. In a simultaneous warfare battles on multiple fronts are engaged at the same time. The simultaneous warfare model is what this nationstate's capabilities are based on.
In a direct response to the Scripting of an Informant based attack on the United States, a hypothetical Nuremberg Trial has been devised. Originally about 15,000 persons were targeted in this data set. This was most likely in the 1990s, before 1995. I can remember in my travels stating 30,000 or double is easily more accurate.
Hence these paradigms, simultaneous war and creating a tribunal and prison system with 30,000 beds is operational and is a hierarchy within the basic entrapment or conditioning imposed over one as a Script.
An example is, if Russia moves a battleship in the North Pacific, the United State must also to maintain equilibrium. The model of the simultaneous war and concrete examples are involved in decision making. Similarly through the entire operation of MOEC, the hypothetical War Crimes Tribunal with 15,000 persons was imposed over the population. It is now the latent stage of MOEC where the Informants and Stalkers are more aware of criminal prosecution. Hence, 30,000 persons prosecuted is the model.
On June 17, 2015, the 27th Anniversary of the Manifest Function of MOEC, Dylan Storm Roof entered the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church and killed nine persons including the Pastor Emmanuel Pinckey (Cole, N.L. 2020). Storm announced that he was there to, "shoot black people." He told a female that he spared her life so she could tell his story.
As stated the in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth began on June 17, 1987. Much of my work was written in Glenwood, New Mexico. I used to have to take a roundabout route through then Arizona 666, a state road to this outpost. The cue here is from the film Natural Born Killers. Hence the villains kill persons but drop off a victim along this highway to tell the story. Another important detail is the events concerning Dead Man Walking and the abolition of the death penalty occurred with Sister Helen Prejean versus then Governor George W Bush of Texas while I was writing in New Mexico.
The Magna Carta also turned 800 years old on June 15, 2015. The Battle of Waterloo occurred on Sunday June 18, 1815 in Belgium.
On June 26, 2015 No. 14–556 OBERGEFELL ET AL. v. HODGES, DIRECTOR, OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, ET Al (Obergefell v. Hodges 2015).
Held: The Fourteenth Amendment requires a State to license a marriage between two people of the same sex and to recognize a marriage between two people of the same sex when their marriage was lawfully licensed and performed out of State. Pp. 3–28.
(2) The history of marriage is one of both continuity and change. Changes, such as the decline of arranged marriages and the abandonment of the law of coverture, have worked deep transformations in the structure of marriage, affecting aspects of marriage once viewed as essential. These new insights have strengthened, not weakened, the institution. Changed understandings of marriage are characteristic of a Nation where new dimensions of freedom become apparent to new generations.
This dynamic can be seen in the Nation's experience with gay and lesbian rights.
The Court:
Glucksberg did insist that liberty under the Due Process Clause must be defined in a most circumscribed manner, with central reference to specific historical practices. Yet while that approach may have been appropriate for the asserted right there involved (physician assisted suicide), it is inconsistent with the approach this Court has used in discussing other fundamental rights, including marriage and intimacy...
If rights were defined by who exercised them in the past, then received practices could serve as their own continued justification and new groups could not invoke rights once denied. This Court has rejected that approach, both with respect to the right to marry and the rights of gays and lesbians. See Loving 388 U. S., at 12; Lawrence, 539 U. S., at 566–567. The right to marry is fundamental as a matter of history and tradition, but rights come not from ancient sources alone. They rise, too, from a better informed understanding of how constitutional imperatives define a liberty that remains urgent in our own era.
Hence the argument Tradition has the force of law is further limited.
I would like to elaborate on this subject as Gay Marriage is the Strategic Mission in MOEC. Through a hub and node system worldwide in every police station house, Informants have been recruited to commit at least one crime creating a foundation for a racketeered blackmail ring. One of the most overriding crimes has been Marriage Breaking under the Color of Right as a Marriage Ritual. The divorce rate in America is at least 40 percent. By observation LGBTi females who were bisexually active in high school in Kent County, Delaware, divorce at about 60 percent rate if drugs and turning state's evidence with a police agency is empirical. This pattern is consistent prima facie in almost 100 percent of the western small towns that have would have prominence in a War Crimes Trial. Homosexual Misogyny is socially engineered. Chris (Crystal) Farrell Friday is a natural person and is the female target of Homosexual Misogyny.
In the defection model Barack Obama is the Singularity Target. Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
The Tournament has a bias of Homosexuality versus Heterosexuality. As seen Mechanism versus Theism should also be given deep deliberation (Mechanism 2021) (Theism). It appears that the Tabula Rasa, that states the mind is like a blank page to be written on is proffered by the Mechanistic argument (Tabula Rasa). In this consideration, the contestation here develops around a no second chance to prove one is the summon bonum (Summon bonum). Once one states any argument, one is bound to such. In this simple framework no mortal person is efficient. Whomever is in power and control holds immense police power and judicial power to dispense with you.
The individual under Defection is the variable being manipulated by MOEC. This in it's most severe form would violate all three laws: Eternal Law, Natural Law, and Positive Law.
A baseline is Capital Treason against one's nationstate. MOEC is a point in an extensible graph with feedback loops that return to the Cambridge Membership themselves. As a graph such would represent the hierarchical nature of the system. MOEC considers a Spiritual City. It then ends with a terminus. This slightly indicates a test that is biased towards Mechanism (Mechanism 2021). If a Spiritual City emerges MOEC would be eliminated regardless.
Tabula Rasa shapes the programming for MOEC. It's field of activity is Three Dimensional Space (Tabula Rasa). This is Maze. One essentially is entrapped in a Reverse Sting Operation. The Reverse Sting is the basic process of how an Empire begins to expand or contract itself.
If one person is alienated from their legal protections the whole will suffer. This has occurred to my person since June 17, 1987 under then President Ronald Reagan, in Dover, Delaware.
This alienation is criminal and rises to Treason. I have chosen to expose and prosecute MOEC or University of Cambridge, and also it's accomplices and accessories. Then Attorney General Edwin Meese and Ronald Reagan are the first major sworn duty bound officials to fail resulting in a huge loss in life, limb, and property. The Converse Accident is used to blame only Reagan by the Gay Militia. In return the Reverse Converse Accident would be used to use Equal Protection and Due Process more strictly on the other Irrationalist Presidents.
The officers in the Gay Militia in LAPD and under the engineered ideology Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing have used these code names with Dodo being current:
Gay Militia Code Names
Periander |
The Fly |
Dodo |
The Irrationalist Presidents whom I am accusing of War Crimes, Treason, and Obstruction of Justice are (War Crimes 1998):
Irrationalist Presidents
Ronald Reagan |
George HW Bush |
William Clinton |
George W Bush |
Barack Obama |
In essence in the creation of our social universe in History, it appears that the Trinity Theologians are given credit for my survival. In the folkish The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy gets to challenge the Wizard of Oz (Braum, L.F. 1939). She is given a pair of Red Shoes from the Glynda, the Good Witch of the North who transferred the shoes of her sister the Wicked Witch of the East whom was killed when Dorothy's house crashed into Munchkinland. Her sister became the Wicked Witch of the West by trying to defeat the Wizard of Oz. The Witch wishes to retrieve the shoes. In reality Dorothy does not need the Red Shoes.
The only way to return home is to see the Wizard of Oz in the Emerald City.
On her way down the Yellow Brick Road, Dorothy frees the Scarecrow from the pole on which he is hanging, applies oil from a can to the rusted connections of the Tin Woodman, then meets the Cowardly Lion, and encourages the three of them to journey with her and Toto to the Emerald City. The Scarecrow wants a brain, the Tin Woodman wants a heart, and the Cowardly Lion wants courage. All four believe that the Wizard can solve their troubles.
The extension of the MOEC analysis tradition is very ancient. It is has a strong basis in the Crucification of Jesus, the path to Calvary, and the Holy Grail.
It is clear that I have stated that Matthew Shepard's murder was foretold in the summer of 1987. This was by the Gay Militia.
Integral here in the West is Islamic ribāt and outlasting one's enemy. Al Hasan al Basrī (rahimahullāh) said in explanation of the āyah, "He ordered them to be patient upon their religion, and not to abandon it because of hardship, luxury, leisure, or adversity. He ordered them to outlast the kuffār in patience and to perform ribāt against the mushrikīn" [Tafsīrat Tabarī].
Many people also don't realize the difference between ribāt (defending the frontier posts) and hirāsah (guard duty). One might be on ribāt but not on hirāsah, like the murābit at the frontier post sleeping, eating, exercising, talking, reading, or praying before or after his shift for hirāsah.
Dabiq issue 9 (Dabiq (magazine) February 17, 2021)
I have not been an Informant or Accomplice on the Yellow Brick Road. I do not or have not performed a same sex act every six months to maintain a quid pro quo with the Gay Militia and subsequently of Cambridge to attack the human race through the United States.
I am in Weed, California adjacent to Mt. Shasta a 14,000 foot dormant volcano. The Ajumawi Pit River Indian name for Shasta, Ako-Yet or Yet-acu refers to the mountain in it's entirety and as a sacred spirit mountain. (The Hammawi call it Et ti ja na; Big Valley call it Et; the Atsuge call it Yeh te che na.)
