The Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm is an empirical historical event of which most historians attribute beginning towards the end of the Victorian Age. This seems contradictory as this coincides with emergence of the United States. One must observe that we are discussing both nationstates. Within MOEC Studies there is overwhelming evidence to support causation attributable to Cambridge Law School. There is a very profound Structure and Process that contains an Ecology of Systems that could not have been produced by even a clique of experts within one human lifetime. Hence it is claimed herein that Cambridge Law School controls Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC which is the mechanism that expands and contracts the British Empire.
In review, MOEC is a reactionary response to another reactionary structure, the Schlieffen Plan and the Rise of the Third Reich in Germany circa the 1880s. This is the close of Queen Victoria and the Victorian Age.
MOEC is a failed attempt to eugenically design a LGBTi Civilization. There is extremely strong evidence that correlates to implicate a Male Same Sex Male MSM Authorship whom desired to drag everyone down if they go down. Hence these actors themselves are failures in their own design to create a summon bonum (Summon bonum).
MOEC Studies is the strongest investigation into the Epitaph, the spokesperson of those persons, the Membership whom are responsible for the in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth which is contemporaneous with the rise of the Islamic State. This Jihadhi based government wishes to restore an Islamic Caliphate, the last being the Ottoman Empire.
Prisoner's Dilemma is the primary model from which MOEC was developed from (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019). Origin is the General User Interface GUI (GUI 2019). MOEC in it's Archetypal form was developed as Organic Government. MOEC Studies refutes this as Artificial. It is not known if an actual computer program exists. MOEC was originally delivered by Aural Cartographic Maps ACMs which were reel to reel tape recordings.
Prisoner's Dilemma
Prisoner B Stays Silent |
Prisoner B Betrays |
Prisoner A Stays Silent |
Each serves six months |
Prisoner A serves ten years Prisoner B goes free |
Prisoner A Betrays |
Prisoner A goes free Prisoner B serves ten years |
Each serves two years |
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
In reduction, MOEC is a Despotism where an Informant rises to the Despot and replicates himself in the individual and culture. All empirical objects exist as phenomena in space and time. In Prisoner's Dilemma defection is betrayal and cooperation is rational and the rule of law (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019). In this instance under Sovereign Citizen Relations, the Despot wishes to give a gift to every person. In this manner the Reverse Sting will develop the government as a Racketeered Influenced Corrupt Organization or a Criminal Enterprise. Formally RICO is TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 96, Section 1961 of the United States Code (RICO 1970).
The Despot will social engineer a government placing every individual, domain, and computer under defection. This will raise a race of Informant Traitors under Fatalism and Dependency. The Despot and his police force are fatalistic and the Informant Traitors are dependent.
The use of a double crime will insure a crime is attached to every object. As the Despot and this Structure and Process is exposed, the development of Racketeered Influenced Behaviors increases: Blackmail, Extortion, Hostaging, Intimidation, and Murder ensue in support of the Enterprise.
MOEC is using the United States to attack the human race. Hence if all levels of the Social System are held under Prisoner's Dilemma, a Scripted Decadence will occur (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019). One is an individual first, then a member in a collective second. The first group is the family. A successful individual or group must identify the Proximate Cause sine qua non and prosecute all the principals, accomplices, and accessories.
We will restate some basic models in the Preface to make discussions less redundant in the text. Methodology and Citation webpages will be developed to compliment the work on www.powereality.net.
The Social System
The Individual - Social System - Renaissance - Decadence
Culture and Society
Social Systems Theory - Teaching and Promotion
Paradigm of Laws
1. Eternal Law
2. Natural Law
3. Positive Law
Classical Forms of Government
Pure |
Impure |
Kingship |
Tyranny |
Aristocracy |
Oligarchy |
Polity |
Democracy |
There are two main subsystems in MOEC: 1. Lycurgus Akbar 2. Syrinx. Akbar is a latent component of Lycurgus which may rise to operate as a subsystem. Lycurgus is the starting structure. Akbar does not have to occur. As a system it's entirety is imposed only on person, your author, Bhakta David Nollmeyer.
There are three main components:
Components of MOEC
Biological Warfare |
Chemical Warfare |
Nuclear Warfare |
In the present instance all regimes at the supranational, national, or local level are competing to control a hub and node system of informants located in every police stationhouse worldwide or other structures that facilitate code enforcement. This will incur mutual aid violations.
At this point in time Akbar is in continuo. All persons are considered either Informant Traitors or a threat to the Membership. These actors are most likely all dead at this time. As seen in this Second Column of Origin this is Atomization in Maze under Control. The reason that Varna Asrama is used as the Ideal State is because I am a Vedic practitioner. This could easily be the Caliphate of the Islamic State.
In the particularity of MOEC, one person, myself is Alienated from my spiritual, natural, and positive law rights. Hence I am barely motile in Maze. I am legally attempting to prosecute MOEC under United States Federal Law and the Universal System of the United Nations if the particular nationstate as the United Kingdom has ratified the appropriate treaty.
In conclusion, MOEC is a purge of Informants Traitors that are recruited with quid pro quos. MOEC attempts to achieve the status of a science. The Wizard of Oz is a folk method that is analogous to the System that was developed in the Bible and used by nations at the time.
In essence what one is experiencing in the zeitgeist since 1987 in continuo is the Yellow Brick Road invertebrated. The Holy Grail or quid pro quo is a Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack under Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
What is totally cognizable throughout MOEC's trajectory is the outline of a quasi experimental design based on sibling cohort crossectional and longitudinal studies (Crossectional Study) (Longitudinal Studies). These events are conducted clandestinely by police sweeps and so called legitimate research. The entire known methodology of Behavioral Statistics is evident. MOEC is designed to be in the main Parametric. In this instance all members of the population need to be measured by a number or a statistic. This is the Informant Ratio.
MOEC measures defection as a dependent variable until the entire population is counted or numbered in the range. The Bell Curve, standard deviance (variance), z scores, t tests, repeated measures, and matched subjects tests are some of the more readily observable functions that are being performed on individuals and populations. The matched subject test is unique that it places two individuals under examination vis a vis to one another over time. MOEC is flawed heavily by cognitive bias (Bell Curve). It is skewed toward the LGBTi population. This has resulted in tit for tat reprisals developed from the Ex Deux Maquina. This group is comprised of the MSM Cambridge Lawyers and the more heterosexual Trinity Theologians.
One component of many Social Systems is Emancipation. In this instance Sexual Emancipation is a focal target. The creation of the Artificial Ideology Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing appears to control the breadth of MOEC's conditioning by intent and act. This is very evident in the Algorithm line of actors from the Authorship into the Gay Militia in LAPD and consequent informants. The nadir is the Reduction Room where the two lead lawyers The Hand and The Little One reenact polymorphous perverse speech and behaviors. This is debauchery. It is used to Undermine the summon bonum in any field. This is clear in analogy to Maze Learning, the heuristic Einstein in the Office, and the retirement of Ronald Reagan figured in the Oval Office in the White House.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
I am receiving the Treatment in the Experiment. There is no readily defined laboratory setting or Control Group. The remainder of the world population N are Fractals of Kroni. Hence they receive only a ratio of the Akbar component that is imposed over my person.
MOEC is Impure Synchronicity in Maze Learning. As such all persons are conditioned while performance for errors is calculated. The Proximate Cause or Controller manipulates the individual's defection (-) or cooperation (+) as a variable. It is clear that MOEC is not stated in the positive as a Structure, Process, or Ecology of Systems. It operates Under the Color of Law. Hence it is Undermining the Paradigm of Laws. MOEC is a Reverse Sting Operation in the interest of empire and state building.
In Maze Learning, the Controller wished to measure and predict the error rate in performing one or more tasks. In this instance, a rating system of various scales can be devised. The ELO system used in Chess and other games will suffice at the present. The Pure forms of government are Side White and the Impure forms are Side Black. Defection and performance is very acute in distributive justice and the redistribution of wealth in the state.
Class Stratification is a Manifest Function that is occurring as obsolescence occurs from the Sovereign or head of state to the Subject. The Reverse Sting Entrapment is predicated heavily on Ethnic Nationalism as a Source of War or Nativism. The outline of a Behavioral Statistics methodology is overt especially concerning IQ Testing and defection. In this instance class intervals, especially the outliers as the upper ten percent and lower ten percent are highly Scripted under Prisoner's Dilemma (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019). The emergence of Common Core High School Graduation Standards are contemporaneous with Operation Akbar, the fullblown Chemical Assault Scorched Earth which is imposed over only one person, your author Bhakta David Nollmeyer.
One should be highly aware of the Algorithm of Cambridge and Los Angeles Police Department LAPD. Highly prominent are the actors:
Gay Militia Code Names
Periander |
The Fly |
Dodo |
In this instance the use of officers that are under defection to MOEC yields a microsystem of Secondary Parenting where Dodo is being figured as the Prototype for a composite of Antisocial to Psychopathic diagnostics of the DSM V Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. At issue is the Tryad Model which is analogous to Primary and Secondary Parenting in Ecological Systems (DSM V 2021)(Ecological Systems). The Algorithm functions as Secondary Parenting perhaps displacing one's own Primary Parents or caregiver. Tryad also functions over physical space. The points of the Tryad in question were:
Lassen or Modoc County or Northern California
Kent County, Delaware
New Raman Reti, Florida
New Raman Reti is an ISKCON Hare Krishna commune in Alachua, Florida outside of the University of Florida in Gainesville. It is one of the oldest continuing communes in the United States. It's service is the creation of varna asrama or the Vedic Social System.
The nadir of this construction extends from the Reduction Room in Cambridge Law School where the Command Imperative of The Hand to the Little One The Hand is the lead lawyer and the Little One is the second in command The postulation:
Will You Betray the Constitution?
I have written on Tryad and noticed very little function from such especially in the North East California and Position Papers websites. One should study these websites if you are unclear of what I am discussing (Nollmeyer, 2013a).
Currently I am arguing that MOEC Studies is 50 years ahead of any University System as Cambridge or the University of California. This is due to defection resulting in a Censorship and Sanitization of 7.5 billion persons worldwide.
What is now understood is that we have analogy to Timaeus and the Spindle of Necessity of Plato. Lachesis is the Past, Clothos is the Present, and Apropos is the Future in weaving the Cord of Life. Empirical History is being Scripted and documented for the record (Zeyl, D. and Sattler, B. 2019).
Also at issue is that Ishi was the last known Native American to live tribally in California (Ishi). He became starved and eventually was taken in at the University of California by ethnographer Alfred Kroeber .
Ishi c. 1860 to March 25, 1916, was the last member of the Yahi, a group of the Yana people of California. Ishi lived most of his life completely outside modern culture. At about 49 years of age, in 1911, he emerged near Oroville, California leaving the foothills of Lassen Peak, known to Ishi as Waganu p'a. Ishi's tribe is extinct.
Ishi means man in the Yana language. The anthropologist Alfred Kroeber gave this name to the man because it was rude to ask someone's name in the Yahi culture. The Yahi came into conflict with local ranchers. It is clear that driving the tribe into extinction was not needed to resolve cultural and legal conflicts. The names of those persons involved in the fight are public record. It is clear that a part of the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, Electronic Surveillance, and Stalking extends from this conflict.
In specification, an example of a Reverse Sting is the use of the Gambino Family to eliminate the other Families of the East Coast Cosa Nostra, of America. Under Prisoner's Dilemma the Gambino Family is favored by the FBI (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019). In this instance they are a catalyst to Reverse Sting or Bust Out the other Families. In the end the Gambino Family is busted. This has occurred with some success. Another example is in Mexico. The Sinaloa Cartel has been used by the PRI to constrain other actors. Under PAN a more conservative platform emerged with less quid pro quos resulting in massive drug wars. Since Operation Radhanatha, February 12, 2007 which resulted in the contamination of the Colorado River flowing into Mexico, over 80,000 persons have been killed in cartel violence.
The Structure of MOEC can be abstracted to evaluate other levels of regimes of the past as the Roman or Ottoman Empires. Of interest is specifically those nations or tribes of peoples whom opposed the Romans. This is acute as the Islamic State, the Alter Ego of the LGBTi Movement, and MOEC's Gay Militia. ISIS has pointed out in Dabiq 9 that these allegations comprise Shirk Conspiracy. Shirk basically means backsliding. This states that actors as the United Kingdom and United States are responsible for the Islamic State's emergence as proxies. One should note the similarity in the use of the more abstract labelling for the Gay Militia (Dabiq (magazine). The Gay Militia is built upon Jihadhi thought.
Hence these scenarios postulate using Islamic State and Al Qaeda to eliminate Assad in Syria. At a later date Al Qaeda and Islamic State are eliminated or constrained to complete the Reverse Sting.
The following is from Dabiq 9, Conspiracy Theory Shirk page 16.
If one were to reinterpret the history of the Muslims in accordance to the conspiracy theories of these theorists, he would come out with grave deviance. One only has to ask these theorists, were the Muslims able to establish a state and expand it only with consent from the Roman and Persian empires? Were the Muslims agents of the Romans or Persians during their wars against these two rival empires? Were the Persians faking their war against the Romans while secretly being their allies? Were the Muslims faking their battles against one of the two rival empires?
Currently as I write in Fall 2015, Dabiq 11 is published. In simplicity the entire publication and paste up in Adobe pdf is entirely predictable. I have already stated in Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part II Chapter 6 that Islamic State fighter's marriages, and names of their children are predictable (Nollmeyer, D. 2015j).
This tactic and strategy is discussed in the Marriage Rituals in Plato's The Republic (Plato 360 BC). In modern music a similar analogy is made in El Amour Bruho (The Ritual Firedance) Love the Magician by Joaquin Rodrigo in which two young lovers are protected by love against a prearranged marriage.
It is clear that the Will to Empire is Theater. In a Theater of War it is not claimed that historically that Muslims did not fight. It is claimed that all actors may not have fought as hard as duty and circumstances as multilateralism dictate. The Fall of Mosul is dubious for the Shia as is the French Vichy is for the French and MOEC is now for the Americans and the British. These events are prima facie embarrassments of Fatalism and Dependency of an Informant based defection model.
Hence it is highly probable that defection occurred in Islamic History. At times in these events the Muslims were victorious and at others not. Correlation does not prove an Origin. However human behavior has not changed in politics in any significant degree. The main variable is Technology.
Einstein in the Office
Einstein in the Office is a small fuzzy model. It is a summon bonum figure in Maze with War Criminals on the Run... imposed over such. Man exists in a field of space and time. It postulates Einstein as a model for the maths and sciences even arguing him as a summon bonum for the Mechanistic polarity although he was a Theist. The Tournament platform argues that it is indeed Number 1 and Number 2 whom contest to determine the Champion. MOEC is open textured. Under Mechanism, the Cosmos is a closed system. The emergence of human civilization and whether it's trajectory is determined is a focus. Currently it is easy to follow the Rational Platonic Tradition and the Rise and Fall of the Roman Catholic Church to the rise of the British Empire to define the Anglo American Paradigm.
The development of the University System currently postulates the University of Cambridge as the world's top rated school of higher learning. The cultural world is converging and becoming smaller through formal and informal learning and technological paradigm shifts. This creates conflict.
In Einstein in the Office we have a professor or the most qualified man or woman in a room. Across all domains there is competition to be the highest rated performer in one's field. In economics the Employment Theory of General Equilibrium argues an equivalent proposition. All persons based on their free will opt to compete, not compete, or attempt to remain neutral in their position. Hence one will rise until one's skill is constrained or one freely chooses to exit. In Perfect Competition one would be able to increase infinitely based on skill. In Imperfect Competition the variables of limitations operate on the individual.
At issue is the education and pursuance of a career path. In this instance Einstein could be a Nobel Prize Laureate professor in Cambridge. Can this individual retire successfully, arrange his legacy, clean out his office, and exit and lock the door behind him or her?
The role of Einstein in the Office is substitutable for any individual at any level of organization in the social system. Under the Employment Theory of General Equilibrium under pure competition one is able to rise to the highest level of occupation as he or she desires. Under imperfect competition in the business cycle, the economy will move from an expansion to depression resulting in full employment to unemployment.
This is predicated on innovation. Innovation creates the expansion. One can reiterate this concept and state that a innovation creates the movement to depression. In MOEC this can be a manmade or natural disaster. MOEC is the mechanism that expands and contracts the British Empire.
In this instance even the most highly qualified person is a Fractal of Kroni. All persons have a fractal amount of Akbar imposed over their natural person.
When Will An Individual or Group Emerge to Decapitate MOEC?
§ 2382. Misprision of treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both (Treason).
The predicates that in the real Imperfect World of our experience there will be Class Stratification. It is empirically accurate that an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth has been imposed over my natural person. In the present MOEC is expanding an unprecedented Cultural Singularity that has Censored and Sanitized over 7.5 billion persons worldwide.
I clearly wish to decapitate and prosecute MOEC to it's Origin under the Proximate Cause Test sine qua non. MOEC Studies is the most advanced attempt to accomplish this goal. As I work to free myself other actors become obsolete. Hence if I win they will lose. This is not a zero sum game.
In the particularity of MOEC's Social Engineering the substitution of personnel is Scripted. If one were to test the positive 2 points standard deviation of the population for IQ, 97.72 percent are in the body and 2.28 percent are in the tail.

It is clear that no one in the Genius or 140 IQ level has made an overt attempt to prosecute MOEC. A 140 IQ has a z score of + 2.666 standard deviation with 99.61 percent of the population in the body or lower and .0039 percent at this level. I claim my IQ is 130 which is a standard deviation of 2 points. Chess genius Bobby Fischer was said to have an IQ of 160 which is a standard deviation of 4 points. This yields an astonishing .99997 percent of the population lower and only .00003 percent having this IQ.
The Bell Curve Culture
IQ Testing is standardized on a Bell Curve with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. The score of 80 IQ minus the mean 100 equals 20 divided 15 by equals 1.3333. If this was positive 1.33333 there would be .9082 in the body and .0918 in the tail. So this must be reversed. In simplicity over 9 out of ten persons are higher in IQ. Slightly less than 1 out of ten persons perform at this level.
This posits that if Technological Singularity is going to be a reality then the more intelligent persons need to assert themselves. IQ Testing is not an exact a priori science. One may discern that if one performs well on this type of testing he or she would have a competitive advantage. It would be probable that this person would favor the implementation of protocols that include standardization and grading on the Bell Curve.
Daubert and Frye Standards
An ontological goal and ends or measurement is the seeking of a formal trial with prosecution of the criminal actors and redress for the victims. At issue is the use of experts and very soon computers at trial. Frye is a more scientific standard used by states as California. Daubert is a more liberal measure used by the federal government.
These standards attempt eliminate so called junk science and philosophy. Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing is real and tangible. It is Might over Right. It is heavily based on power and numerical superiority over moral and intellectual skill.
The Sibling Cohort Rivalry will create a Scripted roster of experts and witnesses. If one is a sworn official, PhD, Master Degree, or a person that has been in my vicinity since June 17, 1987 you are strong candidates to be subpoenaed for trial.
In the federal Daubert trial, Judge Blackman agreed with Merell Dow that the general acceptance standard of Frye should be held under the provisions of Federal Rule of Evidence 702. Under these provisions the Daubert Factors emerged which govern the admissibility of scientific expert opinion (Mahle 1999):
1. Is the hypothesis or methodology falsifiable or third party verifiable?
2. Has the theory or method undergone peer review and publication?
3. Is there a known or potential error rate?
4. Has the theory and methodology been accepted by the pertinent scientific community?
Those actors responsible for MOEC's in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth have successfully engineered the greatest Censorship and Sanitization in World History. A major consequence is the defeat of the American Presidency. In this instance the Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Obama are levelled vis a vis to Joseph Stalin and the USSR. Homeland Security, the American police officers are also levelled to the Oprichniki or the Death Squad of Ivan the Terrible. The Oprichniki are a precursor to the KGB and Russian Mafia. A considerable population of Russia was compromised in Ivan's Reign of Terror. The same is true in the United States for the Gay Militia.
This is an Alter Ego component that has universal applications for Comparative Politics and Law.
If the Proximate Cause is LGBTi then this population is more exposed. The heterosexuals will be secondary in distance from the Authorship. At this point in time by collusion an Oligopoly exists resulting in a static role. This will lead to obsolescence.