What is now Mount Shasta is a boundary for several tribes in Northern California.
MOEC is doing a very efficient job of destroying the United States through the locals. Western law enforcement has roots in the Calvary, US Marshalls, Pony Express, and Texas Rangers. It has been destroyed by LAPD.
It is unique that the Gay Militia is developed as a Gambit Line of MSM Males. In a gambit material is sacrificed. Hence the entire extensible graph is prosecutable.
The Mythical State of Jefferson was a proposed state with a capitol in Susanville. The original idea extended north into Oregon across to the Pacific south in California and east to Susanville.
Kate Brown is now the first openly LGBTi governor in United States History (Kate Brown 2021).Brown 54, became governor on February 18, 2015, succeeding John Kitzhaber upon his resignation to fight corruption charges.
Kate Brown is a major casualty of the Gay Militia. She is a weak leader as were the Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Obama. The State of Jefferson is an alter ego to Islamic State (Islamic State). The antisocial psychopathic continuum reflects the lack of values and of the leadership to cut such down as Homeland Security.
History will compare the traditions.
As seen the strongest nexus in MOEC is a descent as a family tree through the LGBTi Movement. This if true will create the Wrong Side of History.
In continuation, I have chosen to decapitate MOEC to University of Cambridge, United Kingdom whom I present ecce homo, behold the man, as the Proximate Cause (Proximate Cause).
In this instance, the ritual washing of hands in the bowl has created an inferior level of spiritual, academic, and legal work. A material scientists could easily be implicated as a criminal.
Events and circumstances can easily create conditions for change in either positive or negative directions. The Confederate Flag has faced a colossal flood of criticism. It would be lucky for this flag to be placed in a serious museum. One must consider the alter ego reversal in the opposite concept.
MOEC attempts to level the United States and it's Irrationalist Presidents vis a vis to the USSR and Joseph Stalin.
Matthew 22:1-14 King James Version (KJV). There was a King who planned a wedding feast. The King prepared his feast and sent servants to bid those to the wedding. This was taken lightly by many. Others killed the servants and took their gifts. The King then sent out his army and destroyed. Other invitations to strangers were given.
11 And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment:
12 And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless.
13 Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
14 For many are called, but few are chosen.
Hence persons in jurisdictions in which I have lived in are the chosen who will be most likely implicated in a War Crime. The Irrationalists claim that the President has an Attorney General Exemption or Excuse is a focus. A positive justification to an Informant based Homosexual Blackmail Ring which is a Criminal Enterprise necessitates a Treason defense.
MOEC has spent easily 100 years nurturing an ignorant culture within Ethnic Nationalism as a Source of War or it's folkish restatement Localism.
If the Gay Militia approaches you claiming to help start your family tradition, you would become a very unique witness under the Totality of Circumstances and Proximate Cause Test (Proximate Cause).
Conspiracy Theory Shirk
Mobilization of Empire and Civilization MOEC is the strongest defection model ever developed and is in use in continuo. As such what is the response of one individual whose spiritual, natural, and legal rights have been alienated from the whole? Of interest is that the Islamic State whose self proclaimed Caliphate is facing strong criticism from Conspiracy Theory Shirk. Hence, I will present MOEC materials and argue against some points this group has raised (Islamic State).
There is both direct and indirect evidence in use. MOEC is a Manifest Function with watershed implications and Richter Scale magnitude (Cole, N.L. 2020).
Since June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware, under then President Ronald Reagan, I was alienated from my United States Bill of Rights Protections as well as Universal Declaration of Human Rights UDHR safeguards (Bill of Rights). The United Nations treaties in the main are not ratified in the United States. The Convention Against Torture was ratified under President Clinton. MOEC has created a Cultural Singularity censoring and sanitizing an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. The Oblique Order is useful in comprehending how MOEC operates. There is a concentrated gambit line of all LGBTi persons, arguably all MSM males that radiate from Cambridge, Scotland Yard, and LAPD.
This Oblique Order represents the main line of the Structure and Process as a hub and node system of Informants in every police stationhouse, military base, or tribal authority in a code enforcement capacity worldwide (Social Theories).
As stated on June 17, 1987, I entered a condition that is unique only to myself. This is the component Akbar. Under Akbar all of my positive law legal rights, here in the United States are abrogated under Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. Akbar is a component of the subsystem Lycurgus. In this Electronic Surveillance State, persons are recruited as informants and Targeted Chemical Assaults TCAs are attached to persons and objects as they defect to the Controller Cambridge via the proxy LAPD.
There is a macropolarization between Homosexuality and Heterosexuality. Every system whether human or collective is entrapped between these poles.
The following materials form a basic methodology which should be easily adaptable to systems of political philosophy.
The Paradigm of Laws:
Eternal Law
Natural Law
Positive Law
Prisoner's Dilemma is the main model from which MOEC was developed. Origin is the General User Interface GUI (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019)(GUI 2019). It is not known if an actual computer program exists. MOEC was originally delivered by Aural Cartographic Maps ACMs which were reel to reel tape recordings.
Prisoner's Dilemma
Prisoner B Stays Silent |
Prisoner B Betrays |
Prisoner A Stays Silent |
Each serves six months |
Prisoner A serves ten years Prisoner B goes free |
Prisoner A Betrays |
Prisoner A goes free Prisoner B serves ten years |
Each serves two years |
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
The Platonic Model of Government.
Classical Forms of Government
Pure |
Impure |
Kingship |
Tyranny |
Aristocracy |
Oligarchy |
Polity |
Democracy |
There are two main subsystems in MOEC: 1. Lycurgus Akbar 2. Syrinx
There are three main components:
Biological Warfare
Chemical Warfare
Nuclear Warfare
Social Engineering in the empirical has become the Theater of Despotism. The despot, by human rights abuses and necessity, has to orchestrate civilization to stave off identification and prosecution.
The individual occurs first in nature (Lazlo, Carter):
Social Systems
The Individual - Social System - Renaissance - Decadence
Culture and Society
Social Systems Theory - Teaching and Promotion
A human rights system develops from the individual(s) upwards in a hierarchy of organization. Feedback from the Culture and Society also socialize the individual in return. This is a clearly cognizable framework with historical content that has been Undermined.
There is a very acute confrontation between Mechanism versus Theism (Mechanism 2021) (Theism). The easiest manner to debate is to argue the Mechanistic perspective regarding Theism that not only the Islamic State (Islamic State), the United States and the world writ large has been influenced by MOEC and it's proxies.
In this instance one would posit that Theism is a projection. It is also a fetish with an Idol. Since I am Gaudiya Vaishnava, the revealing of the Universal Form of Krishna to Arjuna at the Battle of Kurukestra 5,000 years past is the main example.

Krishna is argued as the Supreme Male Personality of Godhead. The personal form of Godhead is known as Bhagavan. There are three Vishnu Tattvas or Person's of the Godhead: 1. Karanadakayasi Vishnu 2. Garbhodakayasi Vishnu the Paratma 3. Ksirodakayasi Vishnu the localized soul.
The first Vishnu creates the Cosmos. The second Vishnu is the Supersoul and also the witness to the localized jiva tattva or soul. The third Vishnu is within all living beings and matter but is not matter and distinct from the localized soul.
Krishna revealed this form so that Arjuna could see anything he desired. Within this vision he also saw the defeat of the Pandavas. Dhåtaräñöra, Arjuna's Uncle is the father of the Kurus, he considered his sons the Pandavas to be the heirs of the throne rather that of Pandu or his brother the Pandus the real heirs. Krishna desired that the usurper Pandavas be eliminated and a Vedic King be placed on the throne. This revelation between Krishna and Arjuna at the Battle of the Kuruksetra forms the Bhagavad Gita, or the Vedic Bible (Prabhupada, Srila 1972).
Cambridge's Mechanistic case states that Krishna is revealing the social architecture for a Vedic restoration. Hence Krishna is a mortal.
The same case can be said for the Angel Gabriel and the Revelation to Muhammad.

The Archangel Gabriel appeared before Muhammad in a cave in Hira with the tidings that God had chosen him to be His Last Messenger to mankind. He thus had the duty of to lead civilization out of sin.
Gabriel commanded:
"Read in the name of thy lord and cherisher who created: Created man out of a clot of congealed blood. Read! And thy lord is most bountiful, He who taught the use of pen; Taught man that which he knew not."
The verses are the beginning of the 96th chapter of Al Qur'an al Majid. The name of the chapter is Iqraa (Read) or Alaq (the Clot of Congealed Blood).
The Sunni and Shia disagree if Muhammad welcomed the duty offered to him by Gabriel.
Sunni accounts state that Gabriel commanded three times and Muhammad stated he could not read the verses save on the third appearance.
Shia accounts state that he knew and welcomed the mission proclaimed to him by Gabriel. He was not pressed to Gabriel's bossom until he could read verses.
Of interest, as young boy growing up in America in Delaware, I was told that when Gabriel appeared to Muhammad, and was revealed the mission, Muhammad shirked, feeling he was unworthy. Gabriel then grabbed Muhammad by the throat and commanded him with such spiritual force through the grip on his throat that he had no choice to deliver the Al Qur' an al Majid in that he was called. This was orchestrated by LAPD.