As of this writing Russia and France have entered forcefully in the Syrian Civil War. France was attacked by Islamic State in Paris with 130 killed on November 23, 2015. About 80 deaths resulted at the attack at the Bataclan nightclub during a soldout performance by the California metal band Eagles of Death Metal. A Russian jet was shot down over Sinai by the Islamic State on October 29, 2015. At least 224 deaths were incurred. A photograph of the bomb was posted in Dabiq 11 (Dabiq (magazine). Turkey has shot down a Russian fighter jet also escalating tensions.
At this point in time it would be folly for any sane person, especially one in the United States to not consider a purge of Informant Traitors. This is the mens rea and actus rea or criminal intent and criminal act of MOEC (Mens Rea) (Actus Reus). This ad hominem attack is inheritable and will have severe impact for the United Kingdom and the United States in future generations.
The use of the Attorney General Exemption for the President is folly. It is empirical that the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth emanates from the United States. It is ludicrous to argue that the President, now Barack Obama can attack the human race and citizens of another nationstate under a decree in the United States. Another state actor as Mexico or Canada is not under a United States Attorney General Exemption that Barack Obama signed to permit the killing of Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan by United States Special Forces.
In MOEC both formal and informal punishment is prominent. FBI Uniform Crime Reporting and the Center for Disease Control Surveillance Reports, particularly HIV AIDS is a focus. MOEC has an extensible graph of actions which can be retraced back to the Origin (Uniform Crime Reporting 2020) (HIV Surveillance Reports 2020).
At this point in time I have clearly redistributed more information on MOEC than I received initially myself. I have distributed this information as strongly as possible on the Internet and have United States Federal Court cases with one case cv 98 7015 Nollmeyer v US Government et al. refused writ of certiorari on January 19, 1999. The case proceeds from:
1. U.S. District for New Mexico
Cv.95-0135, Nollmeyer v. U.S. Gov.,
Delaware State Police, et. al.
2. Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals
2. Cv.97-2306, Nollmeyer v. U.S.
Gov., Delaware State Police, et. al.
3. United States Supreme Court
Cv.98-7015, Nollmeyer v. U.S.
Gov., Delaware State Police, et. al.
It is Better to Have One Standing Than All Fall
The Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm has a catalyst in the revelation of Mobilization of Empire or MOEC. This is particularized by a Targeted Attack TA against then President Ronald Reagan via the medium of a citizen and natural person he was sworn to protect, your author Bhakta David Nollmeyer on June 17, 1987 when I was in Dover, Delaware. The usurpation of a Gay Militia authored and designed by a Membership of Cambridge Lawyers and Trinity College Theologians has created a watershed event Undermining the summon bonum or expert across all domains of faith and knowledge. Hence these actors are War Criminals on the Run... their System has been to give a least one gift to every person on earth. This quid pro quo reinforcement evolves into Impure Synchronicity longitudinally across the individual's lifespan and culture. This activity is a Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack.
The mechanism that expands and contracts the British Empire is operated by Cambridge Law School. Therefore this leg of the United Kingdom's political life is under the control of Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC. Cambridge Law School can devise any name these actors which to call themselves. An example would be Desert Storm or the American operation taken against Saddam Hussein and Iraq.
To understand events our Methodology permits us to analyze any object as a holon being processed within a System to obtain a solid analysis of any object at any level.
The Paradigm of Laws:
The Paradigm of Laws
Eternal Law |
Natural Law |
Positive Law |
Classical Forms of Government:
Classical Forms of Government
Pure |
Impure |
Kingship |
Tyranny |
Aristocracy |
Oligarchy |
Polity |
Democracy |
Prisoner's Dilemma
Prisoner B Stays Silent |
Prisoner B Betrays |
Prisoner A Stays Silent |
Each serves six months |
Prisoner A serves ten years Prisoner B goes free |
Prisoner A Betrays |
Prisoner A goes free Prisoner B serves ten years |
Each serves two years |
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
There are two main subsystems in MOEC: 1. Lycurgus Akbar 2. Syrinx.
Lycurgus is characterized while I am under Electronic Surveillance and a Targeted Chemical Assault. Lycurgus is characterized by the settings I am held under as Electronic Surveillance and a Targeted Chemical Assault. The world has existed under Akbar since June 17, 1987.
There are three main components:
Components of MOEC
Biological Warfare |
Chemical Warfare |
Nuclear Warfare |
MOEC Studies argues that the Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm is based on a Despotism where an Informant rises to the Despot and replicates himself in the individual and culture. Everything empirically exists in space and time. In Prisoner's Dilemma defection is betrayal and cooperation is rational and the rule of law. As stated under Sovereign Citizen Relations, the Despot wishes to give a gift to every person. In this manner a Reverse Sting will develop the government that is prosecutable in the United States from 1971 under the Racketeered Influenced Corrupt Organization as a Criminal Enterprise. Formally RICO is TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 96, Section 1961 of the United States Code. There is no use, manufacture, possession, or distribution of a crime. One cannot guide, advise, place any resource into or receive any output from the Enterprise.
The implications of racketeering as piracy and slavery are historical since the beginning of governance. There are international RICO statutes.
It is clear that MOEC, or the United Kingdom, has developed a hub and node system of informants through every police stationhouse worldwide. This hub and node system is the object of competition between all governments. It appears that this System is extended intentionally from the Book of Daniel and Revelation in reference to a final empire that fragments into many parts and destroys all other nations. This may be seen as ten toes in Daniel or ten horns in Revelation. In this instance I argue that every major leader in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Vedanta, and Buddhism has been chosen through MOEC. I am clearly the only target of Operation Akbar that has the in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over their natural person. The remainder of the 7.5 billion inhabitants of our earth are Fractals of Kroni. Kroni is an Antichrist figure in Ayyavazh branch of Vedanta.
Platonism or the worship of Zeus comprises part of what is considered a cornerstone of Western Civilization along with Christianity. The Republic and the Bible are the two touchstone texts (Plato 360 BC).
MOEC as the driver of the Anglo American Irrationalist Era is heavily Scripted in a Theater of War. This is reflective of the Greek Drama which is a polarity of humor and pathos. In this instance it appears that Francis MacDonald Cornford is being presented as the Machiavelli who exacts revenge on the other traditions for allegations of extincting Platonism (Cornford). It is argued that Christianity defeated the Neo Platonists circa 3 AD. Cornford is figured as avenging this defeat nearly single handedly versus Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Vedanta, and Buddhism.
The Image of X is a composition of functions that replicates the Membership's Imprimatur on both Civilization and in many instances cradle to grave eugenic breeding. This Image is developed under Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. In the deliberation for equality, Straight Irrationalism Straight Know Nothing should be considered (Know Nothing 2016).
The extensible graph of MOEC will postulate the Membership of MOEC, hence Cambridge Lawyers and Trinity Theologians as The Wizard of Oz (Braum, L.F. 1939). It is claimed here that the film was intentionally planted as Gemeinschaft culture. This is an analogy which is more folkish than the development of Geselschaft culture or the development of all domains as a science. This is very serious for Christianity as the Bible forbids the worship of wizards, witches, and soothsayers. Moses and Aron lead the Jews out of slavery in Egypt where battles between Moses' and the Pharaoh's wizards are part of Exodus.
If one were to consider an eschatology or ontology descending from Spirituality, Morality, and Intelligence radiating to the individual or a culture, then Cornford is presented as the thinker whom understood the political tactics and strategy of Undermining one system and replacing such with one of his own design (Cornford).
An example is that if I were to choose to start or be part of a Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Vedic, or Buddhist church, temple, or synagogue, would such be authentic if I am following the Scripting of MOEC or any other actor that has orchestrated War Crimes or other serious deviance of magnitude?
In review of MOEC Methodology one can discern the creation of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing as an artificially concocted ideology. If the Authorship is presenting MOEC as an Organic Cell of government, why at the same time are they presenting Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing? Platonism is considered the beginning of Rationalism in Western Civilization. The Know Nothings were conservatist anti immigrationists circa the Civil War aligned with the Republicans. The Ku Klux Klan is the militia of the Democrats beginning after the Civil War and having a million members by the 1930s.
The Gambit Line of actors is stated to be all Male Same Sex Males MSM individuals. A gambit is the sacrifice of material to obtain some type of tactical advantage. Many are called but few are chosen. Hence we have a mortal authorship developing a system of informants to Undermine governance.
The main algorithm is: United Kingdom, Cambridge Law School, Scotland Yard. United States, Los Angeles Police Department, Delaware: Delaware State Police, Local Jurisdictions.
The handing off of the defection model is alleged to occur in the 1930s to LAPD from Scotland Yard.
To return to then President Ronald Reagan, he has been figured in analogy to an inverted Moses whom leads his people into captivity. The Jews have been given a Promised Land of Milk and Honey as the Seed of Abraham from God. Wherever Moses or Joshua walk, the land under their footprints is Holy. The Biblical land of Canaan configures to the Promise of Abraham Genesis 17.
The main actors or nom de guerras in use in LAPD are:
Gay Militia Code Names
Periander |
The Fly |
Dodo |
These figures have Undermined the Presidency of the United States by alienating my natural person from my Bill of Right protections.
The President of the United States has sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States. As I am pursued by the Gay Militia, wherever I could possibly move in the world of our experience results in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. This action develops Tryad which is based on Triadic Parenting which is part of Ecological Systems. Individuals within the defection model are configured as the Past Lachesis, Present Clothos, and Future Apropos in analogy to Timaeus where the Cord of Life is woven creating a tapestry of Civilization. These events can be imposed over various forms of cartography (Zeyl, D. and Sattler, B. 2019).
The attack on Ronald Reagan has created the Irrationalist Presidents:
Irrationalist Presidents
Ronald Reagan |
George HW Bush |
William Clinton |
George W Bush |
Barack Obama |
The Tournament places the Algorithm which is a Lieutenant Computer Scientist whom is a supervisor, over the dumbest policeman Dodo, versus the President or Head of State. This is the beta member versus the alpha member.
This creates a Master Passion. One important aspect of social systems is they may contain an Emancipatory component. The Master Passion inverts theories of Sexual Emancipation. The foremost of which is the Mass Psychology of Fascism which is a Neo Freudian Marxist study lead by Wilhelm Reich. This study is antagonistic to Fascism as expressed by Benito Mussolini (Reich, W. 2020).
In a Reverse Sting Operation, MOEC constructs a RICO Criminal Enterprise through a hub and node system of informants through every police stationhouse worldwide. On June 17, 1987, the year of the 200th Anniversary of the United States Constitution, the Gay Militia activated MOEC and revealed Origin, the Organic Cell, as a defection model. MOEC attempted to expand by attacking me by imposing the invertebration of the Paradigm of Laws over my natural person in a classical conflict within the Sovereign Citizen Relationship. Wherever I travel the Gay Militia recruits Stalkers to attack. The film The Wizard of Oz is a folk analogy (Braum, L.F. 1939). In this nexus, I found that the Sports Entertainment Complex which emerged quite strongly since June 17, 1987 has very little credibility although creating many $500 millionaires USD. It is unique to note that MOEC was designed to create support for a performance superior to George Orwell's 1984 (Orwell, G. 1949). I argue that I have easily accomplished this. I argue that the average individual should be able to make a presentation closely corresponding to this level. One can simply peruse all the material available on the www.powereality.net domain for research.
The British Empire expands and contracts through the Reverse Sting. In this instance I was moved from the Lycurgus subsystem into Akbar. MOEC spreads by having LAPD follow me in the Tournament. I am the only person whom has witnessed the entirety of the Akbar component imposed over my person.
Social Systems:
The Individual - Social System - Renaissance - Decadence
Culture and Society
Social Systems Theory - Teaching and Promotion
The Manifest Function of MOEC escalates and exposed the modus operandi of defection under Prisoner's Dilemma (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019). This placed an immediate and direct illegal War Crime over the United States and the human race. The main persons in question would of been The Fly (Computer Scientists) and Dodo, versus then President Ronald Reagan and your author Bhakta David Nollmeyer.
There is a very acute demonstration of Informal Logic and Abnormal Psychology. The Image of X contains a salient line of Narcissistic Pedophilia. These persons are the most difficult criminals to rehabilitate:
Narcissistic pedophiles claim to be infallible, superior, talented, skillful, omnipotent, and omniscient. They often lie and confabulate to support these unfounded claims and to justify their actions. Most pedophiles suffer from cognitive deficits and reinterpret reality to fit their fantasies.
In extreme cases, the pedophile feels above the law of any kind of law. This grandiose and haughty conviction leads to criminal acts, incestuous or polygamous relationships, and recurrent friction with the authorities.
Sam Vaknin
One of the most salient features of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing is that it is a condensation of the invertebration of the summon bonum into a prototype of the antisocial, sociopathic, and psychopathic individual. Within this consideration Ethnic Nationalism as a Source of War or simply Nativism is used as an individual and collective target. If I am present in a location during the Manifest Function of the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth and an officer in the Gay Militia instructs one to state that they, "Are Here", then one should consider the territoriality of the spraying of chemicals which can be defined on a map. I am along the Colorado River near Blythe, California and Ehrenberg, Arizona. This is a direct invertebration of a concept of Heaven or Eternity. There is a direct Biblical connection to Sodom and Gomorrah where the burning of these two cities reflects sulfur.
These material boundaries and the History of Hate Crime and Stalking are inherited as Particular History and Justice through the genealogies of the persons in question where Nativism is proffered.
Einstein in the Office
Homo sapiens as a species exists in a field of space and time. The female and male sexes can also be defined as species. As an individual and culture we are in Maze and forced to solve problems of both increasing and decreasing difficulty. As such we can be measured and graded by an error rate.
The Reduction Room where The Hand, the lead lawyer and The Little One, the second lawyer, create the worst debauched actions and speech patterns to radiate are the invertebration. God and Native Tribal persons are satire; hence the Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack.
The main actors or nom de guerras in use in LAPD are:
Gay Militia Code Names
Periander |
The Fly |
Dodo |
These figures have Undermined the Presidency of the United States by alienating my natural person from my Bill of Right protections. The President of the United States has sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Wherever I could possibly move in the world of our experience results in the in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth as I am pursued by the Gay Militia. The attack on Ronald Reagan has created the Irrationalist Presidents.
The Hedonistic Calculus of John Stuart Mills, the beginning of modern liberalism versus conservatism is attacked. The Scripting of Dodo has a boundary of a circular argument. Consequentialism versus Deontology are the two ethical polarities. Gay Relativism and Phenomenology are the main excuses that Dodo will use to deflect any demonstration of skill in any domain.
The family is the primary unit of the collective and governance. The gambit line leading from the Membership is also Homosexual Misogyny. The officers in the Gay Militia stage a Trojan Horse Marriage Ritual which is actually a Divorce Program. Female Same Sex Females FSF, are the targets. These Actors also may be accomplices or accessories of MOEC even though their marriages are heavily dissolved. If drugs and same sex are prominent by observation divorce rates are over 50 percent.
One of the challenges of the Tournament is to organize MOEC Studies. I have been briefed by the Algorithm by instruction from the Membership. I have developed MOEC Studies to the Approach level. This is beyond the Scripting and Conditioning in Maze that these actors predicted. I have also published 7 texts on MOEC of which Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part III will be the 8th text. It was surmised that there were at least 1000 pages of material in the brief. I have targeted each text at 120 pages or about 60 pages at single line and a half space.
I am not charging for my work although I have copyrighted or implied copyright of my work. I believe that MOEC in itself should not be patented or controlled for scientific purposes. In short I do wish to have to pay for evidence of a crime that is killing me. I would not expect others to have to pay either after being victimized.
What Periander, The Fly, and Dodo do not realize is that they are operating by Asymmetry of Information. I have about 26 United States Federal Court Cases. I have continuously published on a powereality or equivalent domain as www.powereality.net since 2001. I have levelled their so called expertise. The mean or average 12 year old or sixth grade student can defeat their pontifications; many of which are only 80 IQ. The mean 12 year old will be 100 IQ or the average person. Many of the questions that reflect Dodo's expertise were previously asked of and recorded at W.R. Brown Elementary School in Kent County, Delaware by my cohorts and myself from about 4th to 6th grades or during 1971 to 1973.
The Anglo American Irrationalist Era from June 17, 1987 in continuo or nearly a generation, is based on Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. Many adults at 50 years of age would fail high school graduation requirements especially Algebra III of which about 36 states now mandate.
In review, Dodo is attempting to equal or excel in any branch of study that I undertake. He is also of the notion that he can educate the population in my vicinity to equal my skills and repertoire. At this point in time Fatalism and Dependency are totally evident. Dodo will mechanically argue a contrarian case to almost any statement I make. This is regressive that the mean or average 12 year old or sixth grade student will be able to state objective facts defeating Dodo to a performance that fails at less than 50 percent accuracy. Dodo attempts to style himself as a Philosopher. When proclaiming an incorrect answer he may proffer that he is "Speculating." The scientific method of the creation of the hypothesis has been developed from the Rational Tradition which is rooted in Platonism. The process in itself is not the answer. It empirically demonstrates a lack of skill in it's methodology. This attack is alleged to be localized in LAPD as a hub. All officers and offices where mutual aid is conducted to other agencies should have cameras and be filmed. Iran has been subjected at times to have cameras in their nuclear facilities to support their credibility and compliance to international nuclear regimes.
The creation of the world's most prominent Red Herring Strawman is figured by attempting to Script my personal life as a Male Same Sex Male MSM person. This has failed. As such the predictability of my Conditioning has failed to in MOEC's own standards at 99 percent. Under Daubert and Frye Standards in a War Crime or legal hearing, the attempt to entrap me has failed. I have lived my whole life as a heterosexual. Dodo and his Computer Science superior are willing scapegoats with the Stalkers they have recruited.
The attempt to hand off entire texts to persons describing the main litigants has failed in respect to my person. These profile based biographies are highly accurate for the Gay Militia. Hence they have a followed a Yellow Brick Road. In law enforcement parlance we are entering the Bust Out or where the Sting comes down and the players see whom is going to emerge as the victors.
A major dichotomy is that a t Test with a Directional One Tailed Hypothesis Test is a very distinct feature that has been modelled. If MOEC is an Undermining operation attacking a population then those members of this set that are not diametrically opposed will decrease in intelligence.
In the abstract MOEC is designed to be 50 years ahead of the world.
I am claiming empirically that I am 28 years ahead of the world population on exposing MOEC as RICO Criminal Enterprise. There has been a Cultural Singularity in which Censorship and Sanitization of 7.5 billion persons approaches 100 percent.
At this point in time it is clear that a One Tailed Directional Single Sample t Hypothesis Test was used as an exploratory instrument to develop MOEC. This would then lead to a more formal Repeated Measure ANOVA and Two Factor ANOVA Hypothesis Tests under APA Standards.
In the latter ANOVA Tests the same participants are not necessarily present at every sweep. Multiple factors are also used on participants in these repeated sweeps over one's lifetime. The entire known repertoire of Behavioral Testing is probable as MOEC is at the minimum gathering data to be used for future contingencies without definitive hard science.
Hence MOEC as a pseudo experiment is Impure Synchronicity measuring siblings and cohorts crossectionally and longitudinally over time and space (Crossectional Study).
The H0 or Null Hypothesis would state that: MOEC Studies is not 50 years ahead of the population.
The H1 Hypothesis would state that MOEC Studies is 50 years ahead of the population.
The beginning start time t would be June 17, 1987. Therefore t is 28.5 years to date.
A an observational assumption of 1000 BA or BS graduates half male and female representative of the world on June 17, 1987 is made.
An alpha level of at least .001 is used.
To date I know of zero published work at any level discussing MOEC or an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth in the United States. This is a partial Structure and Process of MOEC.
I had earned about 84 credits on June 17, 1987. If the ELO system is used, I would rank as the highest rated performer. This alone clearly indicates that sworn duty bound officials are incompetent and corrupt. The more intelligent members of the population are conspicuous in their absence and are not performing at their IQ level.
Mobilization of Empire and Civilization, MOEC will have a Manifest Function of 29 years on June 17, 2016. I have claimed that MOEC Studies and my knowledge of such is 50 years ahead of our time. The benchmark of 30 years or a generation appears irrefutable. I believe that an average person at this time will need at least the equivalent of 90 credits and 10 years of work to begin to achieve equality. It will most likely take my person another six years to migrate by hand the www.powereality.net domain. I hope to have Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part III and Lycurgus II completed by 2020. A text named The System should follow. I am forced by circumstance to peruse a low hanging fruit opportunity preference to complete MOEC Studies (Nollmeyer, D. 2016f).