Cambridge will argue under Mechanism that Muhammad was interceded by some state planner who had some authority with the Monarch(s) in this area and wished to empower him to mobilize and expand an Empire.
There are accounts that Muhammad heard a Voice overhead at Hira, the place of the angelphonie, and such proclaimed that he was the Angel Gabriel.
In this consideration, Mechanism denies the Godhead reducing such to a projection (Mechanism 2021). Hence priests and planners operate to create spiritual, social, and political order through the development of state planning that is a defection model and has attributes of a scripted play with actors.
The Combat Myth is supernatural battle between order and chaos (or good and evil) that we see in mythologies of civilizations. In particularity we are concerned with a universal timeline as True Chronology. We in this instance are dealing Historical Monotheism as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Yahweh under this theory is a condensation of actors that precede Him. This position would consider Yahweh or Allah as a similar projection.
While the Mesopotamian myths are unfamiliar to most of us, we see a hint in Greek mythology. Zeus wasn't always the chief god of the Greek pantheon but took that role from his father Cronos. And Cronos succeeded his own father, Uranus. Though there are important differences, this succession is common to the Combat Myth (Seidensticker).
Akkadian myth: Ninurta defeats Anzu
The Akkadian Empire followed Sumer as the dominant Mesopotamian civilization. This posits this account to a thousand years before Yahweh in the Old Testament (Seidensticker).
Enlil was the King of the Gods. He was the deity whom possessed the Tablet of Destinies, which describes all that has happened and all that will occur in the future.
The griffin like Anzu, assistant to Enlil, steals the Tablet and flies away. Chaos disrupts the monarchical order. The deity whom restores order will be the King. Ninurta, an unimportant god to that point, accepts the challenge.
Anzu has two useful powers. He can make his feathers flare out a which distracts his enemies. Anzu can disassemble objects as arrows into their component parts. Anzu possesses the Tablet, and thus can see what an opponent is about to do.
Anzu and Ninurta's first battle is a stalemate. Ninurta's arrows fail. But Ninurta in the second battle shoots an arrow disguised as a feather. Anzu is confused and retracts his feathers. Ninruta's arrow has found it's mark and Anzu is defeated.
Ninurta restores Order and is now King of the Gods.
Babylon: Tiamat and Marduk
This account derives from the Enuma Elis. In the beginning were Tiamat, the female God and dragon who was salt water. Absu is the Male god who was the fresh water.
Tiamat and Absu create younger Gods who are too disruptive for Absu. He plans to destroy them. His plan is exposed and the young Gods wish to kill him first. Tiamat is furious.
Marduk, the Storm God kills Tiamat, and thus forms the universe from her body, and installs himself as King of the Gods.
An Archetype that is being embedded is two Angels or Actors that fall from Heaven in mortal combat to create the Universe and Future.
The Satanic Verses by Salmon Rushdie was published by Viking Penguin on September 26, 1988. Controversy emerges from the gharaniq verses. The term Satanic Verses was unknown to Muslims, and was introduced by Western academics.
The verses in question refer to a legend of the Prophet Muhammad, in which a few verses revealed to him as part of the Qur'an, are attributed to the devil who wished to deceive Muhammad into thinking they came from Allah. These Satanic Verses are not found in the Qur'an, or included in the first biography of Mohammad by Ibn Ishaq. These verses permitted prayer to three Pre Islamic Meccan goddesses: Al-lat, Uzza, and Manah, a violation of Historical Monotheism.
Hence the information that I received is that Salmon Rushdie's design is based from Cambridge scholarship derived from the Enuma Elison, Tiamat versus Marduk. This denies both Allah and Gabriel.
This is part of the Oblique Order in MOEC. It's composition is based on a LGBTi Strategy. I am clearly stating the Authorship is Cambridge Law School.
Jake Bilardi is the 18 year old Australian youngster whom defected to ISIS. An ISIS video shows him dressed in black. He begins by addressing America, Britain, and Australia. The Coalition may be 50 or 50,000 nations. He discusses how all these victories are not accidents and how ISIS takes small amounts of fighters, weapons, and wins. Bilardi directly mentions Obama and Abbot. The Black Flag will fly over Buckingham Palace and the White House.
This video is 100 percent proof of Khufar penetration in Islamic State (Islamic State). The Storyboarding of the video and his migration to Daesh is a Yellow Brick Road defection path. The evidence that I heard a Storyboard was recorded in Delaware between June 17, 1987 and about March 1988.
The figure of a person dressed in black and with others around him is prominent in the leak in question. Retrieving the evidence will reveal the audio level of which I was able to listen to the briefing. I am arguing that Bilardi's speech is Scripted
Bilardi had written in his blog:
While the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan, Jabhat al Nusra and the Islamic State in Syria and Ansar Dine MUJAO in Mali occupied my mind day in day out, I also took interest in the rise of violent street gangs in Mexico, El Salvador and Brazil. Through my research I found a common link between all these organisations, they are made up of oppressed and neglected people seeking their own form of perceived justice.
Abu Bakr al Baghdadi
Of even greater interest is the rise Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai (Arabic: ابراهيم عواد ابراهيم علي البدري السامرائي ), most commonly known as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi ( أبو بكر البغدادي ), and also as Dr. Ibrahim and Abu Dua ( أبو دعاء ). In this instance, I believe in 1990s I was being forced to travel throughout the United States, I ended up in Sacramento, California. I had arrived by Greyhound bus, (there is a record), and it was evening. I was unfamiliar with the area and attempted to walk out of the city. I arrived across from what is now a minor league ball park. I saw a tree and slept there.
Çréla Rüpa Gosvämé Prabhupäda wrote the Bhakti rasämåta sindhu. He was the chief of the six Gosvämés who were the antaranga or inner disciples of Lord Caitanya Mahäprabhu. Çréla Rüpa Gosvämé Prabhupäda was engaged as a minister in the Mohammedan government of Bengal, Nawab Hussain Shah His name was Säkara Mallik and his brother Sanätana was Dabir Khäs respectively.
Rupa was highly successful. It was said his wealth filled a small boat with gold which was needed to move such upon his conversion to Vaishnavism. As a mendicant he espoused sleeping only with the minimum of possessions under a tree each night.
I believe the next day while standing by this tree, I am always under Electronic Surveillance, a description of a figure dressed in black giving a sermon emerged. I believe this to be the sermon given by al Baghdadi in Mosul and posted widely on internet. I believe his name was repeatedly spoken.
Jihadhi John
Mohammed Emwazi (born Muhammad Jassim Abdulkarim Olayan al Dhafiri, August 17, 1988), a British man of Kuwaiti extraction who is thought to be Jihadhi John or the Islamic State fighter seen in videos beheading a number of captives in 2014 and 2015 (Islamic State). The nickname Jihadhi John was given to him by the captives of a four person terrorist cell whom had British accents of which were called The Beatles.
Emwazi enrolled in the University of Westminster in 2006, obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems with Business Management in 2009.
The BBC stated that Emwazi is believed to be "an associate of a former UK control order suspect... who travelled to Somalia in 2006 and is allegedly linked to a facilitation and funding network for Somali militant group al Shabab." He occasionally attended mosque in Greenwich.
Emwazi's friends indicated that Emwazi was radicalized after a planned safari to Tanzania following his graduation. According to interviews, two friends, a German Omar and another man, Abu Talib, never made the safari. Upon arrival in Dar es Salaam in May, 2009, the three were detained, held overnight by police, and eventually deported. There are conflicting versions of his detention and release. Tanzania argues that he was held at the bequest of MI5.
It appears that this intervention and the trajectory of Islamic History had a transformational effect on him.
This profile is completely Scripted and theater. It is highly probable that this is exactly what happened. I will argue that this profiling was prepared at least by June 17, 1987 while I was undergoing what is Operation Akbar is a component of MOEC.
Emwazi is implicated in the beheadings of five persons: James Foley, Steven Sotloff, David Haines, Alan Henning, and John Cantlie.
In conclusion, we have an allegation that An Indonesian fighter of the Islamic State has been executed for infecting fellow jihadhis with AIDS through his 15 year old sex slave.
Sound and Picture, quoted an IS member as saying "the immigrant who carries the Indonesian nationality," and "that happened when he was donating blood at one of the IS hospitals."
The fighter stated two Saudi fighters who visited the Egyptian's house, to have sex with the girl, were also found to be infected.
An investigation was halted when an allegation that an IS emir, or senior commander, had also had sex with the slave girl.
Conflicting reports exist but it has been stated that this actor knew his HIV positive status. It appears this fighter responded to the call of Jihad and Hiraj or to travel to Islamic State (Islamic State). There is a picture of a beheading with these accounts.
To correlate the assertion that MOEC has orchestrated the Islamic State we must consider the penetration of an informant system in the United States and the implications for it's lifespan.
Since MOEC's innovation on June 17, 1987 no supranational regime, nationstate, or faith system has recognized MOEC. This is inclusive of the Islamic State. I am clearly the world's foremost unrecognized political prisoner and longest lived.
The Undermining of the United States reflects the construction of a hub and node system worldwide. Through Prisoner's Dilemma these informants will defect to MOEC regardless of their so called affiliations (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019). The ecology supporting Akbar has been achieved. In this instance Barack Obama is the Singularity Target and Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment. Hence I am running in Maze like an experimental rat. The Islamic State exists within Maze as does the territory of our entire Earth.