A Reverse Sting will developed the government that is prosecutable in the United States from 1971 under the Racketeered Influenced Corrupt Organization or a Criminal Enterprise. Formally RICO is TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 96, Section 1961 of the United States Code. This has entrapped all levels of social organization from the United Nations to the individual.
The Proximate Cause Test sine qua non principals, accomplices, and accessories to the fact is the efficient test. The Renunciation of the Conspiracy follows. As seen citizen versus criminal under Positive Law is an important baseline.
Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing is an artificially designed ideology intended to Undermine Civilization through the United States with Ronald Reagan held criminally liable.
Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing is Natavistic. Gay Relativity and Phenomenology are it's philosophic supports. It is not stated in the positive modus ponens, If A then B therefore A. Social promotion is by defection in Prisoner's Dilemma (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019). The result is a Gordian Knot weaving the Cord of Life. There are an finite but large amount of variables that are Irrationalism used to confound research. The Alter Ego format is salient but as stated there is no rigid formula.
The Algorithm places the most incompetent and corrupt MSM policeman Dodo vis a vis to the summon bonum. In the United States this is the President.
What is apparent is that the Trinity Theologians and their heterosexual allies were a lesser evil that were only legitimate enough to force the Gay Lawyers to take a valedictorian exit where they will be exposed. This is very dangerous as the Membership have adopted a, If I go down, I drag everybody down credo. As a result LGBTi History as a subset of History is ruined. The Proximate Cause in MOEC Studies is argued as LGBTi MSM. A manifest result of this is that all sworn LGBTi officials and Ronald Reagan are paired in continuo through History. I am also stating that HIV AIDS victimization is also a payback for my isolation by a Gay Militia extending from the Membership.
The result is a levelling against Joseph Stalin and the USSR.
Ferdinand Tonnies identified Wesenwille (natural will), and Kürwille (rational will), which is a conscious choice of means to a specific end. In his view, Wesenwille is manifested in Gemeinschaft (community), which is maintained by traditional rules and a universal sense of solidarity and which fits the organic theory of social union. Gemeinschaft tends to change into the Kürwille based Geselschaft (society), in which rational self interest is the stronger element (Ferdinand Tonnies 2014).
At this time Albert Einstein, Alfred Schrodinger, and Robert Oppenheimer have emerged under suspicion. This is more acute for emeritus of Cambridge and Oxford as persons as Francis MacDonald Cornford, Benjamin Jowett, Maynard Keynes, Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and Alan Turing (Cornford). The Law and Philosophy and Theology departments are under heavy scrutiny. MOEC had to be authored by a team of PhDs. It is clear that LAPD is not capable of designing MOEC.
We are approaching the 2016 Presidential Elections.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David is the Singularity Experiment.
I will restate my defense that my briefing that lead to MOEC Studies is at the Approach Level and was predicted to be 50 years ahead of the population.
Futurists as Ray Kurzweil describe Technological Singularity in terms as Accelerating Intelligence AI. Others use Artificial Intelligence as AI as an axiological support for Singularity if such is possible at all.
Kuhn proposes the idea that it is the attainment of a common paradigm, by the community of scientists working in a given discipline area distinguishes science from other forms of study. He used the term in a very specific way to denote four defining characteristics of a uniquely scientific conceptual framework.
These are:
(1) a set of shared symbolic generalizations; (2) a common model of reality; (3) shared values as to standards and legitimate procedures; and (4) shared exemplars in the form of concrete problem solutions typical of the approach of the relevant scientific community. He explained that it is the assimilation of these standards and exemplars, rather than the conscious acquisition of formal rules, which is the end result of the socialization process by which a student becomes a member of the community of professional scientists (Hutcheon 1995).
Since June 17, 1987 it is empirical that world has entered a Gay Irrationalist Gay Know Nothing Era. This is confirmed by the History's most successful Censorship and Sanitization. This is a Cultural Singularity of 7.5 billion persons. MOEC is the diametrical opposition to Technological Singularity. An ontological ends is the seating of a Nuremberg War Crimes. This will result in the identification and prosecution of the Proximate Cause sine qua non principals, accomplices, and accessories.
A Marshall Plan with restitution to the victims should also incur. This places the United Kingdom and the United States as liable just as Germany was in WWII.
Ronald Reagan
The Fruit of a Poison Tree
Take Destiny In Your Own Hands
President Ronald Reagan was the Target of Mobilization of Empire and Civilization. MOEC has a Strategic Mission of Gay Marriage. President Reagan was attacked by isolating my natural person, Bhakta David Nollmeyer and my United States citizenship to level the United States vis a vis with Joseph Stalin and the USSR. Reagan is figured as a pseudo Mosaic figure whom leads his nationstate into slavery, not an Exodus into a Promised Land of milk and honey. This area was historically Canaan. This attack was lead by Cambridge Law School, United Kingdom and the Membership of principals orchestrating the United States into an Informant nation attacking civilization.
The case being made through MOEC Studies alleges that Cambridge Law School and a Membership of Actors, most likely Trinity College Theologians, are the Proximate Cause sine qua non. This Structure and Process is a Racketeered Influenced Corrupt Organization. As seen jurisdiction is complex and occurs over a History where this leg of the operation may date to the 1880s as a response to Sheifflin Plan and the rise of the Third Reich in Germany.
The Paradigm of Laws
Eternal Law |
Natural Law |
Positive Law |
Classical Forms of Government
Pure |
Impure |
Kingship |
Tyranny |
Aristocracy |
Oligarchy |
Polity |
Democracy |
Prisoner's Dilemma
Prisoner B Stays Silent |
Prisoner B Betrays |
Prisoner A Stays Silent |
Each serves six months |
Prisoner A serves ten years Prisoner B goes free |
Prisoner A Betrays |
Prisoner A goes free Prisoner B serves ten years |
Each serves two years |
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
There are two main subsystems in MOEC: 1. Lycurgus Akbar 2. Syrinx
Lycurgus is characterized while I am under Electronic Surveillance and a Targeted Chemical Assault. Akbar may be the actual subsystem of Lycurgus. Hence the latent manifest function of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth may be to Lycurgus what AIDS is to HIV. The other argument is that Akbar controls Lycurgus and MOEC. This latter observation approaches Mutual Assured Destruction MAD. Syrinx is nuclear as Chernobyl or Fukushima. The world has existed under Akbar since June 17, 1987.
There are three main components:
Components of MOEC
Biological Warfare |
Chemical Warfare |
Nuclear Warfare |
MOEC Studies argues that the Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm is based on a Despotism where an Informant rises to the Despot and replicates himself in the individual and culture. Every empirical object exists as a phenomena in space and time. In Prisoner's Dilemma defection is betrayal and cooperation is rational and the rule of law (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019). As stated under Sovereign Citizen Relations the Despot wishes to give a gift to every person. In this manner a Reverse Sting will develop the government that is prosecutable in the United States from 1971 under the Racketeered Influenced Corrupt Organization or a Criminal Enterprise. Formally RICO is TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 96, Section 1961 of the United States Code (RICO 1970).
The implications of racketeering as piracy and slavery are historical since the beginning of governance. There are international RICO statutes.
MOEC is a suprasystem controlling the historical trajectory of civilization through a hub and node system of informants through every police stationhouse worldwide.
As seen MOEC is a Higher Structural Level of Cognition defection model using Formal and Informal Punishments under the Paradigm of Laws. What this states is that MOEC is the underlying Controller of the Manifest Function of the world's political equilibrium.
Modern Social Science stresses teaching abnormality as a disease in a body. MOEC contains a similar orientation based on the Tabula Rasa and a nexus to Christian Theology. This may appear counterintuitive, but MOEC is a conspiracy in the process of being. As a quasi experiment with a conflict of polarity, MOEC still obtains data in it's Impure Synchronicity sweeps. One should observe that the Organic Cell is a GUI for a database program (GUI 2019). This solidly reflects the method of Behavioral Statistics. Of particular interest is the concept of the Joe Virus. This labelling of the Organic Cell implies class stratification. Hence it reflects a professional class of person versus a working journeyman. One should consider the concept of variance and outliers as the top and bottom ten percent and standard deviation. For simple purposes a standard deviation of 15 is used in the Stanford Binet IQ Test with a mean of 100. A genius is 140. Hence a 130 score divided by the standard deviation yields a z score of +2. Hence this score is in the upper .0228 percent. There are .9772 percent in the body. A z score of + 1.29 yields .0985 percent in the tail and .9015 in the body.
MOEC will condition a homosexual blackmail and intimidation ring with formal and informal punishments based on a 80 IQ. This reflects cognitive dullness. A 70 IQ score makes it illegal to be executed. A 80 IQ has a z score -1.333. This results in being placed in the bottom .0918 percent with .9082 percent in the body. A 70 IQ reflects the 130 score with minus 30 below the 100 mean. Hence it is a -2 z score in the lower .0228 percent. There are .9772 percent above in the body.
This concept is targeted at Ethnic Nationalism and Nativism. Such is used to develop the artificial ideology Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. This is further focalized into the hybrid gang Gay Militia.
This is very acute when so called raw or a priori IQ is concerned in relation to skill sets.

Tools are a technology and an extension of one's body used to complete tasks or work. I am adjacent to a worksite in which quartz arrowheads were manufactured. The ones remaining are the artifacts of the Colorado River Tribes which are indigenous to this area along the Colorado River area. The quality of the specimens are subgrade, the ones that came out wrong. However one can discern from the examples there was a developed technique to fashion tips.
Failure lies in the species. Cambridge has developed a heuristic line of defection that incorporates ad hominem and other fallacies of logic but still has suboptimal efficiency.
Consider these propositions: Are you still making noise banging rocks together? Can you survive hammer, nail, arithmetic? Can you survive wrench, screwdriver, arithmetic? Can you survive typing, filing, arithmetic? This heuristic is very accurate. One can use substitution and add arithmetic to create a skill set.
There are several polarities involved. The main conflict is based on the Freudian Oedipal and Electra Complexes which explain abnormal psychology. This is the Male versus Female. Following and more importantly is Homosexuality versus Heterosexuality. Within this conflict is theory of Sexual Emancipation and Mass Destruction.
What has emerged in a latent fashion is the Islamic Jihadhi Fundamentalist Movement versus the Anglo American Paradigm. The Islamic State and al Qaeda pertain to the Jihadhi configuration while the Brotherhood in Egypt are Fundamentalists.
President Reagan was the object of attack of a Gay Militia. This attack which has a Manifest Function beginning on June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware created a counterculture. The LGBTi Movement is a subculture. A subculture is a group of individuals whom share the majority of norms of the macroculture. LGBTi persons generally are the same as Opposite Sex culture differentiating only in sexual identity and preference. The drug culture is a subculture. Most drug users share the same values as non drug users save for their drug use.
A counter culture is a group with a drastically different set of values and norms. In modern times circa the 1900s, culture has been defined by the Rational versus Irrational Ideologies.
Irrationalist Movements
Nazi Neo Nazi |
Fascism |
Gay Irrationalism Pre Gay Fascism |
Major Movements |
Italian Fascism |
Japanese Fascism |
Spanish Fascism |
Islamic Fascism |
Minor Movements |
Black Nationalism |
Since June 17, 1987, I am claiming that Gay Irrationalism became totally manifest with the attack of MOEC against the United States and the Censorship and Sanitization of the world population now in excess of 7.5 billion persons. Since this time a rise in Islamic Fundamentalism and Jihadhi has emerged through various fatwas or decrees by Imams which have been interpreted and followed by members of these groups. The Jihadhi is more extreme typified by al Qaeda and it's offshoot Islamic State or Daesh lead by al Bhagdadhi. The Jihadhi Movement currently is Sunni but does not have to be and could be Shia or a blend.
Hence, there are Islamic Apologists to the numerous summary executions, beheadings, stonings, and rapes of females by the Jihadhi Movement. Gay Irrationalism is currently manifest as a Gay Militia being Authored by Cambridge Law School and the Membership, operating an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over my person. This attack can despoil over one third of the United States. It has no known academic apologists. It is therefore Irrationalist and Pre Fascist. I have stated that Gay Fascism has occurred. I will correct any mention of such in my work. I state that the recognition of MOEC or a more manifest support of a class based system based on LGBTi qualifications does not exist even though nearly 30 years or a generation have transpired.
The trajectories of Gay Irrationalism Pre Gay Fascism and Islamic Fascism are explosive as they are Alter Egos being developed by MOEC. The Structure and Process of MOEC is an Algorithm of actors in a Gambit MSM line that is solid. The process of how MOEC processes an event that comes into it's awareness is less exact. It is heuristic. It appears that improvisation based on characteristic traits has more bearing than a scientific flow chart for a computer program. If one is conversant in using the Organic Cell one may consider the designing a cradle to grave arc of Lifespan Conditioning for an individual from their third generation grandparents. This is what was intended. This is only a baseline and more in depth family history has likely been used. This will result in an extremely sharp and standardized output. Similarly just as a bullet fired from a gun has tool marks that are traceable, the use of the Organic Cell results in more accurate outputs that are traceable. This explains why improvisation, dumbing down, and handing off work occurs to avoid detection.
The Algorithm is United Kingdom: Cambridge Law School, Scotland Yard.
United States: Los Angeles Police Department, California. Delaware State Police, Local Jurisdictions.
The names used in the Gay Militia in LAPD are:
Gay Militia Code Names
Periander |
The Fly |
Dodo |
In review, we will examine the Structure that Undermined the Presidency of Ronald Reagan and the trajectories of the Irrationalist Presidents:
Irrationalist Presidents
Ronald Reagan |
George HW Bush |
William Clinton |
George W Bush |
Barack Obama |
In continuation, the exposition of our thesis posits the use of conditioning. This action totally exploits the concept of Sexual Emancipation. One should consult The Mass Psychology of Fascism by Wilhelm Reich. Defection convincingly demonstrates how Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing is implemented in the culture of the world (Reich, W. 2020).
The Authorship is called the Image of X. A function is a correspondence between sets X and Y in the assignment to each element X of set X one and only one image of set Y. The element Y is called the image of X. Set X is the domain and Set Y is the range and codomain. The elements in the image are a subset in codomain Y (Codomain 2014).
The basic theory of the function f(x)= x1 states that if x is 0 then y is 0. Therefore the Origin 0,0 is part of the graph and solution set.
Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing, the Gay Militia, and informants have a graph predicated on the Axis of Absurdity and Violence. I also believe that reversing the domain and codomain has been considered in the mapping and numbering of the population N.
MOEC materials are alleged to have been taped on reel to reel audio tapes. These artifacts are discussed as Aural Cartographic Maps ACMs. In this instance a system of three dimensional graphs in layers may be made which are a composite of all the world's knowledge. These supermaps may demonstrate the mechanistic theory of creation as well the human collective migrations and activity. This has already been achieved at a lower level. One can follow the known migrations of humans by clicking on a maps on internet and observing the convergent and divergent migrations of civilization.
Theistic presentations as Orthodox Christianity can be demonstrated also. Genesis began 8,000 years ago. M Theory or the most advanced String Theory may also be mapped. Science is postulating that the Cosmos is about 13.2 billion years old.
In this instance, the Proximate Cause Test argues that Cambridge Law School is the principal sine qua non. MOEC can be retraced to the exact Actors in Cambridge Law School whom are the Authorship and Origin of MOEC. The Reduction Room is the reenactment of the Actor whom was the leader or Image of X and his second in command. This person or Epitaph is most likely a composite profile. However the individual whom introduced the Chemical Assault component should receive special attention and concern.
The heuristic Einstein in the Office is an Alter Ego. We can exam the correct method for a prestigious professor to arrange his retirement or exit from his career in Cambridge. This concerns the compilation of his curricula vitae, the archiving of one's important papers, the cleaning out of one's office, turning off the lights, and closing and locking the door behind. The parallel implied is the Undermining of President Reagan on June 17, 1987 and the manner that he attempted to pretend that there was not a major watershed event as a paradigm shift in continuo as I was exposed to a transition from Lycurgus to Akbar.
The Cambridge Lawyers are the domain that will Script a reverse sting of mens rea and actus rea for members in the range set Y (Mens Rea) (Actus Reus). The Gay Militia officers in Scotland Yard and LAPD are set Y. In the Range or Y are the extensible graph of Informants in MOEC. This can be construed as a RICO Criminal Enterprise under federal or international law according to the jurisdiction.
In this nexus we have to consider the human repertoire and it's object as a science. The Western Rational System argues from speculation in search or laws and principles that act as subject that govern predicate consequents. Within this framework the scientific method of the hypothesis and experiment have emerged to the present equilibrium in continuo. It is from the study of philosophy where the Western University has evolved. This is stated without exclusivity as the system is not closed and open to diversity.
Hello World
My Name is Dodo
0100101011 0101001011 1100101001 0110101010 0001011110 |
Social Systems:
The Individual - Social System - Renaissance - Decadence
Culture and Society
Social Systems Theory - Teaching and Promotion
In this instance the Reverse Sting operates from the Paradigm of Laws and is developed into all other subsystems. In the particularity of MOEC Studies, the Totality of Circumstances are considered as Formal or Informal Punishments. It is correct to attempt to seat a Nuremberg styled War Crimes trial in the correct jurisdiction. This does not exclude trial at the federal, state, or local jurisdiction.
A unique facet is that Dodo considers his Script or Deal to be similar to a computer assistant as Sirius in Apple or Cortina in Microsoft applications. This would have not been possible during Reagan's tenure. The use of the Wizard of Oz is a folk analogy. In this manner, the staging of Nativism within Gemeinschaft or culture, usually indicating the country in contrast with Gesellschaft or town emerges. The use of Ethnic Nationalism as a Source of War is used to condition persons with a Native or Localist identity. The rural Western United States satisfies this requirement. One's primary parents are one's natural parents or care givers in the home. One's secondary parents are those teachers, preachers, and coaches whom help develop the individual. This is the microsystem. In an Ecological System perspective the police are not present in the microsystem except in Totalitarian settings as prison or war.
On of the most important characteristics of this era is the condensation of criminal repertoire in the antisocial psychopath continuum. The conditioning under the Image of X through Dodo and the population is bereft of core values. Gay Relativism and neuter Consequentialism are replaced. These concepts are also paired with verbal cues as you do not care. This is a hand fits the glove entrapment in a the Reverse Sting.
The Gay Militia in the LAPD are invasive. They will penetrate into one's individual right to privacy and security. During Reagan, The Fly, now mostly likely a Lieutenant Computer Scientist and Dodo, a line officer chose to usurp the Constitution creating the transition from Lycurgus into Akbar. It is quite possible that this was orchestrated from the command level. I do not believe now that Dodo can stop the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth unilaterally
In 1987 the Mathematical Standard for college graduation was Algebra II. The credit total was 120. In 2000 Algebra III was required. Now in 2016 Algebra III and 130 credits are required. Additionally Algebra III is the standard for high school graduation.
In specification Dodo argues that the President is under an "Attorney General Exemption." I counter this is directed at Natavistic based persons and Informants in general to deceive them. This will be a point of differentiation in IQ. The magnitude between individuals is significant. Dodo will be the Scapegoat to the Idol Hero of the Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Obama.
Ronald Reagan made a historic speech with Mikhail Gorbachev present at the 750th Anniversary of Berlin in front of the Berlin Wall on June 12, 1987. A complementary analysis may be found here:
Behind me stands a wall that encircles the free sectors of this city, part of a vast system of barriers that divides the entire continent of Europe. From the Baltic, south, those barriers cut across Germany in a gash of barbed wire, concrete, dog runs, and guard towers. Farther south, there may be no visible, no obvious wall. But there remain armed guards and checkpoints all the same still a restriction on the right to travel, still an instrument to impose upon ordinary men and women the will of a totalitarian state. Yet it is here in Berlin where the wall emerges most clearly; here, cutting across your city, where the news photo and the television screen have imprinted this brutal division of a continent upon the mind of the world. Standing before the Brandenburg Gate, every man is a German, separated from his fellow men. Every man is a Berliner, forced to look upon a scar.
... Today I say: As long as the gate is closed, as long as this scar of a wall is permitted to stand, it is not the German question alone that remains open, but the question of freedom for all mankind.
Adenauer, Erhard, Reuter, and other leaders understood the practical importance of liberty that just as truth can flourish only when the journalist is given freedom of speech, so prosperity can come about only when the farmer and businessman enjoy economic freedom.
And now the Soviets themselves may, in a limited way, be coming to understand the importance of freedom. We hear much from Moscow about a new policy of reform and openness.
After considering Reagan's speech we will then examine implications of Reagan's leadership and de facto and omissive behavior on civilization. We will emphasize events leading to June 17, 1987 until his last day in office. This will close with feedback loops in the present Obama era.
On June 17, 1987 a Gay Militia in LAPD allegedly Authored by Cambridge Law School attacked the United States, Ronald Reagan, through alienating Bhakta David Nollmeyer's Bill of Right Protections. This attack disclosed the defection model Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC. These Actors were successful in predicting that Reagan was an Informant. Edwin Meese was the Attorney General of the United States. Brad Gates was Chief of LAPD. George Deukmejian was Governor of California. Michael Castle was Governor of Delaware.
The first two months of MOEC reflected a very intense briefing which was at the Presidential level. This material has been developed into MOEC Studies. At this point in time nearly 29 years later, actors as The Fly and Dodo have clearly been defeated in their ability to systematize MOEC. This material should contain a core that could used to organize a field of study across at least 250 domains in the University System in infinitum.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David is the Singularity Experiment.
In this instance I am the individual that has received the treatment. I have one hundred percent of MOEC imposed over my person. This is known as Akbar. Obama has as other persons of population N have received only fractals. One should consider this is as an increasing population parameter not a discreet sample on a given date although this is possible. This reflects that an experiment can prove causation while correlation only defines a relation between events. It is easier to attempt and predict my life and behavior than that of a targeted population. In particularity such is still being attempted to lead or force me into homosexuality. This has destroyed MOEC's accuracy. Cambridge's attempt at achieving science are failing regarding my life history and it's future transformational effect with or without Official Recognition.
There is acute formal and informal punishment ongoing. There have been an estimated 1.2 million persons infected with HIV AIDS and there are 2.2 million persons incarcerated in the United States. A Nuremberg styled War Crime Tribunal and a Marshall Plan are needed to reestablish the administration of justice.

The Black Swan
To elaborate the exposition of Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part III we will consider a composition or patish. A critical battleground is the development of all domains as a science. In this consideration the polarity between homosexuality LGBTI persons and heterosexuality Opposite Sex persons is acute. What is Consciousness? Pure Consciousness is only an attribute of a omnipotent agent. Hence Consciousness is unobtainable in a material manifold. The next two lower levels of organization are intelligence then instinct. Reflexes and tropic movements are even more primitive in the Hierarchy of Motility. Socialization theories are more concerned with the levels of organization above instinct and the territoriality outside the human. Reflexes, and tropic nastic movements are prominent in organisms with less than fully developed nervous systems. This restates the Mechanism versus Theism debate.
Francis MacDonald Cornford is proffered as the expert of the MOEC as a System and it's scapegoat when such is exposed (Cornford). It appears that Trinity Theologians opposed the Law School and won a duel in which control of the System was at stake. The Law School reneged and these Actors persist to date as the lesser of two evils. An Archetypal pattern is the story of Pan, Syrinx, and Echo. Pan is a prototypical figure in the development of an Adversary as is Thrasymachus. This is an elaborate proposition to develop. One narrative posits Syrinx's flight from Pan's erotic overtures while returning from the hunt. Syrinx fled without hearing Pan's overtures. Pan pursued her from Mount Lycaeum until she pleaded to her sister nymphs who immediately turned her into a reed before Pan could hold her. The wind blew through the reeds, producing a captivating melody. Pan still unable to discern which reed Syrinx was, cut seven or nine lengths of reed constructing the Panpipe, the instrument bearing the name of his beloved Syrinx (Ovid, Metamorphoses).
Echo was a nymph who was a great singer and dancer whom would never fall for the love of any man. This angered Pan, whom is portrayed as being lecherous. Pan instructed his followers to kill her. Echo was torn to pieces and her body spread over the Earth. Gaia, the Goddess of the Earth, recovered the pieces of Echo, whose voice remains repeating the last words of others.
Other variations, proffer that Pan had fallen in love with Echo, whom forsook the love of any man but became enraptured by Narcissus. Echo was cursed by Hera to only be able to repeat words that had been spoken by someone else. Echo could not speak for herself. She followed Narcissus to a pool. Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection and changed into a narcissus flower. Echo then wasted away. Her voice is still heard in caves and other such similar places (Pan 2016).
In MOEC these narratives have a nexus with the emergence of Environmental Science and Law. The dependency of Echo under a fatalistic egoistic male is an Alter Ego of the despoliation of the earth by a Membership of homosexual misogynist males attempting to social engineer a LGBTi Civilization. Syrinx is the song that is heard by the wind blowing over the reeds or by Pan playing on his Panpipe that he made after not being able to find Syrinx. Echo is extended into computer science with fallacies concerning circular logic and recursion. Dodo suffers from homosexuality misogyny. He is the consummate image of the dependent MSM male. He will only follow the instructions on the ACM tapes regardless of their worth. These pastimes are heavily Scripted over persons in the Reverse Sting.
As such Cornford is figured as Thrasymachus the Sophist or the fallguy for the MOEC Membership (Cornford). This is acute in the discussion of the Image of X that will follow.
A Platonic line of descent extends from a principle of:
Absolute Morality is scientific. It creates models and imposes such over oneself and neighbor. It tries to stay close to truth while Relative Morality chooses it's own life which leads to nihilism.
In this consideration of this Socratic Platonic line we develop man in spacetime with our heuristic Einstein in the Office. Spacetime is Einstein's workspace. In 2016 many of his theories concerning gravity, large spaces, and bodies are being confirmed during the centennial of his 1916 publishing on the General Theory of Relativity. This is a geometric treatment of gravity which is the standard model (General Relativity 2016).
Man exists in spacetime. This involves a maze learning concept. In our consideration Maze is the largest component of MOEC which is itself is imposed over civilization.
We wish to discover and prove if an algorithm organizes MOEC. It is prima facie that MOEC is Irrational. It's GUI reflects a Prisoner's Dilemma based virus that will infect all domains in the current University System as well as those studies which are currently outside (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019)(GUI 2019). In this manner MOEC will Undermine the domain as well as those prominent figures within these respective fields. John Nash in economics whose Nash Equilibrium and Uriel Brofenbrenner whose Ecological Systems are prominent, are two individuals whom are highly affected. The organization of the individual and collective under any system is a focus of interest as we investigate how such responds to a non normative event as MOEC. We will consider socialization factors imposed over by the alleged suprasystem Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC. We allege that MOEC is Cambridge Law School.
We have argued that the Algorithm of MOEC is:
1. United Kingdom: Cambridge Law School, Scotland Yard
2. United States: Los Angeles Police Department, Delaware State Police
The Baltimore Police Department and the Alter Ego Baltimore Studio, which was no more than LAPD officers are being excluded for simplicity. The jurisdictions as California, Arizona, or a county at this stage on are dependent on my localization. As such they would descending on a graph below LAPD.
In Frye v. United States 54 App. D. C. 46, 293 F. 1013 No. 3968, upheld yielding to expertise when the issue concerns theory or facts that lie outside the domain of a layperson. Here the rules would permit a qualified expert to be admitted to testify. Chief Justice Van Ordsel argued from the defendants brief citing (Frye v. United States 1923):
"... When the question involved does not lie within the range of common experience or common knowledge, but requires special experience or special knowledge, then the opinions of witnesses skilled in that particular science, art, or trade to which the question relates are admissible in evidence."
The Frye Standard is the general acceptance rule which is basically a stricter bar of those theories and methodologies that are adhered to by the pertinent scientific community and peer reviewed.
In Daubert Judge Blackmun agreed with Merell Dow that the general acceptance standard of Frye should be held under the provisions of Federal Rule of Evidence 702. Under these provisions the Daubert Factors emerged which govern the admissibility of scientific expert opinion (Mahle 1999):
1. Is the hypothesis or methodology falsifiable or third party verifiable?
2. Has the theory or method undergone peer review and publication?
3. Is there a known or potential error rate?
4. Has the theory and methodology been accepted by the pertinent scientific community?
In Computer Science an algorithm is associated with processing information. Data is read from an input source then written to an output device, and or stored for further processing. This stored data is regarded as part of the internal state of the entity performing the algorithm. In practice, the state is stored in one or more data structures (Algorithm).
We pursue a formulae in some system of sequences of formulae, within which we can define a property Is_a_proof(p) capable of being verified by an algorithm, such that we can be certain that the final component t of any sequence p satisfying Is_a_proof(p) is universally valid. Then we can use intuition freely to find aesthetically pleasing sequences p, the proofs, leading to interesting end goals t, the theorems (Schwartz).
In our discussion the Algorithm is a string that is either parsed or unparsed. MOEC is manifest as a huge parsed system of hub and nodes extending through every police stationhouse worldwide.
The date June 17, 1987 is considered the beginning of the Manifest Function of MOEC. The naming of the structure is alleged to be circa the 1930s. On this date in Dover, Delaware MOEC emerged as an in continuo Chemical Assault as an Epistemological Attack. MOEC is imposed directly over one individual, your author as a monad. All others in the population N are fractals.
A function is a correspondence between sets X and Y in the assignment to each element x of set X one and only one image of set Y. The element y is called the image of X. Set X is the domain and Set Y is the range and codomain. The elements in the image are a subset in codomain Y (Codomain 2014).
The focal target in MOEC is the function, the Image of X. In this instance one can discern that the Membership were not the original Authors of the Structure that expands and contracts the British. These actors were conditioned from set X and Y and became an elements in the image in codomain Y. One person, the Epitaph is styled as the despot or leader. Hence these persons have styled themselves as patriarchs of civilization analogous to the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
The Cambridge Lawyers are the domain that will Script a reverse sting of mens rea and actus rea for members in the range set Y. The Gay Militia officers in Scotland Yard and LAPD are set Y (Mens Rea) (Actus Reus).
The model intends to develop a pathology. One parent or person is identified for the origination of failure. This is embedded within the Consequentialism versus Deontology ethical debate. The target is Dodo. This officer continues an initiation to the Tournament Challenge to be the summon bonum between homosexuality and heterosexuality. In the ensuing Perpetual Conspiratol Act and RICO Enterprise, he becomes entangled in a Scripted circular folly where he becomes a victim of the homosexual blackmail, obstruction of justice, intimidating and hostaging of a witness ring.
His ensuing repertoire is Scripted by Cambridge and this is extended to other recruited informants as an image of X under the Image of X.
The correct test for ontological considerations in MOEC is the Proximate Cause Test sine qua non principals, accomplices, and accessories to the fact.
Under the Paradigm of Laws the instant issue is citizen versus criminal. MOEC wishes to legally punish as well as attack under other formal and informal tactics.
MOEC as a system and it's transformational effect upon other agents as a holon will also be under examination. We are considering how one holon interacts with another holon, their transformations upon each other, and the environment. The Machine Intelligence Research Institute MIRI is another holon of interest whose strategic mission is Artificial Intelligence. What is unique is that this facility has developed emergently in nexus with the University of California and University of Cambridge. MIRI has just made a call for research fellows at the doctorate or post doctorate level to develop Type programming concerning logical error checkers in the same code. Hence an example would be a Prolog program with an embedded Prolog error checker. This ecology is excellent for Predicate Calculus and Mathematical Logic.
This immediate domain of discourse is reflective of the mapping of the Image of X into a Black Box. After such a machine is devised, what is such object's goals and performance on all individual and objects in spacetime? The mathematical domain would include all real and complex numbers. This is reflective of the development of a supermap system. This system may be able to control existing mapping systems or data mine from these systems.
This case reflects the tendency of a system to expand to it's fullest potential and attempt to exist into perpetuity. Very simply it is rational to believe that a Superintelligent system could begin positive but become incorrigible, thus attempting to expand and control all life and objects. It could also decide whether to extinct itself and life.
The Black Box
Below we posit the Graphical User Interface GUI of MOEC. Origin is the Organic Cell (GUI 2019).
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
The material already presented is very credible. At this point one should be able to discern a heuristic model in pursuit of algorithm in a system that is in a transition from informalism to formalism.
The Cambridge Law School, United Kingdom is the alleged Proximate Cause sine qua non of MOEC. The University of California is the largest public university in the United States. UC Berkeley is the main campus. Ex Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano is the President.

The Machine Intelligence Research Institute is a research nonprofit studying the mathematical underpinnings of intelligent behavior. Our mission is to develop formal tools for the clean design and analysis of general purpose AI systems, with the intent of making such systems safer and more reliable when they are developed (MIRI 2016).
Nate Soars is the Executive Director of MIRI. His example on Decision Theory provides an excellent example of Ecological Systems thinking, the holon, and Higher Structural Levels of Cognition.
Decision Theory
Say I give you the following: (1) a computer program describing a universe; (2) a computer program describing an agent; (3) a set of actions available to the agent; (4) a set of preferences specified over the history of states that the universe has been in. I task you with identifying the best action available to the agent, with respect to those preferences. For example, your inputs might be (Soares):
def Universe():
outcomes = {Lo, Med, Hi}
actions = {One, Two, Three}
def Agent():
worldmodel = {Lo: One, Hi: Two, Med: Three}
return worldmodel[Hi]
territory = {One: Lo, Two: Med, Three: Hi}
return territory[Agent()]
def Agent():
worldmodel = {Lo: One, Hi: Two, Med: Three}
return worldmodel[Hi]
actions = {One, Two, Three}
Hi > Med > Lo
Soares attempts to develop a framework of a counterfactual environment. He states that, "Satisfactory theories of counterfactual reasoning do not yet exist. We don't yet understand how to identify the best action available to an agent embedded within it's environment, even in theory, even given full knowledge of the universe and our preferences and given unlimited computing power" (Soares).
Soares appears to be immediately concerned with issues as machine corrigibility or an instance when a computer takes a course of action outside of what was intended or deemed to be incorrect.
At this point in time a need appears to fully model a theory of Artificial Intelligence, the discovery of theorems that are part of the formula is integral. After this is completed one can extract witnesses from the theorems. This is very tedious by hand. It is likely that is to be directed to machines in the Pre AI short term. Thinkers posit AI is possible between 2025 and 2035.
A counterfactual is a witness or the opposite of a stated claim in logic.
Dmytro Taranovsky in his 2006 paper, Constructive Mathematical Truth argues:
Equivalently, witnesses can be described in computational terms. Witnesses are given as a blackbox or an oracle and need not be constructive. When given a witness, you may give it input and will receive appropriate output; you will get no other information. Multiple instances of a witness can be run, and any instance can be copied. When requested a witness (as input to a witness), you simply accept input and provide appropriate output; you may give false output, but that may cause the instance of the witness to enter an infinite loop or give arbitrary output. A witness may take arbitrarily long to give an answer and may call appropriate witnesses (for example, a witness to A→B may call a witness to A) an unlimited number of times. A witness for a statement containing '→' can also be viewed as a functional of a higher type (Taranovsky 2006).
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy states that a, "A construction is a procedure for building a structure"(First order Model Theory 2013). It appears that Second Order Logic is more widely being implemented in computing building augmenting expressive strength (Enderton, H. B. 2005). Hence the domain in these instances is finite and mechanistic. From the theorems it is then possible to extract a witness. Art is long, life is short. In this instance the witness that proves that 0=1 must be a number not a natural person whom testifies only what is true.
Technological Singularity versus Cultural Singularity
In the continuum of History, MOEC is designed to be a counterfactual to Technological Singularity. I am the only witness of MOEC in it's entirety as it is imposed in it's Manifest Function over one person, your author Bhakta David Nollmeyer. MOEC Studies is a counterfactual study of the University System as it stands since June 17, 1987.
The Center for the Existential Risk CSER is also an emergent think tank that has begun with the Singularity Movement. CSER investigates emerging risks to humanity's future as climate change, disease, warfare and technological revolutions. Their Cambridge Taxonomy is of interest. The holon that we are considering is a Black Swan and will be discussed further.
The Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence is Cambridge's most recent addition to the institution's research into technology and it's transformation on humanity in a broader short and long term context.
The Leverhulme Trust's provided a 10 million pound grant to provide "bold, disruptive thinking, capable of creating a step change in our understanding." An interdisciplinary approach will provide a setting for computer scientists, philosophers, social scientists and other experts to research technical, practical, and philosophical questions that Artificial Intelligence in the coming century.
In a recent request for fellows to apply, the Centre provided instruction for those whom were dedicated, willing to keep up with advances, and expert in their domain.
Huw Price, the Bertrand Russell Professor of Philosophy at Cambridge is Director of the Centre (Cambridge 2016).
The Theory of Black Swan Events metaphorically describes a phenomena that occurs as a surprise, has a major effect, and is inappropriately rationalized after the fact through hindsight. The term was founded on an ancient saying which presumed black swans did not exist, but was corrected after such where found in the wild in Western Australia by Dutch explorer Willem de Vlamingh in 1697.
Nassim Nicholoas Taleb is credited with the theory's development. Taleb whose background is in finances and threats states that the phenomena results "from the use of degenerate metaprobability." His taxonomy can be stated as (Taleb):
1. The disproportionate role of high profile, hard to predict, and rare events that are beyond the realm of normal expectations in history, science, finance, and technology.
2. The non computability of the probability of the consequential rare events using scientific methods (owing to the very nature of small probabilities).
3. The psychological biases that blind people, both individually and collectively, to uncertainty and to a rare event's massive role in historical affairs.
The Ludic Fallacy is the belief that the unstructured randomness found in life resembles the structured randomness found in games. This extends from the assumption that unexpectations may be predicted from extrapolations from variations in statistics. These inductions are based on past observations, that are presumed to be statistics representing samples from a normal distribution (Black Swan 2016).
On June 12, 2016, the worst mass murder in United States History occurred. I began to restart work on the Appendix (Chapter 3). I simply marked up the selection on the Black Swan Theory supra. I did not know that earlier at 2:00 AM Orlando, Florida EST, a Omar Marteen of Fort Pierce, Florida entered the Pulse nightclub. This is a LGBTi establishment. Gay Pride week begins Monday, the 20th and runs until the national parade on Sunday the 26th. The shooter called 911 during the attack claiming allegiance to Islamic State. Forty nine persons have been reported killed and 45 are injured.
MOEC is a form of Repression. It is a Reaction Formation against moral systems that support heterosexuality and alienate homosexuals or LGBTi persons. MOEC's imprint is clearly evident in that all of it's corrupt reverse sting operations permit the use, manufacture, possession or distribution of a crime. Such create informants to the truth that these systems outwardly promote. According to Anna Freud this is Reversal into the Opposite. Cambridge has been directing the expansion and contraction of the British Empire based on Undermining using the reverse sting (Nollmeyer 2014).
In Jungian thought an archetype is a constitutive prototype or form or Gestalt within the collective unconscious. In Platonic thought this is a ruling organ of the psyche and blueprint for activity. The archetype orders the chaos of perceptions into meaningful patterns (Chalquist 2001). Civilization collectively inherits the same archetypes, mandalas or motifs as emotions. These archetypes manifest in personal and cultural experiences as the Hero, the Divine Child, the Great Mother, Transformation, Death, and Rebirth (Rosen, D. 2018).
Our discovery will include the social setting and historical trajectory that lead to the Black Swan component of the briefing I received from June 17, 1987. Many events have expanded and converged to the beginning date of this writing on March 30, 2016 in continuo. This develops a feedback loop. In the case of predictability, this has failed with my person but is highly accurate with officials as the President, and notably Janet Napolitano President of the University of California.
MOEC Studies has developed as a superior method for the discussion of the expansion and contraction of empire. In particularity the object for it's modelling of the in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over my person. It is further argued that it's hub and node structure which is constructed over every police stationhouse worldwide is not refutable. It therefore is defection based and is a macropolitical socialization structure, process, and ecology imposed over the individual and collective. It is Eugenic Social Engineering.
At this point in time it is conclusive to argue the Anglo American Paradigm expands and contracts beneath a base of a hub and node system of informants in every police stationhouse worldwide. As seen this is the basic structure of a hybrid criminal enterprise that is able to create both formal and informal structures and adapt informants in it's image. It is clear that the identity of this Structure is LGBTi and in particularity Male Same Sex Male or MSM. It is also prima facie that a male based Homosexual Misogyny subordinates females. It is clear that MOEC is attacking the human race and the world (environment) in which we live in.