In continuation, I am located in Weed, Siskiyou, California just north of Mount Shasta. The Battle of Gaugamela is imposed over the area reflecting the Revelation of Krishna to Arjuna and the Angel Presenting a City to Gabriel.
In MOEC, the very ancient tactic of placing the most incompetent and corrupt policeman as a microsystem against the most talented person summon bonum exists as the Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack (Summon bonum).
In MOEC there is a Scripted macropolarization conflict between homosexuality and heterosexuality. This descends from the Ex Deux Maquina and is imposed over my person. I am the only individual with the totality of MOEC superimposed over one. The remaining population then form the Fractals of Kroni.
The Battle of Gaugamela is the decisive battle of Alexander the Great's invasion of the Persian Achaemenid Empire. Alexander's army of the Hellenic League defeated the Persian army of Darius III at Gaugamela, near present day Mosul in Iraq. Alexander the Great is considered by many to the world's greatest general. In interest a mosaic of him was discovered in a Jewish temple. All of the other frescos were based on Jewish scripture save for Alexander.
This classical battle assumes almost mythical proportions with estimates of Darius having 300,000 soldiers versus Alexander's 50,000. Modern estimates diminish the estimate to about a third.

The Western United States
The Battle of Gaugamela is imposed over Weed, California. Alexander would be facing north of Mount Shasta and Darius facing south toward the mountain.
The initial formation had the left flank refused, hence a majority position would be on Alexander's right flank. Usually the refused flank is in echelon or staggered. Alexander's left center is in a retreating left diagonal or echelon.
In an Oblique Order the concentration of forces deploys first. After penetrating the echelon would proceed in sequence to meet the initial line as it curls inward and rolls the enemy as the echelon advances and reinforces.
Alexander was mounted on horseback on his right flank. His tactic was the Hammer and the Anvil. As such he was seeking to create a gap, here in the enemy line in the center in which he could penetrate and rear, thus forcing the enemy into the advancing Macedonian regulars. This was achieved by having hoplites with slings that ran on foot in front of the cavalry seeking to harass Darius' left flank.
However, the Persian and Indian cavalry broke in the center and proceeded to the camp to loot. Parmenion, Alexander's general on the left flank was under attack. Alexander choose to aid Parmenion rather than pursue Darius whom quit the field and fled after Alexander had broke on his left center.
Some modern theorists have argued that Alexander executed a type of Oblique Order: Left flank twice refused. It appears that Parmenion's refused flank was meant to attempt to fix Darius' troops. Hence by the center left echelon it appears that Alexander wished to lure Darius to deploy into the center to counterattack and roll the enemy into the advancing and reinforcing echelon.
Some coordination and training of Alexander's troops is indicated for the soldiers to quit the right side and extend a line of 180 degrees to aid Parmenion. Once refused would equal 90 degrees.
It is evident from the initial formation a holon or miniature of the Oblique Order was arranged on Alexander's right flank and imposed over this location. The evidence strongly reflects a feedback loop of a circular argument where one person, here your author, is running the gauntlet of the world's population (Boje, D. 2000). In corrupt police work this is known as a relay.
The Western United States examines the act of Ribat or serving at the frontier and being a watchman or the goodman. The entire mythology of the Calvary, US Marshalls, Texas Rangers, Pony Express, and Pony Express is being Undermined. This is facilitated by the artificial ideology of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing in nexus with the Gay Militia.
Weed, California has a population of about 3,000. It is evident that social engineering by through defection is responsible for the majority of the population and the confrontations here. It is clear that MOEC is an Oblique Order with a gambit line of MSM officers extending from the Proximate Cause to Informants localized in a legal jurisdiction (Proximate Cause).
Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing is based on a nativistic localist identity. It's lowest members are the Gay Militia whom are are part of an Alter Ego with Jihadhis, particularly the Islamic State (Islamic State).
It instructs that an Attorney General Exemption or Exception permits the President, now Barack Obama to not decapitate MOEC and it's RICO Criminal Enterprise (RICO 1970). The most criminal response is Capital Treason under a Nuremberg War Crimes Trial.
No individual or group has recognized this devastating Chemical Assault Scorched Earth radiating from the United States. It is specifically designed over only one individual for eternity whom is the author, Bhakta David Nollmeyer.
Simply put, I am seeking in the main to seat a Nuremberg War Crimes Trial. This will necessitate a War Crime, Treason, and Obstruction of Justice Defense. In this consideration, the raising of the Islamic State has an empirical basis as a holon in MOEC (Boje, D. 2000) (Islamic State). Hence it is being controlled and influenced by MOEC and is also the suprasystem in control under areas of the Caliphate.
The Islamic State in Dabiq 9 address Conspiracy Theory Shirk (Dabiq (magazine) 2021). Shirk meaning backsliding in their faith and duty to Allah. This in continuation appears to raise doubt in the muhajadeen or fighters. Hence to exam and follow these theories states that the Islamic State and equilibrium in Islam has been socially engineered by the khuffar, or the infidels. The khuffars in question in public perception are localized in London and Washington. I introduce Mobilization of Empire and Civilization MOEC as the mechanism that expands and contracts the British Empire. These actors are controlled by Cambridge Law School. They operate in a manner reflective of Phillipe of Macedon and his generals, Prepare all things for Alexander. The planners of the empire wish to be dead before a majority of operations are manifest (Islamic State).
In brief, by creating a hub and node system centered over one person, it is very easy to use the majority of the population to maintain a Censorship and Sanitization of a War Crime. Currently this has created a Cultural Singularity over 7.8 billion persons. The Islamic State while claiming to represent Allah and Muslims does not recognize that this Chemical Assault Scorch Earth even exists committing Shirk (Islamic State). Even worse by having UK and USA Intelligence penetrate the Islamic State to secure their defection in exposing the five Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Obama, the Islamic State are accomplices. Hence, in order to pursue their goals they defect to protect the War Criminals that have designed the Sykes Picot Agreement and the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth which radiates worldwide from the United States through LAPD. The attack of MOEC in pure theory posits four engagements between the United States and Britain: Revolutionary War, War of 1812, American Civil War, and MOEC.
Britain is the Mind
The United States is the Bodyguard
The actors that publish Dabiq at the head of their argument posit, "Conspiracy theories have thereby become an excuse to abandon jihad, to have great awe for the kuffar, to forsake the obligation of bay'ah, and to pursue the Dunya, all in the name of political awareness (Dabiq (magazine) 2021)."
The British have shifted from military world power to an intelligence hegemon. Conversely the United States and China can perform both. Notice that Chinese can steal nuclear plans from Los Alamos.
By Me kings reign and princes decree just things...
Dabiq's main example is 911. The case is that some have raised the issue that the kuffar, the United Kingdom and the United States orchestrated such to counterattack with a greater deadly force and interfere in Muslim affairs. This is reality and became known as the military operation Shock and Awe. In the weeks preceding 911, I was in Fort Bragg in Mendocino. A methamphetamine lab run by the Hell's Angels exploded. The cook set fire to the operation. As a result of these action a very large air tanker crashed. The ensuing fire created conditions that were intolerable so I travelled by Greyhound bus to Dover, Delaware through the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. Al Qaeda attacked while the air and many products were despoiled by a Gay Militia designed by Cambridge.
Currently on July 4, 2015 a coalition of rebels lead by al Nusfra, an Al Qaeda affiliate under al Zawahari have launched a major assault on Aleppo. Dabiq argues that this coalition of actors is a Grand Alliance. Since Assad now only controls perhaps 50% of Syria and Raqqa is the de facto capital of Islamic State or Daesh, it is only a fuzz ball under three cards that Dabiq presents. How much credit does the khuffar alliance receive for punishing Assad? Multilateralists conflicts are hoary heads. It is true that America has bombed Raqqa. The process of defection and the summation of the equilibrium reached determines defection and the legitimacy of Islamic State (Islamic State).
The Islamic State, Al Qaeda with bin Laden, Libya with Ghaddafi, and Iraq with Hussein did not recognize the de facto and corrupt Chemical Assault Scorched imposed over my person here in the United States, and specifically affecting Muslims on their own lands.
Ghaddafi was killed by an operative wearing a New York Yankees ball cap. This actor took his pistol and stabbed him in the anus with a dagger. Hussein was captured in Tikrit in a bunker near a farmer's hut. His sons were later killed in a fierce firefight at a relative's mansion whom received the reward for informing on such. Hussein was executed by hanging. In contrast Tariq Aziz, the Christian mouthpiece of Hussein has just died at the Hague.
I was told that these so called good Muslims did not expose the United States President because this nation has the capabilities of killing these informants whom are supposed to be secure in hiding and leading revolution or Jihadh.
Al Zawahari has now stated that fighters should not attack the west from areas secured in Syria with cooperation with the Europeans and Americans. The whole premise of Al Qaeda The Base and Osama bin Laden was to attack the Crusader on their lands not Muslim land.
It is clear the Crusaders are instrumental with their satellites, drone strikes, and spies in helping defeat Assad and also attacking Khorasan and the Islamic State (Islamic State).
MOEC Studies argues that the Cambridge Membership are War Criminals on the run... Hence they are individuals that are ultimately attempting to save themselves. The are Irrationalists exactly Supra Irrationalist as they failed Jihadhi in their own mind and free will when they attempted to expand the British Empire through crime.
Karl Popper notes this in the The Open Society and It's Enemies. He argues that Britain will suffer in the future for the tactics they have used to fight the rise of the Third Reich and Nazis (Popper, K. 1945).
Dabiq 9 concludes:
6) Grand conspiracies consist of so many factors only controllable by Allah (ta'ālā). An example of such a grand conspiracy theory is that of September 11th being carried out by the Americans themselves. How many members of the crusader government would have to be under permanent watch to prevent news of the operation getting out before its execution? How many involved mouths would have to be silenced all over the world to keep such a conspiracy from not being exposed after the fact?
One hundred percent of the American federal government is under some form of surveillance. The surveillance on my person now approaches that of President Obama. There is a strong likelihood that a satellite is following my movements. If a Jihadhi would pull out his Koran, if he was under this level of surveillance, United States Intelligence would be able to read the scripture along with him page by page. How is it the MOEC can create the most successful Censorship and Sanitization of an Electronic Surveillance State and Chemical Assault Scorched Earth in a world of 7.5 billion persons of which 1 million are Muslims? This is a Cultural Singularity. 911 is significantly a smaller operation compared to MOEC.
Another type of radar surveillance with ease would be able to locate any mass artifact buried under the sand in Islamic lands or elsewhere.
This intensity of conditioning is TOTALLY common now in the United States. This is the grooming of a future fascist social welfare state.
Their argument concludes:
In light of this, one should realize the difference between the various rival parties of the kuffār forming real alliances, like the Crusader Safawī Nusayrī coalition to wage war against the Islamic State and thereby achieve their mutual kāfir interests, and between believing that the Christians, Rāfidah, Jews, and apostates are all covert members of the same secret society, underground political party, or grandiose conspiracy theory, all of them adoring each other and faking their hostilities.
May Allah expose the real conspiracies of the kuffār and erase the shirkī conspiracy theories from the hearts.
The groups mentioned supra are held as informants under Prisoner's Dilemma (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019). The myth of a secret society is not a myth but unity under a common goal is. This involves a prioritization of interests. MOEC is traitorous. Why did the United States support the Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussein, and oppose Assad support moderate al Qaeda rebels? Short term reactionary interests reflect the War Criminals on the Run defection tactics.
A Muslim should consider the Origin model or Organic Cell. In the lower column to the right where Ideal State - Varna Asrama one should place Ideal State - Islamic State (Caliphate).
Hence all the data sets that Cambridge has access to will be used to create social systems transformations from the Individual to Islamic Social Theory and back again.
If one has seen Origin, and understands who operates it, it is likely that MOEC, most likely LAPD, will approach these persons. Perhaps a Jihadhi in Islamic State working for Dabiq has seen: www.powereality.org/moec-journals.html.
In this instance Dabiq 1-9 are available for peruse. The entire system is Storyboarded by Cambridge (Dabiq (magazine) 2021). I am going to guarantee that a 90 page Dabiq 10 can be totally foretold nearly page by page, picture by picture. Events as the Battle for Aleppo the recent Kurdish surge and ISIS counterattack are Pre Scripted.
The Higher Structural Level of Cognition case, strong and weak forces account for the discrepancy between traditional military grade actions, and covert clandestine actions as guerrilla warfare and terrorism.
The former are quantum of force events covered by the Geneva Conventions.
An analogy is that the Korean War was fought by the United Nations, United States, South Korea against North Korea. The Allies were winning until China entered with their proxy North Korea and returned the equilibrium to the 58th parallel. The War is not settled and the border is the most militarized internationally.
MOEC is the Authorship of Shock and Awe. It is a child in inheritance in a taxonomy that begins with Mobilization of Empire and Civilization. In short actions circa 1880 to 1930 reflect a conflict named the Ex Deux Maquina between Homosexual Cambridge Lawyers and Heterosexual Trinity Theologians. The Christians wished to expose War Crimes committed in the name of the United Kingdom (War Crimes 1998). Many of these acts were retaliation that were LGBTi orientated. The Lawyers were covertly avenging LGBTi History. One could posit there is a 15% LGBTi population worldwide.
Trinity College defeated Cambridge Law in a challenge to control MOEC. The Lawyers reneged and retained power. The conflict was orchestrated through Scotland Yard and involves severe harassment of academics, especially mathematicians. In degree, the Lawyers were forced to accept being exposed in the future. The Structure and Process these actors authored centers on alienating only one person from the whole (Social Theories). Hence that person for all time and space is Bhakta David Nollmeyer. I am defending my work as MOEC Studies against Islamic State and other parties that wish to challenge World History from 1880. MOEC is a the most powerful defection model every created and in use now. It can be used also to analyze Roman and Islamic History with strong results (Islamic State).
The Lawyers in the Membership are individuals loyal to themselves. Hence if they go down, they drag everybody down. They chose June 17, 1987 to expose the United States, it's Presidency, and it's Constitution by alienating my natural person and citizenship under then President Ronald Reagan.
This in turn reveals MOEC to my person in a classic Individual versus the State political philosophy debate. This leak lead eventually to the disclosure of Origin or the Organic Cell in Chipley, Florida about 1995.
The Totality of Circumstances Test rounds out with conclusiveness that 911 is retaliation by MOEC. These actors are War Criminals on the Run. I am the Simon Wiesenthal of the Anglo American Irrationalist Era. Depending how one counts MOEC is the third or fourth war the United States has fought against Britain.
Integral here in the West is Islamic ribat and outlasting one's enemy. Al Hasan al Basri (rahimahullah) said in explanation of the ribat, "He ordered them to be patient upon their religion, and not to abandon it because of hardship, luxury, leisure, or adversity."
"He ordered them to outlast the kuffar in patience and to perform ribat against the mushrikin [Tafsirat-Tabari]."
Many people also don't realize the difference between ribat (defending the frontier posts) and hirasah (guard duty). One might be on ribat but not on hirasah, like the murabit at the frontier post sleeping, eating, exercising, talking, reading, or praying before or after his shift for hirasah.
Dabiq 9

In focus it is claimed that Cambridge Law School orchestrates the expansion and contraction of the British Empire. These actors have named themselves Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC for this operation. The attempt to embed a system of Sexual Emancipation with agent provocateurs dueling between a macropolarization of homosexuality versus heterosexuality has blown back into Cambridge and the LGBTi Movement's faces. It is being claimed that Membership are indeed LGBTi Male Same Sex Males.
War and History are the last courts.
It is alleged that the United Kingdom had established an operational hub and node system in every police stationhouse worldwide circa 1930. It is overwhelmingly evident that the United Kingdom had penetrated the Colonies by July 4, 1776 to some degree. MOEC's mechanism claims to be involved later in the War of 1812 in the burning of the Congress Building.
The Manifest Function posits MOEC radiating from the United States to the world writ large (Cole, N.L. 2020). The only question is who is the Proximate Cause, the United States, United Kingdom or some other actor (Proximate Cause)?
In pure theory, the United States would have fought the British four times with the Civil War and MOEC inclusive.
Under MOEC Theory, the South was guilty of Treason as were Germans whom supported Hitler and the Third Reich in WWII.
A parity and levelling of the United States with Joseph Stalin and the USSR is a goal.
The Islamic State is an alter ego to the United States. The LGBTi Movement and it's humanrights posture is an Alter Ego to Sharia Law (Islamic State).
The Epistemological Attack where one loses food, water, sight, touch, and hearing, due to an Electronic Surveillance Chemical Assault Scorched Earth in it's entirety is known as Akbar. When the equilibrium only posits the attack by Targeted Chemical Assaults TCAs distributed over the hub and nodes it is Lycurgus.
The world has been undergoing Akbar since June 17, 1987.
It is totally impossible for anyone whom has lived under MOEC while I was present to deny the attack on the population.
The defection model within MOEC is capable of localizing an individual to a quantum of force as Desert Storm. Weed, or any location where MOEC is imposed over my person, is a clear legal and historical target to seat a War Crimes Tribunal.
The rigging of social promotion in Weed and the United States affects the homeless to the President. The traditional rackets as organized crime, drug dealing, human trafficking, prostitution, stolen goods, are totally orchestrated by the police or Homeland Security.
If one considers the Islamic State as a production line by using non proportional outputs and aggregates of economy it is possible to discern how Islamic State came into being and sustains itself (Islamic State).
The Greek Empire of Alexander is a model for how social transformations occur under the expansion and contraction of an empire. A new fresco of Alexander has been revealed. It was predicted that I would likely arrive to Weed, where there is a superimposition of the Battle of Gaugamela
Dabiq itself is strong example of Storyboarding. The entire pasteup of Dabiq is predictable (Dabiq (magazine) 2021). I am arguing that the persons living in Islamic State are in a defection model and are able to hear fractals of MOEC's Strategic Planning. This is predicated on being homosexual (Islamic State).
In this nexus, the Undermining of Islamic State can be facilitated to a debilitating state by inducing social disorders as AIDS, drug dealing, and crime to achieve autarky. Hence the Jihadhis themselves by statistics are likely to be about 15 percent MSM.