The individual exists first before the collective. A despot then emerges from the culture. As this individual(s) is exposed he continues to purge all challengers opposed to him or her.
In the particularity of the United Kingdom, it is argued that these individuals are a Membership of Cambridge Lawyers and Trinity Theologians. This forms the Ex Deux Maquina. Most attributes and characteristics that are salient in our culture are inherited from these Actors. Of enduring importance is that MOEC as an Artifact has destroyed much of the United Kingdom, United States, and LGBTi History. It's damage to the world's major faith systems, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Vedanta, and Buddhism is not trivial. The same is true for Corporate History. MOEC is Irrationalist and Pre Fascist. Fascism is a form of corporatism.
In our investigation of a continuing conspiratol enterprise we use substitution of a production line as a tool. The old textbook model of constructing a lamp with 10 components and finding the equilibrium for production and price is sturdy with great utility. Marginal revenue will equal marginal cost. We will consider to source the origination of all components of production to the color of the paint on the lampshade. This is a non proportional output and aggregate of construction consideration.
MOEC Studies was developed from a briefing that occurred on June 17, 1987 while I was in Dover, Delaware. The attack was allegedly initiated by Los Angeles Police Department, LAPD, of California, United States. The attack was directed at then President Ronald Reagan whom had just delivered his famous Berlin Wall speech with Mikhail Gorbachev present on June 12, 1987.
The Beginnings
On June 17, 1987, the massive intrusion of my personal Bill of Rights protections in Dover, Delaware, plunged the world into decadence. This bifurcation in History has created a descent in spacetime resulting in the most successful Censorship and Sanitization every undertaken by mankind. A generation will transpire on June 17, 2017. The conflict between Ronald Reagan and my person reflects the shortcomings of the Sovereign Citizenship Relationship and of the Social Contract Theory. It is clear that Adolph Hitler and the rise of the Irrationalist Neo Nazis is the most prominent Black Swan event. In a macroperspective, Cambridge has manipulated a willing United States and it's Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Obama into a contender under a Master Passion to be humankind's greatest adversary. However the Cambridge Membership is argued as the Proximate Cause sine qua non of MOEC.
It is clear that the Alter Ego of Ronald Reagan vis a vis to Mikhail Gorbachev appeared iconic in 1987. However the contributions of either have diminished due to the rise of the Islamic State and Jihadhism in contrast to the Western driven LGBTi Movement.
Of considerable interest is the sibling cohort rivalry under an unseen Father and Mother figures. In this instance it will be easy to present a case for Social Engineering and eugenics. MOEC's systematic patterns of defection are responsible for a Cultural Singularity, the world's greatest act of Censorship and Sanitization. In this regard, the axiom the wealth of a nation lies in the management of it's labor supports an observational defection rate of 95 percent. MOEC has a Manifest Function of 29 years, nearly a generation as of June 17, 1987. Longitudinally and crossectionally, how have cohorts performed (Longitudinal Studies)(Crossectional Study)? Hence failure lies in the species. MOEC is clearly manifest as an asocialization process imposed over the individual and collective. Even within this consideration a genetic inheritance is evident to raise a systematic dictatorship with secret police and informants. Mass destruction and criminality presents severe problems for sworn leadership. The Irrational and inept Attorney General Exemption for the President reflects the Spartan's War on the Hoplites which has been dealt with as immoral.
The following is an excerpt from Chapter 1 of Myth of the Contemporary Man. This small passage paraphrases an Epistemological Attack on the individual. One can consult what is known as the Water Test for more detail.
In recapitulation, at the beginning of Lycurgus, I witnessed the administration of MOEC to the cognition of President Reagan, Vice President Bush, and then Senator Dole. The event spread to Prime Minister Thatcher of the United Kingdom and Gorbachev of the USSR. Other notables to be exposed first include Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua as well as Ayatollah Khomeini, Yasser Arafat, and Augostino Pinochet to name a few of the extant movers of the political world. This event occurred over television over regular programming live. These officials may be heard reciprocating with voices in the background as to the nature of my plight. This concept of syncretism and synchronicity was implemented as convergent totalitarianism in Maze learning.
A small primer of basics of constitutions, theory, and the probable response of head of states was delivered to myself. The same material was delivered to these world leaders. Overall the head of state brief, the superior datum was delivered again to myself, peripheral materials to the leaders. The experiment is designed to gauge the effectiveness of government to move on a crime and reconcile the event.
The brief is a mixed complex of constitutional and unconstitutional events. The postulation being such, that citizenship is safer and stronger than criminality. The format includes theism, philosophy, positive law, individuals, and collectives. The disinformation is quite intensive founded on relativity and utilitarianism to laws.
The Censorship has rendered a whole History to date which is impotent. It shall be revised and strongly criticized. For an individual or writer of History, a total generation of thought has been systematically wrecked.
This concept of wrecking involved the will to order and threshold learning. A reductionist concept of logic is used to distill arguments to their most potent form. An individual is presented an intelligence battery from a composite of over 500 college majors. This battery was developed by Cambridge Law School. The material is mostly moral and resembles the type of reasoning that judges use in constitutional courts in deciding cases.
At threshold, the individual as he fails tasks is given more tasks to answer. A constitutional position is stronger than a criminal position in the ordering of social systems. The conservation of constitutional positions is unalienable. This position should create security and safety in the individual plus collective. In the minimum it is stoic.
The model allows TPSYS to test a person under a flood of datum and entrapments involving abstraction or particulars. The most particular cases are persons with a threat of murder against themselves. As the individual becomes confused, one tends to secure oneself through violence forming groups to do such in a texture of culture. TPSYS stands for Totalitarian Police System. This is dynamic. TPS stands for Totalitarian Police State. This is more structural than process and defines this system at rest and equilibrium.
The person as described does not order oneself and institutions in a polity. On the contrary, he wrecks the model state.
The choices a person makes are taped and used in the future to implement legal and extralegal events against the individual.
As discussed in Origin the entire morphology evolved from the Reductionist Room (Nollmeyer D. 1997d).
The reductionist model reflects the esse, sid qou esse, and sid quo esse model describing Christian Final Judgment.
The reduction of every intent to values then permits an antecedent to create a stock of criminalized datum in hiearchializing crimes against persons and property in a future state.
There is an array of common or civil law precedent to proceed with moralization of the judgment as these activities occur in a localized place and time. The most serious events appear to be murders with a parallelist structure; there is complicity within the state. The abuses are documented to create propaganda and other events. This is usually escalated.
The territoriality and individual may be brought under control by war. This is the court of last resort. Acts then may be fought with conventional weapons. Armageddon or EWS scenarios frame the problematic as lesser events build to support and change these models.
Currently I would like to point out that from June 17, 1987 my position of being the main experimental subject became quite acute and predictions were instantly being made as to how long I could survive. At present 29 years have passed. If one was born after June 17, 1987 you are a Black Swan Baby. This is probably a variation on the crimes of blood tar baby effect.
Lucifer to analogize this concept (Jason Pollock).
Iteration Functions
![]() |
![]() |
Eternal Law |
Natural Law |
Positive Law |
Classical Forms of Government
Pure |
Impure |
Kingship |
Tyranny |
Aristocracy |
Oligarchy |
Polity |
Democracy |
Prisoner's Dilemma
Prisoner B Stays Silent |
Prisoner B Betrays |
Prisoner A Stays Silent |
Each serves six months |
Prisoner A serves ten years Prisoner B goes free |
Prisoner A Betrays |
Prisoner A goes free Prisoner B serves ten years |
Each serves two years |
Particular History
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
One should ascertain that Origin is considered the Organic Cell of MOEC. In analogy such has been described as a stem cell and a neuron. I do not believe that MOEC would satisfy a one to one correspondence with any known living entity. A Mechanistic Origin should develop into a resemblance of the Artificial Man of the Social Contract Theory.
At this point in time I am going to reference an earlier experience that relates to longitudinal and cohort performance, decay or growth. When I was studying at Caesar Rodney High School, Kent County, Delaware, perhaps in 1977 or early 1978, this would place me at 15 or 16 years of age, I was directed to go to the football field. This was probably by LAPD officers acting as Periander. At this time Joe Purzycki was the coach of the football team and Larry Stith, a math teacher was coach of the soccer team. Both coaches had played professional sports. I believe that Purzycki played at least exhibition football with the New York Jets and Stith was actually a team captain for the old Philadelphia Atoms.
I saw Coach Purzycki standing at the top of the home stands. He would train by running the stairs. In the background I could hear Periander discussing possible careers of Purzycki and the students. I have been told after the fact during the Black Swan briefing period and then occasionally during the past 29 years, that when one stands near Purzycki, one can hear what I am calling the Yellow Brick Road. Hence one can hear the Scripting of entire career paths. Coach Stith also appeared. What is unique is a prediction was made regarding Dodo and the Computer Scientist. The term used was Gompertzian decay. Gompertzian survival can be computed analogous to exponential decay.
Joe Purzycki coached two state high school championships while at Caesar Rodney. He has been inducted into five Hall of Fames. The University of Delaware, his alma mater inducted him in 2015.
Larry Stith coached at least two state high school soccer championships while at Caesar Rodney.
Without going into great detail a comparison has been be made and should be considered between high school athletes, jocks whom use steroids or Performing Enhancing Drugs PEDs and the drug users or heads whom use illegal contraband. Five states have legalized recreational marijuana on November 8, 2016. There will be 77 million persons living with legal marijuana when these laws go into effect.
An Oxford psychologist professor David Robert Grimes on January 26, 2016 published a paper on Plos entitled: On the Viability of Conspiratorial Beliefs. His discourse discusses Anti Science conspiracy narratives as the NASA Moon landing, climate change, vaccination, and cancer cure conspiracies. His thesis in part revolves around parameters that reflect the amount of persons party to a conspiracy and the threat of one leak exposing the conspiracy over time (Grimes DR 2016).
Grimes argues that the correlation of the greater number of Constant Conspirators lessens the survival of the conspiracy over time. Grimes' modelling is approachable and one should consult his paper.
Gompzer functions have been used to model the growth and survival of cancer cells.
Another pre 1987 era fact on note is a paper On Play By Means of Computing Machines written by Nimrod Megiddo and Avi Wigderson in association with UC California Berkeley and published in 1986. The paper reflects work by Ariel Rubinstein 1984 paper, Finite Automata Play the Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma (Rubinstein 1984). Rubinstein argues within bounded rationality, "In particular it is shown that cooperation cannot be the outcome of a solution of the infinitely repeated prisoner's dilemma." According to the Megiddo and Wigderson, "The observations in this paper strongly suggest that the cooperative outcome of the game can be approximated in equilibrium. Thus, the cooperative play can be approximated even if the machines memorize the entire history of the game and are capable of counting the number of stages"(Megiddo & Wigderson 1986).
I was attending Laney College in Fall 1986 and Spring 1987. I believe that these researchers whose papers emphasizes a Turing Machine in contraposition to a Moore Machine in Rubinstein's paper; I believe in what was a Lycurgus type event or sweep, the researchers briefly entered the Music Suite at Laney. It is a certainty that world famous conductor Ken Nagano, whom now is also the same age 55, as Barack Obama and myself also appeared in the Music Suite. Nagano had just recently premiered Sinister Footwear by Frank Zappa with the Berkeley Community Orchestra. I believe he earns upwards of $1 million USD with the Hamburg or Munich Philharmonic
MOEC is repeated or Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019).
I have claimed that MOEC is conditioning. Dodo and the Computer Scientist are functioning like Automata in defection. Of note the Computer Scientist is and has been refereed to as the Professor since summer of 2014. This is a code that defines that I have surpassed him in mathematics. I was only using an Algebra 3 text then. I am currently finishing a Behavioral Statistics text. This is also only Algebra 3 level. However I am also learning my limits, derivatives, and integrals which are about the first 150 pages of most Calculus textbooks. In particularity the entire population of 7.5 billion persons are being conditioned by the function Image Of X.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
I am going to consider a game of citizen versus criminal under Positive Law. In this instance the first jurisdiction is the United States covered under Federal Law. All known actors are human. Positive law itself prescribes a bounded rationality for all players in an asymmetric field.
We can prima facie discern that the mismanagement of the nation has lead to the Collapse of Democracy and the destruction of wealth.
At this point I wish to return to the Black Swan briefing that occurred from June 17, 1987 until about April or so in 1988 when I left Delaware after realizing that the in continuoabuses were not going to be stopped by Ronald Reagan, I hitchhiked to Santa Barbara where Ronald Reagan had a residence.
The population for the United States in 1987 was 242.3 million.
Other pertinent facts are listed below:
Life expectancy 74.77 years (1987) GDP per capita 20,100.79 USD (1987) Gross domestic product 4.87 trillion USD (1987)
What occurred in this period of time was an Epistemological Attack. This is based on the concept of Touchstone. As I attempted to remain motile and mount opposition, everything I could think of or engage with my senses became contaminated. There is a linkage here to Typhoid Mary or the bearer of bad news. There is also a direct connection to Lou Gehrig Disease, Cambridge Blackhole expert Stephen Hawking and rock musician Jason Becker (Jason Becker 2021)(Stephen Hawking 2021).
These actions are carried out by instructions that were part of tape recordings or Aural Cartographic Maps ACMs made by the Membership at Cambridge. These actions are executed by a Gay Militia in LAPD.
There is an analogy to Doomsday or D Day concerning the disclosure of MOEC. The structure, process, and ecology is differentiated as to prevent 100 percent efficiency. It contains folkish components of a Greek sorority hazing. It is of a Mousetrap Social Engineering design where the Membership sabotages their own work and any person or group attempting to pursue, expose, and prosecute them.
One should note that there is a same sex qualification for rights. Notice there is a clear abrogation of Equal Protection and Due Process.
One of the main structures used in MOEC is the double crime. The Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is imposed over MOEC's field of informants and the environment. MOEC will present a Greek Gift to an individual or group. It does not matter whether the Gift is taken or not; some degree of the Chemical Assault will be imposed over the individual or group. As stated being a practitioner of same sex lessens the attack. This is in contrast to Equal Protection and Due Process.
I am using the analogy of The Wizard of Oz as the main artistic production that is reflective of MOEC (Braum, L.F. 1939). All one has to essentially do is add a double crime of a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth and the structure is very similar to MOEC. This true of for all analogous Prisoner Dilemma games.
This variation is used here because in modern times this story is universally known. In MOEC, the United States was hit by the Pied Piper of Hamilton. This is an iteration of the Pied Piper of Hamlin where the Piper leads the areas youth into a cave never to be seen again. In brief when one is watching popular programs as Underdog, The Dick Van Dyke Show, you are observing fractals of MOEC. The staging of popular stories is orchestrated through a Theater of War. Information is passed and communicated through the culture through these stories.
One should consider an economic Runaway as a system of escalating costs and damage that has been intentionally construed. In this nexus the positive and negative externality or spillover costs are foremost. Who benefits and who pays? This simply put is marginal benefit versus marginal cost. The strategy of executing your plan first, or if this is not possible obstructing your opponent(s) from executing their plans is also of consequence. The asymmetry of information is also a very powerful tool. Donald Trump's Art of the Deal contains many of these components (Trump).
I was given an explanation on the processes on how MOEC and other defection models based on this pattern of racketeering structure and processes operate.
Similarly to Dick Van Dyke whom is a target in a police sweep that uses the Bible as a ruse since he writes comedy for a TV program, the most corrupt officers are used to stalk persons and he is the main target. The sweep is lead with officers in the background directing the sweep with other officers in the field. In the zeitgeist Mary Tyler Moore who played Laura on the program died on January 25, 2017. George Orwell's 1984 is now at Number 1 on Amazon (Orwell, G. 1949).
As stated MOEC wished for me to attempt to resurrect the Manichean faith of St. Augustine. I did not. I clearly noticed a resemblance to Dianetics in MOEC's near science fiction culture. Works by Jack Chalker also are reflective where a prisoner is sent to world in which he can not escape to topple the government. These novels are somewhat complicated and I do not wish to digress only to state that I have read his works. A unique component of MOEC is that it builds upon feedback loops similar but not exact to a time machine model. This is very common. The film Back to the Future and the rock group Rush whose, 2112, Farewell to Kings, and Hemispheres have this component. I was very familiar with progressive rock in my teens and I saw the Rush Trilogy live but not the Back to the Future film. It was stated that if I ever progressed as a musician I would have a recording contract with Mercury, Rush's label. This is the Yellow Brick Road. Welcome to the Machine. If I had a been a successful athlete I would have been drafted by the Baltimore Colts or Orioles. This is fairly common for almost all children and their favorite teams as the odds of them performing at the professional level is quite small.
The slander and libel committed against my person is unparalleled. Under considerations of defection it was predicted under Scientific Determinism that I would emerge as a Male Same Sex Male MSM. This has failed 100 percent. As such the Membership through the Gay Militia in LAPD, local law enforcement, and those in my proximity now Desert Shores, CA can hear these false claims. The Palm Springs area is home to one of the most important LGBTi communities worldwide.
The Gay Militia has operated with various nom de guerras. The primary MSM officers have operated with the code names of:
Gay Militia Code Names
Periander |
The Fly |
Dodo |
The leader of the operation is reputed to be a Computer Scientist that is now called the Professor by Dodo. This is not true. A Masters Degree would be the minimum degree that would be acceptable to qualify one as such.
The Black Swan
Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity
Social Systems Theory versus Origin MOEC
The use of Engineering and Reverse Engineering are strongly evident in the area of the Social Systems Theory and the Social Environment which help form the boundaries of MOEC. This basic format is reflected in the Origin Cell Model which was presented to my person. A basic adaptation of an outline of Social Systems Theory will provide review to demonstrate Origin's conception and morphogenetic (Anderson and Carter 2008).
Social Systems Theory
I. Holism versus Atomism
Energy Functions
Open Closed Boundary
II. Aspects of Social Systems
Change Maintenance Behaviour
III. Culture and Society
Species and Culture
Analytical Dimensions of Culture
IV. Communities
Communities as a System
The Community in Critical Condition
V. Organizations
Theories of Organization
Open Systems Model Systems Perspectives
VI. Groups
Types of Groups
Groups as a Systems Dimensions
VII. Families
Family Analysis
The Family Social System
VIII. Person Individual
Life Stages
IX. Emergence Convergence Divergence
Renaissance Decadence
The Individual Social System
Our society has emerged as Patriarchy or male dominated. As seen surnames in the majority are patrimonial. Tryad will demonstrate how different roles have been substituted and used in conditioning to create identity.
Mother |
Siblings |
Cohorts |
Ronald Reagan |
George HW Bush |
William Clinton |
George W Bush |
Barack Obama |
Donald Trump |
Within the historical conception of Mechanistic and Organic Solidarity, the dynamism and sustainability of the culture is in question as to it's survival. Under an Iterated or multiple play of citizen versus criminal one is either grouped into one of said class of persons descending through History on a retraceable graph. The concepts of Equal Protection and Due Process as the Individual comes into contestation with the State. This proposition is highly important as computers and databases become more prominent.
It is clear that the advent of MOEC is a purge of informants and traitors not only in the United States but worldwide. It is live experimentation in a perpetual criminal enterprise.
Engineers discuss a disturbance in a system in terms in which the system can still maintain some functionality. Hence one's computer may still be operable while certain functions are affected by a virus.
The a hypothetical question asked as to, whether, Would you know how to create a government? is contrasted with the alienation of only one individual's positive rights in the world's population in continuo which now stands as 7.5 billion persons with a duration over over 29.5 years.
My position is that in the Liberal Arts as Law, History, and Social Sciences, it is impossible for Artificial General Intelligence AGI to occur without Official Recognition. An intellectually challenged person at under 90 IQ can refute the in continuo War Crime that is emanating from the United States towards the international community.
The seating of Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal in a legal jurisdiction is the only rational choice. It appears inevitable that MOEC will escalate through President Donald Trump's term of office.
MOEC as Prisoner's Dilemma is a Reverse Sting Operation (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019). It will infiltrate all systems and defect all natural persons to informants. This also appears to be true of Artificial Intelligence Systems. In this manner a hub and node system of informants is established in every police stationhouse worldwide. MOEC is biased to bust down. This works well classically speaking in that the informant traitor busts up. This mythology is slowly eroding particularly in drug and human trafficking. It is in this manner that the British Empire has expanded and contracted under Cambridge's direction.
Classical Forms of Government
Pure |
Impure |
Kingship |
Tyranny |
Aristocracy |
Oligarchy |
Polity |
Democracy |
State sponsored and state directed criminal enterprise is the current equilibrium historically for all forms of government. The RICO Styled Criminal Enterprise is the structure, process, and ecology of existing government. MOEC is a Cultural Singularity which is a disturbance to Undermine Technological Singularity and those actors that promote such.
Prima facie there is an in continuo Informant purge. Under considerations of Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity, the human species has attacked itself, it's posterity, and environment in which we live in under a failed attempt to Eugenically Engineer a LGBTi civilization. Under considerations of statistics in an minimum interquartile range, we are still existing in the 20th Century or 1900s, not the 21st Century or 2000s. The reemergence of Industrial Era, about the 1930s time period interests, particularly that of the Rust Belt of the United States has been championed by Donald Trump. I argue that this trajectory of Nativism and Populism is static. It appears to be a Scripted class stratification of groups that are not making a healthy or sustainable transition of repertoire and skill sets into the 21st century.
MOEC is attempting to systematize culture as a science. Intense wrecking by the Law School was confronted by Trinity resulting in the Ex Deux Maquina. In computer science, code is hackable. MOEC is a virus and a colossal hack job. How is a summon bonum or race of Philosopher Kings supposed to emerge?
Therefore Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity or class stratification is developing in an accelerating trajectory. Trump is an economic nationalist opposed to liberal economics. Trump has made a promise to renegotiate NAFTA or exit this trade regime. Tariffs have been discussed between 15 to 35 percent on imports. In considerations of MOEC Theory we are arguing that these actions are conducted in theater concerning the expansion and contraction of the British Empire and the Anglo American Paradigm. Brexit and Trump Nationalism support the current panorama which is very fluid with the President signing numerous Executive Orders.
Individuals may be considered as cohorts longitudinally concerning the arrival of their ancestors to America. The Native American population may have lived here between 20,000 and 30,000 years ago. The arrival of Hernan Cortes and the development of the Camino Real, the Mayflower, and the settling of the West are also highly focalized forming the cultural support for my movements during Operation Akbar which is the imposition of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth over my person. In essence we are experiencing a massive purge under Despotism of the Informant Saboteur Traitor. This has clearly Undermined Democracy.
MOEC is the Scripted expansion and collapse of the Anglo American Paradigm. This has taken on new meaning as Brexit and the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States unfolds. The Islamic State is on the verge of collapse. The Syrian Civil War should also end this year. Under considerations of scientific determinism, I am not a MSM male and am not Nativistic or Economic Nationalistic (Protectionist) in my economics. This will have a profound effect in Daubert or Frye Factors in any legal hearing. A baseline of MOEC Studies has been entrapped and Scripted for a sixth grade or elementary school exit exam. The development of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing will debilitate one to 80 IQ on the Stanford Binet scale.
MOEC is an artificial artifact designed by humans. It clearly has manifest functions as a super variant of Prisoner's Dilemma to stratify populations into classes (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019). This is highly theatrical and bellicose. Historians, modern social scientists, and computer engineers to do not recognize MOEC or the in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. Legal Justice is lacking.
The ontological end of a War Crimes Trial is also to be considered with the Irrationalist Presidents having their legacies levelled against Joseph Stalin and the USSR.
Hemispheres: The Preparation of i the Imaginary Unit
The Development of the Machinery of Torture

Under Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity and the Black Swan, we are considering in the main how humans as an organic species create artificial artifacts, their transformations, and feedback loops resulting in individual and class stratification. I am stating that normally a comparison of two siblings or cohorts would not lead to class stratification even if such were consciously competing. A dyad is not statistically significant.
Our exposition of MOEC is developing materials to unify the Colleges of Math and Science and Liberal Arts. For every event in the world of our experience there must be some rational basis for it's existence. As it stands humans only possess bounded rationality. Humans and other finite species are not omnipotent. If there is no God, higher substance, or some type of field outside our three dimensional world there is no objective manner for humans to have pure consciousness. Our intelligence as localized in our brain is therefore limited. Below such lies instinct, then tropic, and nastic movements. These biological inheritances and adaptations permit us to navigate the space time of Maze as it is in MOEC.

The heuristic analogy (discovery tool) of Einstein in the Office has a direct implication in the exit of Ronald Reagan from the Presidency in 1989. MOEC was rapidly escalating and the video and pictures of Reagan walking past a Remington statue of a cowboy on a horse were well Scripted. Reagan did not have a smooth exit from office. This is positing a 1975 culture versus a 2025 culture. In the Western Hemisphere the conflict between clashes of cultural technologies has a cliché of one having to eat the snakes and arrows.
We will have witnessed a generation or 30 years of in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, Censorship and Sanitization on June 17, 2017. There are now six Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Trump:
Irrationalist Presidents
Ronald Reagan |
George HW Bush |
William Clinton |
George W Bush |
Barack Obama |
Donald Trump |
We have a continuation of two themes, Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity and the Black Swan which is developing a severe contrast in Social and Mechanical Engineering. There is irrefutable proof that a RICO Criminal Enterprise and Perpetual Conspiratol Act is in continuo.
The Chemical Despoliation of the Salton Sea during the 2016 Presidential Election and early 2017 supports this allegation.
The direct implication of a Cambridge MSM Authorship who were exposed and whom sabotaged their own design under pressure from Lesser of Two Evils heterosexuals, in the Membership, is also very strong. The resultant differentiated Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack is a brutal game of Mousetrap where one intends to drag down friend and foe alike.
I was told that the Manifest Function of MOEC would end on February 17, 2017. This did not happen.
Below we posit the Graphical User Interface GUI of MOEC. Origin is the Organic Cell (GUI 2019).
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
Social Systems:
The Individual - Social System - Renaissance - Decadence
Culture and Society
Social Systems Theory - Teaching and Promotion
Our discussion theme is how the Black Swan develops or degrades Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity as it pertains to individual and class stratification.
I am arguing Organic as created by nature or God not by humans or their inventions. I would argue these Artifacts as Artificial. Mechanism is a non theistic philosophy and worldview that Matter is Primary. All phenomena are reducible to mathematics and physics. This is the Classical position. If one adds Gödel's Theory of Incompleteness stating that not all events are computable with Chaos Theory, and Randomness one is deliberating more modern approaches (Davis, M. 2006).
Durkheim argues that Organic is efficient while Mechanism is entropic.
Durkheim has argued that many older religious traditions and interpersonal relations are Mechanistic while modern societies developed under models as the Social Contract Theory are more Organic. I believe that Durkheim believes that man is attempting to correct the deficiencies in nature through advancing academia. Aquinas has argued the human laws are good when they compensate for a lack of physical strength for an individual and safeguarding such by the Collective (Rosen, D. 2018).
Rousseau has argued in the Discourse on the Origin of Inequality Among Men, that Metallurgy is the blame for class stratification. The Bronze Age is the example cited (Rousseau J. 1775).
In Bronfenbrenner's Ecological System the Chronosystem is the time related change outside of the System itself. It includes the patterning of environmental events and transitions over life. Socio historical conditions are inclusive (Ecological Systems Theory). Toffler and Toffler have done research in this area. In Major Social Trends such describe various time related change on the previous ecologies. The theme is movement away from the Agricultural Industrial age to the Information Age. These three civilizations are symbolized by the tools of production as the hoe, the assembly line, and finally computers are now substituting one another in space and time. De massified production of highly customized products are leading to a complexity in the economy and displacing labor. Also characteristic of the present is the globalization of the economy challenging national sovereignty and the re emergence of the family. The historical time line has witnessed the prominence of the extended family, to the nuclear family, to the atomized family where only one parent is present in the home (Toffler & Toffler 1994).
What computer scientists refer to as feedback loops is described as where an artifact has a transformational value and effect on the individual and collective.
Of interest in the zeitgeist is the meltdown of Alt Right Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos. Milo, as he is known to his fans was brought into Breitbart by Steve Bannon, now advisor to Donald Trump. Trump has disavowed the Alt Right Movement. Milo is openly gay. It is very clear that Milo is under defection from the Cambridge Membership's plans. Milo is a Cambridge drop out after two years.
Trouble started when Milo was scheduled to speak at the University of California Berkeley on February 1, 2017. One hundred and fifty anarchists of the Black Box group in Oakland staged a riot on campus cancelling the appearance. Berkeley PD was responsible for crowd control. The damage to the school is estimated at $100,000 USD.
On Saturday, Feb. 18, at 1:40 p.m. Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, announces that Milo Yiannopoulos will be a speaker at CPAC. The CPAC annual meeting is being held in Bay Harbor, Maryland and is featuring Donald Trump as the keynote speaker now.
On Sunday, Feb. 19, 2:30 a.m.the Twitter account for the conservative blog Reagan Battalion, tweets a link to a video interview between Yiannopoulos and Joe Rogan, saying that it shows him "defend[ing] pedophilia and pedophiles." Yiannopoulos discusses a parish priest who had a sexual relationship with him when he was a teen. Milo states, "It was perfectly consensual." He adds: "When I was the 14, I was the predator." This event was attributed to 2015.
The Reagan Battalion then made a mashup of clips and posted such on twitter. In particular is a January, 2016 episode of the podcast Drunken Peasants. Yiannopoulos appears to defend sexual relationships between adults and younger boys in their teens.
Milo states, "Some of those relationships between younger boys and older men, the sort of coming of age relationships, the relationships in which those older men help those young boys to discover who they are, and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable and sort of a rock where they can't speak to their parents."
On Monday, Feb. 20, 1 p.m CPAC cancels Yiannopoulos as a speaker at their annual meeting.
On Monday, Feb. 20, 5:15 p.m Simon & Schuster cancels Yiannopoulos' book Dangerous. This severance cost Milo $250,000 USD.
On Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2:30 p.m Yiannopoulos announces that he is resigning from Breitbart.
I am making the allegation that is entirely Scripted political theater. The Gay Militia and Milo Yiannopoulos are very similar in their ad hominem red herring strawman attacks. I am clearly stating that Cambridge whom also has designed MOEC and it's in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth electronic police state is the Wizard of Oz behind Milo and the Nativistic and Populism front of Donald Trump. The entire trajectory of the Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Trump is one of the American Vichy. This is the Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm. It is a concrete structural shift.
Currently on February 23, 2017 Turkish forces now control Al bab in Syria. The Iraqi army now controls Mosul Airport in Western Mosul after having secured Eastern Mosul in an offensive that began in November, 2016.
Any nationstate whose population defects into informants, saboteurs, and traitors will fail.
The concept of Automata controlled Prisoner's Dilemma and outputting Human Automata in the manner of Hal on the film 2001 is a very disturbing existential threat (Prisoner's Dilemma 2019).
After June 17, 1987 when Ronald Reagan clearly did nothing to prevent the escalation of MOEC into the Runaway Chemical Assault Scorched Earth that it is now, various basic Systems concepts were presented to me.
The concept of a Territory was such a component which I understood the implication of. In the consideration of intelligence versus force or brain versus brawn, I was very confident of my ability. My elementary school standard tests were solid, near 90 percentile. I believe my scores were over 90 but altered by instructions of the Membership on Aural Cartographic Maps ACMs because I was heterosexual.
At that point in time I did not believe any individual in LAPD's Gay Militia to be equal to me in IQ. It is alleged that the lieutenants are about California State University Computer Science BS at a GPA 3.3.
In 1987 I believe Basic, Cobalt, and Fortran on a black command line screen pre GUI was the norm. I did not know for sure.
The officers who were called the Fly and Dodo perhaps a Lieutenant and line officer did not take intellectual competency rigorously collapsing into a Moral Relativism and Consequentialism diffusion.
At this point in time I intended to be equal and consistent in my presentation. I am follower of the Vedic Shastra. The Vedas are considered Absolute and do not change from place to place or person to person.
I would argue that even with an asymmetry of knowledge concerning the Chronological Scripting of MOEC that these actors would fail at a challenge against my person concerning MOEC Studies. In a consideration of absolute value as in math, as these persons collapse I am slowly improving.
This is very apparent when the speech patterns and concrete acts of the Gay Militia and their informants is contrasted with a sophomore or 200 level Predicate Calculus course. In this instance we have induction versus deduction. Consequentialism versus Deontology is focused again strongly against a backdrop of rational, decision making, and systems theories. The branding of science is implied and the old game of Mousetrap is a concrete analogy to the chaos of MOEC.
This immediate domain of discourse is reflective of the mapping of the Image of X into a Black Box. After such a machine is devised, what is such object's goals and performance on all individual and objects in spacetime? The mathematical domain would include all real and complex numbers. This is reflective of the development of a supermap system. This system may be able to control existing mapping systems or data mine from these systems.
This case reflects the tendency of a system to expand to it's fullest potential and attempt to exist into perpetuity. Very simply it is rational to believe that a Superintelligent system could begin positive but become incorrigible, thus attempting to expand and control all life and objects. It could also decide whether to extinct itself and life.
The Membership are lead by Cambridge Lawyers and are the domain that will Script a reverse sting of mens rea and actus rea for members in the range set Y. The Gay Militia officers in Scotland Yard and LAPD are set Y.
It is held that one member is the point man for the Image of X. However I would strongly hold that collective traits are being conditioned in the range or output in the population. LAPD or Scotland Yard are a lower level on a graph implementing the Reverse Sting Operation:
Level A: Cambridge Membership
Level B: LAPD and Scotland Yard
Level C: Local Code Enforcement
Level D: Population
This Algorithm especially at Level A and B is argued as solidly MSM or Male Same Sex Male. The intent is to have all levels MSM towards my person in all jurisdictions.
This construction is the Joe Virus.
A very complicated system of supermapping is implied. This system would strive to encompass the entire output of civilization once such is completed.
At present induction presents a formidable problem. The system of Origination and Causation of the expansion and contraction of an Empire imposed over our earth through every police station house is disturbing and a fortiori strong. As one expands empirically into a game of War Crimes: Citizen versus Criminal, the will to order is opposed diametrically by those hierarchical actors and their surrogates engaged in a will to power. The false system is attempting to sustain itself. This type of system as referred to by Aquinas as, "Imposed over by a third legislator."
The model intends to develop a pathology. One parent or person is identified for the origination of failure. This is embedded within the Consequentialism versus Deontology ethical debate. The target is Dodo. His mother or the matrilineal line is in question. This officer continues an initiation to the Tournament Challenge to be the summon bonum between homosexuality and heterosexuality. In the ensuing Perpetual Conspiratol Act and RICO Enterprise, he becomes entangled in a Scripted circular folly where he becomes a victim of the homosexual blackmail, obstruction of justice, intimidating, and hostaging of a witness ring.
His ensuing repertoire is Scripted by Cambridge and this is extended to other recruited informants as the Image of X.
The correct test for ontological considerations in MOEC is the Proximate Cause Test sine qua non principals, accomplices, and accessories to the fact. Even under the consideration of the Paradigm of Laws the instant issue is citizen versus criminal. MOEC wishes to legally punish as well as attack under other formal and informal tactics.
Hello World
0100101011 0101001011 1100101001 0110101010 0001011110 |
In the particularity of this instance, the string is a URL in a Prolog pl file named image.y located within the dodo folder, within the image.x folder, located on the E drive.
Dodo is a Prototype known as the ISO (ISO Image 2020).
In the zeitgeist at the end of March, 2017 Obamacare has not been repealed by the Trump Administration. Of interest is that a trend of white male suicides between 50 and 54 years of age has emerged in the United States. Despair and hopelessness based on low achievement over a high school foundation is to be blamed. These individuals therefore were born in 1963 to 1968. They would have graduated high school from 1981 to 1984.
The Colorado River Valley from Needles, California to Yuma, Arizona across to El Centro and north along the Salton Sea to Mecca, California has the lowest educational level at only 12th grade and highest unemployment in the nation.
On my last 22 mile round trip hike to the Salton City post office from Desert Shores it completely dawned on me just days before this news was published that a bright line high school graduate test is needed to sort of the the nonsense makers that are attempting to obstruct progress. I am making it very clear that high school should require Algebra 3, an AA degree Algebra 4, and a BA or BS Calculus or Algebra 5.
Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing as expounded by the Gay Militia is a trap that is unfolding. Many of the rural western areas as Plumas, Siskiyou, Lassen, Inyo, and Modoc Counties fall into this pattern of having a population of white males with only trade school or journeyman experience.
Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity
Table of Differentiation
10 |
0 |
9 |
1 |
8 |
2 |
7 |
3 |
6 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
4 |
6 |
3 |
7 |
2 |
8 |
1 |
9 |
0 |
10 |
The creation of the formal University System from the kindergarten to the PhD level is a tool that has stratified civilization. The coming of Technological Singularity has been impaired by a Cultural Singularity identified as Mobilization of Empire and Civilization.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
This is pairing is the main couple (as in engineering) of MOEC (Couple (mechanics) 2017).
Kristi Krebs: Missing Person from Mendocino (Krebs 2013)
Bhakta David Nollmeyer: Your Author
The pair above is a couple, most likely a catalyst.

Fort Bragg Police Department
Agency Case Number: fc93-1184
NCIC Number: M-668812811
The Doe Network: Case File 808DFCA
Kristi Krebs
Classification: Endangered Missing
Vital Statistics
Date Of Birth: December 29, 1970
Age at Time of Disappearance: 22 years old
Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'2; 140 lbs.
Kristi Krebs left her job at Round Table Pizza on August 9, 1993 in Fort Bragg, California, but never arrived home. Krebs' red Toyota Tercel was discovered abandoned, with the stereo missing, in a shallow creek in MacKerricher State Park. Her bra, panties, wallet and driver's license were found inside her car. There were small traces of blood on the dashboard and the front seat, along with shredded identification papers. Authorities think that before she abandoned her car, Kristi changed into a gym outfit that she always carried with her. Her work clothes were found, sopping wet and neatly folded, on the backseat.
In the consideration of Tryad which is a modern derivative of the Greek Spindle of Necessity we see a concept of weaving the cord of life and the tapestry of civilization.
In Tryad the following locations have these values:
Alturas, California Past
Dover, Delaware Present
New Raman Reti, Florida Future
This examination is argued from June 17, 1987 the exact date of the beginning of MOEC. Also of interest but beyond the scope of work are mapping problems and knot problems.
In the zeitgeist a two dimensional map has recently proclaimed to be the most accurate ever made.
Of interest also is the the first computer games by Sierra which used a command line interface for users to play. One should refer to the section on the Chronosystem to understand the class stratification as areas I travel, mostly the rural West of the United States become static during an accelerating technological revolution.
In my case, I have stated that MOEC survives over time by increasing the amount of informants in the conspiratol enterprise. Theoretically MOEC argues the population N as unbounded. It will attempt to integrate all individuals under the Image of X.
MOEC has existed in the open for 29 years as an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
The first issue is that over the arc of lifespan how does one perform? In this regard over 29 years Dodo has severely collapsed. If there is a natural person named Dodo this officer is failing a sixth grade exit exam on what I argue at this grade level regarding MOEC Studies. The Computer Scientist whom Dodo has now taken to calling such a Professor and his self has failed against my person in Mathematics and Chess. The now Professor claims to have taken three Calculus courses for a Computer Science BS in college. I only passed Predicate Calculus for two AAs, one in Fine Arts and the other in General Education. I have just been informed by Columbia College that I have enough credits for a third AA in General Education. I am a senior with 160 credits for grade.
An informal heuristic that MOEC uses is that one should pass Calculus in high school and maintain such cradle to grave or until one exits professional life. This is facilitated by tests every two years. This latter facet is consistent with job testing.
Educational and job testing would reflect learning the basics of the Proximate Cause Test, RICO Statutes, Attorney General Exemption, Exceptions, the reverse sting, and informal fallacies. In this instance we are attempting to formalize street smarts into a graded formal Universal Test from elementary to graduate school.
The second issue presented is that MOEC's population parameters targeted about 15,000 persons at beginning on June 17, 1987. In following the population now is over 7.5 billion persons and over 30,000 persons are entrapped based on initial citizen versus criminal statutes in place just within the United States alone under federal and state laws.

The theme of Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity and it's implication on individual and class stratification is quite profound.
Just as Ronald Reagan did not make a successful exit from the Presidency the Gay Militia are struggling in an attempt to maintain an equilibrium that is competitive with the private sector and other equivalent occupations in public administration.