A clear linkage to Hijrah or a pilgrimage to Islamic State with informants and HIV positive persons is easy to orchestrate as is smuggling immigrants to Europe from North Africa which Islamic State is openly abetting.
It is clear that MOEC is a Trojan Horse with a promise of marriage which is a divorce program.
MOEC is most likely marrying and naming hence Numbering the People in the Islamic State. The HIV AIDS infection rate is theatrical. If the allegations against the Malaysian fighter are true, then MOEC is penetrating and an echelon of new pilgrims are now reinforcing the Islamic State in Manifest Strategic Warfare.
Examination by test is best stated the American chess Grandmaster Bobby Fischer.
Correlation of two variables does not guarantee an Origin. Members of Islamic State and Al Qaeda are clear targets for War Crimes (War Crimes 1998). The Alter Ego United States and United Kingdom are using Censorship and Sanitization while Jihadhis and Islamists are apologists.
The alienation of one person from their spiritual, natural, and positive law rights does effect the whole.
The universal perspective posits that I am the individual with MOEC imposed over my person. The external territory may at time encompass upwards to a third of the United States directly under Akbar and it's Chemical Assaults.
It is apparent that about 19 out of 20 persons are Informants and defect and support MOEC in some manner.
The Proximate Cause Test sine qua non prosecute all the principals, accomplices, and accessories to the Origin is correct (Proximate Cause).
Dabiq 10 postulates in it's headline article, The Laws of Allah or the Laws of Men. In regard to Shariah (Dabiq (magazine) 2021):
"Remember that if you were able to capture one hand span, one village, or one city from it, the law of Allah in that area would be replaced with the laws of men. Then ask yourself, "What is the ruling on someone who replaces or is a cause for the replacement of the law of Allah with the law of man?"
Such a person becomes a kafir.
Hence if the writers of Dabiq are under defection of MOEC then they are agents of the British as Mussolini was on the payroll of M15. He recruited persons through his newsletter. Can the khuffar predict the subsequent issues of Dabiq?
Under Equal Protection and Due Process it highly unlikely that the Islamic State lies outside the mechanisms of MOEC (Islamic State). It is argued that if I travelled to Islamic State, MOEC would reveal itself openly in front of the Jihadhi and they will see the Shirk Conspiracy and it's planning of the Islamic State as it is within MOEC as a holon (Boje, D. 2000).
The Membership of MOEC have had their conspiracy exposed. Hence Barack Obama is the Singularity Target. Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
War Criminals on the Run...
The Greek Gift of the Gods
Caveman Attack
The Statesman exists simultaneously in two realms: the domestic political system whence his authority derives, and the international system in which he represents his state to the world (Encyclopaedia Britannica 2001).
MOEC Studies argues from the premise that Cambridge Law School, United Kingdom is the Proximate Cause and Origin of the expansion and contraction of the British Empire. It is also argued that MOEC is the Authorship of the in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth that is imposed over the natural person and citizenship of Bhakta David Nollmeyer, your author (Proximate Cause). This attack in the concrete is localized in and radiating externally from the United States in it's Manifest Function since June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware (Cole, N.L. 2020).
MOEC was presented to me as a response to rise of the Third Reich and the Sheifflin Plan about 1880 (Sheifflin Plan). The 1880s in continuo is argued as the Entrapment Window in the implementation of a Reverse Sting in a hub and node topology. This sets forth a longitudinal exposure of racketeering that will identify and prosecute individuals formally or injure these persons informally. In this consideration MOEC will harden itself from the feedback it receives. This too, is Scripted.
In purview all nationstates have and are competing to operate a similar hub and node defection model in every police stationhouse worldwide or takeover control of MOEC. In this manner this actor would be able to facilitate a will to Empire as it's interests and capabilities deem fit.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
I am not following the defection model. I am opposing MOEC to the Proximate Cause sine qua non. I have published almost 100 percent of my work in feedback to my original briefing in 1987 (Proximate Cause).
International Relations defines the origins and the effects of foreign policies (International Relations). The impetus has been on policy making elites (Encyclopaedia Britannica 2001). However MOEC Studies uses a Higher Structural Level of Cognition and Totality of Circumstances Test to research and define those actors who help develop and implement foreign policy as well.
The ends is the measure. The Mission Goal of MOEC Studies is to seat a War Crimes Tribunal and prosecute the principals, accomplices, and accessories sine qua non to the Origin. In this consideration Capital Treason is inclusive.
In all fields the quest is to raise the state of that field to a science. At the head of this argument there is a conflict between Mechanism and Theism (Mechanism 2021) (Theism). In brief we will work from the Anglo American Paradigm towards other systems considering feedback (Mechanism 2021).
The role of Social Engineering in the State includes the act of innovation over space and time. As education and training increase in turn, knowledge and consciousness should also increase. The case of human mortality and that failure lies in the species supports the eventual obsolescence of humans to technology at the empirical level. This is a clear linkage to Artificial General Intelligence AGI which many experts predict will be developed near 2030 in support of a Technological Singularity which Kurzweil has stated will occur in 2045 (Galeon, D. & Reedy, C. 2017). In this instance the creation of a defection model as MOEC is not stated in the positive; it is highly differentiated by intent and act to place the inferior person over the superior person. In it's theater a hero is chosen to reconcile the conflict.
A unique focus of attention should be given to The Republic by Plato (Plato 360 BC). It appears that Francis MacDonald Cornford is being presented as the Machiavelli of MOEC. The universal Archetype for a professor is Thrasymachus the Sophist (Thrasymachus). Hence Cornford or someone whom studied with him appears to be set up as the Thrasymachus or the prototypical adversary of Mankind. This entrapment figures Plato's The Republic as a philosopher's touchstone reconquering Christianity and Islam as well as the other major faith systems.
I regard this action against Cornford as a recessive line with a more salient line of LGBTi governance based within a Totalitarian Welfare State TWS with pseudo Christian overtones being the most likely outcome.
This is very intriguing with the rapid rise of the Islamic State (Islamic State). The in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth in Akbar has not abated as a possible 25 candidates jostle for the American Presidency in 2016.
I do not see Francis MacDonald Cornford as the leader of MOEC. This appears to be a lawyer. However he can not be discounted at this time.
The Greek Gift of the God's
Caveman Attack
Cambridge as Social Engineers are Obsolete. MOEC is a Reaction Formation and Regressive. It is contrarian to a system of positive values and chooses infantile solutions to problems. This is very acute in the Gambit Line: Cambridge Membership, Scotland Yard, LAPD, and individuals in local jurisdictions.
All sworn duty bound officials are also heavily entrapped in a Reverse Sting in MOEC's scheme of class stratification.
It is convenient to discuss Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing and Territoriality at this point. Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing is a totally concocted abstract ideology that is being attempted to be imposed over an individual, collective, or physical location in various magnitudes through conditioning schemas. An Attorney General Exemption or Exception for the President is used as a justification in nexus with Ethnic Nationalism as a Source of War or Nativism for criminal behavior and accepting quid pro quos during an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth (Nativism 2017).
In class stratification this forms the lowest ten percent interval. Hence even if you have an 140 IQ or are a genius, you would be targeted for an 80 IQ or intellectual dullness.
In particularity, California is a highly diverse but not pluralistic state. Pluralism is utopic. The locals and the so called Native Born Californian are being recruited to destroy California which in turn simultaneously attacks the United States and the remainder of the nationstates and population.
Hence such is an Alter Ego pun on Think Locally, Act Globally or Local to Global mantras.
At this point in time a consolidation of the very basic models which are used to develop MOEC is needed as these little models are already in the standard methodology and amongst the most heavily used. As such they impart a distinct imprint on Civilization.
A basic methodological framework will be completed on a separate Citations site reflecting all work on:
The Paradigm of Laws
Eternal Law |
Natural Law |
Positive Law |
Prisoner's Dilemma is the primary model from which MOEC was developed from. Origin is the General User Interface GUI (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019)(GUI 2019). It is not known if an actual computer program exists. MOEC was originally delivered by Aural Cartographic Maps ACMs which were reel to reel tape recordings.
Prisoner's Dilemma
Prisoner B Stays Silent |
Prisoner B Betrays |
Prisoner A Stays Silent |
Each serves six months |
Prisoner A serves ten years Prisoner B goes free |
Prisoner A Betrays |
Prisoner A goes free Prisoner B serves ten years |
Each serves two years |
The Platonic Model of Government
Classical Forms of Government
Pure |
Impure |
Kingship |
Tyranny |
Aristocracy |
Oligarchy |
Polity |
Democracy |
In the consideration of Demonology, Satan who has a spiritual body is known to appear as an Angel of Light (Demonology).
Galatians Chapter 1 Verses 6 - 9
6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
We now have a point of departure for the entrapment of Civilization in MOEC as the British Empire expands and contracts. In the Platonic Model of Government the Pure or left column is Side White and the Impure or right column is Side Black. In essence penetration into a system is desired differentiating it Under the Color of Law or a phenotype. The Host of the Origin is the Domain. This logically is Cambridge Law School and the Membership.
In Computer Science, the Origin of an HTML document according the World Wide Web Consortium is as follows (Origin):
5.3 Origin
The origin of a resource and the effective script origin of a resource are both either opaque identifiers or tuples consisting of a scheme component, a host component, a port component, and optionally extra data.