At Hiroshima, an epoch known as Syrinx began. As numerical informant ratios increase MOEC counters by legal justice and purges. All atomic nuclear events are supporting Syrinx. Technically this epoch is Lycurgus Akbar. Any nuclear attack would create Syrinx proper. At this time in History MOEC is testing the equilibrium, technology and skill of the performers who posses such (Nollmeyer D. 1997d).
MOEC and it's Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is the United States' Chernobyl and Fukushima.
The Lycurgus Electronic Surveillance Targeted Chemical Assault Stalking subsystem has turned into Akbar. This is the condition where I am alienated with the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over my person and the world population N are Fractals of Kroni.
I believe that my briefing was intentional skewed. I have been as literal as possible in my descriptions. This is very clear now.
Lycurgus is Electronic Surveillance Targeted Chemical Assault.
Akbar is isolating one individual from the whole imposing the entire Chemical Assault Scorched Earth over this person. This target can only be me or a person related to me.
Syrinx is Nuclear.
This data is metaphorically described as Sphere Models that are Maps. These Spheres collided as two planets creating a blackhole on June 17, 1987. Akbar was and is Scripted to coincide with the Rise and Fall of the Islamic State. This is an experiment in Empire Building and Contraction.
In review, the first major manifest Syrinx action was Hiroshima. Chernobyl and Fukushima would descend underneath such.
Lycurgus may have been ongoing with Targeted Chemical Assaults and Stalking well back into the 1800s or before. The Electronic Surveillance would have been added in the late 1800s or early 1900s.
So we have Lycurgus transforming into Akbar. The Chernobyl disaster, was a catastrophic nuclear accident. On April 26, 1986 in the No.4 light water graphite moderated reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant near Pripyat, in Ukraine, USSR a destructive steam explosion and a subsequent open air graphite fire burned out of control for nine days releasing fission products that effected the whole of Europe.
The Fukushima Daichi nuclear disaster was initiated primarily by a tsunami following the Tohoku earthquake on March 11, 2011 at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant in Fukushima, Japan.
After the earthquake, the active reactors automatically shut down their sustained fission reactions. The tsunami disabled the emergency generators that provide power to control and operate the pumps that cool the reactors. Insufficient cooling led to three nuclear meltdowns, hydrogen air chemical explosions, and the release of radioactive material in Units 1, 2, and 3. This activity occurred from March, 12 to March, 15. The loss of cooling also overheated the pool for storing spent fuel from Reactor 4 to overheat on March, 15.
Chernobyl and Fukushima are the only events to achieve a Level 7 rating on thesInternational Nuclear Event Scale.
MOEC is the controlling agent for all three actions.
On March 27, 2017 Britain invoked Article 50 of the European Union to withdraw from this supranational regime.
These three events, two nuclear and one Chemical Assault Scorched Earth would fall under the Akbar component in taxonomy. This in itself is quite profound. MOEC began contemporaneously with Salmon Rushdie's Satanic Verses (Satanic Verses). It's trajectory has emerged through 9-11, and the rise and fall of the Islamic State over 30 years or a generation.
It is still hasty to discern the individual and class stratification the events supra are having on civilization. There is a very pronounced logarithmic function(s) at work simultaneously. Are these events rare Black Swans or such going to increase in frequency and create a blackhole?
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Washington Post Banner
There is now nearly a 30 year or one generation concrete History of systematic human rights abuse from June 17, 1987 spanning the six Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Trump in the United States. The allegation that Cambridge Law School is the Authorship is robust. It is clear that alienating one person's citizenship from the whole will damage the collective. It is clear that President Ronald Reagan has lead the United States into a Perfect Dictatorship. The algorithm in use will guarantee that each successive President will be worse than his or her predecessor and also will have to protect these actors.
The debate between Mechanism and Theism has emerged in a catastrophic trajectory. In particularity Social Engineering has failed in a polarity between LGBTi homosexuality and Same Sex heterosexuality. This component has been discussed in a recessive manner with feminism fronting such. In actuality the MSM Authorship is guilty of Scripting homosexual misogyny. This action is largely to blame for the nation's 45 percent divorce rate. The evolution of governance now places MOEC as a Prisoners Dilemma super virus operating through every police stationhouse worldwide.
The leak or briefing that I was given was expansive and is unfolding in continuo as the expansion and contraction of the British Empire with the United States as it's bodyguard. The Brexit or exit from the European Union supports this claim.
What is at hand in the present is a fierce duel between the Authorship, Cambridge Law School, their proxies, and myself that is undergoing systematic Censorship and Sanitization without Official Recognition. I believe that MOEC Studies is clearly one of the most dominant developments in Modern History. I am basically operating from a theological perspective in a generalist Social Science manner. The Authorship clearly believes their effort to near equal the discovery of nuclear fission. I have copyrighted my own unique work leaving the breadth of MOEC Studies to be open to serious academic and legal research.
The heuristic Einstein in the Office appears to reflect the challenge as to whether Cambridge or the Authorship are able to Get out of Dodge without being identified by name and prosecuted for having attacked the United States, Ronald Reagan (President), Constitution, by alienating my person with a RICO Criminal Enterprise. This act descends from the artificial ideology Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing.
It is overwhelmingly evident that the Authorship is responsible for George Orwell's 1984 and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, and Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange (Orwell, G. 1949). I also strongly argue that Cambridge is behind The Diary of Anne Frank.
The briefing or leak that I was given was presented as being able to create a work stronger than George Orwell and approaching Franz Hubert, whom died in poverty. He is greatly recognized as one of the world's ten greatest composers. I clearly support my work as superior to Orwell or Huxley. MOEC is ontologically superior to their works. It is very clear that these totalitarian dystopias are axiological in support of MOEC. MOEC Studies explains these authors works more thoroughly then vice versa. It would be worthy if someone would go through my work by line and extract a methodology. The Analysis of Variance or ANOVA method is very prominent. In this nexus there are software checking applications that are analogous to this type of work.
I am targeting sworn competent authorities born after 1955 and also approaching some of the world's leading academics by Open Letters. MOEC is not a zero sum game. It is a crime. It clearly will break Equal Protection and Due Process safeguards in legal systems.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
This couple appears to be the fulcrum of a Cultural Singularity or blackhole. Kurzweil predicts Artificial Intelligence by 2029 and Technological Singularity by 2045.
The main implication under Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity is massive individual and class stratification is the contrast between the Sovereign and Subject. Whom will face formal prosecution or de facto punishments? This is a function of the Reverse Sting Operation designed by Cambridge. The actors should be prosecuted. They are not the head of state but have entrapped such in their Image of X. This is a virus contaminating civilization. It is a tyranny of the majority.
The seating of a Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal in the correct jurisdiction(s) is the correct goal prosecuting the Proximate Cause principals, accomplices, and sine qua non to the Origin.
Chapter 6
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.
Albert Einstein
You put your money down on the horse, not the Bells and Whistles...
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Ethnography is a cultural mapping of empirical data on human societies and cultures. As a discipline such was pioneered in the biological, social, and cultural branches of anthropology. Through the breadth of the social sciences ethnography is applicable when the study of a people's ethnogenesis, formation, composition, migrations, social welfare characteristics, materiality, and spirituality is a focus. The typical ethnography is a holistic study that includes a brief history, analysis of geography, climate, and habitat. In all cases it should be reflexive, make a substantial contribution toward the understanding of the social life of humans, have an aesthetic impact on the reader, and express a credible reality. An ethnography intends to map all observed behavior and describe all symbol meaning relations using concepts that avoid causal explanations (Ethnography).
In our discussion of MOEC Studies an Origin or Proximate Cause is defined for the driving of events in humanity's social reality.
MOEC Studies was formed by the isolation of my person by the alleged Authorship and Proximate Cause Cambridge Law School from primary law safeguards as my Bill of Rights and Convention Against Torture protections. The isolation under Electronic Surveillance, Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, and Stalking is known as Akbar. This event began on June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware.
In this instance six Irrationalist Presidents have emerged:
Irrationalist Presidents
Ronald Reagan |
George HW Bush |
William Clinton |
George W Bush |
Barack Obama |
Donald Trump |
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity.
The main polarity of this attack is the conflict between Homosexuality LGBTi and Heterosexuality Opposite Sex.
As the Manifest Function of MOEC has surpassed 30 years or one generation, it is still unclear what damaging effects have occurred to the Unites States and Democracy due to in continuo levelling against the History of Joseph Stalin and the USSR. However the damage is severe and should be reconciled at trial.
MOEC Studies emerges as a form of Hybrid Ethnography. A significant battery of information was delivered to me described as equal to a Presidential Brief. This information was skewed and was in need of line by line untangling.
Realist ethnography is a traditional approach used by cultural anthropologists. According to Van Maanen (1988), it reflects a particular observation taken by the researcher toward the individual.
Critical ethnography is a kind of ethnographic research in which actors advocate for the liberation of groups which are marginalized in society (Ethnography).
In the general methodology of Mechanism, one attempts to start with a law or first principle or attempts to discover if such a law or first principle exists that will bind all consequent phenomena that precede after it.
When these conditions are tautologies which are always true and axioms which are held to be true such can be then be used to develop theorems, models, and proofs to support whether our original idea is valid, sound, or unfalsifiable.
One should note that a theorem as Demorgans is stronger than the generalized concept of an axiom. The axiom is usually used at the beginning of the method. Postulates can be used which are prima facie held to be true. This also may present problems.
The formation of a hypothesis and testing with a control follows. An experiment may prove causation while correlation does not guarantee such.
The following basic information is presented as a transition of technology is occurring under a state sponsored totalitarianism. It is very clear that the mode of production is accelerating becoming highly automated with a clear paradigm shift from the 1900s into the 2000s. The development of motor skill amplifiers as the internal combustion automobile is currently accented by the removal of the manual steering wheel and all other manual pedals in many designs as Waymo (Google) and designs proposed by Ford whom wishes to have 40 percent of their products electric in 2021. In summation, there is a clear shift towards cognitive amplifiers as expressed by the enterprise of creating Artificial Intelligence AI or Artificial General Intelligence AGI. Kurzweil predicts AI by 2029 and Technological Singularity in 2045. The United States has given guidance that AI may be obtainable by 2040. Many Futurists surmise between 2029 and 2035.
The following presents very basic logic and data of the late Professor Jacob (Jack) T. Schwartz on computational logic, set theory, and applications to proof verification techniques, culminating in the ÆtnaNova system, a prototype computer program designed to verify the correctness of mathematical proofs presented in the language of set theory.
In our consideration, we are concerned with a transition from natural language to Artificial Intelligence. This specifies how a specific first order theory can be exploited to model and carry out reasoning in branches of computer science and mathematics. Our investigation clearly can concern the use of second order logic that makes use of the universal and existential quantifiers.
Schwartz attempts to formulate an unique system for automated proof verification on the large scale (Schwartz 2011).
We pursue a formulae in some system of sequences of formulae, within which we can define a property Is_a_proof(p) capable of being verified by an algorithm, such that we can be certain that the final component t of any sequence p satisfying Is_a_proof(p) is universally valid. Then we can use intuition freely to find aesthetically pleasing sequences p, the proofs, leading to interesting end goals t, the theorems (Schwartz 2011).
However, it is worth embedding the notion of tautology in a wider, relativized, set of ideas. Suppose that we write:
|= F
to indicate that the formula F is a tautology, and
|- F
to indicate that F is a provable formula of the propositional calculus.
The preceding discussion shows that |= F, and |- F, are equivalent conditions. This result can be generalized as follows. Let S designate any finite set of syntactically well formed formulae of the propositional calculus. We can then write
S |= F
to indicate that, for each assignment A covering both F, and all the formulae in S, we have Val(A,F) = 1 whenever Val(A,G) = 1 for all G in S. Also, we write
S |- F
to indicate that F follows by propositional proof if the statements in S are added to the axioms of propositional calculus (each of them acting as an individual axiom, not as a template). Then it is easy to show that
S |= F if and only if S |- F

Machine language is a set of instructions executed directly by a computer's central processing unit (CPU). These commands usually consist of either binary or hexadecimal (base 16) numbers which are by and large unreadable to humans. Numerical machine code, not assembly code, are regarded as the lowest level representation of a compiled or assembled computer program as a primitive and hardware dependent programming language.
Almost all practical programs today are written in higher level languages or assembly language. Source code is then translated to executable machine code by utilities such as compilers, assemblers, and linkers, with the important exception of interpreted programs, as Python which are not translated into machine code. The interpreter may be seen as an executor or processor, performing the instructions of the source code of directly executable machine code (Python).
In Classical Processors every processor or processor family has it's own machine code instruction set. Instructions are patterns of bits that by physical design correspond to different commands. The instruction set is specific to a class of processors using comparable architecture.
The early Sierra games, like the first three King's Quest games (1984 1986), used commands from an internal command line to move the character around in the graphic window. Command Line interpreter (CLI), also known as command line user interface, console user interface, and character user interface (CUI), is a means of interacting with a computer program where the user (or client) issues commands to the program in the form of successive lines of text (command lines). The CLI was the primary means of interaction with most computer systems until the introduction of the video display terminal in the mid 1960s.
1. Advantages
Requires fewer resources.
Concise and powerful.
Expert friendly.
Easier to automate via scripting.
2. Criticisms
Commands not obvious.
Not visually rich.
A command line argument or parameter is an item of information provided to a program when it is started. A program can have many command line arguments that identify sources or destinations of information, or that alter the operation of the program.
Quantum Computing
Quantum computers are being developed that operate based on the counterintuitive world of quantum mechanics. Information is not stored using bits represented by 0s or 1s as with Classical Processors. Quantum Processors use quantum bits, or qubits, to encode data as 0s, 1s, or both simultaneously. This superposition of states, combined with the quantum effects of entanglement and quantum tunneling, permit Quantum Processors to consider and manipulate many combinations of bits simultaneously.
D-Wave systems implement a quantum annealing algorithm. Problems are solved by seeking the global minimum of a function. User problems are mapped to a search for the global minimum which corresponds to the best possible outcome.
The D-Wave 2000Q System
Quantum effects are only accessible under extreme conditions. The quantum processing unit (QPU) must operate in an environment cooled to nearly absolute zero, shielded from magnetic fields, and isolated from vibration and external signal interference.
The QPU is magnetically shielded to 50,000 times less than the Earth's field, and is operated in a high vacuum that is 10 billion times lower than standard atmospheric pressure. The closed cycle dilution refrigerator within the system cools the QPU to near absolute zero (0.015 kelvin), 180 times colder than interstellar space.
The QPU contains a lattice of qubits, tiny superconducting devices fabricated from the metal niobium, which exhibits quantum behavior at very low temperatures. Qubits are the basic elements that the system uses to solve problems. Additional circuitry on the QPU programs the system and returns results.
In essence the energy state of the system functions as a switch.
At a technical level the decidability and provability of Quantum Programming is an issue as the contemporary verifications systems may not run as desired.
Formisano and Omodeo in a 2010 paper Theory-Specific Automated Reasoning argued:
Computer aided verification of formal proofs can be applied extensively in mathematics, and one can likewise check for correctness of sophisticated algorithms and computer programs, as well as critical hardware designs. Evidence of this has been achieved many times through proof assistants such as Mizar, Coq, HOL light, and Isabelle, to mention only a few [67, 5]. These are leading to the creation of big repositories of formalized mathematical knowledge.
History is being driven under an unrecognized Censorship and Sanitization that is a Cultural Singularity versus a Technological Singularity. The Alienation of one person's legal rights, my person from the whole creates conflict with the Proximate Cause and Origin Cambridge Law School. This driver is a longitudinal cohort rivalry under an unseen Father and Mother figure. This topology results in Impure Synchronicity with crossectional assessment sweeps of individuals and groups. Thus the tension between Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity results in individual and class stratification. The development of an AI that passes a real Turing Test by 2029 is less probable under the six Irrationalist Presidents Reagan Trump and Censorship and Sanitization.
At issue is the resultant conflict of the Ex Deux Maquina, which is the reneged contest between the alleged MSM Cambridge Lawyers and so called heterosexual Trinity Theologians. It strongly posited that outcome of Operation Akbar, which is a latent effect of Lycurgus where only one individual, my person is alienated from their legal protections as the Bill of Rights:
.betray (you, constitution).pl
A major consideration emerges under of Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity is the class stratification effects of MOEC as History's strongest defection model which is unfolding with manifest results.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment.
The concept of treason creates an exclusive dichotomy (Treason):
§ 2381. Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
§ 2382. Misprision of treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
The argument of MOEC is decidable. A distinct Proximate Cause sine qua non must exist. A formal logic is decidable if there is a mechanical algorithmic way of determining whether A follows from T or A |= T. MOEC Studies is clearly claiming that University of Cambridge Lawyers and leaders of a Membership of actors that have Authored a War Crime that has now spanned a 30 years or a generation from June 17, 1987 beyond June 17, 2017.
Consider the command imperative Will you betray the Constitution as an atomic formulae and in this instance in Prolog. In this instance it is argued as true although an interrogatory. Prolog is a minor language that resembles predicate logic. It is useful in error checkers. In as simple A = B format if one list is placed in A, subsequent list B can be compared to see if the lists are equal. If one were to extend this phrase one will be able to develop several polarities and disjunctions that permit the tabulation of scores.
Conflict Theory in MOEC is pronounced. There is an acute polarization between homosexuality LGBTi and opposite sex Heterosexuality. This was originally presented with matriarchy versus patriarchy as a front. The content of the matriarchy was largely feminism.
Treason is largely an act of betrayal. The replication of the function Image of X from an alleged LGBTi Proximate Cause in University of Cambridge is strengthening. There is concrete Scripting that is historical and teachable. The population is being numbered in parametric and non parametric testing which will provide scores.
Currently on July 10, 2017 Iraq is stating that the mission to recapture Mosul is a success.
It is evident from the command imperative Will you betray the Constitution?, a systematic attack based on invertebration is Scripted to unfold over space and time. In the concrete this process is highly dependent on Power and Control. Considering two basic strategies as offense and defense, opposition to one actor(s) or another is almost immediate even under the consideration of long odds.
As the Singularity Experiment, I am the only individual known to have the entire Chemical Assault Scorched Earth component Akbar imposed over their person. It is also deductible that under a rational consideration of games I or my case would have considerable credence against the Authorship or Proximate Cause sine qua non.
In review MOEC is a continuing criminal conspiracy and a RICO Criminal Enterprise. The RICO Statutes or more correctly the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. More formally RICO is TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 96, Section 1961 of the United States Code.
One may not use, manufacture, possess, distribute any crime or guide, participate, or receive any remuneration from the enterprise.
From the atom cited a Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack is developed.
Socrates is Mortal. This is a battle of bald and hairy men. The second argument can be restated as Brain versus Brawn. Homo Sapiens needs oxygen, food, clothing, shelter, and mating to reproduce as a species. The Image of X represents the LGBTi or Same Sex (homosexual) persons. Under concrete consideration I represent the Opposite or heterosexual persons.

The Image of X can be seen mapping assignments onto objects.
The graph f(x)=1/x contains coordinates of the points on the curve are a curve where x is a number other than 0. When the graph contains the points (1, 1), (2, 0.5), (5, 0.2), (10, 0.1),... As the values of become larger, as 100, 1000, 10,000 ..., assigning such them further to the right the corresponding values of, .01, .001, .0001, ..., become infinitesimal relative to the scale shown. But no matter how large becomes, it's reciprocal is never 0, so the curve never actually touches the x axis. Similarly, as the values of become smaller and smaller, say .01, .001, .0001, ..., are also infinitesimal relative to the scale shown, the corresponding values of , 100, 1000, 10,000 ..., become larger. The curve extends farther upward as it comes closer and closer to the y axis. Thus, both the x and y axes are asymptotes of the curve. These ideas are part of the basis of concept of a limit in mathematics (Asymptote).
By inspection if the predicate or rule .betray (you, constitution).pl is the equation or x value then it's call over the domain of natural persons may result in various assignments in all four quadrants in the graph. It appears if one simply wished to create a population in the I Quadrant of good population, if the x was 100 only 1 percent of the population would output in the range of y. As MOEC Studies is increased then the output in the Y range would increase.
The graph in III Quadrant could define the X axis the invertebration of civilization as the inferiority of repertoire along the Y axis. This reflexive property appears to be a perspective of the Image of X.