This document defines a mechanism to enable client-side cross origin requests. Specifications that enable an API to make cross-origin requests to resources can use the algorithms defined by this specification. If such an API is used on http://example.org resources, a resource on http://hello-world.example can opt in using the mechanism described by this specification (specifying Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://example.org as response header), which would allow that resource to be fetched cross-origin from http://example.org (Algorithm) (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing).
1 Introduction
This section is non normative.
User agents commonly apply same origin restrictions to network requests. These restrictions prevent a client side Web application running from one origin from obtaining data retrieved from another origin, and also limit unsafe HTTP requests that can be automatically launched toward destinations that differ from the running application's origin.
In user agents that follow this pattern, network requests typically include user credentials with cross-origin requests, including HTTP authentication and cookie information.
The analogy states that Cambridge Law School is similar to the MITI in that it has clandestinely organized a vast array of resources. Hence multiple requests to develop work from a person in Nigeria and one in France have an Origin whose domain is University of Cambridge. This is very acute regarding copyright and patent rights. The University of Cambridge has been the top rated school in surveys the past two years. The magnitude of this type of organization is important. The deeper concern is that by using defection a RICO Criminal Enterprise emerges entangling individuals and collectives under Fatalism and Dependency (RICO 1970).
The result is Totalitarianism or a Police State.
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
There are two main subsystems in MOEC: 1. Lycurgus Akbar 2. Syrinx
There are three main components:
Components of MOEC
Biological Warfare |
Chemical Warfare |
Nuclear Warfare |
These actions are complemented by Stalking with the direction of the police.
Merton's Structural Functional Idea of Deviance and Anomie
Type of Adaptation |
Goals |
Means |
1. Conformity |
Accept |
Accept |
2. Innovation |
Accept |
Reject |
3. Ritualism |
Reject |
Accept |
4. Retreatism |
Reject |
Reject |
5. Rebellion |
Accept |
Accept |
Social Engineering in the empirical has become the Theater of Despotism. The despot, by human rights abuses and necessity, has to orchestrate civilization to stave off identification and prosecution.
The individual occurs first in nature (Lazlo, Carter):
Social Systems
The Individual - Social System - Renaissance - Decadence
Culture and Society
Social Systems Theory - Teaching and Promotion
A human rights system develops from the individual(s) upwards in a hierarchy of organization. Feedback from the Culture and Society also socialize the individual in return. This is a clearly cognizable framework with historical content that has been Undermined.
The research and writing of MOEC Studies has lead to a very basic model that is unique not only to examining MOEC itself but other systems. This in context with it's subjective content gives rise to a new species or subspecies. MOEC in it's particularity is a study of the System of Tyranny:
Tyrant or Despot
The historical conditions since June 17, 1987 have created a Cultural Singularity. The content of this phenomena consists of an agent in a foreign government, the United Kingdom penetrating the United States, the local government, and defecting the natural persons away from their citizenship which defines their rights and duties. In this instance the components of MOEC are imposed over one person alienating this person from legal recourse in the United States and under the United Nations.
This attack leaves the victim in the instant case, the expert over his own experience. He or she should be a simple law abiding citizen. Over time if one can prevail he or she will be in the top 100, then the top one percentile until the fast second approach of academics recovers from the planned decadence with a renaissance. In this manner it is possible for the victim to create and help develop the Opposition to a Crime Against Humanity (Nollmeyer).
Would You Know How To Create a Government?
The minimum structure and process of MOEC (Social Theories):
MOEC is the System that is the Structure and Process that expands and contracts the British Empire (Social Theories). MOEC is Social Engineering and State Planning. It is a Hermeneutic Supra Irrationalist game of Prisoner's Dilemma (Reverse Sting) with a long term goal of Sexual Emancipation with a bias operating on a dichotomy of a polarity between Homosexuality versus Heterosexuality (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019). This is personified by the Ex Deux Maquina of Cambridge Law School (LGBTi) and Trinity College (Opposite Sex). MOEC operates as an Ecological System as a suprasystem embedding other systems with feedback that it entraps. MOEC attempts to expand from a Membership of natural persons into Artificial Intelligence. It is localized in Cambridge Law School in three dimensional space as non discrete Maze Learning theoretically extending into Higher Dimensional Space HDS.
MOEC operates in an algorithm of distributive justice where the Membership plans the State with Scotland Yard (hub) and hands off the planning to a foreign agency (LAPD hub) whom entraps other nodes performing Social Control (police stationhouses) worldwide (Algorithm). As seen MOEC Scripts out behaviors in a Theater of War which is a retraceable extensible graph of moves which can be reviewed.
The imperfect line contains the subjective actors the United Kingdom, Cambridge Law School, Trinity College, Scotland Yard, and LAPD. The polarization between Homosexuality and Heterosexuality may be eliminated or substituted.
It is very certain that MOEC is directly attempting to Script a LGBTi culture from cradle to grave. The prominent nodes or Fractals of Kroni are conditioned to such a degree that entire families have their members and a significant amount of their life experiences predicted. Hence the family is the system that is the basis for the political unit.
The individual is distinct from a family although a part of such. The individual is a holon (Boje, D. 2000). Thus he or she is a component or part of a system while being a suprasystem organizing it's own components at another level.
The Censorship and Sanitization worldwide is well over 7.8 billion persons heading to 8 billion ad infinitum. The individual must pass the Proximate Cause Test to successfully oppose MOEC decapitating such to the Origin to be a successful individual and start a family (Proximate Cause).
It is very clear that this will place one in contestation with head of state, the President in the United States and the sworn duty bound officials in this nationstate.
The Totality of Circumstances is a controlling hierarchy in MOEC Methodology. In Cognitive Behaviorism punishment is the short term remedy and education is the long term goal. Decapitation of the Proximate Cause Test sine qua non, principals, accomplices, and accessories to the Origin is the efficient test for performance. Renunciation of the Conspiracy and the intent to improve conditions is also essential (Proximate Cause).
An interesting test is to attempt to organize and teach this domain's materials against History. In this instance an outline of a sixth grade, eighth grade junior high school, 12 grade high school, 2 year Associate of Arts, 4 year Bachelor Degree, 13 to 14 year Master's Degree, and 15 to 16 year Doctorate PhD exit exams forms part of the Tournament Challenge.
I strongly urge any youth or person in general to attempt to refute by whole and or by line the materials of MOEC Studies. Personally, when I realized that no PhD making a salary of $165,000 and with five graduate students to help him or her opposed MOEC or even recognized that an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth even existed; I began to become sharper and more focused.
To date, over 28 years of Manifest Function have occurred (Cole, N.L. 2020). I did not start to write until after 7 years. I did take a five year break due to burnout. In summation 16 years of effort have transpired with physical effort. I will openly proclaim ten years would be a respectable number for someone to go further and become sharply focused.
I openly state there is no negation of the whole. MOEC was a revelation of the Authorship.
Educationally the first focus is the sixth grade. This is important because at 12 years of age the youth is making a transition into puberty and adulthood. According to Erickson many crises occur here are reflective of personality diffusion. As seen transitions are strong targets for an adversarial system to attack.
Every species must procreate to continue it's species life. Topical issues as LGBTi Marriage, abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment are social issues that are likely to arise in the subject or as corollaries.
The attempt to Social Engineer a LGBTi Civilization through a topology of a hub and node defection in every police stationhouse worldwide has lead to a macropolarization with a framework consisting of a conflict between homosexuality and heterosexuality. This conflict is Irrational. If a paradigm is based on Eternal Law and is Rational, it is likely perfection seeking and a Deontology not Consequentialist or Satisficing. As a conflict ensues between these two polarities Sexual Emancipation is proffered. The tensions between Liberalism and Conservatism lead to an Anarchic Libertine posture where any form of sexuality and behavior is licit. This would sanction almost every form of violent sexual activity. This is a very Reactive or taking the opposite position by reflex (contrarian position). It is also Regressive seeking infantile solutions to complex problems.
One unique aspect of Prisoner's Dilemma is the use of a provocateur controller under a hierarchical controller to attack the most talented individual. As these persons engage and injure one another a hero is kept in reserve as the reconciler (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019).
In this instance the Cambridge Membership have created a Gay Militia through LAPD (Scotland Yard):
Gay Militia Code Names
Periander |
The Fly |
Dodo |
Within this schema, Dodo is the provocateur whom a APA Diagnostic Statistical Manual prototype is being conditioned in nexus with positive law.
Lieutenant Computer Scientist - Supervisor (Most likely Periander or The Fly whose nom de guerras are not used presently.
Dodo - Provocateur
It is very clear that this gambit line which pits the worst police officer against the President or Sovereign has created the worst actors in LGBTi History.
The chosen figure to be reconciler is Stanford Astrophysicist Andre Linde whose theory of Cosmic Inflation has come into question.
This miniature pattern is an omen towards any coming Technological Singularity.
LAPD has admitted that a holon of MOEC can be prepared and understood at the sixth grade (Boje, D. 2000). The Newtonian Canon is taught at the high school level as well as Einstein Relativity.
The paper Lycurgus does not argue from the Proximate Cause as one observes Periander conduct a RICO reverse sting operation as a double crime (RICO 1970). Hence there is a chemical tag attached to a criminal object marijuana (Proximate Cause). This operation is indeed a fact.
Currently MOEC materials that were prepared on the Aural Cartographic Maps ACMs are converging in real time. Hence a very corrupt tradition, a form of hazing that is usually embedded in Lycurgus emerges. When one is in school, MOEC through LAPD and your local police will operate sweeps which descend from Jungian Synchronicity. Crossectional and Longitudinal analysis are being conducted. There are individuals whom know that they are being observed and others whom are unaware. This is therefore quasi experimental and impure.
One person in your area, in your school, or perhaps even yourself may be a fractal target after my person that serves as a miniature hub as the remaining persons are being swept. The sweep will begin from LAPD a major hub, and proceed through the nodes or informants.
It should be understood that LAPD are agents of the Membership whom wished to remain incognito.
In this consideration, I would recommend that a youngster learn HTML 5 and CSS. In this manner a very accurate one page website that is expandable can begin one's Journal. I have used online templates, Frontpage, Expressions, and Amaya editors of which I am transitioning to the updated W3C specifications by hand. My Journal begins in 2000:
One will know the basis of scripting and coding and what occurs under the hood of webpage. This also will prepare one for the Singularity.
MOEC primarily considers computer science at a standard that is Calculus based. Common Core high school graduate targets that are prominent are two years of Algebra III courses and with at least three years of Math. Arizona has excellent standards with four years of Math and including a Civics exam.
There is very little doubt that a person will not directly be exposed in a Lycurgus sweep if they attend school from kindergarten to the PhD level.
1611 King James Version Luke Chapter 12
Jesus Preaches to the Multitude
1 In the mean time, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another, he began to say unto his disciples first of all, Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.
2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.
3 Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.
13 And one of the company said unto him, Master, speak to my brother, that he divide the inheritance with me.
14 And he said unto him, Man, who made me a judge or a divider over you?
39 And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through.
51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:
52 For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.
53 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter,and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
I have included these Biblical verses because they form a historical foundation of how innovation and their agents oppose and become opposed to in the standing system and culture. Jesus proclaims that by opposing corruption and oppression that the Family will come under contestation.
The following are articles from the Nuremberg principles (Nuremberg principles).
Principle VI
Principle VI states,
"The crimes hereinafter set out are punishable as crimes under international law:
a) Crimes against peace:
(i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;
(ii) Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i).
(b) War crimes:
Violations of the laws or customs of war which include, but are not limited to, murder, ill-treatment or deportation to slave labor or for any other purpose of civilian population of or in occupied territory; murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war or persons on the Seas, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity.
(c) Crimes against humanity:
Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhumane acts done against any civilian population, or persecutions on political, racial, or religious grounds, when such acts are done or such persecutions are carried on in execution of or in connection with any crime against peace or any war crime."
England is the Mind
The United States is the Bodyguard
The Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm as discussed by MOEC Theory has resulted in an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth Program imposed over one natural person and citizen of the United States. This action is attributed to Cambridge Law School as the Proximate Cause sine qua non (Proximate Cause). MOEC is the mechanism that expands and contracts the British Empire. It's tactics and strategies are highly useful in both abstraction and particularity to study the rise and fall of past empires.
It is quite clear that all nationstates or regimes are competing to control a hub and node defection model through every police stationhouse worldwide
In this nexus the two touchstone texts of Western Civilization, Plato's The Republic and the Cambridge King James Version of the Bible are considered prominently but not exclusively (King James Bible 2020)(Plato 360 BC). This reflects Cambridge's expertise as well as pervading world views.
There has been a respectable production of theory and practical narrative developed on the www.powereality.net domain which will not be repeated. However certain controlling structures are notable as there traits and characteristics are inherited at lower levels of organization.
MOEC attempted to design a LGBTi culture within a system of governance. This was exposed. The social engineering has a defense mechanism of protecting the identity and lines of descent of the Membership. As patriarchs of their attempt at social engineering, lines of individuals and their familial trees are developed deeply into the future. This is a de facto descent from Monarchy, Aristocracy, and once removed degraded into Democracy. In the concrete the counsel of the House of Windsor have also have attempted to design your family tree and heritage.
The conflict between the Ex Deux Maquina and technology has developed an Informant Nation within the human race which is considerably large. The levelling of the United States vis a vis to Joseph Stalin and the USSR needs to be considered at a higher level. This is quite acute as an essentialist argument or the LGBTi Movement versus Islamic State frame the emergent social setting (Islamic State).
I am alleging that MOEC is guiding both under Prisoner's Dilemma (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019).
MOEC uses Prisoner's Dilemma and the cooperate or betray dichotomy to create Informants. These actors will then Undermine any truth or social system in either a formal or informal setting.
In this perspective in the paper Sovereign Citizen Relations, the Position Papers, a variation of the Original Sin Model, there are two States which were originally pure with 100 citizens. State I has developed one criminal incurring a civil violation. State Two develops the same deviance. It then wishes to expand against State One by recruiting it's security apparatus to form a lottery against number 100 as the aggressor. Thus State Two begins to Undermine State One. As such they can also claim that they are just.
In nexus to this format the state planner's of State Two can offer a gift to every person in State One and State Two. This gift can range from every imaginable object possible. This is a Greek Gift which is not merit based or legal. Similar to the original civil infraction this property crime requires prosecution. Hence the security apparatus and their informants then become the defense mechanism of the Authorship. In degree all of the actors are part of a Reaction Formation or are the Cavemen.
Under these considerations, the entire population is recruited as Informants and purged formally and informally longitudinally over time. In this manner class stratification is developed through quid pro quos over merit.
Hence title can not change on a crime. A code violation is incurred. Justice may be formal or informal and the lottery ad hominem begins.
In the particularity of MOEC, one person is isolated as number 100, the lowest in State One. Hence this person, is briefed on the model used. It is then desired to see if or how this person confronts his or her head of state.
This person under the lottery is forced to flee or retreat to the most secure location if any, to develop strategy and a plan of action. This occurs in physical space and in MOEC in Maze.
In the United States this is a Racketeered Influenced Corrupt Organization or section 901(a) of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 (Pub.L. 91–452, 84 Stat. 922, enacted October 15, 1970), and is codified at 18 U.S.C. ch. 96 as 18 U.S.C. §§ 1961–1968 (RICO (1970).
These miniatures have prima facie occurred in the United States since June 17, 1987. Hence the Epistemological Attack has created an era of Anglo American Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. A generation is inclusive of thirty years. This would transpire in less that 1 and a half years.
Five Irrationalist Presidents have emerged:
Irrationalist Presidents
Ronald Reagan |
George HW Bush |
William Clinton |
George W Bush |
Barack Obama |
It is unique to note that of the 26 actors running for the 2016 Presidential Elections, Hillary Clinton, husband of William Clinton and Jeb Bush, son of George HW Bush, and brother of George W Bush are prominent.
In close, the Technological Singularity is predicted to occur in 2045 (Vinge, V. 1993).
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
MOEC is the most successful Cultural Singularity every achieved with an international Censorship and Sanitization of 7.5 billion persons for over 28 years.
It is very dubious to note that under Daubert Standards or the federal standards for expert witness, the Membership have attempted to predict my repertoire, intent, and act. This is almost totally predicated on me being a homosexual or a Male Same Sex Male MSM which is totally false (Daubert).
In the federal Daubert trial, Judge Blackman agreed with Merell Dow that the general acceptance standard of Frye should be held under the provisions of Federal Rule of Evidence 702. Under these provisions the Daubert Factors emerged which govern the admissibility of scientific expert opinion (Mahle 1999):
1. Is the hypothesis or methodology falsifiable or third party verifiable?
2. Has the theory or method undergone peer review and publication?
3. Is there a known or potential error rate?
4. Has the theory and methodology been accepted by the pertinent scientific community?
It is very clear that MOEC is a Prisoner's Dilemma defection model and hybrid RICO structure (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019)(RICO 1970). Daubert Frye Standards are developed to eliminate junk science in the courtroom.
Pandora's Box
It is my intent and near inevitable that criminal and civil prosecution will incur.
In this consideration Kate Brown D Oregon, 55 years of age, in 2014 became the first openly bisexual Governor in United States History (Kate Brown 2021). Eric Fanning acting Under Secretary of the Army has been nominated by President Obama to lead the Army (Eric Fanning 2021). He would then become the first openly Gay officer to become Secretary of an armed service.
I am asking for legal production to discern if Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrodinger, and Robert Oppenheimer have ever contributed their math or science skills to the Criminal Enterprise MOEC. This is simply a logical argument sequitur. Many prominent academics as Alan Turing and Ludwig Wittgenstein are coming under scrutiny. As the only person to have the Singularity Experiment imposed over my natural person, I am standing on solid legal ground on this request.
The main issue is whether I will be alive to participate in a legal prosecution of Barack Obama.
The Challenge is why I am the only person to oppose MOEC as War Crimes on the Run? This will further the Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm as the population world wide chooses Betray over Cooperation in formal and informal punishments.
It is very clear that a Nuremberg styled War Crimes Tribunal in the United States or under the United Nations is an end game (War crimes trial 2021).
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