MOEC is being argued as the fourth war fought against the British. In this consideration after 30 years, or one generation, I make the claim that MOEC Studies is the most advanced attempt organizing what is the most successful Cultural Singularity in World History. Censorship and Sanitization since June 17, 1987 has created an epic Black Swan that is in Runaway mode with increasing damage to life, limb, and property.
The Gay Militia is being lead by rank and file members of LAPD. These actors revel in calling themselves professors. Ironically this claim is usually made after blunders.
What is Fall Theory in MOEC? One person in LAPD allegedly a lieutenant proffered that according to what Christianity that the cosmos and humans are created ex nihelo or out of nothing. He also posited Albert Camus' The Fall. In this instance a lawyer walks past on a bridge after a woman has jumped into the river. Hence this is a killing off of conscience, not a Good Samaritan or mutual aid consideration.
In MOEC there are several arguments, many derived from Conflict Theory as Tiamat and Marduk. The Vedas also contain different cases as in Gaudiya Vaishnavism there is the living entity or jiva falling from Krishna's Lila as supported by Srila Prabhupada or the No Fall encampment which argues that jivas are created in the Tatasha Sakti. Once jivas return to the Vaikunthas or Heaven then never leave. In MOEC's Organic Cell Tatasha Sakti is in or is Parameters. Hence this can result in many equivocations or traps. Parametrization of asymptotes becomes complicated quickly.
It's Mopar Y'all
Now it is time consider the Scripting of the Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack in a specific territory. In this instance the First Federal District of California covers all of Lassen, Siskiyou, and Plumas Counties in the High Sierras of California. Doug LaMalfa a farmer with a degree in Agricultural Science from Cal Poly is the representative. Kate Brown who is openly bisexual is the Governor of Oregon which is directly north. Legally she may not be out of jurisdiction while I am here due to the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
Our discussion will focus on technology, tool making, and developing an industry. In Archeology a chopper is a pebble tool with an irregular cutting edge which is formed through the removal of flakes from one side of a stone. Choppers are crude stone tools prevalent from the Lower Palaeolithic 2.5 million years ago. These earliest known specimens were found in the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania by Louis Leakey during the 1930s. The name Oldowan was given to the choppers excavated from the site.
To manufacture this tool, one would have to use a hammer to chip away flakes to create a side of the stone with a very sharp edge. This would facilitate the cutting and hacking of an object. This unique type of lithic reduction results in a single side of the stone being retouched to produce the cutting surface of the chopper. The opposite side of the cutting edge is left unscathed which is unique (Choppers).
Choppers were composed of quartz, quartzite, basalt, or obsidian and later years flint and chert.
The choppers are designed to fit in the palm of the hand, and not be attached to any other mount.
These lithic choppers are one of the earliest tools and technology. Choppers have been found in Africa, North America, Europe, and Southeast Asia.
Moving further along in History we examine the story of the aging master toy craftsman. He is 80 years old and on the verge of death. He has assembled his toy soldier on his desk. It is truly a work of art and museum quality. The police begin a sweep as in Lycurgus. The craftsman has lived to a respectable age through the tyranny of the informant state. He is instructed to wind the screw on the toy soldier's back. He is then able to hear the predictions of the future. His other creation of course in the bride in waiting dressed in white. The aging craftsman is able to hear of the coming World War and diffusion and mechanization of the arts. He also learns of the disintegration of the family. He hears the fate of his family and community.
Mopar is the competing parts brand of Chrysler GM to Ford Delco. It is also a mythical profile of a Natavistic Localist youth. It also has been represented by a little car that drives across the screen in old Microsoft Excel programs. Such was placed in the comments underneath the hood in the program. One can access the event by hotkeys or commands.
In return to decide the argument It's Mopar Y'all and missing person Kristi Krebs and Bhakta David Nollmeyer are a couple (Mechanics) with Kristi pulling me down. This is very cryptic. Such epitomizes the Mouse Trap Social Engineering of the Membership.
I have stated that I believe my IQ to be 130. This is about the average student at UC Berkeley. The Gay Militia lost this debate. This compact sketch would place them below a 2.0 GPA. One would need a 3.0 GPA to enter MOEC Studies at the Graduate Level.
Ethnic Nationalization as Source of War is a more advanced manner of discussing the escalation of Nativism and Populism to form Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing and the Gay Militia. The 1st Federal District overwhelmingly supported Proposition 8 here by about 65 to 35 percent. A majority of the working population that is left are tradesman or work in the logging industry. Algebra 3 is the international and national standard for high school graduation. Oregon and Nevada prescribes Geometry and Arizona four Algebras with two at the 3 level. California graduates with Algebra 1.
I am clearly stating that MOEC Studies is 50 years ahead of the world. The standard that I recommend is a BA or BS for white color workers with management at a MA or MS. Journey tradesman should pass their trade with at least Algebra 3. The United States would lose it's industrial base if all the mechanics, electricians, welders, masons, and carpenters fail in their theory. I do not wish to pay $20 an hour for someone to fix my car, install my wiring, or weld my trailer at this pay rate for someone who only wishes to exploit the fact that there are 150,000 persons here spread out over an area the size of a small country.
The stalking and homosexual quid pro quo (prostitution) is escalated. The elimination of the bottom ten percent of the work force reflects the Scripted attack on my person. In review I am the only individual with Akbar, the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth imposed over one's person. It costs $96,000 USD or $8,000 for 12 years to educate a student. It costs about $35,000 to maintain a prisoner. Prisoner education is between 8 to 12th grade. The hand tool tradesmen represent the mechanical arts, crafts, and legacy in what is a RICO Homosexual Intimidation, Blackmail, and Racketeering Enterprise. I am clearly not advocating the inverse or a RICO Heterosexual Intimidation, Blackmail, and Racketeering Enterprise. In short stating old phrase, "Do you descend from the original pioneers?", is replied satirically with "It's Mopar Y'all."
The defection rate is easily 95 percent. Those sworn officials born after 1955 are the primary targets. The United States is targeting a 60 percent 4 year graduation rate. I argue that in 2025 over 50 percent of adults past 25 years of age will have degrees. Currently about 15 percent of students fail high school.
Girlfriend Shoots Boyfriend Making YouTube Video

On June 27, 2017 I published Origin to Amazon Kindle. Origin was an encyclopedia I was asked to write near the beginning of Akbar. Such was the first book I had attempted (Nollmeyer D. 1997d). It was mainly written in two takes single spaced on spiral bound and composition notebooks about 1997 by hand in Ruidoso, New Mexico. This was suggested as a encyclopedia survival guide if one was only permitted to carry one book. The Bible is a unique example. I had already read Srimad Bhagavatam, Summa Contra Gentile, and was aware of Diderot and Marx.
On June 28, 2017 a Minnesota woman killed her boyfriend by shooting at an encyclopedia he was holding over his chest, in a YouTube video stunt gone wrong. Monalisa Perez, 19, was attempting to make a viral video with boyfriend Pedro Ruiz III, 22, to post to their YouTube account according to a Norman County Sheriff's Department arrest report. Monalisa Perez shot Pedro Ruiz III in the chest from about a foot away with a .50 caliber Desert Eagle pistol while they recorded the stunt with two cameras, according to court documents obtained by Heavy. Their 3 year old daughter was also in the room watching, police said.
Perez said Ruiz showed her another book he had shot and the bullet didn't go all the way through. Perez stated that she shot from about a foot away while [Ruiz] held the book to his chest, according to the complaint. She used a Desert Eagle .50 caliber pistol, a powerful handgun, according to The Truth About Guns.
The site stated, "The Desert Eagle is a powerful .50 caliber pistol that is capable of producing muzzle velocities exceeding 1900 fps and muzzle energy of 2800 ft lbs... To put those numbers in perspective, .50AE bullets can travel twice as fast as .45s and hit with the force of a .308 Winchester." The reviewer writes that the Desert Eagle could "(punch) holes in engine blocks."
It also worthy to note that 34.7 percent of persons over 25 years of age have a 4 year degree in the United States. I am predicting in 2025 about 45 percent of adults over 25 will have a 4 year degree or greater. This is a support of Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity.
If you were the only person alienated with a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, how would you fight back?
A BA or BS at 130 credits should contain Algebra 5 or Calculus. A 2 year or AA should contain Algebra 4. High School should be Algebra 3.
The Origin of homo sapiens is escalating with genome sequencing. Fragments of Neanderthals, CroMagnon, and humans have been found. The most recent find dates homo sapiens to 300,000 years ago in Morocco.
Maryam Mirzakhani Dies at 40

Maryam Mirzakhani, a Fields Medal Prize winner is dead at 40 years of age July 14, 2017. Mirzakhani was honored with the Fields Medal on August 13, 2014 becoming the first female and Iranian to win the most prestigious award in mathematics. Despite the breadth of applications of her work, Mirzakhani said she enjoyed pure mathematics because of the elegance and longevity of the questions she studied.
A self professed slow mathematician, Mirzakhani's colleagues describe her as ambitious, resolute and fearless in the face of problems others would not, or could not, tackle. She denied herself the easy path, choosing instead to tackle thornier issues. Her preferred method of working on a problem was to doodle on large sheets of white paper, scribbling formulas on her drawings. Her young daughter described her mother at work as "painting."
"You have to spend some energy and effort to see the beauty of math," she told one reporter.
In another interview, she said of her process: "I don't have any particular recipe [for developing new proofs]... It is like being lost in a jungle and trying to use all the knowledge that you can gather to come up with some new tricks, and with some luck you might find a way out."
Mirzakhani made contributions to the theory of moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces. In her early work, Mirzakhani discovered a formula expressing the volume of the moduli space of surfaces of type(g,n) with given boundary lengths as a polynomial in those lengths. She developed a new proof for the formula discovered by Edward Witten and Maxim Kontsevich on the intersection numbers of tautological classes on moduli space, as well as an asymptotic formula for the growth of the number of simple closed geodesics on a compact hyperbolic surface, generalizing the theorem of the three geodesics for spherical surfaces.
In nexus with the discussion of a Caveman Attack we have to consider the concept of Employment General Equilibrium. This should be developed with abstract and finite applications as tools and technology.
After supra I also salvaged some of my original sheet music. I also composed a small Jazz Chord Composition Belle Indifference. I then created two webpages one on Soundcloud the other on Youtube.
MOEC Studies YouTube
David Chong, of Cheech and Chong or staff were the first to follow me. The networking places me in Los Angeles and there are many strong musicians. I have also donated to Jason Becker's new project which is yet to be released (Jason Becker 2021). This placed my YouTube creations next to his on My Preferences. Of interest were several strong pro covers of his signature piece Perpetual Burn. My Atma I is entitled Air. It is very simple. I like Becker's nylon string composition of the same name. Mr. Becker suffers from Lou Gehrig's disease. He can only move his eyes now. He composes with the aid of his father, so I hear.
Einstein in the Office
Ronald Reagan clearly was ambushed on his exit from the Presidency and White House. It is time for me to consider cleaning my office and moving along. I have been a fair warner. I am concerned about leaving an accurate score and record of my work. I will state that at the beginning of this entrapment I was told that the briefing I was receiving was between Franz Schubert and George Orwell. There is no doubt in my mind that my work is stronger than Orwell or Huxley. I also argue that any person with about 90 credits of college should be able to meet their offerings concerning modern Totalitarianism. MOEC Studies is at least 50 years ahead of the Social Singularity at hand. I do not believe that Artificial General Intelligence is possible without Official Recognition of MOEC. Kurzweil is promoting 2029 for AGI. Advanced Robotics and Machine Intelligence advancements are signaling the extinction of the semi manual and manual production worker. If a tradesman is not capable of working with thinking machines he or she will go out of business.
The Cambridge Membership has left a War Crime and Environmental Catastrophe for their signature achievement. I am finishing this text behind the little yellow signs that are the boundaries for National Park Service lands. Lake Almanor is the world's third best trout lake. The trout caught in the lake and drying canal leading into such are being poisoned. I argue that LGBTi History is false. Universal History is false also and is parent as a class and binds many descents into LGBTi History. Social Singularity is a fiasco. I am very academic about my offerings. I am not socialist. My work is free for honest use. I will create a small amount of modestly priced works for those who like to collect and archive objects.
"The last temptation is the greatest treason: To do the right thing for the wrong reason."
T.S. Elliot
Is Cambridge Planning greater than free will and thinking? Should a third party create a homosexual or heterosexual quid pro quo based system criterion for a government? This proposition is absurd on it's face however it must be dealt with. What has occurred in the concrete is a misguided attempt at Sexual Emancipation inverted into a War Crime. The United States clearly has a severe LGBTi Chemical Assault Scorched Earth Chemical Assault Scorched within it's boundaries and is radiating such internationally. If you were given a blank page on which to create History what you design? The LGBTi Movement is clearly on the Wrong Side of History. This is one favorite Marriage Equality slogans.
Krishna West is an ISKCON (diksa) program originally facilitated by Hridayananda Das Goswami (Howard Resnick PhD). He is a supporter of Gay Monogamy and other reforms. The Caveman Attack in place will consistently use intense Red Herring Strawman attacks to Gay Bait me through the so called Professor and Dodo who are LAPD Gay Militia leaders. This is not science.
MOEC and the last thirty years since June 17, 1987 are a disaster for LGBTi social engineering. The United States and the United Kingdom are criminally liable for trillions of dollars in damage and millions of persons dead. The principals, accomplices, and accessories should be brought to a Nuremberg Trial in the correct jurisdiction.
Prize Refused for Poincaré Conjecture
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
March 28, 2010
A 1.4 million USD prize offered by the Clay Institute has been refused by Grigori Perelman who submitted papers with the correct proof in 2002 2003. The Poincaré Conjecture is concerned with topology. In degree it asserts that the sphere is the simplest form in 3 dimensions.
Topology (from the Greek τόπος, place, and λόγος, study) is a major area of mathematics concerned with spatial properties that are preserved under continuous deformations of objects, for example, deformations that involve stretching, but no tearing or gluing. It emerged through the development of concepts from geometry and set theory, such as space, dimension, and transformation.
I would state that the radiation of a node(s) with a coordinate system with it's Origin in Cambridge Law School and subsequent nodes radiating from Scotland Yard and LAPD are the main topology of this conspiracy. There is a degree of imitation (stealing of work and taking credit ongoing) to make the apparatus appear larger than it is. Biophysics within the manifold could help prove how much work could have taken place.
Things are not looking good at University of California. They are in a static homeostasis, doing work, actually degrading work as history, law, and political science. Psychology and philosophy also look dependent under totalitarianism. This lack of dynamism is also inflationary and deflationary as a diseconomy occurs within the discipline areas that the school has prestigious in.
Appendix Letters

MOEC in itself is a Black Swan event. It appears to operate in an ecology that is rich in feedback loops. The structure appears to be able develop it's chronological state planning towards an agent at various degrees of defection and threshold. It's resources are running in the background even if this agent is not aware of it being conditioned. Consider the fact that every day we are being surrounded by advanced computer science and electronics even if we are unaware of it's operations. I noticed a convergence of events that were predicted in June 17, 1987.
It is clear that Gay Pride Week which runs from June 19th to 26th 2016 was the target. One can note the Pulse shooting in Orlando, that killed 49. On the lighter side Richie Blackmore's Rainbow on June 17 added Burn and Soldier of Fortune to their set list which opens with an outtake from the film The Wizard of Oz (Braum, L.F. 1939).
During Pride Week China announced a Supercomputer running at 127 petaflops. The United States best computer is the Cray System in Tennessee which I believe is run by UC California. This machine is in third at 27 petaflops. The United States is in second place for the first time with China having 177 petaflops available to the United States at 175 petaflops. On June 23, Britain voted to exit from the European Union. Barack Obama on June 24, created the Stonewall National Monument in New York commemorating the riots there when the Gay bar Stonewall Inn Tavern was raided in 1969. Pope Francis on this day also in Yeveran, Armenia decried as a planned "genocide" of Armenians as he embarked to recognize the Centennial. At the close of Pride Week, Iraq has announced the recapture of Fallujah from Islamic State.
Open Letter UC Berkeley
Weed CA
June 20, 2016
Dear UC Berkeley,
Janet Napolitano, UC President
Melissa Murray, Boalt Hall
Carla Hesse, Social Science
S. Shankar Sastry, Computer Science
Psychology Department, Staff
![]() Janet Napolitano |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Law |
Social Science |
Computer Science |
It has been nearly 30 years or one generation since an in continuo Chemical Assault Scorched Earth began under then President Ronald Reagan on June 17, 1987 when I was in Dover, Delaware. Hence the Irrationalist Presidents comprise the roster of:
Ronald Reagan
George HW Bush
William Clinton
George W Bush
Barack Obama
I am clearly alleging that Cambridge Law School, United Kingdom is the Proximate Cause sine qua non of this attack. It is named Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or the acronym MOEC. It is the mechanism that expands and contracts the British Empire.
I have decided to write you now as events relating to the Black Swan nature are incurring with increasing frequency. In the beginning of 2016 I was wintering in Blythe, California. I wished to post up an Appendix basic framework to my text Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm PT. III or the Black Swan. I did so and then at the beginning of May decided to take a month off to relocate to Lake Shastina, California near Mt. Shasta where I am writing now.
On June 12, 2016, the worst mass murder in United States History occurred. I began to restart work on the Appendix. I simply marked up the selection on the Black Swan Theory supra. I did not know that earlier at 2:00 AM Orlando, Florida EST, a Omar Marteen of Fort Pierce, Florida entered the Pulse nightclub. This is a LGBTi establishment. Gay Pride week begins Monday, the 20th and runs until the national parade on Sunday the 26th. The shooter called 911 during the attack claiming allegiance to Islamic State. Forty nine persons have been reported killed and 45 are injured.
The Black Box
Below we posit the Graphical User Interface GUI of MOEC. Origin is the Organic Cell (GUI 2019).
Particular History |
Parameters |
Maze |
Consciousness |
Atomization |
Ideal State - |
MOEC expands and contracts the British Empire by a hub and node system of informants in every police stationhouse worldwide. I am alleging that Los Angeles Police Department LAPD, California is the main hub conducting MOEC. This agency contains a Gay Militia which is an Alter Ego to the Islamic State and al Bhagdadhi, it's Caliph.
Within the legal framework of MOEC's Undermining the entire operation is designed to Alienate one individual against the whole. In essence my Bill of Right protections are abrogated. The Joe Virus scenario posits a targeting of Gemeinschaft or rural areas with Nativism versus more urban Geselschaft communities that are based on rational models as the Social Contract Theory.
Hence MOEC Strategic Mission is Gay Marriage. This has occurred in the United States. I am alienated due to a macropolarization based on Homosexuality versus Heterosexuality. A sexual qualification for rights or legal person has been imposed over the world's culture.
MOEC is a continuing criminal conspiracy and a RICO Criminal Enterprise.
The RICO Statutes or more correctly the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act are fast becoming a major source of legal code for both criminal and civil actions. More formally RICO is TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 96, Section 1961 of the United States Code.
In simplicity one may not use, manufacture, possess, distribute any crime or guide, participate, or receive any remuneration from the enterprise.
Consider chemicals in the LAPD stationhouse and President Barack Obama in the White House. LAPD can not maintain a building, move, or order officers or persons to contaminate property by placing chemicals in their auto engines or other means. President Obama can not legally reside or maintain a dwelling while the nearly the entire State of California is sprayed. It is my understanding that electronic surveillance and environmental destruction is universal.
The Proximate Cause Test sine qua non is the efficient test. MOEC should be decapitated to it's Origin and the principals, accomplices, and accessories to the fact prosecuted. Victims should be compensated.
I argue that the Authorship are War Criminals on the Run. They are mass murderers as well as serial killers. MOEC is a homosexual blackmail, intimidation and hostaging ring. MOEC Studies is a counterfactual to the Censorship and Sanitization worldwide. Every domain and prominent academic in the University System is under attack. All sworn officials as Barack Obama, Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, Attorney General Kamala Harris and UC President and Ex Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano are suspect.
I or my estate will contest criminally and civilly any actor whom is in the criminal enterprise. The concept of Artificial Intelligence is also a focus as it appears quite conclusively that Technological Singularity is moving forward as instrument of Censorship and Sanitization.
Thank you for you consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Lake Shastina, CA
June 19, 2016
